The child jumps greatly. Is it normal if the child does not jump after feeding. Why does a child jumps off fountain

Jumping after feeding the child - the phenomenon is very common. It is explained by the functional immaturity of the kid's digestive tract and errors in feeding methods that adults allow directly adults. Why does the child jump after each feeding, how to prevent it?

You need to correct your mistakes. If breastfeeding, pay attention to how the kid sucks the chest, is it correctly captured by the nipple? If the child cries during feeding, it happens with intestinal colic, it fits, it contributes to the swallowing of the air. Well, this air pushes up the food, and the parents see that after feeding the child jumped his milk. Psychologically, this feature of the infants is perceived quite hard. Mommy constantly thinks that the child remained hungry, and in her breast there is no longer enough milk so that he "retired" lost. In most cases, these fears are groundless. Almost every child after feeding is playing and jumping up under the age of 6-7 months. And almost all healthy infants are gaining well in weight and grow. The amount of milk lost by joining is literally 1-2 grams, absolutely not essential. If the child jumped the fountain after feeding, then this is a majority of more - up to 12 grams, approximately a tablespoon. But again, it is not catastrophically, if repeated not several times per day.
At artificials, the situation is similar - with sucking the bottles, they also swallow a lot of air. And when the child is in a horizontal position, with a large share of the probability, this air will push the mixture at leaving the stomach. Another probable cause of trouble is reprocessing. Many artificial children drink a complete bottle of mixture in 2-3 minutes. But during this time, the signal from the stomach into the brain on saturation does not reach. And the kid seems to be indicated by signs of hunger. "Not a member!" - Mom thinks, and gives him an additive. Excess the mixture after a while leave ...

Other reasons why children are torn after breastfeeding or a mixture - neurological diseases, malformations of the gastrointestinal tract. But this is usually manifested in the first month of the child's life. And the pediatrician is hardly watching. Nevertheless, the rest, with the normal development of the child (do not forget about the planned inspections of other specialties with the doctors) is an option for the norm.

The chest child can dump as 15-20 minutes after feeding, and in an hour. Usually in the first minutes, the baby produces undigested milk from the stomach, sometimes even jerks in the form of a fountain, abundantly. If the child joins an hour after feeding, then already sinking milk. It cannot be said that worse is the first or second. It does not matter. It is better to try to prevent these tightening. Moreover, without medication measures. We offer you a list of simple measures that will help.

1. After each feeding, you should hold a child vertically, that is, a column. If this is done, that is, the high probability of exiting the stomach of only air (it is lighter than milk or mixture). It is necessary to keep a child in this way for 20 minutes. Such a measure is necessary until the child begins to take a vertical position, that is, to sit. Sleeping baby keep a column is hardly worth it, but put the baby better on a slightly raised mattress.

2. When preparing a dairy mixture, you should not shake the bottle too intensively. Shake leads to air bubbles in a mixture and from there in the stomach to the child.

3. Do not feed too quickly.

4. In case of artificial feeding, try to always follow the feeding schedule, and feed at equal intervals.

5. Do not allow tobacco smoke into the room where the child is located. And do not allow the recently smoked man to hold a child in his arms, especially after feeding. The smell of tobacco smoke also provokes in children joining.

6. If the child jumps a lot every time after feeding, then try to laugh in front of the next feeding to the tummy. For kids who are already separated from a solid surface torso, it is one of the measures to help get air from the stomach.

Frequent jeling in infants without visible pathologies is not only unpleasant for parents, but also painfully for children. No, they don't hurt them at all. Very unpleasant feeling when the air turns out to be in the gastrointestinal tract. Try to drink quickly or eat, and you will understand what it is about. Kids who are incorrectly fed, they cry much, they have stronger colic. Therefore, it is so important to comply with the rules for feeding children.

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With the advent of the baby's baby, parents are puzzled by the issues regarding the care of the newborn. Most often, fear and anxiety causes the fact that the baby begins to jump off the food. What to do if the child jumps out why this happens and how to deal with it, every parent should know. This natural process must be considered with all the responsibility and attention to protect the infants from possible troubles. In order for future mothers and dads to be aware of the upcoming troubles, possible problems and how to prevent or decide to resolve them, it is necessary even before the child's appearance to undergo courses of young parents. Such classes are practicing many public and private clinics.

There are several reasons for which. The involuntary throwing of a small amount of food from the stomach in the esophagus and in the oral cavity in children up to one year is considered a natural process. Here the frequency of casts, the amount of food and the overall condition of the baby is played.
Their stomach is only adapting to the general system of digestion. After each intake of food, the baby is again and again you need to put a vertically "column" so that he shook. During food, the child can breathe excess air. Aerial cork is formed. To get rid of it, you need to bother - give air to go out.

Babies up to 16 weeks are torn after each feeding.

Over time, the infants will begin much. The norm will be considered 1-2 tightening per day. Frequent jeling in infants occurs due to overproing. It is basically this happens with an excess of breast milk in the mother, with a frequent attachment of a baby to the chest or when changing milk mixtures for feeding. The food system of the newborn does not cope, so the extra part of the milk is returned back. The problem may occur when a bottle is too large. The mixture is supplied in an overwhelmed volume, so the child has to make large pharyings and at the same time the air is again. For the health of the baby, it is necessary to ensure that the sizes of the nipple and the holes in them correspond to the child's age and its features. All growth rates and child weight must be respected. And this is possible only with proper nutrition. Phenomena may have pathological causes. We are talking about too much throwing food from the stomach in the esophagus and in the large volume. There may be an anomaly for the development of the esophagus, the sphincter (this is a kind of valve between the esophagus and the stomach, which holds in the last food) and many other disorders. Only a doctor can establish the cause of pathology, so parents should carefully treat this phenomenon. If the parents have the fact that the baby is jumping, causes anxiety, it is necessary to say to the pediatrician. It will be able to examine the newborn and competently assess the situation. The doctor will give recommendations, observing which parents will help the child and will get rid of the alarms about this.

How to figure out - Jumping or vomiting

In order to distinguish vomiting from simple jumping, you need to know when there is no reason for anxiety, and when you should consult a doctor:

  1. Normally, the newborn breeded the dairy mixture of the stomach into the oral cavity occurs after feeding immediately or within an hour.
  2. Or takes a couple of times, but small doses. Make sure that the child can freely release excess air with food from the mouth. For this it is necessary after feeding to hold vertically for some time.
  3. The amount of food returned should not exceed one third of the total food used by the infant.

Is it possible to stop or reduce tightening in children

The most often the phenomenon is found in the children of the breast, if the newborn is jumping, then the mother should perform the following actions:

  1. If the child is hungry and capricious, it is worth it to immediately attach it to the chest or give a dairy mixture. Hungry baby will grab food with greed and increasing air.
  2. After feeding the newborn, it is necessary to hold in a vertical position for about 10-15 minutes until an air traffic jam comes out. If, after a long stay in this position, the baby does not jerks, it is placed on the side. It is important that the child does not lay on his back, otherwise he can choose a mass abandoned from the stomach.
  3. Baby need to properly apply to the chest. He must completely capture the Nipple Arega. Otherwise, the child will be nervous, the flow of milk will become different and the infants again increasing the air. It is necessary to choose the position of the child in which it is most convenient to feed. There are many ways that will allow both mom, and the baby is easily feeding easily and with benefit.

Preventive measures for kid

The most often the question arises from the parents, and whether it is possible to feed the children after. In order to give an unequivocal answer, you need to know the reason why there was a reverse cast of milk in the stomach. If this happened not because of overeating or poorly element of the child, then you can offer the chest again. It is necessary to track, the flow of the milk feed or mixture for infant is not too strong. Perhaps, before feeding, mom is worth a little chest to reduce the amount of milk, or change the nipple on the bottle on the product with a smaller hole. The pediatrician can give comprehensive information regarding the actions that should be taken to parents during the inflection of the baby.

The topic of joins in babies is one of the most discussed, the most exciting and most difficult to understand young parents. First, the infringement of the infants is very frightening inexperienced mom. Secondly, different doctors sometimes express diametrically opposite points of view regarding the cause of jeeping and methods to combat it. Thirdly, even applied, it would seem that all tips and recommendations, many parents, and cannot solve the problem.

The difficulty lies also in the fact that in reality it is to understand whether the problem exists if a newborn child jershits, only a mom is capable of holding almost all the time with him. A visit to the doctor will be very useful, and sometimes it is extremely necessary, but, it should be recognized, often pediatricians, neurologists and surgeons intimidate parents when everything is fine with the child. And treatment begins, more precisely - the risk ... The main goal is to prevent this. And the jumping sooner or later passes, if there are no real disorders. How to determine? Let's talk below.

Jumping in the infant, in infants, in newborns

Not all the infants are observed. Nevertheless, they occur from most of them: according to statistical data, in the first weeks of life, every 8 babies out of 10 are explained in the middle of 10. For three months, this happens less often, and approximately by year (someone a little earlier, in some A little later) completely stops.

Doctors believe that it is more likely to jump premature, babes with a delay of intrauterine development (ZOR), with redundant or insufficient weight at birth, but practice and statistics confirm that among healthy babies this phenomenon is found quite often.

It happens that the first child mother did not observe anything like that, and the second newborn joins, and often, and sometimes even plentifully, fountain. Because this question can even worry the parents with experience.

Jumping in infants - the phenomenon is frequent and, as a rule, quite normal, that is, has a physiological nature. The reason lies in the imperfection of the structure and operation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and brain centers:

  • the newborn does not develop a lower esophageal sphincter (an elastic muscular ring shrinking after meals and holding it in the stomach). Therefore, it is worth the kid to put after feeding, as the contents of the stomach pours out;
  • baby's esophagus short;
  • most of the breast time spends in a horizontal position. In view of the previous reasons, the contents of the stomach is poured out of it, as if from the proposed horizontal vessel;
  • the stomach of the crumbs is small and spherical, which is also the cause of bad retention of food in it;
  • the centers of the brain responsible for eating are also imperfect; The baby eats more than the need for this is necessary, and therefore the excess of adopted food is derived by jeeping;
  • the peristalsis of the newborn also works not very actively, the advancement of food down the esophagus occurs slowly - and part of it can "pour out" back;
  • many newborns swallow air during feeding. Air bubbles rise up, and a part of the adopted food is also coming along with the stainless air.

All these factors lead to the fact that the newborn often jumps. As the organs and the kids' kids are developed, the norm will gradually come to no. It is for this reason that healthy adults does not happen - this is an exceptionally infant peculiarity.

Jumping after feeding in infants

Usually, the jumping occurs during, immediately after or after a short period of time after feeding, that is, it is directly related to the intake of food by the infant. And taking into account the reasons described above it becomes clear why.

If tighting has a physiological cause and is not associated with pathology, disorders in the health of the child, then the baby does not have any discomfort. He can jump and smile, because not only does not experience unpleasant sensations, but sometimes even relieved after the air or an excessive portion of food, creating inside the stomach and a feeling of cutting from the inside.

If the child after tightening is cryingly crying, and especially if he wriggles and shrirly, then the problem needs to appeal to the children's doctor: most likely there are some violations, in particular this testifies to the irritation of the esophagus with gastric juice.

Jumping in newborn children curd

Jumping is the emission of portion of the contents of the esophagus or the stomach of the child in an undigested or partially digestible form (slightly signed). The longer the time passes after feeding, the more cottage consistency has a milk-backed by a child. From time to time, the newborn can jump off the curd, but if this happens quite often or constantly, between feeding, and not immediately after them, then it is worth consulting with a pediatrician or surgeon. Surely they will confirm that it may be an option for the norm, but it is better to be reinforced.

The newborn joins the fountain

Discussing this issue, it is important to understand that there is a difference between jumping and vomiting - both in manifestations, and for the reasons, and in the tactics of actions by parents.

Jumping usually occurs shortly after feeding and is infrequent, in small quantities. But it also happens that the newborn joins a lot and abundantly.

Vomiting may occur independently of feeding, and repeated once at a time, which does not occur when tugging. Also when tugging, in contrast to vomiting, the child feels, as a rule, is good and leading calmly.

If the child jumped everything that he ate, then he should not feed it right away. Offer your chest or a bottle only when he asks. In the meantime, if the kid does not require food, let the digestive system relax a little.

If the contents of the stomach pushes sharply, fountain, high and on a large distance, then the spasm of the gatekeeper was the most likely cause of such a phenomenon. In some cases, it is permissible, but if vomiting fountain is repeated often, it takes a medical advice.

Jumping yellow

In addition, the vomit is always abundant (mom seems that the child joins the fountain), it can also be yellow, have a sharp sour smell, because gastric juice and even bile mixture to the contents of the stomach in vomit. Therefore, if the mother observes a yellow-born flashing, it should be said about this to the doctor: Most likely, you will need consultation and inspection of a narrow specialist - a surgeon or a gastroenterologist. Perhaps the gastroesophageal reflux takes place.

Important: Jumping a brown or green color can be a sign of intestinal obstruction and requires an urgent appeal to the hospital!

Abundant jumping in newborns through the nose

Frequent, abundant tights in newborns should also be a reason to appeal to a pediatrician or surgeon. Although in some cases, even such manifestations are not dangerous if the child feels well and is noted positive dynamics in the weight set.

It happens that with abundant shinking, the liquid is released even through the nostrils. Many moms scares when the child jumps through the nose, but if such cases repeated infrequently and the baby behaves calmly, it is not worth worrying. The main thing to ensure that the child does not choose (if necessary, turn over and knock on the back and very easy) and so that the nasal moves remain not clogged, if necessary, you can use the nasal aspirator.

Be prepared for the fact that the crumb can be afraid of the delay in breathing, which occurs with abundant swollen through the nostrils: it may begin to cry. This is normal - calm the baby, intend it.

The rate of adaptation in newborns

Different specialists are trying to establish certain norms on which parents could navigate if their breasts jerks. There are, for example, tables, where the norms of fuses are indicated in newborns. On average, for such a normal, it is proposed to take the volume of no more fifth part of the eaten portion and the frequency of such episodes of no more than 5 per day.

But in practice, it is not always guided by these norms, because they measure how much the child jumped into grams is in fact almost impossible. In addition, it matters how much he ate and how he behaves and feels.

We recommend that we focus on such norms of jigsaws in the infants: if the baby jumps not very much and does not express expressive concern, then, most likely, everything is fine. Not very much is not more than 10 ml. To understand how it looks in reality, pour 2 tablespoons of liquid on the diaper. If the newborn regularly jumps more, it is possible to consult a doctor.

However, the most important role in this situation plays weight gain dynamics. Even if your newborn is jumping after each feeding, but it does not shout, not crying and most importantly - gaining weight, it is better to leave the baby alone.

Jumping in infants: reasons

We have already partially laid this question at the beginning of our article. In particular, it was about physiological reasons due to anatomy-functional features of the organism of a newborn baby. Briefly recalculate them again:

  • air swallowing during feeding; overeating;
  • muscular weakness, that is, poor cutting of the esophagus sphincter and slow food promotion;
  • enzyme immaturity;
  • anatomical features of the stomach of a newborn baby;
  • slowing process of coordination of respiratory acts, sucking and swallowing (approximately 2 months of age);
  • intolerance of some products (for example, included in the milk mixture).

Episodically shinking also appear in the period of teething.

There is another reason why a child can jump up is the insufficiency of the enzymes needed to digest food. Usually they quickly begin to be produced in the required number after a few weeks after childbirth. But it also happens that the shortage of enzymes is a pathology requiring correction, in particular the introduction of their analogues into the body.

In addition, some babies have disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract or in the work of the central nervous system. Among the pathological causes, the doctors allocate the following:

  • congenital abnormal busty organs;
  • malformations of the development and operation of the gastrointestinal tract or aperture;
  • increased activity of the nervous system;
  • infectious diseases or poisoning (a child in this case will be sluggish, capricious, pale;
  • hereditary violations of metabolic processes - in extremely rare cases.

Such states require appeal to narrow children's experts - a surgeon or a neurologist. Intestinal colic, excess gas formation can also accompany joining in babies.

The newborn is jumping: what to do?

If the reason for fading in a newborn baby consists in pathological disorders, depending on the diagnosis, drug treatment is carried out. In rare cases, surgical correction is required.

But most often, which is confirmed by feedback, forums, medical and parental practice, there are no serious reasons in jerking. Sometimes the parents seem to be that the child jershoot, abundantly, very often, but in reality there are no violations in his health. Many Moms share experiences that, despite their fears, frightening medical diagnoses, multiple efforts to fight this phenomenon, joining their infants themselves, as soon as the child began more time in a vertical position (that is, at least sit and walk) and there is a more thick food.

Doctors say that tightening in newborns pass to 6-10 months, sometimes by year. Potiatrician practitioners claim that they can normally manifest themselves to a year and a half, especially in children from Zvor and premature. And then they simply disappear by themselves.

However, this does not mean that you need to wait until the child is growing. Again, parental experience confirms that the cause of joins in infants is most often overwhelming. Experiment with this. In the persistence, the child often joins immediately after feeding not with a feldient or partially sinking milk.

If the child hangs on his chest all the time, do not offer him every time another breast: let it sucks everything only from one, and only through the time when it is precisely hungry, starts to another. First, it will suck the rear, the most valuable milk, which, among other things, does not cause violations and problems with the intestines and the stomach. Secondly, if the child was already ate, but has not yet satisfied the need for sucking chest, then such a reception will help avoid overeating.

With mixed and artificial feeding, try to give the baby to a few milliliters a mixture less than usual, or change the amount of feedings - and follow the reaction. Usually, to determine how many times, a child who is on artificial feeding should eat, such a simple formula is applied:

1 + age in months (4) + 0 \u003d 140 ml.

Perhaps it is worth feeding more often, but smaller portions, adhering to daily food according to age.

Further - prevention of air swallowing. Apply the child to the chest correctly and watch it, so that he captures not only the nipple, but also the near-slip Area. Try not to feed the kid during crying, because it will get the air. Interrupt feeding sessions, raising the crumb to vertically shortly after the start of feeding, because it is in the first minute he eats the most greedy and swallows the bulk of the air. This will contribute to the output of the air bubbles that are lowered the most deeply. After belching, continue to feed, and after some time the break can be repeated again. Among other things, such a tactic can serve as a prevention of overeating, because the saturation signals come to the centers of the brain with a delay, and with the breaks of the crumb will faster will understand what was found.

When feeding from the bottle, it is important to choose the proper nipple (with the corresponding hole) and keep the bottle in this position so that the dummy is completely filled with the mixture - so the air will not fall into the mouth and the toddler's stomach. Many mothers soul special anticolique bottles.

It is necessary to choose the mixture to which the gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs will respond calmly, that is, if he began to jump off from a new mixture - you need to change. Competent with the pediatrician, it is possible to try antiregurgitative (against shinking) a mixture that is marked with Ar (AntireGurgitation) - it has a more dense consistency, due to which it is better held in the stomach. You can thicken the mixture you use with the help of corn, rice or potato starch in proportion of 1 tablespoon of the thickener on 60 ml of the finished mixture or breast milk.

The emission of air contributes to carrying a newborn in a vertical position every time after feeding for 10-20 minutes (or until the air will be departed along with the belonging): a column, on the shoulder, in other convenient for mom and baby poses. Before feeding, the crumb should be laid on the tummy, making a massage of the tummy, stroking it with his palm clockwise.

Note that the hindered nasal breathing force the child to breathe more than breathing, including during feeding. For this reason, he can also beat the air and jump off. In order to avoid such trouble, it is necessary to maintain the optimal microclimate in the children's room (with an air temperature not higher than 22 o C and a humidity of 50-70%), not allowing the drying of the nasal mucus. If the newborn in the nose has crusts, then before feeding them should be removed.

If a child jumps out whenever you just put it in the bed, then raise her headboard by 5-10 cm (for example, laying under the feet stand). By the way, often parents argue that if after feeding the baby does not touch (do not take on the hands and not to wear a column), then he does not jump. But you need to follow, so that the head of the crumbs at the same time is turned to the side, because it can overturn the air and suppress the air drowning during feeding.

Try not to transfer the stomach area in the child: do not fasten the diaper tight, the shoe freely, do not use pants on the rubber band. Provide the child rest after feeding - do not change, do not bathe, do not brake it. The feed of the child should be in this position so that the head is above the level of the legs. It is also important to establish regular emptying of the bowel of the baby.

Of course, a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family, including during the nursing of the child, warns the increased excitability of the nervous system in the baby and reduces the likelihood of joins in infancy. The factor in the increased risk of excitability of nervous and muscular systems of the newborn is also passive smoking: this factor should be excluded anyway!

Jumping in newborns: when to contact the doctor

And everything seems to be clear, but when the problem concerns our children, we are not always able to think objectively: doctors do not find any violations, and the situation seems to us serious. On the contrary, it happens: the child has obvious disorders from the heading or CNS, but Mom prefers to think that everything is normal. How to understand that you need to consult a doctor:

  • the child joins the entire volume of life eaten in the first days;
  • jumping first manifested themselves after 6 months of age;
  • against the background of ships, the child loses in weight, there is no dynamics in the weight set;
  • at the time or immediately after joining the child disjects the arc, wriggling and extremely crying;
  • the child joins the fifth part from all the portion of the eaten more often than five times a day;
  • the child joins the fountain after each feeding;
  • together with abundant or frequent jacks, other signs of the disease appeared - elevated temperature, diarrhea, etc.;
  • in combination with frequent or abundant tights, signs of dehydration appear.

Otherwise, the recommendations set forth in this article, what to do if the breast child jumps, can significantly reduce the episodic of joins, and often, when eliminating the overgrowth and eliminate this problem at all. But we once again want to emphasize that if the kid feels well, cheerful and calm, gaining in weight, and the pediatrician did not find any deviations, then you should not treat it from shinking. Everything is formed - let him only grow up a little bit, and its systems and organs will completely mature.

Especially for-katerina Vlasenko

Jumping - spontaneous release into the throat or cavity of the mouth of a small amount of esophageal or stomach content. During the sucking of the chest or the bottle, the child often swallows some air. As a rule, it does not affect his well-being. The physiological cause of jerking is the features of the structure of the gastrointestinal tract of the child: short esophagus, insufficient development of the muscular sheath of the stomach and the increased sensitivity of its mucous membrane. When moving, changing the posture or sharp breath, passive casting of gastric contents in the throat and the oral cavity occurs. Typically, the half-year of joining pass, but in some cases there may be a symptom of the disease.

Is it dangerous to put a baby on the back immediately after feeding?
It is better not to leave a newborn one on the back, if he fell asleep immediately after feeding: a swollen milk or a mixture can get into the respiratory tract. You can put a baby on my side, on the stomach, use pillows-positioners for sleep, not allowing the child to roll over to the back or a special thin (1.5-2 cm) cushion for newborns.

What if the child often jumps a lot?

If a child is on, you need to check whether it captures the chest correctly, whether milk gets enough. Sometimes too hungry or a concerned child cannot immediately take the chest and swallows a lot of air: in such cases it happens quite often to offer the baby's breast and follow the correctness of applying. In some cases, it is necessary to exclude or limit the horizontal position of the child. If the baby is in his hands at mom, the upper part of his body is always a bit raised when mom puts it - it must lie so that the angle of inclination of the plane was 20-30 degrees. Sometimes the cause of unnecessary air can become too large in a bottle or an unsuccessful shape of the nipple. For a child, which is fed by artificially mixtures, the doctor can recommend a special antirefluxus mixture. In some cases, drug antirefluxic therapy is necessary.

How often does a child jump off?

In the first months of life, the child can disappear after each feeding, sometimes several times. It is worth focusing on the overall health of the child, its increase in the weight and volume of swung fluid (from 5 to 30ml at a time). There is no reasons for concern if the baby adds well in weight and his well-being does not suffer. To better navigate in volume, you can pour two tablespoons of milk or kefir on the table or diaper and compare the amount with the result of conventional joining.

In what cases is dangerous?

Consult with the doctor is necessary if the tighting in large volumes occurs at each feeding, the volume of joins increases, turns into a fountain junction (the vomit "crashes" 50cm and more) if the vomit has a yellow or greenish color, with blood streaks or mucus. The reason for concern is also the behavior of a child pointing to abdominal pain during joining, a reduction in the weight of the baby or a strong lag from the age norm according to modern weight gain data.

What diseases can be sympting?

Against the background of elevated, ORVI or intestinal infections, jeeping can intensify. Excessive jumping in the complex with other symptoms can talk about the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, nervous system, metabolic disorders and other diseases.

Do I need to keep a child with a "column" after eating?

Too much activity after feeding can provoke jerking. If the child sucks the breast or a bottle quickly and greedily, feeding happens in an uncomfortable posture for him, if it is not applied to the chest, and it swallows the air - all this can lead to the baby's concern and the need to interrupt feeding in order to release air. No need to wear vertically kid after each applying to the chest.

Jumping after each meal is a completely normal phenomenon in babies. But often parents notice that the character of the allocated changes is changing - the baby begins to jump like a curd or even mucus, - and, of course, begin to worry. Why does the child jerks breast milk? What volumes of reflux are considered normal, and whether it is necessary to beat the alarm if the infant has the consistency of the allocated? How many months do the child will jump off?

What is joining?

Jumping (reflux) in babies is the release of a small amount of food or drooling up the esophage of the stomach. This phenomenon is normal and occurs in 85% of newborns. In the 3-4-month-old crumbs of the stomach becomes stronger, the muscles of the esophagus valve closes tightly and do not allow the power to throw up, so the percentage of such "emergency emissions" decreases to this age, and in 12-14 months should be completely discontinued.

Breast milk and the mixture is started to be processed in the stomach of the crumbs almost immediately, so normal, if after eating the baby swirls the cottage cheese - this means that gastric juice has already started its work and oxidized the resulting power by changing its consistency.

Why does Kroch often jump off?

Despite the normality of this phenomenon, there are still cases when the baby can jump out too often. Specialists have identified several stages of reflux subsidiaries, determining, from what age the valve strengthening and the supply of food begins.

  • Jumping in newborns after each feeding is normal and physiologically;
  • from 3-4 months, the baby should jump at no more than once a day at 5-10 ml, during the remaining periods it should be observed empty belching;
  • after 12-14 months of joining should stop.

If your baby continues to jump off after each sucking of a mother breast or drinking from a bottle, you should think about whether you organized its food and whether it is a crumb.


Most often, babies continue to jump often after eating, if there is a lot of air with food in their stomach due to the incorrectly occurring sucking process:

  1. The baby may not fully capture her mother's nipple lips and because of this in his esophagus, along with milk, a lot of air falls. After the baby finishes to eat, the shape gas is striving up, and a small amount of food is sent with it. Normally, the power must remain in the stomach, and only belching should be outward. So that the baby did not jump after the power, it is important to ensure that he in his mouth was all Aregol, and the nipple rests on him into the sky.
  2. Kids-artificials can heat air due to incorrectly selected nipple, the wrong position of the bottle when feeding. Another reason why the crumbs do not take place, but reflux - if the retaining ring is not fully prolonged, then when sucking the nipple is sticking out due to the pressure difference, and the crumb produces it from the mouth so that it snews again. So that the baby did not jump after feeding, check whether the bottle is well spinning, and watch the nipple is filled with only a mixture.

Weak valve muscles

The stomach of an adult is separated from the esophagus with a special valve, blurring and closed when receiving food. Newborn kids muscles responsible for the reduction of this valve are not yet developed. They are stronger about 3-4 months. But there are kids who have this musculature does not have time to develop properly, and therefore even by half a year they continue to jump after eating.


The baby can jump off after eating, when he tritely moved, and his stomach seeks to get rid of surplus, throwing them into the esophagus.

Not such food

Often, children jump abundantly due to the fact that they do not fit food. Such cases are if the nursing mom ate something that the crumbs had food allergies. Also susceptible to frequent reflux artificials whose parents often change the mixtures of the mixture or introduce a new powder into the diet of infants not according to the rules.


If the crumb is growing, but still continues to jump off, tell me the pediatrician. The strong and frequent emissions of the contents of the stomach can be a symptom of a number of diseases and pathological conditions:

  • developmental delay;
  • vices for the development of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal colic;
  • constipation on the background of dysbiosis;
  • anomalies of the development of the stomach and diaphragm;
  • neurological pathologies.

When should I find it?

If your infants often jump into large volumes, be sure to consult a pediatrician, since it said, this phenomenon may be a symptom of a number of diseases.

  1. The fountain jumping after feeding is considered to be a consequence of neurological disorders (encephalopathy, hypertension), as well as stomach spasms.
  2. Reflux, separated from the episode of feeding for a long period - more than an hour - requires consultation of the gastroenterologist. This phenomenon is called the "lazy stomach", it lies in a long assimilation and promotion of food on the system, as well as in the unstable operation of the closing valve. At the same time, the baby, in addition to the delayed refluxs with sinking milk, can suffer from constipation.
  3. Jumping in newborns, accompanied by cry, suggests that the child suffers from intestinal colic and it needs your help.
  4. If, after the reflux, the crumbs observed a long burden, it means that the case is in high acidity, and you should contact the gastroenterologist.

Jumping or vomiting?

Sometimes jerking in newborns can be so intense that they can be confused with vomiting. Both of these phenomena are really similar. The food thrown out of the stomach already passes the oxidation of the gastric nipple, the meal comes out of the stomach of the storm, and many parents begin to seem to seem that the baby did not shovel, and it took out.

Since vomiting is a symptom of diseases and requires big attention from parents, you need to be able to distinguish

its from the usual, but abundant swelling. Both vomiting, and reflux can be a "fountain", so it is important to look at the crumb and see other signs.

  1. To jump off the baby will be only after eating or 10-15 minutes after the end of feeding. Vomiting can begin at any time.
  2. Normal reflux takes place once, the vomit episodes, on the contrary, often go for each other.
  3. The color and consistency of the reflux are almost not distinguishable from the nutrition, sometimes it comes out of the felased, vomiting, as a rule, has an admixture of bile and yellowish shade or comes out with mucus.
  4. After joining the baby will behave as usual, and after the episode of vomiting will change a lot, it will become sluggish and painful. Since the cause of vomiting, as a rule, the infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract, after a while will change the child's chair - it will become greenish with mucus.

Consequences of jeeping

If the baby jumps often, it will negatively affect his health:

  • together with the eaten food on the esophagus, gastric juice falls into the oral cavity, which has certain acidity and irritates the mucous membranes. Often jerking kids because of this can not lie on the back.
  • frequent jurisdictions in newborns are causes of irritation of the respiratory tract, as well as the occurrence of inflammatory processes of ENT organs, especially if the reflux occurs a fountain.
  • abundant foaming of the fountain lead to the fact that the crumb does not feed, poorly gaining weight and develops slow pace.

Therefore, you should attach all the forces so that the baby does not jump too often, and in the case of abundant episodes of reflux - consult a doctor to search for causes and eliminate them.

How to help crumbs?

To prevent reflux episodes, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Do not overflow the crumb if he becomes greedy to chest, take it when, according to your estimates, the baby must be saturated.
  2. Watch out for the seizure of a nipple with a baby on the GW, and the nipple filling at IV.
  3. Change the postures during feeding and watch the crumbs head beside his body.
  4. Before feeding, constantly post the child on the tummy - the sickness of colic will decrease.
  5. At the end of feeding, take the baby in the arms and, holding in the vertical position, go like it with him 10 minutes until the belching occurs.
  6. Recommended degrees at 20 raise the headboard of the baby's bed, so that belching can be released from the esophagus. This can be done by putting two diapers under his head and shoulders or with the help of a laying under the legs of the bedboard.
  7. Sleeping the baby should be in the position on the side or semi-bok.
  8. After feeding, the kids are not recommended to actively move and change the position of the body, it is better to elect for the first half hour after eating calm classes.

If preventive measures do not help avoid the episodes of reflux, you can find a solution to the problem, consulted with a pediatrician.

  • Well helps to reduce the percentage of joins adding into milk or a mixture of rice powder, which effectively thickens liquid;
  • in some cases, the pediatrician may recommend that you feed the child with special antirefluxic mixtures before the age until the valve will be strengthened separating the stomach from the esophagus;
  • if the doctor considers it necessary, it will prescribe medication therapy that reduces the acidity of the stomach that improves the intestinal functions or eliminating spasms.