Luxurious women adhere to these rules to be always on top. How to wake up every morning and feel at your best

How to show yourself well, not mumble, not fail a speech, pass exams or pass an interview? How to always be on top at crucial moments in life, when you need to show yourself worth a million dollars? You will always be on top if you follow these tips.

Some people are quite successful in sports, business, creativity or studies, but they cannot show their best when they find themselves in stressful circumstances. Anyone who has had to wait a long time for Day X, and then mumble at a meeting, fail an important speech, or convulsively recall the text of a report, the advice of psychology professor Cyan Beilock will come in handy. In her book Moment of Truth, she tells how to cope with anxiety, pull yourself together and rise to the occasion in the most extreme situation.

Take a step back

Departure from the problem even for a few minutes helps to find the best path. Psychological experiments have shown that students who think longer before starting to solve a problem perform better on test tasks than their peers who immediately set to work.

Remember: attacking a problem at full speed can negatively affect the result, and a pause before starting to solve a difficult task is one of the paths to success. It was this approach that helped Archimedes figure out whether the crown of King Hiero II was made of gold. Archimedes could not make a decision until he allowed himself to temporarily forget the difficult issue. Taking a bath, he realized that the density of the product can be found by dividing the weight of the crown by the volume of water displaced by it.

Get ready for the stress

Policemen took part in another experiment. The scientists found that shooting practice, even mildly simulating stressful conditions, increases the likelihood that a police officer will not miss at a crucial moment. In the course of the study, one group of police officers fired at cardboard targets, while the other at each other (not with real bullets, but with shells of colored soap).

Then everyone united in one group and fired the final series of shots - first at colleagues, then at targets. More often missed those who shot only at targets. Those who in the first part shot at the “enemy” achieved equally good results in shooting both at colleagues and at targets in the end. Training at gunpoint helped me hone my shooting skills in a real combat situation.

So prepare in advance for stressful conditions: rehearse a speech in front of an audience, ask someone to play the role of a strict examiner, give a presentation to your friends without peeping at cheat sheets.

Tune in to a friendly audience

Excessive excitement and thoughts that the audience is in an unfriendly mood can cause a psychological breakdown. It seems to you that they will laugh at you, and now you are already forgetting the main theses of your speech. Instead of focusing on the task, you imagine how people around you are waiting for you to make a mistake.

As experiments have shown, just the thought that others are biased towards you is enough to prevent you from demonstrating your abilities to the fullest. When stimuli enter our brain in the form of experiences and excitement, they deplete working memory resources that could be spent productively.

Imagine that the situation is not so important

Two groups of students were tested for simultaneous processing of a large amount of information. To one group, the test was presented as a tool for measuring the level of intelligence, especially logical thinking, associated with abilities in mathematics and the exact sciences. This put strong external pressure on the students: they realized that those who showed mediocre results would be considered incapable of a scientific career.

The experiment was presented to another group of participants simply as a test of attention. For them, the task had no decisive significance. Therefore, they approached its implementation calmly. Not surprisingly, students from the second group performed better. They did not consider the test important for themselves and were able to use their working memory to the fullest. And when a stress factor was included in the task, the high IQ students scored close to those with the lowest IQ.

Practice Meditation

Neuroscientist Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin has been meditating since the 1970s, but has only recently begun to study it. Advances in functional MRI allowed him to look into the brains of meditators and ordinary people and compare them. From the very beginning, Madison believed that meditation has a powerful effect on the human brain. And his research confirmed this.

It turned out that the practice of meditation teaches a person to quickly get rid of distracting signals. It is clear that such an ability to control one's thoughts could be of great help in overcoming the unrest and tension that arises in stressful situations. Teaching the brain to “switch off” from negative thoughts we reduce the negative impact of stress on us.

More ways to deal with stress

On the eve of an important event, write down all your hobbies and interests on a piece of paper. This will help you boost your self-esteem.

Write down the facts that speak to your versatility. So you will feel that your possibilities are not limited to one exam or test.

Try to structure the necessary information before the speech. This will allow you to offload working memory.

Based on materials from the book "Moment of Truth" by Cyan Beilock, Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing House

The authors of The Rules, Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider, revolutionized America when they demanded that women once and for all forget about the initiative in relationships with men. They have long and carefully selected the material, based on experience. happy women, and as a result developed a whole strategy of behavior.

Before you can use The Rules to achieve the best, most incredible results—getting the proposal and marrying the man of your dreams—you must be the best. No, not perfect or dazzling, but just the best, so...

Make yourself the best! The better you look, the more desirable you will be for the man of your dreams. Maybe other men will begin to consider you more attractive and will begin to invite you on dates. You no longer have to assume that the man you are dating is the only one on earth. You will stop worrying and gain self-confidence. When you look good and feel great, you no longer want to break the "Rules".

We are not nutritionists, but we know how to eat right - proteins, fruits and vegetables. Healthy eating improves a person's condition. BUT physical exercise promote the release of endorphins, which make you happier and more energetic. In addition to a healthy diet, you need to constantly keep yourself in shape! Sign up for a fitness club, buy an exercise video, or start jogging in a nearby park (great place for exercise, by the way). acquaintance with men who run or walk dogs). Exercise should be a joy - do push-ups to your favorite music.

Diet, exercise and "Rules" have a lot in common. You must prioritize long-term goals over short-term satisfaction. You will have to experience some discomfort due to the fact that you cannot eat a cake or call your beloved man. But you want to be in shape and you want to get married, so you need to do what you have to. Befriend a woman in the same position and start running together, going to dances, and talking to each other when tempted to break the Rules. You don't have to do this hard work alone!

Diet, exercise and "The Rules" have a lot in common. You must prioritize long-term goals over short-term satisfaction.

If you are serious about finding a husband, you need to change your idea of ​​satisfaction. Satisfaction is when a man calls you, stalks you and asks you to marry him. Satisfaction is not at all a tempting ice cream or a passionate date during which you break the "Rules"!

Self-improvement will help you catch and keep a man. Try to get rid of bad habits. Forget about slovenliness if you want to live with a man. Men like neat women. They can become excellent mothers for their children - such a mother will not forget the child on the beach.

Now clothes. If you walk around in anything and everything, believing that what is inside is important, and not what is outside, then you need to change! Men like women in trendy, sexy clothes bright colors. Why not make them happy?

If you're not into clothes, read fashion magazines and related books. Consult with a friend whose taste you have always admired. Get yourself a shopper. It is best to contact a professional. Specialists will help you choose clothes that will fit well and hide any imperfections, unlike fashion clothes, which may not be the best choice.

When choosing clothes, remember that you are unique, not like anyone else. You are a woman. Don't be tempted by unisex clothing. Buy feminine clothes that can be worn on weekends and work days. Remember that you are dressing for men and not for other women, so always try to look feminine.

You must keep up with fashion, but not become its slave. Don't spend a fortune on what's in vogue this season. Firstly, in the next all this may be inappropriate, and secondly, all this may not suit you! We know women who dress in own style- wear, for example, men's suits or huge sweaters coarse knit. They look fashionable, but not sexy at all. Be a smart shopper, not a swindler in the name of fashion. Buy some beautiful classic pieces and combine them with less expensive items.

Remember that you are dressing for men and not for other women, so always try to look feminine.

Remember: fashion clothes does not necessarily make you beautiful or attractive to men. Men do not always like the "elf" look or long "granny" skirts with heavy boots, no matter how fashionable such a look may be. Men like feminine women. wear short skirts(but not too much!) if your legs allow it.

Don't feel obligated to wear expensive clothes from famous fashion designers. Men don't care about labels! You must be beautiful, elegant and feminine. Better buy regular dress if it sits well on you and hides your flaws, than a haute couture outfit that will emphasize these flaws.

Stop at the cosmetics department and think about makeup. We can all look better than we really are. Many of us do not even realize our own potential until we fall into the hands of a stylist. Very often in a department store you can do professional makeup Completely free with a minimum purchase. Understand what colors suit you, how the stylist applies makeup. Buy what he offers (from what you can afford), and try to repeat at home. Don't leave the house without makeup. Wear lipstick even when you go for a run!

Do whatever it takes to look the best way. If you have an ugly nose, get plastic surgery; touch up grey hair; grow your hair longer. Men love long hair that can be caressed and stroked. It doesn't matter what your hairdresser and friends think. You can't seduce them! Let's face it, hairdressers love modest, short hairstyles - working with long hair long and tedious. And no matter what short hair easier to wash and dry, no matter if you have thin ones. We are girls! We don't want to look like boys!

It will be easier for you to look like no one else if you become well-groomed woman. Manicure, pedicure, cosmetics and massage should be part of your life. And do not forget about the most seductive perfume when you are going to go out - but do not overdo it!

And now that you have learned the role, start playing. Men love women. Don't act like a man, even if you run your own company. Let the men open the door for you. Stay a woman. Don't make sarcastic jokes. Don't laugh at jokes by slapping your knees with your hands. This is how you can treat your friends. But with a man, you should be calm and mysterious, behave like a true lady, sit cross-legged and smile. Don't talk too much. Wear black sheer tights and lift your skirt up to seduce the opposite sex! Perhaps such proposals will offend you. You will say that they suppress your intellect and vibrant personality. Maybe you even feel that you are no longer yourself. But men will love it!

Don't be cynical and depressed. Don't talk about those who hurt you or humiliated you. Don't make a potential husband a savior or therapist. Act like a completely happy person. Don't tell everything about yourself. Say "thank you" and "please". Act like a lady with waiters, porters and even taxi drivers. And then it will be easier for you to be a true lady on a date.

If you've never met men by chance, go somewhere: dance, tennis (even if you don't play tennis), go to a club. Be in different places - show yourself!

Post a profile on a dating site, communicate with people. Don't be afraid to go to a singles night, believing that the men who go to such events are not your type. Remember: you don't need a bunch of men of your type - you only need one! Never forget about it. And then you will forget about those sad days when you were convinced that true love will never come to you!


It's funny, but in order to successfully find a couple, you need to learn from the military to conduct reconnaissance! Find out everything about the candidate's pedigree, interests in life, level of education and ... compare it ALL with your abilities. For a stable marriage, candidates for creating a family should have an approximate EQUALITY of properties along the word lines! !

No, you must always be natural. You can't pretend to be a sheep if you're a tiger in life.

You have to be yourself, because under the mask you won’t last long either, and if he gets used to you like that, then you can leave later. Be yourself, if you are loved like that, then this is your person.

Some kind of horror! .... You need to make yourself a plastic Barbie, suppress your "I", pretend to be an innocent sheep and quietly bleat "Yes-ah, dear!" - then maybe you'll pick up some fluffy little man! And the next day after the wedding, you can already show your true face?!!!)))

"Do your best to look your best. If you have an ugly nose, get plastic surgery."

And if the legs are short - to be killed against the wall?

But I'm still ideal, no, I'm cooler than ideal ...

"They can be great mothers to their children - such a mother will not forget the child on the beach"

(sarcastically) "ribbon in hair" 50 years later? ;-)

Comment on the article "How to find your one and only? You must always be on top!"

The quality of the item is top notch. Not prickly, despite the 50% wool in the composition (and I am very sensitive to wool). Can be worn with both dresses and jeans. Double knit, quite tight.

If I'm carried away by something, it's almost impossible to stop me :) It's all the fault of the Bread Maker website, with crazy hands of girls. Now homemade ham is next, help yourself! Recipe for reference helpful tips took here: [link-1] and here: [link-2] and a little here: [link-3] Ingredients: I had about 400 grams of turkey, and 700 grams of pork. Ice 40 gr., spices - nutmeg, salt - 8g, sugar-4g, cognac. I will say right away that after the test, they unanimously decided that they needed three times more salt and ...

Let there be sun today, And a pleasant breeze, You are my source of life, Like an island in the desert, I am proud of you, I admire you, You are the light in my destiny, I pray to all forces from above, To give you all warmth, And today, daughter, is your day , My dear on your birthday, Let happiness cast its shadow under your feet without a doubt! © 2 You are my angel, you are my light, There is no dearer on earth, You are like a scarlet dawn, You are like a song of a nightingale, Happy birthday to you, My most beloved daughter, You are my sip of water, You are a gift ...

I outweighed the TV based on this experience: the height of the bed (bed) + 70 cm (possibly higher) the lower border of the TV. those. I look lying down (exclusively), the body is in my legs, I can watch with my legs vertically bent at the knees.

At the same time, the pipe is ordinary, with a diameter like a water supply (!), And it should be like a wide sewer. We also have a sewer pipe around the perimeter (behind the tile) that goes around 3 bathroom walls and then exits with a hole in the tile at a height of 57 cm from the floor.

Hello dear readers of the magazine. As you know, ramps for the disabled in our country are a problem: either they do not exist at all, or they are not installed according to the standard. The standard is to tilt the ramp no more than 30 °, and many of them are installed even at an angle of 45 °. Imagine a situation where a person in a manual wheelchair, such as a Motus 43, is trying to climb such a ramp. The stroller itself is comfortable and very well suited for a person with...

CHRONICLE OF THE 2nd SHIFT. June 09-19, 2013 JUNE 16, SUNDAY "Gold from the mind" In the morning and afternoon - academies of science and art, as well as a special master class in photography and photo sessions. Throughout the day, the most courageous Aztecs mastered modern martial arts - the game of laser tag, and young businessmen learned the basics of entrepreneurship. At the master class in photography, the girls learned how to pose and handle...

I have not worn heels for a thousand years ... And the weight interferes, and I always dress "sportily" ... But here Lately I really want something with a heel for the summer. What/where do you choose heels? Well, of course, not stilettos, not a thin heel. But something to make the leg stretch and look so beautiful :))) What do you think, something like this I can withstand and it can withstand me? ..

I didn't even hope :) 5.5 months from planting Photo uploaded on 09/06/2012 17:20 Folder: Plants I wonder if there will be more, or only flowers. The height of the bushes is a maximum of 50 cm, I grow in flower pots ...

I am 34 years old, and as far as I can remember, I read always and everywhere. When I was 6 years old, I was taken to my grandmother in the village. When I arrived at her place, I discovered to my horror that she had no books at all. I read the ones I brought with me very quickly and I started to have a real “withdrawal”, I just could not live without reading. It's good that the neighbor found a subscription to the magazine "health" for several years. Having mastered it in a couple of months, I began to diagnose relatives, frightened them with the names of diseases ...

Ways to see Moscow from a "bird's eye view" or from an interesting angle can be divided into 4 groups. 1. "Natural" observation platforms 2. Views from the upper floors of buildings, mainly from public nutritional establishments located there. 3. Views from bridges (we only consider pedestrian bridges) 4. Surveys using exotic technical means (balloon, Ferris wheel). Next, we will consider observation platforms, trying to group them geographically...

What is not there is restrictions on the height of residential buildings, so it is unlikely that anyone will forbid your neighbors to build at least 4-5-6 floors of their house - I would send neighbors with a claim "blocking the sky" into the forest ...

How many sockets, on average, at least do you need per room, in the bathroom? Furniture is known only for the nursery, in the rest of the rooms everything is in the project, but time does not endure, I don’t know what to do ... At what height should they be made?

And on the other hand, it will be too late later, if I want to, I won’t find such a job anymore, now I have to study, at the age of 30 it will already be funny if I come to this area as a beginner, I’ll only be on the hook. I always thought before, “Well, how can you sit at home all your life and not work, I…

Or is it still necessary to leave a small strip unglued? I remember that some of these actions can visually increase the height of my low (2.50) room. But what?

I personally do not like them because of the unjustifiably high prices, but their quality is on top. This height is also quite achievable for Spaniards, and Italians, and other Europeans, at much lower prices.

I'm wondering at what height do this curb? Or is it the taste? But still, if it is too high or too low, it will not be beautiful. Oh, it's a sound idea to focus on the height of the furniture.

Secret knowledge about

how to achieve maximum results

with minimal effort.

How tempting it is to always be the best and do everything.

Those women who have really achieved this know that the path to the ideal is not easy. And they know that there is always room for growth.

But there is a complication along the way:

  • There are only 24 hours in a day - they are the only ones we can manage.
  • There are a great many spheres of application of efforts and desires, and I have only one.

What to do? How to prioritize and choose the best time for action in order to easily achieve results in any area of ​​life?

When such a problem arose before me, at first I was completely at a loss. Like at the same time:

  • to be a beautiful and attractive woman, pleasing to yourself and your beloved man,
  • devote enough time to the family, maintaining love and mutual understanding,
  • to be a hospitable hostess who knows how to keep order, cook deliciously and create comfort in the house,
  • do what you love, develop talents, earn money, succeed in your career,
  • communicate with loved ones, maintaining a trusting relationship,
  • it is interesting to relax with benefits for the soul and body,
  • keep fit and youthful...

Add a few more items that matter to you.

How to do all this?

At first, my attempts were more like a marathon race without preparation - I wanted everything at once. I rushed to the attack, but in the end I didn’t manage to do anything, everything fell out of my hands. I was dissatisfied with myself, a bad mood appeared. There were times when I wanted to give up on everything. One day I realized that it was time to do things differently.

I started prioritizing. And I decided to take it step by step.

It started to get better. However, the question often arose, how to find out when it is better, for example, to do housework, and at what time to go to a business meeting? When to take care of health, and in what period is best to arrange romantic evening with your loved one?

How to feel what is important to do right now?

It turns out that this information was collected by our ancestors. Living in harmony with nature, they closely monitored natural phenomena and observed their impact on human life. Wise observations have come down to us in the form Lunar calendar.

Lunar calendars have been around for a long time. Scientists continue to argue when exactly the lunar calendar appeared, but agree on its primacy. The fact is that the change in the phases of the moon is one of the most easily observed celestial phenomena. That is why many ancient peoples - Babylonians, Jews, Greeks, Chinese - originally used the lunar calendar.

The moon does not just revolve around the Earth, it affects the Earth at the physical level - the ebb and flow of the waters of its "hands" is the work. The moon also affects a person who is mostly water. Affects his soul, psyche, nervous system and intuition. And hence the behavior.

With a lifestyle in tune with the lunar rhythms, problems are solved more easily, health is strengthened, life becomes more joyful.

Imagine that you are swinging on a swing. By performing the same actions, you can either help the swing swing, or interfere. It all depends on when you apply the effort. Exactly the same "swing" is our life.

The same actions can help move or slow down movement. The lunar calendar helps you choose the right moment for action.

When I studied the Lunar calendar more carefully, I realized that I used to often prevent the "swing of luck" from swinging, performing actions at the wrong time. It turned out that I was exhausted, and the result was close to zero. Often because she chose the wrong moment to act.

Now, every time I try to understand more deeply those concepts that are spoken about in the Lunar calendar. I began to study different sources, to compare in what their opinion coincides, and in what it differs. At first I started to follow a few recommendations, then I added a couple more points that I began to pay attention to. As a result, I noticed that the Lunar calendar becomes an additional impetus to improve the quality of life.

When I got carried away with the Lunar calendar, I realized that in order to get a complete picture for the day, I have to collect information bit by bit from different sources.

Many of you have probably experienced something similar?

If you want to know more, you have to invest a lot of time. To save time and make using the Lunar calendar more convenient, we decided to create an electronic magazine in which information is structured in a convenient way.

Together with my husband, we developed a unique monthly electronic lunar calendar "Rhythms of Life". In him in a convenient form the main aspects of the influence of the moon on life for each calendar day are considered and compared.

There are two blocks in the Lunar calendar "Rhythms of Life": text and tabular.

Text option

In text version- brief and complete information about the aspects of the moon for the current calendar day:

  • what lunar days fall on a calendar day, when do they begin and how do they affect,
  • what is the current phase of the moon and its properties,
  • what sign of the zodiac is the moon in, the time of the transition of the moon to another sign, how it affects,
  • when and how New Moons and Full Moons come and go.

In addition to the general characteristics lunar days, phases, signs and events in Lunar calendar "Rhythms of Life" eat detailed recommendations for each of the above aspects seven spheres of life:

  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Family
  • the beauty
  • Lifestyle
  • Tips for business people


In tabular form It is convenient to see detailed recommendations for the day. A quick glance is enough to know how best to proceed.

Five aspects of the influence of the Moon (lunar day, phase of the Moon, Moon in a Sign, Condition of the Moon, Lunar events) on seven areas of life (health, nutrition, family, beauty, lifestyle, life, advice to business people) are presented in detail.

You only need one glance at the table to see for example,

Waning Moon in Scorpio, 4th phase and all this affects in such a way that:

  • The day is suitable for visiting the dentist,
  • Not suitable for cutting and coloring hair,
  • On this day, you should avoid the consumption of coffee and chocolate,
  • The day is good for diets and fasting,
  • Recommended vegetable and carbohydrate food,
  • On this day, you should not solve serious business issues and expand your acquaintances.
  • Unfavorable to start business
  • Diplomacy is worth it
  • The day is good for getting a job
  • The day is good for relaxing
  • On this day, you can not succumb to someone else's influence
  • Shouldn't fuss
  • This is not the best day for dating and for marriage.
  • But the day is good for conceiving children
  • Suitable for all household chores and especially for washing
  • Good time in nature

If any of the areas of life is more important to you at the moment, say, "diet", then you can choose only that. One keystroke will create table on current month by "diet". This will help in planning things for the future.

Convenient, agree?

Based on this information, it is easier to choose where to direct your efforts today in order to feel cheerful and energetic, to stay in good mood and be at your best in any situation. After all, this is what we so often miss!

Starting to take the first steps in tuning life to the lunar rhythms, you can feel how something subtly changes in your life. For some reason, life becomes a little easier. Things are more successful, less effort is spent.


Before the release of the electronic lunar calendar "Rhythms of Life" for sale, we are recruiting 30 people for testing.

Responsible people who are interested in using the Lunar calendar in everyday life are invited.

Your task:

  • use the Lunar calendar "Rhythms of Life" daily for a week
  • answer 3-4 questions on the convenience of using the calendar
  • report any bugs you see
  • Write a review

Wishing sign up in the comments to this article. After recruiting a group, we will send you the first assignment by e-mail and a link to a free download of the Lunar calendar "Rhythms of Life" for the next month.

As a gift for your help in testing the Lunar calendar "Rhythms of Life" you get 3 issues for January, February, March 2009 for free.

How to always look charming and feel confident. Golden rules that every well-groomed girl should know.

1. Don't forget to wash your face before going to bed. No fatigue can be an excuse for not wanting to wash off makeup in the evening. You may not have time to do masks or massages, but simple hygiene rules cannot be neglected. Otherwise, your skin will eventually acquire a dull color, early wrinkles, blackheads and enlarged pores will appear.

2. Find your perfect shade of scarlet lipstick. Red lipstick is a universal assistant for any woman who is able to revive even the dullest outfit. The main thing is to choose your color: soft coral or carmine are suitable for warm skin tones, and scarlet, garnet or cherry for darker ones.

3. Follow comprehensive care. Making masks is certainly good, but no self-care methods will work if you don’t eat right, visit more often fresh air and sleep for at least seven hours.

4. Learn to do your own styling. There is one hairdressing trick that helps to achieve perfect styling at home. After shampooing, wrap your hair in a microfiber towel to absorb excess moisture, then dry your hair naturally before styling. long curls or short haircut using a round comb and a hand dryer. Thus, the hair will lie more evenly and smoothly.

5. Find your unique scent. Choosing your perfume does not mean using it alone for the rest of your life. All you have to do is pick the right scent to be remembered. Try to reveal your personality through it and complete the image.

6. Follow the shape of the eyebrows. Don't follow the rules of fashion. Everyone has different eyebrows: thin ones are suitable for someone, thicker ones for others. It is enough to correct the natural shape and use an eyebrow pencil slightly lighter than the hair roots. So, the face will become visually younger.

7. Sign up for hair updates regularly. Regardless of the length of your hair, you need to freshen up your hair every two months. Remember - no oils, serums and the like will save you from split ends. Do not be afraid to cut off the excess - this way your hair will look healthier.

8. Take care of your hands and nails. It is important to have healthy nails. The choice of nail design is huge. But you can always choose the classic French manicure or solid color. The main thing is that the hands look well-groomed.

9. Belly fat is not burned when you work on the abdominal muscles. The press will be, but under a layer of fat. So the belly will even increase in volume. To burn belly fat, pull it in all the time and tighten your muscles.

10. Best of all, swings help from the hips, stretching from the calves, and walking for the legs.

11. In order for the muscles to swing beautifully and not grow like jocks, exercise 2-3 times a week and be sure to stretch after training.

12. In the morning on an empty stomach 2 glasses of water, you can with lemon, after 10 minutes 2 tablespoons of olive or flaxseed oil (to have the right fat in the body, for breasts and to maintain the menstrual cycle). You can also eat a green apple.

13. After 10-15 minutes - breakfast. it should be dense and full in order to signal the body that it's time to wake up, and also provide energy for the whole day.

14. Do not drink food and do not drink anything for another 40 minutes after eating! This slows down digestion, leads to heaviness, expands the walls of the stomach.

15. Eat more often, but little by little. ideally, to accelerate metabolism, you need to eat 5 times a day every 3 hours and at the same time (so that the body gets used to it and works better).

16. Baths and saunas do not burn fat, they only remove water from the body, which returns after 2 hours.

17. Not eating after six is ​​a cliché. There is no need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.

18. After 16 - only protein food. Carbohydrates turn into fat in the afternoon.

19. A contrast shower is a panacea for everything. Increases blood circulation, respectively, accelerates metabolism, smoothes cellulite, improves complexion and appears willpower. forward to new habits!

20. Chew your food thoroughly, slowly and thoughtfully. Again, to speed up the metabolism. Do you know why some people eat a lot and don't get fat? Metabolism is good! This is also the secret of French women - they take their time eating and never have a snack!

21. The feeling of satiety comes after 20 minutes after you have eaten enough. Imagine how much you can eat in 20 minutes! So slow down with food.

22. Turn meals into torture. sit with a straight back, no TV / book, use all appliances, set the table according to all the rules! Imagine that a guy is sitting in front of you! and if you're really hardened, try to eat naked in front of the mirror!

23. Wanted to have a bite to eat, but shouldn't you? Do 20 squats, 50 jumps! Take a fragrant bath, go to the store and look at the clothes!

24. Do exercises every 5 minutes. you sit in front of the computer - go do some exercises for the press. After 5 minutes - you can squat.

25. You don’t want to eat from sports for two reasons: physically - the organs will shake, you will sweat, psychologically - you spent calories, you don’t want to gain.

26. Drink a glass of water every hour (preferably in small sips - it's healthier). Turn it into an exciting process - add lemon, mint. Love water.

27. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, soda, fast food, chips, mayonnaise, sausage are your main enemies. Memorize these words and associate them with cellulite and sides. hate them!

28. Nuts, butter - useful, but in small quantities. These are super calorie foods. So a handful of nuts that are so easy to get carried away with can make up your entire estimated calorie content of your day! Therefore, do not get carried away with oil when dressing a salad. From this, out of 100 kcal, there may already be 200, 300, 500 ... 8 nuts per day, no longer needed.

29. Potato - just not fried. If you really want to, eat potatoes in their skins or, at worst, mashed potatoes.

30. What is in white, what is in gray bread is the same calories. So without prejudice - get used to eating without bread or switch to rye.

31. Do not drink tea, do not have such a habit at all! Only if apart from food. And without sugar, why do you need empty carbs? This is pure poison. replace it with honey.

32. Green tea - 2 cups a day. Soothes, promotes cleansing.

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Wanted extreme sports, but you are tormented by doubts, and you do not dare to take this brave step? Read the opinion of an experienced skydiver Alexei Duryagin, who just the other day made his 377th jump.

What extreme sports do you do?

What is extreme? This is a loss of control over the situation. I believe that there are active sports. So, for example, I go in for paragliding, parachuting, kiting. For most of my life I was fond of skiing, but after finishing my sports career, I decided to take up organizational matters. And parachuting is for the soul.

What emotions do you experience when skydiving?

Probably joy. Why didn’t I just jump: from an airplane, a helicopter, hot air balloon, the mountains. In fact, when you jump a lot, you get used to it and enjoy not the jump itself, but the process and preparation itself.

What types of jumps are there?

There are many interesting disciplines such as freefly, group, individual acrobatics, air ballet, building formations and popular today - wingsuit - flying in a "wing" suit, group acrobatics - building figures in free fall for a while. Jumps such as "hammer", "blocks", "star" are performed. And yet, canopy swoop piloting is very extreme and modern.

Do you take photos while jumping?

Yes, sure. Nothing compares to a picturesque sunset four thousand meters above the ground...when the ground is already hidden in the haze of the sunset. Parachuting is very beautiful view sports, but expensive. But it pays off when you watch the sunset from a distance of four thousand meters. You won't see it anywhere but the sky!

How long have you been skydiving?

I made my first jump in 1996. It so happened that I noticed on a pole an advertisement for recruitment for training parachutists. And this is how my destiny turned out. It's a pity that our parachute base is abandoned in Karelia. And with our projects we try to attract people to this sport and restore parachuting in Karelia.

What was your most memorable jump?

In 2014, I participated in a record formation in St. Petersburg. It was a very emotional and memorable moment in my life. Each person in this business is very important, if someone made a mistake, then there will be no record. There were 41 of us, but the world record is 400 people. Imagine 400 people in free fall!

What is included in the equipment of a skydiver?

The actual parachute, the satchel, which includes the main parachute, reserve parachute and safety device. Further, overalls, a helmet, visual fixation and an altimeter - a squeaker that is inserted into the helmet.

What do you experience while jumping?

It all depends on the type of jump. If this is work for the result, then you completely turn off. And in my head only work, work, work. And until the last moment, it is impossible to know whether there was a record or not. Only after landing you will know this information.

What should a beginner do before jumping so as not to be afraid?

“First of all, you need to get ready. It's easy to say that I want to skydive, but in some cases it doesn't come to that, because it's a very strong moral tension. You need to at least read about it and have the appropriate attitude, and then proceed with the preparation, which lasts from about three hours. But preparation for skydiving takes a little longer - about two weeks or more, depending on the type of jump discipline you are preparing for.

Tell us about the Kizhi Domes project.

The name itself indicates belonging to Karelia. IN this case the domes are not the domes of the Kizhi churchyard, but the dome of the parachute. In general, these are all-Russian competitions, which we announced for the first time in 2014. And now for the second time we want to gather the best skydivers from all over the country. The date of the event is June 9-11. Everything will take place on the Embankment near the administration. There, you can see the qualifying jumps, as well as the selection of finalists who will already be jumping on about. Kizhi. An athlete with a qualification not lower than category “B” can take part in the event. We want to make it so that people see the online broadcast, that is, we want to transmit a first-person picture from a skydiver's helmet.

What categories are there in parachuting?

Up to 25 jumps - category "A", up to 100 jumps - category "B", over 100 to 400 - category "C", and then category "D", even further category "E" - tandem master, skydivers instructors, who jump with a passenger in a harness.

Tell about "Kareliaskifest.

The Kareliaskifest project was born a year ago together with my friend Pavel Sarin. We came up with the idea of ​​holding skiing competitions in a completely new format for Russia - extreme sprint. As part of this project, we held a couple of additional events, which were given the name “Four Seasons”. Together with the Sports Center, we conducted cross-country running in the Fountains area in August, and in September we organized the Shuisky Rocks trail run project. This is a cross-country run over mountains and stones. In February, the first winter skiing festival in Karelia "KarelisSkFest" was held, which consisted of two days. The first day is an extreme sprint. This is a new direction, and therefore there were about 32 participants, but this was enough for a demonstration performance. The next day we held a traditional marathon at Fountains together with the Sports Center. As a result, over 400 participants gathered, and at the end of two days there were about 1000 participants, and over 5000 spectators. We received a lot of positive feedback and decided not to stop there. On July 1, a surprise awaits you.

What are your goals?

Our goal is to hold not just a one-time event, but to arrange a festival so that after the competitive struggle people can talk in a relaxed atmosphere with the same guys with whom they fought at a distance a few hours ago. In Murmansk, there is a "Feast of the North", which has already been held 83 times. About eleven thousand people gather there. In St. Petersburg there is a similar event - "Neva Classics", but in Karelia there is nothing. So we want to fill this gap and attract as many people as possible.