Children's gum scratcher. Which teether is better to choose? Types and reviews. This product is divided into three main types.

The main time period for families with small children is the stage at which the child's teeth appear. It is easy to guess that the sensation of the baby is not pleasant, because he constantly cries. For a long time during this period of time, parents were advised to just be patient and wait, but the inventive genius of man came up with a better solution - the so-called teether.

What it is?

Usually parents have to make sure that the child does not pull anything into his mouth, but the teether is such an unusual toy created specifically for this. The fact is that while the teeth are growing, the baby feels a strong itch in the gums. And the most logical thing he wants to do is scratch them. The easiest way to do this would be with solid food, but chewing something solid without teeth is problematic, and even in infancy, the baby does not eat anything but milk.

Previously, the problem was partially solved by wrapping some not too hard food (a piece of fruit or bread) in gauze - thanks to this, the little sufferer could chew and scratch his gums without risking choking on a poorly chewed piece. However, it was not very convenient, because my mother had to make sure that the edges of the gauze remained outside, and the fabric could tear over time.

Teethers solved this problem, because they are a fairly strong piece of material that cannot be gnawed into pieces, and such a large object cannot be swallowed whole either.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is easier to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of teethers when it is not about all such products in general, but about a specific variety of one material or another. If we talk in general about all products of this kind, then the benefits for babies are as follows:

  • due to safe chewing, the child begins to feel better, does not experience stress and can sleep normally;
  • some teethers are filled with water or a special cooling gel inside, which almost completely eliminates discomfort;
  • A teether is not only an object useful for the health of the oral cavity, but also a toy that entertains the baby and helps him develop fine motor skills of his hands faster.

If the teether is chosen correctly, then it should not have any shortcomings. Problems are only possible if the material turned out to be not so safe or too fragile. In addition, it may be that the chosen model simply does not help to scratch the gums where the baby feels discomfort.

Choice according to the age of the child

The choice of model should be determined based on where exactly the baby's teeth erupt. They do not all grow at the same time, but scientists, fortunately for parents, have long noticed a pattern in the order of their appearance, which allows you to choose the appropriate option.

At the same time, there is no exact date for the “normal” onset of the appearance of teeth. - experts say that this indicator is individual for each person. On average, the first tooth can erupt at both 4 and 8 months, and neither of these are considered deviations. In this case, the lower central incisors grow first, and the task of the parents is to track the moment when the first tooth can be seen. It is from this period of time that it is worth offering the baby teethers.

This product is divided into three main varieties:

  • for incisors (front teeth) - the first stage;
  • for canines and first molars - the second stage;
  • for the back teeth - the third stage.

It is necessary to buy teethers for a child in this sequence, because each variety is optimally suited for stimulating the gums in a certain part of the mouth.


Suitable for the production of teethers a large number of a variety of materials each of which has own virtues and disadvantages.

  • Silicone- one of the most common types of material for such products. Silicone teethers are made from food-grade silicone, which is completely safe for humans and has a number of advantages. The product is flexible and elastic, allowing you to massage the gums without too much impact. A huge plus is the ability to wash the teether in hot water, but you should carefully read the instructions so as not to overdo it with the temperature. The only drawback of such products may be perhaps the relative dullness - the product usually does not have any interesting design and is even often devoid of color.

  • Latex. Teethers made from this material have all the advantages of their silicone counterparts, but are almost always painted in bright colors. Sometimes such products have a pleasant taste that disappears after the first wash. At the same time, the material even allows sterilization using soft detergents. Another thing is that even high-quality latex products, upon purchase, may have an unobtrusive chemical smell. Experts point out that you can get rid of it with the same washing, but there are also low-quality varieties, where strong smell cannot be removed in any way.
  • Plastic. This solution is suitable for those children who want to chew on something hard, and not be limited to soft latex or silicone. Plastic models are often produced with a water tank. In addition, they have a bright and attractive design. It is necessary to ensure that the surface of the product is perfectly smooth.

  • Tree. A wooden teether is another very durable solution to the problem of growing teeth. Such products are made from beech or maple wood, as a result, it will successfully save the wooden surfaces of furniture from traces of children's teeth. The choice in favor of wood is made due to the highest strength of such a product, capable of proper care serve for a very long time, but there are also disadvantages. First of all, wooden objects should not be washed - you will have to limit yourself to wet wipes. Moreover, parents often complain that wooden teethers are quite heavy, and therefore can pose a risk of injury.

  • Textile. The fabric is still used to reduce itching in a child's mouth, only now it is made into full-fledged teethers. Woven material has the softest effect on the oral cavity, which is why it is chosen for those children whose teeth are just beginning to grow. Fabric solutions can be washed in different conditions and also actively absorb saliva, allowing clothes to stay clean. At the same time, the presence of saliva on the tissue of organic origin can cause a rapid growth in the number of microbes, and this option is not suitable for too actively gnawing babies, since they can very quickly make it unusable and even choke on the contents.


Despite the fact that the purpose of teethers is always the same, the finished product can take the most unexpected forms. One should choose one or another model not only for its aesthetically attractive appearance, but also for other functions that this item may have.

A classic example of such a device is an ordinary ring, which, for safety and improved perception, can be decorated with a thickening in the form of a toy. This product may resemble in its own way appearance, such as banana, flower or beads. However, the teether may not look like a ring at all, or it may have other, no less useful properties.

Quite often teethers are combined with rattles. Such a device will help reduce itching in the mouth, while making various sounds. Thanks to the rattle, the child begins to understand much faster the world, and such a subject is of more interest.

The smallest teether may be useful, which will be held by the mother. Often it is worn on a finger or hand, but a similar product can also imitate a toothbrush. Such a “mitten” helps parents actively stimulate the baby’s gums, but it should be noted that not every child likes this.

Some models of teethers are even equipped with a small vibration motor, which allows you to increase the effect on the gums. Although not everyone likes oral massage, models with vibration are quite popular - the effect is softer than in the case of putting on models that need to be set in motion manually.

If the teether allows filling itself with a special gel, then it has a cooling effect. In this case, more big question, what relieves discomfort better - the ability to scratch the gums or the presence of a coolant.

Above are examples of only the most common additional functions of teethers, while a wide range of such products can amaze the imagination, and personalized models for each child are far from the limit of the developers' imagination. Theoretically, the teether can be connected to any other object.

Combined options

It can be difficult for parents to decide what degree of hardness the selected teether should be, because the child himself just cries - he cannot yet explain what exactly does not suit him. Especially for this case, combined models were invented, which combine both soft and hard tips.

As a rule, for the production of such a product, two different material from the list above. The soft part allows you to soothe the irritated mouth, while the hard part promotes faster germination of teeth.

Greatest Benefit such an acquisition will bring if the parents orient themselves in time and buy it as the first such product. Most likely, both parts of the product will not be useful to the child immediately, but in the process of teeth germination, he will repeatedly encounter situations when he needs either soft or hard stimulation of the gums. Consequently, parents can save their own money and time by purchasing one toy instead of two.

Popular brands

It is easier for many parents not to delve into the details of choosing a good teether, but simply to choose the product of the manufacturer who managed to prove with his attitude that he can be trusted. This solution is not always ideal, but in some cases it is it that allows you to choose a teether of decent quality.

Consumers should immediately be warned against buying Chinese teethers. It is impossible to say unequivocally that such products are necessarily of poor quality, but many brands will never become widely known. Some of them are completely “one-day”, therefore they do not strive to provide high quality goods. Given that the choice in favor of China is usually made for a low price for goods, you should not count on high quality.

At the opposite pole, there are European and Japanese teethers, which, on the contrary, differ from the best side. Such a teether will certainly cost parents a tidy sum, but there is no doubt that the acquisition will be durable and completely safe for the child. If we talk about specific manufacturers, then we can highlight, for example, Chicco, Dr Brown, Pigeon, Canpol, Avent, Tommee Tippee, Kurnosiki, Tiny Love, Vulli. However, the list does not end there.

Traditionally, Russian products are a cross between European quality and Chinese cheapness. It may not be exemplary in functionality or durability, but still many children have experienced one of the most difficult periods of their lives with the help of such teethers. The Kurnosiki and Sophie Giraffe brands gained particular popularity among buyers.

Choosing a teether for a baby is quite difficult, since this process is always subjective, and there is no universal solution for all occasions. Nevertheless, experts have compiled some proven recommendations, thanks to which you can at least superficially navigate the assortment.

  • To begin with, you should pay attention to the box - perhaps it indicates for which teeth this model was released. It should be remembered that teeth grow from the center to the edges, so before choosing anything, you need to examine the baby's oral cavity and determine the condition of the teeth at a particular stage.
  • Silicone is most often chosen as the first teether, since more rigid materials will not work for the delicate tissues of the oral cavity, in which the teeth are just beginning to form.

At the same time, the capture should be small - the baby gnaws on the toy instinctively, so it is necessary that he immediately understands what to do with it.

  • After the incisors, fangs and the first lateral teeth begin to sprout, so the functional part of the teether should be wider in order to reach all itchy places. Since these teeth are designed specifically for chewing, the surface should have raised ridges to stimulate the gums more actively.
  • You should not buy a teether for your baby on the principle of "everyone I know buys this model." Every child is different and much more right decision it would be first to examine the baby's oral cavity, and only then decide on the model. The only right decision would be to choose a teether based on some logical conclusions.

How to do it yourself?

It is not necessary to buy a teether - it can be made with my own hands which will help save money and give confidence in the safety of the product. Actually, the easiest option is to wrap a piece of apple or carrot in gauze or cotton. Such a solution will not only be useful for the baby, but he will also like it due to the sweet taste. However, experts advise giving preference to those tastes that the baby is already familiar with.

More complex forms of creativity are also acceptable. For obvious reasons, textiles are the main material, while choosing only fabrics of natural origin in order to be sure of their safety. Cotton remains the leader among materials, but beans, peas, wooden beads and much more can be used as a filler.

Additionally, you can decorate the product by embroidering it with bright pieces of fabric, but it is important to ensure that such homemade gift there were no parts that could potentially fall off under the influence of their master's insistent teeth.

How to use?

Finally, a few more tips on how to properly use teethers so that they bring maximum effect.

  • Rigid teethers help teeth come through a little faster, but it's best to let nature do its thing. Such a device is needed, first of all, to relieve discomfort, so it should be used sparingly, otherwise you can harm the gums.
  • The refusal of the child from the purchased teether does not mean at all that the choice was made unsuccessfully. As a rule, at the time of teething, children try to gnaw literally everything that comes to their hand, and since the baby ignores the proposed product, it means that the time for active tooth growth has simply not yet come.
  • The teether gets into the baby's mouth, so it should always be perfectly clean. The kid can throw it on the floor or dirty it in any other way, so you should first wash it with baby soap.

At the same time, it is unacceptable to wash the teether in the dishwasher, and you should not use aggressive chemicals like washing powder or dishwashing liquid.

Maria, a consultant on children's goods, will tell and show you how to choose the right teether for your child and for what age which models of "rodent" are better to prefer.

  • teething signs
  • Subsequence
  • Teethers

It is difficult for an adult to imagine how many unpleasant sensations a baby has to endure when his first teeth are cut. In addition to the symptoms that are noticeable to parents - fever, profuse salivation - the baby feels constant itching and pain in the gums. Instinctively trying to eliminate discomfort, the child pulls everything that comes to hand into his mouth. But parents can facilitate the process of forming a child's milk dentition by using a regular or cooling teether.

Requirements for teething toys for children

The child can use any object that comes to hand to actively scratch their swollen and itchy gums. But it is safer to choose a special teether that will help the teeth erupt and will not harm the crumbs. Therefore, you need to know the requirements that apply to such products:

  • The absence of sharp parts, corners - to avoid injury to the gums and skin of the child's face.
  • The absence of washable paints - so that they do not fall into the child's mouth.
  • Sufficient strength - so that the baby could not bite off a piece of the product with erupted teeth.
  • The possibility of thorough disinfection - the toy must be washed frequently so that microbes accumulating on its surface do not provoke inflammation in the oral cavity.
  • Material safety - so that it does not cause allergies and does not lead to other consequences dangerous for the child.
  • Comfortable shape - if the baby cannot easily handle the toy and hold it in his hands, he will not want to use it.

The most commonly used material for making teething toys is rubber, silicone or plastic, but there are also fabric, wooden, and amber toys. The material used should be easy to clean and dry quickly.

Modern teethers not only eliminate discomfort, but also contribute to the development of the sensory abilities and motor skills of the child, training his vision, hearing and tactile sensations due to the presence of multi-colored relief details and the sounds made.

Types of teethers

Today, teething toys are sold everywhere: they can be purchased at every pharmacy or baby store. The situation is more complicated with the choice of a particular product, since their range is incredibly diverse. The most famous types of teethers are:

Rating of the best teethers for teeth

Based on the reviews of parents, a rating was compiled, which lists comfortable models teethers from Japanese, American, French, Polish, Israeli and Chinese manufacturers. The table shows both budget and expensive teethers with a photo and a brief description:

Model and photo Material of manufacture and design features Estimated cost in rubles

Embossed plastic, silicone. There are game details. 320

Vulli French teething toy "Sophie the Giraffe"

Natural hypoallergenic rubber. Makes a sound. 1760

Rubber. Simple construction. 330

American teether Bright Starts "Funny rings"

Plastic, soft polymer. There are play details that help the baby to explore the world. 280

Israeli teether Tiny Love "Flower"

Rubber, fabric. There are game details, makes a sound. 450

Textile. Different game details that help the baby to explore the world. 960

Silicone. Made in the shape of a nipple, equipped with a cap. 200

Rubber. Filled with water, equipped with a fastening - hairpin. 200

There are others, no less interesting models Japanese, American, French, Polish, Israeli and Chinese teethers, which are not included in this rating. You can also find toys self made from wood, fabric, amber and other materials. But when buying a product, you need to be interested in the availability of a safety certificate.

How to choose the best teether

The two main nuances that must be considered when choosing a baby teether are confidence in its safety and the interest of the child. To make sure that the product can be used without harm to the baby, when buying, it is advisable to pay attention to:

  • Accompanying instructions, which indicate the material of manufacture and optimal age the child for whom the toy is intended.
  • Availability of a security certificate.
  • The quality of workmanship of toy parts and the strength of their connection. If a marriage is found - cracks, fragile seams on the fabric, peeling paint - the product cannot be used.
If you plan to buy an expensive teether, it is better to contact the company store to reduce the risk of acquiring a fake. In addition to wasting money, such a purchase can be fraught with dangerous consequences for the child, since fakes are most often of very poor quality.

Determining which teether will be the best for a particular child is the most difficult, because even in such early age Children have individual tastes. One kid may be interested in the cheapest silicone toy, and the second - an expensive rubber product. Therefore, it is necessary to select models of teethers that are interesting for the child by trial and error.

How to choose a teether according to age

As the child grows older, teethers need to be changed. Small children are more comfortable using compact and simple designs, older kids need more complex toys with a variety of game elements. In addition, different products help eliminate discomfort when teething different teeth.

Periods of teething and their varieties Optimal teether models
From 6 to 12 months - central incisors. Soft silicone rings.
From 9 to 16 months - lateral incisors. Silicone or plastic toys of medium hardness, round or oval.
From 13 to 19 months - molars. Silicone or plastic toys of medium hardness with side protrusions.
From 16 to 23 months - fangs. Silicone or plastic products of medium hardness, round or oval in shape with side protrusions.
From 23 to 31 months - molars. Rigid silicone or plastic products with side protrusions.

Product care

It is necessary not only to choose the right teethers, but also to regularly care for them. Before using the product for the first time:

  • Wash it with baby soap or wipe it with a cloth if it's made of wood or battery operated. When using a fingertip teether, not only it is washed, but also mother's fingers.
  • Boil the toy (if this model can withstand boiling).
  • Dry.
A cooling teether filled with water or gel is placed in the refrigerator before use, but not in the freezer.

Further care for teething toys should be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  • Any contamination should be thoroughly washed immediately after using the product, as they create a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes. Particular attention should be paid to wooden products, their porosity makes it difficult to maintain cleanliness. It is better not to wash such teethers in water, but to wipe them with a damp, clean cloth. Surface darkening wooden toy may indicate the development of mold on it and the complete unsuitability of the product for further use.
  • It is necessary to inspect the toy for damage before each use; if the integrity of the product is violated, the product should not be given to children.
  • The teether must be stored in a clean, dry place.

If you choose, use and store the teether correctly, it will become your child's favorite toy. Such a product is a real helper for moms and dads: thanks to him, the baby is less naughty due to itching of the gums and less likely to bite his fingers and mother's breasts during feeding.

Teaching your baby's first teeth is a very exciting moment. This event can occur from 3 to 12 months. The child may painfully endure this stage, his gums may swell and itch strongly, and the temperature may rise. But the child can be helped and one of the most common and safest options for help is teethers.

Appointment of teethers

The main task of teethers is to relieve discomfort during the appearance of the first milk teeth. Watch your baby as he tries to put a toy in his mouth or nibbles on the edge of a book. All this time he scratches his gums, tries, without realizing it, to help the tooth break through.

He will gnaw on toys and objects in his reach anyway, so offer him a specially designed, convenient teether. Which? It can only be better determined in practice.

Please note that all teethers can be divided into certain physiological groups, which directly depend on the stage of tooth formation:

  • At the first stage, soft, silicone teethers will be needed for the incisors;
  • At the second stage, in the process of eruption of the lateral incisors, molars and canines, you can offer the baby a harder option, the main attention is on the shape of the product, it should be comfortable for scratching a certain part of the oral cavity;
  • At the third stage, hard teethers with special protrusions are suitable for distant molars.

Types of teethers

Each trademark, engaged in the production of toys or baby care products, offers its own special teethers. They differ in shape, material, filler and rigidity.


You can find silicone, latex teethers on store shelves. You may be offered a plastic or rubber version, there are even wooden teethers. All of them have the right to exist, provided that they are used according to age restrictions and comply with sanitary standards:

  1. At the first stage, exclusively soft products are used, made of latex, which is the softest material, or teethers made of silicone;
  2. At the second stage, you can add a high-quality plastic option;
  3. For the third stage, all of the options listed above, as well as teethers made of rubber or wood, are suitable.

Make sure that the product is not damaged during use. If there are rips or punctures, the teether must be disposed of. Also, both silicone and latex get dirty quickly, so wash and sterilize them often.


The main three types of teethers are regular, with filler or with vibration. At the same time, all these products can be of the most diverse forms:

  • beanbag;
  • ordinary silicone ring;
  • fingertip-brush;
  • bracelet;
  • hanging toy made of combined materials;
  • pacifier;
  • clothespin toy;
  • beaded teether;
  • or a rag book with silicone inserts.
  1. A regular teether is often made in the form of a rattle or a silicone ring. In the middle there is a hole for which it is convenient for the baby to hold the toy. It can even be a rubber animal figurine, about which the child will be happy to scratch his gums. Read a useful article When a child begins to hold a toy in his hands >>>;
  2. Water teether is a good option for swollen gums. It can be put in the refrigerator for an hour and then, chilled, give the baby. Sea or distilled water is used as a filler;
  3. Vibrating products on batteries perfectly massage the gums of the child, improve blood microcirculation. Such toys work by pressing on a certain part of the rodent.

The best teethers

Avent, Pigeon, Nuby, Kanpol Baby, Happy Baby and other well-known brands have several variations of teethers in their arsenal. It remains for you to choose your ideal option, taking into account the stage of teething of your baby and the tasks that you set for the product.

Avent teether

The Avent teether in the form of an elephant deserves your attention.

  • Firstly, it can be used from the age of three months (for how a baby develops at this age, read the article: What should a child be able to do at 3 months?>>>);
  • It is easy for a kid to take it in a pen due to its rounded shape and a hole in the middle, and it will be convenient to scratch the gums on the pimples on the paws of the animal;
  • In addition, there is liquid inside the elephant from the British manufacturer, so after an hour of cooling in the refrigerator, the cute toy can relieve pain and itching during teething.

Sophie's teether

You can be sure that cute Sophie the giraffe will become your baby's favorite toy. Here is what the French manufacturer Willy writes about the safety of this option: “we use only food coloring, natural rubber and guarantee the absence of sharp parts.”

Despite the fact that this product has no age restrictions, it is better to offer it after the eruption of the first teeth, since the giraffe is made of medium hard material and is ideal for the period of molars eruption.

By the way, Sophie is not the only teether-toy from Willy, the charming Sham mushroom in three colors fits comfortably in a small pen and does a good job.

Teether Pidgeon

The Japanese company Pidgeon can please you not only with high-quality diapers, but also with an interesting teether. The packaging indicates that this product can be used from 4 months, that is, from the first stage of teething.

The Pigeon teether is made of plastic, in the form of an axis with flowers along the edges, and an additional axis with strung rings. The first educational toy is very convenient, the baby will not let it out of his hands, he will look at the bright details, and most importantly, he will be happy to scratch his first teeth on flower petals, each of which has a corrugated pattern.

Teething clip for teeth cooling from Happy Baby

You simply cannot do without a teether from Happy Baby with a clothespin on a walk.

The teether itself is made of high-quality silicone, with a coolant inside, there is a corrugated pattern around the entire perimeter for scratching the gums;

The product is soft enough, so you can safely use it when teething the first teeth;

The main feature of this toy is a clothespin attached to the teether with a thick ribbon with a cute bear on the front. The device allows you to fix the teether from the British manufacturer both to the cradle and directly on the baby's clothes.

Teether brush from Kanpol Baby

The toothbrush-shaped teether option is a win-win, and you will be convinced of this as soon as you hand your baby a perky banana brush from Kanpol Baby. The only drawback is the high price of the product, however, a quality toothbrush is also not cheap.

Even if the baby is not yet able to brush his own teeth, like adults, using toothpaste, he, with pleasure, will chew a soft brush, and the case itself will also fit for this case.

The product of the Polish manufacturer fits comfortably in a child's pen, there are holes to grab it well with your fingers.

Teether bracelet from Nuby

A convenient option for a teether toy is the shape of a bracelet from the American manufacturer Nuby.

  • The kid will not miss the product during the game, you can easily reach the mouth and gnaw on silicone and plastic animals;
  • In addition to bright little animals, beads of various sizes are strung on the thread and with their own special embossed pattern. On some there are convex points for scratching the gums, on others, on the contrary, hollows that can be gnawed by the first teeth;
  • Rodent good quality, withstands pressure and sharp teeth of a toddler;
  • The fastening thread will withstand repeated pulling and processing.

Domestic teether

An interesting solution to the problem was found by the Russian manufacturer Roxy-kids. A textile mitten with a funny muzzle of Sally the cat has several rubber inserts and rustling ears.

You can easily put the product on the baby's hand, which will play with it at the same time, and scratch the gums when they bother him. It is recommended to use a teether-mitten for teeth from birth, it will first replace safe scratches.

There are a few things to keep in mind when buying a teether:

  1. The product must have a quality certificate;
  2. The product must not contain removable parts;
  3. Stick to age labels and expiration dates;
  4. Products with coolant cannot be frozen in the freezer;
  5. Teethers should not be boiled, placed in a microwave or oven, washed in a dishwasher.

And the most important rule - if the case of the product is damaged, you must definitely throw it away!

The period when the first teeth begin to appear in a three-month-old baby is difficult both for himself and for his parents. Inflamed gums itch, discomfort is felt in the mouth. Teeth growth may be accompanied by fever and food refusal. Teethers can reduce the pain in the mouth of the crumbs - for children they become both a favorite toy and a consolation in especially difficult moments.

In the catalog of the children's goods store "Obstetrics" you will find many options for similar products from the best manufacturers from all over the world. Products have passed mandatory certification and are completely safe for babies. When choosing a particular model, you should pay attention to its weight and dimensions. A teether should fit easily in a small palm, be light and comfortable.

Which cutter to choose?

  • Beanbag. This item serves both to play and to soothe the gums. It grabs the child's attention bright design and loud sounds. The kid simultaneously develops fine motor skills, learns to distinguish colors and impromptu plays his first melodies. Many rattles of this type are produced by the Bright Starts brand.
  • Cooling baby teethers are filled with gel or water. They massage the gums and anesthetize. Before giving the baby such an item, you should hold it for some time in the refrigerator. Products of this type include "Cherry" from Chicco and "Colored Ice Trio Set" from BrightStarts.
  • The BebeConfort Maternity Pacifier is similar to a regular baby pacifier, but it massages the gums and helps teeth erupt.

We also have special options, bright and unusual. It is possible to prefer just such models. How about soft keys from Chicco brand, which are not afraid to leave a child to chew on, or a bracelet for a young fashionista with charms in the shape of a heart, ballet shoes and a butterfly from FisherPrice?

Already in the fourth month of life, some babies begin to cut their first teeth. They have to go through a difficult path: to overcome the bone tissue and break through the gums of the crumbs. Therefore, the eruption of milk teeth lasts not a day or two, and they deliver a lot of discomfort to the child. The gums swell, ache, any touch to them causes itching. The baby may have a fever, profuse salivation begins, whims appear. During this period, the little one can sleep poorly during the day, often wake up at night, pull into his mouth everything that falls into his field of vision. The child wants to eliminate discomfort by scratching the swollen gums. The people usually characterize the situation as follows: "The baby's teeth itch." Modern mothers are lucky in this regard. Today, there are many devices to facilitate the crumbs of well-being. But how do you choose the best teethers?

What is a teether?

A teether is a special toy for a baby made of safe materials. The teether toy has a design that allows the child to chew on its parts, massaging the gums and thereby relieving itching during the eruption of milk teeth.

If the gums already itch in the crumbs, but the teeth are not yet visible, you can give him a slice of an apple, a pear, a cracker or a dryer, or some kind of vegetable - products that the baby is already familiar with. But in order for this process to be safe, it is necessary to use a nibbler - a special device with a mesh for chewing. This will save the little one from the risk of choking. When our grandmothers were young mothers, children were given bread in a gauze bag as a teether or they hung beads with amber pebbles around their necks.

With the help of a nibbler, the baby learns to chew by massaging the gums

The order and time of the appearance of teeth are individual. For some, the first tooth appears at four months, and for someone at seven. All of these options are normal. The cutting speed is also different. The lower central incisors are usually the first to appear. As soon as the first of them broke free, it's time to invite the child to "try on the tooth" a special teether.

Does your child need it?

The cutter is very useful toy. During the period of the appearance of teeth, the baby often becomes restless, gnaws his hands, hard rattles. The teether makes it easier discomfort in the baby's gums, relieves swelling.

Children like bright color and interesting toy shape. The kid is happy to hold it in his hands, developing a grasping reflex.


The stores offer the widest range of baby teethers.

Among all the diversity, three functional categories can be distinguished.

  1. Ordinary cutters.
  2. Teethers filled with water or a special gel.
  3. Teethers with vibration to activate blood circulation in the gums.

Types of teethers in shape and material

  • Made in the form of a small bright toy (cars, boat, bunny, baby elephant, etc.). It is flat and has holes in it so that it is convenient for the child to grab it with his hand.
  • It has special pimples or soft bristles. Mom puts on such a nozzle and gently massages the baby's gums. However, not all children like this type of massage. Many people prefer to just gnaw their own finger.
  • . Combines several functions. For example, a teether and a hanging toy. These toys contain bright elements, rustling details, smooth and rough plastic rings or other figures. They are placed over a crib or a developmental rug, attached to a stroller. The child pulls bright details, feels the toy, scratches his gums on special pendants.
  • It has a convenient shape or a special handle, thanks to which the baby holds the toy in his hand, rattles it and gnaws on parts specially provided for this purpose. The device develops fine motor skills.
  • A pacifier-teether. Made in the form of a pacifier. This option is very convenient for walking. Attach the teether to the child's clothes with a special clothespin with a chain, and the personal teether will always be with the baby.
  • Most effective for itchy gums. It is filled with gel or purified water. Put the toy in the refrigerator for an hour, and then give it to the baby. Coolness will relieve discomfort.
  • Activates blood circulation in the gums. The mechanism inside starts to vibrate at the first bite. Usually children are delighted with such vibration.

Photo gallery "What are the teethers?"

Basic selection criteria

When choosing a teether, you should pay attention to some features. Among the rich and colorful assortment, it is important to find the right one. Here, much depends not only on the individual preferences of the little one, but also on which teeth are cut..

  1. Baby 4-6 months old, who has central incisors, is most suitable simple models Made of soft silicone, easy to grip.
  2. When the lateral incisors begin to erupt at the little one, it is better to offer him a rodent that has oval shape and medium hardness.
  3. With the appearance of molars, the baby will like the teether, the design of which provides for the stimulation of distant gums. And it should already be tough enough.

Order of teething in children

Table "Classification of teethers depending on the age of the child"

Age (months) What teeth appear Type of teether depending on the age of the child Teether shape Material Rigidity
6–12 Central incisorsFirst stageRoundSiliconeSoft
9–16 Lateral incisorsFirst, second stageRound, ovalSilicone, soft plasticmedium hardness
13–19 Indigenous (molars)Second stageWith side protrusionsSilicone, soft plasticRigid, combined
16–23 fangsSecond stageRound, oval, with side protrusionsSilicone, soft plasticmedium hardness
23–31 Second Indigenousthird stageWith side protrusionsSilicone, plastichard, combined

Photo gallery "Teethers 1, 2, 3 stages"


We focus on the material

The material from which the teether is made must meet all safety requirements. Ask the seller for a certificate of conformity.

Models with internal filling

Teethers can be filled with purified water or gel. A popular option is teethers with sea water inside. If the baby's first sharp tooth gnaws through such a toy, sea water will soothe the inflamed gum tissue.


Manufacturers of children's goods have shown maximum imagination in the manufacture of teethers. There are a great many of them: pacifiers, rings, books, fruits and berries, rattles.

The more interesting and brighter the rodent, the better. There are also multifunctional models on sale. For example, some toys are equipped with special pendants made of soft plastic or rubber. The child will gnaw them with great desire.

Emphasis on safety

Don't forget to pay attention to the size of the teether. It should not be too small so that inadvertently the baby does not place it completely in the mouth.

It is worth making sure that the device is intact. If the teether material has begun to crumble, it should not be given to the child.

Well, and, of course, it is important how good the reputation of the manufacturer is. Avent, Nuk, Nuby, Doctor Brown`s, Happy baby, Tommee tippee, Canpol are famous for their product quality.

Select several models depending on the type of cutting teeth.

Video "How to choose a rodent for a baby?" - Dr. Komarovsky

TOP 5 quality teethers

Which teether is better than others? There is no single answer here. Still, the choice of this device is individual. Someone likes soft rubberized material, someone likes gel filler and massage pimples. For older kids, more rigid models are suitable.

World manufacturers of children's goods have released the widest line of children's teethers. The choice is up to the little researcher's parents and, of course, to himself. The best option will be the acquisition of several toys at once. The child will get acquainted with them and choose the most convenient for him at the moment.


Nuby teethers have won the trust of many mothers. They are made in the form of contrasting bright toys. Toddlers love them. These teethers are universal, develop horizons, imaginative thinking and finger motor skills. Nuby toys are suitable for children from 3 months old, they are made of silicone, soft and rubberized plastic.

tommee tippee

The English company Tommee tippee produces excellent models of teethers for medium teeth. Such models contain several surface options, allowing the baby to choose the one he likes.

The company manufactures teethers from safe rubberized plastic. Products are recommended for use from 4 months of age.


Vulli - Sophie the giraffe, Sham mushroom

The French company Vulli produces models of teethers that are loved by many. The most popular are Sophie the giraffe and Sham mushroom. Both children and mothers like their interesting design and functionality.

They are safe and cute. These models have become real favorites among the kids. Material - natural rubber plus food-based paint. There are no age restrictions for use.

Bright Starts

The American brand Bright Starts specializes in teethers for the little ones. The main material is silicone, plus environmentally friendly soft plastic. Rattle toys are very popular with kids.

With the help of such a teether, the child learns to concentrate attention, to be assiduous. The product develops motor skills of fingers. It can be used from birth.

happy baby

The British company Happy baby has introduced a teether on the market with a special fastening-hairpin, which depicts a funny bear. The teether itself is made of soft, safe rubber with a gentle texture and is filled with purified water for an anesthetic effect. He is very fond of children. Can be used from 4 months.

  • The teether should not be a way to speed up the appearance of teeth, give it to the child as needed.
  • If swollen gums have become a cause of great anxiety and whims of the baby, help him by massaging them with your clean finger, putting on a special silicone massage nozzle. This will help ease the condition of the crumbs.
  • If you purchased a teether, but your son or daughter refuses to chew on it, don't be discouraged. As soon as the need arises, the kids themselves will master the new toy.
  • It is very important to always wash the teether with baby soap or baby supplies before giving it to your baby. Toddlers often use the rodent as a toy, so it can end up anywhere: on the floor, in food, in your pocket. Strictly observe hygiene. Dry the toy in the air in a natural way.

Precautionary measures

In order for the baby to always be safe, and your favorite teether to serve for a long time, you must follow simple rules. .

  • Products with cooling elements should be kept in the refrigerator (not freezer) for no more than an hour.
  • Do not heat the toy, dry it in the oven, boil it or wash it in the dishwasher.
  • Do not use a damaged teether.

Teethers can be ineffective and even dangerous to the health of the child.

  • not matched by age, too hard;
  • made from non-certified materials (usually they can be recognized by an unpleasant odor);
  • having removable parts;
  • operated without following the instructions for use.

Teethers are very useful devices. They relieve the baby of discomfort from the appearance of the first milk teeth, develop thinking, concentrate attention, improve fine motor skills of the fingers. With the help of a variety of teething toys, the baby learns the world around him. Following a series of simple rules, you can easily choose a rodent that will appeal to your little one. Then the difficult period of teething will bring you not tears and whims, but new achievements of the little naturalist and his radiant smiles - far from toothless ...