How to originally congratulate the best friend's birthday? How to congratulate a friend happy birthday, or original ways to surprise and delight the idea of \u200b\u200bcongratulations to friends with the anniversary

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday original, useful tips.

As we know the best holiday is a birthday, it's a pity only once a year. But we are not alone, each of us has good and fun friends.

And how hunting to congratulate them original to remember this moment for a long time and joyful. After all, it is so tired of this banal - "Congratulations on the day of birth, I wish you happiness, health and more money."

Nowadays, do not be afraid to "include" creative, go to experiments. Give a real holiday to a friend. How to make this evening unforgettable? Let's see several options.

A place

  1. Birthday friend needs to be held in his favorite place. You probably know where your friend loves to spend time, where he feels "like a fish in the water." In advance, and of course, confidentially organize on this number his favorite place, be something: nature, restaurant, cafe, sauna or sauna. Here you choose to you! Such a gift will definitely have to do with your friend.


  1. Do not dismount the specialty of your comrade. Give gifts on his subject. If he is a fisherman - then, of course, tackle (which he had long dreamed of). Creative personality - craft made by hand or a set of tools in which he needs. Football player - a football ticket or a symbolism of his favorite team, and so on. From such gifts, your friend will be happy and remember for a long time his birthday, and, of course you.


  1. An emotional and unforgettable gift for your friend, will be removed on the phone, tablet or recorded on the flash card audio, video clips, naturally with your direct participation. Do not be afraid to fantasize - fool, be funny and liberated, spoose a song, say greetings from a clean heart. Believe me, from such a gift, your friend can even let a tear. He will be very grateful to you and impressed.


  1. Arrange for your favorite friend - Flashmob! Collect all your and his friends. Do not regret the time to prepare. Even if you do not know how to dance, it is already synchronously jumping, you will definitely get to the cook and twist. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous, the most you will increase your friend's mood for one day. Such a flashmob he will never forget!


  1. In secret from the birthday girl, make a costume party. Agree in advance with all friends come to a friend in the costumes. Everyone can have different costumes, but where the costumes will look at the original topics, for example: the pirates of the Caribbean, retro style, funny and fun will look like a beast "flock" or a delegation of doctors will come to the birthday girl. Here you need to include the flight of thoughts and fantasies, and he, believe me, is implanious. This birthday will remember your friend for a long time!

Video congratulations

  1. Mock the video for a birthday name called "Recall how it was." Take photos of a friend, from birth to today. For this, of course, in secret from Comrade, you need to go to his mom and ask all the photos of the birthday room (and she has exactly a whole kip). Write down the video from these pictures and impose a song-related song on it, and even better if it is a musical work and your voice (not necessarily sing, you can verse or sincere congratulations). It will be touching and nice for your friend.

Wall newspaper

  1. If you work with your friend in one team, which is very often happening, then make it a work wallpaper. To do this, you will need a large piece of cardboard and a couple of colleagues. Remember and collect all that is connected with the birthday room in the work plan. It can be photos from work, funny stories related to work and just good memories. To all this, add your wishes and congratulations. Make it all in bright colors, and on the birthday of a friend (before his arrival) hang over its desktop. It will pleasantly surprise and delight the birthday man.


  1. If your friend is a liner to rush to himself and other nerves, then do not think that he will have to do with the soul, for example, the book presented by you. For such people there will be a wonderful gift - an extreme surprise. Order him, for example, a parachute jump, a flight on a deltaplane, a trip with bikers, in general, everything related to the emission of adrenaline. Your friend will be grateful to you from such a gift.

Radio congratulations

  1. Congratulate your friend to the whole country! Though in the yard and the 21st century, but few have refused to refuse Radio, and often include a favorite wave. Learn in advance which radio prefers to listen to the birthday girl. Make an application for congratulations on the Internet, and even better come with a live broadcast and congratulate a friend. Let the whole country know that he has a holiday today. The birthday girl will be very pleased to hear a favorite song that is dedicated to him.

Name gift

  1. Give your friend a T-shirt or a mug, preferably with a photo (image) where you are together. This method of congratulations, of course, is no longer a novelty, but still remains relevant. After all, he will be very nice to wear a T-shirt or drinking coffee, while knowing that you are near. It will also be original for a birthday cushion with any image. With such gifts, he is unlikely about you sometime forget.

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday original, outcome

And remember your task to make your friend's birthday, so that he is under the impression for a long time - long. Do not be afraid to fantasize, because the more creativity, the unforgettable event is obtained.

Your friend has a birthday, and you already fed up standard congratulations "I wish you happiness, health, good luck!"? Then you for new, interesting and original ways to give a friend holiday! From our article you will learn how to unusually congratulate the comrade so that this birthday will remember him for a long time. Here are 10 visual examples, how to make this day unique.

Organize a holiday for a friend!

It's not just to give him a gift and call to the restaurant. It is necessary to organize such a holiday for him so that he did not know about anything. In advance call all his friends and family members. Agree with them about the time and place of the meeting. It is best to choose a restaurant in which after surprise you can continue the celebration of the event. Warn them, that for the birthday girl it will be an absolute surprise.

Buy a large cake, put on each participant. Festive caps, inflate the balls, prepare clappers and confetti. And remember - before the cherished time there are no congratulations. Let the birthday girl think that everyone forgot about his birthday.

Choose one person who can under the faithful pretext to bring to the appointed birthday site. Let it be a colleague who will tell a friend that in this restaurant he is waiting for business negotiations. And at the most unexpected moment, let all guests meet the birthday officer and applause. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time!

Numerous congratulations

There is another way to surprise your friend with numerous congratulations. Ask all your acquaintances, friends, colleagues, family members Send to a friend Simple text with congratulations, for example: "Happy Birthday! You are the best friend and comrade! " And let your loved ones are not even familiar with this person. Getting a huge amount of SMS from unfamiliar numbers is very pleasant and surprising. The birthday boy will not be able to understand before the latter, from whom all these messages, and who was the initiator of this idea.

And in order to increase the number of pleasant messages several times, you can place a request for social networks. Usually, unfamiliar people are very sensitive to such messages. However, make sure that your friend does not see the publication ahead of time - then the whole surprise will go to smart.

Congratulations from Kumira

This is another unusual and enough complex gift, however if you can organize it, your friend will be on the seventh heaven from happiness. Surely you know about idols of your comrade. Try on the website or in social networks on the page of this person to learn about tour graphics and plans. Perhaps during the birthday of a friend's favorite artist will be in your city, who knows? Try to write off with a famous person, perhaps he will not refuse to congratulate your friend personally. If it is far away, you can ask him to call him a birthday or send a voice message. Such greetings usually do not leave the anniversary indifferent.

100 Notes

By the birthday of his friend, prepare a pack of paper for notes in which one hundred leaves. And on each email the reason why you respect it and for what you value. Do not write that you respect him for the fact that he is smart - it is too trite. Here are some exemplary reasons that can be written on each piece of paper:

  • "I respect you for the fact that during the fight you did not felt, but fought with me back to my back"
  • "I respect you for the fact that you are a professional in your business"
  • "I am insanely grateful to you for introducing me with my wife"
  • "I am very glad that I have such a fair friend and faithful comrade"
  • "I appreciate you for the fact that you can catch a carp by 5 kilograms"

Remember stories from your total past. Surely they have different situations and cases that can be described in this way. Believe me, even the most worn and serious person is thrown away from such a gift.

Think about what your friend has dreamed of lately. You can, of course, give it a technique that he has long been dreaming, but it will be trite. Remember what I would like to recently, perhaps he wanted to go fishing or hunting, maybe he had long dreamed of a parachute jump? Or maybe your friend is an avid fan or kart lover? Organize the leisure for him, which he thought for a long time.

If he likes hunting or fishing, remove the house by the river, buy products for the festive table and bring a friend to the prepared "Polyana". If your comrade is an avid football fan, get tickets for an interesting match and give the coolest soccer ball. Try to organize a day for a friend, which he will not forget for many years.

Find a gift

Modern quests are very fascinating and interesting. So what bothers you to figure out something similar? If you have already bought a gift for a friend, you should not give it just like that. It will be better if you hide a few notes, tips and mysteries, with which a friend should find its "treasure chest". However, make a game of exciting and interesting, otherwise a friend will get bored with this adventure.

Congratulations on huge posters

Many seems to be that on huge advertising banners you can only confess in love or make an offer. In fact, it is not. Getting such huge and promiscuous congratulations are very nice and great. Your friend will remember this day and such an unusual gift.

If the evening party is planned in the evening, try to organize something interesting, and not just feast and toasts. Talk to friends, perhaps each of them will prepare some art number. Dancing and songs, even if they are not quite skillful, please and hang birthday.

If you are all right with fantasy, you can play a small scene. Tell the guests and the birthday girl that his gift took the evil fairy and to return it back, you need to perform several of its conditions. It may be interesting contests and tasks that should pass with a laugh in a relaxed atmosphere. Here are a few contests that can be interesting to the cheerful and perky company of young people.

  1. All participants are divided into two teams - guys and girls. They will participate in the dance "Battle". Alternately turns on different incendiary music, and both sexes demonstrate their dance abilities. It is very interesting and exciting.
  2. For the next competition, you will need a pair of "guy-girl" and a set of clothespins. The guy's clothes are clinging a lot of clothespins in the most unexpected places. The girl blindfolded to the touch should find all the clothespins. The same couple wins, which made it faster than all.
  3. Another interesting competition. People are divided into couples and clamp the stomach balloon. They must dance and hold the ball without hands. Wins the one who will last longer.

Surprise your friend!

In order for the gift to be unforgettable and interesting, you need to surprise a friend with something unusual and non-standard. Try to write verse or song for him - such a gift will remain in memory for life. You can also look at the store of unusual gifts. There you can purchase running alarm clock, a heated mug and other interactive gifts. If your friend loves to listen to the radio, congratulate it live - it will be unexpected. You can also write congratulations to crayons on the asphalt. When your friend looks in the morning in the window on his birthday, he will be happy!

Be sincere!

Clean, bright and mental congratulations better than any gifts. Whatever you choose the way to please your friend, remember that congratulations should be sincere. And then even a simple postcard will be adopted with understanding and gratitude.

To congratulate the original friend is not easy, because to surprise the man is much more difficult. If the girl becomes a beautiful bouquet of flowers and campaign to the restaurant, then it will not work for the guy. However, if you go to a friend's birthday with a fantasy, you can organize a grand congratulation. The most important thing is to know what the birthday boy wants and what he dreams about. And then this unusual birthday will remember him for a long time!

In your birthday, I wish you bright emotions, unforgettable meetings and flight of the soul, because life is not measured by the number of breaths, but the moments when breathing intercepts!

Happy Birthday! You are a wonderful person - responsive, kind, brave! I wish you to stay so throughout my life, and then Mrs. Luck will be your faithful companion for many years, Her Majesty love will always live in your heart, and her Highness Happiness will never leave you!

The Spaniards love to desire their friends and relatives on the birthday of good health, big love, beautiful women, and most importantly - longevity to have time to enjoy it. I wish you the same! Happy Birthday, Amigo!

Friend, hello! Today is your birthday who wish to celebrate well. And also I want to wish a kilogram of money, 10 kilo - good luck, centner - happiness and tons of love! Happy holiday!

You never know who will meet in a life path. Does this man bring sadness or gives joy and mental warmth. Therefore, I am immensely happy that you are lucky to learn. After all, such a wonderful friend is very difficult to find in our world! And I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Be happy!

Friendship is a concept round-the-clock, because at any moment you may need advice or help! You are a real man and an excellent friend, together we will handle something with anything! I make your hand and from the soul I wish you health, happiness, pleasant atmosphere in the house and great good luck!

Do you know, my friend, how much are you dear for me? So much that I just can not express it with words. And today you have a birthday and I would not be so happy even if my own birthday. Let the desire that you compete today by blowing the candles, will be fulfilled as soon as possible!

Happy Birthday! You, my friend, I wish to live, not knowing grief, misfortunes, misfortunes. Let your undertagions always erect well and successfully, and dreams will certainly come true, giving joy and happiness! Be an open and honest person and then only decent people will meet on your way like me!

Oh, if you remember how much all we had during our friendship! Not enough words and fingers to recalculate and describe. You, my friend, I congratulate you on your birthday today and I wish only a positive, good luck and success! You are a worthy and strong person, and I am sure that you will succeed in this difficult life!

My friend's dear friend, I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you courage and perseverance. Take everything you can, because we all are not in vain. And remember that life is not given twice and live fun and carelessly, but also do not forget about it. Happiness to you.

Friendship is the cleanest and holy word happy one who has a reliable, faithful friend. Probably, I also face lucky, because I also have a true friend. We have been friends for a long time, and our feelings are tested. Dear friend, I congratulate you on your birthday. Let luck will always be row with you, let the fate be favorable to you. All the best to you in life, wealth and well-being. Let it bring to you in everything, be confident in S6eb and happy. Let the angel protect you.

Shoulder to shoulder with you with you on one path for many years. You are my best, the most real friend. Not one powder salt we ate with you. All sorrow and joy divide in half, help each other and advice and affairs. Today is your birthday. Accept the most sincere congratulations on a personal holiday. I wish you a great mood, huge happiness, good luck in all matters and all the best. Let beautiful love be sure to meet you, let them fulfill all your cherished desires.

Only true men's friendship gives us confidence in life. If there is a reliable friend, no problems are not afraid. I guess my friend, and on the birthday I want to wish great luck, cloudless happiness and all the best. Let all your desires be fulfilled, let every day brings joyful news. Be always energetic, fair and honest. I wish good health to you, all the earthly goods. Let your house visit friends, let the side bypass all the bad weather, let it all be as much as possible.

Buddy, and the most warm congratulations on your birthday. I wish you tremendous success in everything, good health, peaceful sky. Let fate be favorable to you, and Fortuna often smiles. Let you survive reliable friends, let dreams come true, let all problems solve easily and simply. Let life be cleaner, like spring water, let all doubts come from life. Good health to you, real good luck, peaceful sky and all earthly goods. Let the Lord give you a blessing and takes away from all failures.

Birthday is a reason to come to a person and say about what is on the heart. So, I declare with a clean conscience: I have joy on my heart because you, an expensive birthday boy, is in the world. What you decorate our life come to the rescue and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for what you collect all of us together.

Never cease to thank fate for the day when we got friends with you. There were not so many gifts in my life, but the gods cleared when they gave me such a friend. I can always count on your understanding and your support, and you know that I am ready to come to your aid one by one call. And yet I want such situations in your life as little as possible - let it warm only happiness and luck!

A friend of mine! I wish you a little, let him be a light road so that you walked in life without interference. So that the love you meet in life was forever alone and forever. I also want to wish you creative success on the path of improvement and creation.

Happy Birthday! I wish you strong Siberian health, crazy love, reliable and loyal friends - such as me, - and stay as a wonderful little man!

I wish unrestrained fun, joy and smiles on the lips every day. Let the surrounding you please, and the close people are pleasantly surprised. Let life be saturated, full of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions captured on the photocamera film. Let it be more likely to do what I want, and less likely what you need. Well, and finally, as they say, let the rest we just dream! Live life full!

Today I congratulate you - from a pure heart, I fly to you with my own best thoughts, the brightest feelings. I wish you a huge good luck and luck - these capricious "ladies" are simply obliged to understand that they do not find a better satellite in life than you! I want all your plans to work, all dreams were performed. And most importantly - so that you're never afraid to put the great goals and seek impossible!

I know that such friends, like you, no longer a meeting in life - such unique people already "do not". On your birthday, I just want to tell you a few ordinary words - sincere, kind, the same as you yourself. Decent! Just be happy - and do not be afraid that luck will decide on treason. Just believe in yourself - and everything will definitely work out! Just hurry to love - and never forget that in this world they love you too!

Wonderful my friend
Congratulates everything around
Happy Holiday Your Wonderful,
Happy birthday interesting.

May you always be young
Silen, strong and mighty,
The sun is shining in the sky,
Let there be a formidable clouds,

I congratulate from the soul
And I wish only good,
So that he lit over the head
Your bright star. © ©

I want to congratulate a friend I am beautiful
Happy birth in the light of white
I wish youth, the strength is clear,
So that the soul and body is always.

Let your thoughts are clean and bright,
Let the expectations all executes
And let your birthday remember,
Dreams are beautiful let's come true.

I want you to wish love and vigor,
So that a lot of power and attention,
To at the top was always you in society,
Perhaps expectations. © ©

Congratulations on birth during the day
My good friend
I wish you in everything,
To take days.

To live you and having fun
So that worked hard, worked,
So that the reward got for work,
In the house, joy will be comfortable.

Let relatively surround
Let not be a number of meanness,
Let them not be low,
Happiness, prosperity and valor. ©

What to say about our birthday boy?
His face is courageous
The heart is noble
Intellect - Mighty,
Character - resistant
Eyes - clean,
Look - shrill
Head - cooks
Steering rules
Everything can
No money regrets.
Everyone is glued!
Here is so he!

I will not want to wagely land
Directories and cottages in the Maldives,
And just want from the soul I congratulate
So that you have had that so necessary:

Health that would not let
Love so that the family focus is
Friends, for conversation with a glass of beer.
So that life is interesting and long!

Let the difficulties do not strain you,
Problems are all solved at times.
Buddy, happy birthday congratulations,
Let it be all the way, without unnecessary phrases!

Bright emotions, many friends!
Fabulous paints and burning passions!
Thirsty is big from love unearthly!
Let all you want, will happen to you!
Many wealth careers are big,
Sweet life, as in the night fairy tale,
Happiness, good luck, success in affairs,
Let everything be in bold dreams!

Today together at one table
We are only smiling for you only drink
And wish from the whole company we want
You were cheese, fresh, calm
Roads without holes, without traffic jams, without
Traffic police so that dollars were held and rubles
So that it was with health all about "kei
And so that it collected friends more often!

Happy birthday you congratulate you
Close friend, our native man,
And we wish you health
Not for a year, but for a long time!
Among the strong heat, bad weather,
Among grief, deception and lies
We wish you only happiness,
Only devotion and love!

Birth to friend original
Let everything you want,
On your birthday - a nice holiday:
Cognac, Girls and Flowers,
Candles in cakes, salads basin!
I wish a friend, love girlfriends
And choose the ideal for happiness,
Proud of our circle be proud of you,
And I will die everything!

Birth to friend original
I wish a friend I am freedom,
Good luck in life, so that for years
Melting let the soul of bad weather, or in the kitchen for a couple
With cat
Know we all
We adore you!

My best friend, I wish you
Rich and healthy to be
Behind the tail playful luck
Many times on the day catch!
Solve problems per minute
And about the past, do not regret
So that everything in life is cool,
To always have an income!

The men's friendship is precious
That she does not know the little things.
Kohl you get - a friend will be replaced,
And in the work together more fun!
On your birthday, I wish you
Friendship a long time not to forget
i have a long time, buddy, I know
but you do not get tired of amazing!
And today you have grown:
You look specifically, be healthy!
Like now you have added a year,
And as if he threw five nodes!

I found you for happiness one day,
Therefore, fate loves you so much.
And in the soup leaves you find a laurel,
In any trifles, life will support you!
Lucky be and harpping faith,
What did you come to this world for good luck.
And not in the universe for joy of measure,
but my friend of immense happiness found!
Love and good luck - you have everything,
So let the fate guard you
Let her give you only success
And in the house he sounds like music, laughter!

I wish you in your birthday
problems do not know, do not know the trouble
And the one I congratulate
Let it live before a hundred years!

Usually, in your birthday wish
Health, Happiness and Love,
But I will not repeat,
I wish you just to do you
My friend you want very much
No matter where, no matter with whom,
After all, in life, happiness comes to us,
When there is no question "Why?"
Live always, as if necessary
Live last in life day
And do not postpone on tomorrow,
Then you will forget because, believe!
What can better be freedom
In your actions and words?
Only only the fact that life
Located in your hands!

Buddy, precious crust!
Yes, do you even know what a day?
That's it, your birthday!
Do not say that you are too lazy
Listen to all congratulations
That I wrote the whole evening.
Yes, in principle, on your opinion
I did not sharpen attention.
After all, it will be what I wish
No matter if you want or not,
And I believe, do not forget
All questions give an answer!
Come on, ask what is not sure
Perhaps in the future?
I will say only - whether it is faithful,
With all we can handle together!
Whether problems are failure
You know - always I will support!
I put complex tasks
And with whom I was not friends!

Congratulations to a friend
How is still hastily
For a whole year, I flew.
Birthday has come
To live free without problems.

Be always a cheerful guy,
Sport time is valid.
And friends, family, kids,
Never betray.

Let the problems go all
Live happily always.
If somewhere it happened,
I always come to the rescue.

What is my old friend,
You fell completely from the face.
Well, you quickly shake,
Birthday you have.

Stop being so sullen
The holiday is what big.
At the table guests gathered,
Long like a full house.

Do not pain, keep standing,
Life victories to you.
Happiness will be, you will wait,
There will be no pair of years.

I am my friend is my friend,
I want a birthday.
Wish love huge
So that I did not pull mu!

Time does not stand still
So you come on soon.
Take yourself a guy
And fortunately move away.

If difficulties, well,
You can always solve everything.
We will support you in all,
You have nothing to be sad.

My friend is honest and long
Let me hug you.
I am proud of you a buddy,
Let you have happiness.

Like a stone if you are strong,
You hope and you shield.
If what happens to you,
Who are loved ones?

So, be in the whole example,
Let me understand who you are.
And then, I'm so sure
Will be on the heart of peace.

If you are one of the lucky ones who have the best friend, then you are bigger lucky. True friendship is disinterested, sincere, it is a big rarity, it must be appreciated. A devotee is a solid shoulder. He will always support, will come to revenue, will be near in a difficult time, well, in any holiday, it will be the most beautiful companion.

And so, not far from the mountain day when you must come up with something unusual for him. After all, quite soon his name day. In this significant date, you want from a thousand banal phrases, choose such happy birthday to the best friend who suffer from all 100 percent.

We are in World of Collected the most interesting pictures, wishes in verses and prose, with warm, mental words. Any of them will definitely enjoy the birthday girl and will be successful.

I wish breaks
For lunch, tea, beer,
That the salary rises -
In the wallet did not fit
To work work
Flew like a rocket
The weekend did not end,
Well, the vacation is only in the summer!

Let it be
Health is good
Any day - we hold up
Your house is cozy
And the wind is passing,
Good luck - habitual
Dream - unusual
Smile - careless,
Love is infinite!

What to say about our birthday boy?
His face is courageous
The heart is noble
Intellect - Mighty,
Character - resistant
Eyes - clean,
Look - shrill
Head - cooks
Steering rules
Everything can
No money regrets.
Everyone is glued!
Here is so he!

I will not want to wagely land
Directories and cottages in the Maldives,
And just want from the soul I congratulate
So that you have had that so necessary:

Health that would not let
Love so that the family focus is
Friends, for conversation with a glass of beer.
So that life is interesting and long!

Let the difficulties do not strain you,
Problems are all solved at times.
Buddy, happy birthday congratulations,
Let it be all the way, without unnecessary phrases!

It is too difficult to prepare a congratulatory speech. Therefore, it is not worth spending the time where it can be saved, using ready, carefully selected original wishes.

At all, they should not necessarily be strict and long, many more will like funny pictures or short SMS happy birthday congratulations to a friend, sent to mobile.

And it is not so important at what option you stop - you will find serious phrases or comic with humor, say in verses or express your words, the main thing in them is sincerity and honesty. Successfully selected warm heart phrases will help you understand the friend how much you are the road friendship with him.

Children's friendship with me grew,
I managed after the years I could
Our smiles and joyful laughs,
Even after several years.

Hi's best friend from childhood
Your birthday like sunlight,
It warms us, there is no obstacle,
Let the Lord himself retain from trouble.

My sandboxes are familiar with you,
To this day, the best friends,
We are with you, like brothers, although not blood,
Our friendship checked the year.
On the birthday of the admission of congratulations,
Let give life to you only inspiration
Let life flow as a complete river,
Let you always live in the soul.

We ate blackberry by the fire,
Pine creaked and flicker stars ...
And in this moment I realized acutely
What are you - my best friend in the world.

And feel your back your shoulder
Suddenly became unbearable hotly,
And in the reflections of the autumn fire
We were silent with you until the morning.

Why the word? Understandable everything without words -
My friend and first love.
Store in the soul I will be my secret
I wish you happiness and live a hundred years.

You are in a situation of any
Hold me and understand
Calmly me with you:
You will never bring!

Let every turn in life
Whatever it is cool,
Always leads only to the better!
Be happy and love your fate!

Birthday Chumova
And the gift of the clockwork
So that he started the key
And the foot on the gas was given.

In general, life on wheels,
Without traffic cops questions
So that neither rod, nor nail!
Happy Birthday!

I wish on my way
Good wisely find.
Happy and healthy to be
Talents hidden develop.

Buddy, let your fate
Disks the clouds in life,
And bloom on the way
Flowers good luck and love!

Who is ready to always support your most insane plan and funny ideas? Of course, the best friend. He loves to joke and laugh, constantly cheerful and positive. What could be more interesting in named, what funny congratulations on your birthday to a friend?

Arrange him in the phone, please the comic wishes in verses or send cool incendiary pictures. This will make a variety on a regular festive day, charges the culprit of the celebration of energy, make you smile. He will be grateful to you for Creative, grateful for a great mood.

Want - Believe, you want - do not believe
Somewhere next to the beast.
It does not live in the forest with a dense
In Russian mighty.

This beast is called "Elk"
- It has long been so heard.
Let you be "elk",
To eat and slept,
For three to shove
So that I would like and might
To happiness did not end,
About good so that
To make it possible,
So that everything always came true.

I wish you always
Slightly happiness drunk
And to be your wallet
Looks like a suitcase!

If I were a crocodile
And Sight skilled at least a little bit,
I would come to you
For a birthday with a harmonica -
Pang about the puddles now ...

Sorry, there is no such decrease!
And since I'm not the songs in the songs,
Just say: Happy Birthday!

I wish whole space beer
And weekend length per year.
Salary so that was beautiful
Wife is big! Kidding. On the contrary!

For the fifth point of adventure
And "All inclusive" for the soul,
Pleasant dreams and awakening
And oil swing sometimes in the silence ...

So that the word accelerates you clouds,
So that the brain does not torment the garbage.
I wish to be everywhere best.
And happy birthday to you!

I wish beer in a bath
In the bar, houses on the sofa.
Beer in circles, beer in banks
With breadcrumbs and taranto,
With acute cheese, with kebabs.
But delicious everything with friends!

In childhood there were automata,
And cars, and pirates.
Hyperships, races, catch-up,
Running and swimming, and cabin!

And now we are all big:
Very bald, gray ...
I wish on the birthday
Friend of childhood Reparation:
Without brains ride a slide
Fight, like evil orcs.
And hanging in vain
Who is a fool, and who is cool!

Even in the most beautiful verses will not affect everything that is hidden in the shower. therefore happy Birthday Congratulations to a friend in prosewill be the most successful way to transfer emotions and feelings. They are the most sincere, deep and memorable.

Its wishes are comic or deep spiritual, a simple colloquial speech, you can surprise and please much more than the memorized quatrasions.

Buddy, I congratulate you on your birthday!I want to wish that today brings you a maximum of positive and as many fun moments as possible, which I would like to remember later. I wish you to stay as great, a responsive friend, and never lose those who are the roads! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on your birthday, My friend. I wish every step in your life to be successful for all your deeds to accompany success. Let your beloved woman lights every day and makes you a happiest person of everyone, and in the house will always be warm and cozy. Be happy, buddy!

Today is a unique holiday, day, Gave the world of man, to overestimate the significance of which in my fate cannot be. Believe in yourself - and everything will definitely work out, believe in friends - and they will never leave you in a difficult moment, believe in love - and she will touch you affectionately with your wing!

Happy Birthday!You are a wonderful person - responsive, kind, brave! I wish you to stay so throughout my life, and then Mrs. Luck will be your faithful companion for many years, Her Majesty love will always live in your heart, and her Highness Happiness will never leave you!

One very wise man said friend - This is the first wealth. In this case, I am richer than anyone on this planet - after all, I have such a beautiful friend like you! Happy Birthday! Let them always be in this life and lucky!

Dear friend! On your birthday I wish you to choose the most tidy piece of festive cake and always with the same appetite choose the best in life! I wish you the lungs, fruitful everyday life and fun, exciting weekends! Let any matter be arguing with you, and your progress exceeds all expectations!

Real friends understand each other from one glance. They do not need to talk a thousand words to transfer their thoughts to each other. Even on a festive day there is no need to change this kind tradition. To wish the birthday name best enough to choose unusual short congratulations on your birthday to a friend.

It may be pictures, sms, postcards or even a pair of original words in verses. It will be enough to a friend in order to evaluate your concern and sincerity of wishes. After all, in this little congratulations hidden a huge deep meaning.