Country of education. Questionnaire for parents of future first-graders. Material (class 1) on the subject questionnaire for parents of first-graders in the process of learning

Let's get acquainted

Questionnaire for parents of first-graders

Dear parents of first-graders! For me, the class teacher 1 class "A" is very important to create comfortable conditions for each schoolchild in the team, to make it so that it is interesting in the lessons and fun on change. The best assistants in this matter are, of course, parents. I think that you want your child to appear faithful friends and reliable comrades. Therefore, I ask you sincerely answer the questions of the questionnaire - this will allow you to learn more about your family and the psychological features of your child to find an individual approach to first grader. I promise that the information you inform will not be used to harm your child.

1. Surname, name, patronymic of the child ___________________________________

2. Date of birth of a child __________________________________________________

3. Home address (if the place of registration and accommodation is mismatched, specify both addresses) _________________________________________________________________________


4. Home phone _____________________________________________________

5. Information about parents:

5.1.1. Surname, first name, patronymic father _________________________________________________________________________________________

5.1.2. Date of birth ______________ 5.1.3. Education _______________________

5.1.4. Place of work ___________________________________________________________

5.1.5. Position held ____________________________________________________

5.1.6. Officer phone ____________________ Cell phone ___________________

5.1.7. E-mail address __________________________________________________

5.1.8. Favorite lesson in his free time _______________________________________

5.2.1. Surname, name, mother's patronymic _____________________________________________________________________________________________

5.2.2. Date of birth ____________ 5.2.3. Education ______________________________

5.2.4. Place of work _______________________________________________________

5.2.5. Position held __________________________________________________

5.2.6. Office phone _________________ Cell phone _______________________

5.2.7. E-mail address __________________________________________________

5.2.8. Favorite lesson in your free time _____________________________________

6. Family Information:

6.1. Number of adult family members ___________ 6.2. Amount of children____________

6.3. Social position of the family (underline whatever applicable): Large, incomplete, low-income, family of unemployed, Chernobyl family, Commercial veteran family, Family displaced family, child caregated

6.4. Housing and household conditions of the family (the desired century knote):

Separate / communal apartment

The child has a separate living room

The child has a place for training sessions and games.

6.5. Is there a home library in the family _________________________________________

6.6. Attitude in the family to tobacco, alcohol, drugs __________________________

6.7. Are adult family members of the child about their work(Underline whatever applicable) :




6.8.1. Who is directly engaged in the upbringing of children (child)? ________________

6.8.2. How many hours of parents are engaged with a child a week and what (preparing homework, joint cleaning of premises, cooking, other joint classes) ___________________________________________________________

6.9. 1. Does your family apply to the encouragement of children? If applied, what? __________________________________________________________

6.9. 2. Does your family apply the penalties of children? If applied, what? _______________________________________________________________

6.10. What professional assistance to the pedagogical team needs your family? ______________________________________________________________

6.11. Can you provide I / C school / class? If you can, what (improvement Cabinet,school plot, Organization of excursionsnewspaperpreparation of the play, conducting a sporting event)? _________________________________________________________________________

6.12. Can you meet the parent committee? _______________________

6.13. What time are you convenient to attend school (day of the week, time)? ______________

6.14. What do you think that joint entertainment, cognitive or sporting events could be organizedfor your children? _____________________________________________________________________

6.15. M.oglya would you have direct assistance in the design / equipment of the Cabinet,school plot, Organization of events? _________________________________________________________________________

6.16. In which competitions and contests you and yourfamily would take part? _____________________________________________________________________

7.1. The name they call the child in the family ________________________________

7.2. How does your child react to encourage and punishment? _____________________

7.3. What do you see the greatest pedagogical difficulties(Stress, add) :

The child does not want to fulfill labor orders;

Adult tasks forgets;

Does not bring started to the end;

Does not manifest itself when performing work;

Ready to quit a case with difficulty; doubt;

Other ____________________________________________________________________

7.4. Does your child need in the extended day group ________________________

7.5. Where did the child brought up before entering school? (name of preschool institution) ____ ____________________ ____________________________________

7.6. There were difficulties in the preschool period of the child's development (severe childbirth, frequent diseases, lagging in physical development)? _________________________________

7.7. In your opinion (you need to emphasize):

The child corresponds to age characteristics;

Ahead of the peers;

Has problems of development ______________________________________________

7.8. Has the child visited the preparatory courses (what kind) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.9. Do you think your child is well prepared for school?



Rather yes than no;

More likely no than yes.

7.10. A child knows(We need emphasize, add):


7.11. Does the child have a child's duties? What kind?__________________________

7.12. How your child communicates with the peers (note )?


Expects when with him (her) will conspire;

Avoid communication.

7.13. How does your child respond to adult remarks?



Agrees with the comments and try to correct errors.

7.14. What games prefers your child?






7.15. How quickly is your child in the process of work?

Can work long (up to 30 minutes), even if the work does not really like it;

Can only do what you like;

It can not work for a long time, even if the occupation likes.

7.16. How often do you visit the theaters, exhibitions, museums with the child? ______________ _____________________________________________________________________

7.17. Will it be happy to go to school? _________ What is most attractive for your child at school( underline whatever applicable ) : School attribute, Status "Schoolboy", opportunity to know the new one? __________________________________________________

7.18. Does the child have chronic diseases (what kind) ________________________ ___ _____ _____________________________________________________________________

7.19. Is a child who has a speech therapist or a psychologist? ______ ______________________

7.20. Were a child in childhood injuries of the head / spine, violations of organs of vision / hearing, speech defects, other features (injuries, operations) ___________ _________________________________________________________________________

7.21. In your opinion, in the activities of your child more activity / passivity (underline whatever applicable )?

7.22. Your child is easier to come into contact with children / with adults (underline whatever applicable )

7.23. What are your child's favorite classes? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.24. What circles and sections attend a childin extracurricular time? (Specify the full name of the institution of additional education) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.25. What are the positive features of the character, in your opinion, need to develop from your child at this stage? _____________________________________________________________________________________________

7.26. Indicate the individual features of the child _________________________________________________________________________

Date of completing the questionnaire _____________

The questionnaire filled (a) _______________________________________________________

Surname, initials; Who is a child (mother, father, grandmother, guardian, etc.)

Thank you for your cooperation!

Questionnaire for first-graders

(by definition of the load).

1. Do you like learning at school?

Yes no I don't know

2. What do you like most at school?

lesson change lessons after walking lessons

3. Which of the lessons did you love?

4. How don't you like the lessons yet?


5. In what lesson are you the hardest lesson?


6. How do you feel after lessons?

i do not know the tire wake up normal well-being

Questionnaire for parents (elementary school)

Dear parents of the first grader!. We ask you to answer the questionnaire questions. The information obtained will be used later to assess the success of the AU. Mark your answers sign X.

1. Which school went to study in grade 1 your child?

 To the school nearest to your home

 in that school that you specifically choose

 to another

2. Does your child attended a kindergarten?

3. At what age does your child go to school?

From 6 to 7 (including 7 years)? - from 7 to 8 years old? - Other

4. Does your child have prepared for school?

 No, not passed

 Yes, passed in kindergarten

 Yes, passed at home

 Yes, passed at school

 Yes, passed in another place

5. What did you think of your child's readiness for first grade learning?

High,? - average,? - Low

6. Did your child knew how to do the following when he went to school?

4) write letters

5) Writing words

b) find out the majority of digits from i to 9

8) perform arithmetic action within 10

9) Other (what else)

7. Wanted your child to learn when I went to school?

8. Do you agree with the following statements about the elementary school in which your child learns?

I do not agree at all

I do not agree

I agree

Completely agree

Your child will feel comfortable at school.

The school will consider the individual features of your child.

Your child's health will not deteriorate when learning

In the process of learning, your child will not lose interest in learning.

In the school of your child will be learned to learn

The school will be interested in how your child has learned well

9. Indicate what, in your opinion, the level of organization of educational activities at your child at home.

Tall, ? -

10. Specify what, in your opinion, the level of ability to communicate with your child's peers.

Tall, ? - Middle, ? - Low,? - I find it difficult to answer

11. Enter what, in your opinion, the level of ability to communicate with the teacher from your child.

Tall, ? - Middle, ? - Low,? - I find it difficult to answer

12. Indicate what, in your opinion, the level of understanding by your child's explanations of the teacher.

Tall, ? - Middle, ? - Low,? - I find it difficult to answer

13. What is your education?

a) unfinished average

c) primary professional (for example, technical school)

d) secondary professional (for example, technical school, college)

14. How many books do you have at home?

0-100 ,?,?,?,? - more than 1000

15. Does your family need social support?

yes no I don't know

Thank you for answering our questions!

Questionnaire for parents of future first-graders

Please try to answer all the questionnaire questions, I'm not missing anything.

1.F.I.O. Child ______________________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth _________________ Pre-school Children's institution ____________________________

3. Full name Parents:

MOTHER: ________________________________________________________________________________

Education _____________________ Place of work ____________________________________________________________________________________________, working phone ____________________, cell phone ____________________, Home phone ____________________

FATHER :_________________________________________________________________________________

Education ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, cell phone ________________________

4. Address of registration: ________________________________________________________________________

5. The address of the actual residence: __________________________________________________________

6. Household conditions of the family (private house, apartment, gar / k., Room in total., Removable housing, ____________)

7. Brothers, Sisters (FF. Age) ______________________________________________________________

8. Social status (Large family, incomplete, low-income, family unemployed, Chernobyl family, Afghan family, Family displaced family, child caregated)

9. Documents certifying the social situation of the family? ___________________________________

10. Do you know that your child will learn from new educational standards?a) yes b) no

11. Did your child received a pre-school education? a) yes b) no

12. Stress out what knowledge and skills your child owns: knows individual letters, knows all the letters, reads in the syllables, reads in whole words, knows the numbers, knows how to count until ___, solves simple tasks, knows how to deduct and fold, difficult / easily remembers poems.

13. Who is directly engaged in the upbringing of the child? _________________________________

14. Does the child have his own room, a corner, a table where it will cook lessons: ______________________

15. How long does the child spend the child to watch the telecast? ______________________________

16. What are the programs he looks? _____________________________________________________________

17. Does the computer, what does a child make on it, how many hours is spending _________________

18. Are there any books in the house? _______ What content? _____________________________________

19. Does your child in circles, sections?

Name Mug, Sections ___________________________ Location ______________________

Time and days of visits _________________________________________________________________

20. What does your child like to do most of all?___________________________________________

21 . Stress out what types of activities The child performs more successful: drawing, modeling, singing, design, inventing games, inventing stories, retelling fairy tales, other _________________

22. Do you think that your child has special talents, abilities?
a) yes (what) _________________________ b) noc) finding it difficult to answer

23. What qualities of the child do you especially appreciate? _____________________________________________

24. What habits do you want to wean him? _________________________________________________

25. How often does a child sick? ______________ What? ______________________ What are the heavy diseases transferred? _________________________________ What time does the child go to bed? _________________

26. What should the teacher pay attention to? _____________________________________________

27. Emphasize what a child's hand is leading: right, left, equally.

28. What products does the child categorically not eat? _____________________________________________

29. Can you meet the parent committee and assist in the following cases (list)? _______________________________________________________________________

30. What kind of creativity or sports did you do in youth? Mother father__________________________________________

31. Do you know how to shoot a movie or photograph? _________________________________________

32. What do you think it would be possible to organize interesting for your children? ________________________________________________________________________________________

33. In what competitions and contests are you personally or as part of the whole family would take part? ___________________________________________________________________

34. Why did our educational institution chose? __________________________________________

35. Your questions and suggestions for teachers and school administration______________________


Thank you for your cooperation!

Questionnaire for parents of future first-graders

Please try to answer all the questionnaire questions, I'm not missing anything.

1.F.I.O. Child ______________________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth _________________ Pre-school Children's institution ____________________________

3. Full name Parents:

MOTHER: ________________________________________________________________________________

Education _____________________ Place of work ____________________________________________________________________________________________, working phone ____________________, cell phone ____________________, Home phone ____________________

FATHER :_________________________________________________________________________________

Education ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, cell phone ________________________

4. Address of registration: ________________________________________________________________________

5. The address of the actual residence: __________________________________________________________

6. Household conditions of the family (private house, apartment, gar / k., Room in total., Removable housing, ____________)

7. Brothers, Sisters (FF. Age) ______________________________________________________________

8. Social status (Large family, incomplete, low-income, family unemployed, Chernobyl family, Afghan family, Family displaced family, child caregated)

9. Documents certifying the social situation of the family? ___________________________________

10. Do you know that your child will learn from new educational standards?a) dub) no

11. Did your child received a pre-school education? a) dub) no

12.Dell What knowledge and skills own your child owns: knows individual letters, knows all the letters, reads in the syllables, reads in whole words, knows the numbers, knows how to count until ___, solves simple tasks, knows how to deduct and fold, difficult / easily remembers poems.

13. Who is directly engaged in the upbringing of the child? _________________________________

14. Does the child have his own room, a corner, a table where it will cook lessons: ______________________

15. How long does the child spend the child to watch the telecast? ______________________________

16. What are the programs he looks? _____________________________________________________________

17. Does the computer, what does a child make on it, how many hours is spending _________________

18. Are there any books in the house? _______ What content? _____________________________________

19. Does your child in circles, sections?

Name Mug, Sections ___________________________ Location ______________________

Time and days of visits _________________________________________________________________

20. What does your child like to do most of all?___________________________________________

21 . Stress out what types of activities The child performs more successful: drawing, modeling, singing, design, inventing games, inventing stories, retelling fairy tales, other _________________

22. Do you think that your child has special talents, abilities?a) yes (what) _________________________ b) Neveva) I find it difficult to answer

23. What qualities of the child do you especially appreciate? _____________________________________________

24. What habits do you want to wean him? _________________________________________________

25. How often does a child sick? ______________ What? ______________________ What are the heavy diseases transferred? _________________________________ What time does the child go to bed? _________________

26. What should the teacher pay attention to? _____________________________________________

27. Emphasize what a child's hand is leading: right, left, equally.

28. What products does the child categorically not eat? _____________________________________________

29. Can you meet the parent committee and assist in the following cases (list)? _______________________________________________________________________

30. What kind of creativity or sports did you do in youth? Mother father__________________________________________

31. Do you know how to shoot a movie or photograph? _________________________________________

32. As you think it would be possible to organizeinteresting for your children? ________________________________________________________________________________________

33. In which competitions and contests are personally or in the compositionwould you participate in the whole family? ___________________________________________________________________

34. Why did our educational institution chose? __________________________________________

35. Your questions and suggestions for teachers and school administration______________________


Thank you for your cooperation!

For the class teacher 1 class, information about each child in the classroom is important. The best assistants in this matter are, of course, parents. Therefore, at the first parent meeting, we propose to conduct such a survey.

Questionnaire for parents of first-graders

I ask you to fill out a questionnaire, which will allow you to learn more about your child and find an individual approach to it.

1. Full name of the child

2. Birthday

3. Home address, phone

4. Data on parents (name, age, education, place of work, position, slave phone):



5. Family composition (circle a circle):

a) complete;

b) incomplete;

c) low-income;

d) large-scale;

e) a child under guardianship;

e) there is a child or sisters (specify)

6. There were difficulties in the preschool period of the child's development (severe childbirth, frequent diseases, lagging in physical development)

7. Did the child visited the kindergarten? From what age? Children's garden room. Will you go there?

8. Chronic diseases, deviations in organs of vision, hearing, speech defects, other features (injuries, operations)

9. What form of encouragement are applied at home?

10. What punishments are applied at home?

11. Does the child have duty at home? What kind?

12. How does it communicate with the peers? (Drive)

a) initiative;

b) expects when with him (her) will conspire;

c) avoids communication.

13. How does adults react to comments?

a) talks;

b) crying;

c) agrees, corrects.

14. What games prefers?

a) movable;

b) collective;

c) individual, desktop.

15. How quickly the child is tired in the process of work?

a) can work long (up to 30 minutes), even if the work does not really like it;

b) can only be engaged in what you like;

c) No, even if you like it.

16. What are the mugs and sections attend a child in extracurricular time?

17. Will it be happy to go to school? The child is most attracted: school attribute, the title "Schoolboy", the opportunity to know the new one?

18. Do you think your child is well prepared for school?

a) yes; b) no; c) rather yes, than not; d) rather no than yes.

19. The child knows (you need emphasize, add):

20. In your opinion (you need to emphasize):

a) the child corresponds to age characteristics;

b) ahead of the peers;

c) has problems of development.

21. Have questions and wishes to teachers?

22. What else do you think you need to report your child?

Thank you for the candid answers that you gave questions about the questionnaire. The information received is confidential and needed for a deeper study of the psychological characteristics of your child.