Body type asthenic. Asthenic body type in men and women. How to determine your body type

Asthenia is thinness, which visually can resemble a weak person. However, in reality, things often turn out to be different. Asthenic physique of a person - narrow shoulders, not wide rib cage, the presence of a waist.

The face is oblong, elongated, oval, sometimes resembling a triangular shape.
The arms and legs seem to be elongated (they may seem so due to their thinness and narrow body size). Look at the photo above. The color and type of skin also differs. Usually it is pale, light, especially sensitive in women. These characteristics are common.

Among women

  • Someone is jealous of them, and someone is angry. This is about women asthenics. They are with a beautiful slender figure, thin and transparent. They eat and do not get fat, which is what causes the envy of those who are less fortunate;
  • It is easier for such women to maintain good physical shape, since the accumulation of lipids in them is slow. But, despite the thinness and harmony, the endurance and strength indicators of women are very low. The exception is asthenic athletes;
  • It is very difficult to develop the muscles of an asthenic girl and create a pumped up sports silhouette. This is because they have slowed down the growth of not only adipose tissue, but also muscle;
  • Asthenics are characterized by angularity, which is not particularly attractive to men. Girls models on fashion shows- example;
  • "Legs from the ears" of asthenic girls is, without any doubt, a plus. But the size of the bust, limited by the same, poorly developed lipid tissue, is a minus;
  • Narrow fragile shoulders, graceful feet and hands, and a slender waist;
  • Lucky for these ladies and the fact that they do not have to fight overweight;
  • A feature that is important to consider when trying to lose weight. In women, first of all, muscles "leave". So they need to lose weight not by reducing the amount of calories consumed, but exclusively by strength exercises and a specially selected diet. Just remove buns from the daily diet and lose weight, in this case will not work.

Every physique has its own flavor. There is no clear separation of what is “good” and what is “bad”. Accept your body the way nature gave you, with love and care. And knowledge of the characteristics of your figure will help you navigate what is acceptable for you and what is better to avoid in relation to your physical condition and body.

The body type (ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph) determines the proportions of the body, the characteristics of weight gain and the body's response to physical activity. A person who understands the features of each type will be able to build a training program and diet in accordance with his goal. Pure asthenics (ectomorphs) are common among men: they have difficulty gaining muscle mass, eat a lot and do not get better. They have the following parameters:

  • long arms and legs;
  • elongated torso;
  • Long neck;
  • narrow shoulder girdle;
  • high growth, less often - average.

Most people note the signs of several species at once, but one always dominates. If the conclusion is not obvious, then measure the circumference of the wrist. The asthenic type is characterized by thin bones. Therefore, a wrist circumference of 18 cm or less will testify in his favor.

Ectomorph nutrition

Nutrition is the main aspect of a healthy and strong body. Men of this type face difficulties when they want to strengthen their muscles, increase their volume and make their figure more attractive. But, having a fast metabolism, they cannot gain the necessary mass. Therefore, the result cannot be achieved without controlling the calorie content of food and the balance of BJU.

When choosing products, preference should be given to hearty and natural items. It is better to refuse or minimize the use of simple carbohydrates (sweets, pastries) and exclude fast food. Complex carbohydrates are preferable: cereals, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread. These products should be at least half of the daily diet. Don't forget about fiber: fresh vegetables and fruits.

When gaining mass, an asthenic man should increase the amount of protein products to 30% of daily allowance food (meat, fish, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, soybeans, legumes). Healthy fats need about 15% ( vegetable oils, avocado, seeds, nuts).

  • the daily calorie intake should be divided into 5-6 meals and evenly distributed throughout the day;
  • eat 1.5 hours before training hearty food with complex carbohydrates in the composition;
  • eat protein foods after exercise;
  • have a hearty breakfast and no later than an hour after waking up;
  • for the first time of mass gain, the asthenic type requires an increase in the basic calorie content by 150-200 calories.

Ectomorph training

Initially, people with asthenic physique are weak and unbearable in sports. This is due to the fact that they naturally have less muscle tissue than other types. These tissues are not prone to easy overgrowth, so overtraining in ectomorphs comes quickly.

This aspect is important to consider when drawing up a training program: sports load should be adequate to the physical form of the asthenic. The alternation of periods of rest and training becomes a logical way out of the situation.

Regular increase in load is a prerequisite for muscle building, but it should occur gradually, without jumps. It is important to pay attention to the exercise technique, as it "suffers" primarily when general weakness muscles. Monotonous performance of strength exercises can the best way help to achieve the result.

Strength training prevails in the training program when shaping an ectomorph figure. But you shouldn't forget about cardio loads either. It is important not to increase their volume to a state in which the asthenic begins to lose the gained mass. Therefore, the intensity of cardio training is allowed low and medium under the control of heart rate, in time no longer than 30 minutes.

Asthenic type is not a barrier to building the desired shape. If all the recommendations are followed, men manage to correct natural data. They gain muscle mass and get relief.

It is worth remembering another feature of ectomorphs - it is very easy to lose the result. Therefore, exercise should be regular, and food should be satisfying and without interruptions. In addition, asthenics need at least 8 hours of sleep at night - this is one of the main conditions for the effectiveness of training.

In children

Children with this type of physique are thin, very light, their skin is subject to more damage than other children. Due to the fact that the level of muscle mass is too low, children are weak. The pressure is usually low, and the limbs (hands and feet, especially fingers) freeze quickly.

Signs of people with this body build:

  • All people with this body type have a quiet voice, but attention is well developed.
  • The joints are flexible enough, but the spine is weak, so they often slouch, humpback may appear prematurely
  • Asthenics are afraid of blood, they can easily faint, they are often nauseous, psychological disorders arise, they are practically not resistant to stress and irritation
  • Asthenics are often afraid of decisions, they quickly fall into a stupor, are afraid of stress, and are vulnerable.

It is possible to correct the situation with the physique with the help of increased physical activity, as well as the use of sweet and protein, carbohydrate foods, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. I hope now you know what an asthenic physique is and what are its characteristics.

There are many classifications that help the fair sex to determine what type of figure nature has awarded each and what style will be the most advantageous. But they all combine into a more global one, which considers, or whites (vitals). There are three of them: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.

The classification of body types is based on the ratio of height, length and width of the body. The physique is inherited, and no physical exercise can significantly change it. A small effect on the constitution of the body can only be exerted in early childhood, and it can also change as a result of a serious illness, especially if it was transferred before the onset of sexual development.

Asthenic physique

Other names: hyposthenic, ectomorph, Watt dosha.

Graceful thin-boned persons, whom we mainly see on the catwalks and in advertising, are a classic portrait of an asthenic type. As a rule, women of asthenic build are taller than average, but they are also miniature.

They gain weight with difficulty, even if they eat a lot, and retain their grace and lightness until old age. Their body type is.

The physique of a hyposthenic is characterized by the following external signs:

  • fragile figure;
  • flexible body;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • long thin neck;
  • relatively short body;
  • narrow chest;
  • shoulders and hips of equal width;
  • small breasts;
  • thin elongated limbs, long palms and fingers;
  • an elongated face with a thin nose and a high forehead;
  • pale, thin and not very elastic skin;
  • low levels of subcutaneous fat;
  • underdeveloped muscles.

Of other signs asthenic physique associated not so much with appearance as with health features, stand out:

  • lack of strength and endurance;
  • fatigue;
  • hypotension;
  • low hemoglobin levels;
  • tendency to frequent colds;
  • spine diseases;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • stomach problems;
  • high ;
  • thermophilicity.

Of the character traits of ectomorphs, one can single out:

  • a tendency to solitude;
  • thoughtfulness;
  • artistry;
  • secrecy and restraint.

From sports disciplines, dancing, swimming, aerobics will be useful, they will contribute to the development of endurance, or power loads for the development of muscle mass. It is better to limit cardio training.

Normosthenic physique

Other names: mesomorph, Pitta dosha.

Athletic athletic body constitution gives proportionality and harmonious build.

The mesomorph woman has:

  • relief sports proportional body with outlines "";
  • developed muscles with a small fat layer;
  • proportional body and limbs;
  • the shoulders are slightly wider than the hips;
  • medium-sized breasts;
  • pronounced waist;
  • normal metabolism;
  • skeleton of medium width;
  • elastic belly;
  • well developed shoulders;
  • dexterous, fast and abrupt movements, excellent coordination;
  • dense elastic skin;
  • coarse hair.

Such women can easily gain and get rid of extra pounds, but in general they cannot be attributed to either thin or full, since this addition is considered the classic standard of a female figure.

By the nature of a mesomorph woman:

  • are active;
  • ambitious;
  • prone to leadership and adventurism;
  • self-confident;
  • love sports and active walks.

There are few health-related disadvantages in normosthenics, however, in general they tend to:

  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the respiratory and digestive system.

Nutrition for normostenic women should be 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fat.

In sports, it is better to give preference to tennis, basketball, volleyball and other game types.

Hypersthenic physique

Other names: endomorph, brachimorph, Kapha dosha.

Hypersthenic women have the following body characteristics:

  • lush;
  • barrel chest;
  • voluminous shoulders and short arms;
  • wide hips;
  • heavy broad bone;
  • short and wide chest;
  • growth is average or below average;
  • soft loose skin;
  • large breasts;
  • strong short legs;
  • short hands, feet and fingers;
  • soft facial features;
  • thin soft hair.

The body type of a female endomorph is "" or ""; it belongs to complete.

Of the features of the character of hypersthenics, they note:

  • tolerance;
  • lack of aggression;
  • love of comfort;
  • slowness;
  • increased appetite.

Endomorph women are prone to diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis and high blood cholesterol;
  • obesity;
  • respiratory problems;
  • liver disease.

The nutrition of female endomorphs should consist of 50% protein, 40% complex carbohydrates and 10% fats, since the delayed volume of substances leads to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which is difficult to leave.

From sports, they prefer yoga, callanetics, swimming, martial arts and intense cardio training to increase flexibility and get rid of excess fat.

How do you know which type you are?

The easiest way- measure the circumference of the woman's wrist below the protruding bone.

  • Up to 16 cm - asthenic constitution;
  • 16-18 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 18 cm - hypersthenic.

You can do without a centimeter. The thumb and middle finger of one hand grasp the wrist of the other hand below the bone.

  • Fingers cover one another - ectomorph.
  • Fingers touch each other - mesomorph.
  • Fingers do not touch - endomorph.

You can do it by regularly observing your own body: for example, how quickly you gain and lose weight.

In fitness centers, you can undergo special testing, which includes the measurement of some physical data. This method is considered one of the most reliable.

Also, any coach will be able to determine the type of a person's figure in two simple ways:

  • in the first, by measuring the width of the elbow joint bent at a right angle and comparing it with the indicators;
  • in the second - along the intercostal angle: large and forefinger applied to the lower ribs in the lateral region, the angle obtained between the fingers and speaks about what kind of physique a person has:
    • less than 90 o - hyposthenic;
    • 90 o - normosthenic;
    • more than 90 o - hypersthenic.

According to the structure of bones, the characteristics of weight gain and problem areas, there are traditionally three types of physique. To determine which of them your figure belongs to, it is enough to carefully look in the mirror and take elementary measurements. This is not to say that any of these types are more beautiful. All of them may be equally liked, it is important to choose the right image and clothes, taking into account the characteristics of the category. With a mixed type, it is worth focusing on the prevailing indicators.

Asthenic physique

Women-asthenics (ectomorphs) are distinguished by their general thinness and elongation of lines. Their main features:

  • long and thin neck;
  • narrow shoulders and chest;
  • elongated oval of the face, clear cheekbones, thin nose;
  • undeveloped muscles;
  • high growth.

Long-legged girls of asthenic (ectomorphic) physique often lack strength. Endurance is not a strong trait of the asthenic type. At the same time, they are characterized by lightness and grace. Slender girls excess weight gain very slowly, maintaining a slim figure even with improper and unbalanced nutrition, and quickly get in shape.

Elongated and thin limbs are one of the signs of an asthenic physique.

Bone diseases and problems with the spine are common among asthenics. They often experience low blood pressure and low hemoglobin levels. In addition, the likelihood of colds, stomach problems and vegetative-vascular dystonia is high. Asthenics prefer warmth, avoiding too cold weather.

The diet of androgenic asthenics should be dominated by carbohydrates - 50-60%. Proteins and fats should be supplied in equal amounts - 20-30%. When choosing a sport, give preference to physical activity that will develop the missing characteristics: strength and endurance. For example, swimming, aerobics are good.

Normosthenic physique

Normostenic girls (mesomorphs) have a proportional figure. Their main parameters:

  • medium height;
  • thin waist;
  • long and slender legs.

The normosthenic (mesomorphic) type is considered the most harmonious. Its owners do not have special diseases, they differ good health and endurance. It is believed that these athletic girls were lucky to be born with innate coordination, speed and agility. The best sports are volleyball, basketball, tennis. With age, women of this athletic and athletic type should pay more attention to proper nutrition and healthy physical activity, eat more apples, pears and other fruits to easily lose weight when needed.

It is useful to walk a lot, breathe fresh air taking vitamins. Otherwise, there is a risk of gaining excess weight and earning unpleasant diseases.

The diet of normostenics should include less fat than the menu of asthenics. Their percentage should be 10-20%. The share of proteins is 30-40%, carbohydrates - 40-50%.

Normosthenic wrists have a circumference of up to 18.5 cm.

Hypersthenic physique

The endomorphic physique is distinguished by some heaviness and squat, dense, full figure, rapid weight gain. The main signs of this type physique:

  • large bones;
  • growth is below average;
  • wide and short chest;
  • shortened limbs;
  • broad shoulders.

Hypersthenics (endomorphs) complain of a slow metabolism, as a result of which a tendency to be overweight develops. It is difficult for them to knock down unwanted pounds. You can only lose weight on a strict diet and in compliance with a sports regimen. All diseases that primarily threaten women of this type are associated with excess weight. These are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, skin cancer.

It is especially important for hypersthenics to develop correct eating habits and try to lead an active lifestyle.

The advantage of hypersthenics is their strength and endurance. At the same time, it is necessary to develop flexibility and dexterity. This will be facilitated by yoga, callanetics, karate and other martial arts.

Hypersthenic men also tend to be overweight.

The amount of fat in the diet should be minimized - no more than 10%. The main share of nutrients should be proteins - 40-50%. Carbohydrates should be 30-40%.

How to determine your body type

There are several methods for determining body type, and not all of them require a calculator. The simplest of these is to measure the circumference of the wrist. In asthenics, this indicator is less than 16 cm.The indicator of the wrist circumference for normosthenics is 16-18.5 cm.A large-boned physique implies a wrist length of more than 18.5 cm.

However, this calculation only gives an approximate result. A more accurate measurement involves comparing the rate of growth and length.

The growth of normostenics and hypersthenics most often does not exceed 170 cm. Asthenics can boast of a higher growth. The proportions between the height and the length of the legs are also important.

To correctly calculate the length of the legs, take a centimeter and check the distance from the tubercle of the femur to the floor. In the asthenic type, the legs are 2-4 cm longer than half the height. In the normosthenic type, by 4-6 cm. In the hypersthenic type, by 6-9 cm.

Even more accurate indicators can be recognized using the Pignet index. It is calculated using the following formula: standing height (cm) - (body weight (kg) + chest circumference (cm)). If this indicator is less than 10, the physique is strong (hypersthenic). With data from 10 to 25, normal (normosthenic). With an indicator from 26 to 35 - weak (asthenic), more than 35 - very weak.

Calculation of the norm of weight

Indicators healthy norm the weights are different for each type. At the same time, being overweight is not always an indicator of excess body fat. Adipose tissue is a necessary part of any organism; without it, health and proper metabolism are impossible. The standard male body fat is 1/20, female - 1/16. Most of it is located under the skin, protecting organs from hypothermia, overheating, or injury. In addition, fat provides the necessary energy reserves for emergencies. Therefore, you should not thoughtlessly drive him away, not taking into account your testimony, doctor's prescriptions and body type.

There are different norms of weight in grams per centimeter of height for asthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics. For men, these parameters are different.

  • For thin-boned girls, this figure is from 315 to 355 g, depending on age.
  • For women of normosthenic constitution - from 325 to 380 g;
  • For hypersthenics - from 355 to 400 g.

Calculating your weight per centimeter of height is simple: just divide your body weight in grams by your height in centimeters. Having correctly determined your body type, it is easy to calculate your ideal weight: just multiply the coefficient by height.

The hypersthenic body type is one of the three main options that are characteristic of the human figure. There are also normosthenic and asthenic body types. Other variants of the names of these types of figures are, respectively, endomorph and ectomorph.

In general, we can say that hypersthenics are characterized by the largest physique by nature, possessing developed muscles and a powerful skeleton. Asthenic is the complete opposite of a hypersthenic, with thin bones, undeveloped muscles and a thin figure. In turn, the normosthenic is an average physique, which in its characteristics occupies an intermediate place between the hypersthenic and the asthenic.

The type is determined mainly by his genetic predisposition to a particular type of figure and is given to him from birth. Of course, in the process of life, a person can slightly change the shape of his body, for example, by losing weight or gaining weight, gaining muscle mass. However, he is not able to radically change his body type.

Features of hypersthenic physique

Features of the hypersthenic body type are manifested in all characteristics of the human body - from the structure internal organs to the skeleton construction. So, as for the internal organs of a person, it usually has a large heart, and its rounded chest determines a relatively high position of the diaphragm.

Its skeleton consists of large and heavy bones, and the bones of its limbs are usually not very long, as a result of which the hypersthenic has rather short arms and legs. Men of this body type usually have developed shoulders, while women have wide hips.

People with a hypersthenic body type are usually naturally equipped with more muscle mass compared to other body types. Due to this, the weight of a hypersthenic with a normal body mass index is, as a rule, 7-10% higher than that of a normosthenic. However, nevertheless, experts emphasize that it is hypersthenics who are also prone to gaining adipose tissue: this is due to a rather slow metabolism, during which a significant part of the calories consumed is deposited in fat. Therefore, people with this type of figure should not blame the whole weight gain on the "wide bone": you need to carefully monitor your diet and play sports.

What are the types of physique in women and why you need to know it

Hello to all our adorable readers! We, the Valitov brothers, the authors of this blog, think that our article will be useful for you to understand your body type for effective fitness or bodybuilding.

It is clear that each of you has its own constitution, which is determined by a hereditary predisposition, determined by its forms, proportions and the location of various parts of the body in relation to each other.

Therefore, a professional trainer, when correcting physical fitness during classes, must take into account all body types in women in order to correctly draw up a training program for each individually.

Our former classmate came to our gym for training to get in shape after pregnancy.

As a student, in the structure of her body, Alena had the makings of an athletic mesomorph with clearly visible biceps, calf muscles, and a developed back. However, after the birth of the child, she gained an extra 15 kg, due to the fact that she ate a lot and breastfeed the child.

At the same time, a quick set of adipose tissue in her body transferred her to the category of people with an endomorphic constitution.

It is clear that we cannot radically change human genetics, but with the help of special exercises we have the opportunity to improve the situation.

Therefore, having studied Alena's body type in detail, we have drawn up an appropriate correction program for her.

For six months of classes, the woman quickly recovered, but has not yet reached her dream to build up the muscles of her buttocks a little.

However, we think that with her enthusiasm, discipline, and the responsibility of attending workouts, this issue can be addressed with the right muscle building program.

What body types are inherent in the female constitution? What features they are characterized by, how they can be determined, you will learn about this in more detail later!

Characteristics of female body types

Most women have a generalized body type in their figure, which is a symbiosis of several signs different forms body. Sometimes these options are very invisible, so often their main type is determined by mistake.

The fundamental classics have clear distinctions in this matter, summarizing the general feminine parameters:

  • Growth;
  • The volume of the chest and hips;
  • Waist circumference;
  • Width of the shoulder line;
  • Wrist sizes.

The figures of all women, taking into account the proportional features of the silhouette, Professor M. Chernorutsky and Dr. H. Sheldon are divided into three classes:

  1. Asthenics or ectomorphs.
  2. Normostenics or mesomorphs.
  3. Hypersthenics or endomorphs.

Let's consider each of these types in more detail.


Women with an asthenic figure, they are also representatives of ectomorphs, are characterized by:

  • Long and thin neck;
  • Narrow shoulders;
  • Weakly expressed thin muscles;
  • Small body fat;
  • Lean figure;
  • Elongated limbs;
  • Long face;
  • Thin nose;
  • Small buttocks and breasts;
  • Fast metabolism;
  • Hyperactivity.

Representatives of the ectomorph group have:

  • Light weight;
  • Above average height;
  • Ease;
  • Elegance;
  • Vigor.

The choice of sports exercises for women in this group should be aimed at developing muscles, strength and endurance. Therefore, it is better for them to do:

  1. Swimming.
  2. Aerobics;
  3. Dancing.


The normasthenic constitution, she is mesomorphic, endowed the woman with a beautiful and harmonious figure. Ladies in this category are of medium height, slender legs, and a thin waist.

Mesomorph women have:

  • Proportional body lines;
  • Moderately developed muscles;
  • Even distribution of body fat;
  • The bones and joints are medium in size.

At the same time, by their nature, representatives of this type of figure are very fast and coordinated. Therefore, from sports directions, hobby is more suitable for them:

  1. Volleyball.
  2. Basketball.
  3. Tennis.
  4. Aqua aerobics.

It is at this point in our story that we want to distract you from reading in order to dispel your doubts about correcting your forms with the help of training.

Due to the specifics of your work, you have to lead a sedentary lifestyle all day long, which is why your weight has gone up? Don't worry, it's fixable! To clarify - is your figure of the mesomorphic type? Then everything will be OK!

Take our advice! Sign up for gym or a pool at a convenient time for you. You have a good perspective under the guidance of a professional trainer, it is easy to lose fat. Since you will be helped by the body itself with its efficient metabolism and quick response to training.


The hypersthenic type of the female constitution is also called endomorphic. Representatives of this group are usually of medium height, possessing:

  • Heavy and broad bones;
  • Bulky shoulders;
  • A wide and short chest;
  • Shortened limbs.

Their rounded body tends to be underdeveloped musculature. Endomorphs have problems with weight, it is difficult for them to lose weight due to their slow metabolic rate and rapid fatigability. However, at the same time, by nature, these women are quite strong and hardy. Therefore, they can choose from sports disciplines:

  1. Yoga.
  2. Callanetics or Pilates.
  3. Oriental martial arts.

These workouts help endomorphs balance the muscle mass of the upper and lower body, speed up metabolism and burn fat.

What's the easiest way to determine your body type?

To determine a woman's belonging to a certain type of her physique, there is an elementary way that every woman can use herself. To do this, you just need to measure the circumference of your wrist.

Thin-boned ectomorphs have a wrist circumference of less than 16 cm.The normal physique of a mesomorph is from 16 to 18.5 cm, and in full endomorphs this figure is more than 18.5 cm.

If you want to know more about the types of female physique, we invite you to become subscribers to our blog! Here you will always find the most interesting information, and in your comments you can perfectly communicate with your online friends on this topic.

Good luck to all!
Goodbye, see you soon!

Yours faithfully, Valitov brothers!