Physical development at 9 months. Development of the child in the ninth month of life. Object Manipulation

The baby is 9 months old, which means that he will show more and more independence, initiative and will make decisions in his games. The task of parents at this time is to ensure the independence of the baby and his safety.

Physiological parameters at 9 months

  1. Normal height will be 71-73 cm. It's okay if the baby does not fall into this range, this is an average. But if the child's height is much smaller, then it is worth contacting the pediatrician with this question.
  2. Weight boys at 9 months will be 9.3-9.9 kg, and the weight of girls - 8.8-9.8 kg. Since last month, the increase will be about 500-700 gr.
  3. Circle head - 45.3-46.3 cm, chest - 46.7-47.9 cm.
  4. Teeth. Upper incisors are already beginning to appear.

What can a child at 9 months

  1. Understand the words "no" and "no".
  2. Capture intonations, meanings of words and concepts.
  3. Distinguish volume, weight, color, size and shape of toys.
  4. Respond if you call him by name.
  5. Remember the names of different things and look in their direction if you name them.
  6. If you hide them, he will start looking for them with interest.
  7. Now he likes to fiddle with toys more when he is sitting.
  8. Complex movements are no longer a problem for the baby - he can easily collect small objects with two fingers (forefinger and thumb).
  9. Wave the pen "bye-bye" or give it on request.
  10. If a pillow or other low object is in the way of his crawling, then the baby will be able to climb from above.
  11. Makes first attempts to stand on his own without leaning on anything.
  12. Holding on to the railing of the crib, he can step over with his legs, moving sideways.

What is a good manege?

If your child is overly active, and you have a lot of urgent things to do, it will be just right to purchase a portable playpen. There is a place for the baby to crawl in it, and you can always keep an eye on your child.

The arena is good because no need to buy numerous plugs for sockets, nozzles for sharp corners of furniture. Moreover, it is not always in our power to predict where danger may lurk.

The playpen should be light if you want to carry it from room to room. By the way, in the same room you can put it in different places - so the child does not get bored of the monotony.

An excellent solution would be an arena, which can be folded if it is not needed.

But, even if the baby is behind the “fence”, close supervision of him is still needed, since the child can learn to move the playpen wherever he pleases. And this can already be fraught with negative consequences.



The baby also continues to sleep at night for 10 hours, daytime sleep will become two times a day - for 1.5-2 hours. Do not be afraid to leave the window open at night - if the child is really cold, he will let you know about it. If he is sound asleep, then everything is fine. And fresh air promotes better blood circulation and good brain function. Thus, the baby will also harden, and he will form an excellent immunity. If the child opens during sleep, then this may mean that he is hot. But then he woke up and cried from the cold, so turn him over to sleep on his stomach, then it will not be so easy for him to throw off the blanket. Up to a year, the mattress should remain firm, and it is better not to use a pillow.


Food also stays five times a day— at 6:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00.

  1. First and the last feeding also amounts to breast milk or milk mixture of 200 ml.
  2. For the second feeding you can give porridge from various cereals, half the yolk and fruit juice.
  3. The diet already includes meat broth with crackers and meat puree for dinner. Add to that vegetable puree and juice.
  4. For dinner it is useful to feed the baby with cottage cheese, kefir and fruit puree. So the food will not be very heavy at night, and the baby will fall asleep well. The total amount of food should not be more than a liter or 1000 grams per day.
  5. Last feeding at 22:00 not necessarily - if the child refuses to eat, then do not show violence.

Do not wipe the porridge, just boil them well. This will be useful for the child, as it will teach him how to chew and swallow food correctly. Moreover, he has more teeth, and he can easily cope with this task.

Mix meat dishes with vegetable dishes if the child refuses to eat meat in pure form. The consistency of this dish should also be grainy, and it will turn out like this if you pass the meat twice through a meat grinder.

Fresh air

Do not forget how useful it is for your baby to walk on fresh air. In terms of duration, such a walk can take 3-4 hours in summer, and 2-3 hours in winter. Try to take your child outside as often as possible - up to three times a day.

Remember to dress your child appropriately for the weather, and periodically check the temperature of their feet under the covers.


From nine months you can already bathe every other day. Duration water treatment 8-10 minutes remain, and the water temperature can be slightly reduced - up to 35 C. During rinsing, do not forget about the positive effect of hardening, pour water on the baby with a temperature of 33 C. Do not turn the bath into a test for the child - buy him rubber ducks, pour them into more water for bath foam, you can even blow in the process bubble. Let the child enjoy the process, play and splash. Do your best to make swimming a real joy.


  1. Gymnastics should be a daily activity for the baby. Starting at 9 months, include some new exercises in it.
  2. Turns of the body in a sitting position. Show the child his toy, and then slowly move it to the side so that the child begins to twist on its side. Do this exercise 4 times on each side.
  3. Take the baby by the hands and walk around the room with him, three sets of a minute will be enough.
  4. The child is sitting in a crib or playpen, beckon him with a toy from above, encouraging him to stand up, holding on to the railing. Repeat 3 times.
  5. If your baby is already confidently standing on his own two feet, then you can try to play ball with him. Just take the ball in your hands and bring the baby from different sides so that he actively moves and takes the toy from you.

Games and communication

Development of fine motor skills

At 9 months, the baby already has a “plucked” grip, that is, he can take objects with two and three fingers. And just the right time to start developing the fine motor skills of the child.

You can start with simple games

Collect nuts, peas or small buttons. Scatter them on the play mat, and show your child how to collect them and put them in a jar or other utensil. It is better to sit in front of the baby and carefully observe that small objects fall where they need to, and not in the baby's mouth.

paper tearing. Again, start with your example, toddlers are often very encouraged by this kind of fooling around adult. This seemingly ordinary activity will teach the child to use his hands and fingers more skillfully.

Turning pages in a book. For a baby at 9 months old, this lesson with a simple book will be very difficult, so it’s worth starting with children’s books in which cardboard thick pages.

Finger painting. Buy special paints for painting on the body, be sure to make sure that they are not toxic. Dip your baby's fingers in different paints and run them over the paper. The kid will immediately understand what is the point and will continue such an exciting activity on his own.

Rip off stickers. Put lots of stickers on the nursery closet different colors. Teach your baby to pluck them, because in order to grab a thin sheet, the child will have to try hard.

bead picking. Let your baby play with your jewelry - sorting through small pearls will have a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills.

Pyramids. Buy a game for your baby, the essence of which is to line up one object on top of another or nest one inside another. Such an activity will not only improve the coordination of the child’s movements, but also give him an idea of different forms and sizes of items.

Formation of the correct pronunciation

Sometimes parents make a mistake - they lisp with the baby, mumble. And when a child pronounces a word incorrectly, they repeat after him. This must be avoided.

Be sure to speak clearly and pronounce carefully !

If the child does not pronounce a word, then after each mistake you need to repeat the same word with the correct pronunciation and stress, otherwise the baby will remember the wrong option. And, as everyone knows, retraining is much more difficult than teaching.

Forbidding words

Use the child's ability to memorize words-prohibitions. The word “no” must be spoken strictly and as a warning.

Also, for teaching a child cleanliness, a similar word-prohibition can be distinguished, for example, “fu-fu”.

For the ninth month, the child's body weight will increase by an average of 450-500 g, and his height - by 1.5-2 cm. By this age, the height and weight of the child should be:


  • height - 71.2-72.3 cm;
  • weight - 9.0-9.5 kg.


  • height - 69.5-70.5 cm;
  • weight - 8.25-8.75 kg.

mental development

The child continues to explore space. He is interested in everything: why the closet ends at this particular turn, the doors move (open and close), the sofa stands motionless in the center of the room, etc. The most exciting game of the baby is crawling around the chair, high chair or kitchen table. And this is not surprising - he, like you, needs to repeatedly repeat the same action in order to learn something and stop by choosing the right decision.

Children at this age really like the game "Big-big!". A familiar person (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather) asks the baby: “How big is Yegorushka?” or “What big Yegorushka will grow up?”. The child happily answers the question and raises two hands up, showing how big he will grow.

Even kids love to play hide and seek. For example, a child hides behind a door, behind a curtain or behind a sofa and waits until someone asks: “Where is our Vera?”, after hearing the question, the baby shows up from the place where he was hiding.

In the ninth month, babies not only know how to sit well, they themselves can lie down from a sitting position and sit down from a lying position. The baby's hands are well strengthened. Now, if the child wants to get up, then for this the emu will need a playpen, a sofa, an armchair, that is, something that you can hold on to with your hands. He can do these exercises many times, but it is still difficult for him to stand on his legs for a long time, so the baby releases support and falls, then rises again.

There is such a situation that the child clings to the edge of the arena and rises to his feet, and then starts to cry. What is going on? The answer is simple - the baby has learned to rise to his feet, but he still does not know how to sit down on his own, therefore, not knowing what to do, he is afraid and cries. Parents should help the child to sit down, over time he will learn to do it himself and the baby will have another interesting game.

This month continues the development of speech. There are not many words in his “dictionary” yet, but new, short words are added to them, denoting favorite people or actions: “dada”, “am”, “give”, “mom”, “woman”, “dad”, etc. .d. The most interesting thing is that each kid has his own “vocabulary”. The child can try to model his voice, speak quietly, in a whisper or loudly. At the same time, he loves to copy you, the intonation of your voice. After all, this is a little man who loves you infinitely.

There are two most important tasks in raising a child for 9 months:

  • speech development;
  • formation of purposeful movements.

When you communicate with a child, talk, tell rhymes, try to have the baby try to repeat certain sounds and syllables after you.

During this period, the baby has a pronounced observation and imitation reaction - he looks at his parents and wants to do as they do. We recommend that you use your child's abilities to teach him new, more complex actions. Teach your child to take toys out of a locker, put toys in a bucket, press the piano keys, push a ball or spin a children's carousel.

Teach your little one to move from subject to subject, on a short time leave it unsupported.

An approximate scheme for feeding a child at 9 months of age is provided in the table.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 05/24/2019

A baby at 9 months old is an active explorer of the world around him. Observation and curiosity, the main features of the little one. Improving speech and the ability to imitate adults. Of course, after all, this is a stage that brings the baby closer to the first anniversary, called the “year-old”. What can he do during this period and what are the features of development for this tiny creature?

Physiological features of development at 9 months

During this period, the baby's muscles become much stronger than a month ago. And if earlier the little one needed help to sit down, now he can do it on his own. Thanks to the strengthening of the muscular system, the child actively sits down from a lying or half-sitting position, the crawling skill develops. Some are able to get up, holding on to a support. But standing is a secondary skill for 9 month old baby. But if the child still does not know how to sit down, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Perhaps this phenomenon means a neurological deviation.

In addition to the muscle corset, active development is gaining attention and training of fine motor skills. Therefore, the baby grabs all the small objects from all corners. Parents should pay attention Special attention to this fact. Never leave your kids alone. If using a playpen, remove dangerous and small parts from there. During the study period, the child can stick any bead up his nose or swallow it. Well, be sure to use the development of fine motor skills for their intended purpose. After all, it awakens speech skills. Give bright large rattles, you can pencils, let him create art.

Psychology of a child 9 months

The peculiarities of his psychology will also help answer the question of what a child should be able to do at 9 months. Observation of what is happening allows you to learn to imitate adults. With their actions, the little ones try to cook soup with the help of toy dishes, like a mother.

And the boys copy their father's manipulations with working tools. This must be used to the benefit of the crumbs: give a spoon, a glass for drinking. Shared meals are encouraged so that the child can observe the older generation.

Animals are of great interest, thanks to which the baby copies their sounds. The first more or less clear words appear, as in the video. One of my favorite games is hide and seek. The child happily hides, closing his eyes with his hands or under a handkerchief. At the same time, mom and dad should support the idea by throwing light scarves on themselves. The new fun is throwing objects on the floor and waiting for them to be picked up by adults. Then they fold again, repeating the game.

The mother still plays an important role in the life of the little one. Seeing strangers or unfamiliar people, the child may whimper. This should be treated with patience and understanding, gradually such behavior will come to naught. Try to unobtrusively take the same mothers with babies for a walk. Don't leave your baby at home with grandma all the time when you go to the store. Organize a joint trip. If possible, enroll your child in developmental classes, where there are many like him. A great opportunity to get to know the kids and expand their horizons is the pool.

Required skills for this age

Specialists put together the skills of a 9-month-old baby, not averaging them, but showing maximum skills. Therefore, if your child cannot do something from the list presented, do not despair. Watch the overall development.

  • The ability to sit up and sit upright, keeping the back.
  • Must be able to crawl, sometimes even backwards.
  • Get up, holding on to the sofa, the hands of the parent.
  • Crumple paper, soft plasticine.
  • Repetition of the movements of adults: show how big, raising the handles up, stomp.
  • Knock one object against another.
  • Try to put one cube on top of another.
  • Take large objects with one hand, small objects with two fingers.
  • Turn pages in large books.
  • Fulfill requests to take something, perhaps bring it.
  • Show the eyes, ears, nose of the doll.
  • Show a toy that was hidden in front of your eyes.
  • Assess the mood of adults nearby.
  • Start playing on your own.

Of course, this is a conditional list, and the whole baby may not be able to do it. The main thing in the development of a child is that he must be actively interested in what is happening around him. He can get up later, some of the crawling stage is skipped altogether. But a child at nine months old usually knows how to sit, take toys and echo the sounds, another reason to see a doctor.

How to develop a child's skills

Not everything a child can learn on their own. You definitely need the help of family members. Doctors do not recommend planting and placing the baby until he himself comes to this. This can be dangerous for fragile and unprepared muscles.

And if the crumbs also have problems, for example, hypertonicity, this is generally strictly prohibited. But it is necessary to show how it is necessary. Give your children a helping hand, teach.

  • Use the ability to imitate. Praise, albeit awkward attempts by the child to serve themselves on their own. Let him pull off his socks, unzip the zipper. It takes time to learn everything.
  • Show by personal example how to stand up, holding on to a support. If the baby has no health problems, you can give him one pen, he will walk holding on. If the child walks only in short dashes from the sofa to the chair, you can use the reins, as in the video. The goal is to keep the baby's hands free. So he will soon learn to keep his balance.
  • And a 9-month-old baby can and should be taught order and participation in family affairs. He is already able to put the toys in the box, albeit in a sitting position. If he makes timid attempts to walk, give him a dusting cloth. Of course, this will be of little use, but the little one will feel very important.
  • Be sure to tell the baby about everything that is happening around when walking, reading. Now there is an active sound perception, the child remembers. His speaking apparatus must be prepared. After all, in a couple of months it will begin to expand at an incredible speed.

  • Prepare a safe place to play, keep all dangerous objects out of sight. Arm the little one with interesting toys. Be sure to purchase books with large pictures. Read and give them to your baby. From toys, take a pyramid, cubes, you can use large puzzles. The baby will be interested in balls, dishes, music books, pianos.
  • Play with voice actions. Ask "give a doll", "take a mug." Back up requests with actions.
  • You can slowly show the colors. Start with the main ones: red, blue, green and yellow.
  • Explain the simplest things: hello, bye, thank you, please, the sun has set. Even if at nine months the child is not able to pronounce such phrases, but he remembers perfectly.

As you can see, there is a whole host of activities aimed at helping the young creature. Let it be grains, but by the year the baby will be able to do a lot. The task of parents is to direct these skills in the necessary direction, with the simplest manipulations. Just playing and learning at the same time. Such a development of events will be to the liking of a tiny creature.

Read more:

During the first year of a child's life, individual features of his development are manifested both in the activity of his movements and in what he can do, and therefore it is difficult to say exactly at what point a turning point in his development should occur. It should not be forgotten that when we talk about a nine-month-old child, we mean many children of this age, but by no means all. For all, a certain sequence in the development of any one area is preserved. For example, a child will first learn to stand, and only then will he walk. First, he will "rake" the small objects he likes into his fist, and only then will he learn to grab them with the characteristic movement of a large and index finger. Regardless of the level of development of a nine-month-old child, one can notice a curious change, which is expressed in the speed of his movements, whether playing or traveling around the house - the baby becomes more skillful and energetic. At about the same age, the child remembers current events better and copes with simple problems quite successfully. Try to offer him a food he doesn't like, he will immediately push the spoon away. If you put a toy under his sweater, he will immediately pick it up. bottom edge, and the toy will fall out.

motor skills

By nine months, most babies crawl well. Most often using their hands and knees, children successfully overcome obstacles and maneuver on various surfaces. Other kids prefer the fifth point as the main means of transportation. Some make one leg jog and move with peculiar jumps. There are children who mainly rely on their hands, first pushing them forward, and then pulling the whole body. There are specimens moving on all fours with straightened knees, resembling newborn foals on still unstable legs. While many children noticeably develop new motor skills at nine months - the ability to stand, move, climb steps, get off the sofa - others seem to have frozen in their development. In this regard, all children have their peaks and relative declines. For a while, kids quickly learn new things, then they need to practice and consolidate their achievements, and then learn something else. However, it often happens that in some respect the development of the child seems to have not progressed at all, while in another area he has made interesting achievements. Nine months is important age for the development of various muscle groups. Some children expend a lot of energy trying to get up as soon as possible, while others "work" more with their hands, all the time trying to take something, explore, turn and this and that. Spoons are of particular importance here. Children begin to understand that a spoon exists not only to beat it on some surface, but is also used as a tool with which food enters the mouth. And although your baby can turn the spoon over before it reaches his mouth, he still understands that food is first put on the spoon, and only then sent to his mouth.

Learning to walk

We anticipate your questions: Why learn to walk? Is it dangerous to learn to walk? Will the child's legs and spine be bent? All the same, after all, it will go, is it necessary to speed up this process? ..

We ourselves are absolutely sure that an UNPREPARED child should not be forced to walk, lift him to the wall of the bed and watch him tremble like a reed in the wind. In order for the child to learn to get up, stand, walk, you have to do a lot with him. Then it will be an easy, painless, completely natural process that cannot harm the child.

As soon as you feel that the child stands easily (leaning on his hands, straightens his legs, or crawls to the grate and rises from his knees), you can begin to intensively teach him to walk. If you have been busy with your child since birth, this moment may come at four months (the age, according to previous ideas, is absolutely incredible). What to start learning?

Stand without support, with your back to the support. The soft surface makes it fun to fall.

Many times a day, independently climb and stand up, holding on to horizontal bars.

We narrow the width of the bed with an additional wall, which we strengthen only at the time of the lesson, or with a thick rail. This helps the child at four months to make attempts to move along a narrow corridor. Having placed such a wall, you will immediately see that the child has got the opportunity to alternately raise his legs, squat. It is convenient for him to hold his hands on the “railing” on the sides, and not in front of him.

Walking on the bed behind the moving axis back and forth, back and forth: even if it is not very thick, so that the child confidently pinches it with his hand (we described it in the “Sports Corner” chapter). In the first month, you can not fix it, just drive it along the sides (without weights at the edges). Twist the stick if the child's fingers slip off.

You need to walk a lot on the floor, holding the child by both hands and taking part of the weight on your hands, so that it is walking, although with a load, but not necessarily the maximum.

For a child who has been walking along the bed and holding hands for 1-2 months, you can come up with a “leash” that widely captures the stomach and shoulders. You hold it from behind and on top, ready to insure falls. Such a leash can be made from an old shirt by cutting holes for the child's arms, and you will hold him by the empty sleeves while walking.

By five months, we begin to practice walking in a walker, introducing it in short portions. When you start the walker, check for any wires dangling somewhere, otherwise the lamps will suddenly fall to the floor. Make sure that newspapers, for example, are not lying on the sofa, because they will certainly be put in your mouth ... Instead, hang interesting and harmless objects, such as jingling balls, boxes, shiny lids, so that they are worth going around the apartment for. Already two or three days of walking in a walker completely transform the child, incredible progress is felt. Very soon, he already begins to control the direction of movement and gets where he wants (we are talking about the age of 4.5 months!). It would be nice if only he could not get to the stove - do not forget about it.

Doman writes that it is not necessary to teach a child to walk by the hand, so that the child's vestibular apparatus would rely only on itself. But this does not apply in any way to the age of four, five, six months, when you need to try to walk a lot on the floor (it would be nice if you were barefoot - we don’t want to hear the word “cold”!). There is no hurry for you, the vestibular apparatus will still have time to learn everything if your child goes to six and a half to seven months. It seems to us that this optimal age, in which a trained “Domanovsky” child must take his first independent steps.

In order to provoke these first steps, we narrow the width of the bed (using a movable wall) to exactly the size of the outstretched arms, so that the child can move to any of the walls at will. After that, we fix on one of the walls of the bed some new very interesting toy and by millimeters we begin to increase the width of this space. So the child needs to stretch, then take a half step and stretch, and at some point tear off his arms and take the first step without support. Remember to soften all corners in the bed, remember to protect the forehead and the back of the head. A few days of such activities lead you to victory: the child understands that it is possible to let go of hands.

We repeat once again that the exercises, when he stands with his back to the support, does not hold on, but only feels the support with his back and the back of his head, and is not afraid to fall forward on a soft one - they greatly speed up the first step.

WALKING DRAFTLY INCREASES A CHILD'S MOTOR INTELLIGENCE. And besides, you have an active ally. He himself now performs the most complex movements, having begun to walk at an age when civilized humanity has barely begun to crawl. Happy childhood is over. In the next chapters, we will start doing sports.

Undoubtedly, it is a real miracle of the world when a child makes his first independent step- you can't get used to it.

Ability to see, hear, feel

Many babies at nine months already choose their favorite toy or blanket. A dirty teddy bear thrown into the morning wash can create a crisis situation in the family. Despite the problems that the "favorite toy" can cause, this early attachment seems to us to be an important event in the development of the child. It testifies to the ability of the baby to distinguish objects perfectly. A new teddy bear is violently rejected if the child is tried to comfort him in the absence of an old "friend", because the baby already remembers what his favorite toy looks like, even when it is not around. The ability of a child to distinguish sounds manifests itself at this age as noticeably as the ability to distinguish objects by their appearance. The baby is especially attentive to sounds that help him understand what is happening: the buzzing of a razor means that dad has woken up, the door of the refrigerator slammed - breakfast is ready, tapping on the window glass says - it's raining. At nine months, the child not only distinguishes objects and sounds well, but partly already knows how to "plan" his actions. This ability is especially evident when the baby is faced with a task with two actions. If a “barrier” in the form of another toy is placed in front of his favorite truck, the child will push the obstacle aside and get the car. Moving the flowers to the other edge of the coffee table - away from the child, you will see that this will not stop his curiosity, the baby will crawl around the table and get to the object that interests him. In such situations, the child demonstrates the ability to coordinate two actions. In essence, he uses one action as a means to carry out another. Something similar to action planning is also shown in the way the child holds familiar things in his hands. Just two months ago, any object, once in the hands of a baby, went through a certain stage of childhood. experiments: they examined him, shook him, beat him, took him in his mouth, etc. Now, when the child takes something in his hands, his actions are purposeful, and he knows the purpose of the objects. He shakes the rattle because that's what it's there for. He raises the cup to his mouth, crumples a piece of foil, rings a bell, as if he is aware that objects serve different purposes, and he performs certain actions in order to achieve a certain goal. At nine months, the child has another hobby. Putting the toy in the box, the kid immediately overturns this box, puts the toy back in, and the story repeats itself. Such repetitive actions can be seen as a kind of hide-and-seek game. The child checks whether the toy hidden in the box continues to exist. Now, when the baby is aware of the constancy of objects, he is attracted to a wide variety of "hide and seek" options. Seeing that you have a small toy in your fist, the child will try to open your fist. The kid invents his own games - he likes to open kitchen cabinets, get out all sorts of pots and pans and scatter them around the house. Alas, there is practically no hope that this game will soon lose interest for the child.

We understand our child

Nine month old baby Every day he understands the meaning of words better. When they ask him: "Where is mom?", "Where is dad?" He looks from one parent to the other. The kid is already following simple commands and, having heard: “Give mom a spoon”, will give mom a spoon. However, it would be better if the mother reinforces her request with an outstretched hand or make a request while he is looking at the spoon. For a kid, this is an interesting game, and if he once understood what needs to be done, he will be happy to play again and again. Starting to connect the sound of words with their meaning, the baby builds his figurative dictionary. And while most of his babble may be just a sound game, he is already beginning to say some of the words in the appropriate context. He will say "daddy" when he sees that a male guest has appeared in the house. The first words of the child most likely will not be those that indicate requirements (such as "give"), usually he seeks to name close people, pets, or pronounces words that mother accompanies habitual actions. At this very early "conversational" stage, the parents play a major role. If the baby’s successful attempt to say a word, mom and dad react with noisy delight and increased attention to his "talking miracle", the child begins to understand that using the word correctly is fun and pleasant. When the baby fulfills a verbal request and his quick wit is noted by parental enthusiasm, he will try even harder. At nine months, the child continues to enjoy playing back and forth games. One of the most favorite activities of children is to remove glasses from their parents. The game "I'll eat you" is almost as popular - the baby puts his hand in his father's mouth, and dad pretends that he is going to bite it off, then the child pulls out his hand and laughs victoriously. A variant of such a game is the game "the horned goat is coming", when the father "attacks" the baby's tummy, and he "defends" from the attack. A more relaxed version of the game "back and forth" can be considered a game of "telephone". Take a toy or real device (of course, the real one must be turned off from the network) and take turns speaking into the phone with the child. Mom imitates a call, picks up the phone and comes up with some short phrases, like: "Hi, how are you? Do you have breakfast?" Then she hands the phone to the child and says, "Now it's your turn." Soon the baby will get used to the phone and will definitely mutter some of his "phrases" before hanging up. If a child often plays with his peers and he has a constant "buddy", you can observe how the children themselves play a similar game, albeit in a more primitive form. Your baby is transmitting soft toy peer, he hands it back to your child, and then everything starts all over again. At the same time, the children smile, they are quite satisfied, and it is quite clear that this is just a game, and there is no conflict at all.

Activities with a child

A nine-month-old child does not take the word "no" seriously - for him the whole house seems big magic game. He wants to explore and touch everything, so you, given this, before the children's invasion, you need to check all the contents of the house for stability. Any room in which the child may be alone or with parents busy with other things should be carefully "combed". It is necessary to think not only about what the child can do "now", but also about what he will learn to do in a month: what lockers and drawers he will try to open, what wires he will pull, what trinkets he will want to explore and throw on the floor, where they will naturally break As you go around your house looking for dangerous places, at the same time think about what things can be useful for children to play Arrange so that in every room where you and your child will spend time, there would be for him a supply of toys or other items suitable for play.Parents often provide their baby with a low-lying shelf in the kitchen, a drawer in their bedroom, and a basket in the living room filled with things that the child will be interested in and which he will not be able to break. If you have time to sit quietly and play with your child, be sure to give him the opportunity to start the game himself.If the baby finds that there are many new and interesting items in the accessible basket: keys, videotapes, dried fruits, curlers, etc., this may to make him want to play - to give you some thing in order to immediately get it back.

Game time

New discoveries Ring the bell Give the child a bell and show them how to ring it. "Tactile" game Give your little one a box filled with different pieces of fabric that he or she will be interested in touching. Be sure to put there shreds of coarse, hard matter and smooth, silky. A well-chosen set can include a small square of linoleum, a playing card, a large cork, a piece of velvet or satin, and a sponge. Taking pieces of these objects out of the box and putting them back in there, the child begins to distinguish materials by touch. flip toys Arrange toys in front of the child, turning them upside down (for example, a teddy bear will be standing on its head, etc.). See if the kid will fix the "position" of his friends. Duct tape Glue a piece of duct tape to the back of a child's hand. The child will be interested in tearing off this tape. Hat on a child's head When the baby sits in front of the mirror, put a hat on his head. He will enjoy watching his reflection take off his hat. Improved coordination Play patty with your child Play patty with your child. Help him clap his hands, and then hide a hundred hands under the covers. The kid will watch with interest how his hands disappear and reappear. Roll the ball Roll the ball to the child and when the child returns it to you, send the ball back to him. Invite other family members to join you. A soft ball works best for this purpose. How to sit on the floor If the child has learned to pull himself up and rise to his feet, holding on to something, but still does not know how to sit back down, help your baby hold out the end of a towel or some kind of stick; This will make it easier for your child to return to a sitting position. Give your child a "pyramid" If a child puts the “ring” on the pyramid rod at least once, he will do it again and again. The game can be made even more interesting if the rod is rocked from side to side. Toys in a transparent box Put the toys in a transparent plastic box. Let the baby try to remove the lid. If he fails, open the lid yourself and give the child a box again - let him continue his efforts. Upside down saucepan Turn the saucepan upside down and give it to the child. See if he can figure out how to turn it over. Your child already knows a lot about how objects should be placed. Play "give me a toy" Put three different toys in the box. Name one of the toys and ask the child to give it to you. If he does it right, fake a noisy delight. Pulling Scarves Take some colored scarves and tie them together. Pass the scarves at one end into a cardboard tube, let the baby drag all the scarves through it. See if the child can stuff the scarves back into the tube.
Food for development The process of cooking is interesting for children of all ages, and even very Small child may be involved in it. Give your baby a saucepan, a lid and a spoon, or some empty box or bag. Copying your actions, he will shake an empty rice bag over the saucepan, and then interfere with the spoon there and hit the saucepan with this spoon. Dressing time How to dress a fidget Changing diapers for a nine-month-old baby is not an easy task. As a rule, it is easier for you to catch a baby crawling away than to keep him in place for changing clothes. This repetitive process can be speeded up a little by distracting the child's attention with some song "for the occasion." How to catch a child You can organize this process differently, turning it into fun. When a child tries to crawl away from you, grab him by the legs and drag him back: "I caught you!" Play this a few times. This will be a fun game for the baby, and besides, he will get tired, and you will have some time at your disposal, enough to calmly change his clothes. Down jacket for powder When changing your baby, give him a clean down jacket or cotton ball and show him how to rub his tummy, arms, nose or cheeks. This activity will give the child pleasure, and he will behave calmer. In addition, you will have the opportunity to talk with the baby about the parts of the body ("where we have a nose", "where we have eyes", etc.). Spider, spider The former "kindred" feelings will acquire a new shade if, to some live melody, the "spider" runs along the child's leg, and then along the zhvoti-ku. With the "spider" the baby will burst into laughter, as well as during fun game.Bath time Have the child wash themselves Give your baby a bathing cloth and towel to dry off. Show him how to wash himself and how to dry himself with a towel. Of course, the preparation for "self-washing" and the "washing" itself will require more time. Op-op Children love to follow commands. Support your "bouncing" baby and command him "oops!" When the child stops "jumping", stop saying "oops!" A whole funny series of stops and movements can come out of this game. The child is already beginning to enjoy the words, and at the same time, this is a useful training for him. Rest time Look at a book with your child

The ninth month of a baby's life is the period when the baby's body begins to prepare for upright posture. At this time, the main attention and development of the child should be directed to strengthening the bone apparatus. Of great importance physical activity and psychological readiness.

At this age, the baby moves a lot, mother's hands interested him less and less. He realizes his curiosity by moving around the floor and picking up various objects.

Features of the physical development of the child

As the child grows, there is a gradual decrease in monthly weight gain. So, if in the first months the child could gain up to 1 kg per month, and in the period from 4 to 6 months - from 650 to 750 grams, then in the ninth month the child's weight can increase by 300-500 grams.

The reason for this decrease in monthly weight gain lies in the increase motor activity child. The more the child moves, the more energy is expended. It in turn affects the weight of the baby.

The average weight of a child at this age is 9 kg. In growth for this month, the child adds 1-2 cm. From the moment of birth, his height has increased by 20-21 cm. At the end of the 9th month of life, the average height of the child is 71 cm. and below.

Skills and abilities baby at 9 months

  • The child feels confident in the sitting position. At the same time, he sits down on his own, from this position he can bend over and reach for toys. The child can sit without support for about 10 minutes.
  • With support, the child can take vertical position. Can take timid steps. If there is a movable support in the form of a chair, then the child can move it, holding on to the back and try to follow it.
  • When using a walker, the baby can move, squat and jump for an average of 10 minutes.
  • Active attempts to crawl. During this period, some children already get on all fours and crawl in the correct position on their hands and knees. Others prefer to move around on their stomach. Both methods are a variant of the norm for 9 months of age.
  • The active development of fine motor skills is reflected in the fact that the child begins to use a pincer-like (two fingers) or pinched (three fingers) grip. He can lift small objects and even crumbs in this way. The sequence of actions: pick up, touch, put in your mouth - this is what a child prefers to do at this age. Tearing paper to shreds is another useful and favorite pastime for the crumbs.
  • At the 9th month of life, the child has a rather strong grip. Having taken something in his hand, he will not let go of the object until he loses interest in it. It is quite difficult to take something by force from a child's palm. This is due to the fact that it is physically more difficult for a child to unclench his fingers.
  • The child is able to actively express their desires and unwillingnesses. When trying to pick up the thing he needs, he will push the parent’s hand away, turn away or even completely go to the side.
  • By the 9th month, children already have 4-6 teeth, and the process of their further growth is very active. However, all children are not alike, and their physical development may differ. So if your child has no teeth, don't panic and wait.

  • Actively developing fine motor skills gives impetus to the development of speech. During this period, the child constantly says simple syllables, tries to put words out of them (mom, dad). By pronouncing them, he knows how to correctly associate words with objects. In a conversation, intonations are actively used.
  • The child knows his name. When addressing him, he turns his head or shows other motor activity.
  • Emotional manifestations become more vivid: violent joy, loud laughter or anger - these are just a small range of emotions demonstrated by the child.
  • He knows how to clearly articulate his desires with gestures. Accurately points to the desired object or direction.
  • Understands and responds to simple requests, such as "come to me", can express agreement or disagreement with an appropriate nod of the head.
  • The child tries to take part in simple processes, stretches out his arms, helping to dress himself. He can take off his hat.
  • While eating, he holds a cup with both hands, confidently holds a spoon. But he eats mostly with his hands.
  • Accurately reacts to sound or voice, understands where it comes from. In the process of playing hide and seek, it will easily find you, responding to “cuckoo”.
  • Toys and various household items, such as pots, are usually not used for their intended purpose. Favorite activity: knock on them or leave.

To determine if your baby is developing according to established standards, you can conduct a small test, which includes the following checks:

  • Lying on his stomach, the child crawls in the direction of the toy or reaches for it.
  • Sitting, can hold the back for 10 minutes, can take objects lying on the side, which means that it can turn the body.
  • The kid tries to get up and tries to take steps, holding on to a support.
  • At the table, he can hold a mug with both hands.
  • Imitation of gestures. An easy way to show your child how to drum on the surface. Usually kids do this.
  • The child must recognize loved ones, call them using simple syllables.
  • The child must be able to firmly hold the object in his hand when trying to pick it up.

If the lack of any skills in the child's behavior worries you, then you should consult a pediatrician or neurologist.

During this period, the child receives the bulk of nutrients from complementary foods. However, breastfeeding with a decrease in its share in the total diet still remains.

By this age, out of five feedings per day, three are meals consisting entirely of complementary foods.

Breast or formula is offered to the baby at the moment of awakening and at the last feeding before bedtime.

All the main products are included in the baby's diet within the recommended daily allowance:

  • Vegetables - up to 200 gr.
  • Kashi - up to 200 gr.
  • Fruits - up to 100 gr.
  • Yolk - ½ (given twice a week).
  • Cottage cheese (kefir) - up to 50 gr.
  • Juice - up to 90 gr.

Be sure to include bread and butter, vegetable and butter in the diet.

During this period, fish begin to be introduced into complementary foods. To start complementary foods, low-fat varieties of white fish are used. The maximum daily dose is 30 grams. It is necessary to take into account the increased allergenicity of fish and carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body to its introduction. Fish dishes on the menu should be no more than 2-3 times a week.

Meat can be served in the form of meatballs or finely chopped, as part of soups.

Vegetable purees may contain several types of vegetables and herbs.

Porridges also become more diverse. You can try to cook multi-component cereals from several types of cereals. And adding fruits and berries to the porridge will improve its taste and add nutritional value. It is not recommended to give the child only semolina porridge, due to the fact that its digestion in the child's body is very slow.

Mode - sleep and wakefulness

Most babies at the age of 9 months sleep at night for 8-10 hours, and daytime sleep is 2 periods of 2 hours.

Some children stick to three naps during the day: two 40-minute segments in the morning and evening and a 2-hour afternoon nap. This suggests that the child is not yet ready for a long wakefulness. But this is the norm.

A 9-month-old baby can already sleep through the night without feeding. However, children in breastfeeding continue to wake up at night demanding mother's breasts. This does not mean that the child did not have enough food at the last feeding. Such awakenings are associated with the psychological need to be close to mom. The problem of night awakenings will be solved after the abolition of breastfeeding.

At this age, sleep disturbances are not uncommon, usually caused by the presence of external stimuli and uncomfortable temperature regime in the bedroom.

A properly constructed daily routine with minimization of active games and unnecessary contacts immediately before bedtime, as well as the creation of a favorable microclimate in the room, will normalize the child's sleep.

  • For harmonious mental development It is important for the child to feel the closeness of the mother. Therefore, no matter how much your baby weighs, try to pick him up more often.
  • Develop speech. To do this, read books with bright pictures more often, show and name objects. Give preference to poetry and short stories.
  • Teach your baby to crawl. For this there is a series exercise. And also a motivating factor works well - a toy that you can reach.
  • Build pyramids and towers together. The child will mostly destroy them, but may try to put the cubes on top of each other. After playing together, ask the child to collect the parts in a box.
  • Let your child crumple, tear, unwind and reel the paper. The ideal tool for this purpose is a toilet paper roll.
  • Study the parts of the body. To do this, in the child's arsenal of toys, regardless of gender, there must be a doll or baby doll. Having planted it next to the baby, you can show the eyes, nose and other parts of the body together. The doll can be fed, put to bed. In the future, such a toy will become a full participant in role-playing and situational games.
  • Playing with water, pouring from container to container, pouring on the hand, washing toys. In addition to a pleasant pastime, it is also a great development of tactile sensations.
  • Introduce your child to new textures. A good option to combine pieces in one box different materials, miscellaneous small items. Just do not forget about the desire of the baby to put everything in his mouth.
  • Use cereal for creativity. Can do excavations different toys previously hidden in a plate with cereals.

When working with a child and inventing new games, take into account his mobility. Dance, do gymnastics. During the games, be sure to communicate with the child and watch his reaction. Your 9 month old baby he can already suggest a suitable development path for him!

Baby 9 months (video)