Whitening face masks at home: quick effect without much effort. “Skin lightening - whitening face mask at home” Folk whitening face masks

The skin of the face tends to various types pigmentation. In some cases, it is possible to hide defects using foundation creams, but when pigment spots have dark color or large area, special procedures are required. In beauty salons such services are expensive. A face whitening mask can be a worthy alternative. For independent procedures, cosmetic and folk recipes can be used, as well as special acids that have a whitening effect.


Face whitening masks should be used only if indicated. The skin does not always need the action of such products.

To lighten your skin, there are a number of procedures that can be used at home.

  • pigmentation (freckles, lentigo, etc.);
  • pronounced capillary network;
  • scars from acne or blackheads;
  • uneven skin color;
  • the result of burning of the layers of the dermis (consequences of tanning);
  • redness after cosmetic procedures.

In addition to the main action, the procedure allows you to cope with problems such as acne, insufficient cell nutrition and inflammation. As a result, the skin acquires an even and healthy color, and the epithelium itself is significantly moisturized and cleansed.


When deciding to use face whitening masks yourself, you should take into account not only the indications, but also the contraindications.

The procedure itself should not be performed with the following contraindications:

  • irritation;
  • keratosis;
  • melanoma;

Whitening masks will help the fairer sex get rid of facial skin problems
  • open injuries (abrasions, abscesses, cuts, etc.);
  • overly sensitive skin type;
  • impetigo;
  • dermatitis;
  • vitiligo;
  • recently held cosmetic procedures(cleaning, Botox injections, tattooing, etc.).

It is also necessary to take into account possible contraindications to the product used. Before whitening your face, you should do a test for a possible allergic reaction (do not apply a large number of on the wrist and check the reaction after an hour).

Whitening masks from age spots can cause harm if the rules for their use are violated. The recommendations should also be followed in order for the effect of the self-performed procedure to be maximum.

Preliminary preparation includes:

  • taking a bath (shower) or steaming the skin over a bath with herbal decoction;
  • using a scrub.

Apply masks in the evening, because after them the skin should “rest”; the action of bright sunlight can negatively affect its condition

Features of application:

  • use with an interval of three to four days;
  • use two hours before bedtime;
  • Do not apply the composition to the skin around the eyes and the edges of the lips.

Skin care after the procedure:

  • applying nourishing creams;
  • limiting exposure to direct sunlight;
  • excluding visits to the solarium.

The alignment of the color of the epidermis has its own reasons. All of them can be different, so in each case the individual characteristics of the skin, as well as the nature of pigmentation, should be taken into account.

Folk recipes

The most popular method in the fight against age spots, for more than one century, is folk remedies. Whitening face masks prepared at home are affordable and also produce a significant effect.

Whitening. Lighten spots, improve complexion. Prepared from products, fruits, vegetables

Whitening masks made at home:

  1. Oatmeal. Oat flakes (30 g) are crushed (preferably with a blender) and poured with heated kefir (60 ml). After the mixture has cooled, add the white of one egg. Mix well and apply to the skin. Wash off after half an hour.
  2. Wine. Fat cottage cheese (50 g) is ground through a sieve. After this, add the white or yolk and mix. Dry white wine (20 ml) is poured into the mixture of cottage cheese and yolk. Lastly, add 3% hydrogen peroxide (5 ml). The composition is rubbed into the skin for five minutes. After a quarter of an hour, the dried mixture is washed off. It is not recommended to make such a mask more than once every two weeks.
  3. Cucumber. A small cucumber is crushed to a pulp along with seeds and peel. Transfer the cucumber pulp into a small container and add lime (chopped using the same method). Wheat bran (20 g) is added to the cucumber-lime mixture. Leave the composition on the face for about half an hour.
  4. Honey. Honey (candied) is heated in a water bath. Liquid honey (60 ml) is mixed with full-fat kefir (40 ml). The juice from a whole lemon is added to the composition. The mixture is applied in several layers and removed from the face after 30 minutes.

Whitening face mask for age spots folk recipes can also be prepared with herbs such as parsley, chamomile, calendula and others. The action of the masks is designed to remove dead skin layers and cleanse pores, so as a complex effect, the product can help get rid of impurities. Folk remedies perfectly replace masks for oily skin face, but should be used with caution if you have dry skin.

Traditionally, a whitening mask is prepared using honey.

Industrial production means

Industrial cosmetic products (whitening) for facial skin are also effective. You can purchase such drugs in pharmacies or stores. Reviews of industrial products indicate that whitening masks not only eliminate pigmentation, but also increase tone, even out color and rejuvenate the epithelium.


According to many women, Vitex is considered the most effective whitening mask. The product contains acids, which have the main whitening effect. It is the acid content that allows you to achieve an immediate effect with minor darkening of the skin. If the pigmentation is pronounced, the result is visible after three procedures.

For intensive care of skin prone to age spots, irritation, dryness and flaking, cosmetologists recommend using a Vitex mask

Vitex (whitening mask) is used no more than once a week. The product is designed specifically to eliminate pigmentation on the face, so it should not be used for other purposes.

White linen (Floresan)

A domestically produced whitening face mask against age spots contains an extract from flax seeds, bearberry, green tea and orange. The composition is supplemented with organic acids and white clay.

Use “White Linen” in the same way as other masks. Apply to the skin and wash off after 10–20 minutes. The product eliminates the problem of dryness, cleanses the dermis of dead cells and discolors age spots. With regular use, results become noticeable after the third or fourth procedure.

The “White Linen” cosmetic series combines a set of products that care for the skin of the face and hands, whiten it and prevent the appearance of new age spots

Natacosmetik (with cranberry)

Masks for oily skin can also have a brightening effect. This cream also belongs to such cosmetic products. The composition of the product eliminates the effects of acne, prevents inflammation and whitens freckles.

To combat age spots and prevent inflammation, it is recommended to use whitening masks for oily skin in courses (3/6 months). The procedure is done only once a week.

Biotique Bio Fuit

A preparation made from white clay according to the recipe of Indian cosmetologists is considered a unique remedy. The peculiarity of the mask is that after the first procedure, the darkened areas become significantly lighter.

During the action of the drug, a tingling sensation is possible, which indicates the splitting of cells filled with melanin (a darkening substance).

Whitening masks are suitable for oily skin and normal dermis. If you are too dry, it is not advisable to use it. The procedure is done twice a week.

Biotique Milk Protein Mask – whitens and nourishes, contains pure milk protein extract, wheat germ, almond oil, honey and algae

Other methods

You can deal with darkened areas on the surface of the skin using a peeling mask. For such products, acids are used, available in pharmacies (stores). The result of the action of the acid is skin lightening by 60–70% in one application. However, it must be taken into account that the acid mask should be applied evenly so as not to achieve the opposite effect (uneven complexion). In addition, there is a risk of getting a burn if your skin is sensitive.

Facial whitening products are prepared with the addition of acids:

  • salicylic;
  • boric;
  • glycolic.

Features of application:

  1. Salicylic acid (5%). Use for spot treatment or wiping (2% solution). The drug is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the problem area for ten minutes.
  2. Boric acid 3%. Use an alcohol solution of the drug (1 tsp) mixed with chopped cucumber or lemon.
  3. Glycolic acid. The drug excludes the use hyaluronic acid and exposure to bright sunlight within 24 hours after applying it to the face. Used in pure form, like salicylic solution.

With persistent pigmentation, it is recommended to adhere to the prevention of increasing the amount of melanin in certain areas of the face: using protective creams against sun exposure, not sunbathing, drinking plenty of water and regularly using whitening creams.

The skin of the face is prone to various rashes and redness, freckles, as well as the appearance of pigment spots, which at one moment can ruin the whole appearance. This happens due to age-related changes, due to the harmful effects of external factors, as well as due to hormonal changes in the body itself. And, of course, not a single woman is ready to put up with such changes in her face, wanting to remain attractive for as long as possible. But not everyone can visit expensive salons to whiten and transform their skin. And why pay a lot of money for something you can do yourself? We are talking about whitening masks prepared at home, the great advantage of which is that they are made from natural products and auxiliary substances, and the result is economical and effective.

Benefits of whitening face masks

Whitening your face means not just lightening your skin, but actually transforming and improving its color and tone, as well as getting rid of existing problems.

Whitening masks have their own indications:

  • Pigment spots of different sizes, as well as lentigo and freckles;
  • Pronounced rosacea (visible network of blood vessels);
  • Residual scars and cicatrices caused by a squeezed pimple or acne;
  • Unhealthy and uneven color of the skin itself (yellowish or gray tint);
  • Consequences of excessive tanning in the form of severe redness, reminiscent of a burn;
  • A rather dark surface of the face that you want to lighten a little;
  • Existing areas after cosmetic procedures salon treatments purple or red.

In addition to its direct purpose, home face whitening also brings tangible benefits. Age-related pigmentation disappears, freckles fade, and the surface becomes smooth and beautiful colour. Subcutaneous cells are perfectly moisturized and nourished with essential trace elements, minerals and vitamins. The face becomes fresh and youthful, the skin looks radiant and rested, and all congestion begins to gradually disappear. Such masks will help smooth out even small wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes. Not to mention the fact that skin whitening masks additionally tone the surface, give it firmness and elasticity, and also slightly tighten flabby soft tissues.

Rules for using whitening facial masks

Carrying out such a procedure at home also requires compliance with certain rules and recommendations. The fact is that effective whitening masks for facial skin, due to their components, are capable of changing the structure of the cell through their effect on the pigment substances contained in them, which subsequently dissolve and decompose into microparticles.

Therefore, it will be useful to follow some rules for using such masks:

  1. Do not use more than once every seven days, especially for women over 40 years of age.
  2. The procedure itself should be carried out in the evening, since subsequent exposure of the skin to sunlight can provoke an undesirable reaction.
  3. Before using any mask, it is recommended to do a gentle peeling.
  4. Each such home procedure should end with applying a moisturizer to the face.
  5. To enhance the results and provide additional skin protection, you can drink vitamin C during this period.

All these tips will help you whiten your face safely and without consequences at home. Despite the effectiveness and benefits of such a procedure done at home, it also has its limitations.

Contraindications that should not be ignored:

  1. Thin and sensitive skin prone to severe dryness.
  2. A face completely covered in acne and irritation.
  3. The presence of skin diseases such as melanoma and vitiligo, keratosis and dermatitis, impetigo.
  4. Open wounds and deep cuts on the surface.
  5. Recent cosmetic surgery on the face (if less than 30 days have passed).

All these points should be a reason to refuse to remove age spots yourself. Otherwise, such a procedure will not only be useless, but may become dangerous. So if you have any doubts, you can first consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. In other cases, a woman with full confidence resorts to the use of whitening masks, thereby changing and transforming her skin for the better.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Video: How to whiten your face at home?

7 best recipes for whitening face masks at home

Folk masks for the face with a whitening effect has existed for a long time and there are a huge number of them. But among them there are those whose recipes are not very complicated, but at the same time they cope well with the specific tasks assigned.

Fast whitening mask

It will help instantly cope with tanning defects and brighten your facial skin. Its main ingredient is parsley. This greenery was successfully used in ancient times, when women used it to try to restore beauty and purity to their faces, which suffered from frequent and harmful exposure to the sun.

Parsley can be taken fresh or frozen. Even dried herbs can be used to make a fast-acting whitening mask. This recipe will also refresh aging skin and get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

To prepare you will need:

  • a tablespoon of chopped parsley (can be whipped in a blender);
  • 25 g finely chopped spinach leaves;
  • two tablespoons of oatmeal, pre-brewed in milk;
  • 30 g potato starch;
  • two tablespoons of fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk).

First, mix parsley, spinach and oatmeal. In a separate container, starch is diluted in a liquid fermented milk product. Then the two compositions are combined with each other, and the resulting mask is applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of the face. It lasts for half an hour, after which it is washed off.

Whitening mask for age spots

A product like cottage cheese works great for strong skin pigmentation. It is this that underlies many whitening masks, reviews of the use of which are only positive.

For oily skin that is prone to pigmentation, you can try preparing a mask from 40 g of cottage cheese (up to 5% fat), half an egg yolk, five drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix all ingredients well, spread evenly over the surface and leave for 25 minutes. A similar mask can be prepared for dry skin. Only add a spoonful of sour cream (35% fat content) and the same amount of linden honey, as well as three drops of peroxide, to the full-fat cottage cheese.

Whitening face mask with lemon

This recipe will help you whiten your face; it will get rid of congestion and is ideal for problem skin.

To do this you need to take:

  • tablespoon concentrated lemon juice;
  • 60 ml milk;
  • 25 g sugar (preferably finely ground);
  • 20 ml vodka.

First, the sugar is ground with citrus juice, then the remaining ingredients are added to it, and the resulting composition is applied for 20 minutes. A lemon mask can be used to lighten freckles by several tones, as it contains acids that actively destroy the natural pigment.

Whitening mask with hydrogen peroxide

This face mask is one of the most effective recipes. But you should be careful with it and if there is any microdamage on the skin, you should refuse to use such a composition. To prepare, you need two tablespoons of ground oatmeal poured with 60 ml of warm milk. Then add six drops of hydrogen peroxide there and mix well. Keep on the skin for no more than 15 minutes.

Here you should also pay attention to the fact that all applications of whitening masks containing a component such as hydrogen peroxide must be carried out with extreme caution so as not to affect the eye area.

Whitening mask for dry skin

The mask will help whiten the face and additionally has a moisturizing effect and copes well with severe peeling. It can be made from two tablespoons of chopped cucumber, previously peeled. Add 25 ml of sour cream and a pinch of chopped parsley to it. The mask is kept on for half an hour and then removed with warm water.

Whitening mask with turmeric

This spice evens out the complexion and helps fade age and sun spots. It is prepared from two teaspoons of turmeric and two tablespoons of natural unsweetened yogurt. Leave the mask on the face for half an hour, after which it is washed off with cool water.

Whitening fruit and vegetable mask

Another effective recipe that contains natural acids that can cope with pigmentation and color unevenness of the skin.

For this mask you will need:

  • three tablespoons of grated red currants;
  • 30 g of chopped tomato (pre-scald and peel);
  • two teaspoons of flower honey;
  • 20 g strawberries.

First, the honey must be melted in a water bath. While it cools, mix the berries and add tomato pulp. Then carefully add honey to the resulting mixture and apply the mixture to your face.

Such recipes natural masks Face whitening products can be an excellent alternative to expensive salon procedures.

At the same time, you can always choose the composition in accordance with your own skin type and the existing problem. The preparation itself does not take much time and does not require any special equipment.

And whitening face masks achieve their effective effect on the skin due to natural ingredients, which additionally have regenerating and restorative properties. As a result, you can effectively whiten and improve your complexion at home.

Video recipe: Homemade mask for freckles and age spots"Author of the article: Veronika Belova":

Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy.

Japanese women are especially famous for this, who know a lot about skin care, the light shade of which shows the aristocracy of its owner. Japanese women use whitening face masks, which are adopted by many Slavic and European girls. It’s worth paying attention to such products, because it’s not for nothing that older Japanese women look so young.

Indications and contraindications

  • 30 grams of starch;
  • Add st. a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • Bring it on boiled water until creamy consistency;
  • Apply for 30 minutes and rinse well.

3. Against age-related pigmentation:

  • Mix cottage cheese, 1 raw yolk and 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • Beat with a whisk or mixer;
  • Distribute in an even layer in problem areas and leave for 20 minutes.

4. For freckles:

  • Dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of white clay mineral water;
  • Add 10 ml lemon juice;
  • Apply a homogeneous mass and wait 15 minutes.

5. Lightening after tanning:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of pink clay;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey;
  • Use full-fat sour cream or cream to bring it to a mushy state.

6. For combination skin:

  • Grate 1 fresh cucumber on a fine grater and drain off the excess juice after 30 minutes;
  • Add 2 tbsp. l. vodka;
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. baby cream and mix;
  • Distribute the mask and hold for 15 minutes.

7. Against the effects of acne:

  • Crush 5 tablets of aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Add 30 ml fresh lemon juice;
  • Blot the solution with layers of gauze and apply to the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse your face thoroughly.

8. To even out your complexion:

  • Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and tbsp. a spoonful of kefir;
  • Add a teaspoon of honey and stir;
  • Apply a light layer and wait 25 minutes.

9. Whitening from Japanese Geishas:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of rice flour, 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of honey until smooth;
  • Apply, avoiding the eye area, and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with mineral water.

10. Grapefruit mask:

  • Mix 1 tsp. milk, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. olive oil and 5 drops of grapefruit oil.
  • Apply and leave for 15 minutes.

11. Berry mixture:

  • Grind 1 tbsp in a blender. spoon of cranberries, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of black currants and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of red currants;
  • Add 1 tbsp to the berry puree. a spoonful of starch;
  • Apply and leave on for 10 minutes.

These recipes for whitening masks help not only make the face brighter, but also promote the absorption of nutrients by the skin, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the epidermis.

I also suggest watching a video recipe for a whitening mask that I made myself at home:

Review of cosmetic masks with whitening effect

In cases where there is no time to prepare home remedies, but a cosmetic whitening procedure must be performed, store-bought masks with a brightening effect will be an excellent solution. Here are the most interesting and popular of them.

1. Tomatox Magic Massage from the South Korean brand TonyMoly. The interesting design of the bottle speaks for itself about the main active ingredient - tomato, which whitens well, evens out skin color, tightens pores, and also saturates tissues with vitamins. The drug is considered safe and has proven effectiveness.

2. Night mask with Blackcurrant White series from Russian Natura Siberica. The product has a wide range of natural ingredients, which, in addition to Arctic blackcurrant, includes Siberian juniper, Altai fescue, and turmeric root. The mask lightens skin imperfections, reduces wrinkles and restores metabolism.

3. Plasticizing mask “Uve burse” from the French manufacturer Kosmoteros. The main feature of the mask is the control of the production of melanin in the epidermis layer, due to which pigmentation not only disappears, but also does not appear again. Safe components are suitable even for hypersensitive people. The composition contains diatomaceous earth, bearberry extract, algin, vitamin C.

4. Peeling mask with Dead Sea mud from Deora. The combination of peeling, protective factor and brightening effect is possible thanks to the ratio of active components: mineral complex, macadamia oil, extracts of cucumber, parsley, myrtle, olive and shea butter, vitamins E and C. Such a generous composition after several procedures gives the effect of smooth, dazzling skin.

5. Belita-Vitex from Belarus. The mask was loved by many for its relatively low cost. However, this did not affect her performance in any way. Moreover, the natural composition of the drug copes well with freckles and age spots. Among the ingredients it is worth noting fruit acid, pectin, kaolin, bearberry, waltheria, lingonberry extracts, peach seed and lemon oil.

6. BRIGHTENING PIG MASK from FUNKY FUN. French fabric mask produced by L`Etoile. Helps achieve overall skin health and radiance. Ease of use makes it possible to use the product while traveling. The impregnation contains vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Thanks to the abundance of effective facial whitening recipes, women can easily get rid of pigmentation problems. Reviews after applying masks for 2-3 weeks indicate significant changes.

Women's skin is daily exposed to external and internal factors, the consequences of which are reflected first on the face. Traces of acne and blackheads, pigmentation and freckles, dull color - all this does not allow you to live in peace. In the struggle for an even, beautiful skin tone, beauties arm themselves with powders and foundations and disappear into beauty salons. But there is another way. These are homemade whitening face masks. They are prepared simply and quickly, and the effect of use lasts for a long time.

What does it mean to “whiten” your skin? This term is used by cosmetologists to mean “make the complexion lighter, more even, reduce pigmentation, the number of spot inflammations, acne marks, and the area of ​​redness.” In general, to give the skin a noble, radiant appearance, heal and nourish it from the outside and from the inside.

When is whitening necessary?

Face masks intended for whitening are indicated for the following problems:

  • freckles, pigmented areas. Whitening will help make these imperfections less noticeable, and in some cases even get rid of them forever;
  • acne marks, blackheads. Getting rid of pimples and blackheads “manually” often leaves unsightly marks on the skin: red spots and small scars. Whitening masks will help eliminate these undesirable consequences;
  • grey, yellowish, red. These troubles can arise due to external factors: for example, due to intense tanning or smoking. And also due to health problems;
  • rosacea. After whitening masks, the highly visible network of blood vessels becomes less bright, and the face acquires an even tone.

Procedures for whitening age spots are contraindicated if you have thin, dry dermis that is sensitive to the effects of any drugs or cosmetics. And also if the skin has acne or large areas of inflammation, as well as wounds, cuts or diseases (melanoma, dermatitis).

Which natural products commonly used to lighten facial skin? Judging by the reviews of lovers of natural cosmetics, the most effective “whiteners” for the epidermis are parsley, cucumber, spinach, cabbage, tomato, lemon, strawberry, cottage cheese, sour cream, aloe, honey, vodka.

So, you have discovered that your skin needs whitening; you have no contraindications for using this procedure. But that is not all. Before you start preparing masks, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules that will help you achieve the best effect and not harm the dermis. There are five nuances.

  1. Don't overdo it. A whitening face mask is used once a week, and if the skin is prone to dryness, then once every two weeks. Otherwise, a feeling of tightness may occur.
  2. Do the cleaning. Before applying any masks, the dermis must be cleansed, otherwise the pores, clogged with fatty secretions and impurities, will not allow the components of the mask to achieve their goal: to penetrate the epidermal tissue.
  3. Choose a time. Lightening compounds are best applied in the evening, before bed. If after the procedure you go outside in daylight, a “reverse process” may begin, the process of hyperpigmentation.
  4. Moisturize and protect. The best effect of masks will be achieved if after the procedure you apply a moisturizing or nutritious cream, which will cover the skin with a thin film and provide additional protection.
  5. Repeat . Do not expect a quick effect with a single use of the mask; you will see the result only with regular repetition. The course consists of eight to ten procedures.

The day before new mask test your skin for negative reactions to ingredients cosmetic product. Traditionally, apply a pea of ​​the composition to your wrist and hold for a quarter of an hour. Even slight itching or redness indicates rejection of some component. In this case, you should choose a different combination.

Getting rid of stains naturally: 7 mask options

Below is a selection of seven recipes for various masks with a whitening effect: for dry and oily skin, for acne and pigmentation. If you want to get rid of freckles, or rather, make them less noticeable, or remove age spots, masks with parsley, cucumber, and lemon are suitable for you. But for those with dry skin, a whitening face mask with lemon is completely unsuitable. If you have chapped, flaky skin, choose masks that contain oatmeal, kefir, and sour cream.

Refreshing cocktail

The basis of the composition. Parsley is one of the most popular “whiteners” for the face. Masks with this product refresh and remove dark circles under the eyes, even out skin color. To prepare a parsley mask, use frozen, dried or fresh herbs.

The essence of the procedure

  1. Steam rolled oats in milk, take two tablespoons.
  2. Combine the porridge with three tablespoons of chopped parsley.
  3. Separately combine one tablespoon of starch with two tablespoons of kefir.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Apply the nourishing cocktail to your face for half an hour.

Cucumber-degree method

The basis of the composition. Fresh cucumber is the leader among vegetables in terms of the amount of nutrients beneficial to the epidermis. A mask made from this vegetable will relieve the dermis of age spots and redness. This mixture is especially effective when in contact with oily skin.

The essence of the procedure

  1. Grind one small cucumber in a blender or on a grater.
  2. Add to vegetable puree three teaspoons of vodka.
  3. Let the mixture sit for two to three hours.
  4. Apply the composition to your face for 20-25 minutes.

Sweet and sour mixture against freckles

The basis of the composition. Lemon is the leader in this recipe. A lemon mask will become a true friend for those with freckled skin. It will not only make freckles less noticeable, but will also help get rid of fine wrinkles and give your skin a radiant look.

The essence of the procedure

  1. Grind sugar and lemon juice in equal proportions (one tablespoon at a time).
  2. Pour half a glass of milk into the sweet and sour mixture.
  3. Apply to skin with a sponge or brush.
  4. The exposure time of this face whitening mask at home is a quarter of an hour.

Peroxide for stains

The basis of the composition. Hydrogen peroxide is very effective for whitening age spots, as well as in the fight against aging and dull complexion. However, you should not use this composition if there are wounds or other damage to the skin.

The essence of the procedure

  1. Pour two tablespoons of small rolled oats flakes with three tablespoons of warm milk. Leave to swell.
  2. Pour one teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the pulp.
  3. Mix. Gently apply to the face area, except the skin near the eyes.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with water.

Multi-ingredient recipe

The basis of the composition. The components of this mask - sour cream, aloe, honey - are rich in vitamins. In addition to the fact that they will help you get rid of even stagnant spots, they nourish the skin, rejuvenate it, and help eliminate acne, redness and peeling. Ideal for dry surfaces.

The essence of the procedure

  1. Take three tablespoons of sour cream and one tablespoon of oatmeal or bran.
  2. Mix one teaspoon of aloe juice into the mixture.
  3. Add two teaspoons each of turmeric and honey.
  4. Cover your face with the mixture.
  5. Exposure time: 20 minutes.

Honey and berry recharge

The basis of the composition. Natural acids found in many fruits and berries have the same whitening effect. The honey component is a salvation for dry skin, it makes it velvety and smooth.

The essence of the procedure

  1. Grind the red currant berries in a blender, take three tablespoons.
  2. Add a dessert spoon of liquid honey to the berry puree.
  3. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes.

Tomato “salad” for sunburn

The basis of the composition. In an effort to acquire an even “chocolate” skin color in the sun, we sometimes overdo it and end up with a too strong, unattractive tan on our face. Get rid of a tan, or rather, reduce its brightness and dark shade, tomatoes and sour milk will help.

The essence of the procedure

  1. Grind the tomato pulp using a grater.
  2. Add one tablespoon of sour cream to the tomato puree.
  3. Add one tablespoon of turmeric and the same amount of honey to the mixture.
  4. Enrich the mask with five drops of lemon juice.
  5. Cover your face with the mixture and leave for half an hour.

Due to natural ingredients, a brightening face mask at home not only has a whitening effect, but also nourishes the skin, promotes regeneration processes, and has a lifting effect. In addition to masks, you can use onion juice or dandelion juice to whiten your facial skin, which are especially effective in combating unsightly freckles. Just wipe the freckled areas with the squeezed extract three times a day.

More and more modern fashionistas are inclined to think that aristocratic pallor is not only beneficial for the face (it is scientifically proven that ultraviolet irradiation of the skin leads to the effect of photoaging), but also looks elegant, sophisticated, and chic.

Do you remember how poets of the 19th century praised white skin, like whipped sour cream, and artists looked for the ideal light milky tones for painting portraits of secular beauties of that time? Yes, yes, the fashion for tanned, as if fried, faces is becoming a thing of the past, giving way to light skin that glows from within with a matte pallor.

This is why in recent years there has been a boom in cosmetic procedures, aimed at lightening the skin, evening out color, and removing age spots. A whitening face mask at home is just the most popular way to meet modern trends and be, as young people say now, “in trend.”

The most popular mask ingredients with brightening properties

Preparing a skin lightening product for your face is quite simple. A number of common food products and medicinal products contain substances that have powerful whitening properties.

First of all, we are talking about acids of various concentrations that have the ability to neutralize skin pigment: fruit (malic, citric, acetic, tartaric, etc.), ascorbic, salicylic, resorcinol, lactic, kojic, azelaic, etc.

These compounds, upon contact with the skin, lighten it by 1-2 tones, and when applied locally, they even out the complexion by discoloring pigmented areas (spots during pregnancy, freckles, liver spots, age spots, etc.).

We list the most common products used in cosmetology when preparing whitening face masks at home:

  • citrus fruits, especially grapefruit, lime and lemon (juice, essential oil, pulp);
  • lemon acid;
  • strawberry;
  • gooseberry juice;
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • parsley (juice, gruel from ground leaves);
  • dandelions (gruel from leaves, aqueous extracts from the plant);
  • cabbage juice, sauerkraut;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • cucumber (juice, fruit pulp);
  • yeast (baker's fresh and dry, brewer's);
  • Apple vinegar.

Procedures with these products will not only whiten your face, but also qualitatively improve its condition, and will also help smooth out the surface after acne or sunburn, tightening pores, improving skin color and structure.

There are a great many variations of whitening compositions for the entire face and individual age spots. According to reviews from experienced cosmetologists, the most effective are compositions of several products that exhibit lightening properties.

However, before choosing one of the options below, you should carefully read the recommendations of specialists on performing whitening face masks at home:

  1. Be sure to consider your skin type and condition. Some, even the most harmless at first glance, components of the mask are quite aggressive, especially for dry, thin, aging skin.
  2. Do not perform lightening procedures more often than 2 times a week for oily, combination and normal skin, and 1 time per week for dry, flabby, thin skin.
  3. Plan whitening procedures only for the evening hours, since after removing the top layer of the epidermis, the skin needs time to recover, which takes place overnight.
  4. When carrying out any facial whitening procedures, be sure to apply sunscreens with a high UV factor before each exit to the street to prevent the appearance of burns, freckles and darkening of the epithelium.
  5. Before applying the whitening composition, perform a light exfoliation using a mild exfoliant. Removing dead cells of the upper skin layer promotes better penetration of lightening compounds and increases the effectiveness of the procedure.
  6. If you use a gauze or cloth pad during the procedure, be sure to cut holes in it for the lips and eyes, as the skin in these delicate areas should be free of the mask and open.
  7. To achieve a lasting effect, the course of procedures must be at least 10-12-14. Long breaks between masks do not contribute to obtaining the expected result.
  8. All whitening masks have a drying effect, so after completing the procedure, be sure to use a nourishing and deeply moisturizing cream, especially for dry skin.

Now let's move on to the recipes. We offer you a fairly large selection of whitening masks, from which you can determine for yourself the most effective ones by trial.

Whitening masks for oily skin

For oily, combination and problem skin, any mask that does not contain a fatty base can be used.

  • Horseradish with sour milk

Prepare a mixture of 50 ml of warmed sour milk, a tablespoon of oatmeal ground into flour and half a teaspoon of fresh horseradish root gruel. Place the compound between two layers natural fabric with slits for eyes and lips, apply the mask for 10-15 minutes. If a burning sensation occurs, interrupt the procedure.

  • Cucumber mask

Finely grated or pureed cucumber in a blender is applied to the entire face, including the lips and lower eyelids. Place 2 thin cucumber slices on the upper eyelids. Leave the mask on for at least 25 minutes and wash off with cool water.

Whitening masks for dry skin

To protect dry skin from the intense effects of active whitening ingredients, choose recipes that use vegetable oils, cream, sour cream or nourishing cream.

  • Parsley juice with sour cream

The mask not only whitens the face, but also nourishes, moisturizes, revitalizes, restores and rejuvenates dry, aging, aging skin. In a glass bowl, mix a tablespoon of full-fat homemade sour cream (at least 20%) and the same amount of freshly squeezed juice of aromatic parsley leaves.

The mask is kept on the face for up to 20 minutes, washed off with warm water, rinsed with parsley decoction (a tablespoon of the juice remaining after extracting the juice for the mask is steamed with 2/3 boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cooled and filtered).

  • Vegetable oil mask

To prepare the product, any first cold-pressed oil is suitable, for example, avocado oil, peach/apricot/grape seed oil, flaxseed oil, walnut. After such a mask, the skin is nourished with vitamins, fatty acids and microelements, becoming elastic and toned.

Place carrots puréed in a blender (1 peeled root vegetable) into a separate bowl, add an egg yolk, a dessert spoon of the chosen oil and 5-7 drops of lemon/lime juice. The mixture is kept on the face for 20 minutes, removed with a napkin soaked in warm water, gently blotting the face several times.

Works at any age!

Such masks are used exclusively on pigmented areas of the skin due to the presence of aggressive bleaches and peelings in them.

  1. Powder colorless henna dilute with tincture boric acid(3%) until sour cream thickens. Apply strictly to every freckle. Do not use on sensitive skin.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil with essential oil camphor tree. Add 3 drops of essential oil to 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil. The product is applied to problem areas of cleansed skin using an ear stick.
  3. Glycerin, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice. All components are taken in equal proportions.
  4. Onion juice and white 9% vinegar (1:1). Apply the product to each freckle.
  5. Dilute mustard powder with boiled water. The number of procedures is no more than 10, since mustard is quite an aggressive agent.

Whitening masks with lemon

Since citrus fruit has been used for centuries to lighten the skin, you can use both pulp, zest, juice, and essential lemon oil in masks, naturally, if you are not allergic to the tropical fruit. To give any mask a whitening effect, add 1-2 drops of pure ether for every 15 ml of composition.

The mixture works well fermented milk products and lemon juice (1:1). For oily skin use kefir or natural yogurt, for normal and dry skin use country sour cream. The mixture is kept on the face for a quarter of an hour and removed with cotton pads soaked in warm water and wrung out.

  • Complex cucumber mask with citric acid

A medium cucumber fruit crushed into pulp (the output is 2 tablespoons of cucumber mass) is mixed with ½ teaspoon of citric acid crystals and 1 teaspoon of crushed fresh parsley leaves. If necessary, add a little melt water to make the product more liquid. Leave the mask for 20 minutes and wash off with parsley decoction.

Whitening masks with hydrogen peroxide

Adding hydrogen peroxide (only 3%, do not use more concentrated preparations) to whitening compositions makes them much more effective.

  • Universal mask with peroxide (for all skin types)

The product is suitable for skin at any age, regardless of type. The only difference in preparation is that for oil-prone skin, low-fat cottage cheese is used, for normal skin - 5% fat content, for dry and aged skin - from 20% fat content or higher.

Thoroughly rub 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, mix with 15 ml of dry white wine, mashed egg yolk and 10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The composition is distributed over the skin in a thick layer using your fingertips. The procedure time is 20 minutes.

Good for oily skin yeast mask: mix a tablespoon of fresh yeast with peroxide (3%) until the consistency of thick kefir (at first the mixture foams a lot). Apply to face for 15-20 minutes.

For the dry type, yeast is diluted with milk, mineral water or sour cream, adding a few drops of lemon juice to the mask. The procedure time is from 10 to 15 minutes.

If you have freckles or want to lighten your skin several tones and even out the color to perfection, then homemade masks with a whitening effect are exactly what you need. Show patience and perseverance, and the result will not be long in coming within a few weeks. Youth and beauty to you, dear ladies!