What does it mean to be a good daughter. What does it mean to be a good mom? How to become the best daughter

Motherhood is not only about caring for the physical needs of your child, it is a special area of ​​life. A few tips on how to be a good mother to your children do not refer to the global tasks of upbringing, but to the practice of relationships that will help to become better and the child to feel happier.

Each girl is the best for her mother, any mother wants her daughter to acquire only the best qualities.

How not to make a mistake in raising a daughter, so that all dreams about her happy life become reality?

How to become a role model for your daughter? After all, all her actions in the future will somehow reflect her upbringing in childhood.

What should not be allowed in communicating with your daughter:

  • An important task of a woman is to be a confident lady. Mom should never tell her daughter that she is sloppy and ugly. If at home they laugh at the girl's shortcomings (too fat, too thin or tall), then this creates a fertile ground for the development of complexes in the child, and the matured girl is unlikely to become happy.
  • When raising a daughter, one should abandon the use of forceful methods of punishment. Psychologists say that girls who grew up in excessive severity and cruelty in the future have difficulties in organizing their personal lives.
  • Another function of a woman is to be a mistress. Who, if not a mother, can teach her daughter to be a helper? Small household tasks will make it possible for the girl to develop independence, responsibility and self-confidence.
  • Mom is the best role model for a little lady. If you want to raise your daughter happy and successful, start with yourself.

Raising a son

Is the upbringing of the mother as important for the son as the upbringing of the father - the answer is yes, it is very important.

  • To become a good mother for your son, you need to treat him not like a baby, but like a man.
  • Do not laugh at your son, a woman's mockery is always painful for a man. This negatively affects the formation of his self-esteem.
  • From childhood, a boy should be able to take responsibility for his actions. Teach male character from childhood: encourage his independence, consult with your son in making decisions.
  • Support his interests. Be genuinely interested in his hobbies. Self-realization for a man is the main component of his success.

How to be a good mom for a teenager

Until now, you have easily coped with the role of a mother, your baby loves you madly and runs to you with hugs. But one day everything can change dramatically - your son or daughter has matured. How not to lose contact with?

  • Accept his adulthood.
  • Let him be independent, trust your child.
  • Try to be flexible in your communication. In any conflict, it is better to find a compromise than just defend your side.
  • Take an interest in the affairs of the child, but do not meddle with questions if the son or daughter does not want to tell something.
  • Respect the personal space of a teenager, now this is no longer a baby, to whom you can enter the room without knocking.
  • Help your teen make a choice, but don't pressure him or her.
  • Learn to be responsible for the decisions you make. Give the opportunity to do something yourself. Follow the principle - if not dangerous - is allowed.

The transitional age is difficult, but it is temporary. Just be patient.

Is it possible to be a good mom and a wife at the same time, how to keep up with everything?

The child will grow up happy only in happy family... How can you not lose your connection with your husband in the daily care of your children?

  • Having taken on a bunch of household chores and worries about your baby, be sure to leave time for your hobbies and work. But remember that balance is important in everything. Your personal affairs should not be at odds with your family's needs.
  • A home for children and a husband should become the place where you want to return, where everyone feels calm and safe. Treat your household with understanding, first of all they will strive to come to you if they know that you will support them.
  • When trying to be a good mom, don't forget about your husband. The child should not become the center of the family against the interests of the spouses. The combination of love and reasonable rigor will teach your children to respect family rules.
  • Do not forget about your appearance, remember, men love with their eyes. Face masks and simple physical exercises it can be combined with doing household chores.
  • Arrange evenings alone with your husband. Give the children to relatives for a few hours. Well, if there is no one to help, then arrange romantic dinner while the kids are sleeping, it will bring a new passion to your relationship.

To do everything, you need to learn to plan, your day, your goals. And then the status of mom and wife will be your only joy.

Along with taking care of your child every day, there are three main things to remember that will help you be a good mom: communication, love and self-care.

  • No matter how you build your educational process, love for a child is the most important thing. He must know that he is loved. Be as open as possible with your child.
  • Be generous with praise. If you are angry, then you punish only for a specific act. When punishing a child, scold him, just not evaluating the child's personality as a whole.
  • Hug your child more often. Physical contact is very important for emotional development, both boys and girls.
  • Appreciate the individuality of your child. Treat hobbies with understanding and acceptance, try to show interest. Children are more willing to make contact if they see that the parents are not indifferent to the child's personal interests.

Taking care of yourself

A calm and balanced mother is the best that can be in a family. Therefore, along with taking care of children, you need to pay attention to yourself.

  • Allow yourself to rest. Caring for children, household chores take a lot of energy. The accumulated fatigue translates into irritability, so in order not to break down on loved ones, arrange for yourself a daily rest. Half an hour or an hour a day just for yourself - this should become a rule in your family.
  • Even the most desirable child should not become the center of life. Develop, take time to your hobbies. Children need to understand and value your personal space and time. Otherwise, there is a risk of becoming a boring housewife. Is such a mother interesting to a child?
  • Don't blame yourself for anything. There are no perfect mothers. If you did something wrong with your child, ask for forgiveness, but do not gnaw at yourself with reproaches.

Being a mother and wife is priceless happiness for every woman. But there is no need to chase the ideal, remember, the most important thing in a family that you can give to your loved ones is love. It is not easy to be, but by learning patience, love and understanding, you give your child the main thing - the opportunity to grow up happy.

What " good mom"? In the next video, Ruslan Narushevich's lecture:


Throughout our lives, parents constantly have a great influence on how we develop, as well as the decisions we make. Parents are supportive when we need their love, when we ourselves are struggling. It's not that easy, so every child who is lucky with their parents should respect them and be grateful. One way to show your gratitude is to be the perfect daughter for your parents. The ideal daughter is a child who has a great relationship with those who raised and cared for her, respecting their parents' values ​​and striving to make them happy.


Part 1 How to Become the "Perfect" Daughter

  1. 1 Be realistic. Understand that there is not a single perfect person in the world, but nevertheless, as John Steinbeck once said: "Now that you no longer need to be perfect, you can finally start to be good." Remember that even Olympic gold medalists are deducted from their performances (and they still win). Albert Einstein also made mistakes (and learned from his mistakes) and made bad decisions. Never let "perfection" undermine your self-esteem and devalue everything that is beautiful and worthy (but, unfortunately, imperfect) that you are capable of.
    • Striving for absolute perfection can do you more harm than good, because it will devalue all achievements and goals just because they are not perfect.
    • Perfectionism is closely associated with depression, problems in personal relationships, and a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with life.
  2. 2 Ask first, then do. If you are unsure of your decision and are afraid of upsetting your parents, ask first. If you are afraid to ask this, chances are it will really upset your parents.
    • When asking your parents for something, always be sure that the parents are able to do what you ask for, and also think about the attitude of the parents towards you.
    • Dont be upset. Parents may not agree to comply with your request, take it easy and tell them about the reasons why you are going to do something, and also convince your parents that you can take responsibility for the consequences.
    • If your parents turned you down, do as they see fit, even if you don't like it. Especially if you still live at home with your parents.
  3. 3 Do your duty. If you have promised your parents that you will do something, but wait for them to remind you of it over and over again, this behavior creates a tense atmosphere.
    • Inform about your affairs in advance. Say, "Mom, I need to finish [x, y, z] and then I have time, so I'll do it as soon as I'm free." Then be sure to do what your parents asked you to do so they don't have to remind you multiple times.
    • Try to do household chores without being reminded. For example, do you know what day to take out the trash? Have you heard that parents are preparing for the arrival of guests all week? Then take out the trash, clean the room and the whole apartment, even if you were not asked to.
  4. 4 Treat your parents with respect. Of course, you don't have to agree with everything your parents say, but remind yourself that your parents always want the best for you.
    • Believe me, your parents have a much richer life experience than yours, you may seem too young to them to cope with some situations on their own.
    • Think about what your parents want for you, and don't be rude to them. If you start responding rudely to them, your conversation will turn into swearing, and you will no longer be able to present yourself as a person who respects others and is trustworthy.
  5. 5 Take care of yourself. Show that you respect yourself, be sure to take care of your body's health and look after your appearance. Your parents love you and they love to see you healthy and well-groomed.
    • Don't forget about personal hygiene and cleanliness. Shower daily. At the very least, wash off sweat and dirt with a soapy washcloth. Wash your hair every 1-3 days.
    • Your clothes should be clean and tidy, and your hair should be brushed. Iron wrinkled clothing. Wear a belt with pants, especially if they slip off of you. Style your hair so it doesn't fall on your face.
    • Eat regularly, eat a healthy diet. Eating three meals a day is generally recommended, but many nutritionists insist that 5-6 small meals, evenly distributed throughout the day, will improve health and maintain normal blood sugar levels. Regardless of which diet you choose, make sure you eat a balanced diet to stay healthy.
    • Go to bed early. Teenagers aged 14-17 need to sleep 8-10 hours a day. For people over 18 years old, it is enough to sleep about 7-9 hours a day.
  6. 6 Feel free to ask for help. We often try to prove to our parents that we can be independent and successful, but there are times when we may need help to achieve our goals.
    • Forget about your pride and selfishness and accept help from your parents (even in the form of simple advice).
    • When accepting help, be humble and grateful for what your parents are doing for you.
  7. 7 Be patient with your parents. When we are young, we keep pace with the times, and it seems to us that we can control everything that happens. But think about how difficult it can be for your parents to adjust to constant changes that we take for granted.
    • When you get married, get a job, and move into your apartment, it will remind your parents of how many years they have lived, and they will miss the days when you were just running down the hallway.
    • Help your parents adjust to the passage of time. Take time to talk to them and answer their questions. Help them understand some things, but don't get angry if they don't get it right away. Remind them that trust and acceptance are just as important as understanding.
  8. 8 Be true to yourself. Loyalty to oneself implies confidence and happiness, education and development. Nothing delights parents more than watching their child develop, find their calling, and succeed. If you are true to yourself, you grow and develop, become the one that your parents tried to raise. However, sometimes being true to yourself creates tension in your relationship with your parents.
    • For example, if your parents want you to go to church with them, but you are not religious, tell them you don’t want to go there. If your parents still insist that you should attend church, consider how you can defend your point of view and stay true to your values. You can find resources on the Internet that describe examples of conversations and conversations you can have with people to draw their attention to contradictions and inconsistencies in religious scriptures.
    • Are you afraid to tell your parents about your sexual orientation? Sexual orientation is part of your personal life, but as long as you live with your parents, it's best to keep this information to yourself. If you live without your parents and are still afraid to tell them about your sexual orientation, try talking to a counselor about the best way out.
  9. 9 Live happily. More than anything, your parents want their daughter's life to be happy and stable. And parents, of course, want to become a part of your life and offer their help in some matters to make you even happier. Your parents want to be involved in your relationship, want to help raise your grandchildren (possibly), and enjoy the way your family grows and develops.
  10. 10 Pay in advance. Accept the kindness, support, care, and generosity that your parents gave you and give it to someone else. For example, your own children, your spouse, friends, or other family members.
    • Volunteer with an organization that provides assistance and support to affected and at-risk young women.
    • When you give others what your parents gave you, you help them, you show your respect and gratitude for the upbringing that your parents gave you.

Part 2 How to become an "ideal" daughter-in-law

  1. 1 Balance between maintaining closeness and individuality. As your family grows and new family members appear, you need to make changes in your life and your behavior (especially in relation to new family members). Remember, your partner loves you for who you are, and you shouldn't try to be someone else. But at the same time, look for opportunities to connect with his (or her) family.
  2. 2 Be friendly and open to new people family relations. Each family has its own habits and traditions, but many families welcome new family members and treat them like siblings or children.
    • If you are an only child and have never had siblings, try to view the relationship as if you will live with most of your life. best friend or a girlfriend. You will get along well with each other, have fun together, take care of each other, and seek compromises.
    • When living with a “new” brother or sister, you will often hug, joke, love to tease each other, but it should all be fun and reflect your love and friendliness. Remember to reciprocate.
  3. 3 Take time for yourself. Especially if you have just moved to new family, be sure to immediately plan at least an hour a day that you will spend on yourself.
    • You can set aside time for yourself when you just want to take a nap. Get some rest, think about the events of the day, try to get rid of the stress and tension that have accumulated during the day.
    • You can ask your partner to join you, especially if there is something that bothers you that you would like to talk about.
    • Over time, as you develop a relationship with your partner's family, these quiet moments with yourself will become less necessary to you.
  4. 4 Be honest with yourself. The parent-child relationship deserves honesty and trust and cannot be compared to other types of relationships. Of course, your partner can tell their parents what they want, but remember that they are just beginning to get to know you, so tact is needed to maintain a peaceful relationship.
    • Remember: never lie to your boyfriend's family, but present the bitter truth with respect and kindness.
  5. 5 Set boundaries. When we have a relationship with a partner's family, we want her to like it as much as possible. The ability to compromise is necessary, but you should not sacrifice all your interests for the sake of someone else.
    • For example, your partner's parents ask you to come over for the holidays, and you both just want to stay at home? If you and your partner have come to an unambiguous decision, do not be afraid to inform his relatives that you will be happy to come, but not on this day.
    • Of course, your words may upset your boyfriend's relatives, but in the future, such an act will lead to respect and reasonable expectations.
  6. 6 Accept disagreements. There are times when you are unlikely to agree with your partner's family. No, this is not at all a sign that you will not be able to get along with them. Just accept it as a challenge and try to be as tolerant as possible (despite differences).
    • For example, do you already know that you and your boyfriend's parents have different political views? If any of them asks for your opinion, just answer: “I don't really want to talk about politics now. Do you mind if I just sit down and listen? "
    • If your boyfriend's family insists, just remind them that you respect their beliefs and feelings, love them, and hope they respect you as well.
  7. 7 Be open to change. Compromise is key to maintaining strong family relationships. This means that your partner's family may have completely different holiday traditions, that Aunt Masha will always cook her signature macaroni and cheese on special occasions (despite the fact that you have done it before).
    • Of course, you don't have to give up your old habits and traditions that make up your life, but you may well have to think about when and where it is appropriate to stick to your old habits. For example, if Aunt Masha always cooks macaroni and cheese, ask your partner what dish you could cook for a family celebration.
    • You can compromise and decorate the tree yourself or make New Year's homemade cookies, but you and your partner's whole family will have to light the menorah and eat noodles.
  8. 8 Empathize. The arrival of a new family member is a joyful but intense event.
    • Plus, it can remind your family that they are getting old, that their child / brother / sister is moving and is now far away from them, that now you will not be able to spend so much time together. All of this can give your loved ones mixed feelings.
    • You don't have to put up with being disrespectful, but understand what the family goes through when they show up. new person... So before you get upset and angry, take care of the feelings of your loved ones.

Part 3 Develop relationships with parents

  1. 1 Be careful. Think about your own life and the relationships in your family (including your parents). What can be done to make the relationship more pleasant and intimate? Below are development exercises positive thinking to help you become a good daughter-in-law:
    • Strive for excellence in everything you undertake. When you finish a business with no hope of success or improvement, you show others that it does not matter for you. of great importance... Instead, start showing love, care, and respect by trying to do everything well and achieve better results. Let your parents be proud of you and your success!
    • Look for new ways to do something good. It could be something as simple as planting flowers in the garden. Or talking to your boss about getting promoted at work. When you make an effort to make yourself or the people who care for you happy, you show your desire to be a good man.
  2. 2 Communicate. When you’re not talking to your parents for a long time, it’s difficult to bring yourself to call if any of you need support or help. Therefore, try to communicate with your parents as often as possible (so that it is convenient for both you and them).
    • For young people, this means daily communication through text messages or over the phone over lunch. For older people, it is enough to correspond or call their parents several times a week. It doesn't have to be an important message. It can be just an excuse for a conversation, for example, you can write that you saw your mother's favorite flower, or you just want to say "hello", you can share some funny incident from work.
    • Be the first to start a conversation. You don't have to wait for a message or phone call all the time. Take time to talk to your parents and call them yourself. If you live far from each other, you can invite them over. Remind your parents how much they mean to you - this way, you will create a solid foundation for your relationship.
  3. 3 Listen carefully. When your parents ask you to listen to them, it means you don't just have to nod your head while they talk. Use active listening techniques to show them that you are not only listening, but that you are truly engaged in the conversation. You don't just show respect. You must show that you understood and remembered what they told you, and take note of it. The active listening method is described in more detail below:
    • Rephrase what your parents tell you. This is a sign that you are listening carefully, moreover, this way you can make sure that everything is understood correctly.
    • Don't forget to participate in the conversation. Nod. Sometimes say something like “yeah,” “I understand,” to get the parents to keep talking about their thoughts.
    • Summarize. Before ending the conversation or starting to ask questions, summarize everything that you understood from the conversation (in your own words). Thus, you will not only remember what was discussed, but also give your parents the opportunity to correct you if you misunderstood something. For example, your parent might say, "You misunderstood me here, let me explain it again."

Throughout our lives, parents constantly have a great influence on how we develop, as well as the decisions we make. Parents are supportive when we need their love, when we ourselves are struggling. It's not that easy, so every child who is lucky with their parents should respect them and be grateful. One way to show your gratitude is to be the perfect daughter for your parents. The ideal daughter is a child who has a great relationship with those who raised and cared for her, respecting their parents' values ​​and striving to make them happy.


Part 1

How to become an “ideal” daughter

    Be realistic. Understand that there is not a single perfect person in the world, but nevertheless, as John Steinbeck once said: "Now that you no longer need to be perfect, you can finally start to be good." Remember that even Olympic gold medalists are deducted from their performances (and they still win). Albert Einstein also made mistakes (and learned from his mistakes) and made bad decisions. Never let "perfection" undermine your self-esteem and devalue everything that is beautiful and worthy (but, unfortunately, imperfect) that you are capable of.

    Ask first, then do. If you are unsure of your decision and are afraid of upsetting your parents, ask first. If you are afraid to ask this, chances are it will really upset your parents.

    • When asking your parents for something, always be sure that the parents are able to do what you ask for, and also think about the attitude of the parents towards you.
    • Dont be upset. Parents may not agree to comply with your request, take it easy and tell them about the reasons why you are going to do something, and also convince your parents that you can take responsibility for the consequences.
    • If your parents turned you down, do as they see fit, even if you don't like it. Especially if you still live at home with your parents.
  1. Do your duty. If you have promised your parents that you will do something, but wait for them to remind you of it over and over again, this behavior creates a tense atmosphere.

    • Inform about your affairs in advance. Say, "Mom, I need to finish [x, y, z] and then I have time, so I'll do it as soon as I'm free." Then be sure to do what your parents asked you to do so they don't have to remind you multiple times.
    • Try to do household chores without being reminded. For example, do you know what day to take out the trash? Have you heard that parents are preparing for the arrival of guests all week? Then take out the trash, clean the room and the whole apartment, even if you were not asked to.
  2. Treat your parents with respect. Of course, you don't have to agree with everything your parents say, but remind yourself that your parents always want the best for you.

    • Believe me, your parents have a much richer life experience than yours, you may seem too young to them to cope with some situations on their own.
    • Think about what your parents want for you, and don't be rude to them. If you start responding rudely to them, your conversation will turn into swearing, and you will no longer be able to present yourself as a person who respects others and is trustworthy.
  3. Take care of yourself. Show that you respect yourself, be sure to take care of your body's health and look after your appearance. Your parents love you and they love to see you healthy and well-groomed.

    Feel free to ask for help. We often try to prove to our parents that we can be independent and successful, but there are times when we may need help to achieve our goals.

    • Forget about your pride and selfishness and accept help from your parents (even in the form of simple advice).
    • When accepting help, be humble and grateful for what your parents are doing for you.
  4. Be patient with your parents. When we are young, we keep pace with the times, and it seems to us that we can control everything that happens. But think about how difficult it can be for your parents to adjust to constant changes that we take for granted.

    • When you get married, get a job, and move into your apartment, it will remind your parents of how many years they have lived, and they will miss the days when you were just running down the hallway.
    • Help your parents adjust to the passage of time. Take time to talk to them and answer their questions. Help them understand some things, but don't get angry if they don't get it right away. Remind them that trust and acceptance are just as important as understanding.
  5. Be true to yourself. Loyalty to oneself implies confidence and happiness, education and development. Nothing delights parents more than watching their child develop, find their calling, and succeed. If you are true to yourself, you grow and develop, become the one that your parents tried to raise. However, sometimes being true to yourself creates tension in your relationship with your parents.

    Live happily. More than anything, your parents want their daughter's life to be happy and stable. And parents, of course, want to become a part of your life and offer their help in some matters to make you even happier. Your parents want to be involved in your relationship, want to help raise your grandchildren (possibly), and enjoy the way your family grows and develops.

    Pay in advance. Accept the kindness, support, care, and generosity that your parents gave you and give it to someone else. For example, your own children, your spouse, friends, or other family members.

  6. Be friendly and open to new family relationships. Each family has its own habits and traditions, but many families welcome new family members and treat them like siblings or children.

    • If you are an only child and have never had siblings, try to view the relationship as if you will be living with your best friend for most of your life. You will get along well with each other, have fun together, take care of each other, and seek compromises.
    • When living with a “new” brother or sister, you will often hug, joke, love to tease each other, but it should all be fun and reflect your love and friendliness. Remember to reciprocate.
  7. Take time for yourself. Especially if you have just moved to a new family, be sure to immediately plan at least an hour a day that you will spend on yourself.

    • You can set aside time for yourself when you just want to take a nap. Get some rest, think about the events of the day, try to get rid of the stress and tension that have accumulated during the day.
    • You can ask your partner to join you, especially if there is something that bothers you that you would like to talk about.
    • Over time, as you develop a relationship with your partner's family, these quiet moments with yourself will become less necessary to you.
  8. Be honest with yourself. The parent-child relationship deserves honesty and trust and cannot be compared to other types of relationships. Of course, your partner can tell their parents what they want, but remember that they are just beginning to get to know you, so tact is needed to maintain a peaceful relationship.

    • Remember: never lie to your boyfriend's family, but present the bitter truth with respect and kindness.
  9. Set boundaries. When we have a relationship with a partner's family, we want her to like it as much as possible. The ability to compromise is necessary, but you should not sacrifice all your interests for the sake of someone else.

    • For example, your partner's parents ask you to come over for the holidays, and you both just want to stay at home? If you and your partner have come to an unambiguous decision, do not be afraid to inform his relatives that you will be happy to come, but not on this day.
    • Of course, your words may upset your boyfriend's relatives, but in the future, such an act will lead to respect and reasonable expectations.
  10. Accept disagreements. There are times when you are unlikely to agree with your partner's family. No, this is not at all a sign that you will not be able to get along with them. Just accept it as a challenge and try to be as tolerant as possible (despite differences).

    • For example, do you already know that you and your boyfriend's parents have different political views? If any of them asks for your opinion, just answer: “I don't really want to talk about politics now. Do you mind if I just sit down and listen? "
    • If your boyfriend's family insists, just remind them that you respect their beliefs and feelings, love them, and hope they respect you as well.
  11. Be open to change. Compromise is key to maintaining strong family relationships. This means that your partner's family may have completely different holiday traditions, that Aunt Masha will always cook her signature macaroni and cheese on special occasions (despite the fact that you have done it before).

    • Of course, you don't have to give up your old habits and traditions that make up your life, but you may well have to think about when and where it is appropriate to stick to your old habits. For example, if Aunt Masha always cooks macaroni and cheese, ask your partner what dish you could cook for a family celebration.
    • You can compromise and decorate the tree yourself or make New Year's homemade cookies, but you and your partner's whole family will have to light the menorah and eat noodles.
    • Listen carefully. When your parents ask you to listen to them, it means you don't just have to nod your head while they talk. Use active listening techniques to show them that you are not only listening, but that you are truly engaged in the conversation. You don't just show respect. You must show that you understood and remembered what they told you, and take note of it. The active listening method is described in more detail below:
      • Rephrase what your parents tell you. This is a sign that you are listening carefully, moreover, this way you can make sure that everything is understood correctly.
      • Don't forget to participate in the conversation. Nod. Sometimes say something like “yeah,” “I understand,” to get the parents to keep talking about their thoughts.
      • Summarize. Before ending the conversation or starting to ask questions, summarize everything that you understood from the conversation (in your own words). Thus, you will not only remember what was discussed, but also give your parents the opportunity to correct you if you misunderstood something. For example, your parent might say, "You misunderstood me here, let me explain it again."

Together with the birth of a little girl in the family, there is hope that in the future she will become a good daughter and consolation for her parents. After all, it is she who will take care of them and will never leave in difficult times. For a daughter to become a worthy person, discipline and perseverance are needed. After all good daughter pleases parents with their successes. She is responsible for her studies, does something: sings, dances, draws, etc. She also helps her mother with the housework: she tries to cook something, keeps order in her room and in the house. She is well-mannered and kind, always shares her secrets with her mother. They can even be safely called best friends... And, of course, a good daughter will never make her parents blush for herself. He behaves well, does not be rude and does not reiterate to anyone, is careful in dealing with boys.
Have you noticed how many responsibilities and certain frameworks a good daughter has? Undoubtedly, all this will have a positive effect on the girl, prepare for everyday difficulties in adult life. And now the question naturally begs for every girl who reads or listens to this: "Am I really a bad daughter?" And all because I did not learn how to cook borscht and do not understand physics and chemistry well ?! Of course not! To be a good daughter and a good person, you just need to genuinely love your parents. If you really love them, you do not need to know a bunch of rules and points from the "guide for good daughters." You yourself will understand what needs to be done and what should never be done; what will make your parents happy and what will upset. And how good a daughter you are depends entirely on your desire to be one. Yes, actions are responsible for everything, not by word, but by deed, you need to prove what it means to be a good daughter.
How to be a good daughter is to solve the problems of your parents, and not only when they are old, but much earlier. Never be selfish with your parents, remember that you owe them a lot. It's hard to see how in old age, how they send their parents to a nursing home to make life easier for themselves. Everything, they say, has outlived its own, became unnecessary ... And how disgusting to hear the cry of a neighbor, who insults a mother, bedridden, with the very last curses and dire wishes? Did the woman who 40 years ago braided her pink-cheeked little daughter's pigtails and prayed for her fate knew that such a fate awaited her? What it means to be a good daughter, everyone's heart prompts and that love and affection for the mother, which warms from the inside. Be merciful, sympathetic and grateful to mothers for their hard work, then your children will be happy. It's so great when you have a mom!
Victoria Chuprina, 15 years old
"Young Voices"

She is in a panic, because they do not know at all what to do with this child. But over time, the situation changes dramatically, and the parental self-confidence “I know everything, you don’t need to tell me anything” replaces the panic.

Believe me, from time to time we should all be reminded of the simplest things that we forget about in the daily rush, or, following a blind desire to keep up with the schedule, and be in time. That is why we have put together a few tips and reminders for you on how you can become even better for your child.

How to Become a Good Mom: 33 Rules for Every Day

1. Tell your child "I love you" as often as possible. There are never many declarations of love.

2. Show your child that his hug means a lot to you and can fix a lot of adult problems. Just ask your child to hug you when it's hard for you.

3. At dinner, ask your child what good things happened during the day.

4. Have your child hear you praise him in front of other people.

5. Compliments! It is important not only to compliment children, but also to teach children to speak pleasant words other people.

6. Kiss and hug your child whenever possible.

7. Teach your child to laugh. Even over yourself. Teach him not to take himself too seriously. Explain that everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone can laugh at it, not everyone can take their mistakes with a sense of humor.

8. Say thank you to your child. This will teach him how to be grateful.

9. Farewell. Learn to forgive others yourself and explain to your toddler that anger eats from the inside of the angry person.

10. Spend the day with your child. With him alone.

11. Let your child be who he is, even if his emotions or reactions are not to your liking.

12. Wake your child up in the morning with a smile. Only this way: with a smile and a kiss.

13. Listen to him when he wants to tell you something. Treat this as the most important conversation of your life.

14. Ask the children for their views on a variety of family issues.

15. Trust them to do some kind of work that they are even afraid to take on. They still have many challenges in life.

16. Ask them for help.

17. Admit your mistakes. This will teach the child to be easier on their mistakes. He will understand that he is not the only one making mistakes.

18. Surprise the kids. It doesn't have to be gifts. There are tons of ways to make a surprise, not portable to it and a penny.

19. Pay attention to the little things. Memorize your friends' names. Even toy names are important to toddlers.

20. Make your child feel special by giving them a cute and unique nickname.

21. Occasionally instead of bedtime stories, tell a story from your life.

22. Dance together.

23. Come up with a secret family password or handshake.

24. Let it be mischievous sometimes: scatter cotton wool around the room instead of snow or paint the sun with paints on the floor

25. Do crafts with your child.

26. Break the rules. Sometimes let your child watch cartoons late or sleep in the parent's bed.

27. Remember to apologize if you were wrong about something.

28. Let your child make decisions. This will make him feel important and significant.

29. Be light on your feet: "Come on, you won't go to the choir today, but instead we'll have a picnic in the park."

30. Keep your promises.

31. Sing along when your child sings.

32. Tell your child about his father that he is the best.

33. Keep every postcard or decoration your child has made for you. Show him how you value each such gift.

We hope these tips will be useful to you and will make your relationship with your child even stronger and more trusting.