How many weeks give birth. What week give birth to the first pregnancy boy what many weeks are born

Considerable importance for future mothers and dads also has the question of determining the optimal time to increase the family; Unfortunately, a large number of absurd, but extremely stable myths are associated with this point of pregnancy planning.

Take up to 25 years

This myth sounds almost like slogan. Despite the complete absence of a scientific basis, he is the most common among delusions on the topic optimal age Parents. The history of this myth is rooted in the middle of the last century, when in the Soviet obstetrics of women who give birth to the firstborn after 30 years (and not after 25, according to the authors of the myth!), Called "borrowing". The term sounds, how to say, unflattering: what a woman, and even the future mother, wants to be called old! In the time of our grandmothers they got married and gave birth first childmuch earlier than now - on average aged 20 to 25 years. Against this background, women who give birth to the firstborn after 30 years, unwittingly allocated from the total number of patients and turned more close attention to doctors.

In the Soviet obstetrics it was indeed believed that a period of planning period is optimal in terms of health First pregnancy - from 18 to 25 years. The logic of this opinion was reduced to the fact that at this age, in most cases, less chronic diseases, and the hormonal background, from which, of course, largely depends on pregnancy and childbirth, is in the most favorable state. However, it is obvious that no magic in digital 25 is not: no disorders or cardinal changes in the sexual sphere of a woman at this age occurs.

Normally carry and safely give a birth to a baby It is perfectly perfectly in 25, and in 30 years, and even much later - for this it is important to take care of your health, to lead the right lifestyle and not neglect medical examinations and recommendations of doctors. Today, the doctors are forced to explain to their patients experienced due to the fact that "did not have time to" give birth to 25 years: after that age in their body did not have any fundamental changes, they are still young, healthy and capable of the birth of healthy children. So do not seek at all costs to get out of this date - there are much more important criteria that should be considered when planning pregnancy!

Early pregnancy

This is a delusion, in general, akin to the previous one, but it is distinguished by a greater radicalism - the authors of the myth are convinced that it is necessary to give birth to another in his youth, because at all young and healthy mom's problems with pregnancy and childbirth cannot be exactly. In fact, it is not at all like this: too early pregnancy (up to 18 years) pays no less, and sometimes - and more dangers than "age". There is a lot of reasons for this: this is not the well-established hormonal background of the young girl, and the nervous system, not mature enough for the regulation of such complex processes as toaching and the birth of a child, and too active metabolism, and the unfinished formation of the body as a whole.

The first menstruation appears on average from 12 to 15 years, but this transformation of the girl in the girl does not mean that it is already ready for motherhood. In fact, at this age, the girl is a teenager, in the body of which are gradually changeable changes associated with maturity. As you know, changes - the least good time for testing, and pregnancy in publityUnfortunately, it is not an exception to this rule. According to statistics, during pregnancy, coming at the age of 16-17 years, the greatest number of complications are recorded. The main percentage is at risk of abortion; This is due to the insufficient developing at the young age of progesterone - the main hormone required for entering pregnancy. At a young age, pregnancy is much more likely ends with premature (up to 37 weeks) childbirth. It is a pathologically high tone of the uterus due to the immaturity of the nervous system and the hormonal background "Yunoworbing".

Heavier tolerate the load associated with the onset of pregnancy, and other organs and systems are too young mom: early pregnancy is more often complicated by gestoses and hepatosis - toxicosis with impaired kidney and liver function. With early pregnancy, the largest number of fetal hypotrophy is recorded. In such a term, there is an insufficient weight of a newborn (less than 2500 g) due to a violation of placental blood flow during pregnancy. The reason for insufficient blood supply to the fetus is again associated with an excessive age for the young age on the cardiovascular system, and a considerable role in this is played by the high cost of metabolism on the continued growth of the mother's own body. So too rushing with pregnancy planning does not follow - everything should be timely!

Pregnancy after 30.

It was believed that pregnancy after 30 always proceeds with complications. This common opinion is actually also delusion - between the age of the future mother and the course of pregnancy There is no direct dependence. It is impossible to deny that the risk of infertility development, genetic disorders in conception, the formation of chronic diseases increases with age. All these factors can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. However, it is necessary to clearly understand that such pathology of pregnancy is associated not so much with age as with the state of health of the future mother.

Currently, there is a significant increase in the age of primary age: the average age of a woman is observed in the metropolitans: great primacy, moved to 28-33 years. This is due to changes in the social lifestyle, which cannot but affect the biological age of growing up women. Modern young girls learn longer, later enter an independent life, build a career and marry than their moms and grandmothers. Reducing physical exertion Against the background of improving the comfort of life, unexpected fruits in the physiology of a modern woman brought: along with an increase in the life expectancy by the XXI century, the age of a woman has changed strongly giving birth to the first child. At the same time, the percentage of complications of the course of pregnancy did not increase compared with statistics of 20-30-year old, when first gods More often accounted for age 20-25 years. Today, the results of clinical and statistical studies in the field of demographics showed: the prosperous course and outcome of pregnancy depend on the state of health and the lifestyle of future parents, the level of medical care and ecology. Passport age in this question is at the latest place.

Birth of a child: the background

At first, the career is the child. This statement is, so to speak, the opposite side of the medal - a consequence of changes in the public lifestyle and the role of a modern woman in it. Today, many girls who are passionate about the construction of their own careers are not at all hurry to change the status of a successful business woman to the status of a future mother, believing that this issue can be moved to the background. The most common justification of such a position is a look at Western Europe and America, where the victory of careerism over maternity took place in the 70s of the last century. "Won, in the West, everyone gives birth after 40 years, and nothing!" - Approve the adherents of this idea ... and are very mistaken. If we talk about the possibility pregnancy and childbirth In principle, it is definitely, with the current level of development of reproductive medicine, it is feasible in 40 years, and in 45, and even sometimes at 50 years. But if you understand the details, for example, evaluate the ability of the elderly body to carry loads associated with the flow of pregnancy and childbirth, reducing the metabolic rate, extinction Hormonal backgroundThe picture will cease to seem so iris. Especially if you think about which moral and physical costs sometimes it is worth a long-term painstaking construction of a successful career - such stresses that the life of a successful woman is inextricably linked, cannot but affect health, but this particular factor is so important for the possibility of prosperous maternity. So you should not postpone important questions about the birth of children - so that they do not become the most difficult!

Material well-being

The main thing in the family planning - material well-being. Many believe that the most important thing in the issue of pregnancy planning is material well-being: a separate apartment, good salary and so on. Of course, the increase in the family is inextricably linked with the growth of costs, so, at first glance, the position "First of wealth is then the child" may seem quite logical and justified. Future parents will have to invest in a children's device, buying dowry for baby: clothes, furniture, strollers, etc.

Taking care of O. health of the future childMany men and women think about additional medical care expenditures - conclusion of a contract for pregnancy, childbirth and observation of the newborn, and this also requires essential financial investments. There are such far-sighted parents who even before the birth of the child are planning the costs of its further training in early development groups, school and even university. You can go on this issue even further: for example, Plan a pregnancyonly after the money is accumulated for additional education, the prestigious internship, the first car, the apartment, the wedding of the child ...

The only problem is that all these financial projects most potential mothers and dads will have to spend many years, forces, and most importantly - health. But the health of future parents is the main and most importantly "dowry" for the child, the guarantee of a safe flow of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. And, as you know, you can not buy health for any money!

Time of year and conception

The course of pregnancy depends on the season of conception. Extremely common occasional version pregnancy planning. The reasons for the "seasonal" approach to this important issue are explained in vary: from the presence of fresh vegetables and fruits, air temperature and the number of sunny days before the influence of the signs of the zodiac and the lunar calendar. Some authors make an emphasis on the importance of the season (or month, or decade) conception, others have been asked for the importance of choosing the right time for birth of a child. The effect of the horoscope and the lunar calendar on the planning of pregnancy is reasonable to prove (or challenge), but it concerns the direct influence of seasonality during the pregnancy and the development of the fetus in terms of health ... Of course, for the future mother and baby are useful for sun rays, warm air and Fresh vitamins made of natural vegetables and fruits. But after all, pregnancy lasts 9 months, or 3 seasons - therefore, regardless of the season of conception of the Sun and Vitamins, enough for everyone!

Pregnancy after 40.

After 40 years, give birth late. The most common explanation for this idea is pregnancy and childbirth are a significant load on the body of the woman, and after 40 years, the risk of developing serious diseases is increasing. That is, it is dangerous to give birth after 40 years old for the most advanced mom. Another reason for such categorical approval - risk growth genetic disorders of the fruit(First of all, Down syndrome - the presence of the fetus of the additional 21st chromosome) in pregnant women "aged". This explanation is based on fear for child health.

Finally, there is another, comprehensive fear in the question pregnancy planningafter 40 years - an increase in the risk of development complications of pregnancy and childbirth. It is difficult to argue with all the arrangements listed arguments - they are all in one way or another are reasonable.

Indeed, with age, the risks of all kinds of complications associated with additional loads on the body of the woman are increasing. However, this does not mean that pregnancy after 40. It will certainly be complicated, the woman's well-being will definitely deteriorate, and the child will not be able to be born healthy. Recalling a woman about age and advise not to postpone her motherhood for later, doctors point out optimal time for pregnancy planning, but this does not mean at all that after this period the question of childbear must be closed.

Hundreds and thousands of cases of favorable The flow of pregnancy, prosperous delivery and birth of healthy children from parents, whose age has significantly exceeded the fatal mark "40". Sure, planning pregnancy In Balzakovsky age, it is necessary to carefully examine and soberly assess their health - as, in fact, and at any other age. It is too late to say that it's late to give birth wrong - we are not talking about an imminent threat to the development of pathology in the future mother and in the fetus, but only about increasing risks.

Approaching the date of delivery is quite alarming period of time, filled with expectation and very attentive attitude to its state. It is very scary to be outside the people of the hospital when the fight will begin, so they look for future mothers of the signs of approaching childbirth, they feel bad and consider days.

The people exist numerous beliefs. For example, it is believed that the boys are born earlier than girls, and at first pregnancy, childbirth comes later. What depends on the date of childbirth, and what is statistics?

Which week usually give birth

A normal period is 37 seven days, but when it is more often dependent on the menstrual cycle. Statistics says that childbirth most often happens at 39-41. Approximately 70% of children appear on this time.

However, do not take yourself this time for the true and obligatory for you. It does not matter when all the rest give birth, your readiness for childbirth and the maturity of your baby is needed. For someone and 39 too early, the crumb appears immature and has difficulties. And other children are perfectly adapted, appearing on the light of only 35 seven days. Your child will choose himself when it is better to give birth.

It is important to remember: the optimal term for childbirth from 37 to 42. Previously, 37 seven days baby prematurely, and after 42 - transferred.

The obstetric period of pregnancy is 40 times a 7 days. However, only 4-5% of kids is born in a calculated period, why is it going on?

Main factors:

Length of menstrual cycle

What length do you have a cycle? From his duration depends on the time when you become a mom.

Two women have the latest menstruation from March 1. Today is May 1. What will be the obstetric period of pregnancy, and what - the real age of the fetus? At both obstetric period of pregnancy, the doctor will consider from March 1, and it will be 9 weeks and 4 days.

At the first woman cycle 24 days. Send 14 days ago - ovulation was March 10th. The real age of the fetus is 7 weeks and 3 days. The second woman has a cycle of 35 days. Schedule 14 days ago - ovulation was March 21. The real age of the fetus is only 5 seven days and 6 days.

It turns out that with the same desired pregnancy, the baby's life of two women differs almost 14 days, and of course, the difference will be completely normal for them about the same amount. But according to the classic calculations, they will consider the same date of birth.

By the way, our service, allowing, takes into account the length of the cycle - use it (find out when you need to make a hospital much more accurately than the gynecologist in the office).


Hereditary predisposition Another factor. Ask who of women relatives when he became a mom. You will most likely repeat the fate of your mother or grandmother.

The course of pregnancy

The lifetime depends on the characteristics of the pregnancy itself. During the Great Patriotic War, during the hunger and destroyed, children did not hurry to appear. They seemed to know that they did not expect warm children's and proper nutrition, and remained the intrauterine as long as possible. Several pregnancies continued on 11 months instead of 9 normal ones are described.

If the child is intiquitably bad, for example, the placenta does not cope with its function, the likelihood of childbirth earlier increases. This is also promoted by the extracting of the uterus, due to gestational diabetes in the mother, or multiple pregnancy. Despite the fact that kids can appear on the light with a sufficiently serious difference in gestation, they are born with domestic and healthy. Therefore, the timing of normal genera in obstetrics is not limited to exactly the calculated number.

Since weekday you can give birth

This is one of the main alarms of any future mother. The whole pregnancy is first the fear of possible miscarriage, and then before the toddler's too early appearance. However, even if your baby is inhibitory and born earlier than the 37th, do not despair! Sometime this time was only 28. Now they have been successfully hidden by children from 1 kg weighing, but many survive and grow healthy appearing on the light even earlier than 27-28. There are cases of successful adhesiveness by 24-25, with the weight of the kid slightly exceeded 500 grams.

However, for this, the crumb should be born in the hospital who can give him everything necessary for survival. In many cities, it is still impossible. On this, remember the following "adapted under Russia" facts:

  • Birth from 28 to 27 - premature, your child will be premature, but he will have a good chance.
  • From 24 to 27 - children are born with an extremely low body weight. The forecast for them depends on the presence of other complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and on the conditions of sticking. Chances of health and survival 50/50.
  • Previously, 24 - x - there is no chance to survive the baby, at least in our country.
Fortunately, if the baby tooling is normally normally, the likelihood of premature births is only 2%.

What week give birth to primary

The first pregnancy and childbirth for the parent organism becomes a kind of "running", checking the childbearing function. For you, everything for the first time, the genetic program to dry out the fetus is also used. It is now that certain stereotypes and interactions in the body, allowing you to safely endure and give birth to a child. In case of success on this tracker, all subsequent pregnancy will fall.

Unfortunately, an accurate date of birth cannot be foreseen, but statistically, the original women give birth a little later than the rest. Approximately 6-9% of them set the pregnancy more than 42 weeks. For the primordin, the recognition of the signs of the origin of the birth due to inexperience, and the slow development of generic activity. The first births last long, the neck is revealed slowly. It is only an acquaintance with such processes, worry about the fact that you have a term - 39, and the childbirth does not begin, do not be patient.

What week give birth repeatedly

There is already a certain scheme for which the body should act, so that the baby is born. Events are developing at the rolled rails, and this leads to an earlier beginning of childbirth. In 95% of cases, the second birth begins earlier than the 39th seven days and proceed much faster and easier.

If you are repeated, after 37 weeks, be prepared for the beginning of kits at any time. As a rule, the second, the third time the pregnant woman easily recognizes the first signs of childbirth. The cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed faster, sweat more efficiently, and the total duration of birth is less than the first time. You may even have no training fights, childbirth just begins.

What week give birth boys

The boys give birth more than girls, about 107 boys are born on 100 girls. However, if we talk about conception, then there are even more interesting statistics there, the ratio of the zygot of "girls" and the zygot "boys" is approximately 1 to 1.5, for 100 girls 150 boys. But at the very beginning, a significant number of pregnancies by the boy is spontaneously abortion. This happens earlier than moms learn about what was in position.

A newborn girl on average weighs less than a boy, but by the month of life, the indicators are changing in places. Boys are more likely to develop malformations, they have a weaker immunity and they are more likely to hurt. This is due to the biological role of the girls, they will continue the genus and give birth, so they are given great endurance and health. And the purpose of the boys is the progress of mankind and its development. Excessive depreciation resources of the body are not required in this matter, only physical strength and mind in the future are important. The boy needs more time to be born mature and ready for independent life, so the lattern time is more often longer.

What week give birth to girls

You can argue for a long time, who has a strong floor here, but the facts, they are such facts ... Girls are really born before. And if premature contractions happen, the survival rate among girls is much higher than among boys.

Early growing and rapid development of girls is maintained throughout the whole childhood. In the middle classes of the school, the difference is particularly stripped, the girls are already beginning to "flourish", and the boys remain children. The growth of the girl and its ripening ends at 16 years old, the boys grow to 21 years.

Of course, the date of childbirth depends on the health of the mother, but in the general girls there is more vitality and abilities than boys, they hurry to grow and fix it, hurry to appear and physiologically develop faster.

What week give birth twins

Twins ... Many are so dreaming to give birth at once of two children, but nature is provided for the appearance of only one child. Multiple pregnancy is not the norm for a person, and one of the most common complications is too early appearance of twins into the light. They are 2 times faster increase in the inner volume of the uterus, which reacts to the contradictions. Double breeding often begin on the 34-35th time. Despite the fact that many produce twins for light and earlier, the chances of survival have very high. They seem to be prepared to appear prematurely, and are often quite mature even at that age.

Week of pregnancy and childbirth, main facts

You have only 4-5% of the chances of going to a calculated period. If this is your second childbirth - they will come before. If you wear a girl, the chances to give birth before rising. If you are healthy and pregnancy is normal, you have only 2% of the chances to give birth prematurely (up to 37).

The most common women are most often asked for women who approach the appearance of a baby to light. After all, every future mother wants to know exactly the date of this cherished time. But, unfortunately, no one will tell you the specific and accurate date of your childbirth. Yes, the doctor, of course, defines and records the estimated date of an important event. However, there are many nuances in this matter. Let's try to figure them out.

To begin with, let's breathe in the events that occur with the future mother and her child in the last period of pregnancy, and we will try to determine the upcoming date of birth.

As a rule, the bakingbind of the child lasts either 280 days from the last menstruation of a woman. It is from this date that you can take three months and add another seven days. This will be the estimated date of appearance of your baby.

To more accurately determine this period, you need to remember the date of the first movement of the fetus. Usually, primary future mothers, these heels are felt at 20 week week, and the one-born - somewhere on the 18th week of pregnancy.

Date of childbirth can also be determined by a doctor according to the results of ultrasound diagnostics of the fetus. It is believed that pregnancy is completely dead after 37 weeks, that is, after 259 days and until the period of 42 weeks (294 days).

Traditionally, childbirth for up to 37 weeks in medicine is considered early, and after 42 weeks later. With the end of the physiological pregnancy, the child in the lamp of the mother is growing and appears healthy, with fully formed fabrics, organ systems. If we talk about pregnancy tolerant, then you need to take into account the risks of trauma of a girl or a boy in the process of childbirth. Also possible is the birth of a dead baby when it is uninstalled for ten days or two weeks. That is why the doctors make a decision on a pregnant woman who in the last time does not begin fighting. Traditionally transferred pregnancy is easier to prevent than to stop the process of premature birth.

So, what week do women give birth prematurely? In the practice of obstetrics, certain temporal intervals of the possible start of premature triogencies were allocated. This is a term of pregnancy 22 weeks, from 22 to 27 weeks, from 28 to 33 weeks, from 34 to 37 weeks.

Previously, doctors fought for the life of the kids who were born prematurely from 28 weeks of pregnancy and with their weight in one kilogram. Now these indicators are much smaller.

Can become infection of genital organs, too large fruit or multiple pregnancy, multi-way, various vices of the uterus, detachment either. It is less likely to cause premature births with kidney problems, pituitary gland, thyroid disease and cardiovascular system. Then the body of the future mother protects itself with rejection of the fruit as a factor of threats to health.

If the child is born on a period of 22 to 27 week, then predict its viability is too problematic, because most of its bodies have not yet been formed and not prepared for development outside the head of the mother.

In practice, from 27 weeks of pregnancy for 36 week, majority of future mothers achieved prolongation of pregnancy. And even with not fully developed lungs, the child has their maturation managed to speed up with medical drugs. Therefore, at such terms, the kids survive more often. As a rule, a positive forecast is given to the kids who were born with a weight of 1.5 kg, since their internal organs are better formed.

By the way, twins or twins on the world appear on 37-38 weeks. Early give birth and joint mothers. Today, for medical statistics, each third future mother gives birth at the 37 week of pregnancy. Rarely occur to 40-42 weeks.

So, when your son or daughter is born, you can only define approximately. After all, this process is purely individual, as well as the period of tolerance, its features and pathology. The most important thing is that a strong, healthy boy or girl appears.

Especially for Elena Thochec

When you can give birth

What many weeks are considered to be normal, from what period you can not worry about the fact that the child will be born premature and (or) with health problems? These issues for future mothers are very relevant, since the absolute majority of them already from 35-36 weeks begin to wait for the first signs of emergence. It is also no wonder, because the longer the term of pregnancy, the hardest to enter it physically, various chronic diseases are manifested. Yes, and the baby already really want to see as soon as possible. Doctors on the question of how many weeks give birth to the second child or the first, answer that the donated in 38-42.

Of course, there are cases of cases when the docking child is born on a period of 36-38 weeks. He can immediately decide on his own, because he has ripe the lungs. In the case of normal weight, not less than 2.5 kg, it has normal heat exchange. Nevertheless, these children are in the risk group on the emergence of neurological diseases, they may have problems with eyes, joints, etc. Such children often need special care. And in the case of natural labor, they often have generic injuries. In many ways, this is due to the fact that there is a dependence on how many weeks the birth of primary and repeatedly begin. And if childbirth starts at 37 weeks and earlier, they are often rapid. Retrieved at the original order of 8 hours, and in repeated 6 hours. This leads to the fact that the child comes out of the uterus very quickly, often in the wrong position, therefore it is injured himself, and the woman forms the gaps of the vagina and cervix.

Premature birth More precisely, their maintenance requires a mandatory finding of a woman in the hospital, where there is a children's resuscitation and the possibility of conducting medical aids such as epidural anesthesia. The task of doctors make childbirth as soft as possible. But if it is possible - pregnancy is prolonged to the docking. Even if completely or partially watered, the woman can give antibacterial drugs with the preventive purpose of antibacterial drugs and meanwhile to make the injection of dexamethasone - hormone, which speeds up the ripening of the lungs of the child. It helps to avoid such a difficult complication as pneumonia after the birth of a child. Actually up to the term of 35 weeks about.

Normally, the pregnancy lasts 38-42 weeks, but in some cases it ends earlier, and this is considered an option for the norm. For example, when a woman gets no one child. So, at what week a twin give birth to know that about 36-37th.

It remains to figure out how to correctly consider your pregnancy and how to assume the day when the child will appear. Of course, this should be engaged, rather, the doctor, but nevertheless does not always doctors come right. Especially in cases where a woman knows the day when conception occurred. Nevertheless, the so-called obstetric period of pregnancy is usually taken into account. It is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. And there is a formula. To do this, by the first day of the last month you need to add 280. or take 3 months and add 7 days. This is the so-called Nemelay formula. True, it is relevant for women with a regular menstrual cycle of medium duration - 28-30 days. For some women not transferred pregnancy And in 42 weeks, it is if their menstrual cycle was long, and ovulation has occurred much later than its classic timelines.

In addition, there is a difference in the birth date of the child with those for whom this is the first experience of childbirth and no longer. Often, the forekry women give birth to 40 weeks and even later. Especially often it happens in women who do not have health problems and including with the cervix. But the ladies who already have the experience of tooling pregnancy and the birth of a child can be born and early. Usually repeated women give birth at 38 week, because they have neck more often and a little shorter than those who become the mother for the first time.

In women's communities, it is often possible to read the view that the child's birth rate also depends on its sexuality. They say that there is a difference after how many weeks the boys or girls are giving birth. Alleged boys appear a little earlier. Of course, this is a myth. If you doubt - you can interview your friends, try to independently carry out a statistical study and be sure to make sure that.

Normally, the child is born when his body is fully ready for life outside the womb, and the mother's body is ready for the launch of labor activities.