Ultrasound for pregnant women. Ultrasound for pregnant women Ultrasound in the third trimester

Ultrasound is an informative diagnostic method that is used in a variety of fields of medicine, including gynecology. Pregnant women should undergo ultrasound examinations at least three times.

Why do you need to do an ultrasound during pregnancy?

Ultrasound examination during pregnancy is used to monitor the physiological development of the fetus over time. Determining gender is a pleasant part of the study. Ultrasound is performed during pregnancy in the 1st trimester (11-14 weeks), 2nd trimester (18-21 weeks) and 3rd trimester (30-34 weeks). The optimal timing for screening is the 12th, 22nd and 32nd week. However, if there is a suspicion of a pregnancy complication, the number and/or interval of ultrasound examinations can be adjusted.

Conducting the first study in early pregnancy

At 11-14 weeks future mom undergoes the first ultrasound examination. It serves several purposes:

  • determining the exact period (transvaginal examination allows you to determine pregnancy at 4-5 weeks, transabdominal examination - 2-2.5 weeks later);
  • confirmation of the viability and normal development of the embryo;
  • detection of multiple births;
  • clarification of the location of the ovum (to exclude ectopic pregnancy);
  • exclusion of hydatidiform mole (a chromosomal disorder in which the development of the fertilized egg does not occur, and the chorionic villi take on the appearance of bubbles filled with liquid);
  • determination of the condition of the uterus and fetus in case of threat of miscarriage.

Do an ultrasound on early stages Pregnancy is possible in any clinic, including private ones.

Conducting research in the second trimester of pregnancy

It is carried out in the 18-21st week of the second trimester. First of all, it is necessary to assess the anatomical development of the fetus. It is during the second ultrasound that parents find out the sex of their unborn child. Also, during the second study, fetometry is performed - determining the size of the child, after which the specialist verifies the data obtained and finds out whether there is a developmental delay in the fetus.

Other goals pursued by ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy:

  • identification of developmental defects;
  • quantity amniotic fluid(polyhydramnios, like oligohydramnios, is considered a pathology);
  • determining the characteristics of the placenta (thickness, degree of maturity and location);
  • the condition of the cervix (normally it should be closed until birth);
  • position of the umbilical cord (its entanglement during this period is not considered a pathology, since the child is actively moving and can unravel on its own).

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy

A woman should have an ultrasound done in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy at approximately 30-34 weeks. At this time it is determined:

  • fetal presentation, its size (fetometry) and development of internal organs;
  • correct location of the placenta and its other parameters (thickness, structure and degree of maturity);
  • fetal movement activity.

This is necessary to identify deviations in the child’s development and determine labor management tactics. In addition, according to indications during this period, a pregnant woman can undergo Doppler ultrasound, which consists of studying the uteroplacental blood flow and helps prevent the development of hypoxia in the fetus. It can also be used to identify entanglement of the umbilical cord and pathologies of the placenta, for example premature detachment(one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy).

Is ultrasound dangerous for pregnant women and the fetus?

Many future parents, as well as relatives of the older generation, believe that an ultrasound scan can negatively affect the health of the child and the condition of the mother. However, it is not. Numerous studies conducted both abroad and in Russia confirm the safety of this highly accurate diagnostic method, since ultrasound is performed in standard B-mode. At the same time, you can go through it as many times as necessary. The main thing is that it is carried out during those periods of pregnancy that are the most informative.

What is 3D and 4D ultrasound?

Today thanks modern technologies Ultrasound can be not only two-dimensional, but also three- and even four-dimensional. In a two-dimensional study, the specialist receives a regular black and white image on a monitor. Three-dimensional ultrasound (3D) is a three-dimensional image in color mode, and with four-dimensional ultrasound (4D) you can see the movements of the fetus in real time.

In modern medicine, ultrasound during pregnancy is a mandatory diagnostic procedure that is performed on all pregnant women without exception. The research is based on the use of special properties of ultrasonic waves, which, when reflected from body tissues, help to visualize internal organs the patient being examined. Ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy is considered the most painless, safe and informative method of examination. Among the advantages are affordable prices.

Indications for ultrasound during pregnancy

The main goals of an ultrasound examination are to confirm pregnancy, exclude pathologies of fetal development, and prepare for the process of childbirth.

Ultrasound is indicated in the following cases:

  • To confirm pregnancy;
  • To assess the condition of the fetus and diagnose abnormalities of its development;
  • To study the structure and location of the placenta and umbilical cord;
  • To measure the size of the fetus;
  • To assess the volume of amniotic fluid;
  • To assess the condition of the ovaries, cervix and uterine walls;
  • To assess blood flow in the uterus, blood vessels and placenta.


Since ultrasound of pregnant women is considered the safest and most painless diagnostic method, there are no absolute contraindications to its implementation. But since the effect of ultrasonic waves on the body of the mother and unborn child has not been fully studied, the examination must be carried out with some caution. In particular, it is necessary to minimize the time of influence of ultrasonic waves on a pregnant woman, reducing it to what is necessary to obtain accurate diagnostic data.

Limitations to performing an ultrasound to determine pregnancy may include wound lesions and scars (for example, after surgical interventions) in the area being examined. Such damage can distort the results of the study due to the loose fit of the sensor to the skin of the area being examined. In such cases, the doctor decides on the most effective method of conducting the examination.

Ultrasound progress

Ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy does not require any special preparation from the woman. Immediately before the examination, the area to be diagnosed is cleared of clothing. The woman lies on a couch or in a special chair in a supine position.

The examination can be carried out in two ways:

  • Transabdominal;
  • Transvaginal.

In the first case, the sensor is applied to the pregnant woman’s abdominal area, previously lubricated with a special gel. This method is considered a review method and is used in the vast majority of cases. When using the second method, a special sensor is inserted into the vagina. The transvaginal method is considered clarifying, so it is carried out in cases where the information obtained with the transabdominal method is not enough.

Ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy, which proceeds normally, without deviations or complications, is carried out within the planned time limits established by the International Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics:

  • In the first trimester (at eleven to thirteen weeks);
  • In the second trimester (at twenty to twenty-four weeks);
  • In the third trimester (at thirty to thirty-two weeks).

If necessary, the number of studies can be increased, but an ultrasound examination must be carried out only if there are appropriate medical indications.

In some cases, in the first trimester, an ultrasound examination is performed twice - the first (at a very early stage) to confirm pregnancy, the second - as planned at the eleventh to thirteenth week. Early ultrasound is necessary for:

  • Exclusion of ectopic pregnancy;
  • Estimates of the number of fertilized eggs and their sizes;
  • Study of amnion, chorion, umbilical cord and yolk sac;
  • Assessment of pathologies of the mother’s reproductive organs (ovarian formations, abnormalities of the uterine structure, intrauterine pathologies, fibroids);
  • Diagnosis of possible pathologies (hydatidiform mole, threatened miscarriage, complete or in progress abortion).

In addition to the indicated indicators, in the first trimester, gross malformations (skeletal anomalies, anencephaly), markers of chromosomal pathologies (Edwards, Turner, Down syndrome) are assessed. The data obtained are compared with the results of biochemical screening in the first trimester.

In the second trimester, a routine ultrasound is performed (twenty to twenty-four weeks). At this time, the diagnostician can evaluate and determine:

  • The dynamics of fetal growth (the circumference of the abdomen and head, the length of the femur are assessed), as well as an increase in its mass;
  • Intrauterine developmental defects (the presence of abnormalities of the skull and cerebellum, pyelectasia, verticulomegaly);
  • Thickness, structure and location of the placenta;
  • The amount of amniotic fluid.

Along with ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound is performed in the second trimester, which allows you to evaluate the characteristics of blood flow between the mother, fetus and placenta, as well as identify signs of hypoxia. The length of the cervical canal and cervix is ​​also measured, and the risk is assessed premature birth. With a high degree of probability, the sex of the unborn child is determined in the second trimester.

Ultrasound performed in the third trimester is aimed at identifying:

  • Delayed fetal development and previously undetected intrauterine malformations;
  • Disorders of the fetus and blood flow functions;
  • The final placental location and degree of maturity of the placenta;
  • Changes in the condition of postoperative sutures and scars on the uterus.

By the time of the third ultrasound, the fetus, as a rule, already occupies the position in which it will be born, therefore, during the third ultrasound examination, its presentation (cephalic or pelvic) is determined, the entanglement of the umbilical cord is detected, the weight of the newborn is predicted and the timing of delivery is specified. The amount of amniotic fluid is also important diagnostic value: polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios may be signs of infection or fetal development disorders.

Pregnancy and ultrasound are inseparable concepts in modern prenatal diagnostics. The duration of the ultrasound examination procedure, as a rule, does not exceed twenty to thirty minutes. At the end of the ultrasound examination, the doctor issues a conclusion, as well as (by prior agreement) a digital recording of the progress of the ultrasound examination.

Where to do an ultrasound during pregnancy?

Our network of clinics offers all patients high-quality diagnostic services. Our employees are qualified specialists who have extensive experience in diagnosing various pathologies and diseases. Specialists have high-tech equipment at their disposal, which makes it possible to obtain quick and accurate examination results.

We guarantee that examinations will be carried out in a comfortable environment for patients, as well as maintaining complete confidentiality.

Can ultrasound be performed on pregnant women?

Is ultrasound performed during pregnancy?

Prices for ultrasound during pregnancy

If you want to find out the prices for ultrasound during pregnancy or for any other diagnostic procedures, contact our help center - we work around the clock.

Ultrasound during pregnancy is one of the simplest and safe methods examinations of women and fetuses during pregnancy.

Diagnostics is carried out using a special sensor connected to the device. A colorless gel is applied to the woman’s skin, which does not cause any sensation. Then a screening is performed, the results of which are displayed on the monitor screen.

An ultrasound examination is performed once in each trimester: at 11-14 weeks, 18-20 weeks and 30-34 weeks. Or more often - according to indications. The presence of a fertilized egg, embryo, and heart contractions in the uterus is determined.

You can do an ultrasound in 3D and 4D planes. Using a three-dimensional drawing, you can see a three-dimensional color image of the organs of the future baby. A 4D ultrasound will show the baby in motion.

Ultrasound examination in the first trimester

The gynecologist evaluates the maturation of the fetus at the initial stage of pregnancy, how the main organs are formed. The method is convenient because it allows you to detect ectopic pregnancy early and avoid surgery.

Ultrasound examination in the second trimester

The second ultrasound is done at 20-24 weeks. The purpose of the secondary examination is to detect possible abnormalities in fetal development and hereditary diseases. During this period, the sex of the baby and its size are determined (fetometry). Based on these data, the gynecologist makes a conclusion about the intrauterine development of the fetus. Some deviations from the norm are treatable, but there are cases when pregnancy may be terminated.

During the second ultrasound, the following is diagnosed:

  • Presence of abnormalities in fetal development;
  • The length of the nasal septum;
  • Amniotic fluid and its quantity;
  • Characteristics of the placenta;
  • Cervix;
  • Condition of the umbilical cord.

Ultrasound examination in the third trimester

The third time the study is carried out at 32-34 weeks. Diagnose the development of the fetus at this stage, the location of the placenta, the presentation of the fetus to determine the tactics of labor - naturally or by caesarean section.

The following methods are used:

  • transabdominal method - the examination is carried out through the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity.
  • transvaginal - a special sensor is inserted into the woman’s vagina. The sensor is located as close as possible to the uterus. The examination is carried out with an empty bladder, without preparation.

On the “Ultrasound Around the Clock” portal you can sign up for an examination every day without waiting in line. Clinics operate around the clock, without breaks and weekends. You can check prices and get advice from the administrator by phone, as well as ask any questions you may have.

During diagnostics at 11 and 12 weeks of pregnancy, a specialist carefully examines each organ of the fetus. The doctor studies the internal and external structure of the embryo. At 20-21 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus weighs 300-360 g, its length is from 16 to 26 cm. A study at 32 weeks of pregnancy allows us to examine in detail the size of the child and determine how well they correspond to the term. Also during diagnosis, the condition of the amniotic fluid is assessed.

Ultrasound of the fetus during pregnancy at 36-37 weeks is one of the last examinations before childbirth. Diagnostics allows you to evaluate the position of the fetus, its heartbeat, the maturity of the placenta, the condition of the uterus and the location of the umbilical cord. At this time, the child weighs about three kilograms and is approximately 47-48 cm long.

At the Open Clinic, patients can undergo testing at any stage of pregnancy. The procedure does not require any special preparation. If the diagnosis is carried out in early pregnancy, then the attending physician usually prescribes a transvaginal ultrasound. In this case, the patient must empty her bladder before the procedure. During a transabdominal ultrasound of the fetus, a special gel is applied to the abdomen, along which the specialist moves an ultrasound probe.

In our medical center you can undergo a three-dimensional examination. 3D ultrasound is a modern diagnostic method. This study allows you to see the baby’s facial features and facial expressions. As a result of the diagnosis, high-quality images of the child are obtained. Most optimal time To carry out a three-dimensional study, the pregnancy must not be earlier than the twenty-fourth week. The duration of a 3D fetal ultrasound is at least fifty minutes.

Four-dimensional examination is also carried out at the Open Clinic. This ultrasound allows you not only to see how the baby moves, but also to record its movements on DVD. As a result, future mother and father receive a short video recording. Such an ultrasound examination is important not only for parents, but also provides an opportunity for the doctor to assess the child’s condition. Diagnostics allows you to examine all the baby’s organs. 4D ultrasound of the fetus is best performed at the second scheduled examination.

At the Open Clinic, diagnostics can be performed by appointment. Call the contact number listed on the website and ask our administrator any questions. They will select a diagnostic time that is convenient for you. You don't have to sit in line and wait for equipment to become available. If necessary, after an ultrasound examination, you can consult with our experienced specialists. “Open Clinic” guarantees its patients an ultrasound examination of the fetus during pregnancy at the highest level.

Indications for use

Ultrasound examination can be planned or additional. The patient can undergo an ultrasound as prescribed by a doctor or at her own request.

  • Definition of pregnancy. Diagnosis is carried out for women expecting a child in the early stages. This study allows you to determine the presence of a fertilized egg and confirm pregnancy.
  • Exclusion of developmental defects. Diagnostics provides an opportunity to examine the embryo and assess its condition. A study to exclude fetal malformations is carried out starting from the 11th week.
  • Gender of the child. This diagnostic is effective method, allowing you to determine the gender of the baby. For this purpose, fetal ultrasound is best performed in the second trimester of pregnancy.
  • Embryo size. Diagnostics can be performed on patients at any time. The study allows you to assess whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the established gestational age.
  • Threatened abortion. Diagnostics helps to find out how the embryo's heart functions during bleeding. If there is a possibility of miscarriage, then a study must be carried out.
  • Gestational age. It is best to determine it in the first trimester. The study allows the specialist to determine the size of the embryo and find out the approximate gestational age.

This procedure is prescribed to patients in order to determine the location of the placenta. The study allows you to assess the condition of the embryo and exclude various pathologies. Using diagnostics, placenta previa can be detected. During pregnancy, a fetal ultrasound is prescribed if the patient has oligohydramnios. Diagnostics helps to examine organs in detail and exclude intrauterine developmental delay. Ultrasound is also regularly performed for polyhydramnios.

Multiple pregnancy is an indication for additional diagnostics. Using ultrasound, you can monitor embryos and monitor their development. Unscheduled diagnosis is carried out if the patient has the following indications:

  • severe discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody issues;
  • placental abruption.

For various anomalies and pathologies, it is imperative to do an ultrasound of the fetus; the second trimester is the time to clarify the diagnosis made in the early stages. Leakage of amniotic fluid is also a reason for an unscheduled ultrasound examination. It is imperative to undergo the procedure if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy. Umbilical cord entanglement is a reason for immediate ultrasound examination. Specialists prescribe additional diagnostics if the patient has:

  • diabetes;
  • pathologies of the pelvic organs;
  • chronic infectious diseases.

Doctors recommend regular ultrasound examinations for pregnant women over forty years of age. In this case, 4D ultrasound of the fetus will allow you to fully examine the embryo and identify any developmental pathologies. An ultrasound examination is mandatory for all patients in the third trimester of pregnancy. It allows you to evaluate:

  • structure of organs;
  • bone length;
  • head size;
  • abdominal circumference;
  • blood vessels.

Ultrasound examination also determines the condition of the umbilical cord. When diagnosing women in the third trimester of pregnancy, a specialist must exclude signs of intrauterine infection. In Moscow, modern devices are used for ultrasound examinations, which make it possible to determine the due date and estimated body weight of the child. During diagnostics, expectant mothers can not only hear, but also see how the baby’s heart functions.

Ultrasound examination allows specialists to monitor the progress of pregnancy and monitor the development of the fetus. Thanks to diagnosis in the last trimester, doctors are able to plan the birth process and avoid any severe consequences. Experts recommend that women expecting a child undergo three-dimensional diagnostics using modern high-precision equipment.

Price for fetal ultrasound

Many patients are interested in the cost of ultrasound examination. The price of diagnostics depends on many factors. First of all, the cost of ultrasound is influenced by the sensor used. Also, the price of diagnostics depends on the stage of pregnancy. Ultrasound examination in the third trimester takes a lot of time, since the specialist needs to study the condition of all the child’s organs. Therefore, ultrasound in the last stages of pregnancy is much more expensive. The cost of the procedure is also affected by the diagnostic method. The most expensive is 4D ultrasound.

Examination in our centers in Moscow

The Open Clinic has created all the conditions for effective diagnostics. Our medical centers have high-precision devices that allow us to determine the condition of the embryo and identify the slightest deviations. Ultrasound examinations of women expecting a child are performed by attentive specialists. During the procedure, our patients feel as comfortable as possible. We make sure that the offices are warm.

Patients from any district of the capital and the Moscow region can sign up for an ultrasound examination of the fetus at the Open Clinic. Our medical centers have convenient locations. You can undergo an ultrasound not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. Call our administrators at the phone number listed on the website, they will select a diagnostic time convenient for you. "Open Clinic" guarantees its patients a successful ultrasound examination during pregnancy. In our medical centers you can undergo diagnostics at prices affordable to almost all residents of the capital and the Moscow region.

Ultrasound of pregnant women is the only highly informative and at the same time safe non-invasive method that allows dynamic monitoring of the condition of the fetus from the earliest stages of its development. To monitor the development of the fetus, an ultrasound scan is performed different dates pregnancy.


Indications for use ultrasound examination pregnant women: establishing the fact of pregnancy, monitoring its progress; determination of the number of fertilized eggs; embryometry and fetometry; diagnosis of fetal development abnormalities; assessment of the functional state of the fetus; placentography; monitoring during invasive studies (chorionic villus biopsy, amniocentesis, cordocentesis, intrauterine surgery (fetosurgery).


No preparation for the examination is required. The safety of ultrasound for pregnant women is confirmed by many theoretical and experimental studies. However, it is known that exposure to ultrasound causes slight heating in tissues, and can also provoke the formation of tiny gas bubbles in tissues and body fluids. The long-term effect of these phenomena is not yet known. From a psychological point of view, ultrasound helps many pregnant women stop worrying and provides an opportunity to make sure that everything is fine with their baby.