"Sticks in the grave. Ospen Number in the grave of the sorcerer how to score chop at the wedding

Reed Khasanova

It is believed that adherence to some wedding will adopt give Heat and happiness in family relationships. Century traditions are not subject to doubt and discussion, since they are transferred from parents to children. Often, the nearest relatives are responsible for their customs, without which the wedding event turns out to be infallible. Undoubtedly, many newlyweds have to look for a compromise.

Photo of the wedding ceremony

Modern traditions at the wedding

Traditional wedding ceremony in Russia starts with the meeting. Usually it passes with. Pone salt on a wedding for young prepares, as a rule, Mom Groom. Since the time of the USSR, champagne added to bread, although vodka poured in some regions in the old man.

These traditions are very subjective depending on the values \u200b\u200bof the family of the bride and groom

Wedding rings laid on a handkerchief, which raised above the bride and groom's top. Such a wedding rite in Russian traditions meant committing a love covenant in heaven, as the head of man was associated with the world of heaven.

Newlyweds at the time of marriage were surrounded by special trepidation. Upon ideas of our ancestors, the creation of a family was the creation of a new world, where not two people are connected, and the sun (groom) and the land (bride).

Slavic wedding customs

Another wedding Slavic ritual in Russia - rite around the stove. When the young man led his wife to his house, the first thing she did, was bowed and prayed a hearth, as he was considered the heart of the dwelling.

Fellow villagers drove dances around the hut newlyweds throughout the wedding night. So people gave a blessing to a new family. Vintage superstitions and signs on happiness were pronounced in rich clothes. Red or gold belt At the wedding were a faith. In the future, after the holiday, if the husband was in departure, the wife was looking by his wedding belt, so as not to hurt.

Like the belt, the ring had the shape of the circle and meant the absence of the beginning and end. Both were considered a symbol of loyalty, walking evil, instincts or chaos

Any Slavicchain, including wedding, symbolized the fence from evil.

Nowadays, some pretty old customs are still used by the newlyweds. For instance, . This tradition was transmitted from generation to generation. The tower was inherited as a dowry or seized by the bride on his own and used in the ancient rituals of the ancient Slavs, since allegedly had a healing force.

In some provinces from the groom Rolled the gang trackbefore the womb of the bride. When it was approached on the wagon, it only went on it. So it happened, because their homes had images of two universes, and all the rest is a unprecedented world.

Wedding in the Old Slavonic style

Sometimes near the threshold laid fires. Groom with friend jumped through firebefore going to the bride, cleansing everything so that the marriage is in innocence. Some customs and traditions of holding Russian weddings are still used in modern thematic celebrations.

Wedding without traditions - Interesting and unusual wedding ideas

The most popular ceremony is: the bride with the bride move the black and white sand from the vessels into one container, thereby promising to each other that from now on they will be one and never can serve. The drawing, which is obtained when mixing the sand of different colors, always turns out to be individual, as well as fate in humans.

Sand ceremony at the wedding

The next touching ceremony begins with the fact that newlyweds are written before the wedding two letters to each other. In them, young people are guessing the first 10 years of married life. You can specify the following provisions:

  • what joint goals they adhere to;
  • what feelings they are experiencing on the night before the wedding;
  • how they are waiting for this day;
  • who will drink most on the holiday;
  • who will make the most incendiary dance;
  • who will say the longest toast;
  • who will give the biggest bouquet;
  • what they swear to each other.

Moreover, Messages can be added:

  • invest additional letters to future children;
  • add pictures;
  • share feelings in verses.

The longer the letter gets, the more interesting it will be read on the 10th anniversary of the wedding. Next, you need to buy a favorite drink that will not deteriorate for such a term. He puts in the box along with letters. The cover of the lid is sealed and, accordingly, printing.

Wine ceremony

If it happens that newlyweds will not be able to cope with any life situation, this box can be discovered ahead of time. Having got a favorite drink and remembering your feelings, establish relationships. This idea is called the ceremony of the box of the box and is even recommended by psychologists.

Hay or wooden chips, as well as ribbons, make a box more elegant. You can close it with a lock or nails

Beautiful wine ceremony at the wedding is better spent during registration. So marriage will be more complete. The time capsule can be a family relic, reminiscent of this day, and a good interior item.

How to make wedding rituals most relevant

When drawing up a list of guests, newlyweds often know who of them will come with a couple, and who are alone. The transfer of the wedding relay is a favorite story. For a successful competition, it is possible to calculate idle friends and friends, and then play their numbers at auction.

In addition to the bride attribute, such as a garter, guests are thrown and a piece of tie, acting as anti-garter. The one who will catch it, according to tradition, will not have time to marry. Especially in demand, such a rite will be among idle men with a good sense of humor.

From the first dance of young Do not refuse even in the absence of skills, because help can be obtained from a professional. A choreographer or director will add professional movements to amateur movements. Special entourage gives a team or bright props.

First wedding dance of young

Another option is the performance of a duet song. The first wedding live clip is not forbidden to exercise under the phonogram. Guests are hardly waiting for this, so happily surprise in any case.

What are the wedding customs for parents of the bride and groom?

As already mentioned, parents can put a slingshot at the wedding, but there are still a number of uniting ceremonies. The first thing to do the parents of the bride is - give a blessing to marriage. To do this, the father leads the bride to the bridegroom, standing at the altar, and the banquet dances with her.

Parents at the wedding

Classical traditions at the wedding for parents of the groom include his dance with a native and godmother. A good idea - to arrange these dances in one or more of the following ways:

  • slidesh show from children's photos;
  • bengal lights;
  • candles;
  • confetti.

Family Correction Obders Call ceremony of family hearthAlthough all guests can participate in it

For this, the candles are distributed to all married and married so that everyone can pass the part of his family hearth and the warmth to newlyweds. Newlyweds blown lights and make desires in honor of the first birthday of the family.

Parents give the last candles, they seem to give. Only Mom of the Bride participated in the ceremony. She passed the daughter of a corner from his oven to prepare dinner for the first time in a new house. In modern times, Mom Groom is attached to this.

Ignition of family focus

The participation of parents at the son's wedding mainly occurs in the banquet part of the event. Besides familiar toasts with stories from life they can singHaving inspired in the framework of the European wedding.

Thus, parents and guests express sadness about the care of a bachelor's life. In Russian traditions invited should meet the bride In the house of the bride or the bride, and not at the restaurant. Each family decides in its own way. It is possible to listen to, and you can simply wish you a good way from a clean heart in a new family life.

Parents escort the bride and groom

By asking the question who should pay a wedding by tradition, it is necessary to refer to the Slavic rule about the dowry. Since the parents about the marriage of the parents themselves, they paid for the walk they. Depending on the cost of the bride from the parents of the groom, the fee was charged. To date, everything is individually in this matter.

Traditions on the second and third wedding day

The second day of the wedding is usually carried out in nature, in a cafe or sauna in the afternoon. The duration of rest is usually 6 hours, but this is not the limit. The script for this day is thought out in advance. Small stylization and thematic actions Decorate the continuation of the celebration best.

By tradition, her husband and his wife prepare pancakes at the wedding on the second day to sell them. It is believed who will eat more, the whole year will be lucky. You can replace them with a multi-level finished cake.

The wedding cake

If the young ride on this day around the city, the tradition of overlapping the road at the wedding obliges to give delicious hotels. If you give a treat to those who could, then the couple will be able to soak off the bad luck. On the third day of newlyweds open gifts, view photos and send postcards to guests. Some are sent to the local bridge and hang as a symbol of eternal love.

Wedding traditions of the world

Any marriage implies a marriage agreement in which the rights and duties of newlyweds can be discussed.

Oriental weddings begin with the conclusion of testimony by parents in the mosque to give the rite the sacred. In Arab countries, without this paper, young people do not even populate into one room together.

After the business part, two people who create a family have long been obliged to give their consent loud three times. In addition, if the newlyweds have insincere intentions about the wedding, their marriage is considered invalid.

Therefore, the strongest bonds are usually created in the East. But in the Russian Federation, a comprehensive marriage contract has no legal force until it is registered in the registry office. Otherwise, the Muslim wedding in Russia is no different from the traditional Islamic.

Wedding traditions are a lot. Their variations are even more. They make a wedding more solemn. But at the same time, the more traditions are driving her perception, because actually it remains less time for communication, games and dancing.

Another interesting tradition is a combination of young families. Video rite of breeding at the wedding can be viewed here:

August 30, 2018, 19:37

Why was it believed that if you drive the aspen stake in the grave of the witches, then she will no longer harm? And got the best answer

Answer from Lady Leo? Clear? [Guru]
Osine Colossum is considered the most powerful and efficient weapon for restoring the "restless" undead: vampires, scapions, gourdalaks and other "cruel creatures" of nature, epic and ... imagination!
... as well as - witches and sorcerers after death ...
"The sorcerer yes the witch in the coffin of the cool through the chest pierce so as not to go with a lot; The overall belief of all Slavic tribes, "said another historian, scientist and chronicler Vladimir Dal.

Why is that? - And because they were considered cursed during their lifetime (stosed) souls, and they could only overcome them with a "damned" tree - according to the principle of similarity. SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR. "This is treated like this" ... or, speaking in Russian: Wedge - Wedge ...
In the old days, there was a real custom in the old words: in the grave of the "sorcerer" or "witches" hollow from Osina, so that the "unclean enemy force" could not harm honest people in the district. Evil, as it were, "naught" to the ground ... Negative went away!
The aspen gives a pronounced negative energy, a beautiful clean white "satin", "silky" wood and the mystical properties of "pick up and divert the negative."
The belief that the aspen count is able to "neutral evaluity", went from an ancient belief that Judas Isquariot hangs on Osin, and she, trying to shock the memory of a traitor, continuously shakes his leaves, throwing all the negative "collected" and rejecting him " In the dark "worlds, and simply speaking, in the soil, in the ground ..
Although - about Judah - and there are different versions ... It is indicated not only aspen, but also on the elder, and Birzasas (and she allegedly coil from fear), and alder - (allegedly therefore her wood has a reddish color).
So, according to legend, the aspen after hanging Judas began to tremble from horror at the slightest breeze ... So the tree was a symbol of the inevitability of punishment for betrayal.
The versions of aspen's curses associated with the history of Christ are also popular (although the aspen is not mentioned in the New Testament): Aspen is the only trees that "not recognizing Jesus" during his flight to Egypt;
during the congestion of Jesus "Osina did not bother in front of him and did not shut down from pity and compassion" (a similar version: all trees, except for aspen, lowered the leaves); The rods whom Christ was aspen were aspen).
That's just ... Where would Osin come from in the Middle East?
Aspen - a tree that meets in the north of Eurasia in coniferous and large forests, on the slopes of ravines. It reaches over 30 meters and a diameter of up to 1 meter and lives up to 80-100 years.
Osina refers to the genus of the Family Family. It is considered truly Russian, giving - as already said - satin-white, clean wood.
This is an eternally trepidant, singing gentle forest song Beautiful woman with trembling leaves, possessing many healing properties for man and animals. And although Osine over the centuries accompanied bad glory, it was widely used in folk medicine.
In the magic of all European peoples - the Aspen is associated with the "lower world" as well as with sorcerers, witches, etc. In Russian fairy tales and ritual practice, the motive of the Aspen Cola, clogged in the back or the heart of a dead man with an unaccificent soul, (especially unclean and sinful).
Osin is still referred to as hanging trees. Ponyna aspen is associated with with unclean power, chtonic characters (primarily female) and is a "sensuality symbol."
In the Runic tradition, the aspen is associated with the Ehwaz symbol, it is attributed to the wisdom, connection with the subtle world, the ability to confront any conditions, to remove death, illness, "damage", treat heal.

"TISHAN Secondary School

Wedding customs I.

Traditions of the village of Tishanka


Head of Virogradenko Tatyana

Vasilyevna, history teacher

Tishanka, 2011.

Introduction ...........................................................2

I. Preparation for the wedding ....................................... ..4

1.1 Watching .......................................... .. 4

1.2 Mogorch ............................................. ... 5

1.3 Looks ..............................................5

1.4. Gull party ............................................. 5.

1.5. Evening ................................................ .... 6

II. Wedding ........................................................... ... 6-9

III Final Wedding Stages .................. .9

Conclusion ............................................. ... 10

Used sources .............................. 11


Relevance of work:

The rite of the wedding appeared long ago and remains so far. After all, "play a wedding" - it means that the new seven-institute of the Company continues his life itself. It is believed that observance of wedding customs and traditions promises newlyweds a happy life. And at present, when divorces become frequent phenomena. Parents and newlyweds are increasingly turning to the old wedding traditions, hoping for a long happy family life. Therefore, my research work may have a practical orientation, it can be used in the study of customs and traditions of the village, as well as when preparing for the wedding.

The purpose of research work:collection and systematization of wedding customs and traditions of the village of Tishanka and nearby farms

Research methods:

poll, analysis of the Museum Materials, Media Analysis, Interviewing.

Used sources:

memories of "Storelov village", media materials, the chronicle of the village of Tishanka, local history literature.

I.. Wedding preparations

Wedding - from the word "your own", "Prival", your own man. " At the heart of the wedding rite - the road along which the groom moves into a new life, the road turning the previously scattered into one. In the old days of the wedding played very solemnly, because people realized marriage really as a sacrament, realizing that this step was determined by their life to death and the road would not be back. Wedding ritual was strictly regulated. Wedding ritual was strictly regulated, it was a whole performance with many actors, each of which had its own role.

At the base of the wedding ritual several stages:




Wedding day

Drive "touzul"


1.1 Watching

It was possible to wrap usually in the evening, went with gardens. The young was called allegorically by the "merchant of goods", and the bride is "product".

With the wedding of the bride, the parents of the groom brought bread, salt, alcohol. When wedding the bride and the bride ask "they agree to connect their hearts." If consent was obtained, then the matchmaker was put on the table bread and alcohol.

The first glass was swat with a matchmaker, mother with mother, bride with fiance. After that, dragged the song.

1.2 Mogorch

It was usually arranged three days later or a week after the walling. Invited close relatives on both sides and girlfriends of the bride. The feast aggreed about the wedding.

1.3 Stunches

"The place was watched" usually after the walling in two weeks. Not - Vesta, her parents and brother. After examining the economy, the house, measuring the windows (for sewing the curtain), organized a feast.

1.4 Gull Party

The day before the wedding in the house of the bride gather her girlfriends and the godfather Mother loose knead. The table put a dish, three candles on the dish. The godfather's mother before the loaf asked the blessings from the parents of the bride and girlfriends. At first she appealed to the Father: "Bless, OUR KUM, loose to knead." Father answered: "God blessed and I bless." Then the mother and girls asked the same.

When the loaf baked, watched: if he is a whole - to a long and happy life; With a crack - the life of the newlyweds is not silent; Potrested - life will go awry.

The dowry has always been an important condition for the Russian wedding, it was included in it: bed, dresses, homemade utensils and decorations, money, real estate. Nothing required from the groom. This collusion was less important. If the bride was from the poor family and could not bring in the house to the dowry, then the groom himself "did the dowry" or passed the bride's parents some amount of money - an old custom did not allow the bride without dowry.

The tradition prescribed a Russian guy to make it with their own hands everything you need to make his favorite could prepare her dowry. And of course, every young man tried to beat everyone else with his skill, preparing such a gift for the girl. How much fiction, ingenuity, fine artistic taste is invested in the decoration of every ribbed! So is it to be surprised that the gingerbread, the living embodiment of young love, for many years, decorated the hostess of the hostess, and then passed, carefully stored, inherited from mother to her daughter, from grandmother to her granddaughter.

There was a belief that dashing sorcerers and sorcerers can make damage and catch up with evil spirits to the house where the wedding ridges. Vs
this was given different means. The wretched room was elected by Stennik, often intense. It was necessary that there was no land on the ceiling, so that, thus, the marriage bedroom did not like anything on the grave.

In the evening, the bride's house came the relatives of the groom per bed. Bridesmaid girlfriends demanded a redemption bed, led bargaining. After the end of the bargain, the bed was taken to the groom's house. The curtains hang out there, laid out the dowry.

1.5. Evening.

In the evening, the friends and friendship of the bride and groom gathered. Only young people. They sang, danced, treated.

II.. Wedding

First wedding day . In the morning, the girlfriend was collected by the bride to the wedding. They dressed her in festive clothes and seated in the "holy corner" under the icons. Waiting for the groom girl sang songs. Mother of the bride and groom should not be dressed in the dress, as it was believed that separate clothes, such as a skirt and a jacket to remove the bride and groom.

At this time, the groom, gathering a wedding train, drove for the bride. Before that, the mother oversees the groom oats, small money, sweets. On the way, the wedding train could overwrite the road and only the ransom opens the way.

Arriving, the groom with two friendships went to buy a bride. I bought the bride of my friend, paid both money and candy, chocolate and alcohol.

When the bride is purchased, it leads to the bridegroom, cover. Cove the two dumps from the bride and the bride with scarves and cap. Separating:

Clapper crying

Clapper crying

Clapper crying

Not so covered

Jac kiss

Then there was a blessing for family life.

Father and mother took the icon, prayed and kissed the icon and said: "We bless you, daughter, for a new life." The bride kissed the icon, father, mother. The icon was transferred to the bride to a new family. After the blessing, the bride was taken out of the house.

A special person was supposed to follow, so that no one passed between the bride and the bride was considered a bad admission. And about some wedding traditions that have survived to this day. In the old days, the young on the wedding was made to give a large straw doll with a tummy (hence, apparently, and the custom began to tie the hub to the grille), which was called homemade carnival. Fullness of the doll symbolized the coming wealth and healthy offspring. The tradition to transfer the newly demanded through the threshold of the house in which she will live with her husband, arose like: In the old days, it was believed that if a young wife falls on the threshold of his new home, it is bad sign. To completely eliminate such a fall, the grooms raised their brides and transferred through the threshold at home on their hands.

On the street, sitting in the wagon, the bride was baptized on four sides. We went to marry the bride and groom in different wagons. When the bride moved, her girlfriends sang songs. Then there was a wedding process.

After the wedding, the young people went to the house of the groom, they were met with the icon and bread-salt mother and father of the groom. The bride was seated in the holy corner and started to take it. Big Swaha in his hands held a dish, on which shelter was lying, hops, lively, candy, small days, scallop, butter, two candles. The luminaire (sister of the bride) and the uncle (bride's brother) wrapped the candles for the ends of the haze and closed the bride. Large Swaha asked the bride's bride for the blessing to the young.

Then Swachy turned to the mother of the bride. Big Swash broke the braid, then twisted two braids, filmed a handkerchief from his head and put it on the bride. Newlyweds during the feast did not eat. When guests were served porridge, friendly and girlfriend took the young to the other room to dinner. Groom took his groom for a handkerchief tied on his hand and took it out of the room.

After dinner, the bride and the bride again was displayed for guests. The bride gave relatives of the groom with gifts that she herself sewed to the wedding. Then the glass poured a glass of vodka, I took a loaf and started collecting strings. For each lesson, gave a guest friendly and karable.

When the feast ended, the young led to sleep.

The second day of the wedding is a rich wedding. Guests came in the morning -

dine - breakfast. On this day, hot dishes were prepared: soup, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes.

On this day, the villages were walking on the village, more often dressed up the gypsies and grilled chickens, ducklings, pots, buckets and all this was given to the newlyweds.

On the same day, the process of riding and bathing took place. The daughter-in-law must pay the mother-in-law in the improvised font and dress it. Then rolled the godfather as the groom and the bride. They had to give "horses" for it.

III. Final Stages of the Wedding

The next day of the wedding, and in the old days a week later, the next stage of the wedding was held - in Tishanka and nearby farms, it is called - to drive "touzul". On this day, the bridegroom came to the parent house of the bride. One of the dishes was the scrambled eggs. The parents of the bride give a chicken, then this chicken is boiled and treat guests. It symbolized the beginning of a new life, as the egg is a symbol of life, growth.

The final stage of the wedding is "Kola's scoring". Relatives of the bride and groom came to the groom's house. In the yard scored a symbolic amount, as if attaching the bride to this family.


Wedding in our village, as a socio-household rite has its own characteristics that are focused on the South Russian wedding tradition. One of the features is that the wedding is accompanied in the language of the dialect. The use of Russian and Ukrainian, as well as customs and traditions led to mixing not only language, but also rites.

Also in the wedding tradition traced the duals, elements, both Christianity and paganism. Allegoryrs, a rich wedding, clogging a cola-all this manifestations of paganism. But in the wedding ceremony there is a blessing, wedding - elements of Christian culture.

Wedding as a special rite gave rise to people's wedding folklore: songs, chastushki, additives, congratulations.

Used Books:

1. Kichigin Culture of the South of Russia: Belgorod region. //

Experience in systematization of ethnopholklore material.-Belgorod, 2000

2. Traditional culture of the Belgorod region. - Volume 1 - collector of scientific articles and folk materials from "Expeditionary notebooks" / CRED. .-Belgorod: Edition BGTCST, 2006

3. Falcon of the celebration - Kharkov "Book Club", 2005

Everywhere is common in Asia and Europe. A lot of myths and legends are connected with it. Its leaves have a thin stalk, so they begin to hear from the easy blow of the breeze. Aspen has a rapid growth and a small thickness of the barrel.

Damned tree

It is believed that the Aspen is capable of driving evil spirits. And the existing legend of the curse only adds mystics aspen and heated interest. It is believed that the cross, on which Jesus crucified, was made precisely from Osina, and on the same tree subsequently committed suicide Judas with him. The Angry Lord cursed aspen, so she trembles from fear. Her for a long time is not used in the construction of houses, believing that the family will tremble from poverty and misfortune.


From a long time, people had faith in a special, magical force, which plants possess. A tree, endowed with powerful energy and capable of protecting from everything bad, was considered aspen. Recognizing its feature and strength, people with caution treated its properties. They believed that if you fall asleep in her shadow, it can pull out energy. And then headache, apathy and fatigue will be in a person.

It was not worth hiding during a thunderstorm under the aspen. It was believed that this tree had long chosen devils and lightning always tries to get into them. To protect the house from dashing people and from unclean forces near the house, Orens were planted.

Aspen as protection against unclean power

Before the arrival of Christianity, Slavs believed in the saving strength of this tree, and in the pagan festivals, especially in the night of Ivan Klapala, they tried their cattle from the sorcerers. For this, the twigs stuck in the walls of buildings, where the cattle was kept.

In superstitions and legends of many peoples, Osop was considered an effective and effective means in the fight against witchcraft and the action of otherworldly. A deceased sorceress was burned on a fire from Osinov, the deceased witch. At the time of the agony of the sorcerer, to facilitate the yield of the soul, the aspen of the pegs broke into the house.

But the most effective way to prevent the activities of the accomplices of unclean forces after death was the custom of prophesion in the chest of Cola from Osina. But why exactly thanks to this method managed to calm the vampires and other undead?

  • This tree can absorb energy. Including the negative, which it redirects to another state in water or land.
  • Usina has durable wood. The amount made from it will not break at the right moment.

Aspen stakes are always made from before proceeding to the manufacture of Cola, it is necessary to read prayer. The tool to combat unclean should be small, with a sharp sharpened one end. Fixed size and standard does not exist. Length and thickness depend on the purpose of use. If the goal is put only to stick the pointed pole in the chest, then a sufficiently small quieter. When you need to pierce the coffin and body, then the length is needed about a meter. The diameter depends on the size of the branch or from which it will be made from unclean power. It should be borne in mind that a subtle amount can be broken, and with the passionist will be hard to be managed.

Aspen stakes. Subtleties of manufacturing

Osin count (photo - higher) requires special methods of manufacture. Processing a freshly carved branch, it is mainly not accepted to clean it from the bark. This is rationally provided for our distant ancestors: since the amount is driven only once, it will be good if he starts to germinate, so that the sorcerer or the vampire can not get out of the edge of the sorcement or the vampire.

Cutting an aspen amount, how to make it sharp? The belief was preserved that the device is painted with an ax, and for giving the island at the end of the branch, three shots. At the same time, it is necessary to comply with a certain ritual. The first strike says: "In the name of the Father," during the second - "and the Son" and the third - "and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

At the top of the cola, the rope is wound. She plays the role of handles. At the time of use of the gun, it is under the palm and insures the case of scoring hands. In addition to this practical function, the rope also serves as a faith. Washed it, as if creating a magic circle. On one, it is not customary to apply any inscriptions or symbols. Although it is believed that the carved cross does not hurt and may even help.

Aspen pegs must be placed in water, and it is desirable that it be pre-consecrated. Next, it is necessary to read the prayer "Our Father" several times. Then the stakes are associated with the shape of a cross and nailed over the doors of the house.

Aspen stake as charm

Count is considered a powerful guard, vested by force, thanks to which you can balance the energy of the house. It is believed that the aspen stakes should be taken into where the unsubstantiated boundary between real and this is, first of all, housing angles.

Aspen stakes in the corners were driven into the ground in the construction of houses and household buildings. It was believed that it would help to take trouble and prevent themselves and disorder in the family. Previously, they were soaked for some time in consecrated water. After that, they drove into the ground and sprinkled with the remnants of the holy water. The pegs were periodically checked. And as soon as they started to refine, they were replaced with new ones.

Therapeutic properties of a tree

Folk healers used aspen to treat many pors. Considering it with an unclean tree, the Slavs were confident that any illness could be transferred.

  • With the help of aspen they treated herriation, children's frights and headaches.
  • The stem was hammered into the trunk, hanging clothes, believing that the tree would take the disease.
  • Applying aspen is put to the legs, treated cramps.
  • Dried aspen kidneys were mixed with oil and treated burns, ulcers, wounds.
  • The juice of the tree was rubbed deprived and warts.
  • The aspen boron used in winter to eat for the restoration of forces.
  • Young shoots scarked cattle.

A modern person already with irony refers to beliefs of distant ancestors and does not attach great importance to everything that belongs to superstitions. It is clear that to keep at home aspen stakes can afford eccentric or folklore people. But maybe really a pair of small elegant wood will help to remove troubles, secure the house and save a positive balance in the family habitat?

Russian wedding rite.

One of the most important events in the life of the Russian woman was a wedding, to which she and her whole family began to prepare long before the event itself ...

About the wedding rites of our ancient ancestors, and we mean really ancient - those who lived according to the laws of Vedic worldview for several thousand years, practically nothing is known. What is presented to us now, as the most ancient antiquity, is not really. The most famous source on the question of the wedding customs of the ancient Slavs is the christmas of the Christian priest of Nesor, the "Tale of the Championship" of the 12th century. He writes that the customs of the ancient Slavs spread out the tribe to the tribe, and in some tribes there was a so-called "wash" - the groom kidnapped the bride on the playing school, having previously agreed with her about the abduction - and polygamy: "Looking at the playing ... and that blunders of his wife, with her, who were spent on: from the same two and three wives ..."