Children after cesarean section. Possible consequences of a cesarean section for a baby and mom

The operative method of childbirth is used as needed, that is, for medical reasons. The latter are absolute and relative.
Absolute indications for a cesarean section are a pathology that poses a real threat to the life of the mother or child. This pathology can occur during pregnancy. Then a planned cesarean section is performed. And it can occur unexpectedly during childbirth. Then an emergency urgent caesarean section is performed.
To the circumstances under which childbirth cannot be carried out naturally, include: the impossibility of giving birth to a baby through birth canal as a result of a discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the mother's pelvis; complications of pregnancy and childbirth, such as severe late toxicosis, placenta previa, premature detachment placenta, beginning rupture of the uterus, tumors of the pelvic organs, acute hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus, and some other cases.
Relative indications for caesarean section are conditions or circumstances under which a successful and safe delivery becomes questionable. These include: incorrect position and presentation of the fetus, abnormalities of labor, elderly age women in labor, burdened obstetric history, somatic diseases of a woman and others. The question of carrying out the operation is decided after a deliberate weighing of all risk factors regarding the life and health of both the mother and the baby.
However, at present, even quite healthy women taking into account the speed, painlessness, ease of childbirth, the desire to maintain a figure, they are increasingly striving for a cesarean section.
Is this good or bad?
Neonatologists cannot say that a cesarean section is an ideal, one hundred percent safe way of having a baby. Specialists study and evaluate the consequences of the operation on the health of newborns.

It is clear that the very pathology of the mother, due to which the decision was made to carry out a caesarean section, may be the cause of the pathology in the infant.
For example, severe preeclampsia of pregnancy, diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs in the mother can lead to oxygen starvation in the child. Which, undoubtedly, affects the condition of the baby. At the same time, babies born as a result of natural childbirth whose moms are not completely healthy.
But along with the pathology, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, which were the indication for surgery, the caesarean section itself is accompanied by an additional risk of complications for the newborn.
Newborns from operated mothers are somewhat more difficult to adapt to extrauterine life, compared to children born in the usual way. Provided that this birth was without complications.
It is known that it is at the moment of childbirth that the baby's powers are activated, laid down by the mother. A naturally born newborn is active, suckles well, and is ready for life. After a cesarean section, the baby's adaptation is slower, it is more difficult for him to rebuild to new living conditions.
Let's try to figure out what the risk for a baby is during an operative delivery.
With a full-term pregnancy during a cesarean section, the child does not go through all stages of the labor act, in particular, the advancement of the mother through the birth canal. And this condition is necessary for the "maturation" of the respiratory system of the newborn. The so-called "fetal fluid retention syndrome" often develops. It is known that the fetus does not breathe with its lungs, and normally they contain a small amount of fetal fluid. When the baby passes through the birth canal, fluid is "pushed" out of the lungs. With a caesarean section, the baby is removed quickly. As a result, the lungs do not have time to adapt to new conditions, and fetal fluid remains in them. This increases the child's risk of developing respiratory problems. More often, against this background, an infection is layered, pneumonia occurs.
Even more real, this situation is possible with a premature pregnancy. In an immature child, a caesarean section contributes to the development of "respiratory distress syndrome". In this case, the baby has rapid irregular breathing. The risk of developing pneumonia is also increased. These newborns require careful observation, examination and treatment.
In addition, a cesarean section in some cases may be accompanied by trauma to the child. Difficulty extracting the baby is a strong enough irritant for him. It can cause neurological complications such as muscle tone disorder, motor activity, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system... Up to spinal injuries, intracranial hemorrhage. That can also complicate the course of the neonatal period, be in the future the cause of a violation of the psychomotor development of the baby.
The outcome of childbirth for an infant with a caesarean section is also influenced by anesthetic benefits (pain relief) during the operation. Anesthesia in preparation for a caesarean section can be general (inhalation) or local (epidural). There is not a single medication that does not cross the placenta, and does not affect the fetus in one way or another. The use of various analgesics, muscle relaxants leads to a change in the vital processes of the newborn. Their action leads to depression of the central nervous system and respiratory depression. The child is characterized by lethargy, drowsiness, decreased muscle tone, and does not suck well. Such babies require supervision and further treatment by specialists. Respiratory depression in an infant leads to a lack of oxygen. What may require intensive care for a newborn.
Physicians strive to prevent these complications. When carrying out general anesthesia, the time interval from the onset of anesthesia to the moment of fetal extraction is limited to 10 minutes.
Taking into account all risk factors for the health of the baby during pregnancy and childbirth, careful monitoring of him, timely diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment, in most cases, make these complications harmless. In our clinic, special attention is paid to the observation and rehabilitation of babies who have suffered in any way during childbirth. Which undoubtedly affects the restoration of their health.

Today, operative childbirth is no longer an exception. Many mothers even deliberately ask doctors to perform surgery on them in order to avoid natural labor pains. The indications for surgical delivery are gradually expanding, this has led to the fact that even minor pathologies put an end to the natural birth of a baby. Are children born with the help of surgery different, and what consequences may be present in children born in an unnatural way.

Latest research results

Earlier, doctors and women in labor believed that operative childbirth relieves both the mother and the child from unnecessary suffering. However, as it turned out as a result of many years of research, a quick birth can have consequences on the health and development of the baby. It is not for nothing that nature has laid down that the baby must go through the birth canal from beginning to end. While moving along the birth canal, the baby begins to adapt to a change in the environment, prepares his circulatory and respiratory systems for work. The baby realizes that soon he will leave his mother's shelter and is ready to be born.

Prompt delivery deprives the baby of these benefits. He is simply pulled out of his usual place of existence, without making it clear what is happening. Along with this, there is a sharp change in the work of the vascular system, and the lungs open without preliminary preparation.

Observations have shown that a sharp drop in pressure can provoke consequences such as hemorrhage, cerebral vasospasm and cerebral dysfunction.

From the side of the pulmonary system, it is also not so simple. During the movement towards the light during natural childbirth, the remains of the water in which he lived and developed are released from the baby's lungs, the lungs are massaged and prepared to be filled with air. Caesarean section does not give the lungs such a chance, it is fraught with the development of pneumonia or asphyxia in the baby.

An interesting fact is that a baby who has passed through the birth canal has almost 3 times more lung volume than a baby who was born with the help of an operation.

In addition, in children born during the operation, the level of the hormone catecholamine does not increase, which is responsible for the normal functioning of organs and systems after the baby is born. For this reason, newborns whose mothers gave birth on the operating table often have problems with the functioning of various organs and body systems. They are more susceptible to infectious diseases, asthma and a weakened immune system.

Physical and psychological aspects of sex life after cesarean section

Opinions of psychologists

According to psychologists, a child whose child is forcibly removed from the womb is experiencing severe stress. The consequences of this are already visible in the first years of a baby's life. The baby subconsciously remembers how he was separated from his mother, therefore he painfully endures any parting with his mother. Children after a cesarean section usually do not get off from infancy mother's hands, sleep with their parents and are weaning heavily. They later find it difficult to adapt to kindergarten and at school. They constantly need a mother by their side to be calm.

In addition, in adulthood, these children rarely become leaders. They do not have an instinct for struggle, the first experience of which occurs during movement along the birth canal. In development, such babies have their own characteristics, they may be late in development and be less mobile.

Also, children after a cesarean section are characterized by irascibility, resentment, increased aggression and fear of everything new. V school years they have distraction, lack of ability to plan their day or certain activities.

Caesarean section and breastfeeding

The peculiarities of the birth of children during the operation impose a special responsibility on the parents. In order to correct all the consequences of a prompt birth, it is imperative to breastfeed the baby.

It is mother's milk that will help the baby to recover faster from stress and recover from a sudden birth.

However, the start of breastfeeding for these babies may differ. Usually, when a child is born, as nature intended, doctors immediately apply the baby to her mother's breast. From that moment on, the child receives valuable drops of the first food, he is calm and can sleep peacefully in the arms of his mother.

Children after a cesarean section are applied to their mother's breast after a while. Before the meeting of the baby and the mother, a day may pass, or maybe a week, it all depends on the state of the mother and the baby. Usually the first feeding of these babies does not end with success. The child does not want to breastfeed, he does not know how to do this, and mom has to teach him.

What to do for a woman whose suture has split after a cesarean section

Another problem that young mothers who gave birth by surgery may face is the lack of milk. Women begin to panic when, on the third day, milk does not come like all women in labor. Take it easy. This is actually normal. In women, after cesarean milk comes a little later.

It will definitely appear, you just need to wait a little and apply the baby to the breast as often as possible.

Breastfeeding in the case of a cesarean section is necessary not only for the baby, but for his mother. It is breastfeeding that will help the uterus to contract quickly, heal all the seams, and save from excess weight and breast problems.

Caring for a baby after a cesarean section

Of course, every child is different and there are no precise recommendations for the care of all babies born as a result of a caesarean section. However, there are still general recommendations. So, for example, if a baby is restless at night, often wakes up and cries, this may indicate that he is dreaming bad dreams... In this case, you do not need to forcefully put him in the arena, he will be calmer with his mother.

Also, the features of care are long-term breastfeeding. Long-term feeding will help the baby adapt to the outside world, establish the development process and protect against infectious diseases that these babies are often susceptible to.

There is an opinion that such babies must be swaddled, it all depends on the child. If the baby is not afraid of his pens, if he is sleeping peacefully next to his mother, then there is no special need for long-term swaddling.

Regarding the weakened immunity and the ban on walking, everything is as individual as with all other children. There is no such standard that a child born with the help of an operation will surely be endlessly ill, he cannot walk and swim, and in general he needs to be looked after all his life as if he were sick. No, of course, none of this is true.

Yes, babies born in a non-natural way are more susceptible to viral diseases, but this does not mean that they necessarily get sick more often than other babies.

It's all about the individual characteristics of the body, because there are often cases when babies who have passed through the birth canal often get sick or refuse to breast, sleep poorly and do not like to swim.

Every mom of a baby born with the help of a cesarean just needs to watch the baby more closely. If you notice that the child is often sick, take measures to strengthen the immune system, if he does not sleep well, put him with you, if he does not want to swim, do not force him.

Another thing is when a child was born with the help of an operation according to the testimony of doctors who were associated specifically with the health of the baby. In this case, of course, you need constant supervision by a pediatrician, in order to monitor the child's health.

Most often, young mothers worry too much about the health of a baby who was born with the help of an operation. If your child does not have congenital abnormalities, all the consequences associated with his unnatural birth can be easily solved. To do this, you just need to pay more attention and love to the child, engage in tempering and sports, play educational games and, if necessary, teach him leadership skills. As the baby grows up, sports can greatly help you with this.

Caesarean section is an abdominal operation in which a newborn is delivered to the light through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus. Some women consider operative childbirth absolutely safe for the further development of the baby and, in order to avoid painful natural childbirth, they even ask to perform a cesarean section "of their own free will." Others, on the other hand, believe that a cesarean section for a child is a stigma for the rest of his life, and a child born after a cesarean section will certainly have a developmental delay. Let us consider the most common stereotypes about the development of "Caesarean" children and see how they correspond to reality.

Myth number 1. Children-"Caesarites" lag behind in physical development.

Of course, surgery always has its own risks. Due to the lack of normal compression chest the baby's first breath comes later, it often hits amniotic fluid into the respiratory tract, and under the influence of drugs for anesthesia, the baby's nervous system is inhibited. All this leads to disruption of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. During and after the operation, the child's body experiences hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), which adversely affects early adaptation to new conditions, which can indeed have long-term consequences in the form of a delay physical development.

Children-"Caesarians" are at risk of being lagging behind in gains in height and weight. But whether the baby will lag behind in physical development or not depends on many factors - in particular, on whether the cesarean section was planned or emergency.

Emergency surgery is performed without prior special training when complications have arisen during natural childbirth. Undoubtedly, the risk in this case is many times greater than the risk of elective surgery.

The threat of a lag in the physical development of "Caesarea" depends not only on the method of childbirth, but also on how the pregnancy proceeded, whether the woman has any chronic diseases. In severe pregnancy, especially against the background of such diseases of the mother as diabetes mellitus, chronic pyelonephritis, hypertension, the risk of delaying the physical development of the baby is very high even during natural childbirth. At the same time, if the woman is healthy, but the cesarean section was performed due to clinical narrow pelvis(a discrepancy between the size of the mother's pelvis and the size of the fetus, which makes the normal course of natural childbirth impossible), and if the operation was successful, it is likely that the child will have normal weight and height.

It is worth mentioning the physiological decrease in body weight, which is observed in all children immediately after birth. Normally, in the first days of life, an infant loses up to 4–10% of its birth weight, and it is possible to restore what he has lost on average on the 7–10th day of life. But the "Caesarites" usually lose more weight (8-10%), and the restoration of their original mass occurs a little later (on the 10-14th day). But later on, for proper care the gains in height and weight return to normal.

Thus, the "Caesarites" do not always lag behind in physical development. In addition, the compensatory capabilities of the developing human body are enormous, so the baby may well develop normally and grow healthy, and sometimes even outstrip his peers in terms of his physical indicators.

Myth number 2. "Caesarites" cry more often than naturally born babies.

Cesarean section for a child due to oxygen starvation (the baby experiences it during and after the operation) has an adverse effect on the nervous system of the baby.

During childbirth in a natural way, the baby, passing through the birth canal of the mother, experiences tremendous stress. This reaction is accompanied by the release of a huge amount of hormones, activation of neuro-physiological processes in the brain and has a positive effect on the early adaptation of the newborn to new conditions of existence and on the further development of his nervous system.

Children after a cesarean section do not experience this stress that is so positive for the body. On the contrary, under the influence of narcotic drugs and anesthetics (which are used for anesthesia and pain relief during surgery), the nervous system of the newborn is in a depressed state.

But a cesarean section for a child is only a risk factor for disorders in the development of the nervous system, and not a prerequisite for this. Therefore, after restoring its activity a little later, the further work of the nervous system may well be normalized, and the baby will cry no more than children born naturally.

Myth number 3. "Caesarians" are always hyperactive children.

Hyperactivity is understood as a complex of neurological and behavioral disorders, manifested by impaired concentration and increased activity of the child. Indeed, a cesarean for a child is one of the risk factors for the development of hyperactivity, which is a symptom of impaired maturation of the nervous system and a consequence of the pathological effects described above.

With modern competent treatment under the supervision of a neuropathologist and proper care for a child with hyperactivity, it is quite possible to cope. But it is still worth noting that the development of this syndrome is not an obligatory and common condition for babies born by surgery.

Myth number 4. After a caesarean section, the mother will not have breast milk and the baby will develop less well.

It is known that the first drops of breast milk (colostrum) have a special nutritional and energy value in comparison with the composition of breast milk in the future. At normal course After giving birth in a natural way, the baby is applied to the mother's breast immediately after birth, and he receives these priceless drops. In addition, in this case, the intestines of the child are colonized with useful microflora. Also, early attachment to the breast contributes to the further development of lactation.

Scientific fact
An interesting study was carried out in which an electroencephalogram (EEG) was performed for children born naturally and surgically. The EEG records the electrical activity of the brain, which can be used to judge the work of the nervous system. In the course of the work carried out, it turned out that in "Caesareans" the restoration of the normal state of the brain occurs only on the 9-10th day of life, while in babies born naturally, normal EEG indicators are recorded from the first days of life.

Often, children after a cesarean section are not attached to the mother's breast in the first hours of life. This is due to the severity of the woman's condition after the operation, and in some cases - to the serious condition of the baby. Sometimes, as a result of the stress experienced by the woman in labor during the caesarean section and the lack of early attachment to the breast, lactation is disrupted. But breast milk contains essential substances and trace elements necessary for normal growth and child development. It is statistically proven that breastfed babies have the best performance neuropsychic development compared to those on artificial nutrition.

Another important aspect is that, as a rule, antibiotics are prescribed for a woman after surgery. If the drug can be used while breastfeeding, then the mother is allowed to breastfeed the baby. If the antibiotic is incompatible with breastfeeding, the newborn baby will have to be temporarily transferred to formula feeding.

It turns out that concerns about problems with breastfeeding after a cesarean section are to a certain extent true. But many mothers who have undergone this operation manage to maintain normal lactation and successfully breastfeed their baby. In addition, in the case of a caesarean section under regional anesthesia (when only the lower half of the body is anesthetized and the woman is conscious during the operation), the newborn is applied to the breast immediately after childbirth, which in the future allows avoiding many problems with lactation and, accordingly, subsequent development baby.

Myth number 5. The "Caesareans" need special development programs.

Indeed, children born by caesarean section are under special supervision of a pediatrician and require more careful attention from doctors. Patronage and preventive examinations of a pediatrician, neurologist, and, if necessary, other specialists are carried out more often. This is necessary in order to identify a delay or deviation in the development of the baby as early as possible. However, for the most part, "Caesareans" develop normally, and in this case, no special programs are required to accelerate their development.

If there is a delay in neuropsychic or physical development (as a rule, this occurs in the presence of several aggravating factors, and not only due to operative delivery), treatment of these deviations is prescribed.

A cesarean section, like any surgical intervention, is a risk for both the mother and the child, therefore it is not performed at the sole request of the woman. If, for one reason or another, the baby was born as a result of operational childbirth, do not despair and deliberately expect problems with its development. With proper care, careful observation and timely diagnosis of the deviations that have arisen, the child will grow and develop normally, and possibly outperform his peers in some way.

For the mother.

1. Cosmetic defect - a scar on the abdomen. How noticeable or invisible it will be depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's skin and how well the doctor sutured the tissue. Naturally, the scar will be less noticeable if it is located along the bikini line, transverse. Most delivery operations are now performed with the imposition of just such a suture. Another plus of the cross section is that such a cesarean section is unlikely to have significant negative consequences. The risk of complications is minimal.
I would like to note that it is impossible to "smooth out" the scar with the help of what ointments and creams. It is useless to spend money on expensive funds. However, if in the future the woman will have another cesarean, then the doctor will excise the tissue with the scar and apply, quite possibly, a more accurate suture.

2. Formation of adhesions. This is not only, but also other operations performed in the field of gynecology. Adhesions tend to hurt. And you can only diagnose them with high accuracy if you see them with your own eyes. This is possible with laparoscopic surgery. It will be possible to delete them at once. Sometimes the adhesive process can be so severe that it leads to intestinal obstruction. A milder consequence of a caesarean section that leads to the formation of adhesions is constipation. Severe constipation, which is very difficult to correct with laxatives. Adhesions can also form in the area fallopian tubes leading to tubal infertility. And if the uterus becomes in the wrong position, then the woman is threatened with algodismenorrhea - painful menstruation.

3. When they talk about the consequences of a cesarean section, they must also mention anesthesia and its role. Until recently, general anesthesia was practiced almost everywhere in Russia. It is much easier for an anesthesiologist to make it. About spinal or epidural anesthesia, they said that it only adds negative consequences of cesarean. For example, that it provokes a violation of the umbilical cord blood flow and can lead to hypoxia in the fetus and even its death. However, there is no scientific evidence for this.
It is known that epidural anesthesia often provokes very severe postoperative headaches. This is true. It often has such consequences. However, anesthetists know how to avoid this.

But spinal anesthesia has a lot of advantages:

  • early establishment of contact between mother and child, early attachment to the breast, which contributes to the rapid establishment of lactation;
  • quick recovery after surgery;
  • no need to take narcotic drugs;
  • little blood loss compared to surgery performed under general anesthesia;
  • the ability to take fluids almost immediately after the operation and take the usual food after 4 hours;
  • getting up early, immediately after the restoration of sensitivity.

The consequence after general anesthesia during a cesarean section may be a longer separation from the child, problems or even loss of lactation, a certain amount of narcotic medications will enter the child's body.

4. Problems with subsequent pregnancy and childbirth, the need to postpone the birth of a child for at least 2 years. Usually this is the first thing doctors say to their patients in response to the question "what are the possible consequences of a cesarean section." Not always after the operation, especially if the incision in the uterus was made vertical, and not a transverse incision, a full-fledged scar is formed. And with an incomplete or inconsistent scar, pregnancy and childbirth are dangerous by the divergence of the uterus. This is a deadly complication for both the expectant mother and the child. Consequences of this kind are more frequent than as a result of the first operation on the uterus. And this is easily explained - the more scars on the uterus (internal, not external) - the greater the risk of organ rupture.

5. Formation of a postoperative hernia. Observed at. Often associated with surgical errors. It can lead to the formation of an umbilical hernia in a woman, problems with digestion, spine, provoke prolapse of internal organs, including the uterus and vagina.

6. Problems with breastfeeding. It is especially common when using general anesthesia. A woman is not given a baby immediately after birth, so the lactation process is delayed. Breast milk is produced later. The baby does not receive the first drops of colostrum. Psychological contact with the mother is not immediately established. It is not uncommon for children to refuse to take their mother's breast at all, since it is easier to suck the mixture from the bottle.

Rather, these are additional unpleasant consequences of a cesarean section for a child, since he is already born not as adapted to the environment as children born naturally, and artificial feeding adds to the problems. No formula, even a very expensive one, can compare in quality with breast milk. Very often mixtures provoke constipation, regurgitation and other digestive problems.

Other likely consequences for the child, especially if the operation is performed before labor begins (real contractions appear) - problems with the lungs, some children cannot breathe on their own immediately after birth. Caesarians gain weight worse, develop more slowly, get sick more often and suffer from allergies.

These are the problems that can arise after this operation. To avoid at least some of them, you must strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist in the postpartum period, carefully protect yourself from pregnancy for the first two years after the operation, and regularly show the child to an experienced pediatrician.

V Lately many young mothers deliberately go to childbirth using a caesarean section. It seems to them that they are less painful, faster. But few people think about how the operation will affect the newborn.

I have two daughters. The first birth was natural, the second - caesarean. Unfortunately, my daughter sat on the pope throughout her pregnancy. I wrote in more detail about childbirth, we talked and. Now I want to tell you what difficulties I had to face after the second birth.

Child and anesthesia

Caesarean section is an abdominal operation, which means that the mother is given anesthesia, which also affects the child. They say that epidural anesthesia is safer, by the way, I chose it. And, nevertheless, it is anesthesia.

It is believed that the use of muscle relaxants and analgesics for anesthesia entails changes in the vital processes of newborns, respiratory depression and the central nervous system. That is why children after cesarean are very lethargic at first. It's hard to say if this is really so, but my daughter cried constantly.

Physiological features of children after cesarean section

Naturally, the mother's pathology, which led to the decision to carry out such childbirth, can lead to pathology in the baby. And that's what happened to me. Due to the wrong position in the womb, she developed torticollis.

The first month my daughter slept on an orthopedic pillow, wore a splint, she was given a massage, fortunately, everything went quickly.

It is believed that these children are more likely to suffer from hyperactivity syndrome.... Everything is possible, but my both daughters were diagnosed with this. Now the youngest daughter has it removed. But in this regard, problems with the eldest daughter, although there was a natural birth.
A sharp drop in pressure between the womb and the environment can lead to microbleeds in the brain. Yes, I noticed that in babies born as a result of cesarean, intracranial pressure is more often found.

Unfortunately, my daughter had it too. But timely treatment helped. Previously, she often had a headache, she wrapped her arms around her, cried. This rarely happens now.

It is also believed that these children generally do not gain weight well. I know at least five babies after a cesarean section. And no one had any problems with weight gain, neither did we. Although the younger daughter was gaining weight worse than the older one, in principle, within the normal range.

Their immune system is much weaker, they get sick more often. I fully agree with this. I don’t know why this is happening, but it’s the way it is. All children I know get sick much more often. And I noticed that under the same conditions, the youngest daughter is more susceptible to various diseases.

Caesareans are more likely to have allergic reactions to food. And this also, oddly enough, coincides. At six months, I could not start complementary foods, all products were rejected immediately. Now my daughter is 1.5 and almost no allergic reactions.

Psychological characteristics of children after cesarean section

While it is difficult to verify what doctors say about the psychology of children born with the help of cesarean. But some points are already visible.

They are believed to have attention deficit disorder. My youngest daughter is more drawn to me or dad, she cannot be alone in the room.

Psychologists believe that these children acquire certain character traits: fear of change; absent-mindedness; irascibility and anxiety; apathy; isolation; excessive touchiness; low self-esteem.

I would like to believe that with the right upbringing, such traits will not appear in my daughter.

They are either more aggressive than the rest, or overly passive. It's hard to say, but it seems to me that my daughter is doing well in this regard. Yes, she fights sometimes, but who doesn't fight at all? Yes, and I would be glad if she was sometimes more calm.

Such children find it difficult to come into contact with new people. This is absolutely true, the daughter will not go to strangers in her arms, she is wary of those whom she has not seen for a long time or sees for the first time.


I so want to highlight this topic. When the eldest daughter was born, I had no idea what it was. But already in the first days after the birth of my second daughter, I realized that everything would not be so simple.

Every day in the evening she started screaming, bending her legs…. It was clear that it was colic. I was on a strict diet, it turned out that this was a reaction to antibiotics, which are injected to all mothers after the operation. As a result, the child's intestinal microflora is disturbed, colic, problems with stool occur.

It was very difficult to fight. We were given plantex, dill water. Massage and hot diapers were placed on the stomach. And still, for about 30-40 minutes she screamed without stopping. It ended at about 4 months.

And I believe that colic most often occurs in babies after a cesarean section. Many acquaintances had this problem after the operation.

It is difficult to say exactly how this method of delivery will affect the development of the baby. After all, any naturally born baby can have the above complications. Disputes on this topic will always be relevant. Moreover, every child is different.

It has been established by nature that, when born, the baby must go through the difficulties of birth, and, having overcome the birth canal, get into mother's gentle hug... This is a natural way of delivery, and it is optimal for the baby, both physically and mentally. When this natural order is violated, undesirable adverse consequences appear, therefore, children after a cesarean section need special care.

How do Caesarean children differ from naturally born babies, what does special care for the child mean, and how can you care for the Caesarians? Let's talk about this.

· Consequences of a cesarean section for a newborn

When a baby is in the amniotic fluid in the mother's womb, it experiences a certain amount of pressure, similar to that of a scuba diver at depth. In the case of natural delivery, the process of "lifting from the depth" is carried out slowly, without causing harm to the baby. A completely different situation at (ks)

, newborn Caesarians roughly and sharply removed from the mother's womb dissected by the surgeon have a hard time. Most of them remain with some kind of barotrauma. Children after cesarean are physically weaker and need more help.

In addition, childbirth is, in principle, a serious stress for a child. When giving birth in a natural way, the mother has the opportunity to take the baby in her arms, put it on her chest and soothe it with the usual heartbeat sound, and of course attach the baby to the breast. The gentle hands and gentle voice of the mother give the child a feeling of security and safety, and the children of the Caesarean are deprived of all this. Torn from their usual conditions, babies experience shock and fear from the unknown and loneliness. That is why it is so important to correct the consequences of this fear in the future. Psychologists have identified the relationship between the attitude towards a child in infancy and his character in the future: if crying baby for a long time no one approaches, leaving him to scream all alone, then such traits as cruelty and coldness subsequently appear in his character. Also with the Caesarians, the stress experienced in different ways can affect their psyche, among the worst consequences are mental deviations, the development of neuralgia. Therefore, the attitude and care of a newborn after copulation should be special and require more care, attention and warmth.

· Caesarean care begins before delivery

If a cesarean section is planned, take better care of your baby while he is in the womb.

Agree with your doctor what anesthesia will be used, if possible, it should be epidural pain relief ... This type of anesthesia has fewer undesirable consequences, both for the baby and for the mother. First of all, because its action is shorter and the woman is conscious all the time of the operation, so she can take the baby for feeding immediately after childbirth. Secondly, with epidural anesthesia, the child receives fewer drugs, and, therefore, negative impact on his body is minimal. The ability to attach the baby to the mother's breast immediately after birth helps to smooth out psychological consequences from traumatic unnatural childbirth.

The expectant mother should tune in to breast-feeding immediately, because thanks to this, the child's body will be able to start adaptive processes and form the necessary protection, usually formed during natural childbirth. The benefits of breastfeeding it is generally superfluous to speak, but for the Caesarea it is simply necessary.

· Features of child care after cesarean

About, how to care for the Caesarians medically how often to carry out examinations, what tests to take, etc. we'll talk in another article. Here we will touch on the topic of what should be the home care of a newborn after KS, and how a mother should behave:

  1. Caesarean children need longer and more adaptive bathing and swaddling,
  2. Children after cesarean require more attention, they are often restless, especially at night,
  3. Such babies are more sensitive to the transition to their own crib and need to sleep with their mother for a longer time,
  4. Often, Caesareans gain weight more slowly than other babies, therefore breastfeeding is an important component of caring for newborns after CS,
  5. Be sure to do gymnastics with the cesarean, they especially need support for physical development and the formation of the immune system,
  6. Studies have shown that babies born by caesarean section often have psychological problems, such as anxiety, fear of change, irascibility, distraction, difficulty with self-control and planning. Knowing this, pay attention to these kinds of problems and help your child overcome them.

HOW TO FEED THE CAESAREN Children after cesarean especially need direct contact and breastfeeding. You should start breastfeeding the Caesarian as early as possible and keep breastfeeding as long as possible. At first, the baby may be weak and eat badly, therefore, it will be necessary to apply it to the chest more often until he gains strength and weight. It is more convenient to do this while lying down, so as not to disturb the postoperative sutures with additional loads. The closest contact that occurs between the mother and the baby during feeding is very important, it will help him to survive the experienced stress without negative consequences. Psychologists came to the conclusion that the majority of Caesareans subconsciously live with the feeling that the world did not want their birth, no one loves them, no one needs them. Close contact with mom helps to prevent such thoughts. During feeding, it is recommended to gently stroke the baby, tell him sweet words... In general, try to tell your child more often that they have been waiting for his birth for a long time, that he is loved, that he is your joy.

HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH KESARENK. As a rule, upon returning from the hospital, they begin to take baths and go out with the cesarean later, unless, of course, mom has a good helper. Nevertheless, new sensations and a change of scenery are not always good for a cesarean, they can remind the child of the fear experienced at birth, therefore, everything that concerns the new and unusual should appear in his life gradually and accompanied by a gentle mother's voice or touch. During walks, experts recommend changing playgrounds and routes more often, making it possible to get used to changing circumstances and places. This will help the child overcome their fear of change. You should not insist on your own, if the baby is clearly protesting, it makes sense to calm him down first, to console him, to give him time to get used to. It is also not recommended to forcibly transfer to a crib, such a step can cause children's nightmares. Children after cesarean sometimes really need a feeling of mother's warmth, the smell of milk, the sounds of her heartbeat. Often, silence, peace, mother's hugs for such babies are much more valuable than fun and toys in the future.

MASSAGE AND GYMNASTICS FOR KESARIAT. An important role in caring for a child after a cesarean is played by gymnastics and massotherapy ... Try to start taking your baby to the masseur as early as possible, and at home more often independently stroke and knead. For any opportunity, for example, dressing up, stroke, massage, play "magpie-crow". It is advisable to do this in conditions comfortable for the crumbs.

HOW TO BUY A NEWBORN AFTER COP. Water, as you know, has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the nerves, therefore, "water" care after a cesarean section should be frequent and long-term, allowing the baby to swim, relax and feel the security and peace, similar to those that were in the times of his stay in mom's tummy. It is advisable to bathe a newborn cesarean by wrapping it in a thin diaper so that splashes from involuntary movements of the handles do not frighten him.

In fact, there is nothing special about caring for a child after cesarean - only love, care and patience that loving mom for his child is always in abundance. With proper care, the possible adverse effects of the operation will disappear without a trace. The kid will grow up healthy and happy. The main thing is to make him feel protected and loved.

Home " Food " The consequences of a cesarean section for a child. Child problems after cesarean

Hello dear readers! Today, the method of birth by cesarean section is becoming more and more popular. More recently, this method of delivery was a dangerous operation that could bring a lot of undesirable consequences. Today, surgical intervention is reaching a new level, so it does not pose a particular danger to mother and child. But! There are still risks ... The consequences of a cesarean section for the child and mother- the topic of our today's article.

Is Cesarean Section Operation Dangerous?

Today we have to speak less and less about the danger of an operation. Modern technologies, high-quality and proven anesthetics - all this contributes to the fact that artificial childbirth is becoming more popular and safer. However, behind the cloudless veil, negative consequences are hidden, which are not customary to talk about loudly. What are these consequences? I propose to consider below.

In any case, you should understand that the operation should be performed only if there is a medical indication, the banal fear of childbirth is not a reason to endanger the health of the mother and baby.

In what cases a similar method of delivery is shown, you can find in the article:

The consequences of cesarean for mom

What are the consequences of a cesarean section for women?

  • longer postpartum recovery process;
  • less contractile ability of the uterus, associated with damage to its walls;
  • high risk of developing inflammatory processes in the pelvic area;
  • possible damage to nearby organs;
  • the need for blood transfusion in case of profuse blood loss, if it is impossible to stop the bleeding, they can resort to removing the uterus;
  • blood poisoning;
  • often there is a feeling of discomfort in the seam area;
  • during the operation, increased blood clotting is observed, which can lead to the formation of blood clots;
  • problems with hepatitis B;
  • severe pain in the first days after surgery;
  • divergence of the seam edges if the prescribed rules are not followed;
  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, which may not go away with time;
  • development of the adhesive process;
  • the risk of complications increases during next pregnancy(premature placental abruption, its presentation), there is also a high risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy;
  • if pregnancy does not occur in the interval from 2-5 years after cesarean, then the likelihood of uterine rupture increases;
  • in the future, the likelihood of developing concomitant gynecological problems is high.

One of the serious disadvantages for a mother is problems with planning and bearing subsequent babies. After 2 or 3 surgeries, the woman may be offered tubal ligation. Since you can give birth in this way no more than 2 times, in rare cases 3 times.

Due to the fact that the process of the appearance of the baby for the mother remains incomplete, psychoemotional problems may arise. Often against the background of this, a woman develops, which worsens the already difficult period of postoperative recovery.

Separately, I would like to talk about the complications arising from the use of anesthesia.

In the case of an emergency caesarean section, doctors use general anesthesia. Consequences of general anesthesia for mom:

  • on the first day, the woman feels rather bad, there are headaches, dizziness, nausea, less often vomiting, clouding of consciousness;
  • irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa due to the use of a tracheal tube;
  • the negative effect of anesthetic drugs on the cardiovascular system.

After using the spinal or many women complain of constant pain in the back, periodic feeling of "numbness" in the legs. In addition, it is necessary to entrust this manipulation only to an experienced anesthesiologist, otherwise you can get serious injury.

The consequences of cesarean for crumbs

How Caesarean Affects Your Child's Health?

Basically, complications in a child arise in the postoperative period, but there are also those that manifest themselves after months and even years of your child's life.

The consequences for the baby include:

  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • spasm of cerebral vessels;
  • often there is pneumonia or asphyxia in newborns after a cesarean section (during natural childbirth, this situation is excluded, since the remnants of amniotic fluid are excreted under the pressure of the birth canal);
  • often such children have weakened immunity;
  • breathing problems;
  • recent studies trace the relationship of the development of autoimmune diseases with the operational method of giving birth to a child;
  • a higher risk of developing bowel problems.

What are the future consequences for children after a cesarean section?

Despite the fact that scientists are still conducting research on the effect of caesarean on the further development of the child, today they are already talking about its negative effect on the psycho-emotional background, as well as on the immune system.

No, we are not talking about the fact that Caesareans get sick more often than babies born naturally. For example, in the process of natural childbirth, the child passes through the birth canal of the mother, from where his intestines are colonized by the first bacteria. Then the baby is laid out on the mother's belly, where there is close tactile contact and the colonization of bacteria continues. In the process of this contact, the baby sucks on her mother’s breast, which, firstly, promotes the active colonization of the intestines with beneficial microflora, and secondly, “fixes” the success between the mother and the child in childbirth, i.e. creates a strong psycho-emotional connection, and, moreover, is a trigger mechanism in the work of the baby's immunity!

Thus, Caesareans who have not gone through all these stages are more susceptible to the development of problems with the digestive tract, both in the first months of life and in the future.

The next point is that scientists are seriously talking about the relationship of autoimmune diseases with cesarean section. So, according to the research results, it was noticed that with the growing popularity of cesarean, the incidence of autoimmune diseases increases, when the child's immune system perceives its immune cells as "outsiders" and fights against them.

It has also been said for a long time that Caesareans more often have problems with memory, concentration, and they have less developed thought processes... The character is capricious and nervous. Perhaps all this is due to the negative influence of anesthetic drugs.

Here is another consequence that is negative for both the mother and the baby - the inability to immediately start breastfeeding after a cesarean section. Read more on this topic in the article: