National and public holidays of Bulgaria. Bulgarian holidays holidays in Bulgaria

Announcement of the holidays in Bulgaria for 2018 - a complete overview for the tourist.

International Festival Chamber music in Plovdiv - the oldest festival of classical chamber music in Europe. From the moment of its foundation (1964) until today, the festival is held annually from 10 to 20 June in the picturesque atmosphere of the Ethnographic Museum of Plovdiv.

Mid-June-Mid-July: Summer International music Festival Classical Music in Varna
This is the oldest music festival in Bulgaria. Every year in the festival program a lot of prime ministers. Masterpieces of the Bulgarian and World Music Culture, a variety of genres and speeches of world-famous musicians.

August 15 officially announced day off and coincides with great christian holiday Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The city's Day program includes various festive events, concerts and children's ideas. At the end of the day of the city of the sky over the boards, the lights of the festive salute are illuminated.

The festival has been carried out since 1992, and during this time it was attended folklore collectives Of the 50 countries of Europe, Asia, America and Africa. The festival gives a unique possibility of contact with various cultures of the world.

Early September: Apollonia Art Festival, Sozopol

Annual Decade Festival of Arts "Apollonia" received its name in honor of the ancient Greek deity of the music and poetry Apollo. During the festival, all the halls, scenes and open areas of the city are provided for cultural events. Every evening there are performances, ballet performances, concerts and other cultural events.

Bulgaria's union is one of the most important events in the history of Bulgarian statehood.
By tradition, the main celebrations are held in the Bulgarian Plovdiv. This day passes a solemn prayer in the Cathedral Church of the Holy Virgin. In Sofia, flowers and wreaths are made to the Mausoleum of the First Prince Bulgaria Alexander the first Battenberg.

September (Friday and Saturday): Festival puppet Theater.Sofia

As always, on the day of the opening of the festival, all the audience is pleased with the mini carnival of giant puppet puppets, which will present artists of the theater dolls "heat". To maintain the atmosphere of the holiday on the carnival, musicians from the jazz ensemble "Sofia" are playing.

The festival of modern dance passes within 3 days off. The festival organizes "Foundation One for Culture and Arts". It will take three years - from 2017 to 2019 within the framework of the Plovdiv - Cultural Capital of Europe 2019. In 2018, the festival will be held on the 11th time.

On this day, the anniversary of the proclamation of the sovereign Bulgarian kingdom is noted. IN newest Story The countries of independence feast began to celebrate since 1998. As a rule, they begin with a solemn reading of the manifest, and in the evening of September 22, the princess is illuminated by thousands of multicolored spotlights and passes the light performance in the open sky "Sound and Light".

At the end of September - October: Days of Music Balabanova, Plovdiv

The festival will be held at the ninth time, solests, chamber orchestras, choirs, ensembles and orchestras of the world music scene will perform. Such well-known musicians, as Sergey Bakaryakov, called "Paganini Pipe", Arkady Schilkore with a five-meter alpine horn, the world-famous soprano of Krasimir Stanov and many others.

Every year on November 1, the Day of Folk Awkers is celebrated in Bulgaria. In Bulgaria, they call the active leaders of the national and cultural revival of the beginning and the middle of the XIX century, when the country was under Ottoman dominion. Day of folk warders - day off for all educational institutions of the country.
Usually on this day, solemn meetings and evenings devoted to the memory of the Bulgarian Renaissance figures are held, concerts are held, there are flowers to monuments of devotee-awakeners.

On this day, round belongings go to the house. These are young unmarried teenagers and guys aged 12 to 20 years. Collars go from home to home and all the time sing songs dedicated to the wheelchair. The holiday begins to celebrate in the first minutes of December 25, as a kind of continuation of the Christmas Eve (awning evening), when the last day of great posts ends and bonding begins. The start time of the rank is strictly determined by the tradition - from midnight to sunrise for Christmas.


On the second day of Christmas, December 26, the Christian holiday of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Virgin is celebrated in Bulgaria. According to folk custom, On this day, the holiday continues, people go to visit each other, treat rich with meat dishes with meat, fruit, wine and raki.

The holiday marked by Bulgarians in accordance with the Gregorian calendar coming on the night of December 31 to January 1. In Bulgaria New Year Traditionally meet at home. If there is a child in the house, then it costs New Year tree And sings the guests of the Christmas Cutters and Songs. Despite the fact that Bulgaria is an Orthodox country, Christmas is celebrated in the Gregorian Churching ("New Style"), and therefore the new year does not have to do benchmarks unlike Russia, where the celebration of the New Year begins in the most ascetic days of the Christmas post.

What people do not love holidays? Of course, Bulgarians are no exception. Despite the fact that the country has been under foreign dominion, the indigenous people were able to preserve their faith and language, writing and tradition. It is possible that that is why the Bulgarians belong to their holidays so tremendous and so they are caught. However, it is pleasure to celebrate here and other people's holidays like Valentine's Day.

Maintenance Bulgarian holidays:

For the new year everything is very beautiful 1st of January. Nova Godina (New Year). Prepare for, at the same time Merry Christmas, begin from the beginning of November. , on sale appear christmas decorations. In Bulgaria, this holiday is not considered family: on the contrary, everyone willingly go to visit, go to parties, meet with friends in cafes and restaurants, and even the choir dance (type called dance) on the central square. Day off.

6th January. Epiphany. One of the most revered Christian holidays in a country, which is also called Yordan, Yordanka, Bogdan or Bogdanka. Celebrate the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River. At the same time it is considered a male holiday. Working day.

Jan. 7. Ivanovden. Since it (both male and female options) In Bulgaria is very common, the holiday is quite widely marked. Working day.

January 8. Babinen. And this is a female answer to male holidays. Ancient holidaypreserved from pagan times. He is dedicated not so much to grandmothers, how many midwives who help children are born. Also working day.

The 14th of February Two holidays celebrate at once in Bulgaria. Trifon slaughtered - Traditional, inherited by Bulgarian inherited from the Thracian tribes, who revered the god Winemaking Dionysus. The ancestors of modern Bulgarians the tradition of winemaking with pleasure took over with the holiday. On this day, it is customary to cut grape vines.
Sveti Valentine - This is the international day of marketers in love. Borrowed from neighboring countries, this day is particularly popular with young people. In stores sell candy, postcards and even macaroni in the form of hearts, in clubs there are parties for lovers ... in general, everything is like everywhere.

All early blooming trees are usually taken off by monetary March 1. Baba March. One of the most famous and cute Bulgarian holidays. In celebrate the arrival of spring. In honor of him, Bulgarians give each other Martenitsa - bracelestics from red and white threads. Each self-respecting resident of the country purchases Martenitsa in industrial quantities to give all acquaintances. And then the bracelets are carrying on hand until they see the first arriving stork (swallows are also suitable) - then the bracelet must be hung on the branch of the flowering tree and make a desire. When the desire comes true, the bracelet must be removed. Judging by what they hang on branches for years, this part of the tradition is ignored (and maybe such impossible desires).
According to other data, birds can not be squeezed, it is enough to see the first flowering tree to hang onto the mannetics.
On the third version, bracelets should not hang on the trees, but under the stones to hide. In general, tradition researchers are diverted in the testimony.

March, 3rd. Denies on liberated on Bulgaria. Does the translation need? Bulgarians celebrate the next anniversary of the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkish slavery and the resurrection of the Bulgarian Power. Non-working day.

March 8. International den on the marriage. The weekend is not suitable on this day, but women congratulate and flower sell.

Benten. Easter. The day of the celebration depends on the year, in 2015 on April 12. At Easter, you are walking as much as 4 days: from Friday to Monday inclusive. This holiday is very loved, baked the lambs, paint eggs, prepare bread in the form of a chalken (Kozunatsi) and treat them literally everyone.
A week before Easter celebrate Palm Sundaywhich the Bulgarians call Flower garden or Vrabnitsa.

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In Bulgaria, in addition to public holidays, there are a number of other festive dates associated with national traditions. Therefore, planning to spend your holiday in Bulgaria, you can combine it, of course, if possible, with some holiday to diversify your vacation by the cultural program.

Bulgaria is a country rich in his national traditions, A large number of, noted dates are due to historical dates, and another part of the Orthodox population, which has led to the presence in festive calendar A significant number of dates of Orthodox holidays.

In order to get information about the holidays held in Bulgaria, it is enough to contact our consultants who will be able to tell what holiday dates will fall at the time of your stay in Bulgaria. To do this, you need to leave your coordinates, and you can get an answer to any question related to the date and conditions for holding holidays in Bulgaria.

January 1 - New Year

The new year in Bulgaria is considered traditionally celebrated and beloved holiday. He is celebrated, as well as we have fun and noisy. The table is taken to cover richly and diverse, because it is believed that the richer festive table, the more successful will next year.

January 6 - Epiphany

Epiphany is one of the most revered Bulgarian religious holidays, celebrated on January 6th. In Russia, this holiday is called baptism and celebrated January 19.

And in Bulgaria and in Russia it is believed that it was these days that Jesus took the baptism from John the Forerunner in the Jordan River. Similarly, as we, in Bulgaria, after serving in the temple, it is customary to swim in cold water, adhering to some national traditions.

January 8 - Babi Day (Babinen)

Pure Bulgarian Babi Day is celebrated on January 8. This holiday is recognized to honor the excavated grandmothers. In different parts of Bulgaria, this is done in their own way, but not one of the obstacles does not have no attention.

But the constant tradition of this holiday is the exchange between men and women with household responsibilities. Cooking, cleaning, washing, etc. In Babi, the day takes men.

In this case, women walk, are going to individual women's companies, that is, completely completely depart from home fuss.

February 14 - a number of holidays

February 14 for Bolver a very busy day, because in the state for this date there are three holidays at once:

Day of grapes;

Valentine's Day;

Day of the Assumption of St. Cyril Slavyanobolgar.

Day of winegartes

Day of winegrildren or the feast of the holy trifon (trifone slaughtered), in Bulgaria is considered professional holiday All grapes, and since Bulgaria is one of the winemakers, then celebrate this date in each corner of the Balkan state.

St. Valentine's Day

The day of all lovers, a holiday dedicated to St. Valentina, basically notes young people. Particularly massively, this day by Bulgarians began to be celebrated after less than 10 years ago, Father Seraphim, when visiting the Valtina, received from Roman Cardinal to the relics of St. Valentine and brought them to the monastery of Saints Constantine and Elena.

Day Assumptions of St. Cyril Slavyanobolgar

On the day of the Assumptions of St. Cyril Slavyanobolgar, who created the Slavic Alphabu, along with his brother Methodius, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors his audit.

March 1 - Spring Day (Baba Martha Holiday)

The symbol of the holiday of Baba Marta is amulets (Martenitsa), which are rubbed from the threads of red and white color Long until the very holiday, since they use very in great demand on this day, as it is believed that the presence of Mentenitsa with him is a pledge of health, longevity and fertility.

March 3 - the day of the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman Iga

Bulgaria's liberation day from Ottoman Iga in Bulgaria is considered a national holiday. This day in the entire Bulgarian Republic is a weekend.

It is timed festive date By the Day of Liberation by Russian warriors Bulgaria from the Move of the Ottoman Empire.

On this day, national flags are raised throughout the country, and to the monument of freedom on a chips, in memory of all the dead Russian soldiers when freeing Bulgaria, wreaths and flowers are assigned to the Military Humans.


Annunciation or an indispension in Bulgaria is celebrated as Orthodox, Ta and Catholics, and Protestants.

On this day, in Bulgaria, it is necessary to get up early and satisfying to eat so that the year was successful. And even a good prompt of this day is considered to hear a cuckoo, which necessarily spins satiety and wealth.

Bulgarians are the feast of Blagovets bind with the onset of spring, so according to traditions on the table there should be a lot of greens.

April 16 - the day of the Constitution of Bulgaria

On April 16, the Day of Lawyer and the Day of the Constitution of Bulgaria (Tarnovsky Constitution) adopted in 1879 is celebrated in Bulgaria.

Benten (Bulgarian Easter)

Bulgarian Easter for Bulgarian one of the most revered holidays. It marks four days from Friday to Monday. And it is called the Bulgarian linja of Christ.

Bulgarians as well as Russians scatter eggs and bake the cakes that are called Kozunatsi or Easter punishes and wicker. Day of Combining Bulgaria

This holiday is currently not particularly celebrated by Bulgarians. Restricted by thematic activities and small assemblies.

September 22 - the Independence Day of Bulgaria

The Independence Day of Bulgaria is the main autumn public holiday, which is celebrated on September 22. The precedingment of this holiday was the proclamation of the Bulgarian prince Ferdinand I "Manifesto on the independence of Bulgaria", after the liberation of the Bulgarian people from the Okov of the Ottoman Empire.

December 25 - Christmas of Christ

Christmas or campus Bulgaria is celebrated on December 25th. The main dish of this holiday is the Godhead - a round bread with an inside coin.

On the eve of this holiday, the Christmas Eve is accepted. Chances are broken down on the squad at ten - twelve bangs. The squads behave noisy to be heard. Ahead of the quaruses are kids, dressed by cats, and loudly meow, informing the owners about the arrival. Behind the friends are kids in donkey costumes, their task is to wear gifts that their home owners gave them.

September 15 in Bulgaria will begin the academic year. Strictly speaking, in some places, for example, in sports schools, he will begin the first. But the bulk of schoolchildren will go to study in the middle of the month. What is new waiting for them this year?
Immediately we note that the article will be supplemented and refined. If you want to take part in this - welcome to the comments. In the meantime, please forgive us some chaotic information of the information and the transition to places.

Changes in legislation

The altered law on preschool and school education entered into force. You can get acquainted with the law here -
The academic year in Bulgaria begins on September 15 (in sports schools - September 1) we do not quite exactly imagine how it was before. But we will tell about how it became now (information from the site of the Focus news agency).
Good news: education for foreigners is now free of charge in all public schools. It is already two years old for free almost everywhere, but now it is spelled out in the law: "School education in state and community schools is free for [...] citizens of third countries - with a permanent stay in the country, with the right to a long-term and long stay in the country."
The school 2016/2017 will begin with new regulations, a new training plan and new programs for students of the first and fifth classes. According to a new schedule, students' students will learn until May 31. Fourth-graders hand over exams (nationally enthusiastically evaluative, NVO) for 4 subjects. The assessment in mathematics affects the possibility of admission to mathematical and / or naturally scientific gymnasiums.
In the 7th grade, training continues until June 15 and is completed by three exams - in Bulgarian and literature (Bel), in mathematics and in a foreign language. Evaluation is carried out using a dot system.
State exams in grade 7 will be March 19 and 22.
Middle education diplomas will be issued until June 22, 2017.
The new curriculum is provided only for the first and fifth classes. Textbooks remain old, the only exception is "History and Civilization" in the fifth grade.
The order for assessing the learning outcomes is applied only to students who will study in the first and fifth grades this year. In the fifth grade, the number of estimates will depend on the number of student hours on the subject. Those. If the subject is studied 2 hours a week, the semester cannot be less than 2 estimates on this subject.
Starting from the fifth grade, cool work will be given in white, mathematics and foreign language.
Pupils of junior classes that have not learned the material, waiting for mandatory summer preparation. Repetition after the 5th grade will be when evaluating "weak" (2).
A learning process will be organized in a new way. Training plans for each class in 1 and 5 classes should be developed on the pedsovet, organized "native" training from the first to the seventh class. The pedsove is selecting two subjects that will be running for students ending grade 7. Estimates for these subjects will be converted to points (glasses) and added to the points obtained during the NBO in white and mathematics. Thus, the scores of the sectors necessary for admission to the gymnasium will be calculated.
Well, another little things.
An order of "attachment education" comes into force, aimed at supporting students with various needs. It takes into account sanctions for students.
There are new topics for classroom clocks.
The creation of a school ritual system will begin (???) and school self-government.
Semisclasses are waiting for compensation of missed material on history (Middle Ages), geography (Europe), biology (vertebrates).
Changes are waiting for preschoolers - enters into force "Standing for Kindergable Gradini".
Teachers will raise the salary, which also can not but rejoice.

Vacation in 2016-2017 academic year in Bulgaria

On the first day, no one is usually learning: a solemn rule, class hour - And everyone diverges home the Ministry of Education and Science has finally published information about the holidays this year. So,
Autumn Vacation: October 29 - November 1, 2016;
Christmas holidays: December 24, 2016 - January 4, 2017;
Winter holidays: February 4 - February 8 (up to grade 11! Twelve graders relax for 2 days less and go to school on February 7);
Spring: April 8 - April 17, 2017 (up to grade 11. Vacation class students will begin on April 13).
This time the spring holidays united with Easter.

Unclean days:
November 7, 2016 is irregular, but first, after the presidential election;
05/19/2017 - Examination day for seventh graders (Bulgarian and literature). The rest do not learn;
05/22/2017 - Exam day for seventh grades (mathematics). The rest again do not learn;
05/25/2017 - Unclean, but attendance -

Bulgaria is a colorful and bright state in Southeast Europe, which occupies a quarter of the territory of the Balkan Peninsula. The country has an impressive, original ancient culture and magnificent nature, and Bulgarian themselves with hospitability and friendliness.

Holidays Bulgaria

The inhabitants of Bulgaria love beautifully and fun to celebrate a variety of holidays, for this some of them have made weekends.

Most of the population, approximately 85%, profess Orthodoxy, so in Bulgaria, it is customary to celebrate many Christian holidays.

Orthodox holidays

Chief Christian holidays

  • Easter. The most - the resurrection from the dead Lord Jesus Christ. Every year Easter falls on different dates - it depends on the Phases of the Moon, after the first spring solstice. Before the holiday, believers are held by the longest in the year of the post - the Great, lasting 40 days. In Bulgaria, it is customary to call a beautiful holiday, that is, a great day. Passionate saddemic - a week before Easter, days in which you remember different periods Christ's earthly life. In the great Thursday, the furnace of Easter cakes and painted boiled eggs, Friday - a strict post (this is the day when Christ crucified). In the Great Saturday, you wanted to visit the night service, at the end of which everyone exclaims "Christ" and "truly resurrected" - Easter came! Then the festive cakes consecrate and go home to celebrate this great event in the circle of relatives and friends. A few weeks after the holiday accepted instead of the usual greetings to speak "Christ" - "truly resurrected."
  • - 06.06. Holiday reading of St. George, patron of warriors. The holiday begins a solemn military parade on the main square of Sofia, near the Bulgarian Patriarch sanctifies the battle banners. This is one of the most beautiful spring holidays.
  • Cyril and Methodius - 27.06.
  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 15.08.

Holidays in Bulgaria in December:

  • St. Nicholas Day - 06.12.
  • Christmas Eve - 24.12.
  • Christmas - 25.12.

National and public holidays

  • Bulgaria's liberation day - 03.03. One of the most important national holidays is devoted to the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman Iega, who enslaved the country for the six centuries - from the XIV to the XIX century. The liberation occurred due to the victory of Russia in the war with the Turks. At the end of the XIX century. Between Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, a peace agreement was signed. Citizens The holiday solemnly celebrate, raising flags and believing wreaths at the monument to the unknown warrior, established in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. The memorial was erected in memory of the dead warriors of Russia, Finland and Romania, who fought for the liberation of their fatherland. Also, the flowers are carried to the monument of Tsar Alexander II, whom Bulgarians consider to be their liberator.
  • Bulgarian Union Day - 06.09. The holiday is celebrated on September 6 - it was on this day in 1885. Under the leadership of Chardafon, an uprising began in one of the parts of Bulgaria - East Rushelia. Under the pressure of the rebels, broken into the capital of the Principality - Plovdiv, the ruler was forced to convey his authority to the temporary government, as a result of which Rumelia was attached to the principality of Bulgaria. At that time, the country was divided into several parts: Rumelia, Macedonia (the area remaining under the authority of Ottomans) and the Bulgarian principality itself. Decree The reunification of the Bulgarian lands was signed by Prince Bateberg than the latter violated the Berlin Treaty, which caused the condemnation and indignation of the rulers of Europe, as a result of which the prince was deprived of the crown. Bulgarians themselves consider him a uniform of Bulgarian lands.

The day of the union refers to the most revered national holidaysSince the country's political and economic unity is a very important factor in the development and prosperity of the state.

National holidays of Bulgaria are characterized by scale and gradation.

Independence Day - 22.09.

Refers to the youngest national holidays, it has been celebrated since 1998.

On September 22, a manifesto was issued, testifying to the independence of Bulgaria, after which the country, which was considered to be the principality, was transferred to the status of the kingdom. Until this time, she was under the authority of the Ottoman Empire, which was the last word in the adoption of any political, state and external issues.

Manifesto on independence was read in Veliko-Tarnovo Prince Ferdinand, the main festivities pass in this city.

At the beginning of the celebration, the manifesto is read, after which the light presentation and concert begins.

After the adoption of independence in Bulgaria, an active cultural and economic rise began.

Holidays dedicated to art

  • Perpersion. The festival held on the day of the summer solstice in the Rhodopian mountains. It was originally devoted to only theatrical skill, but later the representatives of other art types were involved in it - musicians and dancers, as a result of which the event received the status of the Art Festival. Since 2003, Perpertone entered the national calendar of culture. This is a very bright and spectacular event, takes a significant place in the cultural life of the country, which is very loved and waiting for Bulgarians, and everyone who is engaged in music, ballet or theatrical art, wish to participate in it. By date coincides with the Christian holiday - the day of John the Baptist.
  • Jazz Festival. It takes place in the city of Bansko, from 8 to 13 August, open-air. Musicians perform in the evenings, and everyone can come to listen to high-quality music. Also at this time, jazz perform in several cafes and restaurants of the city. Every evening, famous jazzmen from all over the world improvise and conduct master classes. This is a very significant and prestigious event in the musical world of Bulgaria, in which performers from all over the country are striving.
  • Plovdiv Fair. The event that is significant in the trade case, in which many foreign traders take part. It combines elements of old traditions and modern market trends. The first such fair took place in 1892. This is one of the largest exhibition markets in Eastern Europe, with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 35 thousand square meters. Here advertise and sell agricultural goods, wine, school supplies, various devices for fishing, hunting, relaxing in nature, books, construction Materials, boats, yachts, clothing, technique, etc. During the fair, many business meetings are held, various trade transactions are held.

Folk holidays

These holidays of Bulgarians love no less than others. These include:

  • Martenica - 01.03.
  • March 8.

Holiday roses in Bulgaria

One of the brightest, beautiful and in which they wish to press not only Bulgarians, but also tourists from all over the world.

Every year in the first June days a holiday is held dedicated to the flowering of tea roses, during which the flowers are collected, boiled and taste the oil made of them.

The holiday ends with a spectacular carnival carnival moving along the city streets and a concert program.

So, what is a holiday in Bulgaria today, you can find out by reading this article.

Do not, of course, forget about the following known dates:

  • New Year - 01.01.
  • Much day - 01.05.
  • Children's Day - 01.06.
  • Student holiday - 08.12.

What holidays in Bulgaria are known all over the world. They differ in variety, brightness and special, Balkan flavor, so at least one of them is striving for many tourists and travelers from around the world. Whether christian, folk or public holidays Bulgaria.