Conducting a correctional hour in a speech therapy group. Correctional hour in the preparatory speech therapy group “Winter fun. Correctional hour in the senior speech therapy group at

Guys, guess the riddle: “What is there in this world that adults and children cannot live without? Who will support you, friends? Your friendly (family).

That's right, it's a family. What is family? (These are relatives who live together). Each of us has a family. This morning you noticed changes on our “magic” wall, what's new there? And today, as always, our wonderful tongues will help us. We will do exercises for the “Horse” language. “Let’s gallop,” come follow me.

Guys, our board shows me that you all came this morning with good mood(there are no blue circles). I'm very pleased with this.

What else do you see on our “magic” wall? (these are photographs of your family).

Tell me, what is the name of your mom and dad? Think about what they will call you when you grow up?

Who else is in your photo?

How many people are there in your family? Let's do the math?

Let's go to the carpet, and the tongues will help us with this (exercise “Horse”), sit down so that you are comfortable.

How can we tell about our relatives what they are like?

Game "Pick up the signs."

Choose as many words as possible that tell about your mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sisters and brothers.

Mom (what kind) is kind, beautiful, patient, affectionate, gentle, cheerful, economical.

Dad (what) - strict, smart, strong, athletic, tall, demanding.

Grandmother (what kind) - old, gray-haired, thrifty, sympathetic, hospitable, wise, caring.

Grandfather (what) - old, wise, gray-haired, hardworking, artisan.

Sister\brother - cheerful, perky, restless, older, younger, whiny, little, big, beloved, dear.

Guys, in a family people love each other. We communicate affectionately with our relatives.

Game “Name it kindly.”

Mom - mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy.

Dad - daddy, daddy, daddy.

Grandmother - granny, granny, granny, granny.

Grandfather - grandpa, grandpa, grandpa.

Son - son, son, son, son.

Daughter - daughter, daughter, daughter.

Grandson - Granddaughter, granddaughter, granddaughter.

Granddaughter - granddaughter, granddaughter.

In the family, everyone takes care of each other and performs household duties, and you and I still have a task that needs to be done, and our tongues will help us with this.

Exercise "Swing".

(Completing speech therapist tasks at tables)

1. Finish the fringe on the napkin.

2. Stir the soup in the pan.

Guys, I offer you a game and, once again, tongues will help us.

Exercise "swing" for the tongue.

Game “Who are you to me”?

You stand in a circle, the leader asks:

“I am a mother, and who are you to me?” (daughter, son). Whoever answers becomes the leader and asks the question: “I am dad, and who are you to me? I am a brother, and who are you to me? I am a grandmother, I am an aunt, I am a niece, I am a grandfather, I am a husband.”

Well done boys.

"Physical training minute"

But at this time: “Our grandmother is tired

Sat down on the threshold:

“Where did you go, where did you go,

Where did your grandson go?”

I thought, I groaned,

Beat around the bush

Look for the granddaughter first.”

I already know what your parents and you are called when you grow up? But not only you have names, but also our fingers. Let's remember that we have: thumb, index, middle, ring, little fingers. And we will give them instructions:

Finger gymnastics:

The big one needs to chop wood,

Pointer - to carry water,

The middle peasant needs to light the stove,

Nameless woman - cook lunch,

And for the boy to sing songs,

Sing songs and dance

To amuse siblings.

These are the little fingers we have that help us in the family.

Guys, what else does a family need? (The family needs a home). Maybe a family without a home? Or maybe a house without a family?

How can we enter the house? (a house starts with a door).

Where are the locks in our group? Approach them, and the tongues will help us.

Pure speech

Wow, wow, grandpa is chopping wood.

Woo-woo-woo, daddy's mowing the grass.

Gi-gi-gi, grandma is baking pies.

Ly-ly-ly, mommy is washing the floors.

shu-shu-shu, I'm dancing merrily.

Open the lock you like.

Exercise “Open the lock”

I have houses, but they are so sad, empty, and why are they sad?

Think about how you can revive these houses? (Turn on the lights so that the windows light up).

How can we do this? (using plasticine, pencil)

Choose your own house. Today we will “draw” with plasticine. Let's remember how to do this. We roll the ball, knead it, put it in the middle of the window and begin to stretch it with our fingers and move it towards the corners and sides of the window.

Completing of the work.

We all have houses, in the morning the family leaves home, parents go to work, children go to kindergarten and school, and in the evening the whole family gathers at home and the lights come on in the apartments.

You made very nice, cheerful houses.

Slide show about family.

Guys, it’s very good when the whole family gathers at home, when everyone is together in the evening and the windows in each apartment are brightly lit. Where we are always loved and expected.

Sotnikova Valentina Nikolaevna – teacher-speech therapist at the Children's Development Center - Kindergarten No. 33 "Rainbow" in the city of Gubkin, Belgorod Region.
In groups of children of compensatory orientation with STD, teachers conduct a speech therapy hour in the evening hours to consolidate the children’s knowledge on the instructions of the speech therapist. I offer speech therapists and teachers of compensatory groups a summary of a speech therapy hour.

Summary of speech therapy hour in preparatory group children with SSD

1. Consolidate knowledge about domestic animals and their babies.
Improve the ability to form possessive adjectives.
2. Activate general concepts “wintering birds, hats, domestic animals, wild animals”, etc. in the children’s vocabulary.
3. Strengthen the ability to hatch an object using various types of shading.
4. Foster independence.
1. Frontal tasks.
1) Game “Distinguish sounds by ear and perform the movement”
Educator. The sounds Z and Z want to play with you, if you hear the sound Z in a word - clap your hands, when you hear the sound Z - stamp your foot (castle, toad, bunny, teeth, leather, Zoya, important, vest, goat, jasmine, vase, giraffe, jacket, rose)
2) Game “Name three objects”
The teacher throws the ball to the child.
Educator. I know three names of air transport
Child. Airplane, helicopter, spaceship
Educator. I know three names of wintering birds
Child. Sparrow, magpie, crow
Educator. I know three names of pets
Child. Cow, dog, pig
2. Group lesson with three children.
1. Strengthen the ability to perform sound analysis of the word GOAT, determine the position of the sound in the word. Strengthen the ability to lay out the word GOAT from letters.
Educator. Guess my riddle: Me-me-me sings and gives milk.
Children. Goat.
Educator. Who is this goat?
Children. A goat is a domestic animal.
Educator. What do we call goats when there are many of them?
Children. Goats.
Educator. Now we will perform a sound analysis of the word GOAT. Let's say this word. What is the first sound you hear in this word?
Children. In the word GOAT the first sound is K.
Educator. Tell us all about the K sound.
Children. The sound K is a consonant, dull, hard.
Educator. What square do we use to represent the sound K?
Children. Blue.
Educator. What is the second sound in the word GOAT?
Child. In the word GOAT the second sound is O. The sound O is a vowel.
Educator. Name the third sound in the word GOAT and tell everything about it.
Child. In the word GOAT the third sound is Z. The sound Z is a consonant, sonorous, hard. Educator. Which square will you take to represent the sound Z?
Child. Blue because the Z sound is hard.
Educator. Name the fourth sound in the word GOAT and tell everything about it.
Children. In the word GOAT the fourth sound is Y. The sound Y is a vowel.
Educator. How many syllables are in the word GOAT?
Children. The word GOAT has two syllables, because the word GOAT has two vowel sounds O, Y.
Educator. Where is the sound K in the word GOAT?
Children. The K sound is at the beginning of the word.
Educator. Make the word GOAT out of letters. Read the word.
2nd group. Three children.
1. Fix the names of domestic animals and their babies.
2. Improve the ability to form possessive adjectives.
3. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers and visual control in children.
4. Cultivate perseverance.
The teacher invites the children to circle the outline of domestic animals (cow, dog, horse) by dots and shade them using the specified type of shading.
Educator. Who did you shade?
Children. I shaded the cow by drawing lines from left to right. I shaded the dog using lines from top to bottom. I shaded the horse using diagonal lines.
Educator. Who are the cow's babies?
Child. Calves.
Educator. What are baby dogs called?
Child. Puppies.
Educator. Who's with the horse?
Child. The horse has foals.
The teacher shows a picture of a dog
Educator. Whose head is this?
Children. Doggy style.
Educator. Whose tail is this?
Children. Canine.
Educator. Whose ears are these?
Children. Canine.
Educator. Whose horns are these?
Children. cow
Educator. Whose mane is this?
Children. Horse.
3. Individual lessons.
First child.
1. Develop coherent speech, the ability to compose a story based on a series of pictures “The Naughty Hare”
2. Strengthen the pronunciation of the sounds L, L., the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly.
3. Foster independence.
Exercise: arrange the pictures yourself and make up a story about the kitten.
Monitor the correct pronunciation of the sounds L, L.
Second child.
1. Strengthen the ability to differentiate the sounds R - L in sentences (according to workbook child).
Exercise “Repeat the adult’s sentence.”

Kerus Natalya Karimullovna

Recommendations for conducting correctional classes in a speech group kindergarten. The work of a teacher in speech therapy groups is mainly subordinated to the elimination of speech defects and the development of general qualities and personality traits of the child. At the same time, the group teacher implements comprehensive program educational standard and prepares the child for school. The pedagogical effect in solving this complex problem depends on the creative, professional contact of the speech therapist, pre-school specialists and educators, that is, all participants in a single correction process, which ensures success in the formation of speech in preschoolers with speech disorders largely depends on how productively the process of consolidating the speech skills acquired by children under the guidance of a speech therapist in subgroup and individual lessons is carried out. Traditionally, the work of a teacher in a speech group differs from the work of a teacher in a mass kindergarten in that he spends the afternoon working on the instructions of a speech therapist. But correctional work should not be limited to just this.
Modern approaches to the correction of speech deficiencies in students of speech therapy groups require clear organization, consistency and interconnection in the work of all participants in a single correction process. Monitoring of kindergarten students over the course of many years has shown that children in speech therapy groups, in addition to speech disorders, have significant difficulties in mastering counting operations, in mastering drawing and design skills; mental functions thinking, attention, memory, emotional-volitional sphere. What do such children have in their elders? preschool age there is no readiness for sound analysis and synthesis. In addition, the vocabulary of these children is below the age norm; they have difficulty reproducing complex words, violate the syllabic structure of words, and do not use complex sentence structures in their speech. The stories of such children are schematic, primitive, devoid of epithets and comparisons. Creative storytelling is inaccessible to them. They make numerous errors in agreement, omission or substitution of prepositions - that is, there is a violation of all components of the language system of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.
Children in speech therapy groups show a violation fine motor skills, they are not age-appropriate, and the formation of graphomotor skills requires additional work and development. Violations of graphomotor skills are present in preschoolers for several years in a speech therapy group. The vast majority of children with OHP have inactive fingers, their movements are imprecise and uncoordinated. In addition, since speech and thinking are closely related, children with speech disorders have less developed verbal and logical thinking compared to children without developmental disabilities.
All these features of children in speech groups are clearly visible to any teacher working in a speech therapy group. But the teacher must not only notice and observe, he must, first of all, study his students. For this at the beginning school year teacher in mandatory during the period from September 1-15, examines the children of his group. The examination lasts at least two weeks, and its results are necessarily documented in the pedagogical sheet for each child, and then included in the individual development program. Based on and taking into account this examination, the teacher, together with the speech therapist, forms subgroups of children for the further most complete implementation of correctional work. The examination will help the teacher identify the skills and abilities that children have that are necessary to carry out various types of activities, as well as document gaps in children’s knowledge, in order to subsequently plan correctional work taking into account individual characteristics. A similar survey is carried out in the middle (until January 25) and at the end of the school year (until June 25). The purpose of this examination is to monitor the dynamics of the child’s development. Approximate visual material is specially selected and used only for examination. After the examination of pupils of the speech therapy group carried out in September (from September 1-15), correctional work is carried out by the teacher together with all specialists of the preschool educational institution throughout the school year under the guidance and supervision of a speech therapist. His leading role in the entire pedagogical process is explained by the fact that he knows better the speech and psychological capabilities of children, the degree to which each person lags behind the age norm and the dynamics of all correction processes. A teacher in a speech therapy group is an assistant to a speech therapist in correcting speech and related disorders; this is his main and at the same time specific function.
The correctional tasks performed by the speech group teacher include the following:
. Consolidation of learned speech skills in individual and subgroup lessons;
. replenishment, clarification and activation of vocabulary during all regime moments; (“verbalization” of regime moments)
. systematic monitoring of the sounds and grammatical correctness of children’s speech;
. development of memory, attention, thinking, emotional-volitional sphere - processes closely related to speech;
. improvement of verbal and logical thinking as one of the functions of speech;
. work on the development of articulatory and finger motor skills.
. as the final result of the work - the formation of coherent speech, correctional work in a speech therapy group can be planned as follows
. correctional classes should be held in the afternoon from 15-30 to 16-15 at least 2-3 times a week. They are compulsory for all children.
The structure of a correctional lesson looks like this:

  1. Organizing children for classes
  2. . 2. Articulation gymnastics and breathing exercises.
  3. 3. Work on expanding the vocabulary and forming grammatical structure speech, development of coherent speech.
  4. 4. Physical exercise.
  5. 5. Children’s independent work on self-correction. When working independently, all tasks offered to children must be strictly individualized, however, if children have similar deficiencies, it is possible to group them into subgroups and give the same tasks to children of the same group.
  6. 6. The speech therapist’s tasks are carried out with individual children during self-correction work. An individual lesson must be carried out in front of a mirror during the initial period of work, then children learn to control the organs of articulation based on kinesthetic sensations.
  7. 7. Summary of the lesson.
When preparing for correctional classes, the teacher must take into account the following requirements:
. add a corrective lesson to the plan (with traditional planning);
. prepare visual material for the lesson in advance;
. the remedial lesson plan must necessarily contain speech material to expand the vocabulary;
. the plan must include a list of tasks for self-correction and the content of physical training;
. it is necessary to remember that the selection of speech material for correctional classes is done taking into account the topics of speech therapy classes, as well as taking into account the level of development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech in children and in accordance with the requirements of the speech therapist teacher. In addition, on the days remaining free from correctional classes, individual classes are conducted to eliminate sound pronunciation disorders on the instructions of the speech therapist. These classes are held in the afternoon. The teacher works with those children whose names the speech therapist writes down in a special notebook for evening classes. Approximately 3-4 people.
Considering that the schedule of classes in speech therapy groups is overcrowded and there are often violations of SANiPIN standards regarding the number of classes per week, the correctional hour can not be planned as a lesson, but organized and planned as game exercises to consolidate the assigned speech functions. Then the daily plans should reflect this accordingly.
The development of articulatory motor skills is another important section in the work of a teacher, and is carried out from the very beginning of training. (For two months, every day is mandatory, and then as necessary) 5-minute daily exercises with the whole group are enough. They can be done at any time. (See the memo on the method of performing articulatory gymnastics). Such articulatory gymnastics directly improves children's pronunciation.
Regime moments; preparing for meals, dressing for physical education, walking, working on the site, etc. In terms of meaning and time, they occupy a large place in the life of preschoolers. Therefore, you can successfully use routine moments to consolidate and further develop speech skills acquired in the process of speech therapy classes. It is advisable to use naturally occurring situations for correction purposes. All routine moments can be filled with purposeful communication between children, as well as communication between children and staff. Most of the lexical and grammatical material studied in speech therapy classes, can be successfully reinforced outside of class. Outside of special classes, sounds set by a speech therapist can be reinforced at the stage of their automation. According to goals speech therapy work the process of conducting routine moments can be organized in such a way that it contributes to the development of understanding of the addressed speech; strengthening skills related to the use of dialogic forms of communication; with practical mastery of word formation, etc. In the process of communication, it is possible to draw up simple proposals for the actions performed; strengthening children's skills of coherent speech and composing short stories about the actions being performed.
Recommendations 1. The material to be secured is located at the group stand, for parents - in a special folder in the locker room. 2. Communication with an adult should always be a means of consolidating the skills of correct sound pronunciation in spontaneous speech. An example of such work while collecting children for a walk might look like this: Misha puts on his pants. Then he will put on a hat, fur coat and scarf. It should be noted that the speech of a teacher working in a speech therapy group must be clear, correct and literate, with orthoepic pronunciation standards.
In free activity, not only speech correction is possible, but can be decided Various types correctional tasks, for example, you can teach children to consistently perform the necessary actions, taking into account the instructions; carry out actions according to multi-step instructions, talk coherently about the actions performed, and much more.
Another section of correctional work is the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. It is also possible to carry out exercises to develop fine motor skills outside of special classes. The teacher can invite children who have noticeable fine motor skills to assemble a mosaic from small parts, work with a construction set, fasten and unbutton buttons, play the children's piano, collect scattered small objects, etc. For this purpose, each group is equipped with a corresponding corner with the listed items. Here, a child in need of fine motor skills training can always choose a game at will.
In addition to the above-mentioned features of the work of a teacher in a speech therapy group, I would like to note one more feature in children with general violation speech, as a rule, is not sufficiently formed play activity, and they simply need to be taught to play. To do this, it is necessary to create a base, prepare a stock of knowledge and impressions from real life, which children receive to the greatest extent during targeted walks. Before such a walk, the teacher should definitely outline the scope of the concepts with which he is going to introduce the children, the vocabulary that will have to be clarified. During a walk, it is necessary not only to attract the children’s attention to some objects or actions being performed, but also to name them, and, in addition, ask the children to remember and repeat the name. After an excursion on a specific topic has been conducted, you can proceed directly to organizing the game. In addition to playing in a group, outdoor games can also be used for correctional purposes. The main goal of such games is the development of general motor skills and the ability to coordinate a poetic text with correct movements.
A special role is given to working with parents. Individual consultations, practical demonstration, training in the simplest techniques for correcting a particular function, explanation of speech therapist’s tasks, involvement in management individual notebooks pupils (drawings, shading, tracing, etc.) - this is not a complete list of the teacher’s activities in working with parents. It is very important that the teacher controls whether the parents take home the notebook with the speech therapist’s assignment, bring it to the kindergarten and study with it at home. It is important to convince parents of the need for such work, because eliminating a speech defect is impossible without fixing it at home. This work experience has shown that the correctional work of the teacher in speech groups carried out in this way will have an effect in solving a complex problem - eliminating violations of sound pronunciation in preschoolers.

Kerus Natalya Karimullovna

Recommendations for conducting correctional classes in the speech group of kindergarten. The work of a teacher in speech therapy groups is mainly subordinated to the elimination of speech defects and the development of general qualities and personality traits of the child. At the same time, the group teacher implements a comprehensive educational standard program and prepares the child for school. The pedagogical effect in solving this complex problem depends on the creative, professional contact of the speech therapist, pre-school specialists and educators, that is, all participants in a single correctional process, that success in the formation of speech in preschoolers with speech disorders largely depends on how productively the process of consolidating speech is carried out skills acquired by children under the guidance of a speech therapist in subgroup and individual lessons. Traditionally, the work of a teacher in a speech group differs from the work of a teacher in a mass kindergarten in that he spends the afternoon working on the instructions of a speech therapist. But correctional work should not be limited to just this.
Modern approaches to the correction of speech deficiencies in students of speech therapy groups require clear organization, consistency and interconnection in the work of all participants in a single correction process. Monitoring of kindergarten students over many years has shown that children in speech therapy groups, in addition to speech disorders, have significant difficulties in mastering counting operations, in mastering drawing and design skills, and there is a clear immaturity of the mental functions of thinking, attention, memory, and the emotional-volitional sphere. That such children, even in older preschool age, lack readiness for sound analysis and synthesis. In addition, the vocabulary of these children is below the age norm; they have difficulty reproducing complex words, violate the syllabic structure of words, and do not use complex sentence structures in their speech. The stories of such children are schematic, primitive, devoid of epithets and comparisons. Creative storytelling is inaccessible to them. They make numerous errors in agreement, omission or substitution of prepositions - that is, there is a violation of all components of the language system of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.
Children in speech therapy groups have impaired fine motor skills, they do not correspond to their age, and the formation of graphomotor skills requires additional work and development. Violations of graphomotor skills are present in preschoolers for several years in a speech therapy group. The vast majority of children with OHP have inactive fingers, their movements are imprecise and uncoordinated. In addition, since speech and thinking are closely related, children with speech disorders have less developed verbal and logical thinking compared to children without developmental disabilities.
All these features of children in speech groups are clearly visible to any teacher working in a speech therapy group. But the teacher must not only notice and observe, he must, first of all, study his students. To do this, at the beginning of the school year, the teacher must examine the children in his group from September 1-15. The examination lasts at least two weeks, and its results are necessarily documented in the pedagogical sheet for each child, and then included in the individual development program. Based on and taking into account this examination, the teacher, together with the speech therapist, forms subgroups of children for the further most complete implementation of correctional work. The examination will help the teacher identify the skills and abilities that children have that are necessary to carry out various types of activities, as well as document gaps in children’s knowledge, in order to subsequently plan correctional work taking into account individual characteristics. A similar survey is carried out in the middle (until January 25) and at the end of the school year (until June 25). The purpose of this examination is to monitor the dynamics of the child’s development. Approximate visual material is specially selected and used only for examination. After an examination of pupils in the speech therapy group carried out in September (from September 1-15), correctional work is carried out by the teacher together with all specialists of the preschool educational institution throughout the school year under the guidance and supervision of a speech therapist. His leading role in the entire pedagogical process is explained by the fact that he knows better the speech and psychological capabilities of children, the degree to which each person lags behind the age norm and the dynamics of all correctional processes. A teacher in a speech therapy group is an assistant to a speech therapist in correcting speech and related disorders; this is his main and at the same time specific function.
The correctional tasks performed by the speech group teacher include the following:
. Consolidation of learned speech skills in individual and subgroup lessons;
. replenishment, clarification and activation of vocabulary during all regime moments; (“verbalization” of regime moments)
. systematic monitoring of the sounds and grammatical correctness of children’s speech;
. development of memory, attention, thinking, emotional-volitional sphere - processes closely related to speech;
. improvement of verbal and logical thinking as one of the functions of speech;
. work on the development of articulatory and finger motor skills.
. as the final result of the work - the formation of coherent speech, correctional work in a speech therapy group can be planned as follows
. correctional classes should be held in the afternoon from 15-30 to 16-15 at least 2-3 times a week. They are compulsory for all children.
The structure of a correctional lesson looks like this:

  1. Organizing children for classes
  2. . 2. Articulation gymnastics and breathing exercises.
  3. 3. Work on expanding the vocabulary and forming the grammatical structure of speech, developing coherent speech.
  4. 4. Physical exercise.
  5. 5. Children’s independent work on self-correction. When working independently, all tasks offered to children must be strictly individualized, however, if children have similar deficiencies, it is possible to group them into subgroups and give the same tasks to children of the same group.
  6. 6. The speech therapist’s tasks are carried out with individual children during self-correction work. An individual lesson must be carried out in front of a mirror during the initial period of work, then children learn to control the organs of articulation based on kinesthetic sensations.
  7. 7. Summary of the lesson.
When preparing for correctional classes, the teacher must take into account the following requirements:
. add a corrective lesson to the plan (with traditional planning);
. prepare visual material for the lesson in advance;
. the remedial lesson plan must necessarily contain speech material to expand the vocabulary;
. the plan must include a list of tasks for self-correction and the content of physical training;
. it is necessary to remember that the selection of speech material for correctional classes is done taking into account the topics of speech therapy classes, as well as taking into account the level of development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech in children and in accordance with the requirements of the speech therapist teacher. In addition, on the days remaining free from correctional classes, individual classes are conducted to eliminate sound pronunciation disorders on the instructions of the speech therapist. These classes are held in the afternoon. The teacher works with those children whose names the speech therapist writes down in a special notebook for evening classes. Approximately 3-4 people.
Considering that the schedule of classes in speech therapy groups is overcrowded and there are often violations of SANiPIN standards regarding the number of classes per week, the correctional hour can not be planned as a lesson, but organized and planned as game exercises to consolidate the assigned speech functions. Then the daily plans should reflect this accordingly.
The development of articulatory motor skills is another important section in the work of a teacher, and is carried out from the very beginning of training. (For two months, every day is mandatory, and then as necessary) 5-minute daily exercises with the whole group are enough. They can be done at any time. (See the memo on the method of performing articulatory gymnastics). Such articulatory gymnastics directly improves children's pronunciation.
Regime moments; preparing for meals, dressing for physical education, walking, working on the site, etc. In terms of meaning and time, they occupy a large place in the life of preschoolers. Therefore, you can successfully use routine moments to consolidate and further develop speech skills acquired in the process of speech therapy classes. It is advisable to use naturally occurring situations for correction purposes. All routine moments can be filled with purposeful communication between children, as well as communication between children and staff. Most of the lexical and grammatical material studied in speech therapy classes can be successfully consolidated outside of class. Outside of special classes, sounds set by a speech therapist can be reinforced at the stage of their automation. In accordance with the goals of speech therapy work, the process of conducting routine moments can be organized in such a way that it contributes to the development of understanding of addressed speech; strengthening skills related to the use of dialogic forms of communication; with practical mastery of word formation, etc. In the process of communication, it is possible to draw up simple proposals for the actions performed; strengthening children's skills of coherent speech and writing short stories about the actions performed.
Recommendations 1. The material to be secured is located at the group stand, for parents - in a special folder in the locker room. 2. Communication with an adult should always be a means of consolidating the skills of correct sound pronunciation in spontaneous speech. An example of such work while collecting children for a walk might look like this: Misha puts on his pants. Then he will put on a hat, fur coat and scarf. It should be noted that the speech of a teacher working in a speech therapy group must be clear, correct and literate, with orthoepic pronunciation standards.
In free activity, not only speech correction is possible; various types of correction tasks can be solved, for example, children can be taught to consistently perform the necessary actions, taking into account instructions; carry out actions according to multi-step instructions, talk coherently about the actions performed, and much more.
Another section of correctional work is the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. It is also possible to carry out exercises to develop fine motor skills outside of special classes. The teacher can invite children who have noticeable fine motor skills to assemble a mosaic from small parts, work with a construction set, fasten and unbutton buttons, play the children's piano, collect scattered small objects, etc. For this purpose, each group is equipped with a corresponding corner with the listed items. Here, a child in need of fine motor skills training can always choose a game at will.
In addition to the above-mentioned features of the work of a teacher in a speech therapy group, I would like to note one more thing: in children with a general speech disorder, as a rule, play activity is not sufficiently developed, and they simply need to be taught to play. To do this, it is necessary to create a base, prepare a stock of knowledge and impressions from real life, which children receive to the greatest extent during targeted walks. Before such a walk, the teacher should definitely outline the scope of the concepts with which he is going to introduce the children, the vocabulary that will have to be clarified. During a walk, it is necessary not only to attract the children’s attention to some objects or actions being performed, but also to name them, and, in addition, ask the children to remember and repeat the name. After an excursion on a specific topic has been conducted, you can proceed directly to organizing the game. In addition to playing in a group, outdoor games can also be used for correctional purposes. The main goal of such games is the development of general motor skills and the ability to coordinate a poetic text with correct movements.
A special role is given to working with parents. Individual consultations, practical demonstrations, teaching the simplest techniques for correcting a particular function, explaining the tasks of a speech therapist, involving students in maintaining individual notebooks (drawings, shading, tracing, etc.) - this is not a complete list of the teacher’s activities in working with parents. It is very important that the teacher controls whether the parents take home the notebook with the speech therapist’s assignment, bring it to the kindergarten and study with it at home. It is important to convince parents of the need for such work, because eliminating a speech defect is impossible without fixing it at home. This work experience has shown that the correctional work of the teacher in speech groups carried out in this way will have an effect in solving a complex problem - eliminating violations of sound pronunciation in preschoolers.

Planning and organizing correctional hours

in a speech therapy group.





Target: correction of the speech, motor and intellectual spheres of a child - preschooler. Tasks: Enrichment of vocabulary, Consolidation of lexical topics, development of coherent speech, Formation of grammatical structure of speech, Development of fine motor skills, Development of logical thinking, attention, memory, Automation of sounds. Means of achieving resultsMotor skills: Hatching, Lacing, buttons, Modeling, drawing, applique, Mosaic, Embroidery, Isothread, beads, Small designer. Games “Cinderella”, “Lids”, “Dry pool”, “Sand and water”, “Wonderful bag”... Speech: Reading works, memorizing poetry, composing stories, Conversations (from personal experience, from paintings, from works), Composing stories. Retellings, Theatricalization, dramatization, different types theater, Tongue twisters and pure twisters. Finger exercises, physical exercises on lexical topics. Intelligence: Didactic games, Puzzles, Working with teaching aids - notebooks. Automation of sounds: Games with syllables (direct and reverse). Articulation exercises to consolidate sounds and develop correct articulation, Pure twisters, Tongue twisters, Poems, mini-stories. Spatial representations: Logorhythmics. Physical Culture, Orientation on a plane - graphic dictations, Orientation in space - work with diagrams, plans. HOW TO DETERMINE DIRECTIONS OF CORRECTION?Diagnostics. Purpose: Assess the level of development of the child in accordance with program requirements. Objectives: Track the dynamics of development, Determine the weak and strong areas of development of each child, Ensure individualization of the learning and correction process, organize work with students - individual and subgroup. Pedagogical diagnostics
be built taking into account:
The main directions of training, education and correction. Criteria for each direction. Levels of development – ​​low, medium and high. The principle of individuality. The principle of confidentiality. Based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics: The percentage of success (pupil, group) is determined, an individual correction plan is built for each pupil (tasks), subgroups of children with similar problems are identified. Diagrams of development dynamics are constructed (September, January, May). Correctional hour in a senior speech therapy group.
Lexical topic: "Dishes".
    Development of fine motor skills: the game “Cinderella”. Automation of the sound “R” in syllables and words with Ilya, Danil, Yulia, Vlada. Development of coherent speech: conversations based on the work of K. Chukovsky “Fedoreno Grief.”
Progress of the correction hour:Frontal part – 10-12 min. finger gymnastics“The housewife brought home from the market...” articulation gymnastics “the tale of the cheerful Tongue” - we fix the upper position of the tongue. consolidation of lexical material, classification game “Dishes”. Work in subgroups – 5-7 min Independently (3 children) – board game “Cinderella” (we analyze three types of cereals – buckwheat, peas, beans) With the help of a teacher – automation of the sound “R” with Ilya, Danil, Yulia, Vlada (based on materials proposed by the teacher - speech therapist in a notebook relationships). With the help of a junior teacher, reading a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief” and a list of dishes found in the fairy tale. Free activity in activity centers.