Tan in 10 minutes. Instant tan: reviews, description of the procedure. Removal of the remnants of artificial coloring of the skin

Autumn will come soon and only memories and tanning will remain from summer ... But now winter has passed and spring comes again, and I want to look like that summer, tanned and rested. An instant tan will come to the rescue - new service in the field of beauty, which has won many admirers in a short period of time.

In this article you will find the most interesting information: how an instant tanning is done in the salon, the features of the procedure, the pros and cons, as well as answers to the most popular questions.

What is instant tanning

Instant tan is a cosmetic procedure when, in one visit to a beauty salon, the skin is covered with a bronzer, acquiring an even and natural golden hue.

This type of tanning is considered the safest - the skin acquires a golden hue not under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but due to its coating with a special composition.

Instant tan is also called reed tan, bronzing or glaming.

How does it differ from self-tanning or tanning obtained in a solarium?

Instant tan represents body application procedure specially selected brown pigment by spraying, a is a decorative cream that washes off after the first shower.

Indications and contraindications


As for the indications for the use of instant tanning, experts are of the same opinion - it is indicated for everyone over 18 years old and wants to get a wonderful skin color.

Often, instant tanning is done before important events, when you need to look 100%, for example, for a wedding, birthday and other events.

Instant tan before wedding or other important holiday must be done in a good salon with a trained and experienced professional. Thus, you can get the perfect skin and enjoy the celebration.


Like any other cosmetic procedure, this one also has its limitations:

  • Fresh, open wounds on the body that have not healed or healed.
  • Allergy to a component of the composition used.

It is undesirable to use such a procedure. If there is a need for a procedure, you must first consult a doctor!

Pros and cons of instant tanning

Any cosmetic procedure has both positive and negative sides. It is worth noting what the pros and cons of instant tanning are:

Pros of the procedure

The procedure is done quickly and gives a wonderful and harmless result. The skin acquires an even and natural tan - due to the uniform application of the composition, there will be no streaks and stains on the skin, like from self-tanning or, which may bother you after a tanning bed.

Suitable for any skin color and no age limit (after 18) - you will look luxurious at any age.

Among other things, it is able to hide minor skin flaws - scars and post-acne, and when diagnosed, it is an excellent option to hide such a nuance in appearance.

Cons of the procedure

Instant tanning has one main disadvantage: the effect of the procedure is short-term. And with frequent visits, excessive physical exertion on the body, irregularities in pigmentation can manifest themselves.

It is also worth noting that in the first hours linen and clothes from the composition applied to the body can be stained.

Application procedure

This procedure is simple, does not take much time, but in order to get an even and high-quality tan, you should properly prepare for it:

  • In 48 hours - depilate to remove unwanted vegetation from the body.
  • Before the session of applying the composition for instant tanning on the body, carry out exfoliation - this will allow the pigments to better "grab" the skin.

How is the procedure

How is an instant tanning done in the salon? The procedure is carried out in a closed booth, where a special composition of lotion is sprayed onto the body. In this case, the body can be completely naked, or you can be in disposable underwear. In any case, a disposable cap must be worn on the head.

If there is no time to visit the salon, then the master can come to your house, since this procedure is carried out using portable equipment that is easy to transport, and the result will not be inferior to the quality obtained in a beauty salon.

The instant tanning procedure requires certain actions afterwards. When the composition is applied to the prepared skin of the body, in the next 10-15 minutes the pigmentation will be absorbed into its upper layers and it is best to be in the booth all this time.

At the end of the session - put on loose, made of plain clothes and return to the usual rhythm of life and your business.

Want to consolidate the result- after the procedure, it is forbidden to wash for the next 7-8 hours. After this time, do not be afraid that the lotion will wash off - no more than 5% of the composition will come off the body.

Be sure to moisturize your skin with cream after a bath. but don't use the one that contains fruit acids or whitening ingredients.

The main thing is not to take a hot bath - limit yourself to a warm shower and without using alkaline compounds.

Answers to popular questions

How long does an instant (cane) tan last on the skin?

As the cosmetologists themselves note - the result on the body "lasts" from 10 to 14 days, although in this matter everything is individual.

How long an instant tan is enough depends on the individual characteristics of a person's skin, on the body's ability to quickly regenerate and renew itself.

With the right actions and proper care after the procedure, the effect will last longer.

Bathing also plays a role in how long an instant tan lasts. From how often you take a bath - curls and the "lifespan" of your artificial bronzer.

Is it possible to sunbathe with an instant tan?

You can visit the solarium, sunbathe on the beach and absolutely not worry about the fact that the tan will be uneven and will go through the body or dark spots... It is not forbidden to visit the beach and apply self-tanning - it all depends on your desire and habits.

Instant tanning before going to the sea - is it worth doing?

The answer is definitely you can! And against the general background of sunburned vacationers, I don't want to look like a white northerner, whose body saw the sun for the first time.

Don't be afraid to combine an instant tan with a subsequent trip to the sea.

Everyone knows very well this peculiarity of being under the sun - the skin first and only then becomes covered with a golden hue. An instant sunburn applied to the body in front of the sea will hide such an annoying feature.

Don't forget to use sunscreen on the beach!

Where to get an instant tan?

An instant tan can be done at a beauty salon. But unfortunately, not every such establishment practices this procedure... Therefore, you can call the salons closest to your home and ask if they have an instant tan. Or look on the Internet for a list of salons in your city that provide such a service. Reviews will help you choose the best salon.

In contact with

This is why they make up the majority of those who prefer to do self-tanning in salons. Reviews of this procedure, carried out at home, are not so enthusiastic.

Self-tanning may not be suitable for those who are particularly sensitive to the components of the product. But in this case, you can try to pick up a different brand of bronzer with a different composition. Also, the procedure is not recommended for people with various skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema and others), skin lesions (cuts, burns), nursing mothers. Since there is no data on the effect of bronzers on the development of the fetus, you should not resort to the procedure for women in position.

Self-tanning in salons: stages of carrying out

You need to prepare for the procedure at home. Peeling can be done a couple of weeks before applying the product. If you do it before the procedure itself, then the effect of self-tanning will last much less. The salon will offer a shower with a special washcloth, which will help remove the top layer of dead skin and make your tan more even. But it will also be useful to take a shower at home, rubbing your skin with a washcloth.

In the salon, using a special spray, a bronzer is applied to the entire body and allowed to soak in for a few minutes. Next, you need to take a shower again in order to wash off the remnants of the product. Immediately afterwards, you can moisturize the skin with a special lotion that will help consolidate the result.

What options does a self-tanning salon imply? Reviews about the procedure in popular salons are almost always positive. They have two options for applying the product: on the whole body and under a swimsuit. If you choose the second option, you need to take a swimsuit with you, which is not a pity, since it is very difficult to remove the bronzer from the fabric.

Before applying the bronzer to the entire body, it is worth doing a complete depilation a few days before the procedure, as possible irritations can lead to other skin problems.

Skin care after self-tanning

It is worth taking a shower at home on the day of the self-tanning procedure without using a washcloth or scrubs. Better to use only shower gel and moisturizing lotion. To prolong the tanning effect and maintain its uniformity, you can use cosmetics with a slight bronzing effect. Funds with an aggressive composition may not be combined with an already performed procedure and bring the opposite result. For example, cause skin inflammation or

A special diet will also help prolong life. Carrot juice helps to consolidate the result from the use of a bronzer. Adequate hydration of the skin with the help of a special lotion or milk will also help prolong the life of a beautiful tan.

Effects on the skin

The coloring properties of self-tanning products are due to the presence of coloring pigments.

They can be both chemical and natural. Extracts from certain plants can have a similar effect on the skin. Natural remedies are more gentle on the skin. In some cases, they can even improve the condition of the skin.

People with sensitive skin in the salon it is recommended not to take risks and still choose natural remedies... Some salons work with several means to provide the client with the opportunity to choose the option that is more financially acceptable to him.

The cost of the procedure

How much does a self-tanning salon cost?

Prices for this procedure in different salons range from several hundred rubles to several thousand. This difference is due to several factors. Most of all, the popularity and popularity of the salon itself, as well as the price of self-tanning products, affect the cost. Do not trust advertisements that offer self-tanning products for a couple of hundred in salons. Customer feedback on the results of such procedures leaves much to be desired. Such large discounts can be due to expired tanning products or the use of an unregistered product.

Self-tanning in salons: reviews

Many of those who have already used the service of self-tanning by a professional master are very pleased with the result. It is noted that the self-tanning procedure in the salon allows you to acquire a beautiful bronze skin tone in a short time, as after a week's vacation.

Most often, self-tanning products last for about two weeks. This period depends on the correctness of skin care after the procedure, as well as on its initial condition. What you need to know before deciding on a self-tanning salon? It is better to read reviews about the procedure and means before going to the master. It is worth applying the product in a well-known institution or at a well-known master. This way you can avoid a disastrous result and not ruin your mood.

Despite the fact that the instant tanning procedure is not difficult and strongly affects the human body for the occurrence of any complications or negative consequences, for a successful result it is important to know the main features and nuances modern method staining the skin in a golden tanned hue.

The information in the article will be useful for those who are studying The best way artificial tanning, and thinks about which of the options is right for him, what results can be expected.

Instant tanning for the first time requires knowledge of certain features, namely:

  1. The specialist who performs the procedure is obliged to clarify with the client what type of instant tanning he prefers. To completely dye the body with a special solution that pigments the skin, it is necessary to decide whether the client wants to leave some areas of his body unpainted. Dyeing can be carried out without underwear, in disposable underwear or in underwear that belongs to the client. To achieve an even tan without white borders, the procedure is carried out without underwear. If you need the opposite result, you need to stay in underwear, but in which one the client already chooses.
  2. Remove jewelry from your body(rings, earrings, chains, etc.).
  3. The skin must be well washed before the procedure, without any cosmetics.
  4. A disposable cosmetic cap is put on the hair, regardless of the haircut.
  5. The palms and feet are covered with a protective cream, so that later it is easy to remove the paint, because these places are not subject to sunburn.

The process of performing artificial tanning in this way is as follows:

  1. The client enters the interior of the sealed booth for painting.
  2. The lotion is applied using a lotion spray gun. Under the pressure of air, the coloring agent is applied to the skin.
  3. After finishing the application of the lotion, the client remains in the booth for another 5 minutes. In the absence of medical contraindications, cosmetologists recommend fixing the result for a few minutes in a solarium.
  4. After that, the client dresses in light free-form clothing, preferably dark colors.
Instant tan - what better way tan artificially

If you are getting an instant tan for the first time, it is important to know which cream is better to choose and what needs to be done before applying the coloring lotion:

  1. About 7 days before the procedure it is necessary to moisturize the skin every day some nourishing cream. To a greater extent, this is indicated for owners of dry skin. It is necessary to apply 1 or 2 times a day any cosmetic product designed for moisturizing.
  2. Cosmetic procedures(manicure / pedicure, body wrap, etc.) is necessary hold up to sunburn.
  3. Cleanse and exfoliate the skin body with any scrub. Peeling should be especially gentle on the armpits, elbows, knees, heels and other areas of the hardened epidermis. The better the skin is cleansed, the better the fake tan will take hold. This way you can achieve the effect for a longer time.
  4. Any manipulation that can damage the skin, such as massage, intense training, running, must be done a couple of days before applying lotion.
  5. Do not use cosmetics before coloring.
  6. For a beautician session for the procedure, better to wear loose dark clothes that will hide your fresh tan from environmental factors when you leave the beauty salon. According to cosmetologists, it is better not to wear a bra.

Instant tan - before and after photos

Before taking your first shower after an instant tanning treatment:

  1. Exclude contact with water, including natural precipitation.
  2. The hands can be cleaned with a napkin.
  3. Exclude activities that involve physical activity, and, accordingly, profuse sweating.
  4. During the day after the procedure, you should refrain from applying cosmetics.

Features of washing the body (taking a shower) for the first time after the artificial tanning method:

  1. The first shower can be taken after about 5-8 hours... According to experts, for the full manifestation and consolidation of the result, it is necessary to wait about 6-8 hours before washing the body.
  2. The first shower or bath should be with warm water, without any detergents and accessories.
  3. Don't worry if you see dark colored water dripping off your body when you wash.... This is excess lotion. The skin will become lighter, but there is no need to be intimidated. The properties of the lotion are such that the skin will become darker and darker in the first few hours. She will pick up her most saturated color after a day.
  4. It is not recommended to use care products during the first day. behind the body. Otherwise, the saturation of the tanning shade will stop.

What is important to know when performing an instant tanning routine on a regular basis

There are no contraindications for applying instant tanning, and which method of instant tanning is better to choose, you have to choose yourself.

Such an artificial tan lasts up to 14 days, and then gradually begins to lighten. But the procedure can be repeated several times.

The exact term of the effect can only be determined with an individual approach., since it all depends on the color saturation, how prepared the skin is for the procedure, the individual characteristics of the body.

To maintain the effect as long as possible, experts recommend the following:

1. When taking water procedures, do not use very hot water.
2. When taking a shower, do not use too hard detergents.
3. When using a washcloth or sponge, rub the skin gently.
4. Dress for the weather. Sweating will negatively affect your tan.

The pros and cons of instant tanning

If, when choosing which method of artificial tanning is better, you opted for instant tanning, it is important to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.

Advantages disadvantages
- getting a beautiful shade of the skin in as soon as possible;

- health does not deteriorate after application;

- painless application of lotion;

- starts to brighten after 2 weeks;

- for people who are contraindicated in sun exposure, this is the only way to have a beautiful skin tone.

- it is necessary to limit water treatments: baths, saunas, pools, etc .;

- clothes get dirty for several hours after application, until the lotion is absorbed;

- some lotions used to give a beautiful shade to the skin give off an unpleasant odor.

Despite all the disadvantages, this method has much more advantages.

Instant tan shade options. Which is better - the choice is yours!

Artificial tan. Which is the best way?

Instant tan Self-tanning Solarium
- achievement of the result in the shortest possible time;

- safety for physical health;

- when applied, no painful sensations;

- the shade lasts up to fourteen days;

- people who have contraindications for sun exposure are the only way to give a beautiful shade to their body;

- the instant tanning agent contains an extract from sugar cane, which helps the colorant to interact with the outer layer of the skin

- Several convenient packages (spray, cream, lotion and wipes);

- Evens out skin tone;

- The effect lasts up to 7 days.

- Activates the production of vitamin D and serotonin;

- Using this method is useful for people with skin diseases.

- restriction of visits to baths, saunas, swimming pools, etc .;

- clothes get dirty during the first few hours after applying the lotion;

- lotions used to give an attractive shade female body, may give off an unpleasant odor.

- dries the skin, due to dihydroxyacetone and alcohols that make up the product;

- may cause an allergic reaction

- aging of the skin (clogs the pores, and they do not breathe);

- spots and streaks from uneven distribution.

- reduces the firmness and elasticity of the skin;

- possible burns, pigmentation;

- has many contraindications.

Contraindications for visiting the solarium:

1. The presence of moles, age spots;

2. Diseases of the thyroid gland, nervous system, diabetes mellitus, gynecological orientation, as well as surgery;

3. Neoplasms and heredity;

4. Allergy to ultraviolet radiation;

5. Carrying out procedures with damage or skin resurfacing;

6. When taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs and contraceptives;

7. Breastfeeding babies;

8. Critical days.

Restrictions on clothing or activities after flash tanning

Cosmetologists clarify that after applying the coloring agent to the skin for some time, it is necessary to use loose-fitting clothes, not adjacent to the body, of the desired dark color.

It is also necessary to refrain from playing sports, because this contributes to profuse sweating.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after an instant tanning

After artificial tanning, you can sunbathe in the usual way, hectare sun. For aesthetic reasons, a woman with a tan looks better than a woman with a pale complexion.

Sun tanning works well on an instant tan, the only difference is that sunny falls on the lower layers of the skin, and instant on the upper - the epidermis.

Tanning in the sun after artificial tanning, no shade transitions will be noticeable, although the shade of an instant tan itself will gradually fade.

Tips for the continued effectiveness of the paint retention on the skin:

  • Limit your bathing time. You also need to wipe the body with utmost care.
  • Choose a gentle time for sunbathing. This is approximately 7 to 10 am or 1 pm to 4 pm.
  • Use moisturizing creams to protect against ultraviolet rays.

Removal of the remnants of artificial coloring of the skin

If the color has begun to fade or has become visible spots, it is necessary to reduce the instant tan. There are 2 ways to remove the fake tan tint:

  1. Use the gel especially for bold type skin to accelerate the renewal of the epidermis.
  2. Use hard cloths, a washcloth when washing the body, rubbing well all over the body to remove paint.

Knowing the features of application, actions, effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages of all methods of artificial tanning (such as instant tanning), you can easily choose which tanning method is best for you.

However, before using any of the services of beauty salons, it is necessary to consult with a doctor about these or those consequences of these procedures for you, since each organism is individual and susceptible to certain components of cosmetic products that are resistant to the effects.

Video about instant tanning, features and effect

Instant tanning in the Doctors program. Opinions and reviews of experts:


How to make an instant tan:

Tan looks aesthetically pleasing and fashionable. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the beach. Especially if it's not summer outside. Therefore, many people today, even in winter, strive to obtain the desired skin tone by artificial means. There are many tanning treatments available.

A visit to the solarium has a number of contraindications. Therefore, the beauty industry has developed new procedure... It is much safer than traditional ultraviolet radiation. This technique is called instant tan. Reviews about the procedure, as well as its features, it is recommended to consider before visiting a beauty salon.

General information

Appeared relatively recently. It is named differently. This technique is also called reed, California tan. This is a completely harmless procedure that is suitable for almost all skin types. The tanning process does not take long.

This is a salon procedure. It is conducted by a master who has received the appropriate qualifications. Many beauty salons offer a similar service to the residents of our country. If necessary, the master can be called at home. This will save time and carry out the procedure in a comfortable environment for the client.

The sunburn resulting from the application of a special lotion lasts long enough. In doing so, you can create almost any skin tone. It can be light or deep. There are shades that completely repeat the tone of the sea tan. Even in winter, the skin looks like the person has just returned from vacation.

Features of the procedure

To decide on the need for the presented procedure, you should consider instant tanning reviews and results this technique. Professional cosmetologists note its high efficiency. A special lotion is applied to create the selected skin tone. It contains active components that interact with surface cells. The composition of such funds includes a component that produces sugar cane.

The presented preparations are created from natural ingredients. Sunburn in this case is not created with the participation of ultraviolet radiation. This allows you to apply the presented procedure even to those people who are contraindicated in a solarium.

Dermatologists, cosmetologists all over the world claim that the instant tanning procedure is safe. It is not contraindicated even for pregnant women, people with severe somatic diseases. The only limitation is the presence of fresh wounds, scratches or burns on the skin. In other cases, you can carry out this procedure.


Interested in what the procedure is with the use of special reed lotions, many are looking for reviews of instant tanning. Bronze Glow Moscow is one of the most popular salons in the capital. To draw conclusions about the cost of the procedure, you can consider his services as an example.

A standard instant tanning procedure costs 1900 rubles. In this case, you can choose a different intensity of the procedure. Skin tone can be darker by 30-90%. In addition to the standard lotion treatment, various additional services are offered.

In addition to sunburn, the product may contain an anti-cellulite supplement. She corrects the figure (price 400 rubles). If you need to get a tan within 3 hours, apply an express tan. The cost of this procedure is 2500 rubles. Also, before applying tanning, you can peel the skin (400 rubles). To keep the selected shade lasting longer, you can perform the treatment with a premium lotion. The cost will be 2300 rubles.

Lotion features

Studying prices, reviews and results instant tanning, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the applied lotion. Today, there are many tools for carrying out the presented procedure in the salon or at home.

The lotion contains an extract from sugarcane shoots. This component is called DHA (dihydroxyacetone). This is a monosaccharide, which, after applying the product to the skin, begins to affect only the cells of the surface layers. DHA reacts with proteins in the epidermal tissue.

The effect may not appear immediately, but after a day. This should not be puzzling. The chemical reactions that take place in the skin take time. The whole process takes place gradually. In this case, the lotion may include additional components. These can be essential oils, plant juices, extracts, etc.

DHA in the composition of the product can contain 8-18%. The shade that will be acquired by the skin after treatment depends on its concentration.

Carrying out the procedure in the salon

Considering reviews of Instant Tanning Lotion, you should also pay attention to the procedure itself. If the selected product is of high quality, but the master does not apply it to the skin correctly, you can observe the undesirable consequences of this procedure.

In high-class beauty salons, before the procedure, the master always speaks with the client about all the nuances of the future skin treatment. After that, if there are no contraindications to the procedure (open wounds, fresh scratches, etc.), you can start to carry it out.

The client undresses and enters a closed booth. You can sunbathe without clothes, in a swimsuit or disposable underwear. With the help of a special sprayer, the lotion is applied to the skin in an even layer. First, the front part of the body is treated, except for the face, then the back and sides. Then the inner surfaces of the arms and legs are treated. The face is treated last.

Feedback on the procedure

Instant tanning effect does not appear immediately. Many are scared that the desired skin tone does not appear immediately. It will take at least 3 hours before the first results are visible. However, the total time of the chemical reaction of the components of the lotion and skin pigments takes about a day.

Also, do not be afraid of getting the product in the eyes. During the procedure, they are covered with special overlays. Therefore, almost all clients of beauty salons note that this is a completely safe procedure. If the master has received the appropriate qualifications, applies high-quality skin treatment products, the effect of the procedure will be high.

According to reviews, the procedure takes about 30 minutes. First, the lotion is sprayed onto the skin. This takes about 20 minutes. Then another 10 minutes. it will be necessary for the agent to be absorbed into the epithelium. Then you can get dressed and go home. Do not take a shower for 8 hours. You should also avoid other contact with water during this time. It is not recommended to play sports or use cosmetics.


An instant tan has many benefits. This procedure allows you to choose the shade that the skin will have after treatment. It can be performed both in the salon and at home. If there is no time to visit the beauty parlor, you can use an additional service. The master will come to the client's home. He takes with him all the necessary equipment and a special canvas tent. This will prevent the product from spilling onto furniture and other surrounding objects.

Lets disguise instant tan and freckles. Reviews cosmetologists say that rich shades can hide increased pigmentation. Even birthmarks can become less noticeable against a darker skin tone.

The procedure is completely safe. It cannot cause burns, cancers, immune disorders. It can be done during pregnancy. Just one procedure is enough to give the skin the desired shade. You don't need to go to a beauty salon for weeks, as happens with an ultraviolet tan in a solarium, or get used to the sun's rays in the open air.


There are also a number of disadvantages of the presented procedure.

This multidisciplinary studio works on Curasano cosmetics, which is the main sponsor of the Miss Belgium beauty pageant. The lotion is applied to the body with a special apparatus. There is one shade and four intensities. There is an option of peeling, after which the tan will last up to 14 days instead of 7-10 days.

Cost: from 1 800 rubles.


A small chain of instant tanning studios is located in the center of Moscow. Among the shades, you can choose tropical, European or reed. As a rare bonus, an anti-cellulite serum with a warming effect can be added to the lotion.

Cost: from 1 900 rubles.

Bronze & Beauty

This beauty salon with an extensive menu of services is powered by British Suntana cosmetics. All lotions are applied using the Express Tan Spray apparatus with a fine spray. From five shades with different aromas like cherry or blackberry, you can choose the most natural for the lightest skin or the most intelligent of all, the intensity of which depends on how long it takes to wash it off. Before tanning, here you can do one of four types of scrubbing with Thalion cosmetics.

Cost: from 2 500 rubles.

Like Zagar

The studio specializes only in artificial tanning, so it offers many bonuses. For example, tanning at home, 50% discount for two, wedding and birthday gifts. Unlike many other studios, liquid biopilling is done here, which dries up in a couple of minutes.

Cost: from 1,500 rubles.

"Bronze Paradise"

The tanning studio on the territory of the Flacon design plant also works on Curasano cosmetics. The concentration of the product is selected by the masters individually, depending on the color, skin type and the desired result. Additionally, here you can ask to contour the face and body with an airbrush in darker shades.

Cost: from 1 800 rubles.


The salons of this large network of tanning studios, operating since 2006, can be found literally in all corners of Moscow. Instant tanning is offered only in two studios, by the way, they work around the clock. Here you can apply the lotion both on the whole body and in fragments, for example, only on the legs.

Cost: from 600 rubles.

Studio "Freckle"

In this network of mono studios located in the center of Moscow and St. Petersburg, they work as quickly as possible. Each client is allocated no more than 15 minutes if the procedure involves only the application of lotion. However, peeling is recommended to everyone - this way the tan will lie smoother and last longer.

Cost: from 2,000 rubles.