Burned hair with keratin straightening. Cocochoco keratin hair straightening - “reanimated even irreversibly burnt hair, making it soft, manageable and beautiful. (photo inside) ". Keratin straightening cannot be done on your own at home.

The haircut is not very important for the procedure. More important is the general condition of the hair and the health of the head. Too weakened hair follicles may not be able to withstand the severity of the procedure.

Try to bring your health back to normal, and only then undergo keratinization to avoid any risks to your hair and appearance generally.

What strands do they do?

Thick, thin, damaged hair gets very tangled when washed or worn loose. Keratin hair straightening can save them from permanent injury by styling methods, as well as help beauties save time for more important things.

First of all, any type of hair with which the master begins to work is processed, the sebum is washed off from the scalp, the hair is washed and gently dried, and then the process of applying the composition takes place. Keratin can transform even the most damaged hair and give it a new, wonderful life.

Pros and cons for different curls

Can blondes be straightened?

Straightening can be done for people with colored hair... This is especially recommended for dyed blondes, whose hair, burned by lightening, looks lifeless. After the procedure, the hair becomes soft and smooth, as if it had never been exposed to aggressive action.

Some keratin formulations are extremely beneficial for colored hair, imparting new colors to the color, creating a healthier and more concise look.

How to do on extended curls?

Keratinizing strands after extension is possible, but it is a very complex and time-consuming process that can only be performed by an experienced master. The difficulty lies in the uneven structure of the hair, so the specialist needs to be extremely careful when choosing a product, because it is important that the entire appearance of the hair is uniform.

Harder to straighten synthetic braids... This is a more laborious process, which is fraught with a lot of pitfalls for inexperienced craftsmen. Therefore, in the presence of extended strands, choose a master with experience so that the result ultimately leaves only a pleasant impression.

The best result will be achieved if a specialist applies one composition to natural hair, and the other on the extended strands.

What is the result on discolored?

Most often, negative reviews can be heard from owners of thin or bleached hair. The result is not as long-lasting as the salons that advertise their keratin hair straightening services claim. Of course, it all depends on the type of hair. But still you should be careful after any procedures that affect the condition of the hair... Consult with a specialist who will select a product for you that can make your hair more vibrant and not harm it.

Keratin on thin strands

It is not recommended to do the procedure on thin, brittle and weak hair due to the fact that weakened hair follicles may not withstand the weight that will occur after straightening.

In this case, your hair may just start to come out. And their recovery will be tedious and time-consuming.

Before proceeding with keratin, it is worth curing your hair by contacting a trichologist.

Applying the composition to bleached curls

Application of the composition with keratin after any experiments with hair is possible... Including after clarification. The main factor is just how badly your hair is damaged. If it's just minor damage, keratin will help smooth it out and give your hair an even more beautiful and renewed look. But if lightening has become stressful for you, then it is better to wait until the scalp returns to normal and only then start straightening.

Description of the procedure and photos before and after


Often, girls with short haircuts have more styling problems, because naughty hair requires a lot of attention and time. But keratin can help them find the look that will no longer annoy the charming fashionista. The main thing is to keep the volume. To do this, it is better to step back a little from the roots when applying the composition to the hair. And then you get beautiful, healthy-looking hair that doesn't look like you haven't washed your hair.

And for those young ladies who want short hair, but not sure if this is possible with curly curls - the way out is just in keratin.

Having straightened your hair with the composition, you can easily try on the most daring and catchy image that will conquer not only you, but also those around you.


Long hair often has the ability to frizz at the ends and splits.... To achieve the best possible keratinization effect, you should trim the unruly ends before coating with the formula, and then you can appreciate the new, fresh and vivid image with a perfectly smooth surface hairline.


Curly and curly hair before the procedure, they look extremely voluminous and magnificent, like a lion's mane at times. Thanks to keratin, the hair at first gets a less voluminous, well-groomed smooth appearance, but with residual waves.

If your hair is very curly, then even the strongest composition will not be able to straighten it in absolutely one phase of straightening.

When repeated, the hair will shine and shine with a mirror shine, giving you the unforgettable pleasure of your new look.


It is difficult to overestimate the help of keratin in the fight against hair disobedience. The development of the composition has helped many women take a break from their daily styling, without losing their beauty and gaining a lot of time to do what they love.

Keratin straightening-hair restoration is best procedure hair care... Thanks to this procedure, you can get rid of curls, frizz, brittle and dull hair, as well as against the section of the ends. Keratin hair restoration makes your life easier by eliminating the need for permanent and long styling. After the procedure, you don't need to do anything special: you washed your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo and dried it with a hairdryer. Everything! And your hair looks great for months.

Keratin straightening is hazardous to health! Or not?!

How does keratin affect hair?

The effect of keratin on hair is as follows: formulations that contain oils, keratin and all kinds of plant extracts "penetrate" the hair, fill the voids in the hair structure, nourish the hair. With an iron, all formulations are "sealed" and remain in the hair from two to six months, depending on the structure and quality of the hair. Also, depending on the selected composition.

Keratin straightening hair restoration - safe!

Keratin is a POISON! Keratin is dangerous! Keratin is harm! Keratin contains formaldehyde!

Keratin contains formaldehyde, is it dangerous? Does Keratin Burn Hair?

Almost every day I hear questions of this type: is keratin dangerous? Is keratin poison? Does formaldehyde cause cancer? To be honest, it just annoys me to the point of impossibility. Fables about the harm and terrible effects on the body were invented by people who do not know anything about this procedure. People from the row - I was sitting on the couch, read something, somewhere and thought up and OPLA “I am a couch expert”. I hear a ringing, I don't know where he is.

Or they do not respond well to keratin hair restoration those who fell into the hands of masters - clumsy hands-ons (whose hands are really from the fifth point). Thanks to such hands for the masters and their negligent attitude to the technology of the procedure, the hair of the clients deteriorates. And all why? But because the technology of keratin hair restoration was violated, the hair was not completely dried after applying keratin, then they began to work with an iron at too high a temperature and therefore the hair began to literally "boil" (water boils, meaning the water on the hair, which was not completely dry - ed.), and after it the process of hair destruction began. The client came out with "beautiful" hair from the master, and at this moment the process of hair destruction is underway.

Or complaints come from people - all who can, all who know, who they themselves buy formulations for keratin straightening-hair restoration and make keratin at home, and after an unsuccessful procedure, they begin to write in publics / groups / forums / on the pages of the masters in the instagram that your keratin is bad shit and my hair is now bad shit from it. And there are many, many such people.

UPD .: The other day my new article was published, about CocoChoco and CocoChoco Gold - in it I talk about these formulations and the amount of formaldehyde in them. Recommend:)

Every day I receive messages with questions:

- “And how can I make myself keratin hair straightening at home

- "Where to order the composition for keratin?"

- “I want to do keratin hair straightening at home for my clients. Can I do this at home? "

It is forbidden! Keratin straightening should only be done by a professional master. And only in a beauty salon! And the point!

After keratin restoration, your hair will be PERFECT!

Principles of keratin hair straightening technology (for any composition).

Hair is washed 2-3 times with special deep cleansing shampoos before keratin hair straightening. Each brand of composition for keratin hair restoration has its own special shampoo.

After washing, the hair is dried one hundred (!) Percent! The exception is hair botox.

The keratin composition, according to the technology, is applied along the entire length of the hair. On the roots of the keratin composition, DO NOT apply!

We are waiting the right time for a deeper penetration of the keratin composition into the hair (each brand of keratin has its own exposure time, read the instructions - ed.).

Dry your hair completely. 100%!

We straighten hair using the ironing technology, at a certain temperature, depending on the brand and composition of keratin (read the instructions carefully).

After completing all the points outlined above - you will get the hair of your dreams! Your hair will be perfect!

Keratin straightening-hair restoration. Before and after.

About the content and hazards of formaldehyde.

Now there are a lot of varieties of compositions, only in our Beauty Studio Mane work is performed on several compositions: kerarganiC 3 types, cocochoco 2 types, Tokyo honma 4 types.

And each of them has a different composition. Somewhere 0% formaldehyde content, somewhere 0.05%, and the maximum 0.09%. The permissible rate of formaldehyde content in any formulation is 0.2%, which is safe for any organism. In keratin formulations, the content is 2 or even 3 times lower than the permissible one. So think about how dangerous it is, and I'll tell you - nothing. Keratin straightening is more than a safe procedure. And pleasant.

By the way, it will be said - the formulations of CocoChoco and CocoChoco GOLD DO NOT CONTAIN formaldehyde! Data compositions for keratin hair straightening completely safe!

Keratin hair straightening before and after.

What keratin composition to choose and what is their difference?

There are a myriad of keratin formulations, all of which have almost the same effect, but with minor differences.


The most affordable option for money. After completion, I do not wash my head for two days, we do not braid or pin the hair. Keratin is very high quality, the result lasts from two to four months. Formaldehyde is completely absent in the composition.


KerarganiC has 3 rosters:

The first formulation does not contain formaldehyde and is suitable for pregnant women, lactating women and children. Has no evaporation and odor. Suitable for all hair types. In addition to the properties of straightening, it nourishes the hair with oils and all kinds of extracts and extracts from plants. Gives shine, seals cut ends. Hair can be washed immediately after the procedure.

The second composition is stronger, 0.02% formaldehyde content. Suitable for all hair types. It smells good of cocoa. Contains keratin, cocoa, organ butter, jojoba and wheat extract. Straightens hair, adds chic shine and removes split ends. It also copes well with hair after a perm.

The third composition is the strongest, 0.09% formaldehyde content. Perfectly straightens curly and very curly hair, unruly. Gives shine well-groomed appearance and seals the split ends.

With all KerarganiC formulations, you can wash your hair immediately after the procedure. Just blow-dry your hair and that's it, you have gorgeous hair! These are my favorite compositions. Gorgeous value for money. The result lasts from three to six months.

Keratin and botox for hair Honma Tokyo.

It also has several types of formulations: for nursing, pregnant women and children. For difficult hair, for normal and frizzy hair. Botox for hair restoration. There are also "reconstructors" for the complete restoration of "killed" hair. Excellent keratin. The result lasts from two to three months.

Remarkable restoration of the internal structure of the hair inoar treatment. Restores hair structure, suitable for everyone, without exception. It is necessary to do three procedures with a difference of 10-14 days between them. Then, ideally, complete with keratin.

Review article on Tokyo Honma formulations.

How to care for hair after keratin hair restoration?

Just in case, I'll leave here a video about how to properly care for your hair after the keratin hair straightening procedure.


The feminine essence is such that the owners of straight hair dream of luxurious curly curls. Those who have naturally curly hair want straight, flowing hair.

  1. Pros and cons of the keratin straightening procedure

A few words about keratin itself

V recent times an increasing number of girls are subjecting their hair to a straightening procedure. But this is still a chemical interference with the fragile structure of the hair, and therefore, before embarking on this procedure, you should learn as much as possible about the details and specifics. I will try to give the most comprehensive information on this matter.

Keratin itself is a fibrillar protein with special strength. It is part of the stratum corneum of hair, nails and skin. That is, it is an indispensable component of the protective organs and elements of our body.

In the process of carrying out the procedure for keratin hair straightening, the molecules of the agent thicken the protein, thereby increasing the protective capabilities of the hairline. In fact, this procedure provides a comprehensive strengthening of the hair, has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair shaft, as well as the stratum corneum and follicles.

Advantages and disadvantages of the keratin straightening procedure

Image 1 Hair before and after keratin

  • hair becomes elastic, shiny and very elastic;
  • styling is no longer a problem, as the hair becomes surprisingly docile;
  • hair becomes uniquely smooth and shiny.

As you can see, the pluses are quite significant. For me personally, the list of what I will receive became decisive, because I dreamed of elegant, straight, like silk hair.

As for the cons:

  • volume is greatly lost (temporarily);
  • some girls have very dirty hair after the procedure;
  • hair loss is possible;
  • enough long lasting effect which may not be desirable.

If you need a temporary effect, it is best to use traditional methods straightening hair.

Hair care rules after keratin

First, don't overuse! Everything is healthy, that in moderation. Do not repeat the procedure earlier than 6 months later. Rest your hair. If you overuse it, your hair will break.

Secondly, it is very important to use a mild shampoo that will not add additional stress to your hair. Take care of your hair, because it is part of your body.

How to restore hair after keratin?

Picture 2 Hair restoration after keratin

In principle, the keratin will wash out over time, and the hair will return to its previous state on its own. But, if you really need to return wavy hair, then in this case there are a couple of options. The first and most radical is to take a dip in salt water. Salt water flushes out excess keratin, which speeds up the return of hair to its original appearance. But here you must also take into account that after such a radical method, you will need to use masks and special shampoos that will help restore the balance of trace elements.

There are also special hair masks containing trace elements that help hair return to its natural state. Consult the specialist who performed the procedure, he will tell you the most suitable remedy in your case. It is important to consult in person, because each organism is different.

How to restore hair after keratin straightening? You need to use the following tools:

  • olive, burdock, castor or coconut oil able to gently remove excess keratin, but if you have very oily hair, then this method does not suit you;
  • jojoba and almond oil is suitable for owners of dry hair;
  • you can accelerate hair growth with essential oils, at the same time contributing to the complex improvement of the hairline.

However, be aware that there is no unique method of hair restoration after keratin, so think carefully before agreeing to such a serious procedure.


Keratin treatments

The hairs are made up primarily of a protein called keratin. If there is not enough keratin, the hair becomes brittle and unruly.

Shampoos and conditioners with keratin molecules are available for home recovery, but the protein particles in these products are too large to penetrate deep into the hair and act with sufficient effectiveness.

Basically, the keratin molecules found in shampoos and balms remain outside, on the hair cornea and do not affect the structure in any way.

Hairdressers also straighten their hair using keratin, but using a slightly different technology. Salon treatments take several hours.

Liquid keratin is applied to the strands, previously washed with a special shampoo, and fixed on the hairs, running along the strands with an iron designed to straighten the hair with high temperature.

In this case, no restoration of the structure occurs.

Israeli manufacturers have recently been able to perfect this process. They managed to split long protein molecules into nanoparticles.

Nano-keratin is so small that it can penetrate into the hair shaft.

When in the salon the strands are covered with a layer of nano-keratin and heated with an iron, the liquid solvent evaporates and a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which cracks in the hairs fill up and even their internal structure is slightly restored.

Thus, a double effect is achieved at the same time: recovery and straightening. Reviews for this service are always very good.

Nano-keratin is not permanently embedded in the hair shaft. Gradually it is washed out - this happens little by little during each shampooing.

When there is almost no artificial protein left in the hair, the hair will look as it did before.

The keratin recovery procedure can be repeated several times. After each time, the hair will remain smooth longer and longer, as even partially washed keratin increases the fixing strength of a new portion.

The effect of the first straightening lasts for several months, usually from two to four. During this time, your hair will need special care.

Caring for hair restored with keratin is designed mainly to prevent premature leaching of the protein preparation from the hairs.

Care rules after keratin straightening

Proper care leads to the fact that the effect of keratin straightening will last as long as possible.

Hair treatment in the first days after straightening

You cannot wet your head immediately after coming home from the salon and then for at least another two days.

If your hair is accidentally wet, you should try to dry it quickly in a natural way (without a hairdryer) and straighten it with an iron.

During the first three days after keratin straightening, you cannot use styling products, curling irons, use hairpins, headbands, hairpins, braid your hair in braids and generally wrinkle your hair in any way.

If your hair is accidentally creased, for example, during sleep, and waves and creases appear on it, you need to straighten it as quickly as possible with an iron.

Further hair care:

  • Staining and toning can be started only two weeks after the procedure;
  • All the time while the keratin is in the hairs (recall that this is 2-4 months or more), you need to swim in the pool and in the sea in a cap - salty or highly chlorinated water can wash the drug much ahead of time... Instead of a cap, you can use a special protective serum, for example, Trichovedic Glossing Serum;
  • You can not tightly tighten the hair in a ponytail, use narrow elastic bands. It is better to use cloth tape instead of rubber bands;
  • Hair should not be rubbed with a cloth. You will have to sleep on smooth pillowcases (silk, satin). After washing, you will also have to use a towel with caution - do not rub the strands, but only gently blot it.

The main rule concerns the choice of hair detergents. Perhaps this rule will be the most difficult to follow, because most will have to give up their favorite shampoos.

Only those that do not contain sulfates are suitable for shampooing. Sulfuric acid salts or sulfates form a lush foam and clean well.

But they wash out not only grease and dirt from the hair, but also keratin. In sulfate-free detergents made on a soap base, the role of a cleaner is assigned to connections with another chemical composition and other properties.

Sulfate-free products do not produce as much lather as we are used to. But on the other hand, they act much more carefully on the hair shafts, do not penetrate under their scales, as more aggressive sulfates do.

If hair falls out

Improper care may well become one of the reasons that hair after keratin straightening will begin to fall out more than usual.

At first after the procedure, they should not fall out at all, because all weakly adhering hairs have already been removed in the salon when the master performed the ironing.

The reason for this may not be leaving, but the lack of qualifications of the master performing the procedures. The hair in the salon could be overheated or incompletely processed.

There are salons where they save on quality, they use not branded drugs, but counterfeit products containing harmful and even dangerous compounds.

You will suspect something was wrong only after the hair begins to fall out. Therefore, before choosing a salon, it is recommended to study the reviews of previous clients - word of mouth will help to avoid negative consequences.

The third reason is rare. This is an allergic reaction to any component of the mixture.

The preparation for keratin straightening is made up of ten or more ingredients, any of them may show individual intolerance.

An allergic reaction primarily affects the skin. If the hair has climbed, and at the same time the scalp becomes inflamed or began to itch strongly, it is not the care and not the poor performance of the procedure in the salon that is to blame - it's all about allergies.

If the hair falls out in moderation, you can treat it yourself. For this, homemade masks are recommended - with kefir, yolk, olive, burdock and castor oils.

From folk remedies you can use rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as stinging nettle, calendula (marigold), birch leaves, roots of calamus, burdock, plantain.

In case of profuse loss, home procedures will not help. We'll have to go to a trichologist - a doctor specializing in the treatment of hair.

The doctor will conduct the necessary tests, identify the cause of the trouble, advise on how to care for the curls and develop a course of treatment.

Keratin straightening - a good option for those who prefer smooth and shiny hair like a mirror to curls.

Treatments with keratin will make your hair perfectly smooth and shiny for a while.

How long it will last depends entirely on you, more precisely on how scrupulously you follow the rules for caring for hair straightened with keratin.

Keratin straightening-hair restoration is the best hair care procedure... Thanks to this procedure, you can get rid of curls, frizz, brittle and dull hair, as well as against the section of the ends. Keratin hair restoration makes your life easier by eliminating the need for permanent and long styling. After the procedure, you don't need to do anything special: you washed your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo and dried it with a hairdryer. Everything! And your hair looks great for months.

Keratin straightening is hazardous to health! Or not?!

How does keratin affect hair?

The effect of keratin on hair is as follows: formulations that contain oils, keratin and all kinds of plant extracts "penetrate" the hair, fill the voids in the hair structure, nourish the hair. With an iron, all formulations are "sealed" and remain in the hair from two to six months, depending on the structure and quality of the hair. Also, depending on the selected composition.

Keratin straightening hair restoration - safe!

Keratin is a POISON! Keratin is dangerous! Keratin is harm! Keratin contains formaldehyde!

Keratin contains formaldehyde, is it dangerous? Does Keratin Burn Hair?

Almost every day I hear questions of this type: is keratin dangerous? Is keratin poison? Does formaldehyde cause cancer? To be honest, it just annoys me to the point of impossibility. Fables about the harm and terrible effects on the body were invented by people who do not know anything about this procedure. People from the row - I was sitting on the couch, read something, somewhere and thought up and OPLA “I am a couch expert”. I hear a ringing, I don't know where he is.

Or they do not respond well to keratin hair restoration those who fell into the hands of masters - clumsy hands-ons (whose hands are really from the fifth point). Thanks to such hands for the masters and their negligent attitude to the technology of the procedure, the hair of the clients deteriorates. And all why? But because the technology of keratin hair restoration was violated, the hair was not completely dried after applying keratin, then they began to work with an iron at too high a temperature and therefore the hair began to literally "boil" (water boils, meaning the water on the hair, which was not completely dry - ed.), and after it the process of hair destruction began. The client came out with "beautiful" hair from the master, and at this moment the process of hair destruction is underway.

Or complaints come from people - all who can, all who know, who they themselves buy formulations for keratin straightening-hair restoration and make keratin at home, and after an unsuccessful procedure, they begin to write in publics / groups / forums / on the pages of the masters in the instagram that your keratin is bad shit and my hair is now bad shit from it. And there are many, many such people.

UPD .: I came out the other day - in it I talk about these compositions and the amount of formaldehyde in them. Recommend:)

Every day I receive messages with questions:

- “And how can I make myself keratin hair straightening at home

- "Where to order the composition for keratin?"

- “I want to do keratin hair straightening at home for my clients. Can I do this at home? "

It is forbidden! Keratin straightening should do only a professional master... And only in a beauty salon! And the point!

After keratin restoration, your hair will be PERFECT!

Principles of keratin hair straightening technology (for any composition).

Hair is washed 2-3 times with special deep cleansing shampoos before keratin hair straightening. Each brand of composition for keratin hair restoration has its own special shampoo.

After washing, the hair is dried one hundred (!) Percent! The exception is botox for hair.

The keratin composition, according to the technology, is applied along the entire length of the hair. On the roots of the keratin composition, DO NOT apply!

We wait for the right time for a deeper penetration of the keratin composition into the hair (each brand of keratin has its own exposure time, read the instructions - ed.).

Dry your hair completely. 100%!

We straighten hair using the ironing technology, at a certain temperature, depending on the brand and composition of keratin (read the instructions carefully).

After completing all the points outlined above - you will get the hair of your dreams! Your hair will be perfect!

Keratin straightening-hair restoration. Before and after.

About the content and hazards of formaldehyde.

Now there are a lot of varieties of compositions, only in our Beauty Studio Mane work is performed on several compositions: kerarganiC 3 types, cocochoco 2 types, Tokyo honma 4 types.

And each of them has a different composition. Somewhere 0% formaldehyde content, somewhere 0.05%, and the maximum 0.09%. The permissible rate of formaldehyde content in any formulation is 0.2%, which is safe for any organism. In keratin formulations, the content is 2 or even 3 times lower than the permissible one. So think about how dangerous it is, and I'll tell you - nothing. Keratin straightening is more than a safe procedure. And pleasant.

By the way it will be said - CocoChoco and CocoChoco GOLD formulations DO NOT CONTAIN formaldehyde! Data compositions for keratin hair straightening completely safe!

Keratin hair straightening before and after.

What keratin composition to choose and what is their difference?

There are a myriad of keratin formulations, all of which have almost the same effect, but with minor differences.


The most affordable option for money. After completion, I do not wash my head for two days, we do not braid or pin the hair. Keratin is very high quality, the result lasts from two to four months. There is no formaldehyde in the composition.


KerarganiC has 3 rosters:

The first formulation does not contain formaldehyde and is suitable for pregnant women, lactating women and children. Has no evaporation and odor. Suitable for all hair types. In addition to the properties of straightening, it nourishes the hair with oils and all kinds of extracts and extracts from plants. Gives shine, seals cut ends. Hair can be washed immediately after the procedure.

The second composition is stronger, 0.02% formaldehyde content. Suitable for all hair types. It smells good of cocoa. Contains keratin, cocoa, organ butter, jojoba and wheat extract. Straightens hair, adds chic shine and removes split ends. It also copes well with hair after a perm.

The third composition is the strongest, 0.09% formaldehyde content. Perfectly straightens curly and very curly hair, unruly. Provides shine, well-groomed look and seals split ends.

With all KerarganiC formulations, you can wash your hair immediately after the procedure. Just blow-dry your hair and that's it, you have gorgeous hair! These are my favorite compositions. Gorgeous value for money. The result lasts from three to six months.

Keratin and botox for hair Honma Tokyo.

It also has several types of formulations: for nursing, pregnant women and children. For difficult hair, for normal and frizzy hair. Botox for hair restoration. There are also "reconstructors" for the complete restoration of "killed" hair. Excellent keratin. The result lasts from two to three months.

Remarkable restoration of the internal structure of the hair inoar treatment. Restores hair structure, suitable for everyone, without exception. It is necessary to do three procedures with a difference of 10-14 days between them. Then, ideally, complete with keratin.

How to care for hair after keratin hair restoration?

Just in case, I'll leave here a video about how to properly care for your hair after the keratin hair straightening procedure.


In general, you can talk endlessly about the procedure for hair care and keratin. There are a lot of compositions. We have chosen the safest, highest quality and most tested materials for ourselves and our work. I beg you, do not chase cheapness just to do at least something. The keratin straightening procedure cannot cost 1-1.5 thousand, if only the master is engaged in charity work or a student.

Choose proven masters, do not be lazy and be sure to see photos of works and call, ask for advice from the master.

Good day to all! Today I will talk about such a procedure as "keratin restoration", what it has in common with keratin straightening, and what risks it carries for your hair.

First of all, there is a nightmare confusion about this procedure. Under the guise of "restoration with keratin" in the salons they try to sell everything to customers.

Do not lag behind the salons and manufacturers of home care products, calling "keratin" and "keratin-based" even those products in which the desired keratin is less than the dust that was shaken off the feet by a moth flying by.

So what is keratin and why is everyone so obsessed with it?

Keratin- a type of protein (protein), the main element of hair.

It is from keratin that the internal structure of the hair consists, it is he who forms the keratin chains, the bundles of which make up what we used to call hair.

These chains are held together by special types of bonds that hold the keratin fibers together:

- Hydrogen bonds... This is about a third of all "couplings" inside the hair. They are very unstable and are destroyed by the action of even water, which, however, is not terrible - after drying, they self-heal. That is why, if you wind damp hair on curlers, curls appear on straight hair when dry, and the next time they get wet, they will disappear again.

- Ionic (salt) bonds... Also not particularly resistant. This kind of "adhesion" usually breaks down when the normal pH of the hair is shifted to the too acidic or too alkaline side (and this happens with any permanent hair coloring, using soap to wash the hair, etc.).

- Disulfide (sulfur) bridges- the most durable, such a "hitch" does not break with water or when washing your hair. You can break such ties in 2 ways:

- using aggressive chemical procedures- hair coloring with persistent dyes (regardless of whether it is ammonia paint or not, if the manufacturer has promised you steadfastly dye the hair, parts of the ties are uniquely end), or perm (straightening),

- impact high temperatures (over 130-150 degrees Celsius).

Now let's see what happens during a procedure like " keratin recovery"- it is - hair straightening(using the example of COCOCHOCO Keratin Treatment). Manufacturer Promises and Application Scheme:

COCOCHOCO Keratin Treatment - Unique procedure, restoring hair keratin lost as a result of staining, other chemical and thermal effects.
The application of the Keratin Treatment method is salon procedure performed by professional stylists. During the procedure, the product is applied to prepared hair, absorbed into it, dried and stretched.

During the procedure, a one-component composition is used - the "Working composition" hair restoration and straightening mask. After applying the mask, the hair is dried and pulled out with ironing tongs, passing each strand 5-7 times. Temperature 230⁰С.

Here you have all the "miracles" of straightening - yes, the disulfide bonds of the hair "kill" not by the chemical composition. They are killed by exposure to ultra-high temperatures!

By the way, the same thing happens when using aggressive dyes or when lightening hair (for example, after blonde powders), which is why a washcloth instead of hair is such a frequent attribute in blondes.

Hair with the loss of the necessary "couplings" simply disintegrate. Hence, there are numerous complaints about fragility and sectioning of hair after keratin straightening (this does not become noticeable immediately, but after a few months, because many do not associate the sad state of hair with keratin).

Of course, not all hair comes to an end after such events. Certain types of hair (thick, coarse and durable) can survive this bullying not even once, but several times. But thin and weak (or already painted), as a rule, receive critical damage after the first time.

It doesn't matter if the straightener contains keratin. Keratin (even if it is in the right concentration and has the right molecule size) does not restore hair bonds. You can "saturate" the hair with protein as much as you like - if it does not stay inside the hair, there is no point in this.

Main conclusion: KERATIN REDUCTION has no nothing in common with KERATIN STRAIGHTENING, since they have completely different tasks.

If, after the "restoration" procedure, you were promised that the hair will change its structure (stop curling, smooth waves, etc.) - this is not a recovery event at all, but an event to straighten them!

What is Keratin (Protein) Recovery?

This is the use of products containing keratin on the hair.

But not all keratin is good for hair. And not all hair is good for it.

Firstly, in order to have the desired effect, keratin (protein) should be in the composition enough... And if you see in the composition of the mask (for example, the so popular L "oreal Absolute Repair) the desired protein at the very tail of the list already behind preservatives and perfume fragrance, it will not bring any benefit to your hair.

Secondly, in order to penetrate the cuticle into the inner layer of the hair, keratin must have desired molecule size.

"Regular" keratin does not penetrate into the hair, it just sticks on top, acting like silicones or a film from lamination. The most striking example is ampoules Dikson Ristrutturante:

The same thing happens with the hair when using homemade "strengthening" masks - proteins are neither from eggs, nor from sour cream, nor from gelatin by the hair not digested... For the reason, everything is the same size of the molecule.

In order for keratin (protein) to penetrate the hair, its molecules must be artificially fragmented (hydrolyzed). Only hydrolyzed(or crushed to an even finer state - amino acids) proteins are able to integrate into the hair structure and provide their local "repair", filling the damaged areas.

Students come to the INOAR Academy for master classes every day. Some of them are just learning the basics of keratin straightening. Others already have hairdressing experience under their belt. And this experience is not always positive. In any case, both of them always have a lot of questions. Let's answer some of them.

What mistakes can a master face when performing keratin straightening?

Often, after training, the masters still have not enough experience, and they make some mistakes:

  1. Excess composition (over the norm). If during the procedure the composition (Moroccan Hair Keratin / G-Hair Keratin / BotoHAIR) is applied to the hair more than the norm, the procedure will become uncomfortable, the procedure time will double, the hair will become oily and get dirty quickly.
  2. Incorrect iron temperature.
If the wrong temperature is selected, the procedure will be ineffective. To achieve a positive result, observe the temperature limits:

Does keratin “eat up” hair color?

If all the rules for performing the keratin straightening procedure are followed, this is especially true temperature regime and the conditions for dyeing the hair before and after the procedure, keratin does not affect the color. After the procedure, due to the fact that the hair is saturated with oils and nutrients, the cuticle closes, light reflection and shine of the hair appear. This makes the hair appear half a tone lighter.

Which irons are suitable for the keratin straightening procedure?

In order to efficiently perform the keratin straightening procedure, you need to choose the right iron.

  • The iron must have a temperature control up to 230 degrees.
  • The power must be at least 50 watts.
  • Ironing plates should be ceramic, titanium or tourmaline coated.
  • When buying an iron, make sure that the plates are tightly compressed.

In which direction to pull the strand during the keratin straightening procedure?

Observance of the angle of the straightening of the strand during keratin straightening is very important. In order to preserve the client's native hair volume as much as possible, it is necessary to pull each strand perpendicular to the head: at the back of the head we pull towards ourselves, at the crown - up.

How often can the keratin hair straightening procedure be repeated?

Keratin straightening is a hair rejuvenation procedure. The repeated procedure will not damage the hair, but it must be remembered that the volume of the hair cuticles is limited, filling them is possible only up to a certain level. If the client wants to repeat the procedure or the previous procedure was not taken for any reason, then the interval between two keratin straightening procedures with Moroccan Hair Keratin and G-Hair Keratin formulations is one month.

How to do keratin straightening of hair that is badly damaged at the ends?

The ends of the hair are usually worn out by styling and this is the most damaged section of the hair. Therefore, when performing keratin straightening, you should treat them as carefully as possible.
During keratin straightening the first three to four times, the master should hold the iron with firm pressure - along the roots and middle of the hair, weak - at the ends. Then we stretch the entire web of hair from roots to ends with strong pressure on the iron.

When to rinse off Moroccan Hair Keratin: an hour or immediately after ironing?

It takes 15 minutes for the hair to cool down after the master has ironed it over it. However, if you do not want to wait, you can blow cold air on them with a hairdryer for one or two minutes. After that, feel free to rinse off the composition from your hair and apply a mask.

Can I use masks and conditioners from other companies after keratin straightening?

Properly selected home care products allow you to preserve the beauty of your hair for a long time. INOAR Home Line products contain the same ingredients as INOAR Professional Straighteners. This allows you to increase the duration of the effect of straightened hair up to six months. Therefore, we recommend using INOAR home care products.