Children's sweet New Year's gifts in packaging. Sweet gifts for children Gifts for children for the new year

Since childhood, New Year has been a holiday of gifts. Continuing the pleasant tradition of giving gifts to children under the Christmas tree, today Santa Claus comes to kindergarten and school. And parents, teachers and the Darell company help!

Our products are delicious candies and sweets, surprises and pleasure. Same for schoolchildren primary classes You can choose sweet gifts for the New Year according to your taste, the age of the children and the price. Options:

  • “Standard”, it has more caramel;
  • “Lux”, where there is more real chocolate;
  • or “Vip”, the set includes the most popular sweets;
  • as well as the new “Gifts of Nature” set - a great option for teenagers.

Options for New Year's packaging 2021 for children

The New Year's celebration at school is an unusual event. You can choose gifts for children that are just as unusual and original. In our catalog New Year's packaging– cardboard and wooden boxes, beautiful bags, tin cans and soft children's toys.

We will help you choose gifts for any age:

  • in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, gifts with soft toys are perfect,
  • in older classes (from 6 to 11) - students prefer tin boxes.

Let the New Year bring joy with Darelle!

New Year is the time when the Christmas tree is decorated, pleasant holiday wishes are heard, sweet gifts and various souvenirs are given. Is it possible to imagine a celebration without magical surprises, delicious sweets and Have a good mood? For those who are preparing for the holidays in advance and thinking about holiday gifts, the Darell company has prepared many original sets with delicious sweets from the best manufacturers confectionery products in Russia.

What gifts await our clients for 2021:

  • New Year's classic gifts, which will delight both children and adults. Ingredients: chocolate, caramel, candies and other beloved sweets. Traditionally, you can choose the weight and filling option according to your taste. New Year's sweet compositions "Standard" contain a little less chocolate, more waffles and caramels. VIP sets are exclusive sweets and expensive chocolate.
  • For this New Year, “Darelle” also offers a more interesting, exclusive content “Gifts of Nature”. Sweet unusual gifts– these are sets of nuts, candied fruits, cookies, honey, herbal tea.

The sale of excellent New Year's gifts has already begun; you can buy any batch from us in bulk for only 5,000 rubles. We send original new Year gifts children and adults to any region of the country, including delivery of orders directly to your office, like a real Santa Claus!

Children's New Year's gifts

Most often, gifts are addressed to children. Toddlers and older children are waiting holiday matinees and New Year's Eve to enjoy unforgettable surprises - that's why Darell creates a fabulous variety of New Year's gift packages for children.

The assortment of the catalog of New Year's gifts for children allows you to choose:

  • many types of bright and original high-quality cardboard boxes;
  • New Year's children's gift boxes made of tin, colorful design and convenient design allow them to be used for storing small toys and favorite little things;
  • children's New Year's gifts in colorful bags are more similar than others to those that Santa Claus brings with him;
  • Stuffed Toys for candies, among children's furry gifts, children will like dogs (characters of famous cartoons and beautiful breeds), you can choose exactly the dog that the child will like more than others;
  • The original wooden packaging deserves special attention, for those customers who will truly delight both children and adults with an interesting children's gift.

Ready-made New Year's gifts for children are chosen and given at Christmas parties in kindergartens, schools, corporate events with the participation of children and parents, employees and colleagues, and their loved ones. We offer favorable discounts of up to 10% on children's gifts in large quantities. Let the wonderful New Year's gifts for children from the Darell factory be remembered for their fabulous, magical and wonderful mood!

What to give your child for New Year is usually clear from his letter to Santa Claus, but with the children of acquaintances and friends, things are more complicated: you may not like a toy, clothes - even more so... Sweet gift in this case, it is considered, rather, as a backup or “standby” option, if nothing worthwhile comes to mind. But in vain, because sweet gifts for children are history, this is the continuity of many generations and an important symbol of the holiday, almost as important as the New Year tree.

Let's go back to ancient times for a second. Then food had a sacred meaning, it was given a mystical meaning, so edible gifts literally meant health, good luck and other blessings of life presented as a gift. Sweets symbolized happiness and lightness, so it was especially important to give them to children. Gradually, such a reverent attitude towards food weakened, but the traditions remained.

Sweets for the New Year carry the same semantic meaning, but less literally than in ancient times. It is no coincidence that they are intended only for children - without them, the “Christmas tree” tradition brought by Peter I might not have taken root in our country at all. The fact is that the transfer of the holiday from September to January and the unusual European foundations became too great a shock for the then Russian everyday life. And although the formal countdown of the year from January 1 was preserved after the death of the emperor, foreign “ folk traditions" began to rapidly fade away.

Rescued New Year's celebration with a Christmas tree and gifts, special children's evenings were held in noble families– even then they began to be called “Christmas trees”. The tree itself was installed in the living room and decorated in secret, trying to occupy the children in another room so that they would not peep. Decorated with candied fruits, nuts, candies, caramel apples, gingerbread and cookies. And at the appointed hour, the heroes of the occasion were invited to the hall, where games were played around the dressed-up beauty, during which the children “pinched” and sometimes shamelessly robbed the Christmas tree, the adults only made sure that everyone got plenty of sweet gifts. The tree itself, after such cheerful “Christmas trees,” was only suitable for firewood.

In the 19th century, the familiar chests of candy began to appear, which for a long time remained the privilege of children royal family and the richest classes. Ordinary children were given store-bought caramel and printed gingerbread cookies.

After October revolution The New Year with its sweet traditions gradually began to be perceived as a relic of the bourgeois past. It took the country 12 years to officially cancel the favorite holiday of all children, and only 6 to revive it again.

In the 1930s, lush children's Christmas trees became a symbol of a happy childhood, and sweet New Year's gifts became a mandatory attribute. They included selected varieties of candy from leading confectionery factories countries: all the best for children! Many families still keep old packaging from such New Year's sets - they were distributed to all parents at factories.

So, if it weren’t for the children, we wouldn’t have any New Year’s sweets, fun and miracles at all. A sweet New Year's gift in 2020 is not an “on duty” gift, but an obligatory one. It can be combined with a toy - in the Alyonka online store there are plush dogs, symbols of 2020, inside which are hidden from 500 to 700 g of fragrant candies from the same leading factories in the country. Choose from the catalog of New Year's gifts and do not forget that, according to ancient beliefs, along with an edible gift, you give the kids a wish for a sweet life, health and joy. Isn't this the best thing you can give?

Nata Karlin

If there are children in the family, then winter holidays All adults have a reasonable question about what gift for a child for New Year 2018 can be put under the Christmas tree, taken to school, kindergarten. To make the right choice, you need to start thinking about this moment in advance. It’s enough just to listen to what your child dreams of or what toys occupy his imagination in order to understand what will suit best. There is an absolutely simple way to find out what you can give children from Santa Claus - offer to write a letter fairy tale hero. If the child does not yet know how to write, compose a letter with him, under his dictation. What could be simpler?

The best ideas for magical New Year's gifts: general selection rules

It is impossible to provide a universal recipe for every family, but some nuances in the rules for choosing New Year's “miracles” for the little ones are still worth adhering to. You can never go wrong if you use these tips:

  • It is advisable to proceed from the gender and age of the child. If you don’t know what to give as a gift, contact the managers of the toy store; they will definitely offer you a lot of options to choose from for girls and boys in accordance with the age category.
  • Choose a gift that will really delight your baby, that is suited to his interests. For example, a boy who is passionate about cars is unlikely to like a machine gun or a toy dinosaur.
  • If you have missed the moment and no longer have time to buy something original, feel free choose sweets in themed boxes. The children will really like the original small souvenirs included in the kits.

Be sure to make a real one New Year's surprise, do not give your child a gift before the holiday. Let him find it under the tree so that the feeling of miracle is complete.

What can you give to boys and girls under 5 years old?

For the little ones, those who don’t even know how to walk yet, there are enough impressions from what is happening around them: bright Christmas tree with lights and tinsel, cheerful faces, laughter, high spirits of relatives. This is enough for the baby to feel absolutely happy. But giving a new, bright rattle would be a good idea.

Children from 2 to 5 years old will fully appreciate a New Year's gift and will be immensely glad that Santa Claus remembers them and brought such magical surprises

The best gifts for little ones can be as follows:

  • Small cheap backpacks without sweets and with sweets. These gifts will appeal to both the youngest and older children. Just imagine three surprises in one - sweets, a soft toy and a backpack, with which you can then go outside or carry your things to kindergarten. If you buy an empty gift, you can put the candies and sweets that you consider necessary inside the toy as a gift for the kids. This is convenient for those whose children suffer from allergic reactions to nuts, lactose, chocolate or other ingredients that are included in candy.
  • Smart educational games as an alternative to a sweet gift they would be quite appropriate. Today you can find a lot of options for such entertainment in toy stores. This could be lotto, cubes, puzzles, construction sets and much more.

Video of gifts for children for the New Year

  • There are unusual children's gifts for the little ones. For example, these include finger painting kit. Just imagine the joy of a baby whose mother allowed him to get his hands dirty with this beautiful paint, which you can use to draw on a sheet of paper directly with your fingers!
  • Older children can buy children's educational laptop or an interactive toy.
  • Girls will really like it sets of elastic bands, hairpins, mirrors and combs.
  • Thematic ones are great for boys fireman, policeman, ninja sets etc. More ideas gifts for boys for the New Year - .

Creative gift options for children aged 6 to 8 years

Has your child grown up and is now more difficult to please? Listen to your baby’s opinion and give him exactly what he dreams of. You won’t be able to buy a large construction set or an interactive toy cheaply; these gifts cost serious money. But you can think of no less interesting surprises and issue cool gifts the way you like it best.

The most popular gifts for kids in this age category include:

  • Auto track or mini railway.
  • Small car with remote control.
  • Garage with several levels of parking and an elevator.
  • Any toy weapon with light and music.
  • Magnetic boards for learning the alphabet and counting.
  • Drum, xylophone, harmonica, guitar, etc.
  • Bicycle, roller skates, skates, skateboard.
  • Sets for dolls: dishes, houses.
  • Play sets for hairdresser, doctor, military man, etc.

Adult children can be given something more significant from Santa Claus. For example, the first smartphone, tablet, game console.

No less interesting will be modern robotic designers, a microscope, kits for young physicists, chemists, biologists, smart watches with many functions, stylish accessories for devices

Video of New Year's gifts:

Top small gifts with the symbol of the year Dog for children

On this holiday, since time immemorial, it has been customary to give sweets to children and adults. Therefore, good modern New Year-themed gifts with and without treats can be found on the shelves of any store. The top popular gifts for the New Year include:

  • Christmas themed boxes with candies. Perhaps this is one of the most popular and desired gifts for most children. In addition, these are excellent collective popular mini-gifts for school or kindergarten parties. There are boxes different forms and sizes. Almost every one of them necessarily depicts Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the symbol of the year – the Yellow Dog. The set includes a wide variety of candies and other treats that kids will go crazy for.
  • Soft dogs-backpacks, pillows, just toys. They are also filled with sweets; children really like this surprise.

  • Soft toys in the form of the symbol of the year – Dogs. These can be small gifts or large plush dogs. Interactive characters are also great.
  • All kinds children's creativity kits with embroidery with threads or beads, drawings or sewing dogs.
  • Cubes and puzzles for the little ones with pictures of dogs.

If for some reason adults don’t want to give your child sweets, you can buy a beautiful bag and put together your own gift

Includes interesting unsweetened gift sets children for one year Dogs may include:

  • For girls. A plush dog, a set of rubber bands or hairpins, a small box of puzzles, a princess doll or a wristwatch with your favorite fairy-tale characters.
  • For boys. Plush dog in in this case also an obligatory component of the kit, a transforming toy or a small car, a themed set of a policeman or fireman.

There are a lot of variations of what is put into prefabricated gifts. The main thing is that all the components are inexpensive and assembling the set will not be difficult.

What useful gifts to give to a married couple with children: selection criteria

Family gifts are a serious topic. Many of those who are invited to a holiday in a house where adults and children live are faced with a difficult choice: to buy a present for each member of the household or to give a common gift? For families with children you can give:

  • Certificate for visiting a water park, aquarium, circus, skating rink.
  • Horseback riding or parachute jumping if the child in the family is already an adult.
  • A board game for everyone in the household: traditional lotto, Monopoly or other sets of your choice.

Modern universal gifts for children of friends should not be expensive, because by doing so you will put adults in an awkward position. They will feel obligated.

Therefore, it is worth calculating your own capabilities and taking into account the rules of decency

You can give a teenager a book, your baby will love a small toy and definitely a set of sweets.

Give it to your parents personalized mugs with symbols the coming year. Current in next year dogs can be present in any gift. If you are giving a service, a set of cosmetics, bed linen or some other gift, simply attach a postcard with the symbol of 2018 with your warmest wishes.

Creative New Year gifts for children for the New Year

Perhaps your child will prefer creativity to all toys and candy? Think about it! Buy a creativity kit as a gift for your child.

Today there are many options in stores. These could be sets:

  • for embroidery;
  • knitting;
  • sewing and knitting plush toys;
  • creating figures, masks and objects from papier-mâché;
  • batik;
  • for burning;
  • weaving with beads, rubber bands, ribbons;
  • for creating engravings, drawings;
  • dough sculpting and many others.

You should choose based on the preferences of the child himself.

Elite New Year gifts for children

Not all parents can afford to buy expensive New Year gifts for children. However, since there is supply, there must be demand. It can be:

  • hoverboards;
  • children's electric cars;
  • quadcopters;
  • laptops or ultra-modern tablet computers, smartphones;
  • expensive huge LEGO sets and much more.

New Year's gift for a boy

Gifts for boys can be divided into categories according to the family budget:

  • Books. These smart friends can be bought for a boy at any age. For the little ones there are sets of children's books; for older children, fairy tales, fantastic adventures and stories are perfect.
  • New toy. It can be a car, a transformer, a wooden, plastic, metal construction set.
  • Educational games and creativity kits.
  • Most boys just love toys sets of your favorite cartoon characters– “Cars”, “Paw Patrol”, “Robocar Polly” and others.
  • Radio controlled cars.

Gift for a girl for the New Year

They amaze with their diversity. These can be either princess dolls, beloved by all little ones, or large interactive baby dolls.

Older children especially like sets for creativity: drawing, embroidery, knitting, modeling, weaving, etc.

No one will mind if you present a girl child with an amazing, magical book of fairy tales. Thematic sets of your favorite cartoon heroines "Winx Fairies", "Monster High" and others will be received with great delight.

What to give to a teenager?

In this case, the choice is already really serious. If your child has every possible gadget, give him a gift. For example, a subscription to a fitness club, swimming pool, dance school, handicrafts group, or a trip to the cinema with friends for an interesting film premiere. The more unexpected the gift, the more joy you will bring to your son or daughter.

New Year's toys for children

They can be very different. Like all of the above, and amazingly bright, colorful sets Christmas balls, animals, stars, cones. After all, every child takes great pleasure in helping their parents decorate the Christmas tree. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to buy him his own colorful balls, which can be made to order with the name and photo of the child himself.

However, no matter what you give your child, Christmas story in any case, it will take place, and the baby will be happy to believe in miracles, magic and kindness. That's why give your children your love and attention, but only last but not least gifts.

28 February 2018, 20:18

Choosing gifts for the New Year is a pleasant event. I especially want to please the children. After all, children believe in miracles, in Santa Claus, and for them New Year's gifts have a special meaning. Until the coming New Year's holidays There is only a month and a half left, and adults now need to think about what to give their child for the New Year 2020. Our TOP 100 best New Year gifts for children for 2020 will help you find interesting and useful ideas.

What do children usually find under the Christmas tree? Sweets, books and toys. Is it worth giving a child sweets and chocolates, what books does he like? Parents don’t need advice here. The issue with toys is more complicated. When choosing them as a gift, we hope that they will not only be interesting to the child, but also useful. And for a toy to be useful, it must correspond to the child’s age and the activities that are important for him at this stage of development.

100 best gifts for the New Year 2020 for children of different ages and genders

When choosing a gift, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Don't put off your purchase until the last minute, try to purchase a gift a few weeks before the holiday. Otherwise, you risk simply not finding the gift you need due to the New Year's bustle.
  2. If the child is small and still believes in miracles and fairy tales (and knows how to write), and the parents do not know what their child dreams of, invite him to write a letter to Santa Claus or draw a gift that he wants to receive. The kid will probably tell his grandfather what he dreams of, and the adults will only have to make his dream come true.
  3. Discuss with children over 9-10 years old what they want for the holiday. If you want to make a surprise, let your child offer several options.
  4. Choose high-quality and practical items. Toys, vehicles or electronics should last the child as long as possible. If a thing breaks quickly, then instead of joy you will get only disappointment.
  5. For kids over a year old choose a gift based on gender. At this age, toys can no longer be universal.
  6. Even simple gifts shouldn't look cheap. It is important to demonstrate taste and a sense of style.
  7. New Year's gifts must match the age of the recipient. It is also important to pay Special attention security. The toy must be made from quality materials, have a certificate. For children under three years of age, choose toys that do not have easily detachable small parts, protruding threads, or elements that can injure the child.
  8. Don't forget about packaging. Colorful packaging creates festive atmosphere and will allow you to prolong the joyful anticipation when unwrapping a gift. If the store does not provide packaging, wrap the gift yourself gift paper and tie with ribbons.
  9. The child will remember your gift if it is unusual and useful for him.. Ordinary things such as clothes, school supplies, etc. are unlikely to surprise modern children. Children like everything bright and we need to remember this.
  10. When choosing a gift, consider the child’s tastes and interests. It is unlikely that your child will be happy if you give him a thing that you yourself dreamed of as a child or something that you yourself considered necessary and useful, without taking into account the needs of the recipient.

Many people think that children can give sweet gifts for the New Year, but they probably already received a bag of sweets after visiting school or the Christmas tree. Winter celebrations are already connected with festive table, which is usually bursting with goodies, and, frankly, children expect completely different surprises from their parents.

All children are different - some are not even a year old, some are three years old, and some are already in school, but they are all waiting for a special gift from their parents, grandparents, because on this magical New Year's Eve the most secret dreams come true. Let's look at what gifts you can give to children depending on their gender and age, so as not to make a mistake. Look at the gift lists and choose an option that suits your child and that he doesn't already have.

Choosing gifts for babies under one year old

Babies under one year old are actively exploring the world, and they will be interested in any gift: a rattle, a ball, a pyramid. It is best to ask the parents what you can do to please the baby. Maybe a young dad and mom would prefer to receive a set of diapers or a package of baby food for the New Year 2020. If you want to make a surprise, then a good gift for your baby could be:

  • Electronic swing or bouncer for babies. A rocking center is a great gift. The baby will feel comfortable and calm in it, and parents will have free hands and more free time;
  • Set of dishes for babies. Manufacturers create beautiful and safe sets of dishes that will help your baby eat food independently. You can choose a sippy cup, beautiful plates, spoons that change color when exposed to elevated temperatures;
  • Busy board is an educational board that contains a wide variety of entertainment for kids: from lacing to counting material: rings, cubes, beads that can be moved and counted. Such a board will captivate the child for a long time and will serve him for at least 2-3 years. (Read the article about);
  • A rolling toy or a toy stroller for a girl. Kids love toys that can be rolled on a stick or on a string. In addition, a gurney with a stick holder is an indispensable “simulator” for those who take their first steps. With such “support” the baby feels more confident;
  • Developmental mat. A rug with attached rattles and toys is also good way keep your baby busy and entertained. And it will surely become a favorite place to play;
  • Educational toys. Now you can find many educational toys for every taste. These are pyramids, soft cubes, musical toys and much more. Children really like such products and contribute to harmonious development.

When choosing a gift, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the product. The main thing is that the toy does not have small parts that can be swallowed, put in the ear or mouth, as well as elements that can injure the baby. The product must be certified and hypoallergenic. The product must be safe. If a toy says “from 3 years old,” you shouldn’t give it to a baby, even if you don’t see any obvious danger...

A child under one year old, by and large, does not need toys themselves. The leading activity of this age, which determines everything mental development, - communication with an adult. A toy is just a tool for developing certain skills under the guidance of an adult. For example, a rattle is not just meant to be rattled around: it helps develop visual and auditory orienting reactions, and later manipulation. At this age, a child does not need dolls, cars, or toys with a lot of functions. If you really want to buy something, let it be, for example, a mini-piano or another toy with easy-to-press buttons or keys that the baby can handle even without the help of adults.

Expert in early and preschool development, speech therapist-defectologist Olesya Yugova.

Gifts for children from one to three years old

Babies grow quickly, and even one-year-olds already understand that a holiday has arrived. Children rejoice with their parents, admire the decorated Christmas tree and, of course, expect gifts and miracles. Educational gifts are also suitable for children from one to three years old, but now they will be more complicated than gifts for the little ones. You can choose:

  • Constructors or mosaics. Pay attention to details. They should be large so that they cannot be stuffed into your nose or ear, and should also be comfortable to hold;
  • Vehicles (wheeled or rocking horse, tolocar, balance bike). For the little ones, wheelchairs that are used to push off with the legs, balance bikes (if the child has well-developed balance) or rocking horses are suitable. Such toys develop coordination, dexterity and teach balance;
  • Finger paint. Skin-safe finger paints are a favorite pastime for kids. With the help of drawing, a child learns colors and develops fine motor skills. The advantages of such paints are that they are very easy to wash off;
  • Bath toys. Good and always a relevant gift I will have bath sets: ducks, turtles, a flotilla of boats;
  • Military equipment in the form of tanks, helicopters and airplanes;
  • A set of soldiers - pirates, Indians, Vikings;
  • Massage Mat. This item will bring a pleasant sensation and will be a good prevention of flat feet;
  • Musical rug with images of animals;
  • Children's development centers. Developmental centers are also suitable for children 1-3 years old. With their help, you can study letters, numbers, names of animals, fruits, objects that surround us;
  • Sorters with light and music accompaniment;
  • Musical instruments. Children love to play music. Depending on the type, musical instruments develop breathing (whistles, pipes) a sense of rhythm (tambourines, drums, unless of course from parents strong nerves.. 🙂), hearing (toy piano, metallophones, children's synthesizer);
  • Stuffed Toys. Little ones love to sleep with their plush “friends.” You can choose a bear or a tiger cub with a massage filler;
  • Inflatable pool with balls;
  • Reusable mat with water marker for drawing with water;
  • Night light lullaby. A beautiful and funny thing that will sing a lullaby to the baby and give mom some free time;
  • Wind-up toys. For children 1-3 years old, it is better to choose models with a key. Such toys are safer than electronic ones and will help develop fine motor skills;
  • Children's tablet player with sound effects and bright touch buttons;
  • Singing book with beautiful pictures and New Year's tales;
  • Dinosaur collection;
  • Toy mobile phone and a camera;
  • Carnival costume in the form of an animal or cartoon character;
  • Children's walkie-talkie;
  • Children's computer (tablet or laptop);
  • Easel or drawing board for young talents.
  • Baby doll with opening eyes and mouth;
  • Set for playing hospital, hairdresser and shop;

Between the ages of one and three years, children begin to identify themselves as a girl or a boy, and they also develop individual preferences. Maybe the boy should be given a train or a car with interesting lighting that makes different melodies and sounds. Or a talking steering wheel that makes you feel like a real motorist. And to the girl - new doll, a set of dishes or a house.

When buying toys, pay attention to quality. Check the certificates, make sure that the toy is strong enough and will not fall apart as soon as the child picks it up. The product must not have unpleasant odor and shed.

New Year's gifts for children from 3 to 6 years old

Children from 3 to 6 years old already go to kindergarten and actively study the world, they know how to speak well and can themselves talk about what they want to get for the New Year. If possible, ask your child; if that doesn’t work, consider the universal options presented below:

  • Designers. Choose the number of parts according to the age of the child: the older, the more. Now you can create any designs from parts: pirate ships, princess castles, cars, airplanes, etc..;
  • Kinetic sand with a set of molds;
  • Children's tent. Children love to build houses and will be delighted with the finished corner for games and relaxation;
  • Sets of toy dishes and children's household appliances for girls;
  • Fashion dolls for girls: Barbie, Bratz, Monster High, Winx, Baby Born;
  • Cosmetic or hairdressing kits: hair clips, elastic bands and bows for hair, a mirror, hygienic lipstick and other “girly” accessories in a beautiful cosmetic bag;
  • Winter transport. Sleds, ice skates, cheesecakes, snow scooters - all this is perfect as a New Year's present. In winter, all children love sledding, but a snow scooter with a steering wheel is much cooler and will captivate even an older child;
  • Radio controlled cars. Children over three years old are already excellent at “driving” radio-controlled cars. This gift is suitable for boys, by the way, and young ladies also like radio-controlled cars. Any child will be absolutely delighted to receive a car as a gift for the New Year 2020, especially if it is radio-controlled and, in addition to standard functions, will delight the little one with flashing lights, moving elements (doors, hood, body) or a sound signal;
  • Toy weapons. Pistols, shotguns, machine guns with sound and light effects (no bullets!), safe bow;
  • “Fishing” with a magnetic fishing rod and various sea creatures;
  • Cartoons on discs. Choose discs with classic or popular modern cartoons;
  • Picture books. You can give both educational books and fiction. Pay attention to the illustrations: they should be colorful and expressive, this is important, because preschool children do not yet know how to read;
  • Thematic sets (policeman, cowboy, knight);
  • Sets of children's tools - children really like any toys that replicate things that adults use;
  • A children's tablet with an interesting design for boys and girls, with several learning modes, containing about 40 educational games, drawing programs;
  • Specialized cars that match the originals will be an excellent gift for boys. Good options are: loader, tractor or roller;
  • Sets for creativity and modeling, coloring books, cut-outs, plasticine, crayons, pencils and paints;
  • Children's 3D backpacks and bags. An excellent option for a New Year's gift are unusual 3D backpacks in the shape of animals or your favorite cartoon character. Such a gift will delight your child and will certainly become his useful toy, which he will not want to part with for a long time.

Since role play is the predominant activity for children during this period, most children play with dolls with great pleasure. Among the TOP models: Barbie, Bratz, Monster High, Winx, Baby Born. If a girl already has a favorite doll, a variety of products and accessories will be relevant, from strollers and cribs to fashionable items, houses, horses and carriages. Babies also love soft toys, among which interactive kittens, puppies and bears will be especially popular in 2020.

Give your child something that will allow him to play with his peers: a doll kitchen, a set for playing doctor or young mechanic, a board game. The opportunity to play with other children is priceless: it not only develops, but also socializes and allows children to unite.

Expert in early and preschool development, speech therapist-defectologist Olesya Yugova.

New Year gifts for elementary school students

Children grow, and so do their needs. Often a first-grader asks Santa Claus for a personal laptop or iPhone. It is appropriate to give such gifts only to parents and closest people. But you can please the student primary school and other gifts:

  • Items for winter sports: skis, hockey or figure skates, transport, snowshoes, etc.;
  • Sets of children's cosmetics and perfumes for girls;
  • Auto tracks or garage complexes with a set of cars;
  • Spy kits (they usually include binoculars, invisible ink, listening devices and other interesting devices and devices);
  • Toy railway;
  • Snowball;
  • Collections of LEGO constructors;
  • Board games (football, hockey, billiards);
  • Transformers robots;
  • Beautiful, fashionable doll. Be sure to check which dolls are now in fashion among modern schoolgirls (Barbie, Bratz, Monster High, Winx, Baby Born);
  • Doll heads for braiding and creating hairstyles;
  • Interactive toys. There are a lot now interactive toys who can speak or perform simple actions;
  • Volumetric puzzles;
  • Set for home puppet theater;
  • Sports equipment for active boys and girls - skates, skis, balls, a beautiful tracksuit, football boots, jump ropes, hoops, a punching bag or exercise machine;
  • For development creativity– easel, watercolor and oil paints, large sketchbook, set of paintings by numbers for coloring, set polymer clay, plasticine. Musically gifted children can be given a children's electric guitar, a singing and recording microphone, a synthesizer, CDs with loved ones musical compositions and songs.

Girls and boys at this age want to become owners of rollerblades, skateboards, bicycles or scooters.

You can’t avoid gadgets here: now even first-graders have smartphones and tablets. Children do not part with them and largely assert themselves due to the presence of a “cool” toy. This needs to be limited, controlled and regulated. When a child looks at a screen all day long, it harms his vision, his psyche, his emotional-volitional sphere, and his relationships with peers, because the child replaces live play with virtual reality. I’m not saying that all gadgets are harmful, but you can give not a tablet or smartphone, but a hoverboard, a children’s camera, a microscope, a telescope, a robot.

Expert in early and preschool development, speech therapist-defectologist Olesya Yugova.

You can also find unusual creativity kits. These include models created from paper and cardboard, wooden spoons or nesting dolls for painting, sand frescoes and much more.

What you shouldn't give as a gift is school supplies. Holidays are a time of relaxation and entertainment. In addition, the child probably has a pencil case or briefcase, perhaps best quality, what you are going to give.

And one more piece of advice. Before you go to the store, see what is fashionable among junior high school students (read articles and watch videos). Last year it was spinners, this fall it was foam planes. A fashionable toy will definitely make the student happy. Primary schoolchildren are very vulnerable and very dependent on public opinion. Therefore, it is important to choose a gift that your classmates will approve of.

Choosing a gift for a child aged 9-12 years

Children of this age do not need to be given overtly “childish” gifts. They may be offended by a doll or a set of cars. After all, the guys themselves consider themselves teenagers. It is best to ask your child what kind of present he wants to receive. At this age, schoolchildren often have an established hobby that will become a passion for the rest of their lives. If you are unable to communicate with the gift recipient in advance or want to make a surprise, choose from the following options:

  • Portable music speaker;
  • Construction sets (electronic, magnetic and other “complex” models, LEGO);
  • Transport for downhill skiing (cheesecakes, snow scooters with controls);
  • Cool New Year's mask, fancy dress vampire, scary or funny mask;
  • Kits for conducting experiments;
  • Board, logic, strategy games suitable for the child’s age;
  • Fashionable teenage jewelry for girls. Earrings, pendants, beads;
  • Scientific instruments (microscopes, telescopes, binoculars);
  • Table soccer;
  • Games for PC and game consoles;
  • Paints or felt-tip pens for painting T-shirts (at the same time, you can give a white T-shirt for experiments);
  • Interior items for the nursery (night lights in the form of helmets, castles, domes, figurines or figures, etc.);
  • Figure skates, children's ATV, punching bag, sports complex for children;
  • Radio-controlled water, land and air transport (quadcopters and hovercraft are trending).

You should not give children clothes: they may have tastes that do not coincide with yours. You also don’t need school supplies or other useful and practical things. Schoolchildren have a slightly different idea of ​​the benefits and practicality. Don't forget, New Year is a holiday. Give something that will bring positive emotions, items for games, hobbies or entertainment.

You can also give an exciting adventure. This could be a quest, a horse ride, a visit to a panda park, a trampoline center or a water park, a cheesecake slide ride, a gift of a ticket to an amusement park, a karting subscription, or an invitation to an exciting trip on ATVs. All this can be given to teenagers.

New Year's gift for a teenager

Choosing a gift for a teenager is a difficult task. The tastes of children at this age change very quickly; they are influenced by fashion and the opinions of authoritative peers. A win-win option would be various gadgets: tablets, cameras, video cameras, smartphones, players, laptops, computers, game consoles, 3D pens and printers, etc. etc... You can give a scanner, printer or music speakers for your computer. Of course, all these are quite expensive gifts that not all parents can afford. The category of mega-popular and mega-expensive also includes power scooters, which every boy dreams of today... You can also make your teenager happy with the following gifts:

  • High-quality headphones (it is better to choose an unusual, interesting design);
  • Popular games: “Twister”, “Monopoly”, etc.;
  • Radio-controlled water, land and air transport (quadcopters and hovercraft are trending);
  • Selfie tripod. This accessory will be useful for anyone who is interested in photography or dreams of becoming a blogger;
  • The 3-D pen is a modern super-gadget for creative individuals;
  • Virtual reality helmet;
  • Games for PC and game consoles;
  • A variety of manipulators for game consoles and PCs;
  • Flash drives and larger external drives;
  • Accessories for an existing gadget;
  • Mat for dancing, yoga, gymnastics or martial arts;
  • Mugs with the recipient's photo or other personalized items;
  • A popcorn machine for making full movie nights with friends;
  • A subscription to fitness, swimming pool, language courses or other training programs depending on your interests.

You can also give gift cards, certificates, or cash to teens. At this age, children will be able to choose the thing they need for themselves. In addition, such a gift will emphasize that you see them as an independent, responsible person, which will undoubtedly please the child.

Any gift will be well complemented by a sweet surprise: elite chocolate, a set of sweets, oriental sweets. But you shouldn’t take sweets as a separate gift. As a rule, children receive enough sweet gifts for the New Year 2020, and they expect more “material” gifts from loved ones 😉

Personal video greeting from Santa Claus

Create a 100% personal video greeting for your child.

In it, Santa Claus will address the child by name several times, look at and comment on his photographs, and praise him for personal achievements. With the help of a magic book, Santa Claus will evaluate how the child behaved this year and give instructions for the next year.

Especially for readers of the site “I am your Baby”, a 10% discount coupon – kroha2019

Video: TOP best reactions of children to gifts :)

Loving mothers: What to give your child for the New Year