Which lines to apply face cream. How to apply cream - stylist's advice. Cream application technique

In the conditions of big cities and the current ecological situation, perhaps you will not meet a woman who neglects all kinds of means to protect her skin.

The delicate skin of the face is the least protected from the effects of the external environment. The most versatile way to relieve irritation, eliminate dryness and create protection from harmful effects is daily use.

However, it should be taken into account that for maximum effect and minimizing individual negative reactions, small rules must be followed. Let's try together to figure out how to properly apply the cream on the face.

First of all, you need to prepare your face for applying the cream.

There is a huge variety of various means for cleansing and washing. Previously, our mothers and grandmothers used ordinary soap. But in modern conditions it is not The best way care for sensitive skin regular use of soap can lead to a feeling of tightness and discomfort.

The use of products containing alcohol should also be avoided. Cleansing with tonic is useful, it neutralizes negative impact hard chlorinated water.

Now almost all stores offer a wide range of products for cleansing and personal care, which can be selected taking into account individual characteristics and seasonality.

Important! Before applying the cream, the skin must be clean!

For your tool to work effectively, use it exactly at the time of day for which it is designed, not forgetting about the weather outside the window.

There is important rules , observing which, the properties of care products are maximally preserved.

Night cream should be applied approximately 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Surely, many have encountered such unpleasant phenomena in the morning as wrinkles on the face. They arise due to the fact that the skin softens after applying the cream, and various patterns are easily formed on it. If you go to bed right away, then it does not have time to be absorbed and some of it goes into the pillow.

Day cream should be applied about half an hour before going out.

In cold periods, you should not immediately go outside after applying the cream., you can seriously harm yourself. Any cream contains water in its composition and at especially low temperatures it crystallizes. In winter, it is better to use nourishing creams, the protective properties of which are higher than those of a regular day cream.

In summer, it is also worth applying the cream in advance.. Half an hour before leaving. This is done so that the sun does not have a harmful effect on its components.

Apply as much product as your skin can absorb. Otherwise, the pores become clogged and the natural breathing of the skin is hindered, which can lead to rashes on the face and the formation of blackheads. Also when applying a large volume. Excess that has not been absorbed in 15 minutes should be carefully removed with a napkin.

Application technique

Cosmetologists recommend: Apply the cream along the massage lines to protect the skin of the face from stretching.

At the same time, a daily light facial massage will give the skin tone and prolong its youth.

Focus on every part of the face. Apply the cream on your face gradually with smooth movements, focusing on the algorithm described below.

The scheme of applying the cream on the face:

  • From the central point of the forehead, arcuate lines go towards the center of the temples.
  • The lines of the area around the eyes are located along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. And in the opposite direction along the lower eyelid - to the nose.
  • The line of the nose area leads from top to bottom, from the top of the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. Then, from the bridge of the nose to the base of the wings of the nose and smoothly to the middle of the ears.
  • From the center of the upper lip to the earlobe.
  • From the center point of the chin to the cheeks.
  • From the bottom up from the middle of the chest, the lines diverge in different directions up to the shoulders

Proper application of the cream on the face will protect you from stretching the skin and extra wrinkles., as well as better absorption of the cream.

Common mistakes when applying face cream

Some are faced with the fact that the cream does not seem to work, but this happens from the wrong choice of product, its poor quality, or non-compliance with general rules.

  • Application to bare skin

Washing off accumulated dirt provides a positive effect from the use of creams, application to a poorly cleaned surface threatens with rashes and pimples.

  • Application not along massage lines

Delicate application of creams prevents stretching leading to the formation of wrinkles.

  • Applying cream regardless of the time of day

Each product has its purpose. Improper use may not produce the desired result and may be harmful. Day and night creams have different composition and properties.

  • Using the same products in winter and summer

AT winter time Requires protection from wind and frost- that's what fats are for nutrients. Sun protection required in summer and its radiation - sunscreen will help.

  • Too frequent use of moisturizing and nourishing cream

Abuse of hydration and nutrition can be addictive which negatively affects the natural processes of the body.

  • Ignoring the meaning of skin type

For all skin types, products are selected depending on the problems that arise.. Dry - you need to moisturize, oily - soothe, normal - saturate with vitamins. Funds are selected strictly individually. The best assistant in the selection of the ideal product is a beautician.

  • Ignoring age restrictions

In no case should you use age creams ahead of time to prevent premature aging of the skin.

  • Applying a regular moisturizer to the eye area

There are special products invented specifically for the care of the sensitive area around the eyes.. They help protect you from mimic wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes. While the regular ones can't handle it and are too heavy.

- fridge. Important to avoid high temperatures and especially exposure to sunlight.

  • Use of overdue funds

Before applying a long-standing cream, make sure it doesn't come to an end otherwise it can lead to irritation and skin problems.

  • Using the same product for a long time

If you use the same composition for a long time, be prepared for the fact that your skin will react less to its components over time. Therefore, it is recommended to stock up on a small variety of products and change them from time to time..

Features of applying different types of creams

Let's figure out how to properly use a face cream, depending on the purpose of the product.


It is necessary for any type of skin for care, preservation of beauty and youth. It is selected strictly according to the type of skin.

When is it necessary to use:

  • Dryness;
  • The appearance of mimic wrinkles;
  • Fading complexion;
  • The presence of wrinkles.

Should carefully use moisturizers. Frequent and prolonged use affects natural hydration, which can lead to dryness and early wrinkling.

If the skin does not suffer from dehydration and its condition is normal, then it is better not to apply it again.. Age-related creams are used with particular care.

As previously mentioned, such funds must be applied in advance before going outside at any time of the year.

Moisturizers include:

  • Tonics;
  • Moisturizing gels;
  • Creams;
  • masks;
  • Serums.

Best combination of moisturizers if moisture is needed. The lightest remedy is a moisturizing gel, it can be used every day, preferably in the daytime. At night, the use of nourishing creams is most effective. Application natural cosmetics- a win-win choice for solving skin problems.


The harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation can be minimized by using a universal sun protection product - sunscreen. How to apply sunscreen on the face?

It contains substances such as zinc oxide and titanium oxide, or chemicals that play the role of reflection and protection from sunlight. Research on how harmful these substances are to the skin is very superficial. so choose with care.

According to experts, the use of any protective cream is better than no use at all. Effectiveness is determined by the SPF level, which should be at least 15, and ideally SPF level 30.


Fat cream contains fats and fatty components that have the property of restoring, moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating, etc.

Applies to the following problems:

  • Dryness and lack of moisture;
  • Inflammation;
  • Feeling of tightness.

It has a thick dense consistency, which is a barrier against the influence of environmental aggressors.

Hormones and perfume fragrances should be avoided. Use at night leads to clogging of the skin, which limits its breathing and excretion of toxins. Therefore, it is better to use it during the daytime, especially in cold weather. Definitely in advance before going out into the frosty street.

If the skin suffers from acne in winter, then in cold weather the problems can only worsen. In this case it is better to carry out procedures for applying a greasy cream a few hours before going out into the wind and frost. When used correctly, the application of a rich cream will improve the condition of dry skin and protect it from the effects of severe weather conditions.


Foundation is used to give the skin a perfect look. Allows you to hide small imperfections, redness and pimples.

However, they should not be abused both from an aesthetic point of view and from a cosmetic one.

Important. The cream will certainly be selected according to the type of skin, otherwise it is absolutely useless and will only spoil the impressions.

How to apply tone cream?

In addition to the cosmetic function, foundation acts as a protection against factors such as frost, sun, wind, dust, and also moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but there are also disadvantages to frequent use of foundation.

Often, its use leads to overdrying of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. may cause blackheads to appear. It is necessary to regularly clean the face with special scrubs and select really quality products, and it is better to consult with the cosmetician.

The cream, of course, does its job well - tones the skin and gives it an even look, but due to the dense coating, oxygen penetration is difficult, skin does not breathe well. Use for daily use lighter textures, BB creams, products with reflective particles. And don't forget to cleanse and moisturize.


As the name implies, a cleansing cream is designed to cleanse the skin of impurities. It contains minerals that can dry out the skin. It does not have moisturizing and nourishing properties as such, therefore after such a tool, you need to use additional moisturizing.

It is mainly used to remove makeup and other impurities, especially around the eyes. Most suitable for owners of normal and combination skin.

Cream powder

A very versatile tool that combines the properties of both powder and foundation. It has a mattifying effect, which will especially appeal to owners of oily skin.

Also ideal for combination skin, but owners of dry skin can still create discomfort.

Cream powder is a revolutionary product that can be used to create perfect makeup, but, as with all cosmetic products, it you need to apply correctly and carefully select according to your skin type on the face.


Whitening cream is a lifesaver for those who are concerned about skin imperfections such as freckles and dark spots. The effect of the cream is achieved by lowering the level of melanin production, which is associated with such a phenomenon as skin pigmentation.

The cream allows you to rid the skin of keratinized particles, which accelerates the process of skin renewal, removing melanin from it and whitening it. An important property of the cream is also intensive hydration, which helps to reduce the appearance of pigment that forms on skin with a moisture deficit. If you use this cream correctly, then it will only benefit the skin.

Important. When using a whitening cream, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, as melanin synthesis is enhanced under the influence of its rays. Apply carefully, avoiding contact with healthy areas of the skin.

When the use of the cream is prohibited:

  • During pregnancy;
  • With skin sensitivity to the components of the cream;
  • If allergic reactions occur.

Before applying the cream, it is better to check the reaction of the skin in a separate area.

Depending on the time of day, daytime and night cream a.


The most important property of a day cream is protection. It moisturizes the skin and prevents the loss of natural moisture.

The difference between a day cream and a night cream in its structure. It is low in fat and high in moisture. Apply in the morning after cleansing the skin without fail at least half an hour before going outside.

In winter, increased requirements for day cream, it should be more nutritious and best applied a few hours before going out.


Night cream is designed to nourish, soften and restore. It is usually thicker and heavier than others.

Recommended for use after 25 years. Therefore, it is good to choose such a tool in accordance with age. Owners of too dry skin night cream will also benefit, it should contain the necessary vitamins for recovery and nutrition, such as A, D, E, F, as well as lecithin and cholesterol.

How to apply night face cream?

Apply at least one hour before bedtime after removing make-up and cleansing the skin.

Features of application to the neck and eye area

The neck area also needs nutrition and hydration, but for some reason it is not given due attention, and the lady's neck is the personification of femininity and grace.

Moisturizers are applied to this area along the massage lines from the bottom up from the collarbones and shoulders.

Around the eyes, the lines go from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, then to the area of ​​​​the upper eyelid and again the outer corner of the eye. This most delicate area is supposed to be the most careful care.

For the skin around the eyes, specially designed creams are used for special protection, especially sensitive skin. Only smooth and gentle movements can reduce the formation of mimic wrinkles and sprains. It is especially important to pay attention to young girls in order to delay skin aging for as long as possible. The choice of an eye care product is based on the problem that needs to be eliminated, age and skin type.

Be sure to select all products individually for your skin type.

Now there are all kinds of testing methods if there are any difficulties. Products are best purchased through a pharmacy chain, as it has a more gentle composition with a minimum of allergens. It is best if the product contains natural ingredients. It is worth paying attention to, as well as to the annotation, the language in which should be clear to you.

Useful video

Watch a visual video about massage lines on the face:

Quality and effective product everyone can afford, good means can be found in any price range. An inexpensive tool is not always of poor quality, just like an expensive one does not always give a magical effect. But nonetheless, famous brands give more guarantees than others, as they have serious testing capabilities and use quality materials.

Be beautiful and regularly take care of yourself!

In an effort to be beautiful, almost every woman buys a huge number of different skin care products. Some of them are less effective, while others, on the contrary, have a stunning effect. The result depends not only on the composition of cosmetics, but also on how correctly it is used. How to apply the cream on the face so that it brings the maximum benefit? This is what we will try to figure out.

What you need to know first

The art of being beautiful is a whole science that is very difficult to study thoroughly. But despite this, there are certain rules that every girl should know. In order for the face to remain young and well-groomed for as long as possible, it must be thoroughly cleaned, at least several times a day. In the morning, you need to wash off the grease and dust that have gathered during the night, and in the evening, remove makeup.

As a rule, special cleansers and make-up removers are used for this. A soothing lotion or tonic is then applied to the skin to regulate the pH of the skin. Only after the procedures done, you can ask yourself: how to apply the cream on the face?

Such different creams

The beauty industry does not stand still, and almost every day various cosmetic skin care products appear on store shelves. There are a huge number of products that differ in purpose, in the type of skin for which they are intended, in composition (based on water, alcohol or oils). In order to answer the question of how to apply the cream on the face, you must first determine the type of cosmetic product that will be used.

Nourishing & Moisturizing Cream

Cosmetics such as nutritious cream, is used mainly in winter, when the skin is most exposed to low temperatures, and the body lacks minerals and vitamins. A moisturizer is essential for the face in the summer. There are a huge number of such creams, and the choice depends only on personal preferences. What is important is that whichever product you choose from this range, you need to know how to apply the cream on your face correctly so that it brings maximum benefit.

First of all, if the tool is used for the first time, you need to do a sensitivity test. Thus, you will protect yourself from an allergic reaction on the surface of the entire face. It is important to choose a day or night cream according to the type of skin, because if oily skin apply a dry cream (which contains much more lipid components), then after a few hours the oily sheen will increase significantly. It is not at all desirable to apply the remedy on the entire surface of the face at night, as a rule, only problem areas need to be moisturized (skin around the eyes, neck), while the rest of the parts should breathe. Also, cosmetologists believe that you need to apply face cream no later than an hour before going outside.

Application direction of day and night creams

Nourishing and moisturizing agent is applied with fingertips, patting movements. To make it easier to distribute, first apply dots to certain areas (cheekbones, forehead, nose, chin), and then spread it over the entire face. Thus, it is easier to orient with the direction of movement. On the forehead and chin, the cream is applied from the middle to the sides, on the nose - from top to bottom, from the wings of the nose - to the cheekbones. Applying the cream should be like a mini-massage, this will allow the skin to remain well-groomed and toned. If another cosmetic product, for example powder, is applied to it, then before applying the second one, you must wait about 10 minutes until the cream is absorbed. If you do not withstand the required gap, the unabsorbed product will mix with the powder and clog the pores, the skin will not breathe, which is fraught with acne.

Foundation creams

What is this cream for? First of all, in order to mask minor flaws, in addition, you can slightly adjust the tone of the face and highlight certain areas on it to make it more proportional. It is very important to know, on the face, because if applied incorrectly, the face becomes like a mask. First of all, the skin, of course, needs to be cleansed, then you can either apply a regular day cream and let it soak in, so the “tonal” will last longer.

There are several ways to apply: brush, sponge or hands. The choice of one or the other depends on the expected result, for a denser layer, use a brush or a dry sponge, for a thinner one, it is best to use your fingers, because it is much easier to adjust the application layer.

We put on a toner

So, on the face? The cream is distributed in the direction from the center to the sides, and in no case in reverse side. In addition, if nourishing and moisturizing products are applied with pats, then in this case needs to be done circular motions, while not pulling the skin too hard.

You also need to know how to apply foundation on the face in the morning and evening, because there are certain tricks here. The fact is that lighting plays a very important role when using the tool. The brighter the lighting, the more it is visible, so it is important to pay attention to the edges of the face, on which a clear transition line is sometimes displayed, it must be shaded. Check the applied makeup both in daylight and in artificial lighting, then there will definitely not be any embarrassment.

How to apply cream around the eyes

The area around the eyes is the thinnest and most prone to wrinkles. In no case should it be rubbed and pulled. The skin in this place is so sensitive that the slightest wrong influence on it can create a couple of extra wrinkles. We have already learned how to properly apply foundation on the face, but the area around the eyes requires special attention. Any cream should be applied in a circle from the upper corner, further along the eyelid and down. The reverse movement: from bottom to top leads to the formation of wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes. It is absolutely not scary if the foundation gets on the eyelashes, after applying the mascara it will not be visible, and the eyelashes will be more voluminous.

The main mistakes when applying the cream

Many do not know that it is necessary to use a warm cream for application, so it will be absorbed faster. To do this, a little product is dripped onto the back of the hand (it heats up a little) and then it is applied to the skin of the face with the fingertips. Especially this rule applies to creams made by hand and stored in the refrigerator. Also, many cosmetologists say that you should not apply the cream in a hurry. The face, the photo of which is presented above, clearly illustrates how skin can look with improper care. Movements on the skin of the face should be performed strictly along the massage lines, and then wrinkles will not bother you for a long time.

It is also important that before going outside at least an hour you need to apply a moisturizer. A face that is exposed to sudden changes in temperature is stressed, and collagen fibers can lose firmness and elasticity. It is very important to withstand a period of time so that the product is completely absorbed.

A huge number of mistakes young girls make when applying the "tonalnik". And if the moisturizer, when used improperly, does not give cosmetic defects, then the foundation is very clearly visible even to the “inexperienced eye”. It is very important to know how to apply foundation on the face. The photo above clearly shows how the foundation is distributed. The tone of the cream should match the tone of the face, and the edges and neck area should be carefully shaded so that the transition lines are almost invisible. The basis on which the foundation is made is also important and must match the type of skin. For oily and combination, it is recommended to use an alcohol-based cream, for dry, products based on various oils are more suitable.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information: "how to apply anti-wrinkle cream?" and discuss the article in the comments.


  • Why massage lines are needed
  • Direction of massage lines
  • Universal application rules
  • Features of applying certain types of creams

Why do even the most expensive and advertised creams not always produce the promised effect? It is much easier to attribute everything to their poor quality. Although in fact the reason lies in the elementary inability to use them. If you know how to apply the cream on your face correctly, you can avoid disappointment and increase the effectiveness of the product used several times. To do this, you need to adhere to certain recommendations, and most importantly - to understand the massage lines.

Any cosmetologist will tell you that you need to apply the cream only along the massage lines: this is the name of the motion vectors, where the skin is least prone to stretching. They coincide with the direction of the lymph flow. If you distribute cosmetics strictly according to them, it turns out that you also perform a facial lymphatic drainage massage. The result will not keep you waiting:

  • the skin will not stretch;
  • collagen and elastin fibers are not damaged;
  • formation of new wrinkles is prevented;
  • there is a toning of the muscles of the forehead, which prevents the appearance of horizontal folds on it;
  • nasolabial folds become not so deep;
  • crow's feet appear less often and the skin under the eyes sags;
  • eyes will look less tired;
  • relieves tension from the décolleté area.

through the pages of history. Massage lines of the face were discovered by the German biologist and anatomist Karl Langer back in 1861 as a result of a study of the elastic properties of the skin. Accordingly, in the professional environment of cosmetologists and massage therapists, these vectors are called Langer lines.

Direction of massage lines

So, if you do not want to be disappointed in the effectiveness of your cosmetic product, first learn how to properly apply it on your face.

From the center of the forehead arcuate vectors lead to the middle of the temples.

  • Eye area

On the closed eye, the massage line goes from its inner corner to the outer. After that, the arc is drawn along the lower eyelid, but in the opposite direction, that is, from the outer edge to the nose. If you apply the cream incorrectly in this periorbital zone, early crow's feet and ptosis of the eyelids will not be avoided by the age of 30.

The line first slides vertically from top to bottom, from the top of the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. Then the cream must be applied to the wings, starting from the horizontal line of the bridge of the nose to their bottom and smoothly moving towards the auricles.

  • Lips

From the center (dimple) of the upper lip to the earlobe itself.

  • Chin

From the center point of the chin to the tragus of the ear.

  • Neck and décolleté

Here the lines go from bottom to top. The cream is applied in the direction from the chest to the very edge of the chin, then the vector follows down the shoulders to the collarbones.

Curious fact! The proof of how important massage lines are for the health and rejuvenation of the skin is a unique fact recently discovered by plastic surgeons. If the scalpel moves along these vectors during the operation, then a very small scar is formed at the site of such a dissection, which heals much faster.

Universal application rules

There are a few more rules on how to properly apply the cream on the face and around the eyes, so that it shows its effectiveness at 100%. They are universal, as they are applicable to any type of product (moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, whitening, night, day, etc.).

  1. Before applying the cream, hold the jar in your hands to warm it with the warmth of your palms. This will allow the product to be absorbed much faster.
  2. If you have areas of unwanted hair growth on your face, do not apply a nourishing cream on them, it only stimulates hair growth. But moisturizing for them is not contraindicated.
  3. It is very important to know how much cream to apply so as not to waste too much and at the same time not deprive your own skin of nutrients. The amount will depend on the type of epidermis: dry will absorb more than oily. There should be a pea of ​​the product used on your fingertips. And as soon as you feel that the finger has stopped sliding over the skin, that is, the air mass has ended, you can pick up a small amount again.
  4. Do not apply the product on a wet face. After washing, be sure to blot the skin with a napkin.
  5. In the eye area, the products are first applied pointwise (some even use a cotton swab for this purpose), and then lightly drive it into the skin with patting movements along the massage lines.
  6. Do not apply conventional creams for nutrition and rejuvenation to the skin around the eyes. This will lead to its rapid withering and aging.

Keep in mind. Creams containing vitamins A and E (retinol and tocopherol) especially increase the growth of unwanted facial hair. So they definitely should not be applied to problem areas.

Features of applying certain types of creams

In addition to the fact that every woman should have a day and night cream in her arsenal, they also have a lot of additional functions: moisturizing, anti-aging, cleansing, lifting, etc. It may seem that there is no difference how to use this or that remedy: applied , according to the universal rules above, and enjoy the effect. However, each of the creams requires a special relationship.

  • Moisturizing

Most women mistakenly believe that moisturizer is only suitable for dry skin types, while oily skin suffers from dehydration at least. Only on dry epidermis it is necessary to apply a much thicker layer of the product than on oily ones - keep this in mind. In addition, a moisturizing cream can be distributed pointwise and abundantly on the peeling sites instead of a mask for 15-20 minutes.

  • Fatty

But fat cream contraindicated for greasy skin type: it will create a film that will disrupt cellular respiration and the functioning of the subcutaneous glands. If you have a mixed type, it is recommended to apply this remedy only on the cheeks and décolleté.

  • Cleaning

Does not require daily application: use it a couple of times a week after a deep peel or steam bath. If comedones are distributed throughout the face, the product is applied in a thin layer along the massage lines. If only the T-zone is problematic, distribute it only in this area.

  • Bleaching

If you use it to get rid of pigmentation (the same freckles), apply the product in a thicker layer in the areas of their rash. But after 15-20 minutes, all the excesses will need to be removed.

  • Day

It is applied in the morning, immediately after washing, about half an hour before applying the main makeup and going outside. If it has not had time to be absorbed, the excess must be removed with a cotton pad.

  • Night

Before applying, you need to thoroughly clean your face from the remnants of decorative cosmetics. This can be done through a cleansing gel or milk and a simple wash. 1-2 times a week before such a procedure, it is recommended to carry out deep peeling (scrub) - an hour and a half before bedtime. Lying down in bed, do not forget to check whether the product has been absorbed. If necessary, remove any residue with a cotton pad.

How to properly apply face cream not many people know. However, its effectiveness and youthfulness of the skin depend on how well you do it.

The cover on the face is more sensitive and delicate than on the body, so it is very important to be able to properly care for it and use the face cream according to the rules. Our scheme and the corresponding video will help you learn how to properly apply the cream on your face.

Save the diagram or print it, always keep it handy when applying the product

Why do you need to follow the rules?

Our face is represented not only by an elastic skin, but also by many muscles that perform various functions. As soon as the cover loses its ability to recover and its elasticity decreases, many wrinkles appear.

Unfortunately, the cause of aging is not only ringing laughter (and we know that facial wrinkles are caused by our emotions), but also improper use cosmetics.

It turns out a paradox: we apply a rejuvenating cream, and it ages our skin even more. Correctly! It all depends on a competent distribution: if you learn simple massage movements, your face will answer you with youth and health.

Skin massage is very helpful! Do you feel a surge of strength and energy after a body massage? Your skin and facial muscles also tone up! In addition, massage

massage cream

restore cellular metabolism, increase blood circulation and make every muscle in your face work.

How to apply the cream on the face

In order for the remedy to bring more benefits, and the face to become healthy and beautiful view, you need to learn the following rules:

  • It is necessary to apply slowly and very carefully - you can not be zealous and stretch the skin. The product will not become more effective if you rub it with force. Rough and inaccurate movements stretch the cover and contribute to the formation of unwanted wrinkles.
  • You need to use your fingertips. Depending on the place (forehead, chin), movements are carried out with one, two or four fingers.
  • It is very important to use massage movements, it improves blood circulation and tones the cells. Consequently, useful components are absorbed faster, and cells more actively carry out their metabolic processes.
  • The patting movements are very effective.
  • There is one basic rule that should be considered when distributing the product on the face: all movements are directed from the center to the edges and from the bottom up.
  • The central lines are the forehead, chin and nasolabial fold. From the chin, movements are directed to the sides and up to the earlobe, from the center of the forehead - to the temples, and above the upper lip - from the midline to the corners of the lips.
  • On the nose, the product is distributed from its tip and wings to the bridge of the nose.
  • Many are interested in whether it is necessary to apply cream on the face after the mask. It all depends on what effect the mask has. Remember, be sure to apply a nourishing cream after peeling and cleansing masks.

For décolleté and neck


  • The neck and décolleté area requires the same care as the face.
  • It is best to clean the skin in the décolleté area with a sponge.
  • Your movements should be light and measured, because the skin in this area is delicate.
  • On the neck, you can apply a moisturizer for the face or use special cosmetics designed for this area.

How to apply the cream on the neck and décolleté area can be seen in the diagram:

The diagram shows that the cream is applied on the neck from the bottom up. In the neckline - movements from the center to the sides in the form of a "fan".

There is not a single woman who would not care about preserving the youth and beauty of her skin for many years. Of course, you can go to a SPA-salon or just to a beauty salon and trust the professionals. But what about those women who cannot afford such services? There is no need to be upset, because shop windows are “littered” with various gels, creams and other means with which you can take good care of your skin at home. But there is one very important point. In order for purchased creams to act effectively, they must be properly applied to the face.

But, unfortunately, many do not know how to properly apply the cream on the face.

First you need to know what types of creams are.

Cream types

Here you are in the store, and from a wide range you cannot decide which product you need. We recommend that you take this purchase very seriously and do not rush. To begin with, study in detail the characteristics of the cream, which, as a rule, are indicated on its packaging. There is the following classification of creams, which must be taken into account when buying a particular product.

Age category.

Since the skin has its own characteristics at each age, it is very important that the cream is intended specifically for your age, otherwise there is a risk instead of benefit to harm the epidermis. Moreover, depending on the age category, the components of the product are different. For example, a cream for girls under 20 contains components that can regulate sebum secretion. But the components of creams for aged ladies affect cellular regeneration and restore various processes, penetrating deeply into the layers of the epidermis.

Night and day.

They differ from each other in that daytime ones consist of substances that can retain skin moisture. And the task of the night is intensive nutrition of the epidermis. In a women's cosmetic bag there should be both the first and the second.

Depending on the type of skin, a cream is distinguished:

  1. for normal;
  2. for problematic and oily;
  3. for sensitive and dry.

This is the most important category. If you do not take it into account when buying a cream, the consequences can be disastrous. For example, if you are oily and problem skin, and you buy a product for dry and sensitive, then the cream will moisturize the skin, as it is intended for dry, unhydrated epidermis. And as a result, you will get oilier skin than before using this remedy, possibly with acne, because excess sebum is the ideal environment for them to appear. Therefore, we repeat, take your skin care products very seriously.

The types of creams are listed, which means we can talk about how to properly apply the cream on the face.
In the morning, after washing, a day cream is applied. If it is winter outside, it is better to do this at least half an hour before going outside. In severe frosts, it is better to replace it with a nutritious, fatter one, applying cream powder on top of it. Then your face will be protected from frostbite.

Night cream, of course, should be applied in the evening a few hours before bedtime. You shouldn't leave it on all night. This will not have a greater effect, in addition, swelling or bags under the eyes may appear. It would be nice to have a peel or deep cleaning face before applying night cream.
Many women say that they use expensive high-quality creams, but not only there is no result, but wrinkles around the eyes also appear, and the skin of the face does not become toned and elastic. And all because most ladies apply the cream on their face incorrectly.

So how to carry out this seemingly easy cosmetic procedure how to apply the cream correctly?

  1. There should be no make-up on the face and neck. This is especially true in cases where a woman uses cream powder or foundation.
  2. After washing with water (in adulthood it is better that it be cold or in ice cubes infused with medicinal herbs), you should lightly blot your face with a napkin.
  3. Apply the product in small portions in the form of points on the lower and upper parts of the cheekbones, neck and chin.
  4. Spread the cream all over the face with light finger movements. It is not worth rubbing the cream by force, because this can contribute to unnecessary skin stretching.
  5. Leave for a couple of minutes to absorb.
  6. Five minutes after applying the product, you can start a facial massage, preferably from the upper cheekbones. Initially, the movements should be light and smoothing and carried out from the bridge of the nose to the ear. Then from the bridge of the nose down to the nose and to the ear along the lower part of the cheekbone.
  7. Perform light rotational massaging movements along the same lines. They need to be done with fingertips in a counterclockwise direction. Repeat five or six times. Rotational massage should be carried out on the chin and in the area around the lips.
  8. The massage should end with a gentle pat, which provides additional blood flow to the epidermis and enhances the effect of the cream.
  9. Massage and smoothing on the forehead are done in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

Seven features of applying cream to the area around the eyes

It's no secret that the skin around the eyes is especially sensitive. It is the most delicate, so wrinkles appear on it much faster, which are sometimes very difficult to get rid of. They are also popularly called "crow's feet", which can appear even in a young girl who smiles and laughs a lot. Therefore, they should not be considered signs of aging. It is better to follow the basic rules for caring for this sensitive part of the face.

  • Today there is a special line of creams for the care of the area around the eyes. It is also divided according to the type of epidermis. Some firms produce a gel for the lower eyelids and a cream for the upper eyelids. They differ from each other in that the gel eliminates excess moisture, and the cream smoothes fine wrinkles. The result - excessive swelling and swelling of the eyelids disappear.
  • This product is best applied in the morning. cotton swab, distributing dotted cream around the eyes.
  • Next, you need to gently smooth the cream over the skin with light touches. Along the line of the upper eyelid, you need to move from the bridge of the nose to the area of ​​the temples, and in the lower part - to the bridge of the nose from the temple.
  • After the cream is evenly distributed, it is necessary to perform rotational massaging movements in the same directions for two minutes.
  • Then you should slightly stretch the upper eyelid. To do this, you need to gently press the skin into the orbit with your knuckles. Remember that the movements should be in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
  • Finish the massage with light tapping around the eyes with your fingertips, starting from the bridge of the nose to the temple along the upper and ending from the temporal region to the bridge of the nose along the lower eyelid. The corners in which there is a "crow's feet" accumulation need to be massaged a little longer.

As you can see, you need to know how to apply cream on your face, and not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. In principle, you can master all the movements very quickly, start taking care of your face properly - and the result will not be long in coming!

Do not miss! Valuable information:

First of all, you need to choose the right cream according to your skin type. Well, when the remedy is chosen, it is worth preparing the face for applying the cream.

Preparatory stage

You should know some simple hygiene rules that are an integral part of the daily procedure:

  1. First you need to cleanse the skin of the face using any cosmetic product that suits you (milk, gel or foam for washing, lotion, thermal or micellar water).
  2. Apply cream only with clean hands and on slightly damp skin.
  3. Apply the cream with your fingertips, while your hands should be warm to further improve the application and absorption of the cream.
  4. It is important to dose the cream correctly. Usually a few points are enough for the entire surface of the skin of the face.
  5. And, perhaps, the most important thing is to correctly apply the cream on the skin of the face, because if you do it chaotically and too vigorously, you can achieve the appearance of extra wrinkles. Apply the cream with light massage movements.

After applying the cream, the face can be lightly drummed with fingers to avoid the appearance of mimic wrinkles.

How to apply cream on the face - diagram

  1. You need to start by applying a special cream to the area around the eyes, since the skin here is more delicate. Apply dotted from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner corners along the bottom line to avoid stretching the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. From above, on the contrary, apply from the inner to the outer contour over the eyelids.
  2. Apply a moisturizing facial cream pointwise, and then distribute with light movements along the massage lines on the forehead - above the bridge of the nose in an upward direction, above the eyebrows from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  3. On the nose, the cream should be applied from the bottom up.
  4. Next, apply the cream from the wings of the nose along the cheeks to the auricles.
  5. From the chin, distribute the cream also to the ears.
  6. On the neck, the cream should be applied in the direction from the bottom up to the chin.

How to apply a moisturizing night cream for the face?

The night cream for the face is oily and nourishing. It is designed to restore tired skin from daytime exposure:

  • drying with ultraviolet light;
  • weather conditions;
  • dust;
  • cosmetics;
  • stress.

Do not apply the cream just before bedtime, do it one and a half to two hours before going to bed, but not later. Wipe off the excess with a tissue.

How to apply BB cream on face?

Before applying the BB cream, apply a moisturizer to the skin. Further:

  1. Apply a thin layer of BB Cream immediately after moisturizing.
  2. Apply this cream at least half an hour before leaving the house.

It is best to remove BB cream from the face with the help of oils:

  • olive;
  • corn;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

The effectiveness of cosmetic products directly depends on the correctness of their application. If even elite creams are not used correctly enough, you should not expect any visible effect from them. And even more - such mistakes can greatly harm beauty.

Importance of rules

The face is a fairly complex anatomical structure. It is made up not only of the skin, but also of certain muscle fibers in a significant amount, which are responsible for performing a mass of functions. Over time, the muscles begin to weaken, and the epidermis loses its ability to recover. As a result of this, there is a decrease in skin elasticity, and quite noticeable wrinkles are also formed on it.

Aging processes are triggered not only by the passage of time. They are accelerated by excessive emotionality, unhealthy habits and insufficiently correct use of cosmetics.

Applying the cream is extremely important after the full preparation of the epidermis. How to use facial cosmetics from the point of view of cosmetologists:

  • First of all, it is important to eliminate the remnants of existing cosmetics, for example, with milk or micellar water.
  • The next step is more deep cleaning skin - washing. This procedure is important to carry out in the morning and evening. You can not use soap for it, you should give preference to milk, foam or gel.
  • Then pat your skin dry with a soft towel. You can't rub your face.
  • Next, you should use a tonic, it will restore the optimal balance of the epidermis and make the effect of the cream even more noticeable.
  • Only after that you can proceed directly to the application of the cream.
  • The best option for everyday use would be a container with a pump, from which you can squeeze out the desired amount of funds. If you purchased the cream in a jar, scoop it with an exceptionally clean spatula. The use of fingers leads to the entry of tiny microorganisms into the product, and their reproduction over time can cause severe damage to the skin.
  • Before applying, it is advisable to rub the product a little in the fingers.

It is better to use less cream than more. If suddenly there is a little money left on your hands, you can lubricate your hands and fingers with it.

When to apply cream?

Many girls are interested in when to use face cream correctly. It is advisable to apply a daily remedy:

  • Forty minutes before the planned exit to the street.
  • In frosts, this period should increase to one hour.
  • A quarter of an hour before applying makeup.

And it is also worth applying a night cream, adhering to certain rules:

  • At least one hour before the planned night's rest.
  • With later use, the product may cause swelling, especially in the eye area.
  • Immediately before going to bed, it is important to remove the remnants of the product with a napkin.

Night face cream should not be used during the day. Such attempts can end at least with the appearance of acne and comedones.

How to apply cream on the face?

Figuring out how to properly apply the cream on the face is actually not so difficult. It is important to follow the basic rules:

  • Movement should be slow and fairly accurate. Excessive zeal and stretching of the skin will not lead to anything good. Day and night cream will definitely not become more effective if you rub it in with force. And excessively aggressive movements can stretch the skin and contribute to the formation of unwanted wrinkles.

  • Engage the fingertips when applying the cream. Focusing on the place of application, make movements with one to four fingers.
  • It is extremely important to adhere to the massage lines of the face. Such a simple rule helps to improve blood microcirculation and lymph flow, and also has a tonic effect on the cells of the epidermis. Accordingly, if it is observed, useful components will be absorbed by the skin as quickly as possible, and metabolic processes will also be activated.
  • Soft patting movements are especially effective.
  • Exists classical rule for the distribution of nourishing and moisturizing cream, as well as other similar products. You need to move from the center closer to the edges, as well as from bottom to top.
  • As the central lines, it is necessary to perceive the nose, as well as the chin with the nasolabial fold. In particular, in accordance with the massage lines of the face, it is necessary to move from the chin to the sides and top to the earlobes, and from the central point of the forehead to the temporal region. The area above the upper lip should be worked out from the middle to the corners of the lips.
  • To apply the cream on the nose, it is necessary to move from the tip with wings up to the bridge of the nose.
  • The front area of ​​the neck requires applying the cream from the bottom up, and on the sides you need to smear it in the opposite direction - from top to bottom.

Massage lines - directions in which the epidermis is minimally stretched. It is important to remember that along the lower eyelid this imaginary strip does not pass from the center to the periphery, but in the opposite direction - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.

How to apply foundation correctly?

Not only daily nourishing or moisturizing cream needs proper application. Tonal means are very demanding, and if used incorrectly, not only will they not give the expected effect, but they can also cause rashes and irritation. Consider the rules of application using the example of a CC cream.

Behind the abbreviation CC is the abbreviation Color Control, which means color control. Sometimes it is deciphered in the same way as Complete Correction - a complete correction. Products of this type have been on the world cosmetology market for several years now and are popular among users, as they act softer and more naturally than BB-correctors.

CC creams are:

  • Light texture.
  • The ability to visually even out skin tone, as well as the relief of the epidermis.
  • The ability to apply to different parts of the face - the T-zone, the area around the eyes, etc.
  • SPF content from 10 to 30.
  • The presence of additional components that moisturize, smooth wrinkles, nourish, etc.
  • The ability to give the skin a really radiant and healthy look or prolong youth.

How to apply CC cream correctly:

  • It makes sense to use such a tool only in the morning, 40 minutes before going outside.
  • Owners of a normal epidermis can apply the CC cream directly to cleansed skin in accordance with the above recommendations.
  • For girls with oily or combination skin types, it is advisable to use CC cream as a base for foundation (you can also mix these two products).
  • If there is irritation or peeling on the skin, as well as a tendency to them, it is necessary to combine the CC cream with an optimal moisturizer.

The correct scheme for applying the cream should become a habit. And in this case, the usual basic care products will really be able to prevent early skin aging.

Facial massage lines and cream application technique- two topics that you need to know in order not to harm your skin.

Cosmetologists guarantee: the cream will work more intensively if applied along the massage lines. It is this technique of applying the cream that is safe and beneficial for the skin.

The direction of the massage lines on the face. Cream application technique

The location of the lines is not accidental, it depends on the lymphatic channels and natural collagen fibers.

Massage carried out along these lines improves blood circulation in the deep tissues of the skin, reduces swelling, and gives the face a radiant healthy look.

All massage lines of the face are directed from the center to the periphery and have an arched shape. The exception is the area of ​​the lower eyelids, where the technique of applying the cream is carried out, on the contrary, from the temple to the nose.

Experts are sure that massage carried out in these areas helps to tighten the skin of the face, make its contour more expressive and toned.

Note! Simple transverse movements and not entirely correct application of the cream during self-massage will contribute to the destruction of collagen fibers - and this threatens skin flabbiness, premature aging, loss of its luster and radiance.

Detailed arrangement of massage lines:

Face area Facial massage lines andneck, cream application technique
ChinThe lines begin in its center, and go to the side in an upward direction to the ears.
Cheeks and cheekbonesArcuate lines rise from the corners of the mouth and up through the cheeks and cheekbones.
NoseIt is necessary to massage from bottom to top along the wings and bridge of the nose. The tip of the nose can be massaged from top to bottom.
ForeheadThe forehead massage lines go from the center to the side, to the temple area. Additionally, directions are distinguished from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyes to the hairline.
Eyes and eyelidsThere are two directions: from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer (for the upper eyelid) and vice versa (for the lower).
NeckThe lines of the front side of the neck run from the bottom up, to the chin from the chest area. The sides and back are massaged from top to bottom.

Knowledge about what should be the massage lines on the face and the technique of applying the cream is necessary for every girl who wants to keep healthy and young. appearance.

Be careful! You can not stretch the folds of the eyelids too much, massage manipulations must be done carefully, slowly and delicately. When massaging the neck, it is necessary to avoid the area affecting the thyroid gland.

The appearance and tightness of the neck primarily reflect age. That's why It is necessary to massage both the face and the neck.

Methods and rules for using cream for skin rejuvenation and treatment

Where should a facial massage begin?

Primarily, you need to prepare the skin for massage with a few simple steps:

  1. Most importantly, the face must be cleansed. In this case, water washing is not suitable; for cleaning, you should use a tonic or milk.
  2. The cream is then spread over dry skin. using massage lines of the face and neck in movements. The technique of applying the cream is neat and gentle. A little trick: warm cream absorbs better, so you need to hold it in your palms a little first.
  3. After that, the cream is applied in one layer. If it suddenly turned out that the cream was applied too much, then it should be removed with a napkin.
  4. In consolidation, it is useful to complete the massage with light touches of the fingers. to the face. Blood circulation will improve, and the remedy will begin to act faster. Of course, the hands must be clean.

For the greatest effectiveness of cosmetics, it is necessary to take into account the natural biological rhythms of the skin.

The needs of our skin cover change throughout the day and are divided into periods:

It is also necessary to take into account that how much cream needs to be applied depends on the type of skin:

Self-massage of the face and neck

Professional cosmetologists emphasize: the best starting position for self-massage of the face is sitting on a chair in front of a mirror.

It is important to maintain a straight posture so that the circulation of blood, lymph, substances useful for the body is not disturbed. Correct posture helps to quickly achieve tightened elastic skin.

Don't forget an important detail! Each step of the massage is performed along the massage lines of the face and neck.

Step by step massage technique after applying the cream:

  1. Stroke 3-5 times the face and neck with palms.
  2. Light circular movements, ending with gentle pressing of the skin to the bones - 3-5 times.
  3. Loop-shaped pats with your fingertips - 3-5 times.
  4. It is easy to pat along the lines with outstretched fingers 3-5 times.
  5. Repeat the first step.

The first results become noticeable within 3-6 weeks of massage if done every day. To maintain the achieved tone, you should repeat it up to three times a week.

Therapeutic pinching massage

For problems on the face, experts recommend pinching massage, invented by French dermatologist Leonard Jacquet.

It is better to carry out this massage in the specialist's office - he better calculates the painless force of pressure on the skin, knows the massage lines of the face and neck, and is confident in the technique.

It is not necessary to apply cream here - the massage is carried out exclusively on talcum powder so that the fingers do not slip off and grab the skin well.

Cosmetologists note the healing effects of pinch massage:

  • reduction of inflammation, acne, blackheads;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • smoothing scars and scars;
  • healthy complexion;
  • tightened oval of the face.

The massage is performed with the thumb and forefinger.

Special tricks apply:

  • skin grips, pinching;
  • kneading, pressing;
  • vibration and pressure.

Description of technology:

  1. The massage starts from the neck. The front of the neck is actively kneaded from the bottom up, then they move to the sides and repeat the movements from top to bottom. The head is thrown back. This technique helps to reduce skin laxity.
  2. Intensive movements affect the chin area from the center to the cheeks and earlobes. These actions help to remove the double chin, tighten the contours of the face.
  3. The impact on the nasolabial folds takes place with moderate force tweezers. The movement goes from the corners of the lips to the lobes of the ears.
  4. The areas are stretched from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the sides of the cheeks and ears.
  5. Around the eyes, force pressing is excluded. The top of the orbit is easily massaged from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. For the bottom of the eye socket - the opposite.
  6. The forehead is massaged with kneading and vibration from the center to the beginning hairline. This technique reduces and smoothes mimic wrinkles.

What's interesting is that the same massage technique is applied on the hips and in the abdomen, since active pinching and pressing on problem areas breaks down cellulite.

Japanese Asahi Facial Massage Technique

The most famous and popular Japanese facial massage technique is Asahi - lymphatic drainage gymnastics, which improves lymph circulation and models a tightened contour.

This method is also known as Tsogan.- special japanese massage, widely used by women of the land of the rising sun, thanks to which they look unusually young even in old age. The rejuvenation technique was created by the famous stylist and makeup artist, cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka.

What is special about Asahi massage? It is carried out with pressure, under the influence of which even deep tissues, muscles and cranial bones are affected.

Facial muscles are charged with energy and elasticity, and the affected lymph nodes are activated. At this time they leave harmful substances, increases lymph outflow, evens out skin tone, wrinkles become less noticeable.

  • Wash your face and then dry your face;
  • With movements in circles, along the massage lines of the face and neck, prepare the skin using the cream application technique. Do not forget that massage is based on the use of natural compounds, such as oat milk;
  • The impact on the skin occurs with some force - tangible, but painless.

Since the massage is lymphatic drainage, it is necessary to determine the location of the lymph nodes:

  • the area around the ears;
  • back of the head;
  • the lower jaw, especially the corners;
  • under the tongue.

You can't press hard on these points.

Almost every stage of Asahi ends with the same movement, which must be learned first.

It is done like this:

  1. Lightly press with three fingers (index, middle and ring) points next to the auricles. In this case, the entire length of the fingers is involved.
  2. Pressing time - 2 sec.
  3. Without changing the pressure on the skin, slowly fall down to the collarbones.

This movement improves the outflow of excess fluid, reduces swelling.

Asahi Zones:

Common mistakes in facial massage

Some novice massage therapists are so impatient with the need to do a facial massage every day that they make blunders in an attempt to finish it as soon as possible.

If massage is done incorrectly, of course, it will not bring benefits.

How to avoid common mistakes:

  • In no case do not rub the cream quickly, fussily and carelessly. Because of this, flabbiness and sagging of the skin may appear;
  • No need to apply the cream with force, this does not increase efficiency, and the skin will stretch ugly;
  • It is not necessary to apply the cream more than 1 layer. Multi-layer application will not accelerate the effectiveness of the product. In addition, the pores can become clogged, and the skin will not be able to receive oxygen;
  • Massage is done only along special massage lines, otherwise the natural natural elasticity of the skin is destroyed.

You also need to carefully consider medical contraindications.

Massage is prohibited for people suffering from:

  • colds;
  • skin diseases;
  • any temporary skin inflammations - massage will only exacerbate the problem, spreading the infection across the face;
  • disorders in the lymphatic system;
  • skin hypersensitivity.

Facial massage lines and correct technique cream applications are inextricably linked and well prepare the skin for further care manipulations.

Regular massage of the facial area prolongs the youthful and tightened external condition of the skin, improves well-being.

In this video, you will be shown massage lines on the face and will be introduced to the technique of applying cream to it:

This video is an instruction for the correct application of the cream on the face: