How to use hair styling foam for men. How to use hair styling foam. The best strong hold hair mousses

It is impossible to create a harmonious image without a successful hairstyle. If errors in clothing can remain invisible to others, then slovenly styled hair sticking out in all directions just screams. good hairstyle will be able to decorate the most unfortunate outfit, emphasize the best facial features, hide flaws.

This splendor is created with the help of many special means. Various hair gels, waxes, varnishes are widespread. All these tools are able to fix the image you created. But what if you need to add volume to your hair? Mousse or foam, taken in the volume of a chicken egg, will easily solve this problem.

Many, for sure, crept in the question: “Is mousse and foam - different means? And what is the best choice for hair?

The main purpose of mousse and hair foam is to give the hair the desired volume and splendor. Also, with the help of these styling products, curls will gain greater elasticity, and straight hair will be perfectly smooth and shiny.

Mousse - a handy tool for creating stylish styling hair. There are three types of mousses: normal, strong and extra strong fixation. Super-strong hold mousse has a pronounced drying effect and is suitable for styling oily hair, but not recommended for dry and damaged hair.

Foam fixative fixes the hair well and gives the hairstyle more volume, which is especially important for thin hair. The tool is convenient to use, as it gets on the hair, and not on the scalp. The foam fixative is applied to damp hair, which is then styled with a hair dryer. It is important to apply the product evenly.

Indeed, in fact, both foam and mousse are used for styling hair with subsequent fixation. Both products have a similar consistency and are offered to the consumer in a tube. Both foam and mousse are applied in the same volume to slightly moistened hair. Both have in their composition substances that nourish the hair and protect it from harmful natural influences and the influence of thermal devices. However, it should be remembered that foam and mousse do not heal hair, which means that you should not abuse them.

Mousse and hair foam are very similar in consistency, method of application and desired result. Mousse is different in that it has a light texture and is suitable for short and thin hair. Foam can be used for thicker and long hair. Most often, mousse, unlike foam, has no smell.

In order to prevent your hair from looking glued and “dirty”, you must follow the instructions for use and use the amount of the product that is suitable for your hair length and structure. Both styling products are applied in a small amount to damp hair and spread over the entire length with a comb.

Mousses and foams are also divided into several types of fixation. For thin hair, products with a low degree of fixation are needed, for thick and dense - with a high one.

When choosing foam or mousse, pay attention to your hair type - curly, colored, thin. It is necessary that the product not only gives volume, but also protects when drying with a hairdryer and from UV rays, as well as moisturizes and nourishes. All these properties can be obtained in one bottle.

Despite all the similarities, there is still a difference between hair styling foam and mousse, and it is simply necessary to know this difference in order to choose the right product, taking into account all its features.

Compliance with hair types.

1. Fat content.

As you know, all hair styling products have several levels of fixation: weak, medium, strong, and in recent times on the packages you can read "super-strong" or "ultra-strong". As a rule, the first two are not very popular, since the effect of them is weakly expressed. But, it should be remembered that improper use of a strong remedy can cause serious damage to your hair. The fact is that the mousse has a drying effect, and is highly not recommended for use on dry and brittle hair, while for oily hair it is a universal remedy. For damaged and weakened hair, it would be better to use foam.

2 . Hair structure

The texture of the mousse differs from the foam in greater lightness and airiness, so its action will not be enough for thick and heavy hair. In this case, foam should be preferred. If, on the contrary, you are the owner of thin or short hair, mousse will create a unique styling on your head.

3. The ability to create volume.

The dense structure of the foam allows you to create lush hairstyles, visually increase the volume of hair. Mousse is more aimed at creating a hairstyle image than giving a lot of volume. Knowing these subtleties, you can create the styling of your dreams without the help of stylists.

4. Allergy.

Both the composition of the hair mousse and the composition of the foam include chemical elements that can cause allergies of various forms. But still, people prone to this disease should prefer a mousse that does not have perfume fragrances in its composition and is distinguished by the absence of any smell.

Thus, summarizing the above, we find the following differences between mousse and hair foam:

Hairdryer, flat iron and special comb are just some of the things that should be used to create beautiful professional styling. The best hair foam and mousse are simply obliged to supplement this list, which are much safer than varnish and at the same time solve several problems at once. Thanks to them, the hairstyle will not fall apart for many hours and will look natural. But for this you need to choose really good means from the wide range available on the market. All those options that are worthy of your attention, we have included in our rating. Explore it, choose a specific product and discover a lot of options for caring for your hair!

Both that, and another tool is created for styling. They have almost the same texture and composition, but mousse is best for owners of not thick and not very long strands, and foam - for girls with lush hair. Considering that the first one draws moisture from the curls, turn the most close attention worth the owners of fatty strands.

Here is a table of comparative characteristics of the two types of funds:

Tool name Advantages disadvantages
MousseDoesn't dry out on the head.Suitable only for light and thin strands.
Reliably cares for dull and damaged strands.Can't make hair noticeably fuller.
Some products can also be used for coloring strands.Almost never contains aromatic additives, and therefore can be used even by allergy sufferers.
Gives curls shine.Draws moisture out of curls, making them dry.
PenkaGood consistency.The composition often contains perfume and other fragrances.
It can be used to create both simple and complex hairstyles.Suitable mainly only for heavy, thick and long strands.
Gives great volume.Versatility of application - at the same time it strengthens the strands, and restores, and makes it more magnificent.

Mousse usually costs a little more than foam, but very often you can find a universal remedy that combines both at an affordable price.

Foam and mousse for hair which company is better to buy

It is difficult for manufacturers to compete with the leaders in the production of such products - German brands. It seems that the commercial group Henkel has captured the entire cosmetics market, because it is their brands that occupy the first positions in the list of winners. They are followed by several Russian brands. Below you can find out more about each of them:

  • Wella- a fairly well-known German brand in the market of caring cosmetics, the company has been operating in this niche since 1880. All of its products belong to the professional category, and among them there are those intended for both normal fixation styling, and for the strong.
  • Taft- this brand was "born" in 2006 by the German corporation Henkel. The company specializes in the creation of hair care products for men and women. It is one of the leaders in the European market in its niche.
  • Schwarzkopf- the most famous manufacturer of cosmetics for the care of curls. Its products are in great demand among both amateurs and professional stylists. According to the pricing policy, this product trademark rather closer to the premium class.
  • Syoss is the first of the firms to develop their product lines together with leading stylists different countries. There are three of them in total - for styling, coloring and caring for strands at a professional level.
  • Ollin Professional is one of the few Russian companies that successfully compete with their German counterparts. Despite domestic production, almost all raw materials are imported from abroad. The company pays great attention to the safety of using its products, for which it repeatedly checks it before it goes on sale.
  • Clean line- Ollin's main competitor, only offering a much lower price level. This made him widely popular in Russia, Belarus and beyond. When creating cosmetics, the manufacturer takes into account all age and individual characteristics of customers. This is one of the few companies that almost never test their products on animals.

The cheapest product is the one offered by the Russian company Chistaya Liniya, it is also the most affordable and best-selling.

Rating of the best foams and mousses for hair

As always, we analyzed the reviews of experts and buyers, among which were predominantly women. The rating included only those funds that have the largest number positive feedback.

It was possible to name the winners only after a thorough study of their features:

  • Appointments;
  • Time and age of application;
  • Classifications;
  • The type of hair for which the product is suitable;
  • Consistency of the composition;
  • List of ingredients;
  • volume;
  • Release forms;
  • type of packaging;
  • Application safety.

We did not lose sight of the brand name, the popularity of the product, its cost and availability on the market.

The best hair foams

They are mainly intended for styling, but in addition they can also be used to strengthen and restore curls, visually increase their volume. The products included in the rating are designed mainly for normal and strong styling fixation.

For quality styling

"Volume from hair roots" from the brand "Clean line" opens our rating and needs no introduction. It comes in a bright green spray bottle, making it very comfortable to use. The product provides reliable fixation of styling for at least 20 hours without the effect of weighting, gluing strands and stickiness. In addition to performing its main function, the product effectively nourishes, moisturizes and protects curls from UV rays. If necessary, this best hair foam from inexpensive ones is washed off without problems.


  • Sold in any pharmacy and supermarket;
  • cheap;
  • Safe for health, does not cause allergies;
  • Does not dry curls;
  • Convenient packaging.


  • Small volume, not enough for a long time;
  • Makes strands more rigid;
  • You won't get smooth styling with it.

For nutrition and elasticity

It can be used both for styling and for moisturizing dry curls. She is often chosen by hairdressers for beauty salons, as it is easy and comfortable to work with her. The mass is applied without problems to the strands, it is quite simply distributed and quickly absorbed. At the same time, it does not confuse them, does not pollute and, when it is time for rinsing, it is easily removed. A huge plus of this option lies in its versatility - it fits all types of curls. But there is one drawback - this is an age limit of 35 years, it is not recommended to use the product earlier. The basis of the composition is keratin, panthenol and silk extract.


  • biologically active and natural ingredients in the composition;
  • Naturalness and safety of use;
  • Versatility of application;
  • Instant effect;
  • Gives a feeling of softness;
  • Translucent packaging.


  • Very expensive;
  • Not sold everywhere;
  • Too liquid consistency;
  • Dries the strands a little.

This video will tell you all about Wella foams:

To add volume to hair

- it holds the leading position due to its high efficiency; the product easily copes with split ends, dryness and fragility of curls, small volume. It restores strands after the negative effects of UV rays and cold, makes them obedient during styling and facilitates combing. The composition is available in tall, darkened bottles of 150 ml and 225 ml, can be used to care for any type of vegetation. It has a nice consistency, not too runny and not too thick.


  • Good texture;
  • Nice smell;
  • Rapid absorption;
  • Does not dry curls;
  • Contains keratin;
  • Several types of packaging.


  • High price;
  • Not transparent and not convenient bottle;
  • Doesn't last long on the head.

The best hair mousses

These products are designed to care for thin, not very long, preferably even short, curls. They are recommended for use by people over 18 years old, but you should not abuse such products, as they dry the strands too much. There are three winners in this category.

For beautiful coloring

Appreciated by users for its durability and color saturation. Although coloring is the main function here, mousse does just as well with moisturizing curls, giving them obedience and splendor. The reviews say that this product does not harm the strands even with frequent use. It is packaged in a cardboard box that contains everything you need for coloring - gloves, a mask and shampoo for washing your hair, a developing emulsion and coloring powder. Despite the fact that this is one of the best hair foams in the form of paints, it will not work to find a rich palette of colors here - only blond, black and chestnut shades are offered to customers.


  • Does not contain ammonia;
  • Gives a lasting effect;
  • Not dangerous for strands;
  • It has a tolerable, not very pungent smell;
  • Washes out easily;
  • Doesn't sting the skin.


  • One pack is only enough for short hair;
  • The cost is quite high;
  • Requires advance preparation.

Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse can be used both to color curls and to improve their condition. For this purpose, the composition must be kept half as long as the prescribed time.

For strong styling hold

In no way inferior in efficiency and popularity to its competitors from our rating. Designed specifically for strong hold, it allows you to create all-day styling with a noticeable increase in hair volume on your head. It can be safely used in combination with a hair dryer or ironing, as the tool reliably protects the hair from the effects of destructive high temperatures. Due to the airy consistency, the mass is easily squeezed out of the bottle, spreads over the surface without any problems and does not weigh down the curls. One package contains 250 ml of the composition, which is consumed rather slowly.


  • Reliable protection against the influence of hot air;
  • Gives a beautiful shine;
  • Makes the process of combing easier;
  • Practically does not pull out moisture;
  • Adequate cost.


  • Small volume;
  • Bulky packaging;
  • At the end of use, a lot of product remains at the bottom, which is difficult to squeeze out.

For hair restoration

- a multifunctional mousse that will please with good smoothing and regenerating effects. The quality is on top - the product does not make the strands sticky and does not confuse them, rather the opposite. It gives them silkiness, softness, obedience and natural shine, which are noticeable after just a few applications. This explains why this product is popular among stylists. We can say that it simultaneously performs the tasks of a conditioner, styler and moisturizing balm. Its consistency is similar to shaving foam. Users respond positively that the composition does not need to be washed off.


  • Can be used at least every day;
  • Consumed sparingly;
  • Well increases the volume;
  • Lasts a long time;
  • Excellent air conditioning;
  • Lovely, irresistible fragrance.


  • The price is not democratic;
  • Too thick in texture.

Ollin BioNika Reconstructor is best suited to owners of wavy or even completely curly strands, which he straightens somewhat.

What foam and mousse for hair is best to buy

If the result you need is not very bright and no more than a few hours, then you should not overpay for funds for normal and strong fixation, it is quite possible to get by with a weak one. More powerful products will be appropriate for dense, lush vegetation, when you want to achieve a large and longer-lasting volume. Not only fix desired shape, but also to add shine to the strands, mousse wax will help.

  1. Wanna do beautiful styling and at the same time restore curls? Choose Taft "Power" with keratin, which should completely satisfy you in this regard.
  2. You often use a hair dryer and an iron - pay attention to Syoss Ceramide Complex, it will save them from "burning".
  3. For thick, heavy strands, it is better to choose a product with a light texture, for example, "Volume from the hair roots" from the Pure Line brand.
  4. To care for naughty and climbing vegetation, you will need Ollin BioNika reenactor, which will easily “curb her temper”.
  5. If you want to always have a rich color and at the same time a perfect hairstyle, Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse will help you out.
  6. Owners of dry, devoid of strength strands should take a closer look at Wella Enrich Bouncy Foam.

It is worth recalling that even the best foam and hair mousse require a certain algorithm of actions - in particular, you cannot go outside for 30 minutes after applying them. Otherwise, no one will undertake to guarantee you a bright and “long-lasting” effect.

One of the most important parts of the image of every girl is a hairstyle. Everyday or holiday preparations are inconceivable without hair styling, so that this process is easier and the result lasts longer, many girls use various cosmetics, one of them is hair styling foam. How to use it correctly and how to choose a quality product, we'll talk further.

Foam Benefits

Today on the shelves of stores you can find a lot of styling products. various forms: gels, mousses, sprays. What are the advantages of this form?

  1. Foam is used for volume at the roots, it is suitable for thin and sparse hair.
  2. Unlike gel, foam creates a natural look, moving "live" curls.
  3. Compared to wax or gel does not weigh down the hair.
  4. Foam is often used in combination with varnish, but if you choose between these two products, then it is worth noting that varnish can stick hair together, which cannot be said about foam.

Advice! Today manufacturers create Various types foams, classifying them according to the degree of fixation, hair type, mineral additives. Choose the product that suits you, then the result will delight you.

Using foam correctly

Any tool must be used, based on some rules. If you apply the foam correctly, then the styling will last for the whole day, and the hair will have a neat and well-groomed appearance. Here are some basic recommendations:

  1. Wash your hair and dry your hair a little. It is important that they are not too wet.
  2. Shake the foam bottle, squeeze out the right amount of product.

Advice! If you apply too much, the styling result will be short-lived. For convenience, use the following scheme: for short hair - a ball of foam the size of a walnut; for shoulder-length hair, a ball with a diameter like a tennis ball is enough; for long hair, increase the amount of foam commensurate with the length.

  1. Apply foam evenly to hair, working from roots to ends. For distribution, it is most convenient to use a wooden comb.
  2. If you need to create a basal volume, you can apply the product only at the roots, and then dry your hair by lifting it with a comb or lowering your head down.

Give the curls the desired shape with a hair dryer or hair straightener, you can fix the result with varnish. Remember that the hairstyle should not be corrected until the strands have cooled down.

Advice! Always dry your hair in the direction of hair growth, this will help reduce hair damage.

wet hair effect

Perhaps this is one of the fastest and easiest styling methods, in addition, it has several advantages:

  • Suitable if you can not use styling tools.
  • Doesn't take long.
  • Well masks naughty curls.
  • Can be applied to dry hair.

How to create such an effect with foam? Dry your pre-washed hair with a towel or hair dryer, squeeze out a little of the product and apply along the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the tips. With compressive movements, give the strands waviness. You can dry your hair naturally or with a hair dryer, the cold air function will be appropriate here.

We have already mentioned that you can do such a hairstyle on dry hair. If you do not have the opportunity or time to wash your hair, then just slightly moisten the tips with water, apply foam and do all the same squeezing movements. Very simple and fast.

Foam and curls

Most often, hair is treated with foam just in order to create. Although it can also be used for straightening.

A beautiful and well-groomed hairstyle turns out when the foam is applied at the roots, create additional volume. But for a “clear curl” hairstyle, you should use styling along the entire length. At the same time, you can not dry your hair with a hairdryer, it will only fluff it, make it look untidy. By the way, on curly hair the effect of wet hair looks great.

Advice! Curly hair requires careful maintenance, so try to choose styling products designed specifically for this type of hair.

Now that you know how to use styling foam in Everyday life Let's talk about how to choose it.

Choosing the right foam

As already mentioned, today the cosmetics market offers many different types of the same product, how not to get lost in the diversity? First of all, you should determine for what purposes you need a tool.

  1. For everyday styling choose cosmetics with a light degree of fixation. A common mistake women make is the stereotype that the more the better. But only evening styling with complex curls requires medium and strong fixation, with daily use of such a foam, the hair will look dirty.
  2. If you are going to use electrical appliances to style your hair, opt for products with thermal protection to keep your hair healthy.
  3. Pay attention to your hair type, products with a moisturizing effect are suitable for dry and brittle hair, styling for curly hair curly hair, for normal hair, you can use any remedy, but vitamin supplements will not be superfluous.

Also, always remember to general rules purchases of any cosmetics:

  • Always check the expiration date and package integrity.
  • When purchasing foam, check the serviceability of the dispenser.
  • Buy cosmetics in trusted stores.

To make your choice a little easier and clearly show how all these rules work in practice, let's consider which foam, according to buyers, is the best.

Tips for choosing hair foam and other styling products:

Rating of popular brands

What is better to give preference? In this list, we have prepared for you products of various brands and price categories that are popular with customers.

  1. C:EHKO Style Styling Mousse Crystal produced in Austria, a distinctive feature is the presence of caring components in its composition: wheat proteins, panthenol and lychee extract, then the foam can be used for dry, damaged hair. The product is produced in different volumes: 100, 200 and 400 ml. The average price of the largest bottle is 650 rubles. Of the minuses of foam, low availability can be distinguished, since the brand is not represented in all stores.
  2. Taft Power with keratin is available in 5 levels of fixation, while the manufacturer promises not only excellent styling, but also hair restoration due to the composition. The presence of keratin, panthenol, wheat protein and vitamins in it really allows you to care for curls, moisturize them and restore the damaged structure. Foam gives a good volume, is used for curling, fixing level 5 keeps styling up to 48 hours. The average price for a tube of 150 ml is 200 rubles.
  3. Kallos Cosmetics Volume is a foam made in Hungary. All products of the company are produced with caring complexes and have high customer ratings. Foam Kallos adds volume, does not stick together and does not weigh down the hair. With high quality, the brand does not belong to the category of expensive ones, the cost of 300 ml is 200 rubles.
  4. belong to the category budget funds, the average price is 150 - 170 rubles, however, the styling includes vitamin B5 and vitamin E, which provides additional care for the hair follicles.
  5. The well-known brand Wella presents a line of styling products Wellaflex. Here you can find various degrees of fixation, as well as cosmetics with thermal protection. An additional advantage is that the hair is given shine. One bottle will cost 220 rubles.
  6. Estel- professional brand However, you can buy it in ordinary stores. The price of foam with a volume of 400 ml is 400 rubles. It is worth noting that the product has an economical consumption, so the price is justified. The volume lasts throughout the day, the hair is mobile and beautiful.
  7. Another professional tool Schwarzkopf Silhouette Mousse Flexible Hold. You can buy it in stores for hairdressers or order it online. The price is appropriate - 450 rubles per 500 ml. The advantages of the product are that it thickens the hair, but does not weigh it down, the composition is supplemented with antistatic, vitamins and UV protection.
  8. Syoss Ceramide Complex contains ceramides that help repair damaged hair structure. The tool also does an excellent job with the main function, the styling lasts a long time, and the hair has a neat, fresh look. The product belongs to the middle price category: 350 rubles per bottle of 250 ml.

Here are some popular proven brands can be identified. Remember that even the best foam for daily or festive hair styling needs to be used correctly, then the hairstyle will be neat and beautiful, and will be an excellent completion of the image.

The modern beauty industry presents to our attention a huge amount of hair styling products - varnish, gel, wax, foam, mousse. Each of them differs in the method of application, composition and, of course, the effect that we get from the use of a particular product. Today we’ll talk about hair foam - what they are, what distinguishes this product and how to use it to get a gorgeous result.

Foam - the same thing as mousse?

Many people think that hair foam and mousse are the same? The properties of both these products are very similar to each other. Both of them are applied to wet hair, have almost the same foam structure. However, they are different in purpose. Mousse - for thicker and heavier hair that refuses to lie in the position you need. Mousse has a more serious degree of fixation and is able to lay even the toughest and most naughty strands. Foam is a more gentle product. It is designed for thin and sparse hair. The product is good for those who can not achieve volume on the hair. In addition, hair foam can be useful for curls - it restores and strengthens their structure.

Distinctive features of hair foam

Here are a few distinctive features of this product over other hair care products.

  1. Foam does not stick strands, leaving them natural and alive.
  2. The foam, unlike the hair gel, does not weigh down the hair, in every possible way contributes to increasing the volume of the strands.
  3. This airy product gently envelops the hair shaft, lifting the strands at the roots. Protective film protects hair from exposure to frost and ultraviolet radiation. In addition, a thin film is able to protect the hair from exposure to high temperatures. Foam-treated hair suffers much less from the use of flat irons, curling irons and hair dryers.
  4. After using the foam, you do not have to wash your hair to clean yourself up the next day, as is usually the case with hairspray. To refresh your hair, you just need to comb the strands and give them a new shape.
  5. Many hair foams contain vitamins, nourishing oils and other components that help restore strands. With regular use of the foam, the hair shaft is strengthened, the scales are smoothed, the hair becomes healthier.
  6. With moderate use of hair foam, curls acquire shine and radiance.

Depending on the power of the product, the foam may be weak or strong fixation. There are also tinted hair foams that are used to slightly change the tone of the hair. Hair foams can also be divided according to their purpose - some of the products are designed specifically to add volume to the hair, others are aimed at creating the effect of wet strands, and others are for large curls. There are also products for extra shine and hair straightening, which is especially true for girls with small curls. Once you've chosen the product that's right for you, you're ready to start creating the hairstyle of your dreams.

How to do voluminous styling using hair foam

Many owners of thin, sparse and weak hair think about this. To give thin strands of volume, you need to follow these recommendations.

  1. All manipulations are carried out on clean hair - this is the key to success. The head should be thoroughly washed using the usual shampoo. Don't forget to use a hair balm if your strands are too frizzy.
  2. Foam for hair is applied to clean and slightly damp hair. If you apply foam on wet curls, they stick together and get the effect of dirty hair. Dry the strands with a hair dryer or dry towel.
  3. Comb through damp hair. Apply some foam to your hand. For short haircut enough foam the size of a quail egg, and for long hair - the size of an apple. Gently spread the foam on both hands and run them through the hair. Carefully distribute the foam along the entire length of the hair so that the product soaks not only the surface of the curls, but also penetrates deep into the strands.
  4. When the foam is distributed, the hair should be styled. More volume can be achieved with a hair dryer - dry your hair with a special nozzle for lifting curls from the very roots. If the hair is very thin, you can use this trick - dry the wet strands upside down. Then quickly gather your hair into a bun at the very top of your head. When the curls have cooled, the hair will just need to be loosened and enjoy their incredible liveliness and splendor.
  5. You can give root volume as follows - apply foam to the hair roots, and then lift them at the roots with a gafre curling iron, but only in one row, for volume. This technique will help you gain voluminous styling for several days.

By following these simple rules, you can add volume to even the thinnest and sparse hair.

Wet hair is another styling that cannot be done without hair foam. It is best to do styling on wet hair - so it will last longer. Hair after washing should be dried, but not completely. After that, apply a little foam on your hands and begin to vigorously crumple the hair along the entire length, giving it the shape of thin wavy strands. Once your hair is a little frizzy, let the curls air dry on their own. If it's summer, you can immediately go on business without waiting for the styling to dry.

If you want to achieve more stable small curls, styling will have to be done in advance. To do this, apply a little foam to damp hair, and then braid your hair into pigtails. It is very important that weaving begins at the very roots, so the styling will be more successful. For this, it will be more effective to weave dragons. Usually this is done in the evening, so that the strands dry completely overnight and in the morning you get a spectacular hairstyle with obvious wavy curls.

Foam for large curls

Everyone knows the hairstyle with large "Hollywood" curls. It is also easy to achieve if you have hair foam on hand. Styling, as in previous cases, is carried out on wet and clean hair. Before applying the hair foam, the strands should be combed with a comb with rare teeth. After that, apply the foam on your hands and distribute through your hair. When wet hair is treated with foam, dry it slightly with a hair dryer. After that, you can give your hair the shape of large curls. This can be done with a large diameter curling iron, hair straightener or large curlers.

Curls are the easiest to make with an iron - you can adjust the size of the curls. However, to create curls with an iron, some skill is required and, if there is no experience, it may not work.

The second way to make curls is curlers. Twist wet hair and fix it on large curlers. Dry the collected curls with a hairdryer so that the hair "remembers" the shape given to it. More effective way obtaining large curls is considered a curling iron. Treated with foam, the hair, after heating with a curling iron, acquires a stable shape. If you have a long evening ahead, you can sprinkle the finished hairstyle with additional hairspray, although this is often superfluous.

Hair straightening foam

Such is the nature of a woman - everything that grows straight, we will curl, and curly hair must certainly be straightened. And it's not even bad. Just girls and women love to be different, today she is a playful blonde with frivolous curls, tomorrow she is a fatal brunette with straight hair. Achieving smooth hair with foam is not difficult. Foam in this case is applied to wet hair. After that, the strands are slightly dried, and then slowly, in small curls, strand by strand are aligned with a hair straightener. Do not pull the curls straight from the roots - leave at least a couple of centimeters. This will allow you not to lose the natural volume of styling.

Foam for hair is a real salvation for many women. With its help, you can quickly put your hair in order in the morning, when there is absolutely no time for styling. Foam is good for both short haircuts and long curls. The ability to use this tool correctly will help you make your dream hairstyle in just 10 minutes.

Video: how to style your hair

« How to tame naughty curls? - such a question sooner or later is asked, perhaps, by every girl.

And, despite the fact that the modern beauty industry offers wide range of various products for hair styling, choosing the right product is not so easy.

After all, I want the hairstyle to not only perfectly complement the image, but also look natural.

Great way quickly style your hair - use styling foam.

Styling foam has a light, airy texture, it consists of hydrogenated proteins, which provide the principle of operation of the product.

The tool envelops the hair, thickening it and giving volume, as well as fixes every hair in a certain position.

The foam will perfectly help both owners of thin hair, devoid of volume, and girls with thick, heavy curls to quickly create beautiful, original hairstyles.

What are hair foams

It is conditionally possible to distinguish several types of foam for hair:

  • fixing;
  • caregivers;
  • tint.

Typically, manufacturers enrich the composition of the foam for hair with all kinds of vitamin complexes, substances that protect against UV radiation and the adverse effects of "hot" hair styling devices (hair dryers, curling irons).

Thus, almost every fixing foam acquires the properties of caring.

Let us dwell in more detail on the tint or tinting foam. With the help of such a product, you can not only style your hair beautifully, but also slightly change the color of the curls without harming them.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve a radical change in the image with the help of foam, but this product is quite capable of adding some zest to your appearance.

When choosing tint foam experts recommend following these guidelines:

  • it is necessary to choose a foam, the shade of which differs from the shade of your hair no more than 2-3 tones, only in this case you can get a decent result and avoid mistakes;
  • before using the product, allergotest on a small area of ​​skin;
  • tint foam is recommended to be applied on wet hair, you should first work out the roots of the hair, and then apply the product along the entire length.

Also, varieties of foam can be designated based on major functions they do:

  • effect foam wet strands;
  • foam for giving volume;
  • foam with water-repellent effect(allows you to keep your hair even on a rainy day);
  • foam for hair shine;
  • foam to create curls;
  • foam for straightening hair, etc.

Which hair foam is better: making the right choice

Before you buy hair foam, it is important to answer the following questions for yourself:

  • What is your hair type and how long do your curls hold their shape?
  • How often do you plan to use a styling product (from time to time, on the occasion of any solemn event, everyday)?
  • What type of styling is most preferable for you (curls, wet strands, straight hair, basal volume)?
  • Do you use "hot" styling devices (hairdryers, irons, curling irons)?
  • Do you need any additional effect besides the fixing effect from using the foam (shine, nourishment and care, etc.)?

Answered? Now let's see what exactly to look for when choosing a hair foam.

Degree of fixation

Going shopping, first of all, pay attention on the degree of fixation of the agent. It is always indicated on the container with the product and ranges from 1 to 5.

Means with 1-2 degree of fixation, as a rule, are used only to protect the hair from hot appliances and from the adverse effects of the environment, it will not work to fix curls for a long time with such a tool, especially for owners of thin and unruly hair.

Foams 3-5 degrees of fixation keep the hair in shape for a long time. Thin hair it is best to lay with a 3-4 degree agent to avoid sticking and untidy appearance. For owners of thick and coarse hair, it is recommended 5 degree of fixation.

It's very important to remember that the more oily your hair is, the lower the fixation of the foam should be chosen: the use of an extra strong fixative may cause the hair to look dirty.

Additional foam features

For the sake of discerning buyers, many manufacturers of hair foams offer products that, in addition to fixing the hairstyle, allow you to achieve any additional result.

For those who wish to purchase products of the "all in one bottle" type, we can advise note on products containing vitamin complexes in their composition that have the function of thermal protection or give hair extra shine.

Secrets of using hair foam


In order to create with foam beautiful hairstyle, professionals recommend taking note of some tricks:

  • If you apply too much foam to the curls, they will lose their shine.. To prevent this from happening, it is important to remember that for short hair, the volume of the product should not be more walnut, for medium - kiwi, and for long - a small apple. What to do if you accidentally squeezed more product into the palm of your hand than required? Toss out! Otherwise, the hair will look dull and lifeless.
  • Apply foam to clean, slightly damp hair., otherwise sticky, untidy strands cannot be avoided.
  • Do not apply the product to wet hair: such styling will not last long, and excess moisture will not allow the product to fix the hairstyle as it should. Blot your hair with a towel before creating a luxurious look.
  • Do not apply foam to the scalp- this is fraught with itching and even contact dermatitis.
  • Excessive passion for styling products, including hair foams, can harm curls, so from time to time you should give your hair a "rest". It is very useful for lovers of styling products to resort to this at least once a week. cosmetic procedure, as salt peeling: before washing your hair, scrub your wet scalp with finely ground sea salt to remove excess accumulated products on the hair and open access to the nutrients contained in shampoos and masks to the hair follicles.

Easy ways to style your hair with foam

Fortunately, modern fashionistas do not have to turn to professionals to create a spectacular hairstyle. Exist simple ways styling with the help of hair foam, using which you can easily and quickly complete your look.

Root volume

We create dizzying basal volume with hair foam:

  • wash your hair and lightly blot your hair with a towel;
  • go about your business, and when the hair is about 40% dry, start styling;
  • shake the can of foam and squeeze the required amount of product onto the palm of your hand, apply it only to the hair roots;
  • dry your hair with a hair dryer and a round brush, lifting it at the roots;
  • fix the hairstyle by turning on the cold air function.

How to easily get volume at the roots with hair foam, see the video:

wet hair effect

To create wet hair effect with styling foam:

  • wash your hair and wait until it is about 40% dry;
  • apply the required amount of styling foam along the entire length of the hair;
  • now begin to “knead” the hair with your hands, forming it into curls;
  • wait until the hair dries naturally: using a hair dryer in this case will make the curls fluffy and sloppy;
  • You can enhance the effect of wet curls by highlighting a few beautiful strands with a gel or hair wax.

How to use hair foam to create a wet effect, look at the video:

Foam for hair can become an indispensable assistant to every beauty, if you choose the right product and use it wisely. Agree what the prospect look like incredible every day extraordinarily seductive!