Lisa Rena Biography. Lisa Renae. Negentropian coded crystal spirals. SA Tones for Pink Hearts

Translation: dimslav

Lisa has previously survived the spontaneous awakening of Kundalini several years ago, which catalyzed her "Starseed Awakening" (awakening of the starry sowing) to perceive multidimensional reality and the connection with the evolutionary forces of light. From Lisa, they had previously contacted them, and then prepared it, they were trained and loaded interdimensional creatures (extraterrestrial and ultra-earth, not from this universe), known as Melchizedek and Keepers of Aurora. Located by conductors, Lisa was biologically upgraded to load the concepts of science of ascension through the law of one and its dynamics on the field energy layers. Such an understanding of the technologies of consciousness passed through her personal evolution and was the beginning of its transition to the conductor of multidimensional and god-sovereign-free (GSF) (Divine-sovereign-free) representative during the Ascension cycle of this planet. She is an emissary for the GUARDIAN groups (keepers) and the euro of the transition of humanity to the "Ascension".
Along with the Guardian groups, its mission is to support humanity through its evolution through education, awareness and discussion of the effects of energy shifts on planet, people and human consciousness. She is an insight conductor, an employee on a planetary lattice, a defender of a starry sowing, a spiritual mentor, a writer and an essential surgeon. She writes a monthly column for the ascension timeline, called the time shift temporary scales, which you can find here in the Resources section. In addition, she recently completed calibration by Hieros Gamos System

Dear ascension family

In his endless love for the creation of the original races of the diamond sun, the palialyans, millions of years ago developed the pact of the pactoore to return fragmented as a result of the explosion of the soul tara. The packet of the paletone affects the huge scope of the search for lost shower, transit consciousness, collecting and restoring fragments of souls in need of bodies, direction of bindings and units of consciousness, which need to restore to return to them to continue evolution in a space time matrix. Palidorians hold access to universal stars and many internal portal structures existing inside each of the planets of our solar system. These portals, such as Trinity Gates, will serve as transit gates of exit for many groups of shower, which will pass through them to continue their evolution and training in the following planetary scheme. For the healing groups of souls suffered from fragmentation and devoted to phantom kingdoms, it would be necessary to fully restore the architecture of the diamond sun of Sunny Logos in our universal temporary matrix.

The container is used to outline the future temporary lines of the Earth in its 5D form located in the layers of the soul matrix of the second harmonic universe. The cataclysm of Tara led to the rupture of its world soul, which fragmented the body of the collective matrix of the soul, creating damage to the genetic template, printing and anomalies like the shadow "I" and the splitting of a 2D-4D soul. Due to the damage and crushing of the matrix of the soul in the female spiritual principle and the monadic matrix in the men's spiritual principle, the soul and the body of the Spirit were not able to merge and unite together to continue the evolution of consciousness. When the body of the spirit is disconnected from the soul, the mind of the spirit can no longer remember it and becomes not aware of the presence of the soul memories. And this state causes fragmentation of the soul, which leads to damage to the light body and continues to delay and distract the evolution of collective consciousness on the planet Earth.

Thus, the gap of the soul deeply launched the roots in the reversal of the female principle, while the monadic gap is rooting deep into the reversals of the male principle. These gender reversals and disconnection between the soul and the monad reflect distortion produced in the planetary architecture, which is usually manifested as gender splitting and sexual suffering. The initial pattern of a person for spiritual ascension is the sacred marriage between the soul and the monadic spirit, together evolving in multiple dimensions. The hierogamic alliance arising between the male and female principle is ultimately intended to embody the eternal sunny Logos - or the consciousness of the Space Christ - in the manifested reality.

With the beginning of galactic wars, there was a complete destruction of the architecture of the solar star gates who form the tricious identity of the solar logo, which is the highest emanation of the source systems that feed the eternal soul and spirit in all the lower dimensions. It can be said that the Eternal Soul of the Sun was "disabled" from its soul matrices of the lower dimensions, developing at a lower density of phantom regions with artificial temporary lines used by Naa (negative alien program).

In addition, these lunar forces were abused by alien technologies and broadcasts of control programs over the mind in order to obtain complete control over the earth. Without sunny logo, the sun and its numerous soulful matrices eventually lose force and are not fully ascended to the next universe. Sunny Logos has the source power for the resurrection of the forms of solar consciousness by reviving the matrices of the soul from the diamond sun template of the consciousness of the Space Christ. Without a sunny logo, with the full destruction of the diamond sun template, the souls will continue to dive and fragmented.

Sunny Logos in its essence - the matrix of the Avatar of Christ, which is the fourth triad mind, holding the ranges of higher frequencies 10, 11 and the 12th measurements in our universal temporary matrix. The triad identity of the Avatar matrix is \u200b\u200bnecessary for communication with the matrix of the soul to raise back directly into the Universal Mind - or space logo. Now this level of incarnation of consciousness is possible from any section of the time matrix. Avatar is the energy reality of the experience of unity with God embodying a single Logos as a field of reasonable consciousness, where enlightened interdimensional contacts begin to work in universal ministry to the Space sovereign law of one.

Conflict due to control of solar Christ DNA.

When the lira cradle was destroyed in the Lirian wars by invading Orion groups, this led to the destruction of the solar logo, the Space Christ - the level of consciousness of the Avatar matrix in our universe. These galactic wars damaged universal portals, output from this time matrix, and destroyed Lyrianized DNA, which was the original embodiment of a silicate matrix, DNA of the diamond sun, which gave the opportunity to live as an eternal crystal avatar of the human being. The temporary line, which led to the destruction of the lira cradle, is a place where the seed of galactic wars sprouts, personifying a war conducted by anti-Christ groups against solar Christ DNA. Many of these groups, consisting of the lunar forces, were powerless to go through the universal stars, or gain access to the highest dimensions of reality, since they were not the embodiment of solar Christ DNA. Thus, they untied the war against Sunny Christ in attempts to clone and reproduce the DNA of the Diamond Sun DNA to get genetic keys for the sake of full access of consciousness everywhere in this universal system. This is the key to the randion of why Naa groups are so obsessed with everything that includes the collection and study of human DNA, along with their numerous hidden genetic experiments and selection programs, in attempts to hack genetic code for the transfer of consciousness and unhindered access to time travel .

Damage caused by the system of solar stars and solar discs, turned off the spiritual and communication relationships of the matrix of the Avatar of Christ in the manifested pattern of the planetary kernel, immersing the earth into the darkest era. This damage pattern of the nucleus and its subsequent separation with the solar logo spawned a closed system of feeding the limited energy, which prevented the planetary ascension and cut the connection with the interdimensional families of the diamond sun. NAA groups have benefited from a closed system and fragmented shower packaging, since they returned to the temporary lines of the Earth to regain the lost parts of the soul. As a result of the damage to the planetary lattice, they lost the memories of their souls, and many have repeatedly recycled in the bands of the lower dimensions of the earth's time lines 3D, unable to heal their own matrix of the soul, evolve or associate, because their body of consciousness is stuck in time.

Moon chains, Moon Forces (Moon Chains, Lunar Forces).

This destructive event led to the appearance of lunar chains and entities of the black hole, who came into contact with the Earth; Who began genetic modifications and preparation of the planetary field in order to make the planet of the prison of consciousness and the "farmer territory". The lunar chains are without soul creatures, like some gray and zeta, which were cloned and hybridized for the use of NaA groups, laying them on various moon and planets as workers. The lunar chains also have connections with refugee races, which appeared because of Marsa Maldek wars, which led to the explosion of the planets in the solar system. The line of origin of the lunar chain is also considered to be discarded - or lagging behind others - the cycle of circles of evolution, observed among many root races of planets located in our solar system. They were directly involved both karmically and technologically, in the intentional creation of a program of control over the mind "Sexual suffering" at the race of people during this dark era to collect the maximum amount of human sexual energy for their direct use. The program of sexual suffering is a lunar distortion intended for manipulating and abuse of sexual energies of sunny consciousness. This type of manipulation is also extremely cruel, as it harms a man's light body.

These lunar forces decided to exploit planetary resources using the enslavement of the inhabitants, which eventually settle the planet with the forms of their lunar consciousness. This was achieved through selection programs, alien hybridization and joint work with adjacent extraterrestrial races, leading trade and the exchange of various alien technologies and earth goods. This explains why the human body is such a valuable and desired genetic solar technology - as people have much greater abilities, emotional feelings and capabilities present in their physical body than the lunar essence in the body of the biological drone.

The invading groups sought to forever destroy the naturally formed DNA sunny Christ from the occurrence of anywhere on earth and in the universal system as a whole to take advantage of this planet as a priority territory for colonization. It was these NAA naewged groups that planned to gradually use solar simulators to replace the heat of the real sun in the lower atmosphere, because it is the Sun transmits the mind of his eternal soul from the sunny Logos to humanity.

The matrix of the soul is the first spiritual triad of the incarnation, when the human being begins to connect and integrate the energy of the body of the soul in the heart complex at the first stages of spiritual awakening - or spiritual ascension. The solid body of the soul consists of three layers interacting together in the body of a horizontal triad, which merges into the trophic body. Each of these layers, 4D, 5D and 6D correlates with the appropriate energy center - or chakra - with its spectrum of the color wave, connecting to the measurement of time and space in the future. When the matrix of the soul and the monadic matrix begin to merge together in the first stage of the Sacred Jerogamic Union, it is called the construction of the wings, coming the union of male and female in one. When constructing wings in a light body, the chakras membrane is dissolved and merged into one combined light column. At this time, the planetary lattice is in an unusual state, supporting both people with chakras on the 3D temporary line and people on the possibility of ascension without chakras on the 5D time lines and higher.

When the aspects of the soul are crushed into fragments and immerse themselves in the lower layers of perception, they fall into a dangerous zone. When the soul is separated from its highest spiritual body, it is constantly immersed in the lower dimensions, where the personal shadow and the collective unconscious begin to flock and merge. When it is a merger with the collective unconscious, they begin to appear and multiply dark, chaotic, shadow bodies, probably becoming attached and unique with the soul, absorbing her light. The aspect of the soul falls into the kingdom of the lower worlds - or the phantom matrix - which are the areas of the collective unconscious, in which NAA and the lunar groups use artificial technologies to create cattle traps. First of all, Consciousness traps are reproducing the false time line of the AI, generated by the NAA group declared on September 11, 2001, the war against humanity, and called Armageddon software. This event witnessed that they planned to completely seize control over the temporary lines of the Earth's future, and will try to prevent the ascension by the continuation of experiments to mix the measurements and inciting wars, at the same time promoting the transgumanism program.

Revival of solar matrices and solar gates.

As a result of the revival of the triad identity of the solar consciousness, which formed into the restored and functioning solar logo for our universal temporary matrix, recently had a lattice conflict in the struggle for access through the main solar gates. The newly restored triad identity of the solar logos is completed and connected to the ground using various star gates and interdimensional portal systems. This makes it possible for the Earth and humanity to heal the crushing of the soul and make a massive return of the shower. This event is perceived as a direct threat to the survival of lunar groups and NAA.

NAA fights for access control to these solar gates, as well as for monitoring the gear of the Sun and its main portal. Control over these areas is necessary to manipulate the direction of human souls on the temporary lines of the future, so that attempts are now being made to the next generation of technologies of AI and artificial algorithms to disconnect the human soul from physical identity. These technologies are present in a number of electromagnetic frequencies aimed at unconscious masses due to access to personal technological devices. These attempts to control the mind and distract, lead people from the awareness of the truth and the integrity present in themselves. Controllers are trying to block higher frequencies entering the Earth from the newly born solar logos, enlightened extraterrestrial groups like the Keechadors' host, as well as the highest frequencies of the layers of personal souls and monads in the human light body. To keep the soul and the monad disconnected, they also promote gender confusion and gender reversals in the male and female principles to distract people from their spiritual development.

At this stage, we enter the window of opportunities in split temporary lines on Earth, in which the controlling factions are desperately trying to manage the future course of most souls on the planet. As a result, they will do everything possible to block access to the Sun, to take a spiritual awakening and try to prevent the bonds of natural access to solar logos and solar Christ DNA.

Space barrier.

The hidden iznanka of Dark Kabala, the military complex and the breakaway civilizations, actively opposed the event of full disclosure, is in secret agreement with NAA and lunar groups. They are strategically manipulated by artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies, which are provided to them with negative entities, such as zeta groups, continuing to skillfully exploit their greed to power. These dark groups are posted in various programs "divide and conquer" against the ascension of people and the liberation of the planet, and thus implement the next generation of frequency blocking technologies. These include ensuring the safety of artificial networks and satellites to create a SkyNet Space Broken. SkyNet has been demonstrated by the public in a series of films "Terminator", which are predictive programming, and is a comprehensive, global hierarchy of artificial intelligence, functioning purely on servers, mobile devices, drones, military satellites, combat vehicles, androids and cyborgs - and a wide range of other computer Systems.

Time Travel Travel Technology, Looking Glass, Quantum Computers & Frequency "Fences", Stripping Consciousness and Holographic Inserts are used for a convulsive search for wave patterns of the human brain, as well as to obtain a brain map of the cumulative consciousness of the race in order to create a series of artificial neural networks.

By collecting a huge array of data contained in the mental matrices and imprints of the consciousness of the inhabitants of the Earth, this information accumulates to load in the network of artificial intelligence used to predict and manipulate the temporary lines of the future. This technology is used to predict and manipulate temporary lines, and is used both hidden groups of people and NAA groups. Ultimately, these technologies were consistently implemented to further promote the NAA plan on full dominance over global resources by creating submissive and at the same time warring the population, which does not notice that their personal rights and freedoms are stolen.

Social experiments with reality bubbles.

Together with all accumulation of mental data and personal content collected by the masses, the use of all and every means to increase the online information collection industry, including the collection of DNA samples. These technologies and industry have unlimited financing from tightly stied wallets, having the ultimate goal of building clusters of artificial neural networks.

Thus, they use a frequency barrier or an artificial technology algorithm to block the range of higher frequencies, knowledge and information that does not fall into the range of medium perceptions manifested in most collective consciousness. Through data collection and observation, they begin to formulate the schematics of perception of various in the most important part of the mass consciousness, which they can use in the media for the use of narratives as weapons.

They strive to make people tune in to certain reality bubbles, created by them as a social experiment and pulling into such a type of Consciousness trap, in which holographic inserts could broadcast the reality of control over the mind, creating hidden narratives. Narrative is an illusion created by how it looks like an inside out of reality, distorted and energy directly opposite to what it really seems.

Thus, special attention is paid to the perception of reality received by groups of people in reality bubbles, while they are exposed to various scenarios in combination with the models of a group emotional reaction to a diverse distributed media content. These are social experiments and psychological operations in which they explore the range of perceptual abilities in various layers of society, generating such reality bubbles. As an example, we can say that there is a bubble of reality, deliberately sorting the masses by faith in government party lines as in good and bad, and that the vote for Republicans or Democrats is important. These are "divide and conquer" methods played in an inverted system that is fired to preserve the masses polarized for insignificant issues.

They are trying to find the basic concept of a consensus reality that causes the response from most current levels of consciousness, seeking to manipulate the main bubbles of reality, which can be controlled through the range of perception and beyond which, according to their desire, would follow the public. They want to mislead the majority of the population due to the issuance of crumbling information that will continue to fasten the sorting in the specified reality bubble. They seek to wash the masses of the brain in attempts to distract attention from the connection of points and the perception of a much greater picture of world events, disclosure and planetary ascension.

Artificially cloned versions.

Although Naa cannot stop the planetary ascension - or the mission of the keeper groups and star seeds, helping the planet go through it - they can scan the field to see these events and formations in it, and then apply the technology to project their distorted or artificially cloned versions through various Holographic inserts. These cloned and artificial versions of positive plans of global ascension can be tracked as the technology of AI used to direct the thoughts and perception of masses away from the agenda supporting personal sovereignty and freedom of consciousness.

Christ the star seed is able to track and see the structures of artificial intelligence and false holograms used to clone their images, projects and network work in attempts to stop the progression of three-wave architecture in the planetary field. For some lattice workers, this is a way of life, and we know about the standard NAA tactics on the formation of dark resistance to prevent our ministry and mission. Despite this, such tactics with inserts are used to intimidate or intimidate those groups who are newly valued, and not yet in the course predictable methods of etching NAA. That is how they create scenarios "divide and conquer" and provoke confusion and chaos in spiritual communities, especially aiming for those who work on disclosure.

NAA duplicates cloned patterns of characters and scenarios that the people of the Earth are considered sacral and saints, like manipulations with the content of traditional religions, or with the spirituality of New Age - to redirect people to submission and blind obedience to external power sources. And once again, using the holographic inserts of hot loved ones and personal guru like Jesus, Mary, Archangel Mikhail or others, deceiving entities are disguised as creatures of light to fool people in faith, behavior and actions that serve their selfish interests. Such is the nature of the Implauses (deceivers, impostors) using false light and holograms for the deception of people. Promoting philosophy that requires a religious or spiritual authority, the masses inspire unconditional confidence in the interpretations issued by these authorities. This is a shape of a hacking for preventing direct spiritual communications and making confusion to the internal system of spiritual leadership of the individual. Remember that it is best to develop a direct connection with God and our own "I", eliminating all the intermediaries and authorities speaking to you differently, is the personal responsibility of every person. When we dedicate our life to the process of spiritual healing, we learn to open your heart, express unconditional love and trust in your own inner spiritual leadership.

False light and binding shower.

The vile agenda, standing behind the accumulation of data and observation, is to create servers of AI, working in the end to break the energy relationship between man and his soul matrix, and instead connect people to the collective network of consciousness of artificial intelligence. These AI systems can be used to spread false light, the perception of light in the mind, which seems genuine, but actually generated artificially. There are organic structures of the body of light that bind the body, mind and emotion with the soul matrix, combining further into the body of the spirit and the body of the Avatar of Christ. Supervisory supervisors that understand the multidimensional nature of reality can manipulate subtle energy bodies and capture individualities from a separate group of soul. Then they can put them in an inappropriate mental matrix, and this process disconnects these people from the matrix of the soul of their original family. Transgumanism and transgender people are used as a weapon of 3D, acting also as a cover for serving this agenda.

When a person becomes disconnected from his matrix of the soul, the cell memory and the history of DNA is erased, therefore the energy of the soul will not be able to activate in the body naturally. If they are connected to a false matrix or another group of the soul, the false matrix will program DNA and download their memories - which Naa program itself has programmed into it in three ego levels. In fact, the programmable by them in a false matrix represents what we observe as a standard version of the 3D material reality based on the culture of death - a controlled reality in which the soul, spirit, consciousness and God do not exist.

Planets and galaxies also have a soul matrix, due to which all the inhabitants of these systems are interconnected due to their own individual matrices of the soul and soul groups. When the planet or galaxy explodes and suffer from a catastrophic event that tears its morphogenetic fields into pieces, the matrix of the soul in the macrosmic layers of the planetary body, as well as in individual embodied bodies, is damaged and fragmented. When the planetary body of the soul explodes, it disconnects the planetary system of the lattice from access to the source of eternal energy, so development in such a system becomes finite, since it recycle already existing energy. When the original earth matrix of the soul was blown up - the body of Tara 5D - it blew up the soul of the world, damaged the matrix of the soul of those original angelic human beings, which once lived in Tara, and are now reincarnated on Earth.

In order to prevent the continuation of the mass planetary ascension with the help of a regenerated land, Tara and Guya Sunny Logos, the NAA plan is to bind the "earthly seed" and those who vibrate in a lower perception of reality, to the matrix of the fake collective consciousness, which is generated by an artificial neural network. The artificial network is erected on a huge amount of data collected and jointly used by the Mass Consciousness, and this accumulated information contains architecture for artificial brain mapping of the perception of those groups that are in a consensus with this particular bubble of reality. As many of us can understand the astral bliss of the new age philosophy and spiritual communities, which are formed into a bubble of reality on the basis of astral delusions and attendants, now represent a huge target. The collective consciousness links the information obtained interactively, as well as the ranges of perception and perceptual abilities that can be measured on the spatial scale. These measurements are used to maintain the illusion of a false reality with the help of levels of artificial intelligence systems that are grouped together into holographic inserts that project this spatial scale, thereby creating permanent structures in this particular reality bubble.

Expansion of the field of perception.

Currently, the planetary body takes higher frequencies from the combined fields, from the Tropic Field of Sunny Logos, and it starts to potentially expand the field of perception in many people. The main question will be that whether people are ready to take a look at what they see and test when the curtain will fall, and the remaining content will be difficult and unsightly. The commitment of the spirit of truth means that you are ready to remove false reality bubbles and the egoistic state, trusting God that you are willing to see the truth, regardless of what she is. Such is the truth that makes us free.

When the field of perception of reality changes - or expands, the energy of the mental body follows the image of thinking and expands its conscious vision. In fact, it is perception and vision of things that are not previously realized as they were hidden from a conscious look. This means wake up from the hibernation and find that although these things have always been here, awakening, we first begin to see them as they really are.

Since the DNA of people is exposed to the frequencies of higher dimensions, the fields of the reality of these higher mercury spaces begin to come to awareness due to a number of new thinking, mental pictures or sensory emotions. These thoughtforms can develop in awareness and a new understanding of themselves, they can pop up to the surface in the form of feelings, such as perception and sensation of shapes, images and images in light on the inner screen of the mind. Such images and sensory sensations can be qualified as an imagination, which is the highest consciousness, bringing to a conscious mind of knowledge of higher mercury spaces, or bringing memories associated with future aspects of "I". When the human consciousness focuses on the future memory, paying attention to future potentials and representing what they can be - it transfers the mind in the range of higher frequencies, which is in the future. The spiritual ascension process is to promote its consciousness forward through the time by gradually absorbing higher frequencies from the time lines of the future, or absorb light frequencies from a single field, accumulating them into its body of light.

When the human consciousness fully focuses on the moment "Now", the energy substance that forms the way of thinking, captures the frequency band, on which the current thought vibrates. Since a person in present, he moves from one thought form to another, the thoughts remaining behind, leave the imprint in the energy field, and the new mental substance is shifted to the new position of the vibrational corresponding band. Depending on the emotional force of the thought, it can leave the prints recorded in the inner light body and external fields at the same time, fixing the energy effect on the timeline. Whenever we think about the thought, we leave the energy imprint in the frequency band, where our consciousness was, and it may be lower or higher time measurements.

Past memories are tightened with energy in 2D.

Currently, the controllers are trying to prevent collective human consciousness in a natural way to move forward in time in the ranges of higher frequencies, applying the tactics of people holding concentrated on the memories of the past. To repeat the traumatic historical events of the past and reproduction of pain caused by them to humanity, they loaned the media on a constant repetition of certain traumatic events in history through news and films. It acts as a trigger event - or a focal point - to remain locked in repetition of these historical events of the past, which makes it impossible to develop for them because of the original pain that they caused. When people focus on the memories or experiences of the past, they are immersed by consciousness in prints that are in lower dimensions in relation to the current awareness of this.

When we remember the past and fix on the pain and damage obtained there, our consciousness is turned off from the present time and focuses on the energy at the lowest frequencies of the current line of time. Such constant behavior may interfere with the growth and expansion of the consciousness of people in the future, since living in the memoirs of the past, they live in the thoughtforms of the former identity, and this state is below the frequency band of their current time line. The low-frequency fields of the second dimension are the place where the memories of the past are stored, and where the breakacies or injured aspects of identity are formed into the body of pain.

The tactics of human control is constantly repeating injury to its events, which occurred in the past, maintaining constant reproduction or launch of these memories by any ways to maintain the attention of the masses in the lowest dimension in relation to the current awareness. Thinking patterns and pain of the former "I" recorded in the memoirs of the past are the most dense and slow vibration, so they leave energy blocking that are generated in MIAZMU - or karmic prints in the light body. These accumulated memories that have formed karmic prints will remain in the body and reproduce all the same dense patterns in the current time, until the frequencies rise and do not let go of the past. A set of miasmatic and karmic fingerprints is the dead energy that feeds and cultivating the body of pain and shadow "I".

Palidorian solar initiation removes karmic prints.

With the planetary initiation, which was restored by paledorians of solar gates, plasma frequencies rapidly increase frequency patterns and restructure our body, consciousness and life direction. As this intensive initiation occurs, it causes karmic prints that are forming in the body of pain and shadow "I", quickly break out to the surface of the reality, respectively, these frequency patterns can be released, allowing you to bring to the translated set of new frequencies. If the mental and emotional bodies are not ready for understanding how to integrate polarity, or to summarize and release these karmic imprints, a person can become extremely patients, or psychologically unbalanced. The effect of external energies and relationships increases sharply as karmic prints begin to manifest themselves in the current identity stations, as if the shadow "I", these imprints and miasmatic records immediately began to be removed, and this could enter into the lives of people of extreme chaos. The least prepared people will be stunned, because these karmic patterns appear in uncontrolled emotions, rejoicing chaos when their life comes out from under control, and physical and mental health deteriorates. That is why we all need to learn how to direct and control your mental energies and thoughtforms, because with such skills all people can learn to release the negative and chaotic energy from the shadow "I" and redirect it to a more harmonious course, practicing love for yourself and accepting yourself, from Moment by the time.

Currently, the realization of "Now" we all have a power to change and release these karmic patterns, shifting the state of our consciousness to a higher timeline and allowing you to incarnate more light. Since we begin to recognize the release of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can count on their transformation using a solar logo, seeing Christ's consciousness as a furnace of the Sun, dissolving mixed shadow energy in the sunlight to bring them in synchronization with higher than possible harmony and result.

Sleep Mass Mass.

If we can understand that our current identity stations are brave in a dream of a mind within a sleep of the Mass Mass, then you can train your mind to move forward and back in time to observe and release the imprints of negative events from captureing in your mind. As a witness of a mass dream, a sliding consciousness states traumatic events or negativity in the process, and despite this does not capture a negative emotional precipitate. To testify to anything means that we are looking at something that we do not identify that we see the reality that is reproduced in forms and darkness, and light, and distinguish them - but we understand that ultimately this is a dream film.

Much of what can be observed in the world today is the result of the former "I" and cumulative mass thoughtiforms on the lowest dimensional temporary line, printed in the earth's field. Empaths and sensitives can easily distinguish a noticeable amount of injury and pain recorded in the Earth's energy field, as the result of accumulated thinking of collective consciousness, directed to the anti-human values \u200b\u200band practices of other ideologies that generate collective pain. Such forms of thinking can move back and forward in time, they can descend or climb on a measuring scale, affecting the state of consciousness in various field sectors.

Walking in a dream is a modified state of a higher consciousness, while in a state of a pure observer it can occur on another time scale, in another reality, or even in general. Being in this modified state, we can transfer what was unconscious, in our conscious understanding, we can directly influence this content, while in our highest consciousness of the compassionate testimony. The wake-up path is to show the unconscious awakening consciousness, to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see a great truth. This condition brings eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alochemically transforming its nature to match the highest truth. We can prepare for the entrance to this state, opens in deep prayer and meditation, focused attention, calling for our avatar of Christ, Sunny Logos, to help in passing emotionally difficult areas in compassionative testimony.

Giza, restoration of solar gates.

Giza is a pointer to the demographic region of Egypt, which is the planetary sunny stars of the 4th dimension and the solar temple. This strategic area was the primary goal of all invasions of NAA before, during and after the Luciferian uprising. This was done to obtain a full-scale domination over the sunny portal and control access to Mars, installations in the 11th gates of chess mutation, disconnecting the solar logos from the solar disk architecture, as well as obtaining a key position in the Middle East for complete dominance over the planet during the Ascension cycle. To understand the restoration of the paraliators of the solar gate, let's consider the totality of the trigger events of the historical time scale, which includes the capture of sunshine Giza.

* Capturing Star Gaza Giza \u003d 25,000 years ago, the Nibiruan line Annunakov captures 4D star gates of Giza, the astral Matrix Plan of the False Ascension and 11D Storengeja Stargames, installed Net's controlling network.

* Flooding Atlantis \u003d 115000 years ago. The capture and destruction of the star gaze giza, the invaders begin to rewrite historical records and create false time lines, on the surface of the flood and the holocaust.

* Sumero Egyptian invasion \u003d 10,000 years ago. The first stage of the seizure of the Iran-Iraqi 10 gates, the settlement of the Middle East and the organization in the region of the Snake Brotherhood from the Atlantic Temporary Line, the Tota Groups and the Phoenix network to be controlled over stargate gates of Giza and Holvotochny Tiamat.

* Age of iron, Christ Sophia, Mission of Jesus Christ \u003d 2000 years ago, Mission of Christ from Sirius B to restore Star Giza and Stonehenge, network work to correct temporary lines to prepare for the ascension timeline and restoration of the Diamond Solar Body of Christ on the timeline 2012.

As a consequence of these destructive and damaged historical temporary lines, which left a deep painful injury in miasmatic entries of people, continue the current projects of the guardians to restore the planetary architecture, the removal and cleaning of some devastating genetic influences on humanity, which led to fragmentation of the soul. To restore the matrix of the soul, we first should restore the heart complex, which is launched in the original heart of the diamond sun of the planet itself located in Giza. Sunny Stargates were the original arc of the Covenant opened on Sirius b and leading to the maternal matrix Andromeda, in seven senior heavens.

To obtain control over the planet, various black magicians, such as Alistair Crowley and a group of total, installed a multi-level anti-linked architecture in order to grow an artificial tree of life. It was done through the sowing of black hearts, black cubes, cloned false identities and demonic seed to infect the Heart Complex Giza and to overtake the entire network of the planetary lattice. This place is also a key area for stolen entries of the law of one, fabricated in the emerald tubes in groups of the Tota, which were used in the future for hacking and manipulating human DNA, fiery letters and time vector codes associated with solar Christ DNA and the Emerald Order of the Holy Father's principle (Holy Father Principle of the Emerald Order). This led to the appearance in the mission of Christ the impocated identities of solar Christ DNA, such as Yeshua, A ,henaton, Mikhail-Maria, Ezekiel and many others, simulated and rubbing fake holograms. These holographic inserts were placed in many human populations to create an impostor in order to mix anti-Christ version with genuine Christic (Krystic) identity. Projections by the masses of holographic inserts of false Mikhail and its channeling in the planetary field through black magic systems fragmented the consciousness of this Michael Maria in the metabronic circulation, continuing to create negative forms of its anti-life versions. Such are the distorted fundamental patterns of manifestation of 3D, healing which we came to Earth for all mankind during the Ascension cycle.

These reversion networks, known as NRG (Nephilim Reversal Grids - Reversible Networks of Nephilim) and the Cross Matrix of Mikhail Maria, were used to feed in the human population gender reversals of the Anti-Jerogamic Union, which destroyed the heart of many people and thorough many unfortunate relationships. The planetary body is experiencing the event of daviting the hearts of Mikhail-Maria in the collective body of sunshine consciousness. This is related to the resurrection of the consciousness of the solar body of Mikhail-Mary, the healing of the crystal diamond heart and recognition of the original solar consciousness in this solar system, to which we are all connected. Solar consciousness of Mikhail-Maria origin with seven sacred suns from outside this universe.

Accordingly, there was an expulsion of many black magicians and imposses of the identities of the Sunny Christ, and as the result of connecting the solar disk network to the solar logo, the restoration of solar Christ genetics is observed. In addition, the keepers were restored by the planetary heart system in the 4D-7D-10D solar disc network and the star gates relating to them to prevent the architecture of the artificial tree of life to launch the signals of AI, black magic reversals and projecting of black hearts into the planetary grille. Recent Guardian Projects included reconnecting of solar gates of Giza to the Khatselsut Temple and Rossin Chapel Networks, which act as a sunny portal, and were integrated into the lattice network to support the 4D-7D axiatonic vulnerabilities.

The Rossin Chapel in Scotland is connected with the history of the princess of dummy, detecting African roots in Irish temporary lines borrowed from the Egyptian history of those who try to hide the Atlantic artifacts and other important spiritual relics. Scotia (Scotia), the Egyptian princess, as they say was the daughter of Pharaoh, fled from Egypt with her husband Gaythelos and a large number of people who followed them who arrived on the flotilla of ships. For some time settled in Scotland among the natives, until they were forced to leave her and settle in Ireland, where Scotty became. Their kings became the highest kings of Ireland. In subsequent centuries, they returned to Scotland, defeating the pikes and giving it the name (Scotland in English - Scotland).

SA tones for pink hearts.

These changes in the planetary lattice network allow the following stage of genetic recovery of crystal rose lines from Andromeda, thanks to the coordination in the universal architecture associated with the Aqualashi rod. Aqualasha and Blue AquaFerion Blue Feathers Shield Shield (Aqualasha and The Aquaferion Blue Feathers Shield) were essential for providing corrections made to restore solar logos, solar gates and diamond solar heart matrices in a planetary field. For the healing of fragmentation of the complex of the human heart and soul, the planetary heart should be fixed to help maintain the construction of the diamond sun crystal heart template. Yes, love and the world of every person of every person with the Holy Spirit of our true Space Mother will fill.

When working in the field, the pink diamond solar heart matrix is \u200b\u200bmanifested in the set of instructions as a row of energy colors, like blooming crystals growing in a huge morphogenetic field of blooming roses that germinate to flourish in the rod of Aqualash. The field of flowering crystal hearts is associated with the purest beauty of the white-gold flame of the blue sapphire diamond of SA SA SO SO Krystallah, the main cardiac tone of Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Aa La. It seems that SA's tones contain peach colors for a particular goal of the healing of the sex center and gender, when sapphire blue and peach bursts merge in 2D centers created to calm the soul and heart to help clear the programming of sexual suffering. We have passed a long-long way.

This is an incredible time of transfigurations and changes affecting everything we have ever knew. Please take only what is useful for your spiritual growth, and discard everything else. Thank you for the courage and courage to be a truth seeker. God, sovereign, free!

Until the next time, stay in the shine of the heart path of your avatar of Christ-Sofia. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

With a loving heart, Lisa.

Roman's translation (

Dear ascension family

In the ES community, we paid great attention to the importance of the evolutionary windows of 2012-2017 and the most conscious and informed preparations for the Great Transition, which makes the planet this year. This sharply contrasts with many who do not know about these global changes and how they directly affect them. We see that many people begin to lose coherence, become unbearable or pushed their light bodies from the physical body. This leads to the loss of physical coordination, badness and disorientation, people who are not enshrined in their physical body feel how the land goes out of beneath feet. This month, we will try to associate some significant ascension cycle shifts that occur at multidimensional levels with strange and unreal events taking place with people. The land passes a huge geomagnetic transformation, creating both opportunities and vulnerabilities. These radical changes in the magnetic field affect the functionality of our personal biology, mind and consciousness. The war behind the line of time is very administered, and people who do not know about it can be easily captured by the powerful forces with which they consciously did not solve them. Therefore, we strongly advise focusing at your center, being internally purposeful and related to the divine source, as well as to maintain energy, do not lose common sense and avoid places of possible chaos or destruction.

The magnetic field of the Earth is experiencing permanent oscillations that significantly affect the world of subtle forces. It also has a direct impact on any type of activity of people, the environment and the material world. The magnetic field of the Earth acts as a gigantic invisible bubble that protects the planet from cosmic energies, such as cosmic radiation. The magnetic field of the Earth, also called the geomagnetic field, is a magnetic field spreading from the inner part of the Earth to the intersection point with the solar wind, which is a flow of charged particles emanating from the Sun. Geomagnetism is considered as a study of the magnetic field of the Earth and all phenomena and forces associated with it and affecting it. Many of us understand that too little information about geomagnetism reaches the general public, because the magnetic field and gravitational waves of the Earth are controlled by many different methods for suppressing consciousness. However, the undisputed facts that spelling the rapid weakening of the Earth's magnetic field were confirmed by some researchers. The level of weakening of the magnetic field of the Earth has increased significantly since 2014. If early measurements showed a level of attenuation of five percent in a hundred years, now it has increased to five percent in a decade. This allows space winds or cosmic energy to penetrate the earth's atmosphere and the bark and have an increasingly significant effect. While the geomagnetic South Pole left Antarctica and moves towards the Indian Ocean, the geomagnetic northern pole moves through the Arctic Ocean towards Russia at a speed of several kilometers per year. Every year, geomagnetic poles are moving closer to the equator. We know that in the magnetic field of the Earth there are serious changes, changing life on Earth, but this is rarely stated in the news.

Having a clear idea of \u200b\u200bgeomagnetism, humanity can get free energy, understand the time to see reverse side Moon, and once and forever change the scientific methods of radiocarbon research of fossils and rocks. If humanity really understood the nature of the magnetic field and the gravity of the Earth, it would not be many contradictions in the theory of evolution, presented historical chronology. Previous methods of radiocarbon definition of education time showed significant dispersed in the results of the study, which science is not divided into public. They are also the result of the change and weakening of the magnetic field.

Recently, in recess in the holographic architecture of the planetary body, it becomes clear that there are significant geomagnetic shifts leading to incredible changes in the physical properties of the planet Earth. If the physical properties of the Earth underwent changes, it means that the physical properties of our bodies are also changing. Even physical elements change their chemical composition. The physical composition of our bodies is changing, affecting the state of consciousness, which currently determines the motion on an ascending or downward arc. The change in geomagnetic properties has deep consequences on the quantum level, changing the balance in the level of electromagnetism, which, in turn, significantly affects the spin of rotation of energy on the planet. The change in the spin of rotation affects the rotational speed of the planet around its own axis. If we look at the body of the planet from above, on the part of the polar star, the earth rotates counterclockwise. The axis of rotation is a vertical central channel or a rod operating as the main energy channel or Hara line in the center of the body of the earth consciousness, interacting with many measurements of thin force rising from the frequency scale into a universal core.

Currently, the radical shift in the magnetic field and the resonance of the earth's core affect our physical location in time and space. Our bodies make races in time, trying to keep up with the geomagnetic shift occurring in the planetary body. It can be noted that many people lose their equilibrium in physical bodies, and energy levels and centers of spiritual bodies deviate from their vertical channel. When people are incorrectly centered and completely not borrowed in their inner centers and physical bodies, accidents, injuries and fatal events are rapidly. The change in geomagnetism also affects the field of dark matter and the interaction between the subtle forces of nature, which changes the way the transition of energy into matter from a non-leaving level into the forms manifested.

Recent geomagnetic shifts led to changes and malfunction in microwave technology, alien technology of black holes, collecting energy and creating, mainly dark thin forces circulating in Earth and humanity. Dark thin forces are contained in dark matter, gravitational waves, and are created by artificial magnetism transmitted from the moon. Manipulation with the magnetic field of the Earth and gravitational forces are designed to control DNA, control carbon marines of the earth's body, as well as simulate these substances in laboratories, for use as nanotechnology weapons. Essentially, an alien technology for managing dark thin forces and dark matter was used to control and suppress the molecular structure of matter, as a result of which an artificial magnetic effect was compressed and cleaned the molecular structure of the earth's body and the bodies of people. Molecular compression is similar to a piezoelectric effect, when the biological light radiation occurs when the matter is compressed. To understand the nature of the main subtle forces and the reasons behind the negative alien program (NAA) spread a huge amount of dark thin forces on Earth, we will dearly discuss these basic forces.

The main three forces hidden in nature

The main forces of the cosmic mind, hidden within the whole of the universe, also exist in the material world. They have three basic qualities that exist inside the subtle forces of consciousness, which we are all exposed to. Understanding and making a decision, how to interact with these subtle forces and their qualities, determine the level of our spiritual growth and development of consciousness. The consciousness of nature works through these reasonable forces. The spiritual qualities of these subtle forces or expand our consciousness, or reduce it. These three qualities are available in each frequency and energy spectrum of being, which are natural or organic. For the healing of our mind and body, we must understand the principle of operation of these subtle strength and learn how to live in harmony with them, because they exist at all levels in the world and in us.

It is useful to imagine subtle forces as a triad of directional qualities or frequencies. To interact with force, we can choose one of the three features that exist in it. Inside each organic force of the universe, the potential of these three qualities is hidden, while the forces of artificial intelligence, for example, based on the alien technology transmission of electromagnetic pulses of a certain range or gravitational waves, do not have them. Only the natural forces of the universe or our organic human consciousness can interact and encode artificial intelligence waves with a certain intention or thought-form, we guide as spiritual quality to any energy source. This ability to encode energy is laid in the original DNA of man and our human consciousness. This is the key to the rays, why so they want to get organic human consciousness and why people of the planet are the subject of trade. In order to make foreign technologies on the planet and abroad, human DNA is needed.

Thin Dark Forces - Negative Polarity

At the basic level, dark forces exist in negative polarity, which is in a certain way associated with material earth elements and gravitational force. This is an unconscious state or falling asleep in the material world, while density and weight are very high. As a result, this leads to inactivity, darkness, disjection and lack of light, at the same time, prevents person to act or move forward. When a person in his energy field has a very patient negative polarity of these subtle dark forces, it exhibits ignorance, misconception, insensitivity, irrespectiveness and lack of ability to compassion. Such people also have deep psychological or emotional blockages, prone to stagnation, depression, depression or inner chaos, which does not allow them to focus and understand the essence of the problems. They allow negative forces, dark forces and other people to fully control themselves, usually in the role of the victim, refuse to take responsibility for their lives. Refusal of liability or active actions contributes to increasing the problems and accumulation of a dark substance that creates blocking in their body. Without balancing a dark substance and transforming it into consciousness, they degrade to the state of internal chaos or apathy, feel severe physical, mental and emotional pain or become insensitive, the STR leads to disease. It is really hell or loss of the soul.

On earth to capture people with a view mass production An even more subtle dark forces is used to create a negative ego, psychotronic weapons and alien equipment. This is fermented in dark miasms, leaving the masses not excluded, mistaken and unconscious, and therefore completely manageable. Thus, alien technologies and consciousness management methods are intended to create and distribute as much as possible negative polarity of dark forces and density in man. Many people who feel suppressed or exhausted, drawn into the negative polarity of these dark forces. Dark power density completely blocks higher sensory perception. To dissolve dark energy accumulated in the body and creating a feeling of very large density and stagnation, such people need actions of positive polarity

Yellow thin forces - positive polarity

In the middle level, there are yellow subtle forces acting in the positive polarity of activity, movement forward, transformation and ability to cope with conflicts. Active quality helps strength or energy to carry out great changes that are necessary for transition and spiritual growth. These forces also contribute to the deep feelings of inspiration, passion and personal desires. If the body of pain is not cleaned properly, these desires can become supermodes, turn into obsessive ideas and soon lead to pain and suffering. The desire for excessive activity in the material world can be used as a mechanism that leads from being truth, and when these forces are not balanced, they easily become devastating and explosive in a person's life. People who are prone to permanent hyperactivity burned themselves through excessive mental and physical activity. Many people in a state of chronic activity are not inclined to consider shocks in their lives in order to eliminate the energy imbalance. The mind is in an excited and stressful state, because it is in the power of the negative ego, and thus unable to see and find inner calm and silence. Many archetypes of dispatchers are not balanced in these subtle forces, because they are prone to materialism, they have discontent and suffering, if they feel that they lost control over their surroundings. Therefore, such people are usually disconnected from their spiritual goal. Excitation and need for permanent actions does not allow them to be in silence, loneliness and reflect. Since the imbalance of positive polarity contributes to the emergence of egoism and the temporary satisfaction of the ego, the highest sensory perception and the internal compass of the heart is blocked.

White or transparent thin forces - neutrality or zero

At the top level, there are white or transparent thin forces that are energetically neutral. They help to restore balance, equilibrium and peace, because the highest spiritual intelligence is transmitted by the energy harmony and higher consciousness. Neutral quality and neutral force is something that contributes to spiritual awakening. This morality, perfection and purity coming to access to the highest spiritual intelligence, as well as connected to the power of love characteristic of creation. Connection with the qualities of these subtle forces contributes to the clarity of the mind, the purity of the body and the spirit, which leads to a gradual spiritual awakening and expansion of consciousness as a result of returning to the zero point created inside the body. Thanks to the qualities of white or transparent thin forces, we get spiritual clarity and the ability to feel the truth in people and in what surrounds us. By means of concentrated concentration, attention and devotion, it develops and strengthens our spiritual light. When white or transparent subtle forces prevail in our consciousness, we have a connection with the Eternal Divine I, superior time and space. If we are able to maintain these states of neutrality, the balance at all levels of our body is restored, and this condition is responsible for true healing and well-being. Our good health is saved thanks to the lifestyle, because it is in harmony with natural law, land and our inner spiritual, and it brings us complete calm. The state of neutrality allows you to recognize the places of the dark forces or negative polarity and the yellow force or positive polarity in the cycles of the universe. This allows you to observe their work in the world of strength, without making differences between them. The harmonization of opposite forces in all universe occurs due to white or transparent thin forces of neutrality or zero point. The universe is neutral, and the same natural forces will always strive to return the balance, combine and bring perfection into the universe.

Healing of the imbalance of the main forces

If we understand how these three forces are controlled by the movement of energy and consciousness in our body, we can use this model as an evaluating tool that helps us in healing and restoring health and balance. Our highest goal is to return to the top level and restore the neutral state so that we can have a direct connection with the divine source or the zero point field.

As a rule, a person with an imbalance of a negative polarity of the dark forces must go into the positive polarity of the yellow forces in order to dissolve a dark substance accumulated in his body. We must recognize our pain and suffering and extract lessons from them, oppresent to them and understanding the causes of this pain and locks. This means that we must go from the mental and emotional stagnation on a certain level of self-motive, physical activity or put a target that helps go ahead in some direction or according to some graphics. The dark substance attracts shadow forms, bindings of spirits and ghostly entities, so the solution to the problem concerning people filled with dark forces requires a special approach. Daily exercises and sports, such as martial arts, as well as targeted motivation can be very useful for this group of people, as they destroy these dark forces. Repeatedly dark forces accumulated as a result of past injuries, and we have to get rid of past patterns and get away from them to give a place in our lives to new energies. To get rid of the heavy burden of these dark forces, we must focus on self-esteem, proper self-esteem and personal healing.

A person with an unbalanced positive polarity, leading excitation and excessive physical or mental activity, should strive for neutrality, calm and stay in a state of an unbiased observer. This converts the dark substance, and the yellow forces accumulated in the body into neutral clean white and transparent forces. Since significantly increased positive polarity leads to the level of consciousness of ministry to itself, these people must move from selfish actions to selfless service to other people. To get away from the past own egoism, we must defy our problems and see the pain of other people as a result of the conditions for the existence of humanity on Earth. To increase the inner space, we move away from their personal disappointments and the chase to find ways with which we can be beneficial to a greater whole, helping to effectively solve problems on Earth. People whose mind is constantly in work, who is hard to calm him and be in the inner silence, may need assistance to methods of psychological and emotional purification. An indiscriminate and undisciplined mind creates anxiety to the body. By studying the negative functions of the EGO and learning how to discipline the mind when working on the solution of internal conflicts, they can achieve greater success using visualization methods before being able to meditate. To exit the egoistic imbalance of the yellow strength, it is necessary to focus on the healing of mankind and land.

The person who has moved to the embodiment of more neutral strength will continue to develop and expand clean qualities to continuously expand the consciousness connecting from the Universe and promoting the achievement of the perfect world. In this state, we do not focus on our personal problems, but we pay attention to a deeper connection with our divinity and a deeper understanding of our role in serving Space consciousness. We are experiencing unconditional love and many states of consciousness as a whole with the universal forces and the creator, and strive to be in harmony with all of them. As human beings, we need to be able to evaluate and distinguish between all these three strengths and their qualities in their own character and behavior, as well as in the surrounding world. In order to directly develop our consciousness and strengthen spiritual bodies, we must intend to continue to develop the state of neutrality, as well as neutral forces in our body. This allows you to describe important reasons why it is necessary to focus on the development of neutrality and observer consciousness in all spheres of our mental activity, feelings and behavior.

Thin Dark Forces and Moon

Exactly the same subtle forces are sent to us with star facilities, such as stars, constellations, planets, satellites and, of course, the moon itself. Now that we can better understand the impact on the consciousness of these three main forces, we can understand why a negative alien program and dispatchers use fine dark forces to manage humanity and the material world. From the point of view of the keepers, our moon is an inorganic structure, and it did not originate in our solar system. The moon is an artificial satellite, fixed in orbit magnetic core of the globe. It is used for practical purposes to ensure the opportunity to have a base on the moon and directly observe and collect "Human Vintage", as well as change the magnetic and gravitational fields of the planet. The lunar base is based on a black hole technology that supports the speed of the magnetic spin, leading to the equipment designed to ensure that moles created by them or hibernation zones remained open. As a result of the study of the fields it may seem that the artificial effect of the Moon on the rotation of the Earth around the Sun is intended for aligning the axis with a black hole in the center of the Milky Way. The main reason for damage to the solar system is that these entities and people by abuse of technologies consistently create gaps and holes in the space-time matrix.

As a result of this entity, with the help of black hole technology, a huge amount of substance of dark forces and gravitational damage in the Earth field are spreading and distributed. It creates toxic dark energy, which we call dead energy or miasms, which leads to the litter of planetary fields, in which there is a significant increase in their density, which many people cause apathy, confusion and depression. If people are disabled from their light source, or there is no light, it affects everyone.

The increase in these dark forces in the minds, bodies and spirit of people, as well as in the ground, negatively affects most people on our planet. If people do not know how thin dark forces are used in the plans of artificial intelligence and in the agenda of transgumanism, do not understand how to clean this mental design or reorient your mind to positive, these frequencies, incarnate, can have a very negative impact. As a result of the transgumanism program, the organic state of the dark substance and replication of artificial intelligence of dark matter fields can be combined in the human body, which will have a negative polarity. A negative alien program found that a rapid increase in the number of subtle dark forces facilitates the transmission of waves and signals of artificial intelligence into the masses.

When we contact with this level of artificially created lunar forces with a dark substance frequency, we can feel despondency and chaos, because it disconnects us from access to our light source. When the moon proacts or transmits such a thin dark frequency on the planet, the dark forces and entities existing as part of the negative frequency are increased. Ghosts, phantom creatures, demonic entities, shapeless shadow creatures and all negative types of energy are connected to this dark frequency existing as part of subtle intangible frequencies, the effects of which we are subject to earth.

Organic Thin black forces are an integral part of the universe. We need a substance of black forces, since it is part of the manifestation of physical matter and the strength of the gravity of this world. Without black force, the atoms would scatulate in different directions, as it holds the molecular and atomic structure of matter. It is necessary in the process of material manifestation and creation, but there was serious abuse of technologies that created a strong imbalance in this form of subtle dark vibrations. This was caused by the fact that they were created and were made artificially by technological control of the magnetic field and gravity. The level of negativity and insaneness, which we can easily notice in people with a prime soul, is the result of a serious imbalance of these dark forces transmitted by black hole technologies, artificial lunar forces and military technologies. This, in turn, attracts even more negative spirits and demonic entities, as they consist of the same dark substance and are looking for people with negative polarity for pumping. People on Earth blocked in three-dimensional material density are a mixture of dark forces of natural and artificial origin, the basis of this is the system of views, behavior and actions of the negative ego.

If a person is not connected to the highest aspect of his spiritual consciousness that exists above these dark forces, these forces are trying to suppress the body with extreme density and low negative vibrations. Under the action of gravity, all human inner light is used by these entities of black holes or dark forces. When this happens, the human body begins to become unique with this stream of dark frequency, in which ghostly energy, demonic essences and shadow creatures are inhabited. If the human body corresponds to the vibration of the black force, it becomes their conductor and attracts even more dark consciousness similar to the Satanic forces associated with subtle dark forces.

A sign of shutdown of the soul and misunderstanding, who you are in fact as a spiritual personality is depression. When the heart, feelings and mind are closed, a person feels despondency and depressed. The state of depression caused by separation with the soul is associated with the frequency of these subtle dark forces transmitted from the moon, the lunar forces and forces of artificial control of the magnetic field. The more we develop spiritually, the more kindness and light we accumulate in our crystal heart and aura. The better we develop good qualitiesThese are the best opportunity to get the highest frequency that creates a strong spiritual body. Our strong spiritual body and immediate connection with God is what protects us from the effects of artificial manipulations with the geomagnetic field and the subsequent distribution of the negative polarity of the dark forces.

11 Mar 2016 | 4 070.

When the energy of the vitality enters the field through a tricious configuration, the interconnected circulation of the original light is created and expands. During the new paradigm, our goal is to create a tritonal (neutral) field. It returns the combined energy into the zero point of the source of the entire creation by mutual circulation. The tricious field creates the eternal and constant flow of the vitality, which regenerates the bodies, restoring energy losses, and, ultimately, expanding consciousness. The crystal spiral has the ability to dissolve artificial structures that are attached or confused with our body of light as a result of injuries and encoding the alien hybridization that occurred in other lives. It remembers and converts parts of the spiritual body, returning the old energies in the Lohn of the Space Mother for re-absorption.

This can be achieved by spiritual dedication and development of our highest consciousness. Essentially, the use of the right mathematical principles based on the trophic field can return the free energy system of the zero dump destroy. The relationship of Christ's consciousness with zero point can be proved mathematically, as well as through direct spiritual experience.

The infinite flow of vitality is the plasma light of the Space Christ, which contains the principle of the Trinity. When this pattern applies to matter, it is called a trinitized form. Simple wordsWe achieve this with the help of our truly open heart, showing unconditional love, kindness, forgiveness and true compassion for yourself and others. Living on the basis of the law of unity and leading the righteous lifestyle, any person can and should organically connect to the crystal spiral. Personal dedication and adherence to love, compassionate behavior, the manifestation of its highest expression are the only and most important factor in ascension. Radiant love is the most important force for full implementation, and whatever the technique you choose for the further development of true love and kindness - this is no longer essential.

The crystal spiral constantly retains a living, breathing communication, keeping what has arrived earlier because it is expanding by animation. Many are created from one. This statement has a deep meaning for the upcoming effect of Aquarius during the 12th alchemical multiplication step. An alchemical process is an alchemical process that significantly enhancing the focused improvement, energy efficiency and the sphere of the influence of the embodied biological eternal source of the Light of Christ-Sofia.

The planetary body and planetary logos can now fluidly follow the architecture of the crystal spiral for healing and assist in the development of the population and species. This path of Ascension has become available since 2012, when the crystal government began. The fallen forms of life began to be subjected to consistent bifurcation of time in the areas of consciousness. And if they do not choose the recovery or transition through keepers for crystal control, they do not have a different choice, except to fall further or separated towards the entropy coded metabolon spiral. Fallen species have no DNA sample, which allows them to rise to higher dimensions, leave the universe, capture the crystal spiral or those people associated with its architecture. When the time bifurcation occurred and the subsequent frequency split, war in the highest network for control over universal gates began to be impossible. As a result of the change in the planetary architecture, the land was freed from enslavement and control from fallen life forms. It can be healed to return to its original organic path of the crystal spiral, continue to accumulate the highest energy, restore and refund lost energy. However, the fallen consciousness still acts on the surface of the Earth as a false king of tyranny, and they still contribute to the spread of old programs of cataclysms, epidemics and terrorism, the purpose of which is to produce fear.

A permanent seed atom is a central point for crystal spiral, which supports communication with this center at each stage of expansion of consciousness. The crystal spiral points are associated with the eighth chakra or the thymus area, the central vertical lines of the personal project. The crystal spiral is expanding through each rotation of 45 °, or twice for each rotation of 90 °. This formula is derived based on the ratio of height and the width of the diamond solar body or the tree-like 12. The second target access point to our space mother is the key for the manifestation of the crystal spiral on Earth. The crystal spiral forms a smooth exponential spiral that is the same at any level, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, in contrast to the Spiral Fibonacci.

Our divine source code is a ternary wave, to gain access to which it is possible by the fusion of polarities. Such alchemy occurs when healing and merging internal male and female energies in our spiritual bodies. The human race was divorced from a relationship with the divine source and Christ, spiritual knowledge, manifested as these relations of the Sacred Union. Most religions managed the masses so that the great mystery about the existence of God as two, male and female, principles, and the equality of the patriarchal God with his wife, was forgotten. No one knows God, not loving and not recognizing the same equal principles of mother and father. What is upstairs, then below. Holy Union or Heroogamia (Hieros Gamos) is our divine inalienable right, and this organic non-neutrophropic architecture returns to our planet and in humanity. The crystal spiral increases the availability of energy to continually increase the possibility of obtaining spiritual freedom, and the ionogamy union between equal, for manifestation on Earth. The embodiment of the Holy Union is to improve the domestic energy balance between gender principles, both internal and external principles of balanced integrity.

Incompatibility of oscillations and vibrations

How quickly or slowly expands the energy relative to the central point of the source field, consider the frequency of oscillations. How quickly or slowly reduces energy to its central point of the source field, consider the frequency of vibrations.

The combination of speeds of both patterns - vibrations (abbreviations) and oscillations (expansion) - determines the frequency indicator of all energy and all things. When our personal, collective and planetary consciousness increases in frequency, the material world becomes less dense. With increasing our frequency, our physical bodies also become less dense, however, in the material world, losing density, we can feel as if our body loses energy. Sometimes, our project supports the load of significantly higher frequencies and energy that does not absorb and accumulate, it may seem that the body becomes very dense. It is important to know that this is a common asymal symptom appearing during the acclimatization of the physical body to the incarnation of higher frequency. When we have influenza symptoms of ascension and signs of depletion as a result of acclimatization to new energies, this is not an entropy process. In fact, the non-citizen, since the body is acclimatized to the embodiment of more light in cells and produces more ATP. At the stages of increasing the light body, the physical body will experience incompatibility of oscillations and vibrations due to the impact of higher frequency characteristics of the project compared to the characteristics of the body. At the same time, a person may have a feeling of gravity, nebula, and since the body feels gravitational attraction, pressure is created. Energy pressure can be felt as heaviness in the scalp. Pressure and density from the inflow of new energy affect the pressure in the body, contributing to the spread and distribution of these energy. At first, usually, it is felt in the head, neck and shoulders. Then, with the circulation of heat energies, a feeling of pressure in the rest of the body appears. During the absorption period, the light body is more unstable. Before the new frequency is fully integrated, you will feel fatigue and drowsiness.

The ability to accurately distinguish the necessary energy costs that occur in productive and spiritually healthy purposes, such as the integration of the light body, will help you realize that not all energy costs are equal. Directing energy to its spiritual development, the acquisition of virtues and wakefulness, while others are in sleeping condition, may be tedious work. This is not entropy. Since we make our personal spiritual development and conduct a lifestyle corresponding to the law of unity, all the energy will be returned to us, and over time, it will be crystal clear!

Please take only what is useful for your spiritual growth and give up the rest. Thank you for your courage and courage in finding the truth.

I am a manifestation of cosmic sovereign law. I am God, sovereign, free!

Stay in the shine of your avatar of the heart of Christ Sofia. Please be kind to yourself and each other. Divine, independent, free! With a loving heart, Lisa.

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Dear ascension family

This year, the change in the structural law of the planetary body, called morphogenesis, is begins, which gives us the opportunity to investigate how these structural changes affect our manifestations. The physical body is extremely important at this stage, as we are here to "go" on Earth, and this can happen only if we are in an upward human body. We will look at the goals behind the transgumanism in order to prevent the proceedings of the true highest consciousness during the Ascension cycle. We will discuss several stages of the undergoing drilling of the Earth, change in the groups of keepers and the elevation of paraliators (PaliaDorians), where some will begin to embody the imprints of higher DNA to return the land to the fair and benevolent leadership of loving custodians.

As the next five years have passed, which are defined as a stage of morphogenesis of the Ascension cycle, we will face radical geomagnetic recalibration and structural changes in the planetary architecture, which give the beginning of the new stages of the entry of higher consciousness into physical incarnation on multiple conscious levels. As more and more internal contours between the multidimensional layers of the mind are again connected to each other, the splitting that existed between the layers of the mental body, begin to merge and unite, thus potentially "shifting" the perception of each person, as people begin to combine more unique measurements of personal Consciousness. What happens when the unconscious mind, the body of pain and the streams of the astral mind begin to merge in the conscious perception of an individual person and in a collective consciousness?
Theoretically, the result will be the fundamental modification, which will give the beginning of the integration of the soul, merging in the expression of physical media. However, during the next five-year cycle, we will be able to figure out how it will look like in a massive scale. The content that existed in the streams of the lower collective unconscious, or consciousness that exists in a state of sleep-stasis (Sleep-Stasis) is now awakening and becomes more aware, popling onto the surface on a global scale. The rates were raised, which means that we all should rise to a new level, because we are pushing to the next stage of our spiritual development; Regardless of which stage we are, we must "modify". We adapt to living in the discomfort of emptiness, entering the state of the "lack of things" (State of No-Thing-Ness), as we deeply reduce the density so that it is thus able to "quit an anchor" (hurt) in our new place on timeline. As a result, our biorhythms and lifestyle this year can drastically change. This is a modification, or collapse (approx. - Old)!

When we integrate and bring together more aspects of the multidimensional higher me, we also gain access to higher measurements of consciousness, thus our experience and perception of the physical world change greatly. As we come close to the current planetary "shift", it can be felt extremely disorientating and physically uncomfortable, and sometimes we can experience strong energy pressure in the body, catering insurmountable. The sensations of the huge pressure rendered on the physical body were characterized as incompatibility of vibration oscillations, another asymal symptom. This is what happens during the modification process, as we undergo electromagnetic recalibration between the frequency vibrations of the layers of matter and higher frequency fluctuations at all levels of the "Template" of the collective consciousness.

At any level of consciousness and personal "template", with which we are embodied on Earth, each human being is pushing to the next stage of its personal modification in order to realize its highest spiritual potential. For each person, the modification process is unique, and nevertheless, most of the collective consciousness on Earth undergoes the stages of the Triad of the Soul, merging with related integration phases to finally combine all the soul layers. The pressure during the modification will be tested by many people in 3D, which can experience it as intensive internal anxiety or physical symptoms that can easily be designated as medical problems, but they will not be able to determine the main cause of this. This phase is most difficult for those people who are polarized in their inner "masculinity" by closing the sensory sensations that they do not give them to realize their own body. The physical body is extremely important at this stage, since we are here to "go" on Earth, and this can only happen if we are in the upstream human body.

Many people will need to effectively slow down and relax, simplify their lives and just breathe; And even isolate yourself from others, since the pressure on the true embodiment of the highest "I" continues. At the first stages of preparation for modification, many people should slow down and "felt" to free up energy blocks in the physical body due to accumulated in 3D society harmful habitsSuch as the emotional pain patterns or mental concerns that are constantly putting pressure on them in high-grasty situations. To successfully undergo a modification, without exhausting yourself with stress and pressure, we must learn to relax and aware of your own body, learn to feel the feeling and impressions arising in our body.

Modification launches conscious awareness of our own biological patterns, their origin, and opens up the possibility of what work we can perform for their purification and healing. What is at the moment tells us the wisdom of our body? When we listen to the needs of our body, and are ready to work on body awareness in the present moment, we open our heart to fix the profound deep sensations and impressions. Body awareness opens up the possibility of direct cellular knowledge that sends information to the mind. We are also learning the importance of concern about yourself and love for yourself as the necessary main components of the cultivated higher spiritual and emotional development, which will eventually allow us to gain an experience of authentic (genuine) modification.

Being in the process of modification, we contact with the most genuine part of yourself in the moment, allowing to honestly monitor the impressions, emotions and feelings in our body without making judgment or suppression. By giving themselves the opportunity to get a modification, we get access to a full-fledged presence in our life experience, and thus we feel more enthusiastic, centered and connected with our own lives and the lives of others. Our physical body has a mind and feelings that give us a scheme to unlock our genuine "I", tearing the layers of painful or negative patterns - if we show readiness for monitoring yourself and make efforts.

This year, a change in the structural law in the planetary body begins, which has an impact on the quality of crude matter, the quality of the energy used of consciousness, as well as the quality of intention that manifests itself through a person in the physical world. This topic discusses a modification through the creation, combining pure crude matter, clean consciousness and spirit into matter, which remains protected from distortion of artificial intelligence. This year gives us the opportunity to learn how these structural changes in energy affect the manifestations, and how the projects of our light work remain protected against negative attacks through specialized practices and principles of the law of unity.

Contribuability of modification

Currently there are significant disagreements between many different anti-soul (anti-soul) philosophies, such as cognitive sciences trying to determine the value of modification. What does this mean, say that the highest mind is embodied (approx. - in the body)? For the most part, science characterizes the brain as having a functional role for computing processing, and the body is intended to associate an external environment with an internal biology that generates random, but having a pattern of images for a particular person. The human body in such an academic definition comes down to a soulless, but reasonable biological machine receiving initial data from the physical universe using automatically processing brain information. The deeper value of the modification is not fully understood by the uninitudinal and unconscious, it begins to manifest itself during the integration of the soul, which leads to a sensual experience of the experience of multidimensional awareness.

Thus, speaking of any level of modification, basic understanding should begin with the reality of the existence of a soul and spiritual anatomy that exist in every live creation. A person will not be able to deeply comprehend the nature of the genuine modification until the experience of integrating the layers of the soul in its inner "I". Unfortunately, many people could pass the earlier phases of integration without understanding that this is the direct function of their spiritual layers, which subsequently affect the "Ryabi" effect, "shifting" their perception, beliefs and life experience. People change greatly when they are experiencing a genuine merger of their spiritual levels, respectively, the life changes in the career, the choice of residence and relationships, as a rule, are the result of a certain level of the process of spiritual modification.

Without an understanding of the need to include the anatomy of the soul spirit as an integral definition of a deeper value of a reasonable consciousness in physical embodiment, this concept is deeply incredited in most circles. A reasonable consciousness that form an anatomy of spiritual-spiritual bodies is completely responsible for the animation (revival) of the human body and the brain at the level of the mind level on which the consistent and increasing modification begins through the mechanics of the biological spiritual ascension process.

Preventing modification from artificial intelligence

In addition, transgumanism mainly seeks to explain the functioning of the body and the brain as a purely computing mechanism, which is responsible for our cognitive (cognitive) abilities and information processing. His supporters believe that the merger of artificial intelligence technologies with the human body is positive technological progress towards the future evolutionary development of humanity. Nothing can be further from the truth.

The real goal standing for transgumanism is to prevent the process of modifying the true higher consciousness during the Ascension cycle, sublimating it to replace (transplant) inserts of artificial intelligence machines and virtual reality.

Ideally, the Black Suns want to integrate the mass technological merger into a human bio-neurological matrix through a wide range of high-tech propaganda, such as loading the mind (approx. - on the outer carrier like a hard disk) to achieve immortality before people break to destructive effects that It turns out to modify the highest consciousness and translocation. Loading mind effectively closes the human conscious body in controlled virtual reality systems, of which it cannot leave; It happened to some people in future temporary lines. Devices of artificial intelligence and technological devices that merge with an incarnated human body and a brain, reject the matrices of the highest mind of spiritual consciousness, preventing the highest consciousness to enter into the current physical embodiment. Thus, in the next few years, global pushing to the introduction of transgumanism will become more aggressive in stirring realities on Earth, through bio-neurology and pharmaceuticals related to the objectives of AI, promoting high-tech consumer products to various niche groups with social media. This is done in order to further prevent the potential for the modification of the highest consciousness, and prevent the ability of people to translocate (moving). It can occur in a state of sleep, where spontaneous translocation is possible, which happens during the integration of the soul, even if a person is not ready for it.

Huge global online platforms with free access to mass social networks are used to spread a malicious conditioning direction of evolution towards transgumanism and for washing the brains carried out by intelligence agencies. Please be insightful and vigilant with personal energy and attention to any of such social networks and news media platforms.

Training program by the law of unity in the Astral and in a state of sleep

To help maintain the land in these chaotic times, selected residents who gave consent to help to be able to control the mind of NAA (negative alien program) will begin a global retouching of humanitarian values \u200b\u200bthat provide for study and research the principles of the law of unity - on Astral Plan and during sleep. Thanks to the recent shifts that had an impact on the morphogenetic "pattern" of the kernel, and aligning vertical pillars on the planet Earth, we have direct access through the neutron window, leading to mixed groups of keepers of defenders-guards from interdimensional advice of free worlds (IFWC - Interdimensional Free World Councils ). These keeper groups are from God's worlds, they oppose the deception, control over the mind and slavery in any forms, thus protecting spiritual freedom. Recently, the planet was changed in the appointment of more defenders of keepers and Krystic curators from IFWC to each spatial access level. They are responsible for the rehabilitation platform, which provides services for rehabilitation and preparation for serving to others and traine in the Ascension Base Mechanics (Alaverdes of Information David Wilcomka Corey Hood for the appointment of new keepers and downloads during sleep).

These Krystic Keepers are educational and healing mentors who agreed to come to the ground to help more extend the law of one among humanity, so that it could restore its history and origin in such a way. The Astral Rubber Program is designed to help prepare for the final disclosure of true events occurring on Earth, such as Satanic control over the masses, human trafficking and pedophilia integrated into the global economic system, guided by the interests of the aliens planet. The concentration program in a state of sleep is to increase stability and consistency throughout the entire physical rehabilitation process in 3D, a shower guide group to their personal potential of higher incarnation. Because groups of shower are trained during sleep in the astral spheres, over time, this information will begin to become more accessible to understanding conscious mind. Nevertheless, they may not fully realize that they are undergoing a program of learning ascension of the law of unity during sleep received from the crank stars.

The law of unity contains the necessary principles of behavior, practitioners and system of beliefs that humanity should learn to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty, submitting to expand the consciousness to the reality of higher frequencies that will allow them to move forward to the GSF temporary line of the future during the Ascension cycle. Global retraining programs begin this year.

Basic modification begins with body awareness

So, the real modification occurs only when the highest conscious bodies are able to enter the physical world, which means complete alignment, embodiment and accommodation in the physical body. Currently, structural changes caused by bifurcation in the past, present and future of planetary spheres have an impact on all human beings in the direction of higher levels of modification of their soul, monadic and higher spiritual layers.

Modification is to become more understanding and aware of your own body and mind, and how they actually function together in direct partnership with the level of our access to consciousness. As we are "climbing", we become more aware of themselves in the experience of the experience of the first person who perceives more of what actually happens to his body and mind, and at the same time travel within the framework of group consciousness. Through observation, we can pay attention to many different layers of patterns, incentives and reactions of consciousness, occurring simultaneously and covering physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body. The earlier stages of authentic integration of the layers depend on the level of self-consciousness development, since the deeper we learn ourselves, learn our body and how it functions, the more deeply we can move through the stages of spiritual modification. Without noticing its deepest motives, internal dialogue, and paying attention only to bodily reactions, we cannot know yourself truly, and it generates an internal disconnection that blocks the integrative modification process.

The modification begins to occur in the consciousness layers as a person becomes more aware of himself on how his body enters in the context of various situations that we face in life. These are situations, experiences, relationships, our memories and history, social and cultural filters through which we skip our individuality to understand the world. Through all these layers of the context found by us, we see many memories and beliefs recorded in the physical body and nervous system experienced experience that comes with sensations and feeling that everything is interconnected.

Thus, the modification goes hand in hand with dedication to self-awareness and committing an obligation to remain a conscious observer, looking after and listening to his body and reason, concentrating on what they do and feel from the moment to the moment. We learn that the contents and beliefs of the mind will be displayed in our unconscious or automatic reactions to any external stimulus, and, accordingly, we observe these reactions, because we want to know more and free yourself from blockages that impede modifications.

The first stage of the authentic modification begins from the moments of extremely concentrated focus at the present moment of awareness of the sensations of the body, in which the perception of the body, feelings and reactions is the sum of the reactions of the buried in the mind of the content. The automatic reactions of our body can notify us about the deeper context and beliefs that have a place in some kind of mind, and this content is in some ways expressed in the form of bodily possessions, gestures or movements. Most people are not connected to a unified communication that exists between their body and mind layers, and therefore cultivates a deeper awareness of the sensations and movements of the body, and the marked complex of emerging feelings is important for the development of self-awareness, as well as to move forward to the steps of a higher modification process .

The cultivation of body awareness in a similar way allows us to carry out positive changes for growth, because through observation we realize what you need to change to become healthier or more balanced. It is almost impossible to make positive changes in life, not aware of the changes that are necessary for this, since we do not know which areas need to be improved. If people have a weak awareness of his own body in combination with a weak awareness of the consequences of their thoughts and actions, they tend to remain unrefined about what they need to be liberated from pain or better assistance to themselves.

Consequently, the development of self-consciousness In the present moment, ways to pay attention to the body is the key to positive changes in ourselves that can render a positive impact, significantly improving the quality of our life. As the body is more awareness in present, we begin to know the physical body in which they live, realizing that it is a carrier to express our mind, consciousness and spirit when traveling in time. All we experience, has a great goal of obtaining knowledge about the inner spirit, traveling in the material world. When we start feeling this inner knowledge as a reality in everyday life, we become more integrated, reuniting with the highest aspects that find expression through us, which expands our consciousness. We are constantly developing, learning about ourselves more and perceiving changes in the process of becoming more authentic.

Modification means to feel your body and aware of these sensations, paying attention to the repetitive patterns that may be impulse and limiting.

Highlight the time for better body awareness by observing sensations, feelings and experiences occurring in your body from the moment to the moment. Pay attention to the sensations obtained by driving and responding to anything; Where does your body experiencing stress and restrictions? Where in the body you feel relaxation and openness? What can be done to more deeply realize your body?

Print and find ways to make your body to feel positive and joyful, such as dancing, swimming, deep breathing, unity with nature, and allow something harmless to become useful and pleasant.

Practice and explore what it means to be embodied in the body, remaining authentic and true in any context. Your experience and experiences are important and important in the process of authentic modification. The denying feelings and experiences that we had, we deny the truth that blocks the modification.

Take the obligation to be fully embodied, so sincerely and truthfully, as you can, regardless of the circumstances. As you grow and changes, your personal version of the expression will also continue to grow and change. Take the changes necessary for the ongoing authentic modification.

Do not pay attention to the labels acceptable or unacceptable, describing what is spiritual, conscious or awaken in a positive or negative plan. Instead, focus on the reality that you feel at the moment, and find more sincerity and compassion to express it.

Pay attention to the reaction of your body, as they detect places where you can still hide something from yourself and others, because you are afraid. Be prepared to see what you hide, and try to characterize it to overcome the feeding fear.

When people in our lives, such as friends or family members, perceive us incorrectly, or in the images of the past, gently offer them to learn real, divide with them, what is your genuine "I", after which ask them to be "real" with you. In the process of modifications, we want to have a relationship with those who also appreciate sincerity and takes this path with us.

Participate in events aimed at improving body awareness. Research therapy and educational materials online can be very useful at present. Find the area you belight, such as body work, somatic therapy, methods that focus on presence in the present through grounding, breathing, body position, perceptual awareness, hydrotherapy, neutral mind and meditation.

Allowing yourself to be absolutely honest with how you feel your body, we can attend the integration process, and then begin to notice those places that still need our love and attention so that they can heal and recover. The body tells us when something is not healthy, and that something in it or in life should change for healing and overbalance. Thus, we need to learn to love and be in touch with our body, listening to his messages, while tune in what it needs to maintain balance, healing and modifications.

Care groups of keepers

Along with the structural shifts that occurred in the planetary architecture, as well as with the ripples held throughout the solar system, since the end of last year, serious changes occur on the administrative levels of guardian accommodation. The custodial change displays the new structure of the space manual, which is designed to serve as a change in the needs of a number of human and non-human (non-human) groups in need of various stages of spiritual rehabilitation during this modification phase. As a result, some keeper groups that were established under the protocols of a certain mission were now left from their positions, and they began to replace authorized groups from interdimensional advice of free worlds. Violations were noted in the programs of the genetic modification and the use of people in our solar system with clearly pronounced objectives of slavery and experiments. At the end of last summer, the Tribunals of the Council were held to witness the involvement of some extraterrestrial and human groups in trafficking in persons and the change of resources (Bartering Resources) on the planet and abroad. Some star seeds were present at these tribunals for testimony as a living proof of slavery imposed on the human race through the experiments of the genetic modification without their knowledge or consent. As a result, our planet is subjected to consistent cleaning from these networks used in a galactic charm, both at the top and below.

Elevation of Paliadorians

We have completed a five-year cycle, and started the next five-year cycle, which will be held under the leitmotif of the walk of Palidoryans, when those who begin to embody Palidorian activations, activate the imprints of higher DNA to return the land to the fair and benevolent leadership of loving custodians.

In this five-year period, an increasing number of representatives of the interdimensional councils of free worlds of the crystal star will be more present in this world. This marks the return of custodians to the lower areas of creation to implement the paledoring pact of our location in the universal temporary matrix. As a result, they gradually come to contact with those on Earth, who are their direct representatives due to Krystic spiritual missions; They were introduced to the advice of free worlds during the past year to help support the transition through the Ascension of the Earth after the bifurcation event. They were introduced in IFWC and are associated with the groups of keepers that have committed themselves to live in the orientation to the service to others to learn the law of one and realize the sufficient threshold of the consciousness of the highest light in their physical expression on Earth.

Since 2012, the main projects of Guardians Aurora had the rehabilitation of the planetary energy grid to be able to keep the living light-flowing energy, which is not based on reversings of bi-wave coding, as well as transcoding of anti-vitality and gradual confiscation of artificial intelligence structures controlled by alien machinery and NETS (NET - Nibiro Electrostatic Transduction Field - Nibiruan Field of Electrostatic Transduction (Transduction - Signal Transfer)). The revolt flow is designed for feeding the alien machinery and NETS frequencies in the lower dimensions, as well as to generate splitting between the rotation of the proton and the electron, so that the proper gender fusion may not occur during ascension. NAA does everything possible for reversal of gender principles and an increase in the extremism of polarities to confuse us in an imposed chaos. The energy merger in a three-wave flow is the association of gender principles in units of consciousness represented by the Trinity - the principles of mother, father and offspring (The Mother, Father and OffSpring Principles) - in all templates of creation.

Palidorian activation

Paliadorian activation began during December last year with the gears of the Stem Mini (Ophiuchus), and will continue for those star seeds, who is on Earth to restore the Mission of Christ-Sofia, which includes support for disclosure and actions aimed at learning humanity by law.

In his endless love for the creation, the original races of the diamond sun, the paledorians millions of years ago approved the pact of the pactoran to revive the souls fragmented as a result of explosion (Taran Explosion), and to return lost later souls and their fragments, buried in the material fields of the Earth and others planets.

The pact of the paletone covers a huge array of finding lost souls, transit consciousness, collecting and restoring fragments of souls in need of bodies, the direction of parts of the bodies and units of consciousness that needed recovery to return to them to continue evolution through a space matrix of time. You can restore the units of consciousness mixed with planetary miasm and alien machine to return them from a mirror reflection of holographic symmetry, which exists within their fragmented parts, since the reflection of the part of consciousness will contain the record of the original shape of the diamond sun.

It is important to understand that the forces involved in the Luciferian uprising, the BELIAL group, have a large resistance to the execution of the paraliffe. The Luciferian Covenant was created directly in order to prevent the main tasks to prevent their main tasks, prevent the restoration of Christ, as well as the return of many fragmented souls used to collect energy in the lower spheres. They can constantly abandon the proposals of paliants and a crystal star to take upward bodies, which potentially means their future eradication from this world. As a result, star seeds exposed to palialyan activation may face resistance and potentially dark attack to prevent the understanding of the Great Mission and the embodiment of the potential contained in it.

In order to be liberated from paledorian printing and printing of death, it is necessary to understand and implement the basic principles of natural laws. The key is behavior that does not harm other in any way. The development of virtues and a strong moral nature helps us work on living on the principles of the law of unity, and this is necessary for development on the way to become GSF (God! Sovereign! Free!).

Palidorians hold access to star gates and many internal structures of transit stations that exist on each planet of our solar system and giving access to multiple branches of corridors of consciousness, which will be held individual identities and a group of souls in their continuing evolution and study in other planetary schemes or on Ascending land.

Confederation of RA

The specific group of RA keepers operating as an active principle working on the execution of the panel's panel on Earth is part of the RA Confederation, which exists in the seven of the highest heavens in the next universe and contacts us through the Golden Ray or through the Star Gates of the 14th Measurement. The RA Confederation is part of the root races to which Azurites include Azurites, Ammonites, Viriagian Masters (ATON, AMMONITES, Viriagian Masters) and 5D Pleiadian Guardian Groups, called AzTaras. Pleiadian groups, such as Aztaras or Maians (Mayans), take over most of the load with the healing of the souls of the souls when promoting to evolutionary 5D potentials, such as the reintegration of the astral body, the healing of the heart complex, the healing of the shadow and the deep injury of the body of pain and promoting lonely souls to get an embodiment. Such assistance in the rehabilitation of consciousness and the light body can occur during the incarnation in the physical body and when passing through the Bardo process with the "discharge" of the body.

The Azurites shield from the Sirian Guardians of Yeshua was applied to protect the records of the consciousness of the law of unity for representatives of Azurites on Earth, as well as for some of the blue flames of melchies associated with the Egyptian time line. This structure was recently absorbed by the Breneau Emerald Order of the Emerald Order (Breneau Emerald Order Shield), which completely replaced the network of the Consciousness field for representatives of the Keepers Host, to accommodate the split fields and the assimilation codes of artificial intelligence that were launched by the Azurite and Indigo shield. This event allows the Diamond Cardiac Seed of the Andromedian Matrix of the 4th Measurement, Aqualash (The Aqualasha), help reconfigure the astral body of the Earth, the heart complex, and jump from the time lines of the terrifying destruction of the world of the planet Earth using the explosion of star gases. Giza.

The keeper, earlier during the incarnation known as Achenaton (or Ehnaton -? Akhenaton) - from the ATON group, and directly involved in the restoration of the Mission of Christ, paledorian activations on Earth. His mission is designed to protect those whose origin comes from the original pedigree Ishua, in the attachment of which he was involved in the planet while working with the teams of Azurites over 2,000 years ago. He is the original patriarch of the family, since this blood line is still going on in Krystic pedigree to our time, although there is still a lot of misinformation about it.

Josus Christ (AKA J12) is a Sirian blue man from the future who came to change the time lines of the 3rd dimension and bring Essayam, Christ Templars, knowledge of the law of unity on the ascension and technology of consciousness back to the planet Earth. It is the immediate genetic descendant of Ahanaton, and as a result, the father of all the lines of Christ on Earth. This mission was a reaction to DNA damage, from which the planet and humanity suffered after the Luciferian uprising and followed by the Sumero-Egyptian invasion, which became the final destruction of the principle of the mother's pillars in the earth's core.

The mission of his group under the leadership of the Higher Larian-Sirian Council was to work with the future 5D land of the Tara as a multidimensional team of temples, called Azurites initially organized by the RA Confederation. The disbanded team of Azurites is now posted directly in the Saint Emerald Order. As a team, they worked on the restoration of the planetary architecture, engaged in the return of the soul from the Lemurian Holocaust and the Atlantic cataclysm, prepared a lei lines, a planetary energy grille and planetary gates to help align in the end of the Ascension cycle. The cooperation of the Keepers teams will continue in the following cycle of the elevation of paledorians in order to fully realize the physicialization of the paliator package through the restoration of the Mission of Christ-Sophia and the Mission of Solving Amenti.

Contours of splitting land sectors

The bifurcation event revealed a series of frame structures looking like a cosmic tree of life, since their "branches" guide groups from each level of spatial experience to their next higher expression so that they can continue to build their separate well-busy body. The planetary architecture is a platform that acts as a grounding mechanism and a local arrangement in time and space, where the human energy field and the light body are connected to earthly realities. The frequency spectrum and the structure of the spatial plan, from which the body receives support, comes from larger group systems of collective energy.

Currently, structural changes in the morphogenetic field were generated by the platform for the grounding mechanism of the light body, which are used by many different groups of souls in human childbirth, and this seems to cover the contours of the sectors in the splitting layers of the earth's world. The temporal line sector remaining accessible to the visibility of a particular person depends on its fundamental frequency, "template" and the level of embodied consciousness. They will see what their level of embodimed consciousness will provide access. Synchronized groups in certain frequency regions of earthly time lines merge with each sector of the fields of the collective consciousness of the Earth. Bifurcation occurs in the internal structures, and the access sector depends on the development of the luminous body of each. This means that each group of shower is synchronized with a large body of group consciousness, acting as the main carrier of the energy of the collective consciousness, which the specific group first of all "draws" to continue its existence and spiritual growth. The planetary interface transmitting energy in individual form is now more complicated in terms of the use and circulation of the energy of consciousness by each separately. The way the mass collective energy is distributed and manifests itself from smaller systems directly into larger system of collective energy fields, has changed forever. This suggests that places on earth where we were grounded and received access to the energy fields, fundamentally moved, and our body and consciousness should adapt to these energy changes and new grounding places, which affects the entire system of our internal energy.

Here is a general description of the regional contour areas that are currently visible in the Earth's body, and are controlled by those who work with the Guardian Host and Palidorian Rehabilitation and Recovery Projects.

Higher Line of Earth Ascension

In the highest sector, the model of the assumed Earth covers the body of the planetary consciousness of all earthly residents existing on each level, and all contours and sectors in this field are visible and accessible to those who are grounded directly on this platform and uses their spherical body (ORB BODY) Ascended land. Access to Tara and Guy bodies are fully accessible to this group. Groups from the Andromedian matrix can also move to the Diamond Heart of the Aqualash Galaxy from this platform. At this level, there are no lower chakras or membranes, only spherical centers of morphogenetic energy, connected to a physical body. The continuation of the expansion of consciousness and grounding on the body of the Ascended Earth becomes possible for all earthly residents who continue to participate in the preparation for spiritual ascension and increase their fundamental frequency of light, practicing the law of unity. The highest line of the Earth is a comprehensive stabilizing and buffering field, which holds the Ascension Platform placed in all sectors of the planetary field.

The line of the median (median) land

The preceding terrestrial reality in the lower 3D density in which many of us are embodied and still retain the imprint of the morphogenetic memory about it is shifted to what is considered as a lower sector (approx. - in relation to the highest) line of the median land. Most of the inhabitants of the Earth are grounded in the sector of this platform, which includes moving the planet in the intermediate space and circulating the passage in both the previous 3D ray system, and in the transit to the new Ray system, the Aurora to update the main chakras of the wave spectrum, processing the streams of Consciousness 4D-5D -6d. Now it creates the reality of mixed land, which will be used during the acclimatization period and transition for the next 1000 or so years so as to ultimately get out of this time line of mixed reality. The lower areas of the median land are faced with the problem of elemental damage, while in higher areas there is a natural substance, never exposed to AI or extraterrestrial NET (electrostatic transduction fields).

In essence, in our understanding, this displacement of measurements and manifestation of matter, since the quality of the energy spectrum is shifted, and this change in the structural law determines the definition of a morphogenesis cycle. As a result of these frequency changes in the spectrum of the appropriate solar waves, the set of extrancemels that functioned in the old measurement system will have to go out, since many of these life forms do not have the potential of the ascending body. In other measurements of time, those we can consider as human groups that have left the material world will also go through the interim line of the median land. This means that potential communication with those who left us may increase, and it will become easier to talk to those who have left in these spheres. As a result, most people will be able to meet and communicate with those ancestors or close, which once lived on Earth in a physical body, but now live in a different time measurement in a less dense body.

Hibernation zones

These are areas used by NAA to isolate the lost shower from the packaging, as well as other fragments of the souls in the elemental damage sector of the Earth and the field of matter to continue control of artificial intelligence technologies and alien machine used to collect the energy of vitality from these souls. Consciousness caught by the trap of hibernation zones by multiple reincarnation or other methods of fragmentation of the soul cannot evolve or get out of there, and accordingly, it will be gradually rehabilitated and conducted by the keeper teams for a longer period. This is still an unfriendly high-risk zone for remote viewing or holographic work on the ground.

Internal Earth Time Line

The lines of the internal land allow you to access the transgarmonic fields, this ability to easily slide forward and back in parallel realities. The diaphragm of the internal land time lines gradually opens on the earth's surface since 2000, and many people have direct contact with its inhabitants, representing a mixture of more advanced people and reptile civilizations. Recently, some of these civilizations were "punished" for granting fraudulent information in channeling New Age surface inhabitants. In fact, these groups were afraid that superficial residents would capture the civilization of the inner earth and destroy them more developed culture, therefore, there was a lot of disinformation. Inland land inhabitants consider the inhabitants of the surface of hybrids, which were formed as a result of mixing the races of refugees and the minds of criminals, which made them noticeably more hostile and cruel.

They have no wars or killing each other, so their concerns of the superficial residents are understandable. Most of them do not fully understand the reality of the invasion of NAA and control over the mind on the surface. Despite the fact that the internal land internal dwellings are much more developed and have access to technologies that have no surface inhabitants, they are also subjected to revelations of deeper truth and spiritual ascension in order to come true in their next higher potentials. Sleeping groups from the surface may also return to the inner land line during the Bardo; If this is the family of the soul, they are very deeply connected to continue the next stage of their journey, jumping forward in time. It is possible that in the future, bardo will not be necessary so that the internal earth will return to the inner earth, since access to the transgarmonic field makes the time of time more easy.

Earth absorption line with artificial intelligence

Naa is aggressively fighting for this line, as they want to maintain control with the help of the pedigrees preferred by them, make Satanism to the dominant direction and continue to extract lost souls and fragments that they could use as a source of energy to feed various virtual reality systems and temporary loops. They are trying to lure human souls in these phantom reality, relying on virtual reality, which "glamorize" the choice of fashionable and elite lifestyle, with high adrenaline or exciting sensual or erotic experience, everything with machines. It destroys loving human ties that take place during contacts between people, replacing the main human needs with machine consciousness.

In fact, it is a sphere of virtual reality systems powered by artificial intelligence and based on the technologies of alien machinery, recognizing as a preferred way of lifestyle, developing "superior" consciousness through a number of transgumanist and bio-technical methods using bio-neurological systems and organic consciousness for replication ( duplication) them in synthetics and mechanisms.

Time travel is used between multiple virtual reality systems, working in real time, similarly to a chat, where a person can jump from one reality to another, experiencing lines for the situation of the past or the future, but each reality still remains closed in a virtual reality system controlled by AI. As a rule, as soon as the mind is loaded to the server, the personality consciousness is subjected to replication in various chats, which it cannot, since it is a trap of consciousness. The illusion that AI provides is a feeling of freedom from moving in the range of multiple virtual realities, but in fact, artificial intelligence controls the experiences of the simulation of consciousness when traveling over time or third parties of consciousness. Secret Space Programs And reconnaissance agencies together with NAA were part of the creation of these virtual realities of AI, starting from the end of World War II.

Complications with elemental damage in NET

As a direct result of the Luciferian Covenant, the Belial group discovered a planet for other interventories that distribute the signs of death and encoding the beast in NET, which generates many genetic mutations in the lower sectors of the 1D-2D-3D field of matter. Palidorian activation, Aquaelle AndroMedan amplifiers (i.e. Aqualeyon, Aquarose, Aquareion, etc.) and the rays of the Diamond Heart of Aqualashi take into account these mutations in a combined biogenetic healing program that can be used during sleep or with direct contact with those who are On the path of ascension and seeks to embody the law of unity as a lifestyle.

As they transition to the next cycle, those in the physical body, which were exposed to the lower NET mutations in the elementally damaged 3D structure, will continue the sequential decoding process to release and remove mutations of the AI, paledorian printing and an alien marking of the beast recorded in the physical structure. This is a macrocosmic project that affects the earth's sphere, although there are those who embodied and cleaned this mutation from their conscious body earlier. This will show some kind of physical symptoms of ascension for most people, and thus this is the reason for which an increase in body awareness, good concern for him and promotion to higher levels of incarnation is critical at that time. The main areas of cleaning distortion of the NET AI are in the subatomic layers of the body 1D affect the bone and skeletal matrix; on the skin, tissue and blood matrix in 2D; and epigenetic overlays that affect the software of the negative ego in all three layers, but manifest themselves mainly through the conscious mind and the personality of 3D.

Attention to these areas in the physical body and work to help maintain a higher spiritual embodiment, will contribute to the release and decoding of these mutations related to the programs of collective human consciousness, launched damage to elemental matter.

Please take only what is useful for your spiritual growth, and discard everything else. Thank you for the courage and courage to be a truth seeker. I am God, sovereign, free!

I wish you many of the benefits of love, peace and spiritual realization in the morphogenesis cycle and paledorian activations, since we adapt to our new alignment in the highest harmonic to fulfill their greatest destiny!

Until the next time, stay in the radiance of your avatar of the heart of Christ-Sofia. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

With a loving heart, Lisa.

Roman's translation (