Due to what happened hair. Chemical hair coloring process. What happens when staining

The first week after staining pleases you with the beauty of the hair: they shine and perfectly fit into any hairstyle. But very soon problems begin: the color will noticeably fastens, the hair is confused and losing such a pleasant smoothness ... What to do, how to keep the resistance of the color and beauty of your hair? Let's deal with.

What happens when staining?

The coloring composition causes a chemical reaction. Ammonia, present in any paint, literally explodes your hair. The scales are missing, get up "end", due to this, the pigment penetrates them, and your hair acquires the desired shade.

How much it harms the hair to staining depends on the strength of the chemical reaction and its duration. Therefore, the most risks those of us who are painted in the blonde: the aggressive blonde procedure does not only consider hair scales, but also destroys their own pigment.

The destructive effect of paint on the hair is somewhat softened, if there is a high-quality air conditioner after staining: it neutralizes the negative impact, scales are not allowed, the hair acquires shine and attractiveness. But - only until the next wash!

With each regular wash, you force damaged scales to strain all stronger, pigment is gradually washed out of them, and the hair dull day day.

Modern manufacturers offer more gentle painting methods, but they are not suitable for everyone. The fact is that such methods at which ammonia do not apply, or too expensive, or unreliable. But even the hair painted in such a method need special care.

Main rules

First: Caring for painted hair only with special means!

During the first two weeks, you will be very useful to "acidic" shampoo, neutralizing alkali residues both in hair and on the skin of the head. True, such shampoos are considered professional and stand somewhat more compared to conventional means, but they will provide color resistance for a long time.

An ordinary shampoo, even if before dyeing, fit you perfectly, causing your hair a cruel blow. Under its impact, scales open, allowing you to lean the pigment.

Carefully look at the shampoo label. If the pH indicator is higher than 6.5, it means that the means is suitable for deep cleansing, which needed hair no more than once a month. Using such a shampoo constantly, you wash the pigment and make your hair dull. For each day, delicate shampoos are suitable for each, having a neutral pH level, that is, from 5.0 to 6.0. It is just great if there are caring supplements in such a shampoo. By purchasing such a tool, you can be sure that it will not destroy the molecule of the dye and will not cause any harm to the hair.
After applying a special shampoo, you should apply air conditioning. This is a prerequisite!

You will do wise if you find a special shampoo not just for painted hair, but for your hair (new) colors: for example, for blonde, for red, for dark hair. Such a tool guarantees unmatched gloss your hairstyle. If you chose a light cold tone - pay attention to tinting-caring special balms.

Second: use shampoo and air conditioning one brand!

These caregating means, specialists are developing with such a goal so that they supplement each other and enhanced hair effects. If you buy shampoo and air conditioning made by one company, they will become an excellent pair. And if it turns out to find caring products of the same company as paint, - generally wonderful!

A very good choice will be air conditioners that do not need to flush. They really reliably protect the hair from the negative impact of the external environment, and this protection is enough for a whole day.

Third: once a week weaving a nutritious and moisturizing mask, intended for painted hair!

The composition of the mask "works" in such a way that to some extent restores moisture and nutrients lost after staining. In addition, such masks usually smooth the scales and do not allow the pigment to be drunk. The mask has a beneficial effect on the scalp and promotes hair growth.

Fourth: Do not sushi painted hair with hot air!

If it is very necessary to dry your hair with a hairdryer - use cold air mode, as a last resort, send a slightly warm stream to the hairstyle. Let them have to spend a little more time - what is 10 minutes if they give you smooth, shiny and healthy hair!

Fifth: Do not go to the pool two weeks after staining!

The impact of chlorine contained in the water of the pool, on painted hair is simply destructive. That is why experts recommend washing the painted hair with extremely soft water, and for the last rinsing, it certainly uses herbal decoction or at least add a bit of vinegar into water.

Sixth: Tips on time!

No matter how careful for your hair, after painting, they become dry, especially tips, and begin to sneeze. This means that at least once a month it is necessary to cut 1-2 cm hair, preferably hot scissors.

And a few more tips:

Blondes are better to give preference to multidimensional staining, in which several shades are used, smoothly flowing one to another. This is a salon procedure, at home this staining is unlikely to succeed.

Try to take advantage of the color refreshment with a toning dye that does not contain ammonia. Yes, you won't notice a big difference in color, but your hair will get a beautiful shine, and your natural color will be successfully emphasized.

Tint shampoo is also a good gentle agent that returns the hairstyle of the color brightness. In contrast to aggressive paints, it acts only on the surface of the hair. The effect of it is short, but the hair does not suffer.

Myth # 1: Coloring spoils and burns hair

Since childhood, many girls inspired that the paints are very harmful, after them the hair will start breaking and falling down by shreds. Today you can paint the hair without harm with the help of nonsense paint. It is more sparing, as the ammonia in it is replaced with oil components that do not penetrate the hair cuticle and do not destroy the rod from the inside. But you need to remember that to entrust the staining is better than a professional. In order not to spoil the hair, it is important to accurately comply with the proportions in the dilution of paint and the technique of its application. Staining must be accompanied by leaving procedures that will restore the damaged hair structure.

At home, it is difficult to fully observe the technology of staining, there is a big risk of cut hair.

With home staining, there is not only the risk of getting uneven hair color, but also more unpleasant consequences. They can become brittle and losing a healthy look. As a result, most women still go to the salon - save hair. As a result, you have to spend money on leaving, restoration and re-staining.

Myth №2: Seeding can not be painted with non-ammiah paint

Many women are confident that gray hair will be able to overcome only a powerful dye based on chemistry. In fact, hairdressers-stylists easily cope with gray-haired hair paint. Although the active elements do not penetrate the inside of hairs, they calmly paint gray on the surface. How often can you paint hair with means without ammonia? According to beauty experts, it can be done without harming at least every month. Hairdressers-stylists advise choosing professional funds from Kydra and Redken for this purpose.

Myth # 3: If the brunette repains in a blonde, yellow shade can not be avoided

Another 10 years ago, brunettes could only dream of a platinum shade hair. Outdated dyes turn the dark hair into white hairdressers. Pigment burned gradually: the hair first became red, and then yellow. Now there are professional agents capable of lightening the hair immediately for eight tones. At the same time, their composition is a huge number of caring components that allow you to reduce the damage to a minimum. Now even there are methods of lightening hair without paint, as well as leaving lines for blond hair, cleaning yellow.

Today, brunettes can become blondes. But this is a difficult process.

Maxim Sharifullin Stylist Salon "Milfe"

First the color is removed, then gommage is performed, the transpension, only after that is applied color. I recommend the obligatory item to make a cabin care, aimed at deep moisturizing, and also it is worth choosing quality home care from professional lines. Two weeks later, it is advisable to repeat the hair tint.

Myth №4: Ombre and Ballwear Suitable Only Long Hair Winners

Today, complex staining techniques are most often done on long curls. It is clear that the longer the hair, the noticeable effect of multilayer trend staining. But stylists in one voice say that Ombre and Ballow find perfectly and on short hair. The techniques will not only refresh their image, but also become an ideal option when growing hair. Techniques are considered gentle, as the paint is not applied to the roots. How to make baleague yourself?

Myth number 5: Masks wash color

Many women after dyeing hair deliberately refuse to use nutrient and moisturizing masks. It is believed that they accelerate the process of flushing the color. But stylists strongly recommend parting with this delusion and continue to take care of the hair. The pigment is washed out only special masks for blondes, which simultaneously moisturize their hair due to fermented milk components and brighten them. If you properly care for painted hair with masks, then their color will last longer.

Despite the 5,000th history of the tradition of staining hair, we still wonder if it is not dangerous? Especially since myth-making around this procedure has deep historical roots.

Frequent coloring can lead to hair loss

You can be painted at least all your life. The main thing is to do it competently. Select high-quality paints of famous manufacturers. Pre-test the paint on strands of hair and skin area (most often behind the ears). Cutting strictly in accordance with the instructions. Carefully care for painted hair using special strengthening and feeding hair roots.

You can not paint hair during pregnancy and breastfeeding period

This is not prohibited, however, due to physiological changes in the body of a woman during this period, in particular, fluctuations in the hormonal background, the result of staining may not coincide with your expectations. A similar effect may occur during coloring during menstruation. Contraindications for the procedure are: asthma, eczema, organic kidney damage, hair disease, such as fungal nature.

The hair coloring procedure must be started with roots

Not always. With primary staining, it is necessary to begin to apply paint from the hair ends. A few minutes after the end of work with the tips, you can start painting the main part of the head. This is due to the fact that the ends of the hair contain natural pigments much in a lesser concentration, as a result - this part of the hair will change the color much longer. The roots of the hair is healthier, the temperature due to the proximity to the body is higher, so the staining occurs intensively.

With repeated staining, the paint is first applied to the abstract parts of the hair from the roots, and then on the remaining hair for the refreshment of the color.

Painted hair masks Wash paint pigments

On the contrary, balms-Opo-beastors and special masks used immediately after dyeing hair, not only do not waste pigment, but also allow you to keep the resistant color obtained for a longer time. In addition, they nourish and care for hair after the procedure. But wash your head with the use of shampoo after staining is not recommended for at least 2-3 days. This time is necessary for all hair scales, the absorbed pigment closed, and did not allow the paint to "wash out".

After multiple staining with lightening natural hair darkens

This visual effect does not occur as a result of regular discoloration of own hair, but is a complex of several phenomena.

  1. Firstly, the roots of the hair always darker in its bulk, and in combination with a bright shade of hair, this external effect is only enhanced.
  2. Secondly, over time, the hair is really darker, but this is due to the action of paint, but age changes. For their restoration and giving hair a blooming healthy type, care with the use of special means is necessary.

After staining, the hair starts falling

Scientific explaining the fact of a sharp start of hair loss after dyeing is not. Just most often, women are resorted to the possibilities of staining procedure at the appropriate age - to hide the starting seed. But age changes are not only gray, it is gradually the growing intensity of hair loss, natural in solid age process. However, the likelihood provoke a sharp hair loss is possible if you use cheap paints with aggressive non-adaptable discoloration substances.

The process of hair coloring according to the instructions can be adjusted

This is a big and rough mistake. Collecting paint in a smaller than the amount of (or time) is required, according to the "smaller chemistry" principle, will not lead to the expected effect, it will be more likely to resort to the color again, which is clearly after such a short period, nothing good hair will bring. Similarly, and redistribute paint on the hair - harmful. Violation of the coloring technology can cause a violation of the structure of the rod of the hair and its physico-chemical characteristics, which is fraught with problems for the chapels.

That is why experts advise on hair staining in the salons using the help of specialists.

Many women love to periodically change the hair color. Someone makes it for the purpose of changing the image, others are tritely painted by gray. But it is not enough to choose a good paint and get the desired shade. It is very important and the right care for painted hair, which will help for a long time to save shine and strength and not losing the brightness of the color. It does not have to use expensive advertised funds. All that is necessary for painted curls can often be found in our refrigerators. The main rule that should be observed is constant. Starting should be started immediately after the first staining and do not forget about it. Then your hair will remain as soft and "alive" as before the procedure.

It looks like a microscope intact hair and hair painted with the addition of ammonia

To begin with, it is necessary to figure out what exactly happens with hair during the color change procedure. Almost all the paints contain ammonia in their composition, which helps the paint more securely secure. Those tools that do not contain this substance are either very expensive or not very effective. Therefore, the bulk of women still uses paints where ammonia is present. When applied on the hair of ammonia, lifts scales so that the paint penetrates as closely as possible.

In any salon, after the procedure, a good air conditioner is necessarily applied, which will smooth the hair scales, and the curls again look healthy and well-groomed. Unfortunately, the air conditioner is valid only until the first washing of the head. Next, the scales are raised again, because of what the hair looks not very attractive, and the pigment is quickly washed away. Therefore, constant care is needed for painted hair. Only so can they be maintained in due state.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is worthwhile to pay shampoos that you use. A frightening digit - in 97% of the shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the color dull. But the worst thing is that this nasty falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of the resiluphous shampoo, where the first place was taken by means of the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store Mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Painted hair is best to dry naturally, as a last resort - hairdryer in cool air mode

Before deciding to staining, it is worth thinking about leaving and buying and purchased by all necessary means. But not only shampoos and balsams will help support the health of the chasis. It is important and how you care for her.

Here are some major postulates:

  1. If you use a hairdryer, then you should not use hot air. Yes, the hair dries faster, but and faster collapses. Therefore, only cold air. Ideally, it should be a natural drying, but there is no such possibility, and the cold jet of air will cause less harm than the hot drying.
  2. Visiting the pool It is worth excluding for a while. Chlorine, which is present in large numbers here, does not affect any hair in the best way. And painted and so weakened, chlorinated water will only aggravate their condition. Therefore, the first two weeks the pool should be excluded. Then you can, but with additional feeding hair.
  3. Timely haircut. Staining is very dried by hair, and, reflected, they can start to cross. Periodic visits to the salon will help reduce this phenomenon. Especially since now many salons offer a haircut with hot scissors, which significantly reduces the destruction of hairs and returns a healthy look of the hair.
  4. It is worth buying only special products for painted hair. Ideally, they must be for a certain shade. That is, for redheads, one shampoos for blondes are others. And be sure to use Balzam after washing. Best if both means are one brand. So your hair will get the most necessary meals and protection.
  5. Painted curls need extra nutrition. Therefore, two times a week it is necessary to make nutritious and moisturizing masks. Now there are a lot of wonderful tools that will help restore hair strength. In addition to purchased tools, you can use the fact that there is always in the house.

From rye bread, you can make an effective care agent for painted hair: you just need to soak the ball in water and withstand 5 hours

  • Well established an rye bread. It is enough just to pour the mealky with hot water, insist for five hours. Then the water merges, and the resulting cashem is applied to the head. The head must be mastered for a few minutes - and you can wash off. Massage, it is useful in itself, and along with the bread mask will give a stunning effect.
  • You can use eggs. The yolk is mixed with a spoonful of honey and applied to the hair. You need to keep this mask at least half an hour. You can also once a week instead of shampoo use chicken eggs. They nourish dry hair and return shine.
  • Perfectly showed a ray oil. It is often used when they want to achieve hair growth. But besides this, it can wonderfully feed painted curls. For this, it is enough an hour before the washing procedure to launch the oil into the skin, and then wash off in the usual way.
  • You can buy in a pharmacy herbs and make risks for rinsing from them. For light hair - chamomile, for dark - nettle, and sage, calendula, burdock, bumps of hops are perfectly suitable for everyone.
  • In addition, olive oil, sour cream, honey, cream can be added to the mask. All these tools are wonderful on weakened paint hair and there is free access.

Do not think that care for painted hair is something complicated and tedious. As you can see, nothing hard in it. The main thing is not to be lazy, and then your hair will always look healthy and shiny.

Igora Royal, Koleston Perfect, Revlonissimo NMT, Salerm Vison, Londacolor, Color Fusion, Essexand many others.

Classic permanent dyes work with four types of oxidizing agents: 3%, 6%, 9% and 12%.

In contact with

Brighten up maximum up to five tones (in most cases only to four). Color gray up to 100%. Do not clarify painted hair.

Hair staining with oxidative dyes is always the result of two colors overlay:

1. Colors of the selected dye,

2. Colors of illuminated background.

The composition of permanent dyes includes two types of painting particles:

1. Colorless or weak-colored after oxidation (pigments),

2. Colored particles after oxidation (pigments).

The tone level of the dye and its color saturation is determined by base particles, and the color nuance is color. Many combinations of basic and colored particles included in the dye determines the range of color palette of cream paint.

How does hair coloring, process chemistry

As already mentioned, the chemical staining process will occur only if mixed two components at the time of use - cream containing polymeric masses, color carriers and alkaline components, and an oxygen containing a stabilized hydrogen peroxide.

When mixing these two components, a chemical reaction begins.

1. Defrost and clarification.

Alkaline compounds (Ammonia NH 4 OH), an oxidizing agent (H 2 O 2) and additional components tear off the cuticle and the cortex layers for better penetration of coloring molecules in the hair.

The hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, with the help of ammonia NH 4 OH decomposes water and atomic oxygen O 2 (H 2 O 2 + H 2 O + O 2).

Atomic oxygen clarifies the natural pigment of the hair. The greater the amount of atomic oxygen, the stronger the hair will be lit, from which it follows that the level of clarification depends on the percentage of hydrogen peroxide.

But we will not forget that the release of a large amount of atomic oxygen requires a larger alkalinity value of the product, so the clarifying series of permanent dyes contain an increased amount of ammonia, which later leads to stronger clarification compared to classical permanent dyes (it should be noted that this stage increases significantly increases At clarifying permanent dyes).

Process time: at the 10th minute.

2. Penetration and staining.

At this stage, preliminary dyes penetrate in the hair, which prepare it to staining, and oxidative coloring molecules necessary to create a final color.

Hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2, interacting with painting dye particles (permanent dye molecules have a small body and develop only in the hair), increases them and builds in connection.

At the end of the reaction of the oxidation of the dye in the hair, the coloring molecules swell 300 times, filling out all the voids formed after the oxidation of the natural pigment.

Painting pigment, interacting with natural pigment, pre-clarified, and forms a new color.

Process time: from 10th to 30th minute.

3. Stabilization and consolidation .

Stabilizers contained in the dye pinway molecular ties and increase the life of a new color in the hair.

Process time: from the 25th to 35th minute.

When washing the head after color, only those manifested particles of paint, which are on the surface of the hair cuticle, will wash.

Features of the use of permanent dyes

1. The dye is not applied to clean hair.

But it is impossible to allow the client to come with hair, not by one day. Ideal if the client helps his head in the morning, and in the evening it will come to dyeing or in the evening will wash his head, and in the morning it will come to the salon. That is, on average, it is enough to eight hours to restore the protective film on the head of the head, which will warn and protect it from the aggressive effect of the dye.

If the hair is dirty (no more than a day, there is a styling agent and other contaminants), then you need to wash the strands to the "gentle" method before painting. That is, my, to the most of them, so that the shampoo does not get on the scalp.

2. The dye must be applied with thin probes and abundantly.

It is unwanted to clean the hair during application, although if you comb straight for the first few seconds, it will not harm the hair and the color.

If combining the hair in about a minute after applying the dye and later, there will be a high probability of damage to the cuticle to the ridge tooths.

3. When applied, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the roots should breathe. Therefore, it is impossible to collect the hair in Babetta or nodes.

Example of calculation when painting hair

  • Hair color: light-blonde (level depth - eight).
  • The main dominant pigment is yellow-orange.
  • The desired color is a bright blonde pearl (dominant pigment of a violet-blue dye).

Consider on schematic examples what happens in the hair if you apply a dye without adding a neutralizing mixer.

Many manufacturers produce a mixtone that are used to enhance and neutralize color. Each of them has its mixture mixing formula with a dye that needs to be observed.

Of course, to neutralize a unwanted shade and background of clarification (or darkening) of the mixtone, it is necessary much less than when it is added to the dye for the sake of color saturation. In the latter case, the amount of a mixtone can achieve the same amount as the dye.

4. "Rule of Ten".

During color neutralization, in most cases, the "rule of ten" is used (where the calculation goes at the rate of N, the amount of a mixture of 30 ml of dye).

From ten, you need to take away the level of the depth of the tone from which the color is trying to create the desired color.

It should be noted that the proportion of the mixture added to the mixture is not taken into account in the proportion of the oxidizing agent. That is, if a 30 ml dye is taken and 10 ml of the mixture, the oxidant should be 30 ml (in case it is necessary to mix the dye with the oxidant by formula 1: 1).

Do not forget, many firms manufacturers have their own system. So, for example, Wella will have to take away from 12, and L'Oreal can do not find micstones for neutralization at all. As mentioned above, it will have to use tones-neutralizers.

Consider an approximate table for the ruler of the Ten:

  • 10 Level 0.5 cm \u003d 0.25 ml
  • 9 Level 1 cm \u003d 0.5 ml
  • 8 Level 2 cm \u003d 1 ml
  • 7 Level 3 cm \u003d 1.5 ml
  • 6 Level 4 cm \u003d 3 ml
  • 5 Level 5 cm \u003d 2.5 ml
  • 4 Level 6 cm \u003d 3 ml
  • 3 Level 7 cm \u003d 3.5 ml
  • 2 Level 8 cm \u003d 4 ml
  • 1 Level 9 cm \u003d 4.5 ml

From the scheme it can be seen that the pigment of the dye, instead of turning on his hair a beautiful cold tint, neutralizes the natural dominant pigment. And instead of the desired color on the hair, a nice natural light blonde appears.

In order to avoid this effect and achieve the desired color, you need to add a mixer with a purple-blue pigment into the dye, which neutralizes the dominant natural pigment and will allow the dye to paint the hair into the pearl color.

5. When painting hair, it is necessary to take into account features such as primary staining and staining of the resulting roots (while the length of the resulting roots should not exceed 3-4 cm).

6. Staining time on average is 30-35 minutes, depending on the manufacturer's firm.

  • In rare cases, it varies in the most side. Most often this happens when staining with seeds, and in some companies and when painting with extramoda tones - in these cases, the time increases to 35 minutes, and when staining the seeds becomes equal to 45 minutes.

Features of gray hair staining, Rules in the video:

  • Also, time varies when staining pre-clarified and highly porous hair, in these cases, the time decreases to 15-20 minutes.

7. When staining, there is no need to use additional heat, but if you need to save the time to the maximum, you can use the climazone.

For proper use, you need to read the instructions for the dye, where it will be said how long the time is reduced when applying additional heat. On average, it is reduced by one third.

If the EXPRESS COLOR color drops are used, then you need to follow the instructions. attached to them. Based on the practice, we can safely say that they have passed positively all tests conducted with the dyes of most manufacturers presented in the domestic market (not counting non-professional products).

8. To remove the dye from the skin of the region, it is necessary to use specialized funds such as Color Clean.

If there is no such means, the old good rule is triggered: only scrap is against scrap. That is, you need to remove a little dye from the hair and apply to the edge growth and cut a little. After that, washed away with water.

It is not recommended to use shampoo before removing the dye from the skin, since many firms produce specialized technical shampoos with fixation effect, after which the removal of the dye will be a huge problem.

9. Before applying the shampoo, rinse the hair well. Best of all until the moment, clean water will not flock from the hair without a special color-dye impurity. And only after that you can use shampoo.

  • If the company manufacturer produces specialized neutralized shampoos, then they must be used. They often complement the dye and improve its resistance and juiciness.
  • In the event that the company does not release such means, you need to use shampoo suitable in structure of hair.

Shampoo is applied in a small amount, foaming with a light massage and washed off. You do not need reuse. After that, you can apply air conditioning or mask. The choice depends on the condition and structure of the hair.

10. For home care for painted hair, it is necessary to recommend the use of funds that the dye manufacturing company produces. They, most often, complement the deployment of special support components.

When applying such a line, the color will remain juicy and bright one and a half times longer than when using a care line released by another company.