Cool statuses for a happy woman. Statuses about a happy woman. Statuses about a happy woman and mother

  • I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!
  • Every woman is obliged to wake up shamelessly happy, and get out of the house, brazenly beautiful.
  • Small woman's happiness There is a huge male effort ...
  • Life is worth it to see in a happy man mirror.
  • Finally, I'm in the seventh heaven from happiness. I warn you, the staircase is not necessary, I will not blind anyway.
  • The best statuses and quotes about a happy woman

    • You can make eyelashes, lips, impose a blush, but the shine in the eyes can "draw" only loved and loving man.
    • It is better to be happy ... the correct and perfect.
    • - paradox - than beautiful girlThe smaller the chance of simple female happiness.
    • Women's happiness - would be cute nearby, well, nothing more needs. In addition to an expensive car, a large apartment, a ring with a brother, a fur coat and a lot more.
  • If a woman behaves like a child, then she is happy.
  • Changed ... Change ... and I will change ... my life for the better!
  • Go with a friend! It is so chic on heels. And I'm so happy in slag, !!!
  • Dad and Mom made me cute, educators - brought up, teachers - formed, and her husband is happy.
  • You can not make a woman happy - do not bother another.
  • We all have the opportunity to choose. Choose happiness.
  • Spread the curtains so that the street was lighter. I shook it with happiness.
  • The woman is charming when she is happy ...
  • Women's happiness is when you wake up in his arms every morning.
  • A woman does not get better when they reproach or criticize ... The woman becomes better when they are doing happy.
  • Chocolate-eh ... And they say you can not buy happiness.
  • What is the difference between women's happiness from male? Women's happiness after the wedding begins, and the male ends.
  • A clever woman gives happiness, stupid, waiting for him.
  • Beautiful smile, confident gait, a drop of spirits, heels and whisper behind the back: "happy she is still."
  • Tried happiness ... And I go ... I will wear.
  • I have to be happy and I must no longer anyone.
  • Statuses and quotes about a happy woman - Happiness is always small. And only when you lose it, you know how many it was.
  • I have an unlimited tariff "Personal Happiness!".
  • Woman married or happy, or wise.
  • Charming? Successful? Maybe! I admit ... But I know exactly - happy! Here I am what!
  • Statuses about love and happiness of a woman

    I am in the sky of happiness, and I do not need to give a staircase, I still do not tear!

    Be happy - it means to be loved.

    My heart beats very quickly, right in the rhythm of happiness.

    Best woman decoration - happiness.

    I'm not running for happiness, I sit and wait for him in the ambush ...

    He loved me so much that he himself was happy.

    I have a family, so I must be happy.

    When you press me at night, I have a true happiness.

    More statuses about a happy woman:

    • You loved me and let my happiness in my house.
    • You made a compliment in the morning - I flier at one moment.
    • I am not a jealous husband to women, but only two. To the one who gave birth to, and to the one that I gave birth.
    • If a woman sees how her husband smiles, she gains happiness. After all, he smiles in her ...
    • You can't buy a good mood for money, but you can give it to me, just smile at me and hug.
    • The world has created you so that you make me happy every day.
    • Search is over, I have already found my happiness!

    Statuses about a happy woman with meaning

    Wear glasses today I am a candle with happiness.

    I do not watch the weather forecast, I have a happy weather every day!

    I officially allow this day to become the happiest in my life.

    The woman who loves, in the heart always lives hope and faith ...

    Parents tried and made me brought up, and you came to my life and made me just happy.

    You will never get the happiness in marriage if you did not bring it with you.

    Many women are waiting for insane deeds from men, and only some are able to really see them.

    A woman does not need to be perfect to become happy.

    Alone, I listen to myself, and I won't tell myself bad.

    If you are still looking for the meaning of life, then you have not yet found your happiness.

    Choose yourself short statuses about a happy woman.

    If you want to be happy - ...

    I have a unlimited package of happiness.

    Please do not disturb me, I'm in the zone of happiness.

    True is good, but I prefer happiness.

    If life does not please - you please her.

    I live according to the rules ... According to the rules of happiness.

    I give myself a word - I will be happy!

    The trouble is tired and left ...

    Between us happiness.

    Statuses on the topic "I am happy"

    Do not climb into my settings, I am happy with default.

    Surrerage happiness and decided that I would not remove anymore.

    Today I am visiting happiness.

    Happiness is the ability to do not spoil your mood!

    Happy woman can not do not like.

    Being yourself - it is even more than happiness.

    Life is not happy, there are just happy people.

    Statuses about a happy woman, choose:

    • Heel girlfriend is very beautiful, and I am very happy in slippers.
    • I will succeed, because I'm happy.
    • I do not kill happiness if it is inside you!
    • Happiness is when every day you wake up next to your loved one.
    • You do not need to talk loud about love, you just need to do your woman happy.
    • I am very happy, I ask my past do not disturb me.
    • In my heart, the garden, the garden of love and happiness.
    • I accepted an incredibly difficult decision - to be happy.
    • You can only cry with happiness.
    • I'm happy, honest. And I do not imitate!

    Statuses about a happy woman and mother

    There is happiness, I know for sure. I gave birth to him.

    Now I am very happy, and I will have a happy future, because I became my mother.

    Happiness Mom and Wife is when all at home, and especially when they all sleep ...

    Birth is nothing compared to the happiness that you get after them.

    From good man A woman gives birth to one child, and if he becomes also good father, she will give him more children.

    Mathematics accurately mistaken: one plus one, after all three.

    A woman can a lot, and mom can all!

    Makes me happy only the smell of kid ...

    Even on Saturday, instead of the morning sleep, I am ready to watch cartoons because I happy mom... but a little sleepy.

    Until the seventh sky, happiness remained only one child ...

    Happiness \u003d children.

    Statuses about women's happiness

    I am doing a very important thing, I make myself happy.

    I am so delightful not like the rest, that it makes me confidently happy!

    I have love in my heart, and in my heart happiness.

    I just believed in my happiness and ... it asked me a hand and heart.

    I will not revenge anyone, I'll just become happy.

    Beautiful statuses about happy woman.

    The main thing is that I am happy, and what people will say - no matter what.

    No matter how happy I was at the moment, I can always make myself even happier. Happiness inside each of us ...

    Who can be happy without you, will not find happiness with you.

    Become happy and see that the world will also be happy ...

    Around me everyone is good, because I am good today.

    I caught happiness and now I will not let go.

    Every day in the mirror I see a happy woman.

    If you are unhappy, draw yourself the happiness itself.

    This is not the end, this is another step towards happiness.

    Statuses about a happy woman - what we want to hear in constant bustle. Get your portion of inspiration, and be sure to give it to your friends in social networks!

    Being happy is a solution, and then - condition

    1. Beauty is important, but the inner state is much more important.
    2. If the flowers bring you enough pleasure, then there is no point in waiting until a man guess to give them ...
    3. Dear women! You can be unhappy and on heels, and you can be happy in sneakers ...
    4. Someone strive for career and money, and someone is quite a quiet suggestion nearby. And each of them is right.

    In order for everything to be "strawberry", set the status "I am a happy woman."

    1. If you know that in the morning you will eat delicious, and dressed beautifully, it becomes a naamic kinder.
    2. If you are accustomed to being miserable, then become happy to sweat your nerves to other unfortunate.
    3. If there is at least someone in your life, who asks, did you atheel, you already have a reason for joy!
    4. Who would I be today? Successful, attractive or lucky? God with him, I will be happy.

    Create happiness without shaming

    The status of a woman about happiness may be melting melancholy. But we are talking about things that cannot withstand standards or any installations.

    1. The secret of mine have a good mood? I am loved. And if not someone.
    2. What is this life worth? Yes, even in order to constantly look for a reason for a smile!
    3. Why do everyone so often want spring in the shower? Let it be fine on it, without unnecessary epithets ...
    4. I am a pretty bold woman. I'm definitely not afraid to die of happiness.

    Be sure that you are unique, and set the status of a happy wife.

    1. Ladies, make sure that you were good. And for this, just threw to those who are willing to appreciate you.
    2. A clever woman knows what kind of girl is more beautiful. Wise - knows, but does not give it the slightest meaning.
    3. We are modest girls, and far from perfect. Well, you can do, I did not reach us the ideal ...
    4. Let's throw incorrect, let go of greedy, and leave indifferent!

    Seventh sky - not the limit of our happiness

    The status about a happy woman - for those who are used to to attach to themselves the views of passersby. Make your status string as interesting and attractive!

    1. Often we find happiness in wine, but as soon as we become happy, head and so all the time spinning.
    2. A good period is when all the home affairs are thrown a little, and all the bad people are forgotten forever!
    3. I tried to give your words a value, but then I remembered that I was happy, and stopped trying.
    4. They say that bitter truth is still better, but why not make her a little faint?

    Your eyes should smile, you deserve the status about the happiness of a woman.

    1. Girls, remember if you have a favorite thing, it will definitely help you with problems in personal life.
    2. If you felt that they became happy, put the sneakers near ourselves. And striking them in all who will try to spoil your mood.
    3. Well, when there is happiness in life. Especially good - when you know, what is his name ...
    4. Perhaps someday I will stand up, and I will know how to choose what outfit. Yes, yes, it will be my wedding.

    Let you always hug in a dream!

    The statuses about a happy girl - for those who are ready to become the only and unique.

    1. If you are too often sad because of the money, it means on the personal front more or less normally. Otherwise, you would be sad about it ...
    2. The girl happiness is more mumbling than adult woman. It is important to get enough to them at this age!
    3. Girls, remember, for family happiness, the main thing is to be loved. And passionately love - it is not necessary, whoever says there.
    4. Heels - strange thing. You wear them, become a little happier, you take off - you become even happier.

    Attract reliable men, install funny statuses Happy woman.

    1. In order for a man to make you happy, to this, no matter how cool, you need to be prepared.
    2. If your boyfriend is constantly upsetting you, ask him to move away. And suddenly there is someone who will let off!
    3. If the fire burns in the soul, then borsch is brewed faster, and the floor is faster, and in general everything is concerned.
    4. All my life dreamed of a child. The dream came true, and now I'm waiting until she falls down, this dream ...

    Happy with someone becomes easier!

    Short statuses about a happy woman - and that says it all.

    1. Not happy, now I decided that I would.
    2. Stop to be strong, and everything will be done for you.
    3. Dear, remember, you have no time to get upset!
    4. Look for someone who will make it a little bit of capricious.
    5. Be sure to prepare your home to the arrival of happiness.
    6. Sometimes come from work - already happiness.
    7. Feel happiness - you also need to be able to.
    8. There is happiness, and it does not depend on age.
    9. For each female joy you need a male effort.
    10. Satisfied woman - joy for family.

    Choose for yourself only the best, especially if it comes to status. And then on your page will only appear good friendsAnd wonderful Cavalers!

    Woman - like a traffic light: first lights a man's red light, then yellow, and finally green. And a man, as a driver - rushing on any!

    Woman's best friend of man.

    He got sick, went to the pharmacy to buy tera-flas or something like that, followed by my former, not thinking about me, without thinking to take a bundle of condoms and go out without looking back.

    Here I am not needed, there is impossible.

    You know, there is no one more beautiful than a pregnant woman ... In my eyes, happiness ... In the heart of love ... On the cheeks of the blush ... And inside a small life ...

    Each girl at least once in his life should focus on some down.

    A beautiful girl is not the one to whom all guys stick. A colorful girl, at the form of which they shut.

    Beautiful girl can not be stupid, because the smart girl will never allow himself to be ugly.

    Beautiful woman - a paradise for the eyes, hell for mind, and purgatory for pockets ...

    Loves sweet spirits. Pale lipstick. Ballet shoes. Smiling the Sun - knowing that it is mutual.

    Little to love me - you need to understand me. We must live me, together with me to breathe. You must be able to hear ... What is sometimes not to say. I want a little - you need to regret me. I'd little to come to me - you must give yourself. Little to find me, the main thing is not to lose !!!

    I need ary strong guy. So all senses. And only with one weak entitled Y.

    We have never been good. But we were always the best.

    We, women, can drink a liter of vodka, crack a guy, go in the middle of the night one home, but we only go to the toilet only with your girlfriend!

    Folk sign: I went out into the street not painted - I met all the acquaintances.

    This risk is when you paint your nails, and there is no longer a liquid for removing the varnish.

    I adore myself in the mornings in the mirror, it's like a free chalk freak!

    Why everyone says that girls are fragile creatures? For some reason, when she hits a man in a skillet, they call her monster. But the monster is not fragile at all.

    Why often have a beautiful, well-groomed girls a guy? Because the look at such a guy thinks: or she already has a boyfriend or a bitch rascal, herself only loves.

    It's nice to feel yourself when you merit a blouse, and she does not converge in the chest.

    Let all assholes rest rest. I have a long and happy life on my scenario.

    Previously, I thought "one I am, no one else makes such nonsense" I sat down 2 days here and understood - we are much !!!

    With the form you are kind and pretty, but inside you lives a monster, ready to kill anyone who will do something ...

    The most important thing is that real woman Must be aware of how she was lucky to be born a woman.

    The girl's strength is that when she is shitting, it looks great.

    The dog like a woman like the right thing, but it stands to make it hurts.

    Immediately when we see a cute guy, we straighten your back and correct the cheek.

    Only to the one who gives the girl to touch her hair, allowed to stay in her heart.

    Top 10 favorite phrases of girls: 1. I have a headache. 2. I do not know. 3. Will be seen. 4. You do not understand me. 5. You do not love me. 6. I am not like that. 7. You cheat me. 8. Let's see. 9. You forgot about me. 10. Tell me anything.

    Each normal girl should have their little ku.

    I have no habit of inflating the lips on the pictures and disclose the ass! I just have such a figure and I'm drunk here and on the hairpins!

    In such angels like us, wings only on gaskets.

    I want at a time when the girl decorated modesty, and not silicone and two layers of tunnel.

    Screen mobile phone For girls became a mirror.

    I will reach there, where they are waiting for me, but staying where I appreciate me!

    I am alone, or everyone when he hears his favorite song takes something similar to the microphone and pretends that he sings ???

    I cry without tears and without sounds - this is such a special system of breathing, when just suffocating. Quiet and without drama.

    • Forward\u003e

    Women's happiness is when you have three names: the first name is a daughter, the second is a favorite, and the third is mom ...

    The happiest day in the life of the girl is, when she knows what to wear!

    If you call her fate, bonding the heart, broken into pieces, it will go, even in the baked, for you a woman with the eyes of the color of happiness ...

    A happy woman is always the sun in his pocket, love in the heart, joy in the soul and happiness in the eyes.)))

    The most beautiful outfit is happiness. I found him, dressed up and never take off now!

    Happiness is when you start the blanket at night and kiss the cheek, thinking that you sleep!

    Unique feeling to be - whose happiness!

    And how little needs it to become happy: to be understood without words - the eyes in the eyes, and become the only, desired and beloved.

    Probably one of the most pleasant things in the world - this is when a person thinks you sleep, fit and kisses you, says how much loves ... or just spends your hand on the hair ... and you just lie with your eyes closed and go with Mind of happiness!

    Do you know what? But I'm just happy! Purely female! I have a cozy house, your favorite husband and daughter, all my close (pah-pah-pah!) Healthy, and I don't need anything else! I wish you only happiness! And we earn money for everything else!

    Happiness is when the words "wife" and "desired" belong to the same woman.

    Girl happiness - beautiful doll, bright dress. Girl's happiness - fashion clothes, Envy girlfriends, looks guys. Happiness Women - Family, Children who seek the views of men. Happiness grandmother - grandchildren and children who are always near.

    Happiness is to be with a person who supports yours crazy ideas, Helps to embody your crazy dreams, and when you get in the photo, like a scarlet puppy Sharpei, says that you are the most beautiful and better than you no one!

    Happy not the woman who likes to all men. Happy one that loves a man who is crazy about her. And before others they have no case.

    The most beautiful thing is that the guy can tell the girl: "If I ever love another girl, it will be our daughter."