Lesson about squirrels at an early age. Integrated activity "visiting squirrel". Individual task for comparison by size

Yulia Abramova
Summary of GCD in preparatory group"Squirrel"

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive.

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, music.

Target: recognize a wild animal - a squirrel.


1. Educational:

Expand your understanding of wild animals, knowledge of how animals prepare for winter;

Practice painting with watercolors and brushes;

Enrich children's vocabulary.

2. Developmental:

Develop an interest in the animal world;

Develop the ability to draw a squirrel based on diagrams;

Develop aesthetic feelings.

3. Educational:

To cultivate in children a friendly relationship, goodwill, and a desire to help.

Planned results:

The child knows the names of wild animals and the features of their life in preparation for winter;

The child composes a short story on the proposed topic, using complex sentences in speech;

The child draws a squirrel based on the diagrams.

Materials and equipment: pictures of forest animals; simple graphite and colored pencils, album sheets; watercolor paints, brushes.

Educator: One, two, three, four, five - I invite you guys to play. Let's sit down on our magic carpet. Guess the riddle.

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees,

Who hides nuts in a hollow

Drying berries and mushrooms?

A squirrel came to visit us today. Let's greet the squirrel and give her a smile.

- Tell me, where does the squirrel live? (In the forest, in the hollow)

-Where is the hollow? (High, on a tree)

– What kind of fur coat does the squirrel have? (Fluffy, red)

-What does the squirrel have on its ears? (tassels)

-What tail? (Big, fluffy)

- What eyes? (Black)

-What face? (Spicy)

– What can you say about the squirrel, what is it like? (Fast, dexterous, nimble, agile)

– What does the squirrel like? (Mushrooms, nuts)

Let's play with the squirrel.

Half the children are trees, the other half are squirrels. One more squirrel. To the sound of cheerful music, the squirrels frolic, jump, gnaw nuts, and look for mushrooms. The music ends. The squirrels scatter and hide in hollows.

The squirrel is a beautiful forest animal. Lives in a dense forest. Doesn't like dampness. In summer, the squirrel has short red fur. Leads an active lifestyle, jumping from one tree trunk to another in search of nuts, acorns and cones. The squirrel has a sharp muzzle. There are tassels on the ears and black eyes. They sparkle like beads. The body is covered with red fur, the paws have sharp claws, with which the squirrel clings to the bark of trees, but the most beautiful thing about the squirrel is the tail. Look how she fluffed it up. In cold weather, the squirrel covers itself with its tail like a warm blanket to keep warm.

- Guys, our squirrel is so sad, what happened?

She whispered in my ear that she had no friends in the forest. And, it’s true, there are a lot of forests in our city. And few animals live there. So the squirrel has no friends.

- What do we do? How to please a squirrel?

Children: Let's draw her friends.

Educator: That's right, guys, but first we will wake up our fingers so that they work well for us and draw beautifully.

Finger gymnastics

One two three four five -

The squirrels came out to play.

One disappeared somewhere -

Four squirrels left.

Now, quickly look,

There are exactly three of them left.

Well well! What a pity,

We only have two left.

This news is so sad -

There is only one squirrel left.

Articulation gymnastics.

“Now, guys, turn around and turn into squirrels.” Oh, what wonderful squirrels! Let's crunch some nuts. (Smile and chatter your teeth.) Now turn around and turn into guys.

Let's draw friends for the squirrel. Let's look at the stages of drawing:

– What shape does the body have?

- And the head?

We will draw a squirrel with a simple pencil step by step: according to the diagram.

1. Take a pencil and mark with ovals the places where the head, tail, paws and body will be.

2. Draw the squirrel’s ears and tummy.

3. Color the contours of the squirrel.

Children draw a squirrel based on the diagrams. Calm music sounds.

- Guys, let's relax with you.

The squirrel is not lazy about sports

Work out all day!

Jumping from one branch to the left,

She sat down on a branch.

Then she jumped to the right,

She circled around the hollow.

Left - right! All day

The squirrel is not too lazy to jump.

Guys, now we will continue to draw the squirrel, dress her in a fluffy, beautiful fur coat.

Bottom line. What wonderful squirrels we got. Squirrel thanks you for your work.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Squirrel visiting the guys” Municipal preschool educational institution “Sakhyurta kindergarten “Cheburashka” Squirrel visiting the children District methodological.

Final integrated lesson in the second junior group “Squirrel visiting the guys” Final integrated lesson in the second junior group “Squirrel visiting the guys” Educator: Mironova V.N. Integrated.

Summary of the integrated educational activity in the first junior group “A squirrel came to visit the children” Program content: Continue to consolidate correct sound pronunciation, continue to consolidate knowledge of colors (red, yellow, green,...

Summary of the final modeling lesson in the senior group “The squirrel gnaws nuts” Prepared and conducted by teacher M. S. Khokhlova. Purpose: To consolidate children’s ability to sculpt an animal, conveying its characteristic features (small.

Objectives: - learn to answer questions about the content of the text listened to; - teach to understand and use words in speech in their figurative meaning;

Irina Sizova

Classes consisting of several types of activities allow children to better perceive new material, consolidate previously learned, especially in early age when attention children for a short time. Such classes remain active children enough time. A interesting a plot with a designated problem situation evokes desire children act together with the teacher, finding the right solution.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher tells the children that today they are going for a walk in the forest. The kids are becoming "Locomotive". Music plays and outdoor games are played "Locomotive".

At the end of the game, the teacher speaks: “So we arrived in the forest. People go into the forest with baskets, so I took baskets with me. These are what they are!” The children look at the baskets and it turns out that one of them is large and the other is small. Children repeating the name in chorus and individually (2 – 3 children).

Educator: “Look, the cones different: I have a big bump. Who else has the same big bumps?” Children show.

Teacher: “Guys, look at Lenochka’s bump?” Answers children. “That’s right, Lenochka has a small bump. Who else has the same bumps - small? Show children.

Then the teacher offers to collect the cones into baskets. Specifies which cones we will collect in big basket, and which - in small.

Held didactic exercise "Let's collect cones".

Educator: “Children, I hear someone crying here. Yes it is Squirrel! A squirrel lives in the forest. Let's say hello to Squirrel. (Children say hello). Why are you crying? Who hurt you? Ask, Olenka, Squirrels –"Why are you crying?". (The child repeats the question after the teacher). And you, Dashenka, ask - "Who hurt you?"

Squirrel"tells" children that she collected cones for the winter. I collected a lot. And when I wanted to climb into my hollow house, it turned out that the ladder was broken. And now she will never get into her warm, cozy house.

The teacher and the kids are sorry Squirrel, calm her down.

Teacher: “Guys, you feel sorry Squirrel? And I'm sorry. Let's help her! Let's fix the ladder and then Squirrel will climb into his wonderful hollow house.

The teacher demonstrates the application picture and draws attention children that the ladder does not have enough crossbars. Then he invites children to the tables, on which the same application pictures are laid out.

Teacher: “Now we will sculpt sticks for the ladder”. The children sit down at the tables. The teacher reads rhyme:

“The squirrel needs a ladder,

To get into the hollow.

There will be at home Squirrel

Cozy and warm."

The teacher specifies what color the stick bars will be. Choral and individual (2-3 children) answers. Teacher checking posture children when sitting at the table, reminds the children how to pinch off a piece from a piece of plasticine and roll it out with straight hand movements. Teacher's demonstration. While sculpting, the teacher reads the rhyme again and helps those kids who are having difficulties. Finishes his ladder with children: “One stick! Another one! And we attach something else. And it turned out to be a ladder!”

At the end of the work, the teacher invites See the squirrel like kids "repaired" her ladder. Squirrel praises children, thanks and leaves nuts for the children as a gift (cookie). The children, in turn, also thank Squirrel and hand her a small basket of pine cones and say goodbye to her.

Educator: “Children, you did a very good deed today - you helped Squirrel. Well done! Now it's time to go back to kindergarten. Let's take a large basket with pine cones, a gift from Squirrels- nuts and... our train is leaving!

The outdoor game is being played again "Locomotive" to the music.

Publications on the topic:

“The Hostess Squirrel” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the autumn forest; generalize children's knowledge about mushrooms: appearance, places of growth; learn.

Integrated lesson for young children “Visiting the nesting doll” for children 2-3 years old together with their parents. The lesson is conducted by a teacher and music director. Objectives: To teach children to look at a toy.

Integrated lesson for young children in the GKP group on finger drawing “Funny toy - Parsley” Integrated drawing lesson for young children in the GKP group using unconventional technology"fingers" on the topic.

Integrated activity for young children “Magic rope” Goals: 1. Develop active speech in children. 2. Activation of the dictionary: nouns (sparrows, car, flower, carrot, tail, Christmas tree,...

Integrated lesson with young children “Radiant sun, show yourself” Integrated lesson with young children “Show yourself, the radiant sun” Objectives: 1. Develop the vocal apparatus, voice power 2. Activate.

Private preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 89 of the open joint-stock company "Russian railways» Educational abstract.

Finger gymnastics

By performing various exercises with his fingers, the child achieves good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively excites the speech centers of the brain), but also prepares the child for drawing, and later for writing. The hands acquire good mobility and flexibility, and the stiffness of movements disappears.

Folk nursery rhymes provide very good training for finger movements.

Magpie white-sided
I cooked porridge,
She fed the kids.
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
I gave it to this one.

At the same time, with the index finger right hand perform circular movements on the palm of the left hand. Then the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger and thumb are bent in turn.
Another version of this nursery rhyme:

Didn't give this:
You didn't carry water
I didn’t chop wood
I didn’t cook porridge -
You have nothing!

In this case, the thumb does not bend.
Children are encouraged to bend and straighten the fingers of both their left and right hands into a fist.
The following verses can be used:

This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me.

(based on a folk song)

A squirrel sits on a cart

Sells his nuts;

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the clubfooted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

(extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)

One two three four five,

Strong, friendly,

Everyone is so necessary.

(raise your right (left) hand up, spread your fingers wide; bend them one by one into a fist, starting with the thumb)

Hush, hush, hush

Do not make noise!

Don't wake up our children!

The birds will begin to chirp,

Fingers will stand up.

(swing your fist up and down according to the rhythm of the poetic lines, and on the word “get up” - open your fist, spreading your fingers wide)

(the thumb of the right and left hand together with the rest form a ring, bring the rings to the eyes)

Grandma put on glasses

And the granddaughter saw it.
(folk nursery rhyme)

Box butterfly,

Fly under the cloud.

Your kids are there

On a birch branch.

(cross the wrists of both hands and press the backs of the palms against each other, fingers straight - the “butterfly” sits; palms are straight and tense, do not bend the fingers; with a light but sharp movement of the hands at the wrists, imitate the flight of a butterfly)

The birds flew in

They flapped their wings.

(move up and down with the fingers of both hands)

A variety of subject-based activities, which also contribute to the development of fine motor skills, have also proven themselves very well. To get the greatest effect during classes, combine finger gymnastics with the following activities:
– fastening and unbuttoning buttons (a special set for classes can be bought in the store);
– all kinds of lacing;
– stringing rings onto braid;
– games with mosaics;
– sorting the mosaic into cells;
– games with a constructor;
– sorting through cereals and grains (for example, separating beans from peas).

"Pickling cabbage"

We chop the cabbage, chop it ( sharp movements with straight hands down and up).

We three carrots, three ( fingers clenched into fists, fists towards oneself, away from oneself ).

We salt the cabbage, salt it ( finger movements simulating sprinkling salt from a pinch).

We press cabbage, press ( intense clenching of fingers into fists).


There's a lock on the door (rhythmic quick connections of the fingers into a “lock”).

Who could open it? ( Repetition of movements .)

Pulled ( fingers clasped in a “lock”, hands pulled first in one direction, then in the other),

Twisted ( movements of the hands with clasped fingers towards oneself, away from oneself),

Knocked ( fingers clasped, the heels of the palms tap each other )

And they opened ( fingers apart, palms to the sides ).


Along a flat, smooth path

Fingers gallop like horses.

Clack, clack, clack, clack,

A frisky herd rushes ( index and middle fingers move along the surface of the table).


Give me milk, Burenushka, (Children show how to milk a cow)

At least a drop - on the bottom.

Kittens are waiting for me, ( They make “muzzles” out of fingers)

Little guys.

Give them a spoonful of cream, ( Bend one finger on both hands)

A little cottage cheese

Oils, curdled milk,

Milk for porridge.

Gives everyone health ( "Milk" again)

Cow's milk.

"A squirrel is sitting on a cart"

A squirrel sits on a cart, (

She sells nuts.

To my little fox sister, ( Bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb)

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

Who needs a scarf, ( Claps palms and strikes fists against each other alternately)

Who cares,

Who cares?


A tall flower grew in a clearing ( fingers gathered together - “bud”),

On a spring morning I opened my petals (spread your fingers).

Beauty and nutrition to all petals ( rhythmic movements of fingers together and apart)

Together they give roots underground (fingers point down - “roots”).

"In the house"

The table stands on a thick leg ( one hand is clenched into a fist - “leg”, on the fist is the open palm of the other hand - “table top”),

Nearby there is a chair by the window ( a fist is attached to the palm of one hand ).

Two barrels under the table ( both palms clenched into a fist ).

This is the house I saw! ( use the palms of both hands to show the roof of the house .)

« House"

One two three four five ( unclench the fingers clenched into a fist one at a time, starting with the thumb),

Fingers went out for a walk ( rhythmically unclenching all fingers at the same time).

One two three four five ( squeezing alternately, starting with the little finger, widely spaced fingers into a fist).

They hid in the house again ( rhythmic squeezing of all fingers at the same time).


One two three four ( bend the fingers, starting with the thumb),

You and I made a snowball ( sculpt by changing the position of the palms ).

Once - we'll throw it up ( throw up),

Two - we'll catch ( squat, catch ),

Three - let's drop ( drop)

And... we'll break ( stomp).


How many birds are there for our feeder ( rhythmically clench and unclench fists )

Has it arrived? We'll tell you.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and pigeons,

Woodpecker with variegated feathers ( rhythmically clench and unclench fists ).

There were enough grains for everyone! (They clench and unclench their fists again.)


The duck walked along the shore, (“Walk” with two fingers on the table, waddling)

The gray one walked along a steep path.

She led the children with her,

Both small and large, ( Bend the ring finger; thumb )

Both medium and smaller, ( Bend the middle finger; little finger )

And my favorite one. ( Bend the index finger )


This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mom

This finger is me.

That's my whole family! ( Extend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb .)


Swallow, swallow,

Dear swallow,

Where were you?

What did you come with?

Been overseas

I got the spring,

I carry it, I carry it

Spring is beautiful! ( For each line, the thumb “hello” twice with one finger, starting with the index finger first of the right hand, then of the left.)


There is a Christmas tree in front of us ( the fingers are intertwined, the thumbs are the top of the “Christmas tree”),

Cones, needles ( fingers clenched into fists, index fingers pointed out ),

Balls, lanterns (“balls” from fingers up, down),

Bunnies and candles (“ears” of the index and middle fingers, both palms folded, fingers clenched),

Stars, people (palms folded, fingers spread, middle and index fingers on the table).

Game "Two Little Goats"

(On both hands we press the middle and ring fingers with our thumbs).

Once upon a time to visit someone
A little goat walked across the bridge,
(Hold your hands horizontally, bring your hands closer together).

And another one was walking towards me,
He was returning home.
(On the first syllable of each line we join our hands in a swing).

Two horned stupid brothers
They began to butt heads on the bridge,
Not wanting to give in
And skip the other one.
The goats fought for a long time,
They ran and jostled.
With a running head-on - bang!
(When we hear the word “boom” we clap our hands.)

And from the bridge into the water - splash!
(We drop our hands on our knees).

Game "Spider"

A spider walked along a branch,
And the children followed him.
(Arms are crossed; the fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)

The rain suddenly fell from the sky,
(Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement (rain).)

The spiders were washed to the ground.
(Clap your palms on the table/knees.)

The sun began to warm up,
(Palms are pressed to each other by the sides, fingers are spread out, we shake our hands (the sun is shining)

The spider is crawling again
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.
(The actions are similar to the original ones, the “spiders” crawl on the head.)

Game "Kittens"

(We fold our palms, press our fingers together. Elbows rest on the table).
Our cat has ten kittens,
(We shake our hands without separating them).
Now all the kittens are in pairs:
Two fat, two nimble,
Two long, two tricky,
Two little ones
And the most beautiful ones.
(Tap the corresponding fingers against each other (from the big to the little finger).

Game "Snail"

The snail sits in the house, sticking out its horns, and is silent.

(One of the hands is a “flower”. She stands on the table, leaning on her elbow. The fingers are half-bent, spread out. The palm is a cup of a flower. The second hand is a snail. Large, middle and ring fingers tips touch. The index and little fingers are extended forward (cochlear horns).

Here is a snail crawling
(The “snail” sways from side to side.)

Slowly forward.
(Crawls forward on the table).

It will crawl onto a flower,
(The “snail” crawls onto the “flower”).

He will gnaw the petals.
(“The snail” alternately clasps the fingers (“petals”) of the second hand (“flower”).

She pulled her horns into her head,
(The hand (“snail”) curls into a fist (“retracts the horns”).

She hid in the house and fell asleep.
(The second hand (“flower”) closes, hiding the “snail” in the “bud”). Game "Piglets"

(The fingers are spread out; we alternately “walk” along the table or knees with each of the fingers).

This fat piglet was wagging his tail all day long,
(Little fingers).

This fat pig was scratching his back against the fence.


This fat pig was picking the ground with his nose,

This fat pig drew something himself.

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets
(We clench and unclench our fists.)

This fat pig is a couch potato and impudent,

He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers out of the way.
(Clench your hand into a fist, press your thumb inward.)

Game "Warm-up"

(We perform imitative movements in accordance with the text).

We nod our heads,
Let's shake our noses,
And let's knock our teeth
And let's be silent for a while.
(Press index fingers to lips).

We'll roll our shoulders
And let's not forget about the pens.
Let's shake our fingers
And let's rest a little.
(Bent down, swing with relaxed arms).

We'll kick our feet
And let's squat a little,
Let's like a leg with a leg
And let's start all over again.
(We jump in place to the rhythm of the text. Then the tempo accelerates.)

Merry mouse
I found a glove
(We open our palm, fingers spread (glove). We turn our hands either palm or back side up).

Having built a nest in it,
(We fold our hands into a “bucket”) .

She called the mice.
(We bend and straighten our fingers (“calling” gesture) .

Give them a crust of bread
Gave me a bite
(Use the tip of your thumb to tap the tips of your other fingers one by one).

Petted (spanked) everyone
(We stroke ("slap") the rest with our thumb (sliding movement from the little finger to the index finger).

and sent me to bed.
(We press our palms together, put them under our cheeks (sleep). We'll spin the chicas...

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts

Little fox - sister, sparrow, titmouse,

Thick-fisted bear, big-eared bunny

(children count their fingers).

Educator : How many nuts did the squirrel sell? (children's answers)

Squirrel: Children, I also love very nutty jam.

The teacher shows the actions with the tongue from the exercisesarticulation gymnastics “The tongue went out for a walk”, “Delicious jam”.

Squirrel: Children, I have a cheerful fairy-tale friend. What is his name, try to guess.


It is shaped like a ball.

He was once hot.

He jumped off the table onto the floor.

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side...

Educator: Do you know who this is?

What fairy tale is he from?

Children: From the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Educator : Children, today in class together with Belka we will remember this fairy tale. Belka, what kind of Russian folk tale is this or not?

Squirrel: Russian traditional.

Educator : Children, why Russian folk?

Children : Russian folk, because people invented it.

Educator: Children, how does the fairy tale “Kolobok” begin?

Children: Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman.

Educator: What did grandma make the bun from?

Children: From the test.

Educator: Who did the bun go from?

Children: From grandparents.

Educator: A where did the bun roll?

Children: In the forest.

Squirrel: I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you’ll find out who he met first.


A ball of fluff, long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots. (Hare)

A slide of a hare and a bun against a forest background appears on the screen.

Educator : Who was the first person the bun met on its way?

Children: Bunny.

Educator: Describe the bunny. What was he like? (Children's answers) What does the bunny like to eat?

Children: Cabbage, carrots.

Educator: What then happened to the kolobok?

Children: The bun sang his song and ran away from the hare.

Educator: Does the bunny walk or jump?

Children: Jumping.

Educator: Squirrel, let’s jump around like a bunny.

Children jumping on the rug. Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet.

Educator : Who remembers the kolobok song and will sing it to us?

If the children have difficulties, the teacher plays an audio recording of the song.


I'm scratching the box

The bottom of the barrel is swept away,

Mixed with sour cream,

Yes, it's spun in oil,

It's cold at the window,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

It’s not smart to get away from you, hare!

Educator: After the hare, who did the bun meet?

Children: Wolf.

A slide with an image of a wolf and a kolobok appears on the screen.

Educator: What wolf is on the screen?

Children: Gray, angry.

Educator: How does a wolf growl?

Children: Rrrr.

Educator: Kolobok ran away from the wolf?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Who will sing the kolobok song?


I'm scratching the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Mixed with sour cream,

Yes, it's spun in oil,

It's cold at the window,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

It’s not smart to get away from you, wolf!

Squirrel: Children, I know an interesting one game “The gray bunny is sitting” and I invite you to play it on the rug.

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

(raise your palms above your head and wave, pretending to be ears)

Like this, like this

He's moving his ears!

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

(rub your forearms)

Like this, like this

We need to warm up our little paws!

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

(jumping in place)

Like this, like this

The wolf scared the bunny!

The bunny immediately ran away.

(sit down)

Educator: Then, who did the bun meet?

Children: Bear.

Squirrel : Who, children, knows a poem about a bear?

Reading the poems by A. Barto “The bear is walking through the forest,” “They tore off the bear’s paw.”

Educator: After the bear, who did the bun meet?

A fox appears on the slide.

Educator: Describe the fox. What fox?

Children: Sly, red-haired, playful.

Squirrel: What happened to the kolobok when he met Lisa?

Children: The bun sat on her sock and began to sing his song, and she ate it.

Final part.

Squirrel: Children, I really enjoyed visiting you.

What fairy tale did we remember today? (Children's answers)

Did you enjoy talking and playing with me today?

If yes, then clap your hands, if not, then stomp your feet.

You just sang, played, helped me remember the fairy tale “Kolobok”, for your help, I give you this basket of nuts.

Educator: Thank you, squirrel. Goodbye.

Chapter 4 of the educational complex of the region "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Comprehensive program
-Zatsepina M.B. Musical education in kindergarten. - Komarova T.S. Children's artistic creativity. For working with children 2-7 years old.-Komarova T.S.
Visual activities in kindergarten. Junior group (3-4 years) - Komarova T.S. Development of artistic abilities of preschool children. -Koldina D.N. Modeling with children 3-4 years old.-Koldina D.N. Application for children 3-4 years old.

- Lykova I.A. Construction in kindergarten. Second junior group.

-Posters "Gzhel", "Khokhloma".

-Solomennikova O.A. Introducing children to folk art.:

-Anthology for reading to children in kindergarten and at home: 3-4 years old. A book for reading in kindergarten and at home for 2-4 years.:

Partial programs Kutsakova L.V. Artistic creativity

and design. 3-4 years.

Lesson 1.

Topic: "Ladder for a baby squirrel"


Educational objectives Formation of skills and abilities to roll plasticine between the palms with direct movements of the hands, in a constructive way;


create a composition. Kutsakova L.V.;

Expand and enrich children's understanding of the lifestyle of wild animals and their forest dwellings.

Learn to solve riddles and solve logical tasks.

To develop children’s coherent speech, to teach them to use words in strict accordance with their meaning.

Developmental tasks:

Developing children's interest in


Development of fine motor skills of the hands;

Development of activity in the process Development of imagination, fantasy; Development of communication skills with adults and peers.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate responsiveness and kindness; Kutsakova L.V. Promote the expression of positive emotions;

Foster positive relationships between peers.

1. Technology of musical influence (use of a licensed EOR song Belchonka in Spanish by K. Rumyanova).

2. Health-saving technology -

finger gymnastics


Educator: Materials: Plasticine, board for, cardboard with a tree with a hollow drawn on it, a paper squirrel, a tape recorder, an audio recording of the Little Squirrel song, a squirrel mask.

Children .: Preliminary work:

Educator .: Looking at pictures depicting wild animals (squirrels, baby squirrels, hare, little hare), talking about questions (Who is this? Where do they live? What do they eat? What is the name of the cub? What color is the fur coat in winter, summer? etc.), reading poetry and riddles "Squirrel"

I am a squirrel in a fur coat,

The fluffy tail is my assistant,

He helps me jump

I will have time to visit everywhere.

Jump-jump, jump-jump. (Repeat 2-3 times)

Educator .: Right! Where is Belchonka's house?

Children.: On the tree.

Educator: What kind of tree?

Children: High.

Educator: And how do you get on it?

Children.: We need to make him a ladder.

Educator: That's right, well done! Can we help the little squirrel get home? Shall we make him a ladder?

Children.: Yes!

Educator .: Amazing! Then let's come to the table.

Main part

There are toys on the table: Little Squirrel and Little Hare, next to it (on an easel) hangs a painted tree with a hollow and mother Squirrel on a branch.

Educator: Guys, look, here are our heroes: Belchonok, Bunny and Mom Belka. Belchonka and Belka's mother have what color fur coat?

Children.: Orange.

Educator: What about the Bunny?

Children.: Gray.

Educator: Where does Mama Belka sit?

Children.: On the tree.

Educator: (plays the game "Tall - Small") Please show me what kind of tree it is?

Children: High (rise on tiptoes, stretch arms up).

Educator: And what about Belchonok? Show.

Children.: small (squat).

Educator: Well done! And how can we help Belchonka get home?

Children.: Let's make a ladder.

Educator: Fine! We sit down at the table. (Children sit down, in front of each is a modeling board, plasticine and a napkin, in the center of the table there is a sample ladder.) Look, what does our ladder consist of? (Shows a sample.)

Children.: From sticks and columns.

Educator: Right. Take the plasticine in your hands, press it with your fingers and fists (shows) so that it warms up and becomes soft. Now we pinch off a piece of plasticine and roll it between our palms with straight hand movements to form a column (shows, while watching the children do the work). Did everyone succeed? Who couldn't make a column? (Helps children who have difficulty.) Now we make another column. How do we do it?

Children.: We pinch off a piece of plasticine and roll it between our palms with straight hand movements.

Educator: That's right, well done! Did everyone make it? Who didn't make it? (Children answer, the teacher helps those who failed.) What did we do?

Children.: Columns.

Educator: Place the posts next to each other. What else do we have left to do?

Children.: Sticks.

Educator .: How will we make them?

Children.: Same as columns.

Educator: That's right, just look: what kind of sticks?

Children.: Short.

Educator: Well done! Let's start doing it. (The children do it, the teacher observes and helps the children who are having difficulty.) Now we need to assemble our ladder. How do we do this? (Listens to the children’s answers, thanks them for the ideas expressed, marks the child (children) who answered correctly.) We take a stick, put it on the columns and press it with our fingers (shows and watches the children complete the task). Fine. What do we do with other sticks?

Children.: We put it on the posts and press it with our fingers.

Educator: Right! Who has already assembled the ladder? Who can't assemble a ladder? (If one of the children has already completed the task, the teacher invites him to help another child.) So our ladders are ready! But what kind of tree do we have?

Children: High.

Educator: What kind of stairs are they?

Children: Short.

Educator: Will the little squirrel get to his house along the small ladder? (No.) What should we do? (Listens to the children’s answers, praises if one of the children guessed how to solve the problem.) We need to assemble a large staircase from small ladders! How to do it? (Listens to the children’s answers, praises if one of the children guessed how to solve the problem.) Small ladders need to be connected to each other. Let's try to do this. (Children connect the ladders to each other.) That’s how tall our ladder turned out to be! Will Little Belchonok get home now?

Children : Yes!

Educator: That's how great we are! But, guys, Little Squirrel doesn’t want to go home at all, because he and the Little Bunny played so much fun in the clearing! They invite us to play with them! Shall we go play?

Children :Yes!

Educator: Let's go to the mat and put on bunny masks. (The game is played as “The Little White Bunny Is Sitting.”) What a great fellow you are! Oh, children, it seems to me that the Bunny wants to say something! (He takes the Bunny, puts his muzzle to his ear and pretends to listen to him attentively). Yes? Ah, that's the thing! Children, Little Bunny told me that Little Squirrel wants to learn how to jump from branch to branch, but he himself is embarrassed to tell us about it. Shall we teach Little Squirrel to jump?

Children : Yes!

Educator: And to make it even more fun, we will play a song about Little Squirrel and put on squirrel masks. (The teacher lays out pieces of cardboard on the rug, imitating tree branches. The song Little Squirrel sounds in Spanish by K. Rumyanova. Children perform jumps “from branch to branch.”) Here Little Belly, we showed you how to jump from branch to branch. Oh, Little Belchonok also wants to tell us something! (puts Belchonka’s muzzle to his ear and pretends to listen to him attentively.) Guys, Little Belka says thank you to all of us, he really liked it with us, but Belka’s mother is waiting for him at home and it’s time for everyone to say goodbye. Little Squirrel and Little Bunny left us a coloring picture as a gift, you can color it after our game. (The teacher hands out coloring pictures to the children.) What do we wish Belchonka goodbye as a farewell?

(Listen to the children's answers.) That's right! To avoid getting into trouble, you must listen to your mother! The little squirrel promises us to obey his mother. Let's say "Goodbye" to our heroes.

Final part

Children, who did we listen to a fairy tale about today? Why is he not listening? What happened to Belchonok? What did we do? How did we help Belchonok? What did you like most? It was a pleasure for me to communicate and play with you! Well done! Thank you and goodbye!

Chapter 5 of the educational complex of the region "Physical development".

Comprehensive program Sample general education program preschool education"From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, G.S. Komorova, M.L. Vasilyeva. Moscow, MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2016
Methodological support educational activities(bibliography, teaching aids and etc.) -Borisova M.M. Sedentary games and play exercises. For classes with children 3-7 years old. - Gubanova N.F. Play activities in kindergarten (2-7 years old) - Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activities. Junior group (3-4 years) - Visual- didactic aids . Posters " Winter views sports", "Summer sports". -Penzulaeva L.I. Physical Culture
Visual activities in kindergarten. Junior group (3-4 years) - Penzulaeva L.I. Health-improving gymnastics: sets of exercises for children 3-7 years old.

- Lykova I.A. Construction in kindergarten. Second junior group.

-Stepanenkova E.Ya. Collection of outdoor games.


-Teplyuk S.N. Games and activities for a walk with the kids. For working with children 2-4 years old.


Topic: "In the forest"

Educational objectives:

- Formation of skills appropriate to the child’s age

Teach children to form a circle while walking with their knees raised high.

Introducing pull-ups on a gymnastic bench.


- Develop children's agility and endurance.

Develop motor activity.

Developing interest in physical education.

To develop children’s coherent speech, to teach them to use words in strict accordance with their meaning.

Cultivate interest in activities physical development, a sense of mutual assistance, a friendly attitude.

Modern educational technologies:

1. Technology of musical influence (use of licensed EOR “Sounds of the Forest”).

2. Health-saving technology – Breathing exercises"Angry hedgehog."


Gymnastic benches.


Tape recorder, licensed disc "Sound of the Forest".

Basket with a letter.

Preliminary Team work:

Reading fiction: D. Zuev “Secrets of the Forest”, “Wolves”, “Summer rolled into July”; G. Skrebitsky “Squirrel”, “Hare”, “Hedgehog”; Sokolov-Mikitov “Bear Family” “Moose”; A. Klykov “Fox”. Looking at illustrations in books.

Printed board games “Where is whose baby?”, “Who lives in the house?”

Collecting puzzles “Wild animals”

GCD move:

finger gymnastics

Children enter the gym to the music and form a circle.

Educator: Children, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Do you want to go to a fairy forest?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Let's go along the path together into the forest!

Children follow the teacher and follow each other in a circle.

The music ends and the children stop.

Main part.


“Here we come to the forest.

Hello forest, dense forest!

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

There's a swamp ahead...

How can we get through it?

Sandbags are laid out in front of the children to get through the “swamp”; children step over the bags.

Educator: Try to walk in such a way that you don’t leave the road.

When everyone has overcome the obstacle, the teacher picks up a pre-prepared basket with a letter in it.

Educator: We walked through the swamp and found the basket!

Reading the letter:

“There was a tower in the forest, animals lived there,

Hedgehog, Squirrel, Bunny.

And when I got to them, the little house suddenly fell!

Help! Help! Give us back the little house!”

Breathing exercises "Angry hedgehog".

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger. Bend down as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, exhaling “p-f-f” - the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then “f-r-r” - and this is a satisfied hedgehog. Repeat three to five times.

Educator: Let's help the animals!

Children : Let's.

Educator: To do this, you need to find a clearing and build a tower! Go ahead!

There is a river in front of us, we need to cross the bridge!

The children approach the bench.

Educator : There is a bridge on the way that you have to crawl along!

Reach straight with your hands and grab the bridge!

Don't put your feet down, raise your head up!

Children approach the stream (rope).

Raise your legs higher, step over the stream!

Educator: There's a clearing ahead, the sun is shining!

It also helps the children in the forest!

Exercises performed:

1.Initial position- legs together, hands on the belt.

Educator : “We looked at the sun, and the rays warmed us!”

Children on their toes reach for the “sun” (4-6 times)

2. I.p - legs together, arms to the sides.

Educator: "The breeze flies by, the trees in the forest sway."

Tilts left to right (8-10 times).

3.Initial position- legs together, arms down.

Educator: " Look down guys

Mushrooms grow there - honey mushrooms!

We need to collect them too,

And then give it to the animals.”

Bend forward (6-8 times).

Educator: " So the butterflies have arrived and warmed their wings!”

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 65

Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

Summary of direct educational activities

for children first junior group(2-3 years)

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Modeling using health-saving technology

"Finger gymnastics"

Topic: “Nuts for squirrels”

Compiled by: teacher

Milovanova O. L.

Saint Petersburg

Target: Develop the skill of sculpting round objects using circular movements of the hands.

  • Develop fine motor skills hands;
  • Practice the skill of pinching small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and rolling it into a ball shape;
  • Instill a good attitude towards peers and adults through game situations.


  • soft toy squirrel, multi-colored balls of different sizes,
  • modeling boards,
  • oilcloths for tables,
  • paper napkins for hands,
  • plates from a toy set of dishes,
  • aprons, sleeves,
  • light brown plasticine.

Location: group room in a preschool educational institution

Preliminary work:

  • conversation on the topic “Who lives in the forest?”;
  • examination of illustrations on the topic “Animals of the forests. Squirrel";
  • painting with finger paints “Nuts” (finger printing);
  • learning the rules of the outdoor game “Squirrel”

Vocabulary work:

  • activate words (squirrel, nut) in children’s speech

Progress of the event

Children are in a group room at a preschool educational institution.

The teacher shows the children soft toy squirrels and asks: Guys, look who came to visit us?

Children: This is a squirrel.

Educator: That's right, squirrel. Let's say hello.

The guys say hello, come up, pet the squirrel.

Educator: Squirrel invites us to play.

Outdoor game "Squirrel"

(Goal: adherence to the regime motor activity, increasing the physical endurance of children)

The squirrel is not too lazy to exercise
Work out all day
Jumping from one branch to the left,
She sat down on a branch.
Then she jumped to the right,
She circled around the hollow.
Left and right all day long.

The squirrel is not too lazy to jump.

Progress of the game: jumping to the sides alternates with squats and running in small circles.

Educator: Squirrel says that she is hungry. What does a squirrel like to eat?

Children: Nuts.

Educator: Let's help the squirrel - make a tasty treat for it - nuts. What do nuts look like?

Children: For small balls, for balls.

Educator: Correct. What nuts? What shape are they?

Children: Round.

The teacher invites the children to sit at tables covered with oilcloth. Shows the children how to sculpt nuts using circular movements.

Educator: Look at my hands, I’m making circular movements. What movements?

Children say together with the teacher: Circular movements.

Educator: What are we going to sculpt?

Children: Nuts.

Educator: Who are the nuts for?

Children: For the squirrel.

Educator: Correct. Now we will take plasticine and pinch off a small piece from it. We will place this piece on our palm and roll it out in a circular motion. Press down on the plasticine to make a round nut.

The guys start sculpting. The teacher observes and helps the children.

Educator: We made wonderful nuts. Let's put them on saucers and place them in front of the squirrel. Let's wipe our fingers off the plasticine with napkins, and our fingers will play a little.

Yulia Privalova
Summary of a comprehensive developmental lesson for children 1.5–2 years old

Summary of the integrated lesson "Visiting the squirrel"

Lyudmila Iosifovna Votintseva, teacher at the Ladushki Kindergarten, Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk Region.
Purpose: Lesson materials are intended for parents and educators to work with children preschool age.
Target: Creating conditions for children to develop ideas about the life of animals in the forest in winter.
Systematize children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter.
Expand ideas about the life of squirrels in winter time of the year.
Work on developing your vocabulary.
To develop in children the ability to create mnemonic tables.
Work on developing logical thinking.
To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature, to instill a desire to see and experience all its beauty.
Equipment: interactive board
Educational tasks: for each child, a simple pencil, a tablet with 6 cells, pictures on the content of the lesson, coloring pages with images of squirrels, tabletop Lego construction sets and small toys from the Wild Animals series. In the speech corner for parents there is a selection of poems and riddles on the theme “Squirrels”.

Progress of the lesson

Educator asks a riddle about winter:
White caps on white birches,
White bunny on white snow,
White pattern
On the branches from the frost
I'm skiing through the white forest.
Question: What season did you recognize in this poem?
Explain why you think it is winter and not another time of year?
Children They find signs of winter in the riddle.
Winter came. Guys, who can we meet now in winter forest?

-Why can’t we meet bears, hedgehogs, mice?
Children: Animals are in hibernation.
Guys, do you want to visit the squirrel, since it doesn’t sleep in winter?
Well, let's go visit the squirrel? For this we need to prepare. What is needed for this?
Children: Dress warmly, as it is cold, and take skis so as not to fall through in deep snow.
Let's warm up first.
Physical exercise “Winter”
How interesting it is for us in winter! (points thumb up)
We go sledding in a crowd, (imitate sledding)
Then we will play snowballs (they imitate making and throwing snowballs)
We all put on our skis together (“put on” skis, “take” poles, “go”)
Then everyone got on skates (pretend to skate)
Happy winter days! (points thumb up).
We got on our skis and followed me into the winter forest.
(The teacher demonstrates pictures about winter on the interactive board). Children, to the music “on skis,” move around the group and return to their chairs.

Educator: Well, here we are in the forest. Where should we look for a squirrel?
Children: In a hollow in a tree.

Educator: Squirrels spend the winter in their nests, which they build in tree hollows or on branches. The squirrel’s home, called “gaino,” resembles a magpie’s nest. It is a bag carefully made from twigs, grass and moss. elongated shape. The inside of the hole is also lined with moss, and sometimes you can see a downy squirrel's nest. Moreover, the nest, as a rule, has two entrances in case of uninvited guests. Often, a squirrel’s home has a conical canopy outside that can reliably protect the “house” from strong gusts of wind and even rain.
Gayno squirrels usually form on fairly tall trees, at about half their height. According to zoologists, animals, as a rule, keep their homes clean. At the same time, quite often squirrels make their homes in tree hollows, and they also line the internal surfaces with “improvised materials” - grass, down and moss.
At the first sign of bad weather, squirrels try to quickly hide in their “nests.” Having plugged the entrance hole and comfortably covered with a fluffy tail, they curl up into balls, waiting out bad weather. They can do this for quite a long time, as they make supplies in advance.

Educator: What do squirrels eat?
Children: Squirrels feed on mushrooms and nuts.
Educator: Squirrels are very diligent and hardworking animals.
Squirrels try to take care of a warm and satisfying winter in advance. In the autumn forest you can often see a galloping squirrel clutching a bunch of nuts or berries in its teeth - the animals are able to choose the most suitable fruits for harvesting. In winter, squirrels also happily eat seeds from the cones of coniferous trees. Sometimes in winter you can see a squirrel sitting high on a tree holding a spruce or pine cone in its front paws, quickly gnawing the seeds out of it. In the most productive years, many spruce trees have real garlands of cones hanging on them, so the squirrels do not have problems with feeding. To eat, the animal needs to gnaw out seeds from 28 spruce or 380 pine cones, each of which the squirrel deals with for 2-3 minutes (a number of pictures are dismantled on the interactive board).

Educator: And among the people there are signs that children will tell us about.
1 child: If squirrels are not visible in the forest, although the weather is quite good and the sky is clear, it is believed that severe frosts may soon arrive.
2nd child: And if someone unexpectedly meets a squirrel in the forest, this promises an acquaintance with a person who will later become a true friend.
3rd child: When a person saw baby squirrels, it could mean the birth of a child.
4th child: To offend squirrels was popularly said to be a bad act that could bring misfortune and illness to the one who harmed the forest animal.
Educator: Let's remember the riddles about the squirrel.
Who's in the hollow?
Lives in a warm place?
From branch to branch,
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red-haired circus performer.
So on the fly he picked a cone,
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran into the hollow.
Who from the tall dark pines
Did you throw a cone at the kids?
And into the bushes through a stump
Flashed like a light?
You and I recognized the animal
According to two such signs:
He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,
And in a red fur coat - in the summer.
The tail is a fluffy arc,
Do you know this animal?
Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,
Loves to climb trees.
I am a cheerful animal
Jump from a Christmas tree to an oak tree.
Lives in a hollow
Yes, he gnaws nuts.
I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm gnawing nuts.
From branch to branch
Jumping, frolicking,
Agile, agile,
Not a bird.
Now red, now gray,
And the name is white.
Jumps along the branches
Not a bird
Not a fox.
Who was chewing cones on a branch?
And threw the scraps down?
Who deftly jumps through the trees
And flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Drying mushrooms for the winter?
Without wings
And faster than the birds
From tree to tree
And through pines and firs
She runs fast
He sees where the cones have ripened,
Where is the virgin mushroom soil? (Squirrel)
The tail is a fluffy arc -
Do you know this animal?
Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,
Loves to climb trees.
He builds his house in a hollow,
To live warm in winter.
There's not a bird on the branch -
The animal is small.
The fur is warm like a hot water bottle.
Who is this?
Not a mouse, not a bird
frolicking in the forest,
Lives in the trees
And he gnaws nuts.
Educator: Well, we visited a squirrel. We need to remember everything and tell our family and friends about it at home. To do this, we return to kindergarten to draw up a table for your story according to the following plan:
1. What time of year?
2. What animal is this?
3. What does it look like?
4. Where does he live?
5. What does it eat?
6. Do you like this animal?
As the teacher speaks out the plan, the children at the tables fill out their mnemonic table with symbols for telling a story about the squirrel at home.
Then children are offered a choice of coloring books with pictures of squirrels, tabletop Lego construction sets and small toys from the Wild Animals series. In the speech corner for parents, a selection of poems and riddles on the theme “Squirrels”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 5 "Sunflowers" in Yurga"

Modeling "Nuts for a squirrel"

Performer: Kalinina Olga Vladimirovna,

teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 5 "Sunflowers" in Yurga."


1. Teach children to break off small lumps from a large piece of plasticine;

2. Strengthen the ability of children to roll lumps using circular movements of their palms


1. Demonstration - a low Christmas tree, a toy squirrel, nuts.

2. Handout - modeling board, plasticine, napkins.

1.Organizational moment

Children, now in the yard late fall, let's go to the forest together, let's go!

They stop near the Christmas tree. There is a squirrel sitting on the branches behind.

Oh look! Who was it hiding on the branches of the Christmas tree? Squirrel!

That's right, squirrel!

Children! Let's take a look at our squirrel!

The teacher strokes the squirrel and lets the children stroke it too.

- What kind of fur? Soft, fluffy, warm!

What's on the squirrel's head? Ears!

What's on the squirrel's face? ? Eyes!

And what's that? Paws!

And what's that? Tail!

What does she eat? Mushrooms, nuts.

And now, in the fall, where can she get nuts?

The squirrel stored nuts for the winter.

Guys, how does our squirrel move? She jumps from branch to branch!

Physical minute

- Children, now show me how the squirrel jumps!

(Children jump to the music). Well done! How amazing!

2. Motivation

- But for some reason our squirrel is very sad! I'll ask what happened to her?

Guys, the squirrel said that she lost her supply of nuts, that's why she's so sad!

Let's help the squirrel. Shall we help? Let's help!

Then sit down at the tables. Now we will sculpt nuts from plasticine!

Finger gymnastics (imitation of modeling)

Cover the other palm with one palm and make balls. The teacher shows circular movements with his palms, depicting rolling a ball, the children repeat.

3. The teacher explains and shows how to make nuts correctly :

Now, let’s pinch off a small piece of plasticine and try to make nuts out of it. Put the plasticine on your palm and roll it between them.

Place the finished nut on the board immediately.

(From the remaining plasticine, continue to sculpt nuts for the squirrel).

4. Independent activities of children

Children do the work, the teacher helps to hold the hand correctly, fix it on plasticine, and, if necessary, shows individually how to show the ball.

The squirrel also watches how the children make nuts, praises and thanks everyone.

Squirrel says that the guys are great. How many supplies they made for her, enough for the whole winter!

Squirrel, we also know a nursery rhyme about you!

“A squirrel is sitting on a cart

Deftly cracks nuts

And nuts are not simple

All shells are golden"

Where does the squirrel sit? ? A squirrel sits on a cart.

What does a squirrel do? The squirrel cracks nuts.

What kind of shells do nuts have? The shells are golden.

Game "Squirrel and baby squirrels"

- For part 1 of the music, children are baby squirrels, jumping and playing.

-Part 2 - they run to the mother squirrel, squat down next to her and crack nuts (clap their hands).

Squirrel says goodbye.

5. Summary.

Children return to kindergarten.

- Children, where have we been? In the forest, a squirrel was making nuts.