To attach the nipples to the breast. Correct attachment of the baby to the breast. How to care for your breasts

Breast milk is the most invaluable and irreplaceable product for a newborn. Its composition is so unique that all attempts to create an artificial analogue are simply insignificant. The most adapted formulas can never replace mother's milk: it changes constantly in composition, adapting to the needs of a child at a certain stage of life.

Many women face a number of problems during lactation: to establish it at the initial stage, to choose a posture, etc.

In order for the feeding to bring only positive emotions to the mother and her baby, you need to know the correct rules.

Preparation female breast lactation takes place already during pregnancy. Colostrum is the first milk that a baby receives in the first 2-3 days of life. Colostrum helps to create intestinal microflora and has a mild laxative effect - it cleanses the baby's intestines from meconium (original feces). It is produced in small portions, but constantly.

Therefore, frequent latching of the newborn to the breast stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk in the right amount. Early breastfeeding is essential for successful breastfeeding. Nowadays, it occurs normally 1-2 hours after childbirth.

Baby feeding positions

The first latching of a newborn to the breast after childbirth is a very important emotional event, contributes to the further development of natural feeding and improves lactation. All the rules of breastfeeding need to be known before childbirth.

There are many different feeding positions:

  1. "Cradle";
  2. "Cross cradle";
  3. "From under the arm";
  4. "Lying on the arm";
  5. "Lying from the upper chest";
  6. "Baby on Mom";
  7. "Overhang";
  8. "Riding Mum";
  9. Jack;
  10. "On the hip";
  11. "Rocking while standing," etc.

A pose is chosen based on individual preferences and characteristics, very rarely on the recommendation of a doctor. If the feeding lasts a long time, then it is recommended to change the position.

Let's consider the main ones.

Cradle Pose

It is one of the most common. Mom is sitting, holding the baby in her arms. The child is turned with his whole body to his mother. The baby's head is located at the elbow bend. The mother's hand supports the back, and if the baby is still very small, then the ass.

Pose "From under the arm"

The child is to the side of the seated mother. It lies below the mother's armpit, as if peeping out from under her. For convenience, use a pillow or blanket to bring the nipple and mouth closer. Very good posture: allows you to control the baby's head, often there is a good latch on the breast, milk is "extracted" from the lower part of the mammary glands. This position is used to prevent milk stagnation. Can be used after cesarean section: the mother does not hold the baby, there is no load on the abdomen.

Lying Pose

Mom and child lie on opposite sides, turned towards each other. On the hand of the mother, which is located below, the head and body of the baby are located, the mouth is at the level of the nipple. A pillow is placed under the mother's head for more comfort.

Attention! The pillow should be just under the head, and not under the neck, shoulders and part of the back.

There is another variation of this position: the child lies not on the arm, but on a thin pillow. With her free hand, the mother holds the baby's body, helping to snuggle to the chest.

Back feeding

Great for relaxing. The child lies on top of the lying mother, and she holds him with her hands. The advantages of this position are: it is quite easy for the child to make a correct latch on the breast; the intensity of the milk flow is controlled, it is easier to cope with the milk flow if it is plentiful; prevention of gas accumulation.

Sling feeding

For lovers of slings, feeding is possible directly in it. This greatly facilitates the mother's life: frequent feedings do not require unnecessary actions, the baby is hidden from prying eyes. Use sitting, standing, moving positions.

When feeding in a sitting position in a sling, there is no need for additional support with pillows, mother's hands are free. When feeding on the go, many babies suck more intensively, calm down and fall asleep.

For a sling, the cradle poses are suitable, and the upright position in the front or on the hip poses.

How to feed twins

With twins, it's a little more difficult: you need to ensure the convenience of already 3 feeding participants. An assistant may be needed first. It is advisable to feed the twins at the same time.

The most comfortable positions for twins:

  1. both are fed "From under the arm" (we use pillows as support);
  2. both in the cradle position. Recommended for babies of this age when they independently control breast latch.
  3. a combination of the pose "In the cradle" and "From under the arm."

How do I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding?

The feeding process does not require any special preparations. before each feeding it is not necessary, the natural fatty layer of the skin is washed off, which causes dryness and. Therefore, washing once a day is sufficient. Some experts argue that it also washes away the smell of "milk mom", causes anxiety in the baby, and sometimes refusal of the breast.

How to properly latch a baby to the breast

Correct attachment during breastfeeding is the key to the successful development of the baby. Negative experiences can make both mother and baby refuse to suckle.

Let's analyze the sequence of actions:

  1. Choosing a pose. Mom should feel comfortable and relaxed. You can place a pillow under your lumbar region to make feeding even more comfortable. Holding the baby should also be comfortable. The baby is turned to face the chest, lies horizontally (some experts still recommend some inclination: the legs are below the head), the head is at the bend of the mother's elbow.

Do not fix the position of the baby's head - it adjusts the position of the nipple in the mouth.

  1. The baby grabs the nipple on its own. Do not try to force a nipple into his mouth. You can stimulate the grip of the breast: press the nipple with your fingers to squeeze out a drop of milk and move the nipple along the mouth - if the baby is hungry, the reflex will not keep you waiting.
  2. The nipple and part of the halo enters the mouth. A small distance should be observed between the nipple and the mouth, for the convenience of the baby. If it is necessary to bring the nipple closer, then they move the baby, and do not try to reach it.

This is very important point- the baby must stimulate part of the halo, otherwise milk will be delivered to him with great difficulty and is fraught with cracks in the nipples for the mother.

  1. The nose can touch the chest, but not rest against it. Owners of a magnificent bust should be especially careful.

The position of the chest overhanging to the nose is very dangerous because of the blockage of nasal breathing.

Every nursing mother should know how to apply the baby correctly.

Signs of correct attachment of the newborn:

  1. the child's mouth is wide open;
  2. the area of ​​the halo above the mouth is larger than the area that ended up in the mouth;
  3. the chin touches the chest;
  4. the nose is close to the chest, but not pressed against it;
  5. sucking movements are deep and prolonged;
  6. no extraneous sounds;
  7. mom does not feel pain while sucking.

Improper attachment of the baby to the breast leads to a number of negative consequences:

  1. Long feedings. The child is not satiated, milk production is not an easy task for him. As a result, milk stagnation in the mammary glands. An extreme case -.
  2. Decreased lactation, as a result of reduced milk absorption. Violation of the integrity of the nipple, cracks.
  3. The child is not gaining weight. Becomes restless and anxious.
  4. Refusal to breastfeed.

That is why doing everything right will ensure reliable breastfeeding success.

How to feed your baby?

There are two main feeding styles: by regimen and by demand. Proponents of the "regime" style argue that the baby should not be fed more than once every 3 hours. This approach was common before.

Their opponents assure that frequent contact between mother and child provides psycho-emotional stability for good development. It is necessary to apply the baby as many times as required.

Practice shows that everything is very individual. It is rarely possible to strictly adhere to a particular style.

It all depends on the child and the choice of the mother, which is again based on many factors: the baby's weight, the state of his health, etc. After good feeding, the child's physiological need for nutrition does not occur earlier than after 2 hours. If the child is worried and crying, you should look for the reason elsewhere.

Only the mother decides how many times to apply the newborn to the breast. The number of feedings at birth reaches 10 times a day, then decreases to 7-8 times. Normally, one meal for a baby lasts 10-30 minutes. Underweight babies can feed for about an hour.

Do not confuse feeding and holding a pacifier in your mouth. Sometimes the child is not hungry, but it is easier for him to endure discomfort or illness by holding his mother's breast in his mouth.

There are no clear boundaries in time - even a baby who suckles quickly can do it for a long time at a certain feeding.

It is easy to determine the moment of saturation of the baby - he himself releases the breast or lulls him to sleep. If there is a need to forcibly stop feeding - forefinger lightly press on the halo area to let air into the baby's mouth. So he himself will easily release the chest from his mouth.

If the child does not lack nutrition, then:

  1. he gains weight well and grows proportionally;
  2. sleeps well;
  3. quite active according to age.

Be sure to remember that there is nothing better than mother's milk and gentle hands. This is the greatest happiness given to a woman. Stock up on strength and patience - your baby will be grateful.

The first latching on to the baby's breast is one of the most important and expected events in the life of a newly-made mother!

As a rule, in maternity hospitals, the first feeding takes place under the supervision and with the help of a midwife or doctor, but it is better that the woman already knows the basic rules for latching to the breast.

By the way, after three or four first feedings, the mother forms her own "ritual", which she follows all the subsequent time.

The baby learns to suckle correctly for about 2 months. Therefore, the task of mothers is to help the baby and control the feeding process. And it's better to become a professional in this pleasant business from the first days of feeding! In this article, we will reveal all the exciting and topical issues of breastfeeding technique.

So, what ensures the correct attachment of the baby to the breast and the physiological course of the feeding process?

  • The health of a child who receives optimal and nutritious nutrition;
  • Prevention of such troubles as cracked nipples, milk stagnation, lack of milk;
  • Harmony and pacification of mother and child, between which a strong, albeit invisible bond is formed.

What does correct nipple grip mean?

Correct latching on during feeding occurs when the nipple is not involved in the sucking process. Yes exactly. Many mothers are deeply mistaken in assuming that only the nipple is involved in feeding.

In fact, in order to receive milk, the baby stimulates the areola (areola). It is there that the lactiferous sinuses are located, in which milk accumulates. The nipple, when sucking the breast, is turned towards the baby's upper jaw, and serves as a kind of conductor for milk.

If the baby is properly attached to the breast- in this case, the child's mouth is wide open, the mother's breast grip is maximum, and here the nipple is directed to the upper palate and does not participate in feeding, the areola is stimulated. The child is tightly pressed to the mother and works intensively with the lower jaw. In this case, the nipple is not injured (see), the mammary gland is emptied intensively and the woman does not experience pain. In the first weeks of feeding, minor pain sensations may be at the very beginning of feeding and they quickly pass (1-2 minutes), this is explained by the change of the epithelium in the first days of feeding.

If the attachment is incorrect- in this case, the child's mouth is only slightly open, he sucks only the nipple and that milk that has accumulated near the nipple, practically not extracting milk from the entire breast. Such feeding is fraught with the development of stagnation, the formation of cracks, the child will remain half-starved. A young mother may not take the difficulties that have arisen seriously and courageously continue to feed the child incorrectly, without introducing adjustments to the attachment technique. This only aggravates the situation. Even if you express milk during engorgement and stagnation, treat cracks in the nipples - there will be no positive result until the mother learns to properly attach the baby.

  • Get into a comfortable position in which the shoulder girdle is relaxed

You cannot feed a child in an uncomfortable position, because with a tense state of the shoulder girdle, with fuss or haste, the milk release reflex will be weakened. If after childbirth a woman cannot sit - feeding while lying is the best option for both mother and baby.

  • Position your baby correctly at the breast

The baby's body should be turned towards the mother and lie in the same plane with the head, the mouth should be on the same level with the nipple. Otherwise, the baby will pull on the breast and injure the nipples. The child's head cannot be pinched and fixed so that he can rotate it freely. The ideal breastfeeding position is a tummy to tummy position, with the baby and mother lying on their sides facing each other, the baby should be supported by the buttocks or back. Some mothers fear that resting their nose on the chest, it is difficult for the child to breathe and press on the mammary gland when feeding next to the baby's nose - this should not be done, thus clamping the breast, the outflow of milk worsens and the baby, on the contrary, it is more difficult to suck, and he can breathe through the edges nasal passages.

  • How to properly latch on a baby for feeding

Every child has an inborn reflex to seize the breast. But the first times you can help him by moving part of the halos (not the nipple) along the baby's upper lip. The child himself will reach for the breast, there is no need to put the nipple in the mouth, you can only direct the head in the right direction. At the time of capture, the child's mouth should be wide open. Underlip The baby in these seconds already takes the position that will be during sucking - as far as possible from the nipple, on the lower part of the halo. As a result, the nipple and part of the halo will be in the child's mouth, and more is captured from the bottom of the halo than from the top.

  • Breast sucking

Directly when sucking, the tongue will be slightly visible, which should cover the lower gum. The milk is squeezed out of the breast by the wave-like movements of the tongue and lower jaw of the baby. The chin and nose should be pressed against the mother's chest, the lips should be turned slightly outward, but not inward, and the cheeks should move freely in time with the sucking movements. When sucking on the breast, the baby makes deep swallowing movements.

A little trick: feed your baby naked and take off your clothes to the waist. Touching your mom's skin creates a strong bond between you, soothes your baby and makes breastfeeding comfortable and enjoyable!

Poses or positions for feeding your baby

You can feed your baby in any position that is comfortable for the mother and baby. There are several common feeding positions. We talked about the first pose "Tummy to tummy" above. The rest of the poses are no less popular. For convenience, mom can use pillows and bolsters that can be placed under her legs, arms and back.

  • Second pose - Sitting position

You can imagine this position if you mentally raise the nursing mother and baby from a lying position on their side. In a seated position, the child is also half-turned to the mother, the head is in line with the body, which is supported by one of the mother's hands - try to position the head in the cubital fossa. The second hand holds the baby behind the back and buttocks. Place a pillow under your supporting arm.

  • Third pose - Armpit position

Mom sits on the sofa, puts a pillow next to her and puts the child on it so that his body is hidden under the arm, i.e. armpit. In this position, it is convenient to control sucking, there is good visibility, and it is easier for the baby to capture the breast correctly. And one more plus - mother's hands are resting.

  • Fourth pose - Lying

  • Fifth Pose - Standing

You can also feed your baby while standing, for example, if he is in a sling. You can choose a semi-seated or semi-recumbent position.

  • Feeding twins

It is best to get the hang of and feed both babies at the same time, while the mom will be much calmer, she will not rush to fatten the first one and rather start feeding the hungry second one. This not only saves time, but also stimulates lactation well.

How long does the baby breastfeed for in one feeding?

This time period will be different for all children and depends on the temperament of the child, his needs for food, the speed of sucking, the state of the milk ducts of the breast, etc.

Feeding lasts an average of 5 to 20 minutes. If you notice that your baby is making several sucking movements and falling asleep, you can shake his cheek lightly so that he continues to suck.

How to wean a baby?

A well-fed and contented toddler himself lets go of the breast. In no case should the nipple be forcibly pulled out of the mouth - in response to this, the child will tightly squeeze the jaw, while injuring the delicate skin of the breast. As a last resort, if the child falls asleep on his chest or you see that he does not drink, but just sucks the breast, you can stretch the breast, pointing it towards the corner of the mouth, i.e. from the side.

Should both breasts be fed at the same feed?

By itself, the sucking process leads to, which is responsible for the production of milk. The hormone does not know how to act selectively, and both breasts are filled with milk: each mother remembers the sensations when milk arrives and the breasts “turn to stone” and even hurt a little. Therefore, even if both breasts were emptied during one feeding, milk will still arrive, because an empty breast is a signal for further milk production.

How to breastfeed if the baby is crying a lot?

Of course, the chest will calm the little rebel in a moment, but do not rush to soothe the baby in this way. Better to calm him down before feeding. Shake him on the arms or squeeze yourself so that he calms down a little or stops crying altogether. Crying baby may not properly capture the breast, and the mother, who at this moment is also on emotions, may not notice it. If the baby is restless before feeding, squeeze a drop of milk onto the lips, touch the nipple to the cheek or slide it along the lips, the baby will calm down.

How often to breastfeed?

No approved schedule breastfeeding does not exist. The previously recommended breaks of 2.5-3 hours are not relevant. You need to feed on demand. The demand is the crying of the child, search movements of the head, opening the mouth to touch the face.

In the first 3-5 days after birth, the child does not often ask for breast, about 7-15 times a day. In the future, the frequency of feedings increases significantly and can reach up to 4 applications per hour.

How to understand that the child is full?

This is the most exciting question for all breastfeeding mothers. The fact is that a baby cannot eat in one feeding the volume that a baby drinks on artificial feeding. This is why babies so often feed on the food source!

The baby is getting enough milk if:

  • mom's breasts become empty and soft after sucking;
  • the child often asks for breast;
  • the child looks healthy: the skin is firm and smooth, the eyes are clear, the mood is good, the activity is high;
  • the child gains well in weight and height and fits into the recommended monthly gains;
  • the child pees regularly (5-6 diapers per day) and poops (mustard yellow feces).

Can a baby overeat breast milk?

Consuming mother's milk, the baby's body begins to “self-regulate”. The composition of mother's milk is memorized, from which the need for it is formed. Therefore, it is impossible to overeat milk. All that is superfluous, which some children suck, then will surely burp.

Does the milk have time to digest if the baby suckles very often?

Milk has a surprisingly balanced composition. The stomach does not need to work very hard: valuable food almost immediately enters the intestines, and processing and assimilation occurs very quickly.

The milk produced at night is less fatty, so the baby's gastrointestinal tract practically rests during this period of the day.

Common Moms Mistakes About Breastfeeding

While feeding correctly is important, it is also important not to make other mistakes that could adversely affect lactation and the feeding process.

Holding the chest with your hands. Mothers can press down on their breasts from above, fearing that the baby will suffocate while sucking. Or, support the breast with a canopy, supposedly helping the milk flow into the baby's mouth.

The baby breathes perfectly through the edges of the nostrils, even if the nose is tightly pressed and even slightly pressed into the mother's chest. Well, the path of movement of milk along the ducts does not depend in any way on the position of the breast, but completely obeys the sucking movements of the baby.

Washing your breasts before each feeding. Women wash their breasts with soap and water before giving them to their baby.

No harmful bacteria or dirt on your chest! Washing, especially with soap, destroys the protective lubricant that prevents bacteria from multiplying. A daily shower in the morning and evening is more than enough.

Supplementing the child with water, baby tea. Experiencing that the child is thirsty, mothers add other liquids to the baby through a bottle.

Mother's milk is both food and drink for the child. All other fluids, especially through the bottle, are unnecessary. This worsens lactation and can lead to the fact that the baby does not breastfeed altogether.

When sucking a pacifier or a bottle, the baby makes completely different sucking movements than when sucking at the breast - they are simpler and easier for the baby, therefore 30% of children refuse "difficult" breastfeeding even with a single bottle feeding. It also leads to breast-nipple confusion, leading to further incorrect attachment.

Refusal to breastfeed if cracks and abrasions have formed on the chest. With problem breasts, mothers switch to artificial feeding. Refusal to feed during colds.

A terrible mistake that leads to the extinction of lactation and the fact that the child refuses to suckle. Breasts need to be treated between feedings, but breastfeed only, with or without nipple pads. Only with deep cracks in the nipples, you can stop feeding for a while, expressing milk and feeding the baby with a spoon or pipette.

In case of a cold, it is enough for a mother to wear a protective mask on her face while feeding. And with milk, nothing but necessary for the child antibodies from the same cold will not enter the body.

Expression of milk left in the breast after feeding. This supposedly stimulates lactation, and milk that is not expressed in the breast can become harmful.

Expressing is justified only when the mother is away from the baby, but she needs to maintain lactation. In other situations, this is simply unnecessary trauma to the breast and artificial stimulation of milk production. By the way, the ugly shape of the breast is more a merit of expressing than natural sucking by the baby.

Immediately after giving birth, a woman has no milk, but there is colostrum, a colorless liquid that appears in the breast in the second trimester of pregnancy. Colostrum contains a huge amount of nutrients in concentrated form. They are able to protect the newborn from infectious diseases and intestinal disorders, and make it possible to organize a full-fledged immune defense of the infant. Colostrum is 100% absorbed by babies. It is very important that the baby receives the first food as soon as possible, because during pregnancy he is accustomed to the fact that food is supplied to him around the clock, without any effort, that he does not know such a feeling of hunger and is frightened of these new, unpleasant sensations.

Early attachment of a newborn to the mother's breast is of particular importance for a woman. In the process of sucking in female body the production of a special hormone oxytocin is activated, which contributes to the contraction of the uterus and prevents postpartum bleeding. In addition, the formation of the hormone prolactin is triggered, which is responsible for the amount of breast milk.

This is why the first latch to the breast, which ideally should occur within half an hour after giving birth, is so important for both the baby and his mother. It's great if the baby receives about 50 ml of colostrum. So take your time, feed your small miracle properly, let him understand that he has come to a cozy and kind world.

How to breastfeed your baby correctly?

A newborn who has just been born does not know and does not understand how he should now receive nutrition, because before everything happened by itself, but what now? It should be noted that during pregnancy general principle suckling is learned by all babies. Also, being in the mother's tummy, they suck their fingers and fists, developing a sucking reflex. Therefore, immediately after childbirth, the baby instinctively opens its mouth, sticks out its tongue, trying to find a food source. This is where the mother should attach the baby to the breast filled with colostrum. Moreover, it is important to do this so that the baby and you feel comfortable. With the correct latch on the breast, the baby will never hurt you, does not swallow air. Therefore, it is advisable to master the feeding technique while still in the hospital. How to breastfeed a newborn correctly:

  • Step 1. Take a comfortable position. You can feed your baby while sitting, lying down and standing. It is important to follow the basic rule - the torso and face of the newborn should be in the same plane. It is desirable for mom to relax, the main thing is calmness and comfort. You can put pads under your back, cover yourself with a blanket, if it's cool, because feeding takes quite a long time. How to breastfeed your baby while lying down? Yes, just like sitting, the basic principles remain the same.
  • Step 2. We take the baby, pressing him tightly to us, the head should be in front of the chest, the mouth at the level of the areola (brown circle around the nipple). Make sure that the baby's head is not tilted back, the shoulders do not sag between your hands. , the other is to feed and guide the chest.
  • Step 3. Start feeding. With the thumb and forefinger, squeeze the areola of the breast from which we will give milk, we achieve the appearance of a fold. We place it parallel to the lips of the baby. We draw the tip of the nipple along the baby's lips, wait for him to open his mouth wide, making sure that his tongue lies on the lower gum, and at that moment we pull him towards us, putting the areola deeper into his mouth. Pay attention, we are not bringing the breast closer to the child, but him to ourselves.
  • Step 4. Feed. After the baby starts to eat vigorously, you can remove your fingers from the areola and relax. In the early days, you will have to start feeding several times, as the baby will twist his head, lose breast, and fall asleep while feeding. It is important to patiently and persistently put an areola into his mouth, at least a centimeter. Then the baby, eating, will press on the path of the milk, stimulating its production. Remember that the baby will learn to eat properly only by the second or third week, and a stable skill will be formed by two or three months.

How often do I breastfeed my baby?

The answer to this question worries all young mothers. Everything is simple here. In the first days, when the baby was just born, his ventricle is still very small and poorly adapted to feeding. Colostrum is absorbed very quickly and you feel hungry. Have you noticed that the baby starts crying, opens his mouth, sticks out his tongue, tries to suck on the fist? It's time to apply it to the breast, let it eat, do not finish feeding until it interrupts it. It is recommended to organize such a diet within the first 5 days after childbirth. On average, it turns out that the baby eats 15-20 times a day. Do not specifically wake up the baby, let everything around him coincide with his own rhythm. Approximately on the fifth day, mom will have a significant rush of milk and you can already switch to the diet recommended by experts, about 10-12 times a day.

How long should I breastfeed my baby?

The optimal period for breastfeeding is considered to be 2 years. Earlier, pediatricians insisted that a baby should be weaned a year, today we are talking about two years. It can be concluded that this decision is largely individual. There are no fixed deadlines. As the baby grows up, the composition of mother's milk changes, it adapts to the child's body, the amount of nutrients in it is enough to meet the needs of the growing body. Of course, starting from 6 months, additional food, juices, mashed potatoes, etc. must be introduced. But, it is not at all necessary to refuse the baby to receive breast milk, if the mother has it. The end time for breastfeeding is different for each family. Trust your intuition, but try to feed your little treasure yourself for at least six months.

To watch a video from detailed instructions expert on successful breastfeeding, you can purchase our course

Young mothers, remember the main thing - the best, perfectly balanced food for a baby is breast milk... Do not worry that breastfeeding can ruin your figure and prevent you from losing weight gained during pregnancy. These are all myths.

Breastfeeding is a guarantee of health not only for the baby, but also for the well-being and amazing beauty of his mother!

The birth of a baby is a great joy in the family, accompanied by no less worries, worries and questions. But there is one that stands up with an edge from the very first seconds - this is the correct attachment of the newborn to the breast. A lot depends on how quickly the feeding will be established - both the lactation itself and the state of health of all its participants.

It is easier and safer to master the technique of attachment to the baby (in terms of consequences) as soon as the baby is born. If you miss the moment, you will have to retrain it for a long time and cope with the consequences.

Why is it so important

Breastfeeding is a vital necessity for newborns. Mother's milk provides them with nutrition, fully taking into account the needs and characteristics of a particular child's body. This is an important aspect of establishing a psycho-emotional connection between mother and child. When feeding, an interconnection arises and strengthens, which gives the child a feeling of protection, peace, and the mother - pacification. If the feeding is overshadowed unpleasant sensations for any of the participants (pain in the nipples, hunger, inability to get enough milk, etc.) there can be no question of any happiness and peace.

Regular breast stimulation promotes lactation. So the mother's body "studies" the needs of the baby and adapts to them. For this, it is recommended to often feed the baby and do it strictly at his request. If the seizure is incorrect for a long time and the problem is not given due attention, milk gradually "leaves", because the body receives information that it is not needed so much, and "curls up" lactation. If you do not start working on the problem in time, the mother will have to switch to milk formulas and solve the issue of underweight - after all, the child did not receive enough food.

Correct attachment when breastfeeding gives the baby the right amount of milk. If he captures the breast incorrectly, then he receives only what has accumulated next to the nipple. The child is hungry, he does not have enough useful "back" milk, and the mother develops cracks in the nipples, which develop, which turn into lactostasis and even mastitis. And pumping will not help here, because the root of the problem remains unresolved.

Improper attachment to the breast is accompanied by tummy problems in children. Indeed, together with milk, they also swallow air, which provokes pain, colic or excessive regurgitation (because of which the child remains hungry, because he "lost" part of the milk he has eaten).

If the baby only captures the papilla, he injures him, causing pain to the mother. The biological significance of the nipple is to serve as a conduit for milk, but not as its source. The position of the nipple in the mouth should be such that it only indirectly participates in feeding. To stimulate the milk ducts, it is necessary to act on the areola located around the nipple. There are several ways to accommodate mom and baby while feeding, but this point remains key.

How to apply after childbirth

The first latching of a newborn to the breast usually occurs immediately after delivery, under the supervision and guidance of a doctor or midwife. They will tell you how to do everything correctly, point out mistakes. But some theoretical training will help you get used to each other and avoid the most common mistakes.

Figuring out how to properly attach a baby for feeding is now quite simple. Mom has many detailed videos and pictures that show the whole process. Having prepared, it will be easier not to get confused at the most crucial moment.

Mom learns to apply the baby quickly, developing her own system. For a crumb, it may take up to two months to master the correct grip. All this time, mom needs to closely monitor the process and quickly correct all the "problems". The most active movements in a child during sucking are performed by the lower jaw, he deeply captures the breast, and the nipple is directed upward to the sky.

How to do it right

In theory, it is easy to master the technique of latching on to the breast. But it is not easy to apply the knowledge gained. But even in this case, mom categorically should not despair and give up - a lot depends on her perseverance and positive attitude!

First of all, decide on the position. You can feed while lying, sitting / half-sitting, standing (after an episiotomy, for example). When choosing a position, keep in mind that the baby can suckle for a long time, which means that the mother should be able to relax and spend time in comfort.

In any position, the baby should be tightly pressed against the mother's tummy and slightly reach for the nipple. The baby's mouth is wide open and deeply captures the areola, the nipple is directed towards the upper palate, the baby's lower jaw is actively working during sucking, and the nose has access to air.

It is important to apply the newborn for feeding while lying down in such a way that the mother lies flat (the head is not raised on a bent arm), and the baby's mouth is at the same level as the nipple. Otherwise, he will pull on the chest, causing cracks and micro-injuries. Lying on her side, the mother holds the child by the butt and back, hugging him to her.

You should not fix the baby's head, maximum - you can direct it at the very beginning to the chest, and then the child should be able to freely twirl it.

Many mothers worry that it will be difficult for the child to breathe because the nose rests on the chest. In fact, it feels perfectly comfortable in this position, getting enough air through the edges of the spout. Pressing the breast from above with her fingers, in order to help the baby breathe, the mother only complicates his task, because this worsens the outflow of milk.

The rest of the rules can be grouped as follows:

  • correct attachment. Every child reflexively searches for a breast from the first seconds of life - this is an innate unconditioned reflex. To make it easier for him, at first you can help a little - direct the head towards the chest, move part of the areola along the lips. In response, the baby's mouth will open wide and he will be able to pick up the breast correctly. Moreover, its lower lip will slightly turn outward and capture bottom edge areola. By the way, not all of it gets into the child's mouth - the lower part is larger than the upper one. This grip is also known as asymmetric attachment - because the areola is not gripped symmetrically.
  • correct sucking. In the process, the mother can see part of the baby's tongue covering the lower gum and sponge. It is the tongue and the lower jaw that actively stimulate the milk ducts and “squeeze out” milk. The cheeks move to the beat of sucking, the baby swallows deeply. The nose and chin are close to the chest.

Signs of correct attachment

There are several signs of proper breastfeeding that will tell your mom that she is on the right track:

  • There is no pain during feeding, or it is minor and passes quickly. In the first days of breastfeeding, the skin may be too tender and painful to react to constant irritation. Then the epithelium is renewed, and the painful sensations go away. Severe pain is a sign of a feeding problem. If the baby has captured the breast correctly, there should be no pain.
  • If after feeding the breast becomes empty and soft, mom and baby do everything right. The child receives and eats well.
  • The child grasps the breast with his wide open mouth and during feeding there is no corner between the lips, the cheeks are not tense, the lower lip is slightly twisted and covered with a tongue. The chin is tightly pressed against the mother's chest, sometimes sinking into it.
  • During feeding, there should be no noticeable work of the muscles of the face, lips, cheeks. Only the lower jaw and tongue work.
  • When sucking, there are no "unnecessary" sounds - smacking, whistling and so on. Only the throats are heard.

If the mother determines that the attachment of the newborn has turned out incorrectly and the baby has not grabbed the breast so well, you need to carefully pull the nipple out of his mouth and offer it again. And so on until the correct grip is obtained. To remove the breast from the baby, you need to carefully insert the tip of the little finger between the lips at the corner of the mouth to break the vacuum. Otherwise, damage to the nipple is very likely.

Signs of incorrect attachment

Sometimes it is correct to apply a newborn to the breast the first time, but more often the mother and baby have to go through the path of adjustments and establishing contact, interaction. On this journey, it is important not to ignore the signs of mishandling and correct them right away.

The following moments can tell mom that there is a problem:

  • when feeding while lying or sitting, the baby's tummy is not pressed against the mother. He lies on his back, turning only his head towards the nipple. This makes it difficult to suck and prevents you from fully filling up.
  • the child's chin is not pressed against the chest;
  • when capturing the breast, the baby does not open his mouth wide. As a result, he only grabs the nipple, which, after feeding, acquires a flattened transverse shape;
  • the lips are extended forward or, conversely, tucked inward;
  • when sucking, the baby's cheeks tense and / or are pulled inward;
  • there is no necessary asymmetry in the grip of the chest. Normally, the child captures the areola asymmetrically - the lower part is larger than the upper one. If most of the areola remains below or if it is in the mouth the same way, then the capture is incorrect;
  • the breast strains or stretches during feeding;
  • decreased lactation. If the baby does not suck out all the milk, which constantly happens with improper seizure, the mother's body perceives this as a signal to curtail the production of "excess" milk. If the problem is not resolved in time, the milk may completely go away;
  • chest problems. Constant incomplete emptying of the breast leads to milk stagnation, lactostasis and even mastitis. In addition, if the grip is incorrect, the baby often injures the skin of the breast, provoking the appearance of cracks in the nipples.

Improper attachment of the baby to the breast can cause many problems of a very different nature. It is necessary to pay maximum attention to this issue from the very first days. We need moral support from loved ones, because a positive attitude is no less important than knowledge of technology.

The success of breastfeeding depends on a number of factors: the psychological readiness of the mother to feed, awareness, health, support from medical professionals and loved ones. The most important condition is the observance of the technique of attaching the newborn to the mammary gland. Therefore, before starting to breastfeed, it is so important for a young mother to familiarize herself with the practical side of the issue, established by the technique of attaching the baby to the breast.

Breastfeeding a baby is a process that requires care from the mother, adherence to the principles on the implementation of which the comfort, usefulness and duration of breastfeeding depend. If these rules are followed, the baby will correctly capture the nipple and receive valuable hind breast milk.

If the baby does not latch correctly, the likelihood of swallowing air (aerophagia) increases. This will lead to frequent regurgitation, painful bloating, and weight loss. If the baby is uncomfortable, he will tend to complete the sucking act faster. As a result, nutritious hind milk will not fully enter the baby's body and after a short period of time, the baby will again ask for food. In such a situation, the likelihood of lactase deficiency is high. In addition, the mother can make unfounded conclusions about the lack of milk in the breast, start using artificial formula.

By adhering to the approved rules, a young mother will be able to avoid negative manifestations: squeezing, tension, cracks in the nipples, back and neck pain, congestion and, as a result, premature completion of lactation.

It is important to learn how to breastfeed, observing the proposed technique, to make sure that mother and baby are comfortable when feeding. To do this, you should choose the best way for the baby to get food, giving preference to one or more comfortable positions.

How to apply correctly to the chest

To control correct position baby at the breast, a young mother should observe 4 main points:

  • the head and torso of the baby should be in the same plane (the ear, shoulder and hip are on the same line), the baby's neck is straightened, not tilted back and not tilted forward;
  • the chin touches the chest;
  • the baby's torso is pressed against the body (tummy, breast, knees touch the mother);
  • woman supports newborn baby by the buttocks.

In addition to the position of the child's body, it is important to always observe the nature of the sucking, the location of the baby's mouth in the areola. At the time of feeding, the mother is relaxed, her shoulders are lowered. The baby's mouth is wide open, the lips are turned outward. A small area of ​​the areola is visible above the upper lip. The tongue wraps around the chest from below, the baby's cheeks are not swollen or pulled in. Sucking is slow, deep, pauses are possible. Swallowing is clearly recognized.

The following sequence of steps should be followed when starting a feed:

  • A woman can hold the baby in her arms (place it on a bed, armchair, etc.), tries to squeeze it to herself, supports her shoulders, back of her head, buttocks behind her back. It is important to attach the baby to the breast, not the breast to the baby.
  • We put our breasts in the crumbs' wide open mouth. To simulate a baby for a wide opening, you can gently touch the upper lip. As soon as the baby opens its mouth, the breast should be deeply inserted into it. Make the movement clear and fast.
  • When the baby has picked up the breast, it is important to check for all signs of correct latching. The upper and lower lips will be turned inside out, the upper chest fixes the tongue and the entire areola lies on it. The nipple is deep in the mouth, and the nose and chin are in contact with the breast surface.

The feeding technique is violated if:

  • the woman's body is tilted, the shoulders are tense, the body of the baby is at a distance from the mother;
  • the chin of the baby does not touch the chest, the mouth is not fully open, the lips are extended, a significant area of ​​the halo is visible, the cheeks are tense or pulled in;
  • fast sucking, smacking, other uncharacteristic sounds are heard;
  • feeding is short or too long.

Indirect signs that the toddler eats well and does it right are weight gain and the daily amount of urination. If in a week the child's weight increases by at least 125 grams, and within 24 hours the baby peed 12 or more times, it can be argued that the rules of feeding were observed.

Not everything can go smoothly the first time. However, the baby should not be allowed to get used to inappropriate sucking, especially if it hurts or is unpleasant for the mother to continue feeding. You should take away interrupt feeding and try again.

Baby feeding positions

Dr. Komarovsky notes that the correct posture for feeding is the one in which the baby and the mother are comfortable. For more convenience, you can use special feeding pillows. In addition, a jug of water should be placed in an accessible place - thirst often catches up with mom at the wrong moment.

It is useful to practice the skin-to-skin method, feeding in a sling, etc. There can be no strict recommendations for choosing a position. But, general rule we can assume that it is important for every mother to relax. To do this, you need to find the most comfortable position. There are ways in which you can feed your baby while lying, sitting, on your side, etc.

Some positions are convenient after a cesarean section, others are appropriate for flat nipples, and others are used for feeding twins (tandem). In case of blockage of the ducts of the mammary gland, it is recommended to change the usual methods of feeding during the day, placing the baby's chin in the direction of the formed seal, since the child most completely empties the lobules located under the chin.


It so happens that the child is too weak after childbirth, experiencing severe stress. At the same time, he is inactive, sucks sluggishly, quickly releases the breast. In this case, it is most advisable to use the Australian method, which is also called the method of "self-application", "lying on your back" or the technique of Christina Smiley.

For this, a naked newborn is placed on the mother's naked breast, placing it vertically between the mammary glands. In this case, the woman takes a comfortable reclining or half-sitting position. The crumb is fixed in the area chest, lower back. Gradually, the baby begins to independently move to the nipple, suck.

This position is also convenient if the mother has an excess of milk. The nutrient fluid has to flow upward, so the pressure is not so strong and the risk of the baby drowning is minimized. If the child buries his nose in a lush chest, change the position of the child to one side, shift the angle of inclination.

A group of scientists from Sweden has proved that in this position it is easier for a baby to grasp the breast correctly, it does not have to be taught to the capture technique. The Australian position is convenient for babies prone to frequent regurgitation. Another indisputable advantage of the technique is that during feeding, the mother will be able to rest.


A familiar position for many, in which the baby is in the mother's arms. A woman has to sit or lie down. The head of the crumbs must be placed at the bend of the elbow joint. With the second hand, hold the little one by the buttocks, the back, fixing the small body. A pillow is laid under the arm on which the baby lies.

This option is inconvenient if feeding lasts more than 30 minutes. The mother's back is numb, so it is important to organize support - to lean back on the back of a chair or bed. During feeding, make sure that the baby's nose is open and can breathe freely.

There is a pose called the cross cradle. It is similar to the classical technique, the only difference is that the mother fixes the back and head of the baby with her free hand.


It is advisable to use this technique if the mother noticed signs of lactostasis. Disease occurs due to uneven emptying of ducts and lobes. To influence the stagnant process, it is necessary to change the habitual posture to the “jack” position. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • lie sideways on the pillow;
  • it should be in the armpit, so put your supporting hand behind your head;
  • put the baby on the side, with the legs in the opposite direction, the baby's chin is aimed at a painful seal;
  • give the baby a breast;
  • Hold the baby by the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

From under the arm (from under the armpit)

This position is often used by moms who have undergone cesarean section... The pose helps relieve stress on the abdominal area. In this position, hyperactive babies dodge less, lie calmly and peacefully.
A woman needs to sit comfortably, put a roller under her lower back. On the side where it is planned to put the little one, a pillow is also placed, then:

  • we take the baby;
  • we put our legs behind the mother's back;
  • turn the tummy to the mother's body;
  • with the palm we fix the neck and head, hold the second for the buttocks;
  • making sure that the little one has captured the breast, we place the hand with the child on a hill.

To keep your hand from getting too tired, choose a thick and high pillow. In the correct position, only the baby's head is visible from under the mother's arm.

On my knees

This position can be easily mastered by a 6-month-old baby. If your baby knows how to sit, you can feed him in upright position... Mom sits down and leans against the back of a sofa or chair. Then he sits the baby on his lap, facing the chest. The baby's legs are led behind the mother's back.
Children like this pose, because the baby sees the mother, communicates with her, examines the surrounding space. This method is convenient if the woman has small breasts.

Side feeding

This position is convenient if the baby sleeps with her mother. A woman does not need to get up to feed at night. It is enough to put a volume pillow under your head, lie on one side, and place the baby just below the level of the nipple. A soft roller is placed under the baby's back or the back is held by hand.


This provision applies to all forms of lactostasis, when switching from feeding with mixtures to breastfeeding... Mom is on all fours over the child, while the baby is not lying on its back, but on its side. It is convenient to use a roller to maintain this position. This position is not so much convenient as it is useful for reducing painful areas in the chest.

After a while, as the baby develops, the feeding positions will also begin and change. The baby himself will begin to invent new funny manipulations with the breast to get food. At the same time, it is important not to lose sight of the technique of correct gripping of the breast, to constantly monitor the position of the child. Often, the baby is applied to the breast using “exotic” methods, not so much for eating as for calming, and it is important for the mother not to deny him this need.