Lesson plan for kindergarten preparatory group. Lesson summary for the preparatory school group “Getting to know the school. Preparatory group in kindergarten

Lesson summary for the preparatory school group “Getting to know school”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The material will be of interest to educators and additional education teachers. For children of senior preschool age.

Target: development of cognitive abilities.
- expand children’s vocabulary on the topic “school”;
- develop cognitive processes (elements of logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention), coherent speech;
- to cultivate in preschoolers a positive emotional attitude towards themselves, towards others and towards school;
- develop independence, the ability to work in a team, and the ability to negotiate.
Preliminary work.
- Memorizing poems, proverbs, asking riddles for school and school supplies.
- Reading fiction, conversations, looking at illustrations on the topic, learning outdoor games.
Pictures about school, pictures of schoolchildren, a disk with music about school.
Prizes: chocolate medals.

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Guys, you are already children of the preparatory group. What does this mean?
Educator: That's right, soon you will go to school and will be schoolchildren.
Listen to a poem about school.
What is school

School is a bright house,
We will study in it.
There we will learn to write,
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school:
About your beloved land,
About mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where do the rivers flow?
And what were the Greeks like?
And what kind of seas are there?
And how the Earth rotates.
The school has workshops...
There are countless interesting things to do!
And the call is fun.
That's what "school" means!
Educator: But in order to go to school, you need to find out what you know you can do. Do you think school is different from kindergarten?
Educator: What should you do when you enter the classroom?
Educator: That's right, and our guys prepared poems.

Child: These wonderful words
Everyone is very happy to hear.
Adults and children grow kinder,
And they rush to smile at everyone.
Child: Meet me, new conversation,
We'll start with "Hello".
A friend suddenly came for lunch -
Let's say "Hello" to him.
Child:“Good evening”, “Good afternoon”,
We are all not too lazy to talk!
"Good morning" we will say
Waking up in the morning, mom.
Educator: Do you think school rules are different from kindergarten rules?
Educator: Tell me your address, the address of your kindergarten?

Educator: How should you behave at school?
Educator: Tell us what you know about the school? How do you know when class starts?
Educator: And after the lesson, what do the children do?
Educator: That's right, they rest during recess. So I suggest you rest a little.

You can run and make noise (children run in place)
Recess, recess (children stand in a circle, clap their hands)
Take a good rest (kids jumping up and down)
Dance and sing songs (children dance)
You can sit down and be silent (they squat and become quiet)
Just - mind you! You can't be bored! (jump up)
Educator: Who works at the school?
Educator: What does the teacher do?
Educator: Well, let's go to school and start studying?
Educator: Your first task, you have cubes with letters on your tables. Try to put words out of them that are familiar to you.
The children are posting.

Educator: Now tell me the letters that make up the word SCHOOL.
Educator: Let's assemble this word from cubes. Each child collects one specific letter (we distribute the letters before work).

Educator: Look, there are pictures on the board, you need to find objects that start with the same letter.
Game: “Find words starting with the letter...”.

Educator: And now everyone stood up together, pricked up their ears and repeated the physical exercise (we repeat the movements according to the text).
We will all stand together now,
Let's all rest at the rest stop.
Turn right, turn left,
Bend over, rise up,
Paws up and paws to the side,
And jump and jump on the spot!
And now we’re skipping.
Well done, my bunnies!
Slow down the bunnies' pace,
And stand still! Like this!
And now we will sit down together:
We still need to work!
Educator: And now I’m reading riddles,
And I’ll count the answers.

- Multi-colored noses
They follow the paper themselves.
Their drawings are good.
What's this? (Pencils)
- He teaches me to read
From the letter A to the letter Z,
It is not an atlas, not a dictionary,
What's his name? (primer)
- It has become a home for little hands.
It's called... (pencil case)
- We sat down at our desks together,
Mouths shut:
During recess we made noise,
And now we have... (lesson)
- Notebooks and pens, textbook, sharpener -
In the evening, collect everything and check it.
After all, you are going to school, not fishing,
Therefore, it must be collected... (briefcase)
- We will open a wonderland,
And we will meet the heroes.
In the lines
On the leaves,
Where are the stations at the points. (book)
Educator: Since you are already future schoolchildren, I want to listen to your short stories on the topic: “From the window, from the window - our school is visible.”
Children write short stories.
Educator: There are houses on the easel, and in each house there is a window, we need to place a figure in this window. You also have houses on your tables with certain figures and windows.
Game: "Find your house."

Educator: Let's play a game "One is many."
I name one object, and you name many objects. For example: pencil - pencils.
Pen - …,
Ruler - …,
Eraser - ...,
Desk -…,
Student - …,
Deuce -...,
Letter -...etc.
Educator: You seem to know the letters and remember your school supplies, but can you count? I offer you some puzzles for your mind.
There is 1 boy sitting at the desk, and 1 girl is sitting next to him. How many children are sitting at a desk?
Educator: There were 3 apples, they were divided in half. How many people can apples feed?
Educator: We need a red pencil of blue color and green. How many pencils did we take?
Educator: Physical exercise “Soon to school”
We'll be going to school soon (walking)
And we’ll take the briefcase with us (rhythmic clapping)
At school we will read (turn heads to the right, left)
At school we will write (fingers say hello)
And study all the best! (show 5 fingers)
Educator: Let's consolidate the material covered. I ask questions and you answer “Yes” or “No.”

- Do we go to school to play?
- Or get straight A's?
- Shall we sleep during class?
- Or play with dolls?
- Will we offend our friends?
- Will we respect teachers?
- Shall we give the diary to the teacher?
- Will we read every day?
- Shall we rest during the break?
- And we will start studying again?
Educator: I liked the way you worked today. Listen to the poem.
Child: Everyone will say goodbye
When leaving, “Goodbye” to everyone.
It's time for a friend to leave -
We'll say "Bye" to him.
Educator: So we say “Goodbye” to our lesson today, I thank you for the lesson and give everyone medals, although only chocolate ones for now.
Independent activities of children on the topic “School”.

Lexico-grammatical lesson in preparatory school speech therapy group on the topic "Kindergarten". The material selected for the lesson is appropriate for the age of the children, is easy to understand, full of play and clarity, and involves the active activity of children. Presentation, artistic expression, speech exercises, which contributed to the accumulation and refinement of children's vocabulary. Attention was paid to the development of learning skills in children: the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher, to work at a certain pace.

Lexico-grammatical lesson on the topic: “Kindergarten”

Integration of educational areas:

  • "Cognitive Development"
  • “Socio-communicative development”,
  • "Physical development".

"Speech development":

1. To form in children an understanding of the speech addressed to them in a visual situation;

2. Learn to answer the questions posed (show, action, word).

"Cognitive development":

1. Develop ideas about the purpose of kindergarten premises;

2. Clarify children’s knowledge about the professions of kindergarten employees.

“Social and communicative development”:

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in kindergarten.

"Physical development":

1. Develop gross motor skills.


  • subject and subject pictures.

Progress of OOD

1. Open entry into activities.

The speech therapist calls the children and says hello.

2. Introductory - organizational.

The speech therapist asks the children to say their first and last name.

3. Motivation for activity.

Today we will talk about kindergarten, why it is needed, who works in it.

4. Expansion of existing knowledge.

Who knows the name of our kindergarten?

Guys, tell me, who brings you to kindergarten?

But this is our group. What is it called? Here we will play, study, eat, sleep.

Who can tell me who works in our group? Who will read fairy tales to you?

Teachers, what are their names?

And I guys will talk to you a lot. I work as a speech therapist in a kindergarten. My name is ….

Let's remember what the name of the assistant teacher is?

What is a speech therapist, teacher, assistant teacher? (These are professions.)

Group tour:

What room does our group start from?

There are lockers in the locker room. In the locker room they undress, change clothes and shoes, and then go to the group.

What other premises are there in our group?

Our group room is large and bright, it has several zones.

In the study area there are tables and a blackboard hanging. Here we will sculpt, draw, glue, do mathematics, and learn to speak correctly. Etc.

What other facilities are there in our kindergarten?

5. Dynamic pause.

Turn right, turn left,
Stretch yourself higher,
Bend down lower
Stretch yourself up again.
And now we'll walk,
Jump up and rest.

6. Getting to know new material.

Exercise “Look, think and answer”

Who works in our group?

What are the teachers' names?

What do teachers do? (The teacher teaches children to count, draw, sculpt. The teacher walks with the children, reads books to them, teaches them to be friends.)

What is the name of the speech therapist?

What does a speech therapist do? (The speech therapist teaches children to speak correctly and beautifully. Teaches children to read and write)

What is the name of the assistant teacher?

What does a teacher's assistant do? (The assistant teacher helps the teacher raise the children. He washes the dishes, helps the children get dressed, teaches how to set the table for dinner, and maintains order in the group.)

7. Practical activities.

The game “Who needs it and why?”

On the board are pictures of a book, a mirror, a bucket of water.

Who needs this and why?

A speech therapist needs a mirror to teach children to pronounce sounds correctly.

The teacher's assistant needs a bucket of water to wash the floor.

8 . Open exit from activity.

D/i “What’s their name?”

Now everyone stand in a circle and let’s play the game “Whose name is it?”

There are a lot of kids here today
Let's remember who's name is?
Let's remember what the names of your friends and comrades are?

Look carefully

Say his (her) name.

Bikmaeva A.N.,
teacher speech therapist

Natalia Novikova
Lesson notes in preparatory group“Kindergarten is my second family”

Subject: « Kindergarten is my second family» .

Integration of educational regions: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development.


Expand children's understanding of group which they visit, about the employees kindergarten. – to form the experience of children’s activities by answering the teacher’s questions in complete sentences.

Develop the ability to think, analyze, and draw conclusions. Reinforce knowledge on the topic of vowel sounds.

Activate children's speech, teach the correct use of nouns with other parts of speech.

Develop gross and fine motor skills.

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal

Materials and equipment:

Logics educational activities

No. Activities of the teacher Activities of children Expected results

1. Game moment.

Do you love traveling?

Today we are going on a journey through our group and kindergarten.

What can you go on a trip with? (you can go by train or on foot)

What other transport can you use to travel? (on the ship

Children answer the teacher's questions

Conditions have been created for the development of auditory attention

2. Finger gymnastics

Friendly guys

They are friends in our group

Girls and boys.

We'll make friends with you

Little fingers.

One two three four five.

One two three four five,

Conditions have been created for the development of motor skills

3. We will go traveling on a sailing yacht

But we stand still. Why do you think?

In order for the wind to appear, you need to perform breathing exercise: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Our yacht sailed, and the wind helped us.

Corner " (book corner)

There are books here about guys,

About puppies and piglets,

About the fox, about the bunny

And a fluffy kitten.

And about the greedy boy

A clubfooted, forest bear.

Children perform breathing movements

Children look at books in the book corner

4 A strong wind blew and our boat sailed on

Corner “Visiting a fairy tale” (theatrical activity corner)

Let's go friends

Into the miracle - the fairy tale “You and Me!”

To the theater of puppets and animals,

For girls and boys!

There is a magic screen here,

There are countless fairy tales here. Where we have this corner in the bedroom, here we also have a music corner

Children's excursion around the theater corner

5 6. Didactic game "One is many".

Invite the children to find and name what is in group on one subject, and what a lot.

Children playing a game

6 Physical education minute

« Kindergarten» .

We come to kindergarten(walking in place)

There are toys there.

Steam locomotive (imitation of the movement of a steam locomotive,

Steamboat ( "roof over your head")

They are waiting for the guys.

There's pictures on the wall (draw a frame in the air)

And flowers on the window (made a bud from your fingers and opened it).

I want -

I'll gallop (gallop in place)

On a toy horse!

Children perform movements as shown by the teacher

7 10. Didactic exercise "Let's put things in order group» .

The teacher invites the children to tell where which toy is located in group, and introduce the saying “Every thing has its place” children choose one toy from groups

Children choose one toy from groups and tell about it, where it is and what it is needed for.

8 11. Game: “You tell me, and we’ll guess”.

Each called child must tell about who is shown in the photo, without naming his specialty, what he does, what he has in his office, what tools, and the rest of the children must guess the name, patronymic, profile of the employee kindergarten

9 Summary The children remember that. what did they do in the nursery?

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Target: development of cognitive activity, creativity and interpersonal interaction skills with peers and adults. (Slide 2)

Program content:

1. Develop logical, figurative, conceptual, creative thinking; imagination, auditory, visual memory, attention and speech of children.
2. Teach children the ability to listen and hear others.
3. Continue to teach children to use facial expressions, pantomime and voice in communication.
4. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.
5. Foster the desire and ability to cooperate, take into account and respect the interests of others, and the ability to find common solutions.
6. Arouse kind feelings in children towards each other.
7. Build feelings of confidence.
8. Contribute to the full development of the child’s personality through self-expression and creativity.

Material: presentation for the lesson, interactive whiteboard, sheets of pages from a book, tape recorder, audio cassettes with music, felt-tip pen.

Handout: sheets of white paper with 5 circles drawn, pencils.

Preliminary work: reading Nosov’s fairy tale “The Adventure of Dunno.”

Individual work:

  • expand vocabulary: Internet, computer, encyclopedia
  • enter active dictionary: rebus, crossword.


I. Organization of the start of the lesson


Hello, kids!
Girls and boys!

Children: Hello.


Our occupation is unusual,
Even very symbolic.
Do you guys like to travel?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. (Slide 3) Today I invite you to visit the fabulous land of Knowledge. Imagine, in this country, everyone greets differently. They have their own traditions. If you want, I'll teach you! (Slide 4). If I clap once, you need to greet each other with your palms, if you clap twice, with your fingers, three times, you need to bow to each other. Rule: you must perform each action with a new partner. One, two, three, start the game!
– Guys, where do you think we get Knowledge from?

Children: From books, encyclopedias, the Internet (computer), assignments, from educational films, from adults. (Slide 5).

Teacher: Yes, a really important assistant in obtaining Knowledge is a book. (Slide 6). What kind of books are there?

Children: The book is new, interesting, library, ancient, children's, colorful, fabulous

Teacher: Well done! You came up with a lot of words. (Slide 7). And today, this fabulous book will help us get into the Land of Knowledge. (Slide 8). Now we will open it, but it will not open. Guys, something is written here: “To open a “magic book” for you, think and choose the correct answer from the four proposed words?

a) abra, kadabra;
b) snip, snap, snura,
c) hop, hep, lalalei,
d) sim-sim open.

Children: Sim-sim, open up!

Teacher: Let's say these words together loudly: One, two, three.

Children: Sim-sim, open up! (Slide 9).

Teacher: (music sounds) Well, guys, let's go to the fairyland of Knowledge. (Slide 10). Oh, be careful, the path is very narrow. Let's walk carefully and calmly. Suddenly puddles appeared. We go around the puddles... One... second... third... What is this? The bridge is so steep, we only go one at a time. Carefully…. And now a tree has fallen across the path, how huge it is! Branches in all directions!… We climb over the fallen tree…. Wow! Finally they arrived. Oh, guys, look, what is this?

Children: So these are leaves from a book; they are scattered (Slide 11).

Teacher: That's right, these are pages from our “Magic Book”. – 1,3,5….All the pages are mixed up. The pages are not simple; there is something drawn on them. What do you think it is? What should be done with them?

Children: Assemble the book piece by piece.


We won't just collect
A book of leaflets, but
Let's complete the tasks
To gain Knowledge.

- Yes, guys? We will definitely try to complete all the tasks, then our “Magic Book” will be assembled. And invites everyone to sit on chairs (semicircle). Good luck!


So, first page? (Slide 12)
Who lives here?
Neither beast nor bird.
Lives - a warm-up for the guys.

Page 1: Brainstorming game

  • Lemons are sour and sugar... (Slide 13)
  • In the morning we have breakfast, and at lunchtime...(Slide 14)
  • What are more apples or apple trees? (Slide 15)
  • Who has more paws, two cats or two dogs? (Slide 16)
  • Moscow, Salekhard is...? (Slide 17)
  • Perch, crucian carp...? (Slide 18)
  • In a year... 24 months, 12 months, 3 months, 4 months. (Slide 19)
  • Trees always have... leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, shadows. (Slide 20)


You've completed the warm-up.
Okay, great!
What awaits us on the second page?
What shall we start?

Page 2: game “Pair to Pair”

Teacher: Guys, look at the picture. (Slide 21). So this is the task. Be careful! Drawn at the top left costume And roll of fabric. There is a connection between them, as you understand?: the suit is made from fabric. Drawn on the right house. You need to select an object for it that would have the same connection with it. Carefully look at the items located at the bottom of the card, choose?

Children: Bricks.

Teacher: As a result, we get two pairs of objects: the suit is made from fabric(first pair) a the house is built of bricks(second pair).
Now, let’s train our abilities to act in our minds.
A couple of words are given: Skates Winter. How do you understand?
And now for the word Boat choose only one word out of five that will also relate to the word “boat”, like “winter” to the word “skates”.

Children: Summer.

Teacher: Let's check if you completed the task correctly (look at the board). (Slide 22). Well done! You are very attentive! We did a good job on this task.

Here's the third page
We managed to turn: (Slide 23).
A very interesting one awaits us
Long, long, good journey.

Page 3: game “What is common and what is different?”

Teacher: Guys, prove to me as much as possible how they are similar to each other and how they are different.” airplane and bird"?


– “the plane and the bird” – they fly, they have wings, the bird’s beak and the plane’s nose are sharp...;
– “airplane” – blue, big size, it carries people, it is made of iron, it is filled with gasoline...;
- "bird" - Living being, brown in color, small in size, she has feathers, gets her own food….

Teacher: Well done!

On page four
Let's rest just a little. (Slide 24).
Let's play and dance
And again, quickly, hit the road.

Page 4: game “Dance how?”

Teacher: (music sounds) I'll wave with a magic wand, and you turn and dance into beautiful, colorful butterflies; now fish; flowers; Now dance in pairs: dance of Christmas tree decorations, dance of funny people, dance of beautiful swans.

Children: (dancing)


Here's page number five.
Should I tell you about her? (Slide 25).

Page 5: game “Solve puzzles”

Teacher: Rebus is a riddle in which a word is encrypted using pictures, figures or signs. Please look at the board, we are offered puzzles. Time for each puzzle is limited, only 30 seconds. Be careful, let's start.

Children: kidney, thunderstorm, mole, rainbow.

Teacher: Great! Well done! Work together!

The next page is rushing towards us
The task tells us something new. (Slide 26).

Page 6: game “Inventor”

Teacher:- How to use a simple pencil.


Teacher: Of course, first of all, it is intended for drawing. Try to invent a new use for a pencil. Passing the pencil to each other, and without saying a word, use it to depict whatever gestures, facial expressions, movements, try to convey your attitude towards it. And we will guess out loud. A psychologist imitates playing the violin...

Children: Violin; pointer; drum sticks; guitar; a stick stirring something in a jar; police stick (rod); the baton that the conductor waves...


Now it's time for us to be
Inventors! Yes Yes!
You have a piece of paper with 5 mugs on your tables.
In response, I expect drawings from you,
Turn the circle into interesting objects...

Children:(draw) the sun, face, plate, wheel, globe, Christmas tree decoration– ball, aquarium, ball, donut, clock...

Teacher: Let's check who's mugs have turned into similar objects; you'll raise your hand. (Slide 27). Fabulous! Go ahead

The house is worth a teremok
He's not low, he's not high
All the windows in it are burning,
“Come in!” They say. (Slide 28).
The letters settled in it
If you invite friends
It will immediately become more fun.

Page 7: Crossword game

Teacher: Crossword is a task game. For example, I tell you a riddle, I will write down your answer in the first row, I fill in the letters in these squares. Rule: How many cells, so many letters should be in this row.

1. The girl who lost her glass slipper at the ball. ( Z gannet)
2. Alyonushka’s naughty brother. (Willow n abalone)
3. Girl with blue eyes. (M A lion)
4. The commander of the washbasins and the commander of the washcloths. (Mo th dodyr)
5. Postman of the village of Prostokvashi no. (Pech To in)
6. Friend of the crocodile Gena (Chebur A shka).

Teacher: What happened? (Slide 29).

Children: Znayka(children read).

Teacher: Wonderful!

Music sounds, Znayka appears(Slide 30).

Znayka: Hello my friends!

I'm so glad to see you!
I'm happy for you!
I saw everything through a telescope
You guys did your best.
Well done!
I believe the path was difficult, but also interesting,
And also a surprise for you:
The biggest prize awaits you.
If you answer my last question
“If I were a Book, then I would…., because…. »

– If I were the Book, then I would teach all the children to read, because you don’t have to ask mom and dad to read.
– If I were a Book, then I would be covered in pictures and thick, because you learn a lot of new and useful things.
– If I were a Book, then I would be fabulous, because it is ancient.

III. Lesson summary

Teacher: Well done! So we have collected for you all the pages from our “Magic Book”. Wonderful, you did a great job! Did you enjoy traveling?

Children: (answers).

Teacher: What did you like most? Which task is the most?

Children: (answers).

Teacher: How did you feel in fairyland?

Children: (answers).

Teacher: Znayka really liked it, you did a great job . He gave each of you a very interesting, educational encyclopedia. We also present medals and certificates. (Slide 31).

Summary of an open lesson on experimental research activities in the preparatory group, topic: “Soon we will go to school - what will we study there?”

Prepared by: teacher of the highest qualification category Svetlana Alekseevna Davydova.


Teach preschoolers to develop research skills: identify a problem, collect information, observe, analyze, generalize, conduct experiments, draw conclusions.
Develop an interest in exploration and experimentation.
Determine the most effective ways dissolving substances in water.
Establish a connection between the structure of a bird's feather and its function.
Bring children to the conclusion about the need for stereoscopic vision for humans, to form knowledge about proper care behind the eyes, teach how to relieve eye fatigue (from accommodative stress).
Establish the relationship between distance from the Sun and the temperature of the planets.
Explain to children through experience that the earth has a gravitational force.
To consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand.
Enrich children's active vocabulary.
Develop the ability to draw conclusions from research results and clearly express your thoughts.
To promote the development of children's cognitive activity, curiosity, observation, desire for independent knowledge and reflection.
Motivate children to study at school, interest them in various school subjects.


Audio recording of a school bell.
Paintings " solar system", "Desert".
Textbooks “biology”, “chemistry”, “physics”, “geography”, “anatomy”, “astronomy”.
Magnifying glasses, flight and down feathers.
Two glasses of water for each child, spatulas, pipettes, containers with dissolved paint.
Sheets of paper, pens with caps, pictures depicting children sitting correctly and incorrectly at the table, caring for their eyes.
Desk lamp.
Satchel, notebook, pen, ruler, eraser, diary, pencil, textbook, album, colored pencils, doll, bottle with pacifier.
Plastic plates with sand, empty plates, wooden balls, table tennis balls, balls rolled from napkins, oilcloth.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys! Please tell me which group are you from? (Children's answers). From the preparatory group. This means you are the most mature among the kindergarten children. Tell me, what kind of classes do you have? (Children's answers). But very soon it will be time to say goodbye to kindergarten. Why? (Children's answers). Because you will become schoolchildren. There are no classes at school. Instead of them -... lessons. Many different school subjects you will learn in class.

What is this sound?

(The bell rings).

It rings, rings, rings,
He tells a lot of people:
Then sit down and study,
Then get up and go away.
What was that ringing?

(Children's answers).

It's a school bell. He announces the beginning and end of the lesson. And now we will fast forward to the future: imagine that you are already schoolchildren, studying at school and studying many interesting school subjects in class.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a chemistry lesson. (Show textbook). Chemistry is the science of substances and how they behave in different conditions. In chemistry lessons you will learn why some substances do not want to mix, while others dissolve, and others explode when mixed.

Now you can feel like students in a chemistry lesson.

Chemistry lesson - “How do substances dissolve in water?”

Using a pipette, drop paint into one glass of water. What do you see? (Children's answers). The drop dissolves slowly and unevenly in the water.
Add paint to another glass of water and stir with a spatula. What do you see? (Children's answers). The paint dissolved quickly.
What conclusion can be drawn from what you saw? (Children's answers). If we want to quickly and evenly dissolve a substance in water, we need to stir it.
IN ordinary life How do we use knowledge of this feature of the dissolution of substances in water? (Children's answers). Stir sugar in tea or salt in soup.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to biology class. (Show textbook). Biology is the science that studies all living things. In biology lessons you will learn a lot of interesting things about different plants, about the largest inhabitants of the planet - whales and the smallest - microbes.

Now let’s imagine ourselves in a biology lesson and talk about birds.

Biology lesson - “How are bird feathers arranged?”

Birds need different feathers. Here is a flight feather and a down feather. Let's look at them. What can you say about the size of the feathers? (Children's answers). The flight feather is much larger than the down feather.

Let the flight feather fall and watch it fall. How did it fall? (Children's answers). Slowly, smoothly circling. Now do the same with the down feather. How did it fall? (Children's answers). Even slower.

Now let's look at the shaft of each feather. What is the difference? (Children's answers). The flight feather has a thick rod that is empty inside. Down feathers have a thin, soft shaft.

Flick the flight feather and down feather. How did you feel? (Children's answers). The flight feather cuts the air sharply, with sound. A down feather does not cut through the air.
Examine the feathers through a magnifying glass. Notice how the feather hairs are positioned relative to each other. In the flight feather the hairs are interlocked with each other, while in the down feather the hairs are located separately.

Let's think about why birds need such feathers? (Children's answers).

Conclusion: the flight feather and the down feather are different. The flight feather helps the bird fly, and the down feather helps it retain heat.

(The bell rings).

And this bell calls not to class, but to recess!

Dynamic pause “Change”

Children line up in a column, the first child has a backpack, the last has a set of objects, which he passes one at a time to the one in front. When the item reaches the first child, he makes a decision: should he put this item in his backpack, or does the student not need it? The assembled backpack is transferred in reverse order.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to an anatomy lesson. (Show textbook). Anatomy is the science that studies the human body. In anatomy lessons you will learn what determines a child’s hair color, how many bones a person has, and how the heart works.

Imagine yourself in an anatomy lesson.

Anatomy lesson - “Why does a person need two eyes?”

I wonder why a person needs two eyes? What if there was one big eye?
Let's find out how many eyes are better, two or one?
Place a blank sheet of paper in front of you, take a pen and make a dot on the sheet. Now stand up and try to quickly hit the drawn point with your pen. Happened? (Children's answers). It's easy to do.

Now do the same, covering one eye with your hand. What do you think? Was it easy to complete this task?
Let's try another experiment: remove the cap from the pen and quickly put it back on. Are you having difficulties? (Children's answers). No. This is a simple task. Now remove the cap from the pen, close one eye and quickly put the cap on the pen. What about this time? (Children's answers). The task was not so easy to complete.

This is because our eyes transmit two pictures to the brain that are slightly different from each other.
So how many eyes does a person need? (Children's answers). Two eyes.

You need to protect your eyes. Look at the pictures.

Who takes proper care of their eyes? Why? (Children's answers). Why can't you rub your eyes with your hands? Your hands may be dirty and dirt will get into your eyes. Cross out the wrong picture.
Now tell me, who sits correctly at the table, a boy or a girl? Why? (Children's answers). Cross out the wrong picture. You cannot lean close to a book or notebook. The eyes get tired quickly when they look at what is close to them. And if your eyes get tired of looking at what is close, then you need to look at ... (children's answers) - distant. Like what? (Children's answers). To the sky outside the window, to the ceiling.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to an astronomy lesson. (Show textbook). Astronomy, what is this science about? "Astra" translated from Greek means "star". So what does the science of astronomy study? (Children's answers). Astronomy - the science of stars and all celestial bodies: planets and their satellites, comets and many others.

Imagine yourself in an astronomy lesson.

Astronomy Lesson - "Far and Close"

Take a look at the picture. (Show).

This is what the solar system looks like. Here is our planet, which is called what? Earth. And the Sun is a star.

What is the sun
If they ask you,
Answer boldly -
Hot gas.

Let's imagine that the switched on lamp is the hot Sun. Squeeze two fists - these will be planets. Now bring one fist close to the sun lamp and the other fist away from the lamp. How did you feel? (Children's answers). The closer the fist is to the lamp, the warmer it is. The farther from the lamp, the more the rays diverge to the sides and the less of them fall on the fist.

What about the planets? Which ones are hot and warm, and which ones are cold. (Children's answers).

The closer a planet is to the Sun, the hotter it is, and the further a planet is from the Sun, the colder it is. Show us the hottest planet. (Show). Show me the coldest planet. (Show). And our planet is located not very close and not very far from the Sun. And only the dear Earth is suitable for habitation in every way.

(The bell rings).

Physical education lesson

In physical education lessons you will become acquainted with different types sports, you will become strong, agile, fast. Now let's practice.

Physical exercise “Let’s play sports”

(Children perform movements to the music according to the text and the teacher’s demonstration).

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a physics lesson. (Show textbook). Physics is the science of the laws of nature. In physics lessons you will learn why planes fly, why some objects float and others sink.

Now let's imagine ourselves in a physics lesson and try to figure out why everything falls down.

Physics lesson - “Why does everything fall to the ground?”

The earth has a gravitational force. Everything we throw up will fall down to the ground. Having jumped, we will also fall down. But now we will try to find out how the earth attracts different objects.

Stand next to a plate filled with sand. Take three balls in your hand: wooden, plastic, paper. Which one is the heaviest? The easiest? (Children's answers).

Raise it higher and release the balls one by one so that they fall onto the sand. Pay attention which one will fall faster - will be attracted to the ground, and which one will be slower. Also pay attention to the mark left by the ball in the sand where it fell.

Tell us about the results of your observations. (Children's answers).
The lighter the object, the slower it falls - it is attracted to the ground. Heavy objects hit harder. The impact is stronger if the object falls from a greater height, then the depression in the sand increases.

Conclusion: all objects are attracted by the earth and fall, but with different strength and speed.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a geography lesson. (Show textbook).

Geography lesson

- “Geo” translated from Greek means “Earth”. Geography is the science of the Earth, the surface of planet Earth. On the most interesting lessons geography, you can get acquainted with all corners of the planet - hot Africa, icy Antarctica, mysterious Australia.

Guys, do you know what this is? (Show. Children's answers). This is a globe.

We will find cities and seas,
Mountains, parts of the world.
Fits on it
The whole planet.

What do the colors on the globe mean? Green color? (Children's answers). Green color means forests. White color? (Children's answers). Ice and snow. Brown color? (Children's answers). Mountains. What about yellow? (Children's answers). Deserts.

Show the large African Sahara Desert on the globe. (The child is called).

This is what we will talk about sandy deserts.

What is a desert? (Children's answers). A piece of land covered with sand. What word does this name “desert” come from? Listen to the word. (Children's answers). From the word "empty". And why? Because almost nothing grows or lives in the desert. But why? There is no water in the desert. There is a lot of sand that can flow. Like this? Let's try to figure it out.

Pour the sand into an empty plate. Just try to sprinkle it in a trickle in one place. What happened? (Children's answers). A sand hill formed where the sand fell. The sand slides, as if flowing down the slopes of the hill.
Now let's try to depict the wind. How can I do that? (Children's answers). Blow on the sand? (Children's answers). Blow lightly onto the sand. What happened? (Children's answers). The sand began to move.

Let's try to figure out why rivers don't flow through deserts. Use a pipette to pour water onto the sand. What happened? (Children's answers). The sand absorbed the water. Even if it rains in the desert, the water is instantly absorbed by the sand.
So why is there almost no water, plants or animals in the desert? (Children's answers). The sand is constantly moving, water is quickly absorbed by the sand.

Our lesson has come to an end. We haven’t had time to talk about many interesting sciences that you will study at school. You have many interesting discoveries ahead. I wish you to gain a lot of knowledge and a lot of good grades at school. Thank you! Goodbye!