The best herbal hair dyes. Natural hair dyes. Herbal hair dye recipe

Each of us should have harmony of soul and body. It is impossible to be beautiful if melancholy, depression gnaws inside, just as you cannot look bad when everything is good in your life, because you simply radiate happiness. But each of us, sooner or later, comes the moment when it seems that the former beauty is in the past, which is why the mood spoils, and we are talking about gray hair. This problem scares everyone, especially women who have always prided themselves on the natural color and quality of their hair. But everything is not so bad, because natural hair dye that paints over gray hair exists. You can forget about complexes, and at the same time all the consequences of staining will not threaten you.

Gray hair does not matter

First, it's worth noting that you have many options for how to color your hair. In this case, you can either change your hair color or not change, but only give a small shade. You should understand that no matter how hard you try, your color will still be slightly different, because that's what it is for coloring, otherwise gray hair will not go anywhere. Natural dyes- these are products that by their nature have a lot of coloring matter in their composition, but at the same time they are environmentally friendly, without chemicals that negatively affect the condition of the hair.

You can bring the curls to their proper form:

  1. Using paints from the store. Yes, we were not mistaken in offering you this option in the article about natural paints for gray hair, since the products are on sale without ammonia, and it is he who spoils the hair most of all. Therefore, if you are brittle, Thin hair, you do not want chemistry and unnecessary hassle, then such paints may suit you.
  2. Through folk methods... There are many of them, and home paint can be made for brunettes, blondes and even red-haired beauties.

Purchased natural dyes

If we talk about ready-made products, then they can be divided into two categories - henna and basma and traditional hair dyes from well-known companies, but without ammonia in the composition. Both those and others will help to remove gray hair, while not spoiling the curls. Paints from cosmetic companies are sold in the public domain, at a price they do not differ much from conventional products with ammonia in the composition. They have many shades, they do their job well. In terms of durability, such products, of course, are inferior to their chemical counterparts, but the hair does not lose its health. But we will consider henna and basma in more detail.

Advice! Some of the leading cosmetics companies are Revlon and Loreal. And it is these companies that make very good natural hair dyes that paint over gray hair, which have proven themselves and are in demand.


This product is made from lavsonia, more precisely, its leaves, which are harvested, dried and then ground. To dye your hair, only powder is used, the color of which is yellow with a slightly greenish undertone. The red product is not used. The dye turns out to be natural and useful, since it contains plant components, essential oils. This has a beneficial effect on the curls, after dyeing they become healthier, shiny. Moreover, the hair will be immune to UV rays.

Interesting fact! Henna is not only beneficial, but also accumulates in the hair structure. Each time after dyeing, the color will be even more fixed, become richer, while the hair does not lose, but improves the quality.

Answering the question, does henna paint over gray hair, we can definitely say that yes, but only you need to keep the dye longer. The only caveat is that, firstly, not all women will have the same shade, and gray hair may be slightly lighter, and, secondly, henna will not wash off like ordinary paint from a store. Therefore, think in advance if you are ready to walk with this color for a long time, because it will not be possible to paint over with a different tone.


Natural product made from indigo leaves. They are also dried, crushed, after which a powder is obtained. gray, with a green undertone. The tool has a very good effect on the scalp and on the very structure of the hair, copes with dandruff. But the powder cannot be used as an independent agent, it is added to henna.

There are many advantages from using the products:

  • they are harmless;
  • heal hair, skin, accelerate growth;
  • budget and affordable;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • can be used during illness;
  • firmness.

For information! Henna and basma are often sold in shops with oriental spices and attributes. One of the most the best firms for the production of these products are Aasha, Hair Care, Khadi.

Negative sides

Dyeing gray hair with henna and basma also has disadvantages, but they are insignificant. So, you should not use powders on hair after a perm, after dyeing with traditional dyes. Also, after the first dyeing, you may not be very happy with the color, but this is fixable, since you can dye your hair again, because there will be no harm. But at the same time, traditional paints from the store will not take you, only henna and basma again. Well, the last minus is the staining time, it can be small, but it can take three hours.

We hope you are not so much upset by the appearance of noble whites, and such unloved hairs by everyone, because it's time to move on to the main question of how to get rid of gray hair at home. Further, you will learn about different folk recipes from improvised products.

Homemade natural coloring of gray hair. Recipes

Henna and Basma

Since we have already talked about these products, it is logical to start with them.

  • If your hair is white, then the color will be light red. It takes about 20 minutes to keep the paint. The proportions of henna to basma are 2: 1.
  • If you are fair-haired, then the color will turn out to be rich and bright red. The ratio is 1.5: 1. The exposure time is 30 minutes.
  • The brown-haired woman will become auburn, burgundy or chestnut, with a dark original color. The proportions are 1.5: 1 or 1: 1. Exposure from 45 minutes for a lighter color, two hours for dark-haired young ladies.
  • Completely gray hair - may turn brown, black. The ratio is 1: 1. For all curls to have a uniform and rich color, henna dyeing gray hair should be 2.5 hours.

Advice! If the color of your hair after dyeing turned out to be too bright and dark, then you can soften the shade with a mask from a warm vegetable oil held for 30 minutes.

Chamomile and lemon for blondes

The first recipe is based on the use of chamomile color and glycerin. A glass of dry inflorescences is steamed with boiling water, let it brew under the lid. Then three tablespoons of glycerin are added here. The mask is applied to all hair for 1-1.5 hours, after which it is washed off with shampoo and rinsed with infusion, which in the future must be used regularly for color stability.

How else to paint over gray hair, without harm to hair, for blonde ladies? For example, all the same chamomile and lemon. But the procedure is best done in spring or summer, since you need to keep your hair under the sun's rays during dyeing. To make the paint, you need to mix chamomile tea and citrus juice 3: 1.


For fair-haired and light-haired women, you can use the following recipe - ½ spoonful of grass is poured into boiling water - 500 grams. Simmer for 20 minutes, then cool, filter and apply to hair, wait for it to dry. This method can be used continuously to give a golden tone.

Calendula, lemon and chamomile

Again, an infusion for light-colored women, which can be constantly used for rinsing after washing. Three spoons of calendula leaf, the same amount of citrus peel and chamomile color. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and boiled. Further, when the broth cools down, then pour 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar here.

Perhaps you are already asking the question of how to paint over gray hair folk remedies brunettes. The following recipes are for you.


Double benefit - you ate nuts for health, and boil the shells for 15-20 minutes in water. Then wash your hair regularly with this broth. According to reviews, this tool can tint the color well.

Cocoa. Prunes

If you add cocoa powder to your shampoo in a 1: 1 ratio, your hair will not only smell good, but it will darken every time where it has already turned gray.

Advice! Painting over gray hair with folk remedies in dark color can give unexpected results for different women, since the structure of the hair is different for everyone. In order not to get an unexpected shade and to know exactly how much time you need, color one curl or its tip, which will not be so noticeable in case of failure. And don't experiment before big events.

As well as walnuts, prunes are useful, which are boiled and used for rinsing, and the composition is not washed off.


Is it possible to paint over the gray hair of coffee, as it is done with cocoa. Yes, you can. Only the recipe is different. Mixed in one container 100 grams of strong black coffee and 200 grams of the same strong natural tea in the leaves. After that, this composition is applied to the hair or dipped in a basin in order to evenly moisten the entire head. Next, put on a bag and a towel. It is done every other day.

Henna, coffee and eucalyptus oil

Three tablespoons of henna are diluted with four tablespoons of strong coffee, after which 2-3 tablespoons of oil are added here. A mask of dye components is applied to the hair until the desired shade is obtained, after which it is washed off.

Such a recipe can be recommended not only to those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to paint over gray hair with henna, but also to those who are just looking for natural persistent dyes that will last a long time and not spoil their hair. These paints are a great alternative for busy women.

For centuries, women have taken care of their appearance, constantly trying to bring something new. And hair coloring is not in the last place here. Someone wants to change the shade of their curls, someone strives, but someone, on the contrary, likes their natural color and with the help of staining they just want to emphasize it.

Natural hair dyes have always had and are still very popular, and all thanks to their harmless action, and even the benefits that they bring to health. Unlike chemical reagents, you can constantly experiment with natural dyes, choosing your ideal shade. In addition, such experiments preserve the beauty and health of the curls.

The plant components of natural dyes do not destroy the hair structure, do not provoke allergies, do not worsen the condition of the scalp, but they nourish the hair follicles with useful substances, normalize the sebaceous glands and prevent the formation of dandruff. They practically have no contraindications even in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The only drawback may be that the effect of natural dyes on the hair is short-lived, therefore it will be necessary to use masks with them and decoctions regularly. However, again, this will only benefit your curls and keep you bored while looking at your ever-changing reflection in the mirror. Let's get started!

There are several rules, following which, you will not be disappointed in the resulting shade and get exactly what you want.

General rules for dyeing hair at home

  1. It is not so much the original color of the strands that affects the result obtained from dyeing, but the individual susceptibility to the coloring pigment. Therefore, having prepared the mask, test it on one strand to see what you get as a result. If the shade is exactly what you want, use the mixture all over your hair.
  2. Do not dye your curls with natural dyes before permanent curling and immediately after hairdressing procedures using synthetic formulations - this can lead to unpredictable results.
  3. Also, do not use natural dyes to dye your hair before visiting the beach or pool, otherwise you may get curls with a green tint as a result. Often, the effect on the hair of sea water and bleach is manifested in this amazing way.
  4. You can exclude individual intolerance to the components by checking the prepared mixture for tolerance. Stop dyeing your hair for scalp problems (wounds, dermatological diseases, etc.).
  5. Natural staining must be done exclusively on clean hair!
  6. To avoid staining your forehead and face along with the strands, apply some oily cream to the skin along the hairline.
  7. If you have prepared a thick mask, apply it to the curls with a wide brush. If you have a liquid broth or infusion, distribute it with a regular foam sponge designed for dishes.

  1. The hair on the back of the head is dyed worst of all, that's why dyeing should start with them. Treat the roots of the curls carefully and apply the composition evenly through the hair.
  2. After dyeing your hair, pull a shower cap over your head for a while and wrap it with a towel.
  3. The composition of the coloring agent is washed off with warm water until the water flowing from the hair becomes transparent.

Natural dyes for lightening hair

The most harmless and healthy coloring agent is considered to be a concentrated infusion of Roman chamomile. With it, you will not only strengthen the hair roots, but also remove dandruff, and also get curls lighter by one to three tones.

  • The simplest recipe for a decoction with chamomile: dried flowers (50g) are poured with boiling water (500ml), insisted for 40 minutes. After filtering, the strands are thoroughly treated with infusion, then, as I already wrote, they pull a hat over the head, wrap it with a towel and wait 2-3 hours. After the procedure, you do not need to rinse the infusion from the curls.

It is great to combine chamomile with other ingredients - this will allow you to create very interesting shades.

  • Nettle (or at choice) and chamomile are poured with a liter of water (everything is taken in 1 tablespoon), allowed to stand for 30-40 minutes, the curls are filtered and treated with infusion. Then they wrap the head with a towel or a scarf for 15-20 minutes. After the hair is dried, it is treated with chamomile infusion twice with a break of 1 hour.
  • Dried flowers (25 g) are poured with 100 ml of water, after boiling, the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes. and allow to cool. Add 1 tsp to the filtered broth. honey. After applying the mixture to the curls, wrap it up with a towel, after putting on a hat. After 30min. washed off with warm water.

Lemon with honey and also gives a nice shade to the hair:

  • You need to mix the juice of 1/2 lemon with 1 tbsp. honey and the same amount olive oil... Apply this mask to the strands for 2-4 hours, tightly wrapping the hair with cling film and a towel. Wash off with water and shampoo.

See how cinnamon brightens hair:

Golden hue

For a golden hue, try these recipes:

  • Each time you wash your hair, rinse your hair with a strong chamomile infusion (200 g of dried herb, filled with 1 liter of boiling water).
  • Prepare a mixture of chamomile infusion (1 tablespoon of dried leaves, filled with 500 ml of boiling water) and hot henna gruel.
  • You can add inflorescences to a concentrated chamomile infusion (for 1 liter of water, 80 g of chamomile are taken) (it is good to use it for dry and normal hair).
  • Depending on the length of your hair, pour in 2-6 tbsp. dried and powdered rhubarb root with cold water (200 ml) and boil, stirring constantly, for 15-20 minutes. The thickened broth is removed from the fire, and cooled down is filtered out. Used for dyeing as a rinse after washing the hair.
  • Rinsing with an infusion of petals gives the curls a golden hue.
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a handful of onion peels, let stand for 20-30 minutes. and rub the filtered compound into clean hair.
  • A concentrated broth of onion peel will give a more saturated color to the curls: 2-4 tbsp. pour the husks with 500 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes. and put 1 tablespoon in the cooled broth. glycerin.

Ash shade

An ash shade can be obtained if:

  • rinse hair with a decoction of parsley roots: boil for 20 minutes. two large plant roots in 1 liter. water and rinse the strands with this product;
  • rinse hair with rhubarb decoction: pour 500 g of chopped raw materials with cold water (500 ml), stirring, boil until the total amount decreases four times. Rinse clean hair with a cooled and filtered broth.

How to dye your hair dark?

The most popular natural dyes in this case is basma and henna. Depending on the color you want, you can combine the components:

  1. If you want to become brown-haired, take one and a half parts of basma and two parts of henna.
  2. If you want to have even more dark shade strands, a mixture of henna and basma, taken in a 1x1 ratio, will help you.
  3. If you want to have completely black hair, make yourself a mixture of two parts basma and one part henna.

This photo shows the options for the ratio of henna to basma and what effect such mixtures give on blond hair Oh:

You can get darker hair at home using other coloring components:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. green peel powder walnut with 50ml boiling water, 1 tbsp. alum and 70g olive oil. Boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. this mixture until smooth. The product is applied warmly to the hair with gloved hands and with a brush - it has a very long-lasting coloring effect. After distributing the mask over the curls, wrap your head with cling film (or put on plastic bag). Enough for the procedure 30 minutes.
  • You can use a slightly different recipe: chopped walnut kernels (15g) are mixed with alum (25g) and olive oil (75g), filled with water (50ml). The mixture is boiled over low heat and applied chilled to the hair.

  • You can also use the juice from the green peel of this nut: 2 tbsp. juice is poured with 100 ml of alcohol, applied to the strands for 20-30 minutes. Then they are washed off.
  • Dried sage (4 tablespoons) is brewed with water (200 ml) and applied daily to the hair roots.
  • Chopped spruce bark is boiled with boiling water and applied for 1 hour. on the hair.
  • Mix buckthorn bark with oak bark (taken in 50 g each), pour 500 ml of water, boil the mixture for 30 minutes. Add water to the broth constantly to the original level. Then let the broth brew for 24 hours. Then boil it again, cool and filter. Put 1 tablespoon in the infusion. alcohol and glycerin. You can add vodka instead of alcohol. Every time you wash your hair, use this infusion to lubricate the strands. This is done until you get the desired shade of hair.

Chocolate shade

  • Mix a bag of basma powder and the same amount of henna, dilute the mixture with hot water, drop a few drops into it essential oil and put 1 tsp. honey or olive oil. After spreading the mixture to the curls, wrap your head with cling film and a towel for 2 hours. Then the mask is washed off with water. The longer you keep this composition on your hair, the blacker your chocolate shade will turn out.
  • Mix 3 tbsp. natural ground coffee and 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. When the product has cooled down a little, pour a bag of henna into it and stir so that there are no lumps left. Distribute the resulting mask over your hair. Wrap your head in plastic wrap and wrap it in a warm towel. After 2h. the mask is washed off. This recipe works for lighter hair.

You will get a light chocolate shade if you use infusions of black tea, linden leaves, and onion husks for coloring. The stronger the infusion, the more saturated your hair color will become as a result.

  • Prepare a mixture of 3 tablespoons. black tea and 250 ml of water, boil it for 15 minutes. over low heat. Let cool, filter and use to rinse clean hair. Alternatively, you can apply the mixture for 30 minutes. on the strands, then wash off the composition with plain water without shampoo.
  • Prepare a mixture of 4 tablespoons. branches and leaves of linden and 1 liter. water. The decoction is also used to rinse the hair.

In this video, you can watch the result of hair dyeing with a mixture of basma, henna and coffee on a living person:

Dyeing gray hair with natural dyes

If gray hair begins to appear in your blond hair, hide it with chamomile:

  • Pour the inflorescences of the plant (100g) with boiling water (500ml), after 30-40 minutes. filter and generously moisten hair with the resulting infusion. After 1h. wash off the infusion with plain water. Use this remedy daily - it will give the curls and a golden hue.
  • Pour a glass of dried chamomile leaves with 500 ml of boiling water, after 2 hours, as the mixture is infused, add glycerin to it (3 tablespoons). Apply the resulting mask to the strands along the entire length, especially concentrating on the gray areas, wrap your head with a film and a towel. After 1h. Rinse off the mask with water.

By the way, using rhubarb root to color gray hair will give it a light brown tint.

If you have gray hair in dark hair, try these recipes:

  • Shredded green walnut peel (4 tablespoons), pour 500 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes. and let cool. Lubricate clean strands with the filtered broth - this way you get a wonderful brown tone.
  • After washing your hair, rinse it each time with a steep broth of tea (boil in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. 2 tablespoons of tea leaves).
  • Filter out the strongly brewed black tea (4 tsp brew for 50 ml of water, boil for 40 minutes) and put in it the same amount of cocoa (or instant coffee powder) - 4 tsp. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the hair with a brush. The head is insulated with a film and a towel for 1 hour. The mask is washed off with warm water.
  • Brew 200 ml of boiling water 4 tablespoons. dried sage. Apply this infusion to the hair roots daily.

The most effective remedy dyeing gray hair at home is considered henna. In this video, see how to use it to remove gray hair:

With such an arsenal of natural hair dyes, you can easily abandon their chemical counterparts. The only drawback here will really be the need for more frequent production and use of coloring compositions. However, I believe the health of your curls is worth the time spent preparing these masks and infusions. Do you agree with me?

For most women, the discovered gray hair becomes not just an unpleasant discovery, but a real disaster. Therefore, the question of hair dyeing immediately becomes relevant. In this situation, solving the problem is not as easy as in the case of traditional painting. The reason is a special interaction with chemical or natural dyes.

It is difficult due to the absence of a pigment-imparting substance in the structure, which leads to an increase in hardness and immunity to chemical or natural dyes. Impact on the result cosmetic procedure also has a type of natural melanin. Light curls with eumelanin after its removal are more pliable in comparison with dark, saturated pheomelanin.

Efficiency of coloring depending on the type of gray hair

To paint correctly at home, first determine its type:

  • Focal. A feature is the appearance of discolored hairs not all over the head, but on a certain part of it. In such a situation, the dye should be selected, taking into account the percentage of gray hair and the thickness of the rods. The rest of the strand is colored in the usual way without adding a natural tone.
  • 10-30%. Hair coloring is practiced traditional method or mixed in equal proportions, tones corresponding to the natural and expected darker color, with a 3% oxidant.
  • About half. Pre-determine the shade number of natural curls, their thickness. If you plan to achieve a beautiful blonde at home, and the strands are dark by nature, lightening must be carried out in order to avoid the appearance of yellowness. It is necessary to use a mixture with the addition of natural color in equal amounts with a tint dye.
  • 60-70%. With thin curls at home, it is possible to get a beautiful blond even without preliminary lightening. If they are thick enough, it will be possible to paint only in dark versions without a preparation neutralizing the pigment.
  • Gray hair covering almost the entire head. Here, too, there are reservations for thick and thin strands. In each case, an oxidant is used at a concentration of 1.5%.

If by nature the hair is too heavy and the pigment is almost completely absent, it is better to choose special ones.

Professional paints for gray curls

You can paint over gray hair using the following techniques:

  • Highlighting with foil. It turns out to be effective if natural color at least half has survived. Used for coloring not one, but two shades.
  • Tint balm. It does no harm and quickly masks gray hair, but there is no radical change. The composition is applied to the strands at the end of shampooing, evaluating the result. If it turns out to be unsatisfactory, a professional wash of the same brand is used to reduce the intensity.
  • Use of ammonia-free semi-permanent preparations. The tinting agent is unable to penetrate the structure of the curls, therefore the dye is retained only in the scaly layer close to the surface. The retention of the result is noted within 2-3 weeks. It is advisable to use this method in the presence of 30% gray hair.
  • Persistent dyes.

If the initial tone does not apply to blonde, but personifies a dark range, many experts advise hiding gray hair with coloring and highlighting. A decent effect is obtained if discolored curls are present in a minimum amount.

Coloring dark and gray hair with natural remedies

This is the well-known henna and basma, which can be used both individually and in combination with each other. In addition to high-quality painting with their help, it is possible to achieve the restoration of health, the return of silkiness, shine, activation of growth, and elimination of dandruff. The only negative is that you have to paint more than once, spending more time on the procedure in comparison with applying persistent formulations. The result is strands that shimmer with light, dark chestnut (read about the rules for coloring in chestnut shades), mahogany, fiery red shades.

1. Features of pure henna.

When choosing this method of eliminating gray hair, it is important to consider a number of points:

  • Natural henna remedies add a bright copper or orange tone. With naturally dark hair and a small amount of discolored strands, it is possible to achieve an even color. If gray hair predominates, pronounced transitions between bright orange and dark copper are not excluded.
  • Before applying henna in pure form you should definitely evaluate the percentage of pigmented and discolored curls. It is better if they are evenly distributed, and not concentrated in local areas (for example, at the temples).
  • The peculiarity of henna and other natural dyes is the impossibility of predicting the result. The type of strands has a direct impact on the resulting shade. The maximum dye penetration is characteristic of the soft structure. If the hair is thick and coarse, it is often possible to completely dye the gray hair only on the third attempt. This increases the exposure time. Sometimes this interval is about 6 hours. Henna does not harm the hairstyle, but there is a significant waste of time.

It is advisable to pour henna with boiling water to enhance the return of the natural pigment. Another method of application is to dilute the powder with warm water and then heat the mixture in a water bath for 3 minutes. At the next stage, vinegar, kefir or lemon juice are introduced into a safe paint, achieving the consistency of thick sour cream.

The ready-made gruel is applied to the curls immediately after preparation, since with prolonged contact of henna with air, it loses its properties. It is better to choose the maximum exposure time right away. If there is a desire to get a not too dark tone, but at the same time paint over the gray hair completely, it is worthwhile to first carry out the procedure for one strand hidden in the thick of the hairstyle.

2. Henna and Basma.

Combining both dyes at once, you need to be very careful about the choice of proportions. The best option is to consult a professional who will assess the structure of the curls, the type of gray hair and give appropriate recommendations. In terms of preparation, the recipe is similar to using pure henna.

Some masters advise additionally adding vegetable, cosmetic oil or egg yolk to the mixture for a more even coloring. At the end of the procedure, the strands are washed only with warm water, do not apply shampoo to them, otherwise the color may change noticeably.

3. Basma and black hair.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to achieve with the help of basma the elimination of gray hair and obtaining a black tone of curls has two possible options:

  • This effect is provided by basma, supplemented with natural black pigments.
  • You can choose step-by-step staining. First, clean henna is applied, getting a pronounced reddish color, then painting is carried out only with basma. As a result, it may not turn out completely black, but a rich chestnut shade.

When planning the use of henna and basma at home, pay attention to:

  • When gray hair appears only near the roots, it should be painted after several passes with preliminary processing of only the discolored part of the hairstyle. The holding time can reach several hours, after which the rest of the mixture is distributed along the length of the hair.
  • To obtain the most durable color, periodic staining must be complemented by rinsing carried out in between. For this, a special solution is prepared at home, pouring a liter of warm water simultaneously with basma and henna. After brewing, lemon juice is introduced and the resulting mixture is well stirred.

Other natural remedies are also used to hide gray hair. One of them is chamomile broth, which helps to give curls with a natural shade of blond golden tint.

Not all women know, but in nature there are such natural dyes that can change hair color beyond recognition, turning, for example, naturally light curls into dark ones. Such components help to paint over the gray strands, to give the hair a more intense tone, in general, to "revive" the hairstyle.

A huge plus of carrying out the procedure with natural dyes is that they do not spoil the hair, all manipulations can be carried out at home, and this will save money and time for visiting the salon.

Natural hair dye for blondes

Is it possible to maintain the desired hair shade on your own without chemistry? You can, if you have naturally blonde hair. For those who radically repainted from brunette to blonde, our advice, unfortunately, will not work.

  1. Hair dye at home for blondes. If you are a fan of home cosmetics, then you already know that lemon brightens skin color perfectly. This product works similarly with hair. Squeeze out the juice of 2-3 lemons and dilute it slightly with water. Apply to all hair from roots to ends. There is no need to wash off the composition. However, keep in mind one important nuance: home paints are very soft, so you don't have to wait for a quick result. But literally after 3-4 repetitions, you will notice how the strands have lightened.
  2. Honey Is the most popular product in home cosmetics. Honey masks not only nourish and restore weakened hair, but also give it a stunning shade. So, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. Use water with a diluted tablespoon of salt and baking soda instead of conditioner. Now apply honey over the entire length of your hair, also massage it into the scalp. Hair dye at home is ready. You just have to wait a few hours, so we recommend making a mask at night.
  3. chamomile- the best friend of blondes. A decoction of these flowers brightens and gives a golden hue. Get ready to catch rave glances. Preparing paint is very simple: pour 3 tablespoons of dried flowers with a glass of water and bring to a boil. Next, insist the mixture under the lid until it cools completely. Strain and use as a rinse after every shampoo. Within a week, the result will be noticeable.

Natural hair dye for brown-haired women

If you have dark hair and want brown or chocolate shades, then there is a whole range of natural dyes at your service.

  1. The easiest and cheapest way is to apply strong brewed tea to your hair after washing. After a few days, you will notice beautiful chestnut tints in your locks.
  2. The stunning color will also be provided by the walnut partition decoction. Peel the walnuts, and collect all the husks (you need a handful) for future paint. Pour in a glass of water and let it boil. Cool the mixture and strain through cheesecloth. The perfect tinting rinse is ready.
  3. Henna-based paint at home. Henna is very comfortable and effective method get the desired dark shade. If you use it in its pure form, then in one coloring you will become the owner of a bright red hairstyle. Want to soften the color? Then add tea or coffee to the henna. Henna is a greenish powder. It must be diluted with hot water in the proportions indicated on the package. The result should be a homogeneous gruel. Henna perfectly cares for hair and eliminates the effects of chemical experiments on hair. However, there is also a significant disadvantage. After henna, it is very difficult to return to the usual method of staining with purchased products. The paint may run unevenly or take on a very unexpected tint.

Hot brunettes: we dye our hair with basma

Basma will help to get black color. This is a close relative of henna. Made exclusively from natural ingredients, it heals hair and saturates it with color no worse than chemical dyes. But you have to be careful with basma. If used incorrectly from best friend she turns into worst enemy... Here are some tips:

  • Home dye, made exclusively from basma, can create a greenish or blue tint... You can avoid this by adding a little henna. If you want a black or very dark color, then mix basma and henna in a 2: 1 ratio. Keep the composition on your hair for at least 2 hours. For the dark chestnut color take two components in equal parts.
  • Also, adding a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to the paint from basma, you can neutralize green tint.
  • Never dye hair that has recently passed the perm test, basma or henna.
  • It is better to apply the dye to clean and slightly damp hair.

Basma does an excellent job with gray hair on dark hair. But chamomile, which we already wrote about above, will help to drown out the silvery shade of blondes.

Classic natural hair dye

For this you will need:

  • clean water - 2 glasses;
  • ½ cup sage.

Combine the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat for about half an hour. Then strain the broth and let it brew for several hours in a dark place. Apply the resulting product to your hair twice a week. The more often you do the procedure, the darker the tone of your hair will turn out. By the way, the composition gives the curls a chestnut shade, keep this in mind before applying the broth. Suddenly you don't like this color.

Another recipe for making natural hair dye at home, which will allow beauties with the first signs of gray hair to disguise it, becoming a brown-haired woman.

  • 30 g alder bark
  • 1 liter of clean water.

Pour the liquid into a saucepan and boil, add the bark to the container and leave to “gurgle” on minimum heat for at least 30 minutes.

  1. Strain the resulting broth, let it cool and can be applied to the hair. It is worth noting that it is not always possible to paint over "silver" in a hairstyle the first time, so you can repeat the procedure as many times as necessary to obtain the desired shade.
  2. Carry out the application of any composition in rubber gloves in order to avoid staining the nails and skin of the hands. The paint can be prepared on the basis of henna.
  3. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of powder, add a little lemon juice to it, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese and ground coffee each, pour in water.
  4. Its amount should be such that the mixture resembles thick sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly and distribute evenly over the curls, leaving the mixture to be absorbed for 120-180 minutes.

Herbal hair dye recipe

When you're ready to make your own hair dye, some tried and true recipes may come in handy. Rinse with chamomile and calendula for light hair.

A weekly rinse with chamomile and calendula will brighten dull blonde hair and prevent dark hairs from UV exposure.

  • 1/2 cup fresh or dried chamomile flowers
  • 1/2 cup fresh or dried calendula flowers
  • 1 liter of water

Cooking method:

  1. Bring water to a boil on the stove, (do not use aluminum cookware)
  2. Add chamomile and calendula and remove the water from the stove.
  3. Let the herbs sit for 30 minutes and then strain.
  4. Wait for the strained liquid to cool completely. You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to one week.
  5. Wash your hair as you normally would and towel dry.
  6. Pour or spray on your hair and let it sit for 15-30 minutes. Then rinse off with plain water.
  7. Or just style your hair as usual.

Recipes for natural dyes at home


Chamomile colors hair in a pleasant yellowish-golden hue. Boil water, add 1 glass of dried flowers of chamomile to it, let the broth infuse for 30 minutes, strain it and let cool completely. After each shampooing, rinse your hair with the resulting broth and let it dry. To enhance the golden hue, saffron or turmeric can be added to the broth. This recipe is suitable for fair-haired girls and those with gray hair.

Onion peel

Onion peels give hair a golden-reddish hue. To prepare a natural dye, take 50 g of husk and boil it in 200 ml of water for 15.20 minutes. Suck the broth, strain it, and then rinse your hair and do not rinse. This decoction colors the hair, strengthens it and accelerates growth. Onion paint is suitable for girls with brown and light brown hair.


Rhubarb dyes hair in light brown and straw shades. It can be used alone or added to henna to muffle reddish tones. Boil 30 g of chopped rhubarb roots and let the broth cool completely. Strain it and massage into clean hair.

Henna gives a rich scope for creativity. Henna can be dyed hair in golden, red, brown and even red shades. Henna with chamomile adds honey-golden tones to hair. Henna with black tea or coffee will dye your hair rich brown shades. Henna with a decoction of onion peels will help you become the color of a fire engine. The classic recipe for dyeing with henna: dilute the powder with boiling water to a consistency convenient for you, apply the gruel along the partings to cleanly washed hair. Wrap hair with cling film and walk like that for 30 minutes to 2 hours. The longer you keep the henna paint, the more saturated the shade will be. You can even leave the henna on your hair overnight.

Black tea

Black tea gives the hair reddish brown and bronze tones. Mix 2 tablespoons of granulated black tea with 2 cups of cold water. Put the mixture on fire and cook for at least 30 minutes. Apply a warm infusion to clean hair, then wrap your head with cling film and walk like that for several hours. The longer you walk, the more saturated the shade you will get as a result. Herbal black tea paint is perfect for brunettes and girls with brown hair.

Plant components can be safely mixed with each other, change the proportions and exposure time on the hair and rejoice at the result every time. Even if for some reason the color did not suit you, you can do the dyeing procedure again almost on this day without the risk of damaging your hair.

How to use henna for hair dyeing?

The substance usually has the form of a powder, which must be poured into a deep container, filled with water (it must be hot, the temperature is 80-90 degrees). Remember that we are not talking about boiling water, but about warm water. While the product is warm, apply it to the strands, which is much better done if you use a special brush. Next, you need to wrap your head, for example, using a bathing cap, a regular plastic bag.

The time during which you need to wait for staining depends on the original tone of the strands. For owners of light curls, an hour will be enough for this, but brunettes should walk around with henna for about several hours.

Remember that you need to rinse your hair very thoroughly after the procedure, otherwise it will lose its beautiful appearance, and over time, unwashed, the safest and most effective hair dye will begin to fall out from the strands in the form of green flakes. The shampoo is not used when rinsing, and you should not use it for the next few days.

Be careful - there are many types of "henna" sold on the market today, which supposedly can give curls of any color and shade. These products are not natural, they contain various chemicals. Your strands may suffer from using such mixtures.

Natural homemade black hair dye

Here's an easy way to make a safe black hair dye at home, and it's not expensive at all, although the effect lasts a long time.

To get started, you need a few bags of black tea, coffee and black henna. Boil the tea bags and coffee, then remove the tea bags and add the henna. It is assumed that you will be cooking the paint in a glass container, as the plastic will stain. Follow the traditional instructions for making henna and you will have black hair in no time!

Bright and blonde hair with chamomile

Looking for safe paint for hair, chamomile products are always good to use. And it's especially nice that you can make your own dye to freshen up or lighten your hair!

Put three glasses of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then put chamomile flowers in boiling water. Then rinse your hair with chilled liquid to freshen up blonde and blonde brunette. When rinsing your hair with chamomile infusion, rinse it in a large bowl so that you can repeat the process several times, not just once in the shower.

This is one of the safest ways to color your hair, and if used on a regular basis, you can gradually lighten your hair.

Safe hair dyes

Hair needs a break from endless "chemicals" and "repaints", so why not use dyes of natural origin. Until the hair has "come to its senses" completely, do not take risks and expose them to curling and dyeing. If you can't wait to change the image, use gentle foams or harmless folk remedies. The dark brown color of the hair is given by the cold infusion of the leaves or the green shell of the walnut. The intensity of the color can be adjusted according to the proportions of water and raw materials, as well as the pigmentation of your hair. Therefore, first, make a test on a small strand (for this, take the components in equal proportions and stand for 8-10 hours).

For a chestnut hue, use 125 g of crushed walnuts, 25 g of alum, 70 ml of olive oil and 50 ml of water. Bring to a boil over low heat, refrigerate and apply to hair for 20-40 minutes (depending on desired intensity).

A golden shine gives the hair an infusion of chamomile flowers (2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water). Insist for an hour, strain and rub into hair, leave for 30 minutes. Black color will be obtained when mixed in equal proportions of henna and basma.

How to dye your hair with henna or basma

Henna and basma for hair coloring have a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp, normalize the sebaceous glands and stop the process of hair loss. With their help, you can give hair the now fashionable golden-red, red shades. Some, wishing to enhance the effect of these colors, “wear” them on their heads for three or even four hours. But you don't need to do this - an hour and a half will be enough.

Washable tinting is always applied to wet hair, and so that the skin does not stain, the forehead and ears are smeared with cream. Wear disposable gloves on your hands.

Henna or basma is applied, either by dividing the hair into partings, or simply over the hair, distributing it evenly from roots to ends. Tint is vigorously distributed on the hair, then combed out first with a sparse, then with a frequent comb, then the pigments will lie smoother.

Exposure time: the longer the paint is held, the more intense the color will be. After dyeing, rinse the hair well and wring it out with a towel. Hair is dried naturally, then dry with a hairdryer.

In order for dyed hair to retain its shine, after each wash, you must use a rinse aid - when oily hair apply it only to the ends and on the hair itself, without touching the roots - and at least once every two weeks, apply a medicated hair balm.

Red pigments are not particularly persistent. A special spray applied before shampooing will prevent hair from swelling and save pigments from washing out. You can also use mild special shampoos for colored hair, they have a similar effect.

Ultraviolet rays act - especially when combined with salt or chlorine - as a chemical brightener. Use styling products with UV filters and protect your hair from burnout in the sun. (Special tip: Oil-free sunscreen spray works for hair too!) To freshen up your color, use a suitable color shampoo or rinse from time to time, or tint your hair.

Video: recipes for natural hair dyes

Basma, henna, onion husks, walnuts, tea, coffee and chamomile are considered natural hair dyes. It is best to use these dyes on hair that has not been permed or dyed.

Natural dyes are good because they do not harm the hair, but even, on the contrary, give it silkiness and shine. Their only drawback is insufficient durability. Therefore, when deciding to dye your hair with natural dyes, be prepared that after almost every washing of your hair you will have to reapply it. Natural dyes should be applied to damp and clean hair with a brush or sponge.

Of course, when people talk about natural hair dyes, henna comes to mind first. Indeed, henna not only perfectly copes with the task of hair dyeing, but also strengthens the hair, gives it shine and a healthy look. But henna is by no means the only herbal dye, and women with different shades of hair can choose other eco-products for themselves.

However, many of the products on offer have a negative effect on hair as they contain many harmful substances eg ammonia or strong alkalis. In this case, you can achieve the desired result by replacing synthetic products with natural dyes of natural origin. They will not only help to qualitatively achieve the required shade of hair, but also contribute to the restoration and treatment of sick and split curls.

Herbal hair dyes

Hair dyeing has been around long before humanity invented chemical compositions... There was no need to tell our grandmothers what dyes are. Means such as henna, basma, herbal decoctions, which have a coloring effect, have been popular since ancient times. We can safely say that herbal hair dyes have not lost their relevance today, since, by changing the hair color, such dyes do not harm them at all. On the contrary: thanks to natural dyes, hair gains a healthy shine, softness and manageability. No special care is required for hair dyed with a natural product, which cannot be said for hair dyed with a chemical dye.

  • Henna is a powder of alkane or lavsonia leaves, which has a coloring effect and gives in its pure form either a yellow-green or carrot-orange color.
  • Basma(Iranian henna) is another popular plant dye obtained from indigo leaves, which give a gray-green color in pure form.

Usually, the knowledge of natural dyes for most of us is limited to these two names. In fact, there are much more natural dyes: coffee, chamomile, onion peel, green walnut peel have a coloring effect.

It makes no sense to pull out the first gray hairs - the same gray hairs will grow in their place. It is better to dye and carry out regular preventive procedures to enhance the production of pigment for future hair.

Choosing natural hair dyes

For blondes, primroses are recommended for their hair to acquire a shade of platinum. Rhubarb root will dye blonde curls a golden honey tone, and regular use of chamomile will enhance your natural color.

Red-haired young ladies should pay attention to the natural properties of saffron: it gives hair a beautiful golden tint. If you need to get a reddish-red shade, the well-known marigolds will help you, and even more expressive, fiery ebb hair will acquire thanks to the red colors of hibiscus.

Dark hair can be tinted with chestnut leaves and rosemary for a richer and more expressive color. Want to turn into a hot brunette? Use walnut shells. Elderberries give hair a deep plum shade, and with sage brunettes can effectively paint over gray hair.

How to dye your hair with natural dyes

It is absolutely not difficult to prepare paint from natural ingredients. True, the proportions largely depend on whether you are using dried herbs or fresh ones. For one painting, 2-3 tablespoons of fresh herbs or 1 glass of dried herbs are enough. Also keep in mind that the stems and roots of herbs need additional processing: they need to be finely chopped and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The walnut shells are boiled for about two hours, not forgetting to add water as needed. Prepared plants should be poured with boiling water (600 ml) and left for three hours. Then the infusion should be filtered and used for hair dyeing within the next two days.
You can enhance the effectiveness of a natural dye using kaolin powder. To do this, pour the plant of your choice with a smaller amount of boiling water (300 ml), leave for the same period, strain, and then add 2 tablespoons of powder to the infusion.

The process of dyeing your hair is very simple - wash your hair, pour the finished dye into a suitable container, lower your head over a basin, and then rinse your hair with dye. The dye from the basin must be poured back into the container and the rinsing procedure repeated again. The more rinses you carry out, the more intense the color your hair will acquire after dyeing.

Hair coloring with henna and basma

For dyeing with henna, dark blond hair or Brown... Blond hair, in contact with natural henna, can acquire an unnatural bright red color. If you bleached or lightened your hair before dyeing with henna, it can turn carrot-red, so you need to be careful.

Basma in its pure form is not used, as it gives a blue or green tint. It is used together with henna when you want to give your hair beautiful brown tint... And if you apply henna to your hair first, and then basma, you can get a black color.

For dyeing long hair with henna and basma, take 100 g of henna and basma powder; for short hair, a smaller amount is enough. The powder must be rubbed (preferably with a wooden spoon) with hot water until a thick gruel is obtained. Instead of water, you can take a thick infusion of coffee or hot red wine. The composition is applied to clean, damp hair, being careful not to get on the skin of the face.

Then you need to cover your head with a film, and wrap a warm towel on top. In 10-40 minutes you will get a beautiful light brown color (for owners of light hair), and after 1-1.5 hours - dark brown. Rinse your hair with warm water without shampoo.

Such staining with henna can (and should) be carried out every week: firstly, because natural paint is quickly washed off, and secondly, because henna and basma help strengthen the hair and scalp.

Chamomile hair coloring

To dye your hair with chamomile, you need to pour a glass of dry chamomile flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. Add 3 tablespoons of glycerin, apply to hair and wrap, and after an hour rinse with warm water. This composition paints gray hair well. It is especially recommended for owners of oily hair.

In addition, you can rinse blonde hair with chamomile infusion after each shampooing. The hair will take on a beautiful golden tint.

You can use chamomile not only for coloring, but also for lightening dark hair. To get the result, pour 1 cup of dried flowers with 1.5 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour and add 50 g of hydrogen peroxide to the strained infusion. This composition is applied to dry, clean hair, cured for 40 minutes and washed off with warm water using shampoo.

Hair coloring with onion peel

Onion peel is another natural hair dye. Hair coloring with onion peel also has a beneficial effect on hair.

A weak solution of onion peels gives light hair a golden brown hue, a strong solution makes it darker. You need to treat your hair with the solution every day - then you will get a lasting result.

If you need to paint over gray hair on dark hair, use a strong decoction: boil 0.5 cups of husk for 20 minutes in a glass of water. Cool, strain, add 2 teaspoons of glycerin. With the resulting composition, wipe your hair with a cotton swab every day.

Hair dyeing with walnuts

To do the procedure for dyeing your hair with a walnut, roll the green walnut peel through a meat grinder and add enough water to make a mixture that is thick like sour cream. Apply it to your hair for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The hair will take on a pleasant brown color.

Feel free to experiment with natural hair dyes. You can rub strong tea or coffee infusion into the scalp and hair every day, make a decoction of linden and sage, rinse your head after washing lemon juice diluted with water. An individual result will be obtained depending on the shade of your hair.

How to dye your hair with tea and cocoa

Before dyeing your hair with tea, prepare the following composition. 4 tsp pour 50 ml of boiling water over dry tea leaves. Boil the brew for 40 minutes, then strain it and add 4 teaspoons of cocoa or instant coffee. You should have a pretty thick gruel. Apply it evenly to your hair, put on a plastic or oilcloth cap and additionally warm your head with a woolen shawl or scarf: dyeing under the influence of heat will be more intense. Keep the composition on your hair for 1 hour, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Cocoa turns out to be more than just a nutritious drink. Cocoa Powder is a wonderful herbal hair dye that gives a rich mahogany hue. To get the desired result, 3-4 tbsp. l. mix cocoa powder with 25 g of henna. Make the paint using the same technology as the henna composition.

General rules for dyeing hair

  1. Natural dyes can only be used on undyed hair. If you apply a natural dye to hair already dyed with a colorator, you can get the most unexpected color. The same, by the way, applies to permed hair. Such hair instantly "grasps" the dye, so although it can be applied, the effect on the hair should be minimal: hold it for a few minutes and rinse immediately. By the way, the opposite picture - a perm after dyeing hair with a natural dye - is also not an option: natural dyes and chemical agents are not "friends" with each other, no matter in what sequence you use them.
  2. Hair coloring with henna and basma, as well as other natural dyes, as opposed to chemical ones, should be performed only on immaculately clean hair. “Forgot” a styling product on your hair? Expect unpredictable results.
  3. Rinsing hair after dyeing with natural dyes is a laborious process. It can be finished only when the water flowing from the hair becomes completely transparent.
  4. Natural dyes are unlikely to suit those who are used to changing their image often. The fact is that many of them (such as henna, basma) are quite persistent and it is not so easy to wash them off: you have to wait for the dye to come off the hair by itself, which can last more than one month. Even highlighting during this time will be impossible for you.
  5. Natural colorants can be influenced by the environment. For example, henna-dyed hair can turn green when exposed to sea water. So be careful not to dye your hair with henna before going to the sea.

How to dye your hair with henna: preparation

Preparation before dyeing your hair with henna is as follows. Dissolve the required number of bags in boiling water. Stir well. You should get a homogeneous mass, similar in consistency to sour cream.

Please note that if henna gets on your clothes, it will be almost impossible to remove stains from it, so be sure to use a cape. In addition, henna can also stain the skin (it is no coincidence that drawings and even tattoos are made on the skin with the help of henna), so apply a cosmetic cream on the border of hair growth, as well as on the ears (which often suffer with this color), with which you usually are using. If you do get dye on your skin, remove it immediately with damp cotton wool.

How to dye your hair with henna: the main stage

Moving on to the main stage: before dyeing your hair with henna, make sure that it is thoroughly dried. Apply to clean, dry hair. Remember that the back of the head has a lower temperature than the others, so it's best to start with the back of the head. After that, paint over the hair on the crown and temples, and then distribute it along the entire length. Wearing rubber or plastic gloves, massage your hair: this promotes an even color.

For intense staining, put on a plastic or oilcloth hat. If you have long hair, pre-pin them. Along the line of the hair growth boundary, lay cotton wool rolled into a tourniquet: otherwise, there is a risk of dyeing the forehead, neck or ears along with the hair, which will acquire an exquisite carrot shade. It is unlikely that this will be included in your plans, so act on the principle of "God preserves the one who is saved."

Natural dye recipes


Linden hair coloring is more of a medical nature, because the result of the manipulation can only be noticeable for light hair. Dark hairstyles will acquire a light brown ash color. Linden will not paint over gray hair, will not change the color of curls. On the other hand, it will significantly strengthen the hair, give such shine, which you will not achieve with any other paint. There are no ready-made solutions for coloring linden-based hairstyles, so you need to do everything yourself.

  • half a pack is poured into a mug - 6 tbsp;
  • poured into a container of 500 ml of water;
  • bring to a boil and let half the water boil over low heat;
  • let cool at room temperature;
  • apply with a brush to the roots, spread along the entire length with a comb;
  • wash off after 40 minutes.


Chamomile coloring is an effective and safe way to lighten your hair, even hide gray hair. It is possible to change the color by 1-3 tones. The degree of clarification in this case directly depends on how concentrated your initial decoction will be:

  • Chamomile leaves - 2 large spoons. pour 1 liter of water;
  • simmer for 5 minutes over low heat;
  • cool, drain;
  • apply to hair from ends to roots;
  • let dry, do not wipe


Cinnamon has a pronounced firming effect on the scalp, on the condition of the hair follicles. Hair coloring with this spice is done mainly on dark curls, because This natural hair dye is a strong natural brightener and can brighten you 1-2 tones. Preparing the solution will not take you much time and money.

  • Prepare 100 g of honey, 100 g of cinnamon and 60 g of water. melt honey and mix with water and cinnamon;
  • apply a still warm mixture to the strands along the entire length;
  • put on a plastic bag and wrap with a towel (put on a hat);
  • keep at least 4 hours (ideally at night);
  • Wash off with conditioner shampoo.

Henna hair coloring: the final stage

Keeping the composition on the hair the right time, wash it off with warm water. We remind you once again that rinsing hair after using a natural dye is an energy-intensive process that requires patience: after rinsing, there should not be even the slightest dye residue on the hair, otherwise its effect will continue. So do not be too lazy to rinse your hair to clean water: only when the water from under the hair becomes completely transparent, you can stop rinsing.

Natural hair color by different reasons does not suit many women, but not everyone wants to spoil their curls with chemical paint. There are alternative ways to dye your hair using natural hair dyes. Several proven methods of cooking are widely known. natural paints for your hairstyle, then hair coloring will become harmless, and in many cases even useful. Learn how to paint over gray hair, and when to use natural paints.

Video: natural hair dyes