Handmade gift ideas for March 8. Interesting surprises from felt for International Women's Day

Flowers, decorations, cards and other amenities for lovely girls.


An exquisite dessert option for wonderful sweet lovers. Do not forget to pack the truffles in a beautiful box.

What do you need

  • 220 g white chocolate;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 3 tablespoons of whipping cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • 60 g of powdered sugar.

How to do

Grind 170 g of chocolate, add butter, cream, salt and vanillin. Place in the microwave for 1-2 minutes, stirring the mixture every 30 seconds. Remove the mass from the microwave and mix again until smooth. Warm it up a little more if necessary.

Cover the bowl with foil and refrigerate for a couple of hours until the chocolate mixture is firm.

Then use a teaspoon to shape the mixture into small balls. Roll them in the powder and with your hands give them an even shape. Place the truffles on a parchment-lined platter and refrigerate for at least 2 more hours.

Grind the remaining chocolate, melt it in and mix until smooth. Using a fork or skewer, dip the chilled truffles into the chocolate icing. Before the icing has set, you can sprinkle the truffles with coconut flakes, chopped nuts, or confectionery sprinkles.

Lay the candies on parchment paper and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes.


Tea is a rather banal gift, but tea in homemade bags with your favorite photos will be remembered for a long time.

What do you need

  • white paper coffee filters;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • delicious small-leaf tea;
  • photo paper or thin cardboard;
  • thick white thread or thin rope;
  • needle;
  • stapler.

How to do

Cut out two small identical rectangles from coffee filters. On a sewing machine, sew them together on three sides, stepping back a few millimeters from the edges.


Fill the resulting bags with tea, bend the corners and sew the top on a typewriter. If you decide to make round bags, then leave a small hole in them for tea, and then just sew it up without bending anything. Make a few more bags in the same way.


Select your favorite photos, reduce or crop them so that they are the same size. Print on photo paper or cardboard, cut and poke holes in them with a needle. Cut a few threads 10-15 cm long and thread them through the holes in the photo.

If your tea bags are rectangular, then attach the threads with a stapler by bending the top edge of the bag. And if round, then sew them to them. It remains only to choose beautiful packaging for your gift.



4. Flower vase

You can put artificial or paper flowers in it, or insert a water bottle for real flowers.

What do you need

  • 4 spools of tape;
  • glue;
  • several sheets of double-sided paper in different colors;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • beads;
  • several sheets of A4 double-sided green paper;
  • a skein of twine;
  • glue gun;
  • some thick white cardboard.

How to do

Lubricate the edges of the bobbins with glue and glue them tightly to each other. Cut sheets of paper into 6 cm x 6 cm squares. Flowers will be made from them, 10-13 such squares will be enough for a vase. Fold them diagonally in half, then again, draw a petal on the fold and cut it out. Using scissors, slightly twist the edges of the petals. Press the pencil on the middle of the flower and glue the bead there.

Then make leaves out of green paper. To be sure, watch the video. It shows in detail how to do it.

Wrap the twine around the bobbin blank, gluing the ends with a glue gun. Circle the bottom of the workpiece on white cardboard, cut and glue the circle to the bottom. Then glue flowers and leaves to the vase.


A beautiful bouquet that will never wither.

What do you need

  • yarn of white, beige and pink shades;
  • scissors;
  • several thin branches;
  • white spray paint;
  • glue gun;
  • green felt;
  • white lace trim;
  • pink ribbon;
  • twine.

How to do

Wrap three fingers with yarn of the same color 50-75 times. Pompoms can be made in different sizes by wrapping two or four fingers around. The more you use, the bigger the flowers will be. After cutting the pom-pom thread from the skein of yarn, cut another thread 20 cm long.


Pull this thread between your fingers and tie a knot, securing the pompom as shown in the photo.


Carefully remove the pom-pom from your fingers and tie it tightly again. Cut the resulting loops in half.


Fluff up the pom-pom and trim any loose threads to create a perfect ball. Make a few more pom poms in the same way.


Paint the branches white and leave to dry. Then glue pom poms to them.


Cut out a double piece of felt for each flower. Glue the leaves to the stems.


Cut strips of braid, ribbons and twine to the same length and tie a bow on the bouquet.



Such a gift will require a minimum of funds and effort, but it looks very impressive.

What do you need

  • 60 g flour;
  • 60 g of salt;
  • 3-5 tablespoons of water;
  • stamps (you can use boxes, frames and other carved items instead);
  • silver paint;
  • black water-soluble paint;
  • some water;
  • tassel;
  • paper towel;
  • holders for suspension;
  • black ribbons.

How to do

Mix flour and salt. Add water and knead the dough. It is better to pour water not immediately, but gradually to achieve the desired consistency. The dough should be plastic and not stick to your hands.

Roll it into a layer 5-7 mm thick and cut out the pendants. You can make pendants in the form of hearts, squares, circles, droplets, flowers and much more. The rest of the dough can be wrapped in cling film or put in a container with a lid and left in the refrigerator for several days.

Using stamps, make a pattern on the pendants. Make a small hole in the top for the tape. Put the blanks on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 100 ° C for 1-1.5 hours. The dough should completely harden.

Cool the pendants and paint them silver. You can use regular or spray paint. After the pendants dry, dilute black paint water and paint patterns on jewelry with it. Then wipe off the paint with a damp paper towel. This will give the pendants a rare look.

Insert holders into the holes, and ribbons in them.


Two stylish options for real ones.


What do you need

  • a piece of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • some felt in contrasting colors;
  • scissors;
  • a hammer;
  • small carnation;
  • 2 connecting rings in gold color;
  • pliers;
  • 2 small gold chains;
  • 2 hooks-hooks of gold color;
  • beads - optional;
  • line - optional.

How to do

On cardboard, draw a template for earrings in the form of a feather. Use it to cut out two pieces of felt of different colors. Connect them to each other, and drive a nail on top to make holes for the hooks.

Bend the rings with pliers and insert into the holes. Attach chains and hooks to them. Beads can be attached to the end of the chain with a fishing line.



What do you need

  • some felt in a neutral color;
  • scissors;
  • rhinestones;
  • glue gun;
  • 2 connecting rings;
  • 2 studs.

How to do

Cut out two identical ovals from felt. Put a pattern of rhinestones on them and glue them to the felt.


Make small holes on top of the earrings and insert the connecting rings into them. Attach studs to the rings. If you could not find suitable earwires, then glue beautiful rhinestones to ordinary ones.


If you cannot find exactly the same materials for these beautiful accessories, then be inspired by master classes, use your imagination and transform the combs in your own way.


What do you need

  • scissors;
  • a ribbon of golden leaves (look in textile stores);
  • plastic or metal comb for;
  • fishing line;
  • needle;
  • black, transparent and gold beads;
  • glue gun.

How to do

Cut two ribbons along the length of the comb. Thread the line into the needle and tie the ribbon tightly to the comb, threading it through the teeth. Tie a second ribbon on top so that the leaves look in the opposite direction.


Then decorate the comb with beads by gluing them or attaching them with fishing line.



What do you need

  • scissors;
  • some black felt;
  • plastic or metal hair comb;
  • multi-colored stones, beads, rhinestones;
  • glue gun;
  • black thread;
  • needle.

How to do

Cut out a free-form shape from the felt so that it is slightly longer than the comb. Beautifully lay out the stones on it and glue them with a glue gun. When the glue dries, cut off the protruding parts of the felt.


Sew the felt firmly to the comb, passing the thread through the teeth. For reliability, fasten the parts with glue.


Photos of new handmade crafts are published here. You will find new gift ideas for mom, grandmother, sister, girlfriend, as well as master classes with step by step description work. They will help you make original crafts for exhibitions and competitions in kindergarten and school. You can send your work We are waiting for your photos of 2019! Most beautiful pictures will be published on the site, the authors will receive diplomas.

From paper

What can you give on March 8 to your mother, girlfriend, school teacher, kindergarten teacher? For example, beautiful bouquet that will never wither. Or original postcard made by hand. Making such gifts will bring the joy of creativity to their creator, and the result will please loved ones.


"Crocuses" as a gift to the teacher. Trotsky Anna.
Flowers are made from corrugated paper yellow with green leaves, glued to a skewer. .

"Unfading Bouquet". Solodovnik Anya Valerievna.
I present to your attention a bouquet of flowers.
For a flower, you will need 5 squares of the same size (4 - 6 cm) and a skewer wrapped in corrugated paper.
The number of flowers depends on the size of the vase. I have added other types.
You can dilute the bouquet with flowers that you like.

Video how to make such paper flowers:

More souvenirs and crafts for the exhibition at the elementary school:

"Flowers for Mom" Maryukhno Uliana.
Double-sided paper flowers are folded using the origami technique, corrugated trim.

"Glade of Flowers". Shvets Karina, 9 years old.
The picture is made of paper. The background is printed, the rainbow is made of triangular modules. Flowers appliqué technique with beads.

"Lily". Swedish Karina, 8 years old.
Made of paper in the form of a ball. .

Video, step by step:

"For you, dear." Korshunov Ivan.
Basket with . Material: paper, cotton buds, toothpicks, polyurethane foam.

"Bouquet for grandma" Abramova Varvara Sergeevna
Roses and petals are made from colored paper. A jar of toothpicks was taken as the basis of the vase, covered with plasticine, then millet. Covered with nail polish.

Video how to make paper roses step by step:

Topiary "Spring mood". Timofeeva Anna Fedorovna
The topiary is made in the technique "

"Holiday Tea" Timofeeva Anna Fedorovna
A decorative teapot for tea bags and a cupcake for sweet "surprises" are made of cardboard and wrapping paper.

"Spring mood". Trofimova Polina, 5 years old. Cherepanova Anastasia, 14 years old.
Our work is made of paper napkins and tree branches. It is necessary to pour a tree branch with plaster in a pot. Made to stick to a ball of paper or foam. Decorate with braid.

"Forget-me-nots for mom." Gritsenko Oleksandra, 6 years old.
The work is made of paper in the form of a ball, flowers are cut out of different sizes and glued to the base.

"Alice's Bouquet". Alice Tokar.
Flowers are folded using the origami technique as in pieces.

Applications with voluminous flowers -.

"Magic Flower" Bilokoz Dasha.
In the origami technique from squares, bend the sides to the middle, and then cut off the top corner of the part.

"Souvenir for Mom" Swedish Karina, 9 years old.
The work is made in the form of a figure eight triangular modular paper. Decorated with flowers and decorative stones.

"Vase with Flowers". Solodovnik Igor.
The vase is made of felt, paper flowers are glued onto a cardboard base. simple and beautiful gift with your own hands.

"Flowers for Mom" Sementsova Natalia.
Paper application.

"A bouquet for a sweet mother." Mingulova Milana.
Corrugated paper, bamboo sticks.

"Blooming tree". Maryukhno Maria.
The tree is made using the applique technique. The flowers are glued together with several layers of curly circles. Centers in flowers - stripes are wound and glued.

"Callas". Datsynka Veronica.
Bouquet made of paper. Flowers are bent squares. Middle - twisted paper yellow color, which is glued to the middle of the flower. Decorated bouquet in wrapping paper.

"Bouquet of flowers". Vinogradova Arina.
The work is made of colored paper, cardboard, cotton pads.

Vase with Flowers. Polyakov Elizar, 9 years old, student of the 3rd grade of the Sharapov school of the Chekhov city district. Class teacher Aksenkina Olga Borisovna.

Flowers are made of colored paper. Mimosa with small pom-poms made of yellow threads.

"Flowers in a vase. Corrugated Paper Hyacinths. Senior group No. 5 MBDOU No. 267 of Izhevsk. Educator Kochurova G.V.

"Girl spring". Collective work of the circle "Paper world".
The girl's face is drawn with a pencil, the flowers are cut out of paper, glued together and glued to her hair.

Minin Alexander Sergeevich.
Craft made in Kindergarten on the topic: "Souvenir shop".
Wicker painted with gouache Green colour. Flowers from colored paper and PVA glue.

"Spring flowers". Filatova Maria.
The work "Spring Flowers" is made in the technique of "paper plastic", the material used: crepe paper, lilac and green, braid, ceramic vase, skewers, toothpicks.

"Gifts for beloved mothers." Chamomile group.
The children decided to please their mothers and prepared bouquets of flowers from colored paper.

"Flowers". Kochekova Irina Vasilievna
The work is made of colored paper using origami technique.

Video how to make origami paper snowdrops:

"Vase with daffodils". Kartoeva Rayana, 10 years old.
For work it took: corrugated paper, cup, gypsum, cocktail tubes, ribbon.

"Bouquet of crocuses" Elena Batrakova.
The flowers are made from candy and crepe paper. The basket is made of a reel of adhesive tape and corrugated paper, decorated with a ribbon.

"For lovely ladies." Pavlikova Dasha.
Bouquet of paper. Flowers in are made in the form corrugated hearts glued to a skewer.


Beautiful handmade cards - it's very cute! Here you can apply any technique - drawing, scrapbooking, quilling, add elements from fabric or foamiran. It will turn out beautiful voluminous postcards 3d.

"Postcard - handbag." Timofeeva Ulyana, 10 years old.
The base of the postcard is made in the origami technique, decorated with quilling flowers and decorative elements (lace napkin, glue half-beads, satin ribbon, paper twigs).
In such a handbag you can put a greeting card and a small sweet surprise!

A camera made of sweets and a can of coffee -

From tapes

"Casket family values". Hut Karina.
Multi-colored satin ribbons, adhesive tape base, decorative elements.

Video from YouTube, how to make a box from a reel of tape and satin ribbons:

"Bouquet for Mom" Novgorodov Kirill.
The work was done in atlas.

Master class "Eight from ribbons" -.

"Sunflower". Military Misha.
Fake from ribbons and coffee beans.

"Stand for pencils." Lazarenko Violetta 10 years old.
For work it was required: paper towel sleeves, cardboard, ribbon of green and purple, glue, rhinestones for decoration, ladybugs, for decoration, origami flowers.

Two more master classes on crafts from ribbons were prepared by Elizaveta Dranichnikova.

Souvenir magnet "Basket with tulips»

Necessary materials:

  1. Beige felt - 12*10 cm.
  2. Satin ribbons (width 5 cm) pink, blue, yellow and green - 50 cm each.
  3. Magnet.
  4. Decorative flower - 1 pc.
  5. Satin ribbon (width 0.5 cm) - 15 cm.
  6. Ribbon for decorating the edges of the basket.
  7. Lighter or candle.
  8. Scissors.
  9. Thermal gun + rods.
  10. Basket template (print on plain paper).
  11. Cardboard for the base.

So, draw or take a basket template from the Internet. Circle on cardboard. Cut it out.

We transfer the cardboard blank to the felt. We will need two copies of felt baskets.

Baskets are ready. A little later we will glue them together. Now we need to make flowers to see how many pieces will go into our holiday basket. To do this, take satin ribbon(width 5 cm). Mark the squares 5 * 5 cm. For one flower, we need 3 squares. In total, up to 11 tulips can be placed in a basket.

Fold the square in half diagonally. Hold the edges with tweezers.

We fold again, connecting the lower and upper corners.

And in half again.

Cut off the bottom end. We work with fire. Then we also glue the back of the leaflet with the help of a lighter (having trimmed it with scissors beforehand). We turn out the petal.

Glue the felt to the base on both sides. We decorate the edges with braid.

We prepare leaves for our multi-colored tulips. Take a green satin ribbon (5 cm tire). Prepare pieces 6 cm long.

Cut each piece in half vertically.

Fold along. Cut diagonally and glue the edges with fire.

Take petals of the same color. Apply glue first to the inside side of the leaflet. Attach the second leaflet. Then glue the third leaf, closing the bud. We glue the edges of the first and third leaflet. It turns out a tulip bud. Lubricate the lower part of the bud with glue and place it in a green leaf.

We place the buds in a basket. First and second side by side. To give more spring mood you can add a decorative butterfly.

From a satin ribbon (0.5 cm wide) we make a loop, glue it in the center. Glue a flower or a half-bead to the center of the bow. We decorate our spring basket with tulips with a bow.

FROM reverse side glue the magnet and our souvenir is ready for March 8! A fridge magnet in the form of a basket with tulips will be a wonderful gift for any representative of the beautiful half of humanity!

Painting in the technique of kanzashi "Spring mood"

A master class on how to make a beautiful panel with flowers from ribbons as a gift on March 8. The craft is simple, accessible to beginners, but children should do it together with adults, since the edges of the ribbon must be scorched on fire.

Necessary materials:
1. Satin ribbons (width 5 cm) of at least 7 colors - 50 cm of each color.
2. Green satin ribbon (width 2.5 cm) - 2 meters.
3. Stamens (different shades) - 8-10 threads.
4. The basis for the picture (white cardboard, plastic, etc.) - A3, A4 format.
5. Braid for edging (in the absence of a frame) - for the entire perimeter.
6. Centers (half beads) for flowers - 7-10 pieces.
7. Decorative element (plastic, wood) "Ladybug" - 1 pc.
8. Decorative element "Butterfly" - 1 pc.
9. White felt or fabric for cross-stitching - 20 * 20 cm.
10. Scissors.
11. Thermal gun + rods.
12. Lighter.

Take felt or embroidery fabric, cut out 7 circles (diameter 3 cm). The number of circles depends on the number of flowers in the picture.

Cooking petals. There should be enough of them. Take a green satin ribbon (width 2.5 cm). Cut into strips 5.5 cm long.

Fold each strip in half. Cut out the petal shape. Work the edges with fire, forming folds.

We connect the edges at the bottom of the petal with a hot gun (hot glue). Leaves are ready.

Let's start manufacturing flower petals. Take a satin ribbon (5 cm wide). Cut into 5x5cm squares.

Fold the square in half diagonally, wrong side inward.

Fold in half again.

We cut off the ends and solder with fire. This is how the leaf should look like.

For each flower, we need 11 petals.

On a felt circle, starting from the center, glue the petals.

Now take three strands of stamens. Fold them in half. Apply some glue to the bottom of the threads. Twist to secure the shape.

On the reverse side of the flower (on felt) glue the stamens. In the center of each flower we place the middle (bead, half-bead, cabochon).

We prepare all the flowers in this way.

Begin picture decoration. Glue 3 green leaves in the lower right corner. Pay attention to the fact that we apply glue to the bottom of the leaflet. We need the top one to glue the next leaf under it.

We place the first flower.

We add leaves and flowers in a checkerboard pattern, forming a bouquet.

Here is a bouquet. The more greenery, the richer our flower arrangement will look.
Glue ladybug. Can be in bottom edge, you can plant your favorite insect on one of the flowers.

We make a frame around the perimeter of the picture.

It seemed to me that there were few flowers, and I cut out 2.5 * 2.5 cm squares from a 2.5 cm wide lilac ribbon.

I stitched the middle with a thread and pulled it off in the center. It turned out another petal, but for another flower.

We form a couple more flowers. Glue on the butterfly.

Our picture is ready. This gift is perfect for any spring holiday and decorate the interior.

"Flowers for Mom" Sugatov Nikita.
The work is made of tights, violet leaves are painted with acrylic paints for fabric.

Video how to do beautiful flowers from kapron and wire:

"Cosmetic bag for a friend." Popova Svetlana.
Crochet, ribbon embroidery.

Thread, embroidery

Tulip for mom. Master Class

I will give a holiday
Mommy tulips -
slender, beautiful,
Like a mom's smile!

Material for making a tulip:

  • and green
  • Boxed and plain cardboard
  • skewer,
  • sewing pins,
  • Files or bags
  • PVA glue,
  • Hot glue,
  • Scissors,
  • Stationery knife,
  • Pencil,
  • Ruler,
  • Brush.

Description of the work in stages

On ordinary cardboard, draw flower and leaf patterns with a pencil, cut them out. Photo 1, 2, 3

Draw a 16x16 cm square and a 17x4 cm rectangle on box cardboard. Cut out the shapes.
Put the square and rectangle in a file or bag. Wrap the square tightly with thread Pink colour. Apply PVA glue to the threads with a brush, let the glue dry. Photo 4

Wrap the rectangle with green threads. Apply PVA glue to the threads and let the glue dry. Photo 5

When the glue dries, cut the threads on the side and remove the cardboard. Threads are best cut with a clerical knife or scissors with thin ends. Photo 6

It turned out 2 pink squares and 2 green rectangles. Photo 7, 8

Attach cardboard templates to the squares and rectangles of thread with pins.
Cut out all the tulip blanks. Photo 9

Glue the rose petals together with hot glue. It turned out a small and a large flower.
Glue a small flower into a large one. Glue the skewer with green threads (the skewer can be completely smeared with PVA glue or only the ends), you get a tulip stem. Glue the flower onto the stem. Photo 10

Stick the leaves on the stem. Photo 11

Pale pink tulip for mom is ready.

"Cache-pot for flowers". Puzynin Maxim.
Twine, wire, flowers.

"Gift for Mom" Sorokin Artyom.
Corrugated paper roses. Bicycle parts are wrapped with colored thread.

"Bouquet for Mom" Kalinina Karina.
The picture is embroidered with a cross and satin ribbons.

"Gift for Mom" Sheshukova Ulyana.
The pillow is made of viscose fabric, decorated with embroidery and cross-stitching.

"For my beloved mother." Ledyaev Alexander.
The picture is embroidered with a cross and satin ribbons.

"Sun Have a good mood for my mother". Malyshev Artyom, 10 years old, Serpukhov - 15.

To make such a cute sun you will need:
1. Yellow cardboard in the shape of a circle - 2 pcs.
2. Yellow threads - two shades.
3. Rhinestones and pom pom for eyes and nose.
4. red fabric for a smile.
5. Glue "moment", scissors.

I hope my sunshine will cheer you up!

"Polar Owl" and "Summer Mix" in. Galina Egorova.

From foamiran

Peony for mom. Mingazova Vilena.
Foamiran, skewer, glue, stamens, wire, corrugated paper.

"Spring Bouquet" Popova Svetlana.
Crocuses from foamiran.

"Orchid". Mirgazetdinova Rizida.
Foamiran, wire, teip tape, beads, foamiran.

"For Mom". Fattakhova Alsou.
Flower. Materials: foamiran, felt, wire, stamens, glue.

"Asters in a flowerpot". Kharina Julia, Kirsanova Taisiya.
The composition is made of foamiran material. It is cut into strips and wound on toothpicks. The flowers are then formed into bouquets.

"Volumetric postcard for March 8 from foamiran." Sycheva Polina, Storchak Marina.
Postcards for March 8 are modeled from foamiran, cardboard, ribbon, rhinestones. For flowers, strips are cut and twisted into a bud. Then the postcard itself is modeled.

From beads

Beading is a popular type of needlework, and beaded gifts turn out just wonderful! By March 8, you can weave flowers or jewelry (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches).

"Violets". Troshkina Elena, 11 years old.

Mom's Magnet. Grichukh Polina.
The work is woven from beads on a wire.

"Unforgettable gift for Mom!". Cherepanova Anastasia.
My work is made of colorful beads, several sticks, a small container, wire and thread. The petals themselves are made of beads of different colors, and the stems are made of wooden sticks wrapped with green thread. A beautiful vase came out of an ordinary container, which I decorated with knitting threads and adorned with a couple of beads.

How to make simple beaded flowers:

"A flowerbed of beaded flowers". Motina Svetlana Sergeevna
I made the work "Beaded flower bed" from beads. I congratulate all women on the holiday of March 8.

A set of beads and a phone case. Olga Zakharova.

From fabric

"Tulips". Petrova Ekaterina.
Cotton fabric, filler.

Felt phone case by Olga Zakharova.

"Grandma in the window" Garkushin Nikita.
Souvenir for March 8 is made of nylon, ice cream sticks, fabric.

Magnet - frame with photo "Carriage" -

"Cat". Yanysheva Daria.
Viscose napkin, synthetic winterizer, acrylic paints.

Probably, every woman is looking forward to the approach of one of the most wonderful and tender holidays - March 8th. Men are no less worried about him. True, if the former crave it because of receiving immense attention and care, then the latter think about how to surprise their soulmate and give her a pleasant surprise. Of course, this is a very difficult task, especially considering that it is difficult to surprise a modern woman with anything.
The way out and a great solution can be a gift made in the "handmade" style. Perhaps this will be an addition to the main gift, but, one way or another, it will definitely make a strong impression. In other words, you can surprise a friend, mother, wife, acquaintance with the help of a hand-made thing. About what crafts should be given and how to make them, we will consider in more detail in the article.

What are the best gifts to give?

If you have clearly decided to present a hand-made craft by March 8, then you will certainly have a question what to choose, and what “handmade” is in fashion today. Therefore, here is a list of the most popular gifts of this kind.
Perhaps more popular and more beautiful than a gift than flowers - no, but if it comes to crafts, then the flowers should also be original and handmade:
  • flowers made of paper;
  • hairpin flowers;
  • original painted bouquets.
An undoubted sign of attention will be a postcard, again invented and implemented at home.
Various jewelry is always in fashion.
Of course, the choice is by no means limited to this, because you just need to show a little imagination and creativity, and then the matter is small.

Do-it-yourself gifts on March 8: a little about the secrets of technology

Making gifts with your own hands requires not only creative invention, but also patience, attentiveness, and an understanding of the technology of their creation. That is why here are some tips on how to make a handmade gift.
As we have already noted, one of the simplest, but most beautiful gifts for International Women's Day is considered to be a bouquet. One of the options for such a bouquet can be a set of lush flowers from paper napkins. Such a thing is easy to create and requires a minimum amount of materials. In particular, you will need:
  • scissors ;
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • and, of course, the main "ingredient" - napkins. Moreover, you can combine different colors, a single-color option is also possible.
Armed with everything you need, follow these steps.
  1. Fold your napkins in half.
  2. Staple in the center using a stapler and cut around the circumference.
  3. Spread the petals, removing the circles towards the center, starting from the top layers.
  4. Glue the resulting flowers to the base, which can be, for example, a balloon.

DIY postcard for March 8

Again, using your creativity, you can create any postcard. We will give one example of the implementation of such an idea.
To create a postcard with flowers for March 8, we need:
  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • decor (buttons, beads).
So here are the steps to create.
  1. Fold the cardboard in half.
  2. Bend the two corners from the front side of the future postcard so that they match in the middle.
  3. Use glue to attach small paper bows to the resulting triangles.
  4. The back surface can be decorated with any decor (beads, paper clippings, etc.).
  5. After complete drying - put under the press.
Thus, whatever gift idea comes to your mind, the main thing is that it was made by you. This will not only pleasantly surprise its recipient, but also show your true sincere attitude, since hand-made gifts are made with love.

We will repeat again: a gift that you make with your own hands will be priceless for a loved one. After all, at least you put the warmth of your hands and a small piece of your soul into it. And even though there are a million ready-made surprises for sale in stores today, we offer to make your mother, grandmother or sister really pleased. You have probably already appreciated our ideas for making chic postcards with your own hands. Now let's get to the giveaway!

  • several coffee filters;
  • some flower wire;
  • small pliers;
  • high quality watercolor.

On a note! Not everyone has coffee filters, which means you need to know how to replace them. Beautiful crafts for March 8 are also made from corrugated paper (or any other thin paper). The shape is more important here: the paper should be round.

  1. So, if you are using coffee filters, then prepare four to eight of them. In this case, you get one flower. The splendor of our flower depends on the number of sheets of paper or filters.
  2. We put all the filters or sheets of paper in a pile and bend in half, then again, and again.
  3. Now you need to cut off the edges so that the future petals take shape. Use a wavy shape or experiment with different patterns.
  4. Now half of the filters need to be set aside, and the other part should be cut a little more (by four to five centimeters). If there are fewer filters in the center of our future flower, then it will look more realistic.
  5. Now put all the filters unfolded on the table. Small parts should lie on large ones (as in the photo below). Now we draw a wire through the center of all the blanks, bend it and pierce the paper again. The distance between the two holes should be at least five millimeters. To secure the wire, twist it around the back of the flower.
  6. Now squeeze the paper and lift it up, without stopping twisting a little. This should be done with every filter. See how it's done in our photo tutorial. Now the base of our bud needs to be wrapped with wire.
  7. Now, with the help of green adhesive tape, the flower must be wrapped, starting from the bud and ending with the tip of the wire. It is desirable to give filters a pleasant shade. Coloring them is easy: use watercolor, which can be diluted with water, then the colors will turn out to be more delicate. You can use not one color, but several at once. Ready! This is how quickly and simply unique beautiful crafts for March 8 are created with your own hands.

You will need:

  • several sheets of thin colored paper (can be replaced with corrugated paper);
  • some wire; sharp scissors.

  1. From the paper of the chosen color, you need to cut circles. There should be three of them, use different tones. The diameter of the part should be an average of six centimeters.
  2. Now we take the wire. You need to cut off a piece and bend it in the shape of a circle (as in the photo below). The length of the wire should be about twenty centimeters.
  3. Now take yellow paper and cut out a couple of small circles. They need to be glued to the lower and upper parts of our bud.
  4. All the circles now need to be folded and in their middle make a small hole through which you can pass the wire. As for the crown of the flower, a small loop can be made from the tip of the wire there. Our stylish flower is ready! Such crafts in the form of flowers on March 8 will perfectly decorate festive table, so do several things at once.

You will need:

  • sharp scissors;
  • green adhesive tape;
  • several skewers;
  • glue;
  • several old magazines.

  1. For work, not all pages of magazines are suitable for us, but only the most colorful and bright ones. Pull them out and fold them in half. Then we turn all the halves to the fold in the center, as in the photo below.
  2. On the side where the folds, carefully cut the fringe. There should be at least one centimeter to the base.
  3. The paper blank is wrapped around our skewer, as a result we should get a bud. Now, with the help of adhesive tape, the bud needs to be fixed at the base. The green ribbon is used to turn the skewer into a stem.
  4. We dissolve the fringe so that our bud is as lush as possible. Giving one such flower is cute, but the bouquet will look much more spectacular. Crafts for March 8 mom do it yourself!

Original do-it-yourself craft: we make a rose in a waffle cone

You will need:

  • a few waffle cones (you can buy them at any point where they sell ice cream);
  • stationery knife;
  • a little hot glue (you can also use standard PVA glue);
  • sharp scissors; a couple of sheets of colored paper.

We start manufacturing (crafts for March 8: photo):
  1. We take colored paper, from which we need to cut a quarter of a circle. With this blank, we wrap our waffle cone. The ends are carefully fixed with glue.
  2. Now with the help of colored paper we make a rose right size. However, not necessarily a rose - be guided by your taste. As for the rose, it is done simply: we take paper, cut out a couple of types of petals. Note that the petals should be in the shape of a quarter circle or heart. We glue them all together (see instructions below).
  3. Around the skewer glue the petals in a checkerboard pattern. Now add a little glue to the edge of the cone, attach the bud.
  4. Now you will need colored paper Green colour. Carefully cut out the leaves and use glue to attach them to the cone. By the way, it is not necessary to make a flower with your own hands, you can use beautiful natural or artificial flowers.

You will need:

  • several sheets of thick cardboard (thickness should be about three millimeters);
  • a few thinner cardboard - about two millimeters;
  • glue (you can use hot glue or the standard Moment, the main thing is that it holds very well);
  • a tube of PVA glue;
  • sharp clerical knife;
  • some masking tape; brush for glue;
  • a couple of pieces of fabric. Choose the colors of your choice, however, for the top, we recommend using a dark fabric with floral print, and for decoration inside the box - a light fabric of delicate shades.
  • scissors;
  • stack
  • white paper (one sheet).

Attention! We would call this craft difficult, so we recommend that you follow the photo instructions below in detail.
  1. So, first we need to cut the blanks. For this we use a clerical knife. We indicated all the necessary sizes in the photo below. If you have no desire to make the base of the box with your own hands, then just buy a ready-made box. It is only important that it be made of durable cardboard.
  2. If you are working on our blanks, we assemble the cover and walls of the future product and carefully glue it with glue (as in the photo). The corners inside and outside for strength should be pasted over with masking tape.
  3. Let's get to work with the fabric. To decorate the walls of the box, you need a piece measuring approximately 46 by 9 centimeters. As for the lid, cut out a piece measuring 21 by 26 centimeters.
  4. We glue the box with pieces of fabric. To do this, you need to smear the lid with glue (now PVA) and attach a cloth. Take a look at the photo, how to properly arrange the corners so that it looks aesthetically pleasing. The corners are aligned with the help of stacks.
  5. We can proceed to the design of the side details. The corners need to be turned inward. If there is too much fabric, feel free to cut off the excess.
  6. To decorate the cover, you also need to grease it with glue, attach a cloth and carefully glue the corners.
  7. White paper cut out the same size as the bottom of our box. A piece of light fabric should also be the same size. The corners are cut, everything is neatly glued. At the bottom we glue the workpiece with paper down. You can align all this with a stack. By the same principle, we work with the edges of the lid and side walls. The box is ready! Of course, this is much more difficult than, for example, crafts from napkins on March 8th. However, the one to whom such a present will be presented will definitely be delighted. And it's worth the effort! And finally: if you wish, decorate the lid of the box beautiful rhinestones or large beads. Large pearls will look especially elegant.

You will need:

  • several standard nails;
  • thick thread;
  • your joint photos with your mother;
  • paper clips or stylish clothespins;
  • simple pencil.

  1. First you need to carefully mark the places where the nails will be hammered. We advise you to first mark on a piece of paper a diagram of how the threads and nails will be located. It is much easier and faster to cook crafts if you also indicate the direction in which you will wind the threads with arrows.
  2. Now carefully drive in the cloves and wind the thread around them. The color of the thread is best chosen based on the tone of your walls. If the walls are light, then the thread should be as dark as possible, but if the walls are dark, then choose a lighter thread. In general, play on the contrast: our gift self made should stand out as much as possible. As for nails, it is better to take smaller and thinner options: they will not be so noticeable. It is not necessary that the thread be of the same color - our original wall frame can be multi-colored.
  3. Print the cutest and most beautiful family photos featuring mom. The size of the photo should not be very large, be guided by the size of the frame. You can attach them to the threads using decorative clothespins - these are often sold in shops with souvenirs and all sorts of little things to decorate gifts. Ready! Everything ingenious is simple.

Do-it-yourself postcard for March 8: we make an original drawing A super-simple idea that even a child can handle (probably easier, only crafts from the test for March 8). Your own postcard print is created almost instantly - rate it.

You will need:

  • one head of simple cabbage (can be replaced with Beijing cabbage);
  • a small piece of foam rubber; paint of the chosen color (it is better to choose more juicy tones: red, orange, blue, burgundy);
  • sharp knife;
  • rag or piece of paper.

  1. So, part of the cabbage is cut off with a knife.
  2. Now we take the foam rubber and thoroughly soak it with the paint of the selected color.
  3. The cut cabbage is dipped in foam rubber and tightly fixed in the form of a seal (see photo below). Now you can create any original postcard!

The content of the article:

Spring begins with a gentle and flowery holiday - March 8th. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all the fair sex on International Women's Day and the arrival of spring. This means that a gift dedicated to this day should also carry a piece of warmth and charm. Ideal in this regard is a handmade gift. Both adult men and women, and children can do festive hand-made. A gift for March 8 for mom, grandmother, sister can be made from the most different materials.

DIY gift ideas for March 8

Making a gift for March 8 with your hands is not just for kids. Hand-made masters can create real masterpieces with their own hands, which will take their rightful place in the collection of souvenirs or useful things for the life of any woman, whether she is a mother, girlfriend, boss or class teacher.

Consider the most popular gift ideas that you can make at home:

  • Photo gifts. This is one of the most "correct" hand-made ideas. The main thing in a handmade gift is its exclusivity. And it is unlikely that in any store you will be able to find a thing with the image of a gifted woman. Photo gifts can be made in the most various techniques, and the images are applied to different objects. Original photo collages, photo stories, comics, wall newspapers are popular. If you wish, you can even build a frame for a photo with your own hands. In addition, pictures can be applied to pillows, bags, book covers, cups, clothes, you can make large wall panels from photos.
  • Flowers for March 8. Almost no holiday can do without flowers, and even more so on March 8th. The main thing is to find out what kind of flowers the lady prefers. Of course, you can hardly grow roses on a meter stem at home. But you can easily arrange a beautiful bouquet with your own hands. also in recent times It is very popular to give fresh flowers in pots. The pot can be decorated acrylic paint, wrap in gift paper or fabric, attach a miniature wish card. An even more original gift on this day can be a bouquet of sweets. The lady with a sweet tooth is guaranteed to be delighted.
  • Textile gifts. Such gifts are usually made for domestic use. It can be potholders, towels, napkins, aprons, made and decorated with your own hands. Textile household hand-made is usually given to close relatives of mature age - mothers, grandmothers, aunts.
  • Postcards. Wishes on March 8 will become even warmer if you write them on a handmade postcard. There are many techniques for making postcards - paper, voluminous, textile, using different materials.
  • Stationery. Such gifts are usually suitable for congratulating female colleagues. They should be the same for all employees. These can be homemade coasters, cups for pens, notebooks decorated with applications or photographs, personal diaries, photo calendars and other office attributes.
  • Bijouterie. A huge selection of accessories and details for making jewelry allows you to make your gift truly unique. Girlfriends can give bracelets, earrings. It can be products made of beads, stones, textiles, beads.
In addition, if you are good at sewing, you can make a lot of useful souvenirs: cases for phones, tablets, glasses, pencil cases, bags and other cute crafts.

Do-it-yourself original gift for mom on March 8

Loving mothers will be happy with any manifestation of the creativity of their children, whether they are kids or adults. independent people. You can make a beautiful gift for March 8 with your own hands from budget materials, spending a minimum of time. Toddlers may need the help of elders - dads, brothers, sisters.

Craft "Flower" from cotton pads

Crafts from cotton pads are needlework that the smallest can do. Of course, a flower can please mom on a bright spring holiday. To create it, you will need cotton pads, PVA glue, gouache, starch, wire, teip tape.

We perform work in the following sequence:

  1. We cook a paste from starch and water. You will need 1 tablespoon of starch and some water. Pour a small amount of liquid into the starch and stir. Next, pour a glass of boiling water into the solution, stirring constantly.
  2. We moisten cotton pads in the resulting paste, previously cooled.
  3. We dry the disks on the battery or in the open air.
  4. We paint them with gouache paint of the desired color. Usually it is red - this is how bright poppies are obtained.
  5. Cut out the shape of the flower petals from the disks. You will need 5 of these parts.
  6. We glue the "petals" with PVA glue together. We make the middle from a piece of disk or napkin. We paint over it with yellow or white paint.
  7. We wrap the wire with green teip tape. In the same way we make a couple of wire leaves. The resulting "stem" is attached to the flower.

From these flowers you can make a full-fledged artificial bouquet. Unlike the present, he will please his mother for more than one year.

Sewing a vintage bag

Handmade accessories have always been highly valued. If your mother follows fashion, and you know how to sew a little, then try to prepare an original bag for her as a gift. vintage style. For work, we need a piece of fabric (chintz and tapestry), an unnecessary cotton belt, a zipper.

We perform the work in the following order:

  • We cut the details of the bag. If fantasy allows, we make them "by eye" or look for suitable model in a magazine with patterns of products. The best option that even a child is able to carve out is two squares or rectangles. We make one from chintz, the second from tapestry. You can additionally cut pockets of arbitrary shape.
  • We sew pockets and handles from the finished belt to the tapestry base.
  • We fold the tapestry base in half and sew the seams on the sides. Turn out to the front side.
  • We sew a lining from a chintz. To do this, fold the wrong side of the lining and base together. Sew the lining on top to the base.
  • Sew a zipper on top.
The color of the fabric can be chosen for every taste, the main thing is that the finished product matches the style that mother adheres to in clothes. In this case, the bag will be happy to use, and will not take up space in the closet.

Decorative bottle "Multi-colored assortment"

In every house, there are probably a lot of items that have nowhere to adapt, and it's a pity to throw them away. You can often find beautiful empty bottles of expensive alcohol or other drinks at home. You can adapt such glass containers by making an interesting decorative element for the kitchen. And for work we need only a bottle and different types cereals, grains, poppy. Please note that it is recommended to select a transparent bottle.

We work in the following sequence:

  1. Remove all labels from containers. To do this, just wet the bottle under running warm water. If the paper comes off but the glue remains, use an iron dish brush.
  2. Pour cereals and grains into a dry bottle with a watering can. You need to do this in an artistic random order. Cereals of contrasting colors look great. Handmade masters suggest using combinations of poppy seeds, semolina, oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, rice, corn.
  3. Pour the cereal to the top and close the bottle tightly with a lid. The latter can be tied with a dense knitting thread.
  4. If you have artistic skills, you can decorate the bottle with patterns using acrylic paint. Just do not overdo it so as not to spoil the look of beautifully sprinkled cereals.
Such a bottle of cereals can take its rightful place in the kitchen decor.

Do-it-yourself candy bouquet for your beloved woman on March 8

Flowers and sweets have long been considered a traditional gift for a beloved woman. Let's try to combine two presents in one by creating original bouquets of sweets. They can be an independent present or go in addition to beautiful box candy. We will need for work: chocolates such as hazelnuts or almonds in chocolate, crepe paper for flowers in 3 shades (green, white, light green), green tape, wire, thread, adhesive tape. We will make a spring flower - a snowdrop.

We work in this order:

  • Cut strips of crepe paper. Based on 5 colors, we need 5 strips of white paper (2x50 cm), 5 rectangles of light green crepe paper (5x4 cm), 2 strips of green crepe paper (2x50 cm).
  • We stick sweets on the prepared wire with glue. We put a drop of glue on the end of the candy wrapper, dip the tip of the wire in glue and wrap the edge of the candy wrapper around the wire. You can use tape. To do this, wrap the edge of the wrapper around the wire and fasten it with tape.
  • We take a light green rectangle and make a wavy edge along the entire length with two fingers. We do the same with all pieces of light green paper.
  • Extend each rectangle from the center to the edge. So we get a recess for the candy.
  • We divide the white strips of paper into 3 identical segments (2x16.5 cm). These will be the future snowdrop petals.
  • We bend each piece of white paper in half, at the place of the bend we wrap a half of the strip along its own axis by 360 degrees. We do this operation with each segment.
  • Fold the twisted strip in half at the place of the twist. Bend the center of the petal with your fingers from the center to the edges. We give the "petal" a bulge.
  • We wrap the light green middle around the candy and fix its end with tape or thread. We collect white petals around the light green middle. We do it with a twist.
  • We fix the petals with a thread around the flower.
  • We cut the tips of the petals at an angle of about 45 degrees. So the transition from stem to flower will be smooth.
  • We take pieces of green crepe paper and divide them into 4 parts. Cut out a leaf from each piece. We bend each by running a finger along the back side.
  • We wrap the stem of the flower with teip tape. We make the first turn twice around the base of the flower. We overlap, insert a leaf a little below the base, after dripping a drop of glue on it.
  • We collect ready-made snowdrops in a bouquet. If a box of sweets is also supposed, then lay them out beautifully and fix them on the box with adhesive tape.

Other “flowers” ​​are made according to a similar scheme - tulips, crocuses, roses.

Photo frame for women colleagues

An exclusive handmade gift is always more pleasant than a purchased, faceless souvenir. Delight the women around you with hand-made on March 8th. Remember that if you want to congratulate a team of women, then it is optimal to prepare several identical presents.

A great gift for female colleagues will be homemade photo frames in which everyone can put favorite photo on the desktop. We make a frame from thick cardboard. We will need the following materials: corrugated cardboard, paper for decorations, decorative elements(buttons, rhinestones, beads, shells, etc.), glue.

We work in this order:

  1. We cut out two parts of the frame from corrugated cardboard - the back (solid) and the front with a hole that fits the format of the photo. As a rule, standard size- 10x15 cm.
  2. We measure out about 3-4 cm, which will be needed to decorate the frame, and add them to the height and width of the future frame on both parts.
  3. Cut out paper strips to decorate the front of the frame. We glue them with PVA glue to the cardboard.
  4. From the back to the front of the frame, glue the back. We do this from three sides, do not glue on top. So we will insert the photo inside the frame.
  5. We make a pattern out of cardboard for the stand. We attach it to the back of the frame with a thin strip of paper and glue.
  6. We decorate the finished frame with beads, shells, beads, buttons in random order. We glue them on a paper base on PVA.
  7. Before handing them to women, you can insert photographs into photo frames - some funny cases or a collective photo.

Do-it-yourself memorial gift for grandmother on March 8

Souvenirs, needlework and gifts for March 8 are what many grandmothers expect from their grandchildren on the spring holiday. Please them souvenir, which will not only decorate their home, but also become useful accessory.

Cup holder made of CDs

Grandmothers love to pamper their children and grandchildren with tea, sweets and goodies. Therefore, on their cozy kitchen practical and beautiful coasters for cups will certainly come in handy. You can make them yourself from unnecessary CDs. We will need discs, corrugated cardboard, glue, putty, bright paper napkins, varnish, acrylic paint.

We carry out the stands in the following sequence:

  • On a piece of cardboard, circle the disc with a pencil and cut out the roundness with a knife.
  • We degrease the surfaces of two discs with alcohol and apply glue to both (such as "Titan" or "Moment"). We glue the disks with a piece of cardboard in the manner of a sandwich: disk, cardboard, disk. For a couple of hours we put the future stand under the press.
  • We cover the hole in the center of the disks with putty. We do the same with the ends. Leave them until the putty is completely dry.
  • We sand the discs with sandpaper and cover with acrylic primer. We leave to dry.
  • We glue paper napkins on the workpiece on both sides with PVA glue.
  • When the napkin dries, we draw along the end with fine sandpaper. So we cut off the excess parts of the napkin.
  • We cover the ends of the stand with acrylic paint, the surfaces on both sides - with acrylic varnish.

Using this technology, you can make a whole set of coasters - using the same pattern or different ones.

Knitting a cup cover

On cool evenings, your grandmother can warm up comfortably over a cup of tea if you knit a cup cover with your own hands. Such knitted product will bring a note of cordiality to the process of tea drinking and will remind you of your beloved grandchildren. If you have knitting skills, stock up on the following materials: knitting needles No. 3 (3 pieces), yarn (wool mixture) of two colors, hook No. 3, needle, button, rhinestones.

We work according to the following scheme:

  1. We knit air loops. Their number depends on the diameter of the mug. Therefore, it is recommended to always have a cup on hand, on which a “fur coat” is knitted. We periodically try on knitting to a mug from handle to handle.
  2. We knit the second row without a crochet with a column.
  3. The third row is knitted with one double crochet.
  4. The fourth row is knitted with two crochets.
  5. We knit the fifth row without a crochet with a column and then repeat along the entire height of the cup.
  6. We try on the height of the cover to the height of the cup. After the "fur coat" is ready, cut the threads and hide it.
  7. Preparing the buttonhole. To do this, we knit 15 air loops. And we knit one more row without a crochet with a column.
  8. We sew the finished loop on one end of the cover. On the second - a button.
  9. We decorate the case with a pattern of rhinestones. We glue them on the Moment glue.

The finished cover can be presented together with a cup. So you can't go wrong with the size.

How to make a gift for March 8 - look at the video:

Handmade crafts for beloved women can be the most memorable gift for March 8th. Our step by step instructions explain the basic scheme. As you work, you can add your own creative ideas, taking into account the tastes of your mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, colleagues.