The technique of producing a gas-conductive tube to children of chest age. Technique introduction of a gas-conductive tube in breast-age children. Staging a gas-conductive tube


· Meteorism.



· Sterile gas feed tube with a diameter of 3 -5 mm and a length of 15 - 30 cm (early and preschool age); 30 - 50 cm (schoolchildren).

· Water tank (to control gases).

· Capacities with deshercy for disinfection of the changing table and the equipment used.

· Sterile cotton balls, sterile tweezers and scissors, alcohol.

· Pelleys, gloves, waterproof dispenseed apron.

Algorithm of actions:

1. In the absence of a chair for 20 - 30 minutes before the procedure make a cleansing enema.

2. Wash and dry your hands, put on gloves and apron, wash your hands again,

3. Process the changing table with a deeschor twice with an interval of 15 minutes.

4. Wash your hands, set the table with a pelleon. Under the pelvis, the child is put two pelleins: the first is the end gathering tube, another pelleny is dried by a child after the arms.

5. Missing a child, leaving in a sprawling and flannel blouse. Support it to a changing table. At the age of 6 months, the child is put on the back, after 6 months - on the left side with the legs given to the belly (in such a position of the child holds the assistant).

6. Remove the gas pipe from a sterile package, lubricate the end sterile vegetable oil.

7. Left hand push the buttocks ( little baby In the position of "Lyzha on the back" with his left hand lift legs - when working without helper; or the leg holds the assistant), right-handed by rotational movements without an effort, directing the end of the tube at the beginning to the navel (in the position of the child "lying on the back" Kepesed and upstairs), and then, after passing the external and internal anal sphincters, a few kice, in parallel to enter Gauge tube:

Breast children - by 5 - 8 cm

From 1 to 3 years - by 8 - 10 cm

From3 to 7 years - by 10 - 15 cm

Senior Children - for 20 - 30 cm

8. The outer end of the gas-conductive tube is brought into a tray with water, bubbles should appear when gases. Children early age The end of the gas feed tube to bring into loose crumpled pellery.

9. Circular abdomen massage clockwise. Cover the child with a pelleon to prevent cooling.

10. Leave the gauge tube in the intestine for 30 to 60 minutes, it is less common for a longer time, up to several hours.

11. Extract the gas pipe, flush and dry the skin, lubricate the perianal area with sterile vegetable oil. Lower the gas pipe into the container with the deceoration, to another container to lower the gloves, treat the apron to the deeschor. Wash the hands.

If necessary, manipulation can be repeated after 3 to 4 hours.

Cleaning enema.


· Koprostaz (lack of chair in children up to a year - within 36 hours, older - 48 hours).

· Poison (food, dosage, poisons).

· Food allergies.

· Before medicinal cells.

· Preparation for endoscopic examination (rectoscopy, colophybroscopy).

· Preparation for the x-ray study of the stomach, intestines, kidneys.

· Preparation K. ultrasound Research Abdominal organs.

· Preparation for operational interventions.


· Inflammatory changes in the lower sector of the colon.

· Gastrointestinal bleeding.

· Acute inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear passage, the cracked passage.

· Launch of the mucosa of the rectum.

· Suspicion of appendicitis.


· Sterile rubber balloon with a soft tip (children under 5 years old), children over 5 years old - a cylinder with a solid tip or curb Esmark and a solid tip.

· Boiled water.

· Sterile vegetable oil, sterile cotton balls.

· Capacity with deeschor to disinfection of the changing table.

· Capacity with deshercy for disinfection of the used canister.

· Pelainka.

Algorithm of actions:

1. Wash hands, put on gloves, wash your hands again.

2. Treat a changing table or couch by deceper, wash your hands.

3. Button the changing table with a pelleon.

4. Remove the sterile can from sterile packaging, keep it with his right hand tip up (the tip is located between the index and middle fingers, thumb Refins in the bottom).

5. Release air from the balloon, squeezing it with a thumb, lower the tip into the water and dial the liquid. Then to release air residual from the cylinder (before the appearance of a liquid in the tip) and again dial the liquid.

6. Lubricate the tip of vegetable oil.

7. To lay a child (under the age of 6 months - on the back, raising legs; older - on the left side with bent and led to the belly legs. The assistant holds the child). Under the pelvis put a folded several times 2 - 3 pelleys.

8. Stand comfortably near the child, with your left hand to dissolve the buttocks, and with the right rotational movements, like a spiral, without an effort to enter the tip first towards the navel (in the position of the child on the back - up and the kaper), passing the outer and internal sphincters of the anal opening - By the stopper, parallel to the smoking. The tip is introduced to a depth of 3 - 5 cm for children up to 5 years and 6 - 8 cm children over 5 years old. When working without an assistant, the left forearm to hold the baby's body, and the left brush is bent in her knees.

9. Slowly squeezing the balloon, enter the liquid, without sprinkling the balloon, remove the tip, simultaneously with the left hand, squeezing the buttings, hold them 2 - 3 minutes.

10. Lower the spray in the container with the deeschor.

11. The child lies on a changing table of 8 - 10 minutes until the defecation appears for a defecation, to put a pellin on the crotch area.

12. Defecation of the child of the 1st year of life - Lyzhka on the changing table in the pelleb, the older baby is planted on the pot.

13. Wake up the child, dry the skin, dress. Dirty pelleys remove into the bag.

Drug enema.


· For local exposure with inflammatory processes in the colon.

· For general impact - administration of medicines.


· Inflammatory changes in the lower sector of the colon.

· Gastrointestinal bleeding.

· Acute inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear passage, the cracked passage.

· Launch of the mucosa of the rectum.


· Sterile gas feed tube.

· Medicine:

A) no more than 15 - 30 ml. Children up to the year.

B) no more than 50 ml of elder children.

· Pan with hot water.

· Sterile syringe (20 ml or 50 ml).

· Tanks with disinfectant solutions.

· Sterile vegetable oil.

· Pelainka.

Algorithm of actions:

Drug enema is carried out immediately after the natural act of defecation or after the action of the pre-made cleansing enema.

1. To warm medicine up to 37 - 38 degrees.

2. Wash your hands, put on gloves, handle the changing table by desravory, wash your hands, bow the table with a pelleon.

3. To put the child on the left side with the bent and the legs shown to the belly, under the pelvis, put the folded several times 2 - 3 pelleins. The child under the age of 6 is placed on the back.

4. Dial the drug into sterile syringe.

5. Remove the gas pipe from a sterile package, pour its end with sterile vegetable oil.

6. Left-handed the buttocks, and the right rotational movements, like a spiral, without an effort to introduce a gas-conductive tube at first towards the navel (in the position of the child on the back - up and kaperi), passing the outer and internal sphincters of the anal hole - the stop to depth:

A) children up to a year - 5 - 8 cm,

B) from 1 to 3 years - 8 - 10 cm,

C) from 3 to 7 years - 10 - 15 cm,

D) Senior Children - 20 - 30 cm.

7. Connect a gas-conductive tube with a syringe and slowly, enter the drug.

8. Remove the syringe, squeeze the outdoor end of the gas pipe with your fingers, dial air into the syringe and, having joining it with a gas-conductive tube, enter the air into the tube to push the drug from the tube into the intestine.

9. Remove the gas pipe, while simultaneously squeezing the buttocks to the fingers of the left hand.

10. Rotate the child on the stomach and hold it in this position for 10 minutes.

11. The gas feed tube is omitted into the container with a deceor, rinse it with the help of a syringe, to dial deesorsor into it, the disassembled syringe is lowered there. Remove gloves and omit into another container with deeschor.

Siphone enema.


· Koprostaz (with the ineffectiveness of the cleansing enema).

· Medicinal poisoning, chemical or vegetable poisons.

· Suspections for dynamic intestinal obstruction.


· Appendicitis, peritonitis. Inflammatory changes in the lower division of the colon.

· Gastrointestinal bleeding.

· Acute inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear passage, the cracked passage.

· Launch of the mucosa of the rectum.

· First days after surgery on the abdominal organs.


· Sterile rubber tube with a diameter of 8 - 10 mm, 1.5 m long.

· Rubber tip 20 - 30 cm long.

· Funnel.

· Jug with a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution or a weak-pink solution of potassium permanganate temperature 36 - 37 degrees.

The volume of fluid in ml:

Up to 6 months. - 800 - 1000

6 - 12 months - 1000 - 1500

2 - 5 years - 2000 - 5000

6 - 10 years - 5000 - 6000

Older age - 8000

· Tanks with dees basins.

Algorithm of actions:

1. Wash your hands, put on gloves and wash your hands again.

2. Treat a changing table or a couch by decement, wash your hands and store the table with a pelleon.

3. To put the child on the left side with the legs given to the stomach and bent in the knees.

4. Remove the sterile tube, tip, funnel.

5. Wear on the end of the tube tip, lubricate it with vaseline or vegetable oil.

6. Slide the buttock with his left hand, right without effort to enter the tip for 20-30 cm. In the rectum (the tip is sent first to the kappy to the navel, after passing the sphincters of the anal hole turns the hopper, parallel to the smoke).

7. On the free end of the tube to wear a funnel.

8. Fill the funnel with a liquid from the jug and raise 50 to 60 cm to a height above the changing table (or above the couch).

9. When the fluid comes to the roar of the funnel, lower the last level of the couch (changing table), pouring the washing water with wheel masses in the pelvis

10. Fully fill the funnel and raise again. The procedure is repeated up to 10 times before obtaining pure washing waters.

Washing the stomach.


· Food and medicinal poisoning, chemical and vegetable poisons.

· Vomiting with intestinal toxicosis with excacosis.

· Diagnostic study of washing water (for identifying poison, cytological research, discharge of pathogens of tuberculosis of respiratory and intestinal infections.


· Remote (more than 2 hours) The terms of poisoning of migration actions (risk of perforation of the esophagus and stomach).

· Causes.

· Significant esophageal narrowings.

· Cardiovascular failure.

· Panish disease in the aggravation stage.

Possible complications:

· Aspiration of washing waters. (Observe the technique of manipulation, control the condition of the child).

· Heb brain edema. (In order to prevent water-salt disorders for the use of saline solutions).

· Traumatic damage to the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach. (Probe to enter without effort).

· Cooling of the child. (Wasping fluid is heated to 35 - 37 degrees).


· Sterile gastric probe.

· Sterile 20 gram syringe or sterile funnel.

· Tray or pelvis for draining washwater.

· Solution for washing the stomach (2% Sodium bicarbonate solution, potassium permanganate slot solution, potassium chloride isotonic solution, ringer solution, hemodhetus, water with a cook salt - 3 liters of water to take 1 tablespoon of cook salt and sodium bicarbonate) temperature 35 - 37 degrees.

Age: Approximate liquid volume:

Up to 1 month 200 ml

1 - 3 months 500 ml

3 - 12 months 1000 ml

2 -3 - year 2000 - 3000 ml

3 - 6 years 3000 - 5000 ml

7 - 10 years 6000 - 8000 ml

Older 10 years 10000 ml

· Sterile bank.

· Sterile gloves.

· Sterile vegetable oil.

· Sterile tweezers.

· Capacity with deucastor to disinfection of changing table
Used tools, gloves.

· Pelainka.

Algorithm of actions:

1. Wash hands. Treat the changing table by desorochor, to be applied to his pelleon.

2. The child's child in the early age.

3. Children of early age and older in severe condition laid on the side with a slightly frightened down face. The elders, if the condition allows the condition, the assistant sends to his knees, holding his legs with his crossed legs, locks his head with one hand for the forehead, the other worst hands. The child unconsciously intubated before the procedure.

4. Check sterile packaging with a gastric probe for tightness, watch the implementation period, handle the cropped edge, trim the edge with sterile scissors.

5. Wear sterile gloves.

6. Remove the probe from the package, take it rounded end with a hole on the side wall between big and index fingers, the opposite end is fixed between 4 - and 5 fingers, the assistant pours the end of the probe with sterile vegetable oil.

7. Measure the probe (without touching the child) the distance from the nose to the navel, mark it with a sterile bandage.

8. Enter the probe through the bottom nasal stomach in the stomach, its free end is lowered into the tray.

Note: If the probe mistakenly hit the larynx, the child begins to cough and choke. The probe is extracted and introduced again.

9. On the free end of the probe to put on a syringe and, pulling out the piston, to extract the contents of the stomach, a small amount to put it into a sterile bank (for bacteriological research).

10. With the help of a syringe to enter the stomach fluid for washing, then, pulling away the piston, extract it from the stomach, release into the tray. You can not allow the full transition of the entire fluid from the syringe, because After the liquid, the air is saturated, which makes it difficult to remove the contents of the stomach in the future.

11. The washing continues to pure washing waters.

Note: If the amount of fluid output is less than input, introduce a plot probe or pull it higher (in the first case, the probe does not reach the bottom of the stomach, in the second - the probe is introduced too deeply and the fluid enters the intestine).

12. Recove the probe from the stomach, lower it into a container with a dezhestor, rinse with the help of a syringe and fill it with remorse, the disassembled syringe is lowered there.

13. Remove gloves, omit into another container with dezersor.

14. Pour the washing water with dry chlorine lime from the settlement of 200 g. , After 1 hour, pour into the sewer.

For children over 2 years old, we spend the manipulation in the "Sitting" position. The probe is introduced through the mouth. During washing, you need to control the condition of the child. The residual contents and wash waters of the stomach must be carefully studied, especially when suspicion of gastric bleeding. After the procedure, the next feeding should be skipped.

Causes of gases in newborns

The babies of the first year of life, the accumulation of gases in the intestines is very often The reason for this is in some anatomy-physiological features of the organs of the digestive system.

Gas symptoms in newborns

If a small amount of gases are formed during the digestion and if nothing prevents their disbelief, the child is calm, the tummy does not disturb it. But if gases accumulate and, not finding out, begin to put pressure on the intestinal wall inside, the child first feels discomfort, then - soreness; In the event of further exacerbation of the situation, severe abdominal pains by type colic may occur. Child screams; When inspection, it is found that the tummy has increased in sizes; If the mother sprinkles the tummy at the kid, it will not be able to not notice what kind of hard it became.

What to do with gases in newborns?

What mom should do if the child accumulated gases in the intestines and he shouts from pain?

Sometimes the kids in such cases helps the usual surface massage of the abdomen: the warm dry palm of the mother makes stroking movements along the arrows of the clock. Such movements contribute to the promotion of the gas bubble on the hinge intestinal tract towards the exit.

In cases where the gases are not departed due to the spasm of any intestinal department, a warm heater attached to the belly of the kid for several minutes helps.

In some cases, the gases pass on the intestines further and then safely depart already when changing the position of the child's body in space; Mom, finding that the tummy in the child is increased and hard, turns the baby to one barrel, to another, returns to the position on his back, while makes him a light massage ...

It is likely that this will be enough, and the problem will be removed. If all the mom's attempts to help the child will be unsuccessful, - you can resort to the help of a gas-conductive tube, to perform a gas transfer procedure.

How to use a gas-sized tube for newborns?

Gauge tube for newborns

You can buy a gas feed tube for children in any pharmacy. What is this pipe? Tubes for gases, used in pediatric practice, are made of rubber. The tube has a sufficient length, its thickness is several millimeters. That end of the tube that is introduced to the child in the intestines, ends with blindly - rounding (in order not to injure the intestinal wall). Not far from the blind end in the tube wall there is one or more side windows oval form; With a correct procedure, the accumulated gases come out through these windows.

Staging a gas-conductive tube

Before using the gas feed tube, you need to prepare a tube: to clean it well using soap and boil over a few minutes. Pouring out of the tube remnants of water and smearing the rounded end of the tube with vaseline (or vaseline oil, or by some vegetable oil), proceed to the procedure.

The child must be put on his back, lift him the legs (in this position, they hold them an assistant), with his left hand slightly push the buttocks, and enter the tube with rotational and progressive movements with the right hand - as if screwing the screw. The free end of the gas feed tube can be lowered into a vessel with water; If gases through the tube will begin to move, bubbles will appear in the water. The tube is introduced until its end reaches the sigmoid gut.

The depth of administration of the gas feed tube depends on the age of the child; The tube is introduced into the intestines to 7-8 cm, for children of the second and third years of life - by 8-10 cm, children from three to seven years - by 10-15 cm, older children - by 20 cm and more. With the introduction of the tube, efforts cannot be made. If suddenly the translational movement of the tube stopped, the tube needs to be slightly tightened by himself, after which, without stopping slowly to rotate it, continue the introduction. As soon as the gas pipe for children will reach the place of accumulation of gases, they will move away, and the child's pain will immediately cease.

How to use a gas feeder if gases have not moved away?

It happens that the tube has already been introduced to the desired depth, and the gases did not move away, and the child did not experience relief; In such cases, you have to wait: you can use the tube and leave it in the intestine for 20-30 minutes (and sometimes to an hour). So that the child is not Merz, you need to cover it with a bike diaper or a slight blanket. After the gases finally go away, the phone must be pulled out - continuing to rotate it carefully. Upon completion of the procedure, the child is washed, dry the skin with a towel or a pure diaper, the edges of the posterior hole are lubricated with vaseline or vaseline oil. If necessary, the procedure of gas accident can be repeated after 3-4 hours. Sometimes two or three such procedures are performed during the day.

Many young moms, without having the necessary experience of care for kids, are not solved to resort to the procedure of gas accident. They will be helped in gaining the right skill children's doctor or medical sister. It happens just once to see how the specialist is used by the tube to make the child to the child on his own.

June 27, 2014.

How to use a gas feed tube, not everyone knows. In this regard, we dedicate our article in this particular question.

general information

Before answering the question of how to use a gas trap, you should find out why it is generally necessary for what it is necessary. As you know, in a normal state, the intestine of a person contains from 200 to 900 ml of various gases. They are formed by contact microflora bust organs with food masses. During the day, such gases can come out with the feces or natural way.

It should be noted that sometimes some pathological states of the human body lead to excessive gas formation, or so-called meteorism. In such cases, not only the volume of the gas mixture is changed, but also its quality composition. As a result, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, mercaptan and other substances that possess extremely begin to accumulate in the intestine unpleasant odor and toxic properties. Gas formation is accompanied by a feeling of overflow of the abdomen, bloating, heartburn, belching, as well as chico-like pains, which often subscribe after gases. As a result, the sick feels a rumbling and drilling.

It should be noted that such a condition is not harmless, because with a pronounced meteorism, a destabilization of the heart is destabilized, shortness of breath increases and lifts of blood pressure are provoked. Specialists are recommended to use a gas-conductive tube. Most often, this medical attribute is used to facilitate the state of small children, rather than adults, because kids are unable to get rid of high gas formation. Before talking about how to put a newborn tube, you should find out how this product looks like.

Description of fixture

The gas feed tube is a soft, thick-walled and polished rubber tube with a diameter of 3-5 millimeters and a length of 30-50 centimeters. The end of the product that is entered directly into the intestines is usually spinning around the central hole. The other side of the device, on the contrary, cut across. Such a tube can be administered to different depth. As a rule, it depends on the age of a person and its individual physiological features.

How and in what cases is a gas-conductive tube? The instruction manual for this medical attribute is usually not contained in the package along with the product. In this regard, we decided to tell in detail how it should be applied in practice.

How to choose?

Children's gas trap (and adult, too) for sale in almost every pharmacy. It should be noted that there is a difference between these products. For example, a medical attribute designed specifically for newborns is performed only from non-toxic materials. The temperature of such devices should be close to the human body temperature, and its tip is necessarily rounded. It is these qualities that provide painless and safe introduction of a gas-conductive tube into the rear pass.

Today, several manufacturers of such attributes are presented on the market. But before purchasing the product, it is not necessary to think about the brand, but about such a main parameter, as its diameter. It should be especially noted that it should be within 2.5-3 millimeters. This value corresponds to the 16th and 17th size of the fixture.

Preliminary processing

Before inserting a gas trap in the rear pass of a baby or an adult, it must be subjected to pre-processing. For this, the product should be put in enameled container, pour out ordinary drinking water and boil on slow heat for about 15 minutes. Such a procedure disinfects the device that is extremely necessary if it is used for small children.

What to do to facilitate the introduction of the product?

Before using a gauge tube for a direct purpose, its rounded end should be mounted with a vaseline or a fatty children's cream. Without the use of such means, it is categorically prohibited to carry out such a procedure. If you neglect by this advice, you can easily be easily damaged by the intestinal mucous membrane, which will subsequently lead to quite serious complications.

Preparation of place

To take advantage of this device, before the procedure itself, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Next, it is necessary to put the oilcloth on the solid surface, and on top of laying a cotton diaper. If you use a children's rectal tube, then its boiling must. Moreover, after thermal processing, the product must be fully cooled.

Patient position

In the event that the gas feed is carried out in relation to a teenager or an adult person, it must be put on the left side, and the legs close to the stomach tightly. If such a procedure is necessary for a newborn child, it should simply be put on the back.

How to put a gas-conductive tube with a newborn or adult person?

Rudely groaning with a vaseline or boiled and cooled vegetable oil, the rounded end of the product, it should be slow and inseparable rotational movements into the anal hole. Adults such a fixture is not deeper than 7-10 centimeters. Newborn babies - up to 3.5, and a child up to 1 year is no more than 5 centimeters.

In this position, the rectal tube must be in the anal hole for about five minutes. If necessary, it can be dismissed a little clockwise or counterclockwise. At the same time, the tube should necessarily hold the hand throughout the procedure.

The result from the use of the product

The gas feed tube (an action algorithm for its use was presented above) is used specifically in order to save a person from unpleasant symptoms and consequences of meteorism. The result of such procedures should be the successful destruction of cartoons or gases. If this did not happen, then the device should not be brought deeper or keep a longer time. It must be carefully removed from the rear passage and wash thoroughly. If required, such a procedure can be repeated, but not earlier than 4-5 hours.

How to understand that gases moved away?

Now you know how to use a gas pipe. But if you spend first this procedure Alone, it is very difficult to determine whether gases have come from your patient or not. In case of uncertainty, this can be resorted to the next tricks. To do this, the free end of the tube must be omitted into a basic with ordinary water. With successful, the corresponding bubbles will begin to appear in the liquid.

Is such a method of gas feed?

Before using the gas pipe, you must try everything possible methodsthat would allow to get rid of meteorism. If such methods do not help, then this device can be applied. However, it is advisable to do so in relation to young children only in extreme cases, because such procedures are not only affected, but also unsafe, especially if they are not a medical officer, but an ordinary mother-housewife.

Possible complications and contraindications to use

If you do not understand how to put the gas pipe at home, it is better not to carry out such a procedure. Remember that with improperly administration, the patient may have the following complications:

  • injury of the mucous membrane of the rectum with the danger of subsequent bleeding;
  • intestinal perforation, which can later lead to peritonitis or severe bleeding.

It should also be noted that this adaptation is strictly prohibited to use if a child or an adult has revealed revenue diseases or bleeding.

Important to remember!

When using this product, several basic moments should be remembered.

  • Independent handling of the tube can be a rather dangerous procedure for a newborn baby. Optimal to turn to an experienced specialist who has repeatedly introduced such devices for the gas feed.
  • It does not matter, the procedure has passed the procedure with the experience of cartoons and gases is successful or not, in any case, the child should be mounted.
  • The reuse of the gas feed tube is allowed only after 4-5 hours, and only after careful treatment of the product (boiling, lubrication with vaseline, etc.).
  • Applying such a device for removing gases in a newborn baby follows only if it is extremely necessary.

Large molecules of protein and polysaccharides penetrate the cell by phagocytosis (from Greek. FAGOS - devouring and kitos - vessel, cage), and drops of liquid - by pinocytosis (from Greek. Pinot - Pugh and Kitos).

Phagocytosis - This is a method of nutrition of animal cells, in which nutrients fall into the cell. Pinocytosis is universal way Power (and for animals, and for vegetable cells), in which nutrients in a dissolved form fall into the cell.

Technique of introducing a gas-conductive tube for children of different ages

Purpose: Gas removal from the intestines.

Indications: - meteorism; - constipation; - Pares of the intestines.

Contraindications:- bleeding, - diseases of the rectum.

Equipment: - Sterile gas feed tube (length and diameter depend on the age of the child: for preschoolers Length 15-30 cm, diameter 3 mm; for schoolchildren, length 30-50 cm, æ 5 mm);

Latex gloves; - Kleenka, diaper; - Vaseline, spatula, gauze napkin;

Disinfectant container; - vessel or water container.

Safety: Do not leave a child without supervision.

Possible problems: Anxiety, feeling of fear, the negative attitude of the mother to conducting manipulation.

Stages Justification
I. Preparation for the procedure
1. Explain the mother / child goal and the course of the upcoming manipulation and agree. The right to information.
2. Wash hands, put on gloves Providing security personnel
3. Children breast-age put on a changing table on the back, under the buttocks put the oilcloth with a diaper; Child's legs slightly pressing the stomach. Senior children lie on a couch or beds with legs bent. Accounting for the anatomical features of the straight and sigmoid
II. Procedure
1. Lubricate the rounded end of the gas cutting with vaseline oil Facilitates the introduction of a gas-conductive tube into the intestines
2. Extend the tube, clamp its free end 4 and 5 fingers right hand; take a rounded end like a handle The elimination of the intestinal content leaks during the administration of the tube
3. Slide the buttocks 1 and 2 fingers of the left hand, gently rotational movements enter the gauge tube into the rectum, lowering its free end into water container ( the gas feed tube is introduced to the depth: Newborn - 3-4cm, breast - 7-8 cm, 1-3 years - 8-10 cm, 3-10 years - 10-15 cm, older - 20-30 cm or more). Providing free tube promotion. Ensuring the collection of liquid carts
4. Hold the baby with a blanket Cooling prevention
5. Remove the anus tube to achieve the effect in 5-10 minutes, but not more than 20 minutes, and mark in the tray with des.razor. Prevention of the occurrence of beds of the intestine. Providing infections. security.
6. After the outrage of the gases and the roam masses, climb the child, wander, treat the skin around the anal with children's cream or sterilized vegetable oil, dress a child. Skin hygiene, ensuring comfortable conditions
III. Completion of the procedure
1. Remove the loaf and diaper, put them in the bag for the material used. Remove gloves, put them in a tray with des.razor. Wash and dry your hands. Providing infections. Security
2. Make an entry on the implementation of the procedures and reactions of the child Ensuring the continuity of nursing care

Note:you can repeat the procedure in 3-4 hours. The processing of the gas feed tube is performed in the same way as the rubber pear-shaped spray.

When birth, the organs and systems of the child anatomically immatched. The bowel of the newborn in the first weeks of life begins to settle the microflora participating in the digestion, starts motor function intestines.

During this period, the baby and flatulence can occur at the kid especially often. The accumulation of air in the list of intestines cause discomfort from the child, he worries, crying is an intestinal colic.

Maximum detail about how to help a small child with such a problem, read in the article of the Children's Doctor.

Very important and current information about what is useful and how to apply it is to properly, in a neonatologist's doctor.

The emergence of colic can be warned, and there are several techniques for this:

The statement of the gas feed tube is extreme measure and is necessary only if all these activities have already been carried out, but the positive effect is not achieved.

Symptoms in which the use of a gas-conductive tube is needed:

  • stool delay for several days;
  • restless behavior, excitation of a child, long crying baby;
  • reduced appetite, a complete refusal of a child from food;
  • the belly of the child sharply break, the front abdominal wall is stressful.

Contraindications for the use of a gas-conductive tubule for newborns

Not every child you can put a gas feed tube. Therefore, it is always better to consult with a children's doctor, which will give the necessary recommendations or will show how to insert a gas feed tube.

The formulation of the gas-conductive tube is contraindicated in the following states:

How to choose a gas feed tube?

There are several types of gas feeders: from a standard gas feed tube to modified catheters. You can buy them in each pharmacy. Choose a gas-sized tube for newborn parents can anyone, at their discretion, selecting a convenient quality and price.

  1. Reusable gauge tube for children. It is a tube from non-toxic elastic rubber with holes on both sides. The end introduced into the rectum is rounded. There are several sizes of tubes depending on age. Immediately after birth, the products of the 15th - 16th room use, in the future it is necessary to purchase the tubes of the larger (17 - 18th room). Regardless of the product number, the diameter should be 2 - 3 mm, and the length should not exceed 22 cm. The average cost of such a tube is 60 rubles. The product is convenient because it can be used several times, pleasantly pleased. The disadvantage is that before the procedure, the tube must be boiled and it does not have the layout of the depth of administration.
  2. Tube rectal gas feeder for newborn firms Apexmed. This is a sterile disposable probe. The end of the tube introduced into the rectum is rounded, which reduces the risk of traumatization, the free end is wide with a plastic tip. It is made of the highest security materials, which, when heated inside the intestine, soften, which also reduces the risk of damage to the mucous membrane. The probe has a size labeling in centimeters, which allows you to control the depth of administration. There is also a few sizes of probes depending on the age of the baby. The price of such a product is from 200 to 400 rubles.
  3. Gauge tube for newborn windi. Rubber sterile gas feed tube intended for single use. A tube of small sizes, has a catheter shape, which eliminates the risk of traumatic damage. Made of thermoplastic elastomer, which, when contacting a person with a human body, is quickly heated and becomes softer. Windows catheter is very convenient and easy to use, has a limiter, which allows you to enter the tube to the necessary depth. Gas yield will be accompanied by a characteristic sound. It is minus that it is a one-time catheter and has a greater cost of relatively similar medical devices. The cost is about 1000 rubles per pack (10 pcs).

How to put a newborn gas pipe?

At the sight of this device, young parents often begin a panic, the question arises how to use a gas pipe. Excellent, if the first time the use of the tube will show you a pattering sister or district doctor. But even if you stayed one on one with a gauge tube, you should not worry.

Together with the product goes detailed instructions Upon use that will tell how to properly use the gas pipe.

The most important thing is to calm down and conduct a procedure in calm conditions. If mom feels uncertainly and worry, the child will also worry.

  • check the quality of the product. The gas-conductive tube for newborns should be of soft elastic materials, without a production marriage;
  • the size of the product must correspond to the age of the baby;
  • before applying, the catheter of reusable use should be boiled, and when using a disposable tube - make sure that its sterile packaging is integrity.

Terms of use of a gas pipe for a child:

  1. Before starting the procedure, wash your hands.
  2. The baby must be put on a flat solid surface, pre-clean pellery.
  3. The position of the kid: on the back, the legs are bent in the knees and are given to the tummy.
  4. With one hand holding the child, and the second we take the catheter closer to the rounded end.
  5. The end of the catheter introduced into the intestine is lubricated with oil or vaseline.

    To reduce injury, the skin around the toddler's anal opening is also needed to lubricate with oil or.

  6. Circular motions The rounded end of the catheter is introduced into the anus. The depth of administration for babies to six months is up to 2 cm, for older children - up to 4 cm. Before starting the procedure on the tube, you can put a mark with the required depth.

    If the child is worried and you feel the obstacle when the tube is introduced, efforts should not be made. It is necessary to calm down, distract the baby and repeat the introduction of the tube only after it relates.

  7. In order to understand the gases come out or not, it is necessary to release the free end of the tube into the water and look at the appearance of air bubbles.
  8. After stopping gases, it is necessary to remove the inserted end of the tube with neat rotational movements. It is not necessary to dramatically remove the tube so as not to cause discomfort to the child.

In order for newborns to completely deliver the intestine from the gazikov, the catheter must be held 10 - 15 minutes.

To speed up the process, you can make a baby massage a tummy, stroking the front abdominal wall around the navel clockwise.

If you carefully twist the catheter in the rectum, it stimulates the intestine than it will help the child empty after removing the gas pipe. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash the child.

After using a disposable tube, it must be thrown out. Reusable tubes need to rinse well in running water, using baby or economic soap. Before reapplying it will need to boil.

How often can I use a gas pipeline?

Repeated administration of the gas trap can be carried out with an interval of at least 4 hours. The kid's mucosa is very gentle, and with a long standing catheter can form a breakdown. During the day, you should not put a gas-conductive tube more than two times.

Do not resort to too frequent use of the gas pipe. If the child is constantly worried about the bloating, meteorism, it is necessary to consult a doctor to establish the cause of the problems of digestion.

Main conclusions:

  1. The formulation of a gas-conductive tube a child is shown in colic, the bloating, meteorism.
  2. Before making a gas-conductive tube, you must familiarize yourself with the instructions and check the fitness of the product.
  3. The statement of the gas feed tube is a procedure, only temporarily facilitating the condition of the child. It is not necessary to abuse it with use to constantly help the baby to release the accumulated gases. If there is too frequent need for this, you need to contact a specialist to find out and eliminate the cause of digestion disorders.