The constructor is ordinary. Types of modern construction sets for children - wood, metal or plastic. Ideas for a creative company name

Popular toys for children - constructors. Such a gift will delight the most demanding kid. Their principle is the same: these are elements that are connected to each other and form a single figure. Parts can be cubic, spherical, or complex designs.

There are thousands of types of these toys in stores. They differ in color and size. There are sets that differ in complexity, number of parts, material of manufacture, types of fastening.

There are sets for girls and boys. It is difficult to understand the variety of assortment, but large children's construction sets will become especially entertaining. The size expands the possibilities for games. They consist of three hundred or more spare parts. There are floor-to-person height. The fragments are used to build rooms, houses, etc.

How to choose a constructor

When choosing, consider the factors:

  • no sharp edges. The baby can get hurt. It is advisable if there are corners so that they are smoothed. In terms of safety, soft materials are good;
  • perfectly smooth processing. There should not be a single roughness. The parts are sanded and then covered with a protective layer. Read the label carefully. The coating substance must meet safety requirements for children of the specified age;
  • give preference to natural materials. Wooden sets are best suited for little ones;
  • lack of smell. Bad smell indicates poor quality material of manufacture;
  • reliability and ease of fastening parts. The fragments should easily connect to each other, but at the same time securely hold the structure;
  • colors are closer to natural. Natural colors are pleasing to the eye and have a positive effect on the psychological and emotional health of the child. Ignore acid colors;
  • compliance with the age range. On the packaging you will find recommendations about the age of the child. Consider this when choosing, but do not put this requirement in the first place, because each baby develops in its own way. That which is too early and beyond the strength of one will no longer be of interest to another;
  • immediately after purchase, carefully inspect the kit: are all the elements present, are the fasteners in good working order. It is better not to show your purchase to a child before inspection, in order to avoid unnecessary disappointment. If you find a defect, you have the right to return or exchange your purchase within two weeks.

For children 1-3 years old

Kids at this age learn colors, shapes and sizes. It is still difficult for them to compare the constituent parts with each other. Usually there are no fasteners in the design kits for the smallest, the parts are stacked on top of each other.

The best first constructor is cubes. Everyone had cubes in childhood. Material for them: plastic, wood, fabric, cardboard. At this age, it is important to develop a child's tactile perception. If in the execution of the cube there are different structures material, this is only welcome.

For the first assembly experiments, sets of 3-5 cubes are suitable. With age, the number of cubes should increase. Teach your kid to build more and more complex structures. In order to save money, you can immediately buy a large set and gradually give your child an increasing number of cubes. For the first time, the brightest and most interesting of them are suitable.

When buying, pay attention that the sides of the cubes are flat. Otherwise, they will not be able to build anything, since they will not reliably stand on top of each other.

Composed of honeycomb-shaped molds, it is convenient for playing in the sandbox. The fragments are large, made of plastic. They are easy to clean and folds compactly into a special bag for easy transport outside. Can be used as sand molds. After going to the sandpit, rinse the molds with a disinfectant solution.

On suction cups. Interesting, convenient, suitable for the bathroom. Such elements can be attached to any vertical surface. Convenient to use when traveling. By attaching the components with suction cups to the back of the front seat, you will keep your child occupied and entertained on the long journey. The suction cups are well attached to the baby bath, they are easy to move even in water.

Requirements for the first constructor

First of all, the details should be large. This ensures the safety of the baby, he will not be able to accidentally swallow them. The larger the fragment, the more convenient it is for a small child's handle to grab it.

Most often they consist of a small number of elements, from 3 to 10 pieces. On the market you can find wooden, soft, design rugs.

At such a young age, construction will help with spatial perception. The baby will begin to understand what it means to the right, to the left, down, up.

For children 3-6 years old

The constituent parts become smaller in inverse proportion to the age of the child. The more mature the collector, the finer the details. And their number is gradually increasing. New materials appear for preschoolers. After three years, it becomes interesting to play with the figures obtained from the parts, they become new toys. The kid comes up with fairy tales and entertaining stories with their participation.

Subject sets. Constructors appear, which already assume some kind of playground. For example, a farm, shop, or jungle. Such sets include not only materials for assembly, but also figures of men or animals.

The familiar block constructors. A large number of blocks are connected as you wish, and each time you get new plots and stories. Gradually buying new sets, collecting and connecting together, you will receive sites and cities.

Ceramic. These are construction sites. Kits made of bricks will make you feel like builders. Building materials and "cement" can be used to build a castle, garage or workshop. The ceramic bricks are supplied with a mixture with which they are held together. It is easily washed off and edible. Non-standard material is safe for health.

On magnets. Find a place in children's creativity and magnets, which diversifies the field of application. The components of such toys are sticks with magnetic balls at the ends. The offspring in practice studies magnetism and the principle of the interaction of magnets with other substances and among themselves.

Technical. Especially for boys, they produce constructors, where, in order to assemble or repair, you need to use an arsenal of special tools, like dad's. From childhood, a little man gets used to the fact that technology requires care.

Musical. Collect from separate fragments musical instruments that you can play on. Such as trumpet, piano, violin. Consider the preferences of a young musician when choosing.

Educational. With the help of them, they study letters, numbers, arithmetic in game form... It is better if you play together with the little one and explain to him the meaning of certain symbols. They should be used no earlier than 5 years.

Mosaic constructors. Assembly by sample or personal sketch is provided. The elements are connected in turn, and as a result, an image is obtained, similar to a mosaic. Parts are flat with slots for fasteners. The assembled figures are voluminous. Remotely, these toys resemble a puzzle.

For children 5-10 years old

From the age of five, children love to create toys with their own hands.

Metallic. They are assembled by screwing the components to each other using bolts and nuts. There are similar plastic models, but the threads are loose and twisted. Don't skimp on quality. Putting together a puzzle like this is not easy. Help the young explorer at first. If he is interested, he will say "thank you" for an interesting and useful lesson.

Constructors-transformers. Having assembled the figure of an animal, it becomes possible to turn it into an airplane, car or robot. The secret of the action is in special movable mounts. They are balls that fit into a spherical bowl, the design is similar to a human joint.

With movable elements diversify the arsenal of your child's favorite toys. After collecting a crocodile, you may notice that his legs move or his mouth opens.

With radio control. The kid will be delighted with this function. Cars and airplanes will be able to drive and fly around your apartment. Remotes included.

For children over 10 years old

Such sets are close to existing objects, situations and models.

Common ones are wooden modeling kits. As a result, models of houses, cars, buildings are obtained.

Curvilinear. Consist of bending tubes. The resulting figures are plastic, they are compressed, bent, they do not break. They develop spatial thinking and the eye.

Allowing to observe optical illusions. The assembled figures differ depending on the angle of view. For children, this sight is comparable to magic.

Kits for assembling modern functioning devices. Allows you to collect working things: radio, microphone or alarm. Such sets stir up interest in modeling, provide primary knowledge about electricity, magnetism, mechanics. There will be something to surprise peers at school.

Mesh constructors are still popular today. They are elements with several holes along the length. They are connected to each other with bolts. You can create anything from fabulous animals to cars.

Labyrinths. From the parts of such sets, the maze moves are obtained - either according to a given scheme, or by inventing routes on our own.

Each type is good in its own way, has advantages and disadvantages. For each family, the designer is selected individually.

Precautionary measures

Precautions and rules of operation big constructors for kids:

  1. The child should play only under the supervision of adults.
  2. Elements cannot be misused.
  3. Wash the components as soon as they become dirty, but at least once a week. Warm water and soap are sufficient. Wipe dry with a cotton cloth.
  4. Store toys in a cool, dark place with low humidity. Avoid contact with pets.


Consider the choice of a large designer carefully. Design and modeling develop fine motor skills, and, as a consequence, we get the development creative thinking, speech apparatus, logic.

When a teenager tries himself in the role of an inventor, in addition to the proposed result, he collects anything from the details. This is where the real scope for imagination is.

Constructor is every day new toy... From the parts, get new fun for every day. Will not get bored for a long time. Thus, the purchase becomes a practical investment.


It takes perseverance to be successful in assembling. Be sure to choose the difficulty corresponding to the level of development. If the task turns out to be too difficult, then without your help the child will not be able to cope.

By refusing to help him, you run the risk of permanently discouraging interest in developmental activities, because of this, unpleasant situations arise. Joint activities bring parents and children closer together, help to establish trusting relationship... You will love to get together on winter evenings with your family and return to childhood. When choosing a construction set for a toddler, buy only one that you yourself would be happy to play.

Too simple a set will bore you and create an unnecessary warehouse. Waste of money is useless to you.

Modeling jobs allow kids to experiment. Independence develops. The offspring will enjoy the result of his own labor with a sense of satisfaction.

After such exciting activities, there will be a chance that the kid will become a great designer or architect, and this will be your merit.

In chapter:

The baby's development process goes on continuously, every day, even if we don't notice it. The entire environment influences his future learning and cognition abilities. Therefore, the choice of educational toys for the child is important.

Constructors have always been and remain universal fun, no matter what parts they consist of. All kinds of bright elements constructors develop spatial thinking and imagination in the child.

Types of modern constructors

The modern market for constructors is quite extensive, you can choose any model for any age and of varying complexity. Such toys are made from bright plastic, and from strong metal, and from safe wood. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Wooden constructors

Wood is a truly unique material with environmental friendliness and a variety of colors. In addition, the tree can be shaped and painted in any color. And its natural texture allows little fingers to develop tactile sensations.

Do not be afraid of painted parts of wooden constructors - Russian standards require manufacturers to use only safe paints no harmful chemicals.

Another advantage of wooden parts is their strength - a wooden plank is not so easy to break, while the parts remain large, but light - their size allows even the smallest children to play without fear of swallowing something. Children can throw them from a height, step on and hit each other - wooden elements are not afraid of such mechanical influences.

Separately, it should be said about the new Russian developmental constructor made of Trigo wood, which is distinguished by environmental safety and ease of use. The construction set consists of ordinary boards, allowing you to come up with a variety of designs: houses, locks, equipment. Games with this construction set are exciting not only for children of different ages, but also for adults - for them such fun becomes a real relaxant.

Wood is an environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergies, such as cheap plastic with unknown impurities. Therefore, for children prone to allergies, choose only wooden toys.

When choosing a wooden constructor, pay attention to the quality of processing - so that there are no sharp corners and burrs.

Metal constructors

Such games are also known to us - metal parts that can be fastened together with screws and nuts. This kind of entertainment is quite popular with older boys.

The kits usually include all kinds of metal (usually aluminum) corners and strips, fasteners and diagrams for assembly. Often, kits are sold for a specific model with several assembly options (for example, an airplane, car, bicycle can be made from one set).

The advantage of such constructors is their strength and variety of details, which allows the grown-up boy to experiment in creating the equipment or structures that he himself comes up with. Moreover, parts from different boxes perfectly match each other, since they have standard holes and fasteners, so they can be combined.

But the disadvantage of metal constructors is the presence of small parts, so such games are contraindicated for kids. Usually, such developmental kits are intended for children over 6 years old.

Plastic constructors

Modern plastic constructors amaze with the abundance of all kinds of shapes and colors. Each manufacturer tries to outperform the other with more sophisticated kits.

Plastic toys are the most common in our time and are very popular with modern parents... The abundance of all kinds of details attract with their bright appearance, functionality and ease of use.

Parts of plastic constructors can be attached to each other in different ways: this is a block system (like lego), and puzzle mounts, and mosaic type, and ordinary cubes.

For children younger age interesting will be constructors with large parts with the simplest mountings, from which you can build simple houses.

Older children are suitable for mosaic type constructors or with flexible parts, from which movable elements are created. On the shelves you can even find thematic series designed for different ages, separately for boys and girls.

Plastic is a relatively cheap material compared to the same wood or metal, but it has some drawbacks:

  • breaks easily from physical impact;
  • different types of constructors cannot be combined with each other, such as wooden blocks or metal parts;
  • there is no way to determine how harmful a given constructor is, even if the manufacturers declare that the product is harmless.

Nevertheless, plastic constructors are the most sought after by parents because of their attractive and bright appearance, variety of parts and low cost. Manufacturers often provide their kits with assembly instructions with different options, which makes the game even more interesting and educational.

What to look for when choosing?

Of course, the most important criterion for buying any developmental toy for a child will be his age. After all, metal constructors or plastic lego parts, which are difficult to learn, are intended for older children, but kids are quite capable of folding a tower of wooden cubes.

Wooden constructors - right choice for babies from 1 year old, as bright details not only develop spatial thinking, but also help in the study of shapes and colors. And the large parts ensure that the child does not swallow them.

Children from 3 years old can buy a variety of plastic constructors, combine different series of the same type with each other.

For children from 6 years old and older, a metal or plastic construction set will be an excellent gift - this is what Lego sets produced by thematic sets are famous for. Also, older children will like constructors with movable elements or supplemented with electrical parts - they are more difficult to learn, but the result is interesting models- controlled cars or animals, transforming robots and glowing structures.

The creation of a “killer” name is the starting point from which the life of a new company begins. A catchy and memorable name is a powerful marketing tool that builds image and recognition. The process of creating a company name is called "naming" (from the English "to name" - to give a name). In this article, we'll show you how to come up with a brand name using golden naming rules and popular online generators.

Many people mistakenly believe that naming is an exclusively creative work. But in addition to creativity and a flight of imagination, the development of the name includes serious stages of research and analytical activity, which we will talk about below.

How to come up with a company name: stages, rules, techniques

If you are sure that you can pick up a sonorous, bright, original name in a couple of hours, then we hasten to upset you. Naming, as a marketing process, requires a very serious attitude.

The name of a company is like a name that is given to a person at birth and accompanies him throughout his life. In the psychology of relationships there is a rule of 7 seconds - during this time a person forms the first impression of another person. Likewise with the name of the company.

Your target audience creates an opinion about a brand within seconds of the first contact with its name. Therefore, it is important to come up with a company name that will attract attention and meet the following criteria:

  • Easy to read and listen to.
  • It is remembered and effortlessly reproduced from memory.
  • Invokes the desired associations.
  • Appeals to positive emotions, memories, sensations.
  • Contains a set of values ​​that are close to the target audience.

These criteria are the same for any company name. It doesn't matter if you open an international corporation, an online store or a personal blog. The name of the company should be thoughtful, original, sonorous.

There are 5 main types of names in naming:

  1. Traditional - understandable for a wide audience, directly related to a product or field of activity. Dairy producers prefer thematic names: "Our milkman", "Ferma", "Burenka". Lawyers more often use the sonorous terms of the legal sphere: Themis, Legal Consulting, etc.
  2. Geographic - beautiful names with reference to a specific location. Often, the name also contains some secret meaning, a curious legend, long-term traditions.
  3. Descriptive - simple words, which literally describe the scope of the company or consist of a person's first name, last name, pseudonym.
  4. Compound - original word formations resulting from the combination of several well-known words, or neologisms.
  5. Associative - bright, emotionally colored brand names that cause direct or indirect association with the proposed product or service.

5 stages of creating a "killer" name

The brand name development process consists of 5 main stages:

Stage 1. Research

  • Study niche trends.
  • Evaluate competitor brands.
  • Analyze your target audience.
  • Prepare basic information about your company: specifics of activities, competitive advantages, differences.

Stage 2. Choosing a strategy

Based on the collected data, determine the positioning strategies, presentation style. Indicate the criteria for the future name: the number of words, language, length, root word, style, emotional and semantic context.

Stage 3. Generation of titles

At this stage, name variants are created that meet the specified criteria. “Brainstorming” will help you to get through the generation stage as efficiently as possible. Gather a few creative team members and write down whatever comes to your mind.

Stage 4. Testing options

The best names from those that were born during a brainstorm lend themselves to tests of "professional suitability." Testing consists of linguistic analysis, verification of uniqueness, cultural, religious, linguistic associations.

Step 5. Choosing a brand name

To finally decide what to name the company, check the focus group for examples of names. Consider such parameters as comprehensibility, ease of reproduction and perception, speed of memorization, associations, emotions.

Naming techniques to help you come up with a company name

To facilitate your creative search, we suggest using proven naming techniques that will help you develop a company name, get examples, and create a memorable brand name for free!

8 naming techniques:

  1. By the name of the founder of the organization. The easiest way to find a name for a brand. There are a lot of examples of successful use of this technique: McDonald’s, Ford Motor Company, Shimano, Gillette.
  2. Acronym is a reduction of several words to one. Easier - an abbreviation. For example: H&M, IKEA, IBM, NASA.
  3. Alliteration is the repetition of the same type of words to create a certain rhythm and rhyme. For example: M & M's, Coca-Cola.
  4. An analogy is the use of a well-known concept, word, name, term. For example, "Eldorado", Jaguar.
  5. Truncation is a way of word formation, similar to an acronym, but here not the first letters of words are used, but parts. Integral Electronics cut out the first syllables of the words, resulting in Intel.
  6. Metonymy is the transfer of meaning from the particular to the general and vice versa, the use of the name of one object for another that has adjacent associations. For example, VeloPlaneta, Burger King.
  7. Imitation is the imitation of sounds associated with a product. For example, cat food "Meow!" baby food Agusha.
  8. Hidden meaning. Often there is no clear meaning in the names of global brands, but there is something more - a "secret message" that is associated with the main idea or philosophy of the company. The brand name "Nike" is a direct reference to the name of the ancient Greek goddess of victory, Nike.

Use one of these techniques and you will be able to independently develop high-quality, creative versions of your company names.

Company name generator: online services and programs

If playing with words is not your forte, use online name generators to make your creative search a lot easier.

It cannot be argued that such services will completely relieve you of the difficulties of developing a company name. Most sites work in the mode of random selection of phrases, so you should not hope that the generator will give you a suitable version the first time.

We present to your attention 5 online brand name selection services.

Generator of company names by keywords

The program only supports Russian. Here you can select the number of letters, enter a keyword, set the generation algorithm. If you are not satisfied with the first search options, try again and again until you get the examples that match.

English language service of beautiful names

If you need to come up with a brand name in Latin letters, this service will help you choose euphonious, aesthetic names. True, the output of words occurs in a completely random way, no settings are provided in the generator.

Generator of "respectable" names

Brandogenerator proposes to create a company name for an LLC, and the examples provided by this service can create serious competition for the names of international corporations.

The service is functional. In it, you can customize the selection algorithm by selecting the field of activity of the company and the region in which it will operate. The level of "solidity", "elitism" of the name is also regulated. That is, by choosing the maximum value, you will get something like "ProfZagranProektVeloBusiness-M Plaza".

Ideas for a creative company name

If you want to get some ideas to come up with a non-standard company name, the generator will offer a selection of the most unexpected combinations. The service is designed in such a way that by specifying the desired algorithm of actions and choosing the language (Russian, English), you will receive 3 lists of options: bronze, silver, gold.

It is assumed that in gold - the most successful options ... Whether it is or not, we will not judge, but you can try!

Simple and straightforward name constructor

Not sure how to choose original name brand? If "MegaGenerator" does not solve this problem, then it will certainly throw in a couple of brilliant ideas.

This is a simple Russian-language site with only 2 settings: name size and category. Selection is carried out by the combination method thematic words... But in comparison with other services, which often give out unknown gibberish, here come across interesting, viable names.

To summarize: online generators are definitely a good option charge the brain with new ideas. But this is by no means a magic pill. Finding a word that fully satisfies your request will take a lot of time and nerves.

Remember! The brand name is a serious component of success and high sales. It should be competitive, aesthetic, ideological, understandable to your target audience. Also, do not forget that you still have to think about how to create a company logo based on the developed name.

Do you know a cool name generator that we haven't written about? Share your find in the comments!