Is it worth taking a three-year-old child to the cemetery. Children at a funeral: is it worth taking a child to the cemetery. Why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery - signs

A trip to a cemetery is a serious test and a completely unhappy event in the life of an adult. What can we say about children who sometimes have to visit this mournful place, accompanying their parents on the days of commemoration of deceased relatives or at funerals. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to take a child to the cemetery. In answering this question, we will rely on the opinions of psychologists, clergy and esotericists.

Days of remembrance

If we compare the psyche of an adult and a child, it can be noted that the latter is extremely vulnerable. Therefore, wondering whether it is possible to take small children to the cemetery, you need to explain to yourself whether this trip is so necessary. It is also worth thinking about whether it is possible to leave the baby with a nanny or relatives and visit the churchyard without him.


Not every adult is able to endure the funeral of a loved one without emotional shock. But some parents, when asked whether it is possible to take a child to the cemetery, give the following arguments: a loved one has died, you need to say goodbye to him. Psychologists say: the child's psyche is a mysterious thing, it is completely incomprehensible how a child can react to a funeral.

In addition, up to a certain age, children do not at all distinguish between such categories as "death" and "life". On the one hand, the child may not even understand what happened. It is unlikely that the baby is aware of the whole tragedy of the situation. On the other hand, being present at the funeral will allow you to realize that your loved one will never be there again. That is, the baby will be able to gain certain knowledge about elementary concepts right in the process of the funeral. After all, sooner or later he will still have a question about the death of the people around him, or even about his own death.

Features of the child's psyche

If you answered in the affirmative to the question "is it possible to take the child to the cemetery", it is worth protecting the baby from nervous shocks. He should not be present at the funeral service of a loved one. There must be an adult next to the child - this will make him feel safe. Another difficulty lies in the fact that children simply do not understand why the body lying in the coffin is lifeless and, moreover, is no longer a native person. For some crumbs, this misunderstanding can even cause mental deviations!

Age restrictions

Psychological health experts in children say babies who have not turned three years, it is better not to take it to the cemetery. They simply cannot comprehend the whole essence of the farewell ceremony. Is it possible to take a child to the cemetery if he has already reached a conscious age? The answer to this question is very ambiguous, everything is individual. In some children, the worldview is already formed by the age of 8-9, and in others, even at adolescence with this difficulty.

Young mothers are sometimes worried about the question of whether it is possible to take a baby to the cemetery. Experts give an unambiguous answer: in no case. The baby needs constant attention, he needs care. An adult who has come to say goodbye to a loved one will not have such an opportunity - he will have to hold the baby in his arms all the time, monitor his health and mood. Small children get tired quickly, can become capricious, cry. Is it possible one year old child take to the cemetery? If you are not afraid of whims on his part, take it. Consider only one thing: you should not leave a crumb alone for a minute!

In turn, magicians and psychics unanimously insist that a restless soul, "walking" around the churchyard, can settle in a baby. This is explained very simply: the baby does not have protection from such an energetic effect. Sorcerers say that this can radically change the life of a little man, and most often not for the better. Therefore, by the way, they give a negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to take an unbaptized child to the cemetery. True, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church do not support this point of view. Any truly believing Christian will say that the soul of the deceased cannot be in the cemetery, it has no place there. That is, the baby is not in danger.

Preparing to visit the churchyard

If the child has expressed a desire to go with you to accompany a relative on his last journey, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. As part of an explanatory conversation, he should learn that during a funeral, people can cry, scream - and this is completely normal for a mourning ritual. An unannounced child can become severely frightened or traumatized. Sudden crying of loved ones can provoke phobias and neuroses, the treatment of which will take more than one year.

If the parents answered yes to the question of whether it is possible to take the child to the cemetery, they should be prepared for the fact that the child needs constant monitoring. There should always be a person next to him who will explain to him what is happening or simply take the baby away from the churchyard if he gets upset or gets tired.

Behavior rules

It will be quite useful to familiarize the child with the rules of behavior in this mournful place:

  • you must not make noise and run around the cemetery;
  • do not go far from your parents or grandparents;
  • you don't need to take food or toys from strangers either;
  • it is strictly forbidden to pick up any items from the ground.

Cemetery treats

Many parents ask themselves, "Can children take sweets from the cemetery?" Let's try to figure it out!

Orthodox ministers say: sweets and cookies on the graves are a relic of the pagan past. Leaving them on the graves is not worth it, it is better to distribute treats to the poor. Esotericists echo: in no case should you take food from the graves! After all, any object located on the cemetery land has a heavy energy. Even an adult can "catch" problems, let alone a small child.

The kid doesn't want to go to the funeral

What if the kids refuse to go to the cemetery? Don't force them or try to make them feel guilty! If the child is not internally ready for the farewell ceremony, you run the risk of making it worse. Give your toddler the opportunity to explain why he doesn't want to do this. Let the baby talk about her inner fears.

The magicians say

And what do psychics and sorcerers say when answering this question? Firstly, the energy of sorrow inherent in this place can suppress the energy field of the little man. The oppression and fear that the baby is experiencing can be aggravated precisely at the churchyard. On the other hand, very young children are protected by the energy of their relatives. That is, while mom or dad is with the baby, he is completely safe.

So is it possible to take a child say the following: first, the baby must attend a joyful celebration, best of all at a wedding!

Another sign says that the baby should not take it out of hand strangers no treats, no pretty trinkets. The child is that churchyards are a favorite place for black magicians. They perform rituals here, trying to shift the curse, illness or sins onto the deceased. Therefore, if a cute old woman comes up to a child and offers him candy, he must refuse.

Opinions of priests

In his book Life. Disease. Death ”, Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh writes that death does not need to be hidden. After all, she is just a part of life. The child can look into the face of the deceased, kiss him on the forehead.

And other clergymen say that to some extent, the participation of a baby in the funeral process is even useful. This helps him to join traditions, to understand that deceased loved ones need to be remembered and visited their graves. It also teaches children to value every moment of life.


What can happen to a child after visiting a churchyard? He can transfer his emotions into real life. Don't be alarmed if your little one gives them a funeral while playing with the dolls. Thus, he applies the experience gained.

After visiting the cemetery, do not let your child forget that he had a loved one. Talk to the little one about his hobbies, tell about interesting life situations. On the anniversary of his death, attend church with the baby, come to the cemetery in church holidays... And try to most fully and frankly answer the questions that arise in the child about life and death, if they arise.

A visit to the graves of the dead, even for an adult, always becomes a test and far from a joyful event. And what can we say about a trip with a child to the cemetery. So is it worth it, and if so, how, and if not, why? For the answer to this question, we turn to psychologists, esotericists and clergy.

Is it possible to take children to the cemetery on commemoration days

An elementary comparison of the psyche of a child and an adult allows us to conclude that in the former it is extremely vulnerable. Therefore, when planning to take a child with you to the cemetery, you must first of all understand for yourself the real necessity of this action.

Is it possible for children in the cemetery during the funeral

Not every adult is able to participate in the funeral of a loved one without strong emotional turmoil. Nevertheless, some parents believe that a child must be present at the cemetery in order to say goodbye to a relative before he sets out on his last journey. According to psychologists, it is completely impossible to predict what the child's reaction to the funeral will be.

It must be understood that until the child reaches a certain age, for him there are no such categories as life and death. That is, everything that happens to him may seem like an ordinary game, and therefore the whole drama of the situation will be hidden for him.

But it may also happen that the child will be able to realize the full depth of the grief that befell the people around him. That is, the funeral process will teach the baby the first lesson in elementary concepts related to death. And maybe this is good, because sooner or later he will still have to comprehend why and where people who are irrevocably close to him go.

How to protect the child's psyche

If you decide that the child should go with you to the cemetery, then you need to think about protecting him from nervous shocks. To begin with, he should not be present at the funeral service for a relative, but at the same time he should not be left alone. The presence of a well-known adult nearby will make him feel safe.

It is very difficult for a kid to understand why a person whom he knew and with whom he had recently played with lies and does not stand up to him. On very sensitive natures, this can have a very strong effect, which can even provoke mental deviations.

Is it possible for a child in a cemetery - depends on age

According to experts involved in the study of issues related to psychological health, children under the age of three should not be taken to the cemetery. They simply have not yet been able to understand what is the essence of the farewell taking place. However, even after the child overcomes the bar of conscious age, decisions must be made taking into account the personal characteristics of each individual. Some children have a formed worldview by the age of eight or nine, while for others this process has not yet been completed even in adolescence.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery with a baby

Sometimes young mothers ask the question of whether it is possible to take infant... The answer, according to experts, is unequivocal - absolutely no. The baby needs continuous attention and care, which means that the purpose with which the parent came to the cemetery will not be fulfilled.

Young children tend to get tired quickly, from the monotony of the environment. They start to act up and cry. As a result, the noble goal of paying tribute to the deceased turns into a continuous struggle with a tired child.

In addition, both magicians and psychics argue that a baby can become an object for the transmigration of an unsettled soul, tossing at the churchyard. The little man has not yet managed to acquire protection from such an energetic effect.

As a result of this, according to magicians, a child's life can change dramatically and most often not for the better. For the same reason, a brother should not enter the cemetery of an unbaptized child. However, the Russian Orthodox Church has its own opinion on this matter. According to him, any believing Christian should understand that the soul cannot live in a cemetery, since it has no place there. This means that nothing can threaten the baby either.

How to prepare for a visit to the cemetery

If the child himself insists on visiting the cemetery to participate in the farewell of a loved one on the last journey, then some preparatory work must be done in advance. He needs to try to explain that when people bury loved ones, they tend to cry a lot and even scream, and this is natural for a funeral ritual.

An untrained child can get very scared when around many people close to him start crying loudly and bitterly, as well as screaming different words... The result of such an impact can be the emergence of neuroses and phobias, which then have to be treated for a very long time.

Parents who decide to visit the cemetery with their child should anticipate the need for constant supervision over it. Someone must constantly be with him in order to either explain what is happening, or take the overexcited child out of the cemetery.

How a child should behave in a cemetery

To a child in mandatory it is necessary to talk about how to behave in a cemetery and what cannot be done:

  • Talk loudly, shout and laugh.
  • Run among the graves.
  • Move away from parents or relatives.
  • Take toys or treats from strangers.
  • Pick up any objects from the ground.

Products from the cemetery

The clergy call any food, be it sweets or any other food left on the graves, a relic of the pagan past. And if there is already an irresistible desire to leave something edible in the cemetery, then it is better to give it to the beggars so that they remember the deceased.

According to esotericists, every object that touches the cemetery has a heavy energy, and therefore nothing can be taken from the graves. Even an adult from such actions can have problems, and for a child it is doubly dangerous.

The child refuses to go to the cemetery

What if you can't convince your child to go to the cemetery? Do not force him and put pressure on him causing a feeling of guilt. Internally not ready child participating in the farewell procedure can cause serious harm.

You can try to find out from the kid why he does not want to go. And if you do this without undue pressure, but with affection, then it is quite possible to find out from the child the reason why he refuses to attend the funeral. And it might even eliminate it.

The opinion of magicians about visiting a cemetery as a child

They believe that the energy of grief, natural for this place, can suppress the energy field of the baby. There may be a significant increase in the feelings of oppression and fear experienced by the child. But at the same time, they also argue that young children are under the protection of the energy of adult relatives. In other words, there is nothing to fear for a child if he is next to mom or dad.

Adults should not forget that black magicians are very fond of churchyards. They practice their rituals here related to the transposition of curses, sins or diseases. And therefore, if someone sees how a pretty old woman comes up to the child and continues to take candy from her, then the child should not be allowed to take it.

What the clergy say about the possibility of children visiting the cemetery

In the book of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, entitled “Life. Disease. Death ”, it is said that there is no need to conceal death. After all, she is nothing more than one of the parts of life. The child is allowed to look at the face of the deceased and kiss his forehead.

He is joined by other clergymen who talk about some of the benefits of the child's participation in the funeral process. Thanks to this, he gets the opportunity, albeit sad, to be introduced to the traditions of his people. Perhaps he will come to understand the need of deceased loved ones to be remembered. And this is expressed, among other things, in visiting their graves.

Possible consequences

What are the consequences of a visit to a churchyard by a child? He can express his emotions in real life, for example, by arranging a funeral for your dolls. Do not be afraid of this, so there is nothing wrong with that, he just fakes the newly acquired experience into life.

Don't just stop at the cemetery. The child should be reminded of the other person who has gone into the world. To recall with him various funny or significant life situations that took place during the life of the deceased.

In the article:

There are many signs about pregnancy. It is believed that while carrying a child, it is undesirable to go to the cemetery, and this is partly a true omen.

It is known that a guardian angel is given by God when a child is baptized. That is, while he is in the womb, the child does not have his guardian angel. He is protected by the guardian angel of the mother, but it is generally accepted that unborn children are highly susceptible to the influence of dark forces and have little protection from evil. This is another answer to the question of why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. Signs also prohibit any contact with the deceased, for example, participation in a funeral.

At the same time, the church treats this in a completely different way. Its ministers believe that one of the responsibilities of the living is visiting the graves of loved ones, as well as participating in funerals and commemorations. There are no prohibitions for this, you can go to the cemetery and pregnant women, signs in this matter are contrary to the point of view of the church. The Lord is supportive of those who remember their ancestors and honor their memory. The Church believes that there is no negative energy in death.

If you have the option of not going to the funeral, take it. If you have died an acquaintance with whom you were not close, then you can avoid contact with the deceased with a clear conscience. You can say goodbye to the deceased mentally, or you can go to church the next day and light a candle for peace. Pregnancy is a serious reason not to go to a funeral, and you will not be judged.


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Why pregnant women shouldn't go to the cemetery |

The cemetery is a place of farewell to the deceased, a memory of bygone times, a place where you can be alone with your grief. People come to the cemetery of different ages, many take small children with them. Only one category of people is usually not recommended to step on cemetery land - women in position. Pregnant women should not go to the cemetery for many reasons:

  • a large crowd of people;
  • the need to stand on their feet for a long time;
  • negative energy.

Pregnant in the cemetery - the opinion of the church

From the side of the church, the ban on visiting the cemetery for women in early dates there is no pregnancy. They can visit the graves of relatives and loved ones, clean their graves, indulge in memories. It is absolutely safe to be in the cemetery in the morning and afternoon. In addition, the ministers of the church believe that for future mother looked after by a guardian angel who protects her and the child in the womb.

To the common question whether pregnant women can go to the cemetery, the priest's answer will be yes. The Lord's condescension comes to those who respect the dead, do not forget them and read prayers. Before going to the cemetery, a pregnant woman can order a service in a temple or church, or simply light a candle for the repose.

Impact on psyche and health

Doctors advise women to avoid unpleasant situations throughout their pregnancy. A visit to a cemetery is often associated with stress, anxiety, and harms the mother herself and the development of the child. Difficult memories, tears provoke heart palpitations, affect blood pressure, and a depressing atmosphere can cause depression.

A large crowd of people carries the risk of contracting a viral disease, which is why pregnant women are not allowed to go to the cemetery or funeral on the eve of the birth of a child. There is a high probability of discomfort in the form of dizziness or swelling of the legs from standing for a long time. Therefore, a woman in a position who has decided to go to the cemetery must be accompanied and in case of a sudden deterioration in health, immediately take home.

Pregnant women are not allowed to go to the cemetery.

Despite the fact that the cemetery is one of the most peaceful places, it is visited by different people... They carry sadness, grief, fear of future life. All these feelings devastate and fill the place where the cemetery is located with negative energy. A pregnant woman who went to a cemetery may feel depressed and exhausted after a few days.

Despite the fact that the child is protected by the womb, he remains vulnerable. The souls of recently deceased people often want to return to the earthly world by any means, and the unborn child is an ideal guide. If a pregnant woman feels that she is being pushed to go to the cemetery, she should be alert and be sure to refuse this event. The person making such an offer is most likely a sorcerer who is trying to weaken the woman and harm the child.

If a pregnant girl accidentally drops any thing that belongs to her, a bad person can pick it up and use it for her own purposes. The cemetery is constantly visited by sorcerers and magicians to perform various rituals and ceremonies. Many of them deliberately seek out suitable conspiracy victims among visitors to the cemetery. A pregnant woman gives all her life energy to the future baby and she herself remains practically unprotected.

How to keep yourself safe

To visit the cemetery safely, the following rules must be followed:

  • When going to the cemetery, you should take with you as few personal items as possible, it is better to leave all body jewelry at home in a safe place, it is allowed to leave only the cross.
  • Before leaving the house, you need to read your favorite prayer and cross yourself three times.
  • The day before visiting the cemetery, you can visit the church and talk to the priest.
  • Make a simple amulet with your own hands: a bracelet, neck pendant or hair band and put it on in the cemetery.
  • During the funeral, do not look anyone in the eye and answer questions in monosyllables so as not to be hypnotized.
  • Avoid any contact with the deceased and his personal belongings.
  • Watch out for animals (birds, cats) on the way to the cemetery and on the spot: aggressive and unusual behavior is a reason to return home.
  • The time spent in the cemetery should be kept to a minimum.

It should be borne in mind that signs and beliefs often do not have rational grounds, a person very often scares himself and sees confirmation of his fears everywhere. In any case, a pregnant woman is able to intuitively feel the threat, she herself decides how reasonable it is to be in the cemetery.

Signs at the cemetery: what not to do?

Cemetery energy is extremely dangerous for the living. Therefore, people from time immemorial observe the traditions associated with behavior in burial places. Observing the signs at the cemetery, you can protect yourself from negativity, preserve your health and even life.

Funeral rules

Black clothes for the funeral

No matter how grievous the loss may be, you cannot drink alcohol in the cemetery or attend a funeral drunk. This is an insult to the memory of the deceased. People are not allowed to drink at the cemetery, so as not to offend those who have gone to the next world. There are other signs about the behavior at the funeral and at the cemetery:

  • Attendance at the funeral is permitted only in black clothing. White clothes, like colored ones, are a bad omen.
  • During the funeral, you should be quiet and respectful.
  • They do not take anything from the coffin and do not take it for themselves, even the most valuable and beautiful things. Popular superstitions believe that this will be followed by the desire of the deceased to return the thing back to himself and grab the person who took it. In general, it is customary to put all the deceased's favorite things with him in a coffin or on a grave.
  • When someone falls during a funeral, he urgently needs to leave the event, read the "Our Father" 3 times and wash his face with holy water, sign the sign of the cross with the help of church candle to break the connection with the cemetery. Stumbling is also a bad sign, but it doesn't have catastrophic consequences.
  • During the funeral, they do not talk about an outsider, only topics related to the deceased, his life and death are permissible.
  • At the cemetery, all signs and superstitions forbid to come in open shoes, toes and heels should be hidden. If the burial ground gets on the open skin, the irreparable will happen.
  • Photographs must not be taken during the funeral. The living in the frame with the deceased become the object of the influence of the cemetery energy. The dead in the photograph leave part of their energy and cannot calmly go to another world. You should never be photographed in burial places. Indeed, in a simple shot, you can accidentally include a grave or part of it, a monument. If you had to be photographed in the past, nothing can be changed. To neutralize the negative, you need to place the photo in a tight envelope.
  • Many signs about any cemetery prohibit taking a pregnant woman there. There is no place for a child under 12 years old among the graves, children cannot go to the cemetery. The fact is that people have weak energy in childhood. The souls of the dead, who saw a pregnant woman, can pull her along, move into an unborn baby. If there is an emergency, a pregnant woman does not consider it possible to miss the funeral of a loved one, she should tie a red thread or ribbon on her hand.
  • A bad omen is the situation when the coffin cannot enter the hole prepared for it. Experienced people say that the earth refuses to take the deceased, so he will take someone else with him. In order not to face the negative consequences of omens, graves are always dug with a small margin.
  • A good sign is the case when the excavated grave underneath it has a later burial, where there are still surviving bones. This means that the deceased will meet the company in the next world and will not disturb their relatives with their appearances.
  • If you come to the funeral of one person, then you should not go to the graves of others. This is not a good sign. The deceased can take offense and take revenge.

Attendance on Parent's Day and Other Holidays

Parents day

Going to the cemetery on parent's day, you need to understand that people who have passed away are buried in this place. The graves are their home. Therefore, it is necessary to behave there carefully, carefully, to observe the rules of decency as a guest. You can't make noise, shout. This is a place of peace and quiet. You can't go to the grave empty-handed, they always take sweets that are left there. You should not eat there yourself. The dead are commemorated at home after returning from the churchyard. If they decide to drink there, they drink without clinking glasses, so that the trouble from one house does not pass into another. Flowers are brought in an even quantity.

When visiting a cemetery, you cannot tell the deceased such things that can make them envy, then they can not take a person to themselves in revenge. The dead are also not reported about great sorrows, so that they, having heard bad news, out of pity, do not take them to the next world. Fatal may be the phrase: "Better to die" - after such words, death may come too quickly.

They tell both joyful and sad, but only such that cannot greatly upset the dead. If a person was not particularly close during his lifetime, then he cannot be told anything good at all. Signs and superstitions in the cemetery claim that this will lead to the loss of all the good in life.

In no case should you quarrel. If you sort things out at the graves, then your whole future life will be spent in conflicts.

If you happen to see something valuable and attractive on the graves or near them, you need to calmly walk by. Everything that is there is the property of the departed. Taking a thing that they accidentally found there, people invite the deceased to go after it. It is also bad to take away the earth from the burial site; such an action is equivalent to moving the grave into the house. You can't do that.

It is forbidden to count money. If money falls out of the wallet, you cannot raise it. Even if this is a considerable amount. If something else fell, it means. The deceased wants to take it for himself. It is impossible to lift what has fallen. It is better to lose her than everything at all. If something very important has fallen, you need to leave a ransom on the grave and give a ransom to the owner of the cemetery. It can be vodka and sweets.

If they leave a wallet when leaving home, then you can pick it up, but part of the money must be put on the grave of a person's blood relatives or the person whose name is the same as the one who forgot the wallet. When, upon returning home, a person realizes that he happened to lose a thing, he cannot return and look for it. The thing is lost because the spirits decided to draw the person to themselves. to return for her means to follow their lead.

If a monument has fallen, it means that the deceased wants to report something, to warn about problems. If a cross falls on the grave or there is a crack along it, then another relative will die in the near future. It is considered a neutral sign that rain has caught a person at the graves. Such a day simply portends a change in life. All the signs in the cemetery make you behave in a special way. Even bags are not worn here as in other places. Since you cannot walk among the graves with your hand clenched into a fist, bags are hung on your hand, and your fingers are relaxed and unclenched.

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Other bad omens

There are special beliefs about a cat and a funeral. When a person dies in the house, all pets are temporarily taken out of it. The remaining cat can bring grief into the house - another death. Especially scary is the situation when the cat is drawn to sleep near or under the coffin. If a cat who was sent out into the street tries to enter the house, this is also a bad sign, prophesying death. Therefore, it is better to agree with friends and give them a cat, a dog, that the pets stayed with them for a couple of days.

If you meet a cat in the cemetery, you need to drive it away from the procession. At the same time, you cannot hurt her and frighten the cat. This can lead to unpleasant consequences. After all, the spirit of the deceased can enter this animal. Therefore, it is better to feed the cat so that she herself does not have a desire to follow the procession. It is imperative to distract the cat so that his presence does not aggravate the situation. If the cat jumps on the coffin or the lid of the coffin, then the person closest to the deceased will die.

When meeting a cat at a funeral, they pay attention to the color of the animal:

  • Black can become a repository for a black sorcerer or a restless sinner ..
  • White is the seat of a white magician or righteous man who must complete important earthly affairs. But this does not mean that meeting him is a good sign and you can let him in, he also portends illness and a collision with dangers.

There are cemetery beliefs about birds in the churchyard. Birds are said to be the souls of dead people, so they are fed, leaving food on the graves. If the bird flies into the house through the window, the deceased is expected.


You can sum it up like this:

  • You cannot come to the graves drunk.
  • It is forbidden to tell the departed too happy or too bitter news, not to quarrel.
  • You cannot take anything from the cemetery.
  • You can't count money, take pictures.
  • Pregnant women and children under 12 years old do not come there.
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Why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery signs

When asked why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery, signs can give an answer. A considerable part of the worldly wisdom of our ancestors is concentrated in them, and signs are rarely given bad advice.

In the article:

Why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery - signs

There are many. It is believed that while carrying a child, it is undesirable to go to the cemetery, and this is partly a true omen.

A cemetery is a place where a person's earthly path comes to its logical conclusion. Pregnancy is the beginning of a new life. The opposition of the concepts of life and death sows doubts about the need for a woman's presence in the situation at the burial sites. Despite the fact that birth and death are non-stop replacing each other, the one who carries the baby in himself should not be in the cemetery. Try to avoid everything associated with the energy of death during pregnancy.

It is known that the guardian angel is given by God at. That is, while he is in the womb, the child does not have his guardian angel. He is protected by a guardian angel, but it is generally accepted that unborn children are highly susceptible to the influence of dark forces and have little protection from evil. This is another answer to the question of why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. Signs also prohibit any contact with the deceased, for example, participation in a funeral.

The attitude of the church to this issue

At the same time, the church treats this in a completely different way. Its ministers believe that one of the responsibilities of the living is visiting the graves of loved ones, as well as participating in funerals and commemorations. There are no prohibitions for this, you can go to the cemetery and pregnant women, signs in this matter are contrary to the point of view of the church. The Lord is supportive of those who remember their ancestors and honor their memory. The Church believes that there is nothing in death.

It is impossible to forget the dead. But we must remember that you can go to the cemetery only of your own free will, without coercion. If you do not feel well, it is better to postpone a visit to the grave of a relative for another time.

For many people, visiting cemeteries and, in particular, the graves of relatives who have gone to another world does not cause any negative emotions. If you feel comfortable in the cemetery, then there are no restrictions on visiting this place during pregnancy. But if the place scares you and the sight of the graves is unpleasant for you, refrain from going to the cemetery before giving birth.

Pregnancy and funeral - signs

As mentioned above, birth and death are opposite, and the presence of a pregnant woman at a funeral is unnatural. But situations are different, and sometimes you have to take part in a funeral during pregnancy.

If you have the option of not going to the funeral, take it. If you have died an acquaintance with whom you were not close, then you can avoid contact with the deceased with a clear conscience. You can say goodbye to the deceased mentally, or you can go to church the next day and light a candle for peace. - this is a serious reason not to go to the funeral, and you will not be judged.

Regarding pregnancy and funeral, signs say that it is undesirable to go to the funeral service and burial. And you can come to the commemoration, support the family of the deceased person. Try to reduce the amount of communication with the bereaved and not be exposed to stress. Any negative emotions negatively affect the well-being and health of your child, and, as you know, there can be no positive emotions at a funeral.

There are situations when the need to attend a funeral cannot be avoided. If grief happens in your family, try to follow the precautionary rules. There are signs that prescribe how to behave correctly at a funeral and while visiting a cemetery. They need to be followed in order not to get serious problems.

In addition, try to worry less and think more about your child. Go to the funeral only if you understand that it will bring you peace, not depression. Try to accept the fact that death is inevitable and there is nothing wrong with that. Strong experiences can lead to the loss of a child. If you think you are in danger, it is better to stay at home. It is highly undesirable for pregnant women to look at the dead. The fact is that dead and unborn children are, as it were, in the same dimension. There is a chance that the dead can take the child with him. In addition, a coffin that is submerged in the ground is a spectacle that can be very stressful.

If you do decide to attend the funeral, choose a time. The best option- this is when the deceased has not yet been taken out of the house, and also after the coffin has been buried. These are the least stressful moments of the funeral. At this time, the emotions of people around will be more stable than at a time when everyone sees a person for the last time before they close the coffin and cover him with earth.



IN different cultures formed a different attitude to death and the places of the last rest of the person. So, Kabardians do not visit cemeteries at all, and in Tibet for centuries there was a tradition of "heavenly burials", when the dead were simply left to be eaten by birds due to lack of land. In Russian culture, there is a very strong tradition of visiting the graves of relatives and taking careful care of them. This tradition is followed by both Christians and atheists. But both the first and the second often ask the question - is it possible to take children with you to the cemetery? It is believed that visiting cemeteries can be dangerous for babies. Why?

The origins of this superstition should be sought in ancient times. People then, not understanding the essence of death, attributed to the dead and places and burials special magical properties... Allegedly accumulates in cemeteries a large number of negative energy, which can affect a fragile little person is not too good. In addition, the places of accumulation of the dead were "inhabited" by special creatures capable of feeding on the remnants of the living energy of the dead.

Let's say that the magician took the damage away from someone, and “threw off” all the negativity in the cemetery. A child walking nearby runs the risk of taking on all this "energy dirt". All of these explanations are irrational. If we approach the issue more meaningfully, we can trace this path of the origin of superstition: before, cemeteries often became a haven for terminally ill people (leprosy, plague, tuberculosis and many other terrible diseases literally mowed down entire villages).

The unfortunate people had nowhere else to go, and in the cemetery there was at least some food, some kind of shelter. Of course, it was not difficult for young children to pick up any infection. So they tried to leave them at home, going to visit their own graves. According to modern concepts, visiting cemeteries can traumatize the psyche of a child. Therefore, it is better not to introduce too sensitive children very early to this sad side of life. Adults can also be uncomfortable if they had to take a child with them.

The child will ask for a drink, speak loudly, try to run - in a word, he will do everything that a normal child usually does. Therefore, it is better to wait until the child grows up, and only then show him the graves of his relatives. It's probably not worth taking children with you when going to the cemetery. And the point here is not in the flying evil spirits and not in the zombies crawling out of the graves, but simply in the fact that it will be more convenient for the parents and the baby if he stays at home. If he grows up, then the time will come for him to get acquainted with the place where people find their last refuge. Don't rush the time.

Good day. The magician Azal is with you. Today the article I promised, which is the answer to the question "is it possible for a child in the cemetery." I took this question into a separate article, since everything is not as clear as we would like. On the one hand, the answer to the question "is it possible to take children to the cemetery" in the affirmative, that is, yes, of course you can. On the other hand, there are moments that should not be forgotten.

Regular readers of "Magician" know that I do not give abstract answers, my own thoughts about anything, or assumptions on any topic. I give an answer knowing about the reality that many do not see or do not want to see. Let me emphasize that your belief or your disbelief in it is absolutely parallel to this reality. From the fact that before people, for example, did not know about the law universal gravitation(did not believe and did not want to understand it), it hardly ceased to be relevant. So it is here. I only say what I am sure of, and I tell you what and how much is necessary and sufficient. For me, the answer on the topic of today's article consists of several points:

  1. Taking into account the attitude towards children of inorganic creatures living in the churchyard or who may be there
  2. Taking into account the peculiarities of the energy structure of children
  3. Taking into account the fact that the churchyard is a working area for different kinds of sorcerers and magicians

Therefore, I also propose to analyze this issue point by point in order to take everything into account and have at least some idea of ​​everything.

How the “local inhabitants” relate to children

The main creatures in the cemetery are the so-called Cemetery Master and Mistress. I will talk about them in more detail in separate articles. Now I will just mention that one of the functions of the Mistress of the cemetery is as follows: she lets souls from other more subtle worlds (“beyond the grave” - as some people like to call them) into our physical world for reincarnation. Hence, our children are pure souls who came down to us by the will of God to go through their lessons and trials. They are not yet attached as we are to this physical world, they are only studying it.

Cemetery owner and child

Now let's get back to the topic of our conversation. The cemetery owner not only releases the soul into our world, but also looks after her whenever possible in the first seven years. It often happens that it is she who intervenes and intercedes for children, taking them away from premature death or helping to heal. Thanks to such an attitude of hers, the child is “allowed” very, very many mistakes at the cemetery. Even very serious mistakes, including screaming screams, unrestrained laughter and games, running through the graves, stealing candy from the dead, and so on, from which the dead usually go berserk. But in relation to a child, even a very angry and hungry dead man can only have at least some claims as an exception.

The same applies to creatures that do not live in the churchyard permanently, but can temporarily stay there. Christianity counts such people indiscriminately among devils and demons, although there may be far from only them. Such "guys" may well attack a child, but they rarely do it of their own free will. Most often, when attacking, they follow the will of the sorcerer, who wants to harm this family. (The site has an article about how to protect yourself from a black magician.) These are rarely seen in the city's crowded cemeteries, but there are really many of them in deserted, abandoned cemeteries, and there they behave much more aggressively towards any living person, including children.

Features of the energy structure of the child

I promise very briefly and only on the topic. Described energy bodies of an adult here, under the link. But in children under seven years of age, the energy structure is very radically different from that in adults. It is just being formed, so our children see everything differently. They see in a way that most adults no longer know how to see. They feel things that most adults no longer pay attention to.

The cemetery is a place where sorrowful processions take place, where people do not want to control their emotions at all, where mothers come to dead children and wives to dead husbands ... A lot of negative strong emotions remember this place, the atmosphere of mourning cannot be confused with anything. And children "read" this from the space around them due to their greater receptivity. But they have to get used to it.

Due to his increased emotionality plus the underdevelopment of the protective cocoon, the child is more susceptible to attack by larvae and the evil eye. Lyarva is a primitive creature woven from the strongest negative emotion; to maintain its existence, it needs feeding the same emotion. There will be a separate article about such creatures, as well as how to cleanse yourself of such negativity after going to the cemetery.

A full-fledged protective cocoon will form in a child only after seven years, closer to ten years of life. Therefore, if you are taking a child to a cemetery, then keep it near you, so he will be under the protection of your cocoon, under the cover of a more powerful energy field. Also keep it away from those who show uncontrollable emotions and from the deceased himself if you are with the child at the funeral.

By the way, there are many different techniques to strengthen the protective field of the child. Including completely simple but effective bathing in herbs, light proofreading options, and more. All this has been used for a long time to enhance its protection, in order to protect, cleanse the child's energy, strengthen his energy shell, and, accordingly, strengthen his health. In order to give you this information, which I myself often use for my son, I will open a new section on "Magician about magic" - "Magic for our children." Therefore, subscribe to site updates at the end of the article, so as not to miss, if this is important to you.

The cemetery as a workplace for sorcerers and magicians

And finally, I left, perhaps, the most problematic moment in a situation when it is necessary to bring a child with you to a funeral or for commemoration. This is rather an argument as to why children should not be taken to the cemetery. The greatest danger for children in this place is precisely the work of the craftsmen at the churchyard. The master did his job, left on the dead ground what he had to leave and left. What he left may well be the so-called witchcraft creases. A lot is thrown off at the graveyard of ransom from various kinds of problems, serious illnesses and misfortunes. If you pick it up or even just step on, then all this thrown off in this way finds its "new owner". In other words, if it was a disease, then the one who stepped on the magician's load will take it upon himself. This is a mechanism, and, accordingly, he does not care whether a child is in front of him or an adult. Sometimes, in this way, "out of nowhere" the strongest damage and illness undeserved by the child himself are taken, alas.

There are so many different types of witchcraft works of the type “tossing”, “tossing” on someone a different negative, and special places of accumulation of such works are right here, on the churchyard. The magician leaves it in order to heal one person, but it can get to another unintentionally and without the purpose of the same magician. True, sometimes magicians specially place so-called "crossbows" in the cemetery. This is a certain type of magical work that is designed to harm another magician, sorcerer, witch. This is done in order to ward off a competitor from their work area or in order to protect their work done in a certain place. The crossbow works like a mine - it stepped on and was blown up. Of course, both a child and any adult can get into this, even if he is not a magician at all.

How can you summarize? Children can be transported and taken to the cemetery, but keep them with you, better by the hand. Don't let yourself run uncontrollably and pick up everything and everywhere - it can really be extremely dangerous. Remember also that what time is the best time to visit the cemetery and about general rules behavior there. And for today I have everything. I am waiting for your comments and questions in the comments to this article. I also remind you of the opportunity to subscribe to site updates in order to receive fresh articles in your mail. All the best to you. Best regards, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site «