Female hairstyles of half-fox. Stylish male haircut semobox. Halfox haircut men's - Photo

At the beginning of the XX century, women gladly got rid of long hair And trying social roles that are unusual. Short haircuts began exactly then.

A bit of history

In 1909, in France, the Hairdresser Antoine came up with and carried out a short haircut for Eva actress. The start of fashion for short haircuts was then it was then.

These phenomena that happened almost 100 years ago successfully moved today with some transformations. Then women simply began to short hair, now they feel free to try on men's haircuts. One of them is male haircut "Polinox".

The hooligan haircut says for her owner when that is silent.And attracts attention without additional actions on self-expression. "Halfokox" as a woman's decoration is triggered nontrivially. He emphasizes his rude femininity. As sometimes large heavy boots emphasize slim legs and clothing in the "Oversis" style emphasizes a fragile figure. But not all legs are good heavy boots, not everyone is suitable for "Oversiiz", the same story and "half-fed". We study the question.

If you only choose a haircut, think than the female "half-fox" can approach you.

If you have round face, strands on the top prescribe a visual shape of the head, and the face looks more elongated. Thin hair - a haircut technique gives volume. Love experiments with staining, or just planning to start - "half-focus" is perfectly combined with non-standard colors. You like drawings, shaved stripes - yours short hair At the temples and the back of the head can be canvas for this beauty.

But the haircut may not come, if you have: oval face - it will look even more oval (although it can be corrected by a long bang). Strong curly hair - It will be difficult in laying (but you can shave the whiskey and leave the length on the top, it will be easier to cope with). If you are a solid lady, you suddenly feel uncomfortable with minimalistic temples and a gripped babbit (but if this thought launched you, it means that everything will be fine, you can cut).


If you have already chosen "half-fox", pay attention to the varieties.

The popularization of many phenomena occurs sometimes thanks to public personalities. So it was with the Girls with Gamebox. The appearance of Celebrity with such a haircut caused delight and excitement. People who want the same model hairstyle reached stylists. The pros wondered how to adapt what kind of different types, and now, thanks to the varieties of "half-fox" you can pick up your exactly. Nowadays, the "half-fox" hairstyle is not a male, and already unisex. She does not undertake to the owner to the sport style and behavior.

Properly selected, with the right laying, it feminine and romantic even in an ultra-screw version.

The ultra-screwed female "half-fox" - whiskey shaved, the longest hair 6 cm. If you have already wore short haircuts, and they go to you, you can take such a length. If you did not wear, but you have a beautiful form of head and oval faces, you can try.

Short "half-focus" - for girls in the style of twiggy, miniature cohesies. (Twiggy itself wore another haircut, but also a short one, and with this haircut became the first model, which announced a unisex haircut on the podium).

"Semi-foxes" in the middle length are similar to the male "half-focus" - and this length is well suited for roasting hair. Such "half-fox" without bangs increases the height of the forehead. Visually.

An extended "half-fox" - if you are larger. Most of those whom you can see with "half-focus" wear an elongation option. On the top of the top length arrives, but it is minimal on the back of the head and temples (that is, the height difference is hairstyle even more expressive). "Semi-fox" can also be worn with a long asymmetric bang, especially if you need to adjust the oval of faces. You can confuse the elongated "half-fox" with pixie, their difference in how the transition from the parietal and the upper occipital part to the temples and the lower occipital part is made. In the female "half-fox", they through a smooth transition become as short as possible.

How to cut?

According to the speaking name, the origins of the haircut belonged to athletes. The shape of the haircut had its own functionality: on the one hand, it allowed to quickly knead the hair over the neck and in the temples, and on the other, - had beautiful shape for ordinary life. The very short bottom of the nape and whiskey, a smooth transition to the top of the nape and a dark zone. An edging is made along the hair growth line. The second - on the upper edge, where the hair goes to no on the temples and the back. Extrahetic hair on the painter. The height difference on the hair looks interesting (the length of the hair on the painter is up to 8 cm, and on the back of the head and temples about 4 mm).

For thin hair To those techniques that are characteristic of "half-fox", the technique of "feathers" or "feathers" is added. This is when the curls at the ends are having not exactly, but the teeth. This is done with a razor or scissors. The size of the teeth can be different.

The master class of the haircut is presented in the following video.

How to stack?

Female "half-fox" middle length Requires minimum styling - after washing hair, put styling. Wax can be dial to fingers and heat up slightly, rubbing the tips on each other. This technique avoids the means of strands sticking out of excessive amounts. Then apply to the upper strands.

Extra long female "half-fox". Treat strands to the mousse and remove back: This laying will be good for the office, and as an evening, for a hike to the theater. Lay strands for one side, fixing with a strong varnish. Make laying by waves or curls and process wax for styling. Slightly turn out. It turns out very romantic.

To the "half-moboku" with bangs, the styling is selected depending on the shape of the hair and the type of bangs. For a curly fit modeling paste. An extended bang can also fit the side, and lift. You can entertain different styling. Select different installation tools for different tasks.

So that the bangs fasten the forehead well, use the simulated pasta very strong fixationAnd she will just justify from morning to evening.

Start strands from the roots to half the length. After that, put in Iroquais. Fine and for a walk, and for an informal party.

If the hair is painted, care for "painted hair" is required.

"The haircut is a state of mind, and not just a way to do something with hair" - the thought of Mary Garden, one of the women who broke up with long hair in those times when it was unthinkable, more than a century ago. Sometimes in order to start changing from the inside, you can start outside. The vortex mood "half-fox" will help.

About 3 centuries ago, English boxers began to face very briefly for their convenience, leaving only in the top of the head slightly elongated strands. So the boxing hairstyle appeared, and the male haircut of the half-fox is its elongated and creative option. The floor prefix indicates an increase in the length of the hair in a rare zone, the head and whiskey still remain as short.

On the question of who this hairstyle comes, the stylists give the following recommendations:

  1. Regarding the type of activity, the half-fox haircut can be considered universal. It looks equally well on men and in classic, and in sports costumes, and free-style lovers in clothes (T-shirt, jeans and so on) makes more attractive and sexy.
  2. Relative to the body of the semi-mongox is the ideal option for inflated and strong representatives of the strong half of humanity, but too thick men It costs from her to abandon the same boxing or any other haircut, visually rounding features.
  3. Halfokox is an excellent option for the round, since the face shows visually, adds solidity to him, and the appearance is brutality.
  4. The owners of a square face are also worth trying this haircut, since in addition to lengthening, it will also help soften the features and get rid of excess rudeness in the appearance.
  5. With too elongated face fallen cheeks And the selected chin is poorly combined and, as a rule, not recommended by hairdressers, but everything is quite individually.
  6. On black hair, the haircut does not always look better, it is preferable to its longer options, since light skin of the head can be shifted through the hair, a light skin can be shone, from afar, similar to the bald. With Rusmi I. light hair Such problems do not arise.
  7. The most successful semi-fox looks on hard hair capable of holding a long time, but the soft strands will have to lay daily. In the case of a curly hair length in the dark zone, you should leave somewhat longer, so the haircut will look more harmonious.

Description and technology performing haircuts half-fox


  • electric machine for a haircut with a complete set of nozzles of different lengths;
  • cleaning - Comb with rare teeth;
  • sharp scissors with thin blades;
  • scissors for branch;
  • hairdresser razor.

The technology of performing semi-focus machine includes the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Be sure to be pre-washing the hair and their drying. Only in this case the haircut will succeed.
  2. The machine is put on the machine 1 or 2, which depends on the planning of the total length, process the heads and the temporal zones, rising above the ears of 2-3 centimeters.
  3. Next, you need to change the nozzle to 3 or 4 and, holding the cutting edge at an angle to the head, perform a smooth transition from shorter zones to long. In this way, the entire back of the head is treated up to the top of the head. To facilitate the task, it is necessary to visually draw a line from the upper moss of one ear to another, which denotes the processing boundaries.
  4. Zero nozzle or razor make a fingering haircut. The same tools form a bundbard.
  5. Scissors with thin blades are treated with a rare zone - a strand is clamped between two fingers to the desired length, stretch upstairs and cut. It is necessary to move from the top of the forehead.
  6. Lastly, fill on the parietal zone and remove the shortcomings.

Short haircut semobox

A short half-fox haircut is created in the described sequence with the only difference that the hair on the dark zone can also be processed by a machine with a longer nozzle, not scissors. The minimum length of strands on the temperature in the short version is made to leave 3 centimeters. In the extended version, the strands leave up to 8 centimeters.

Short half-fox prefer forever busy men who have solid status or leading active lifestyle. Especially such a haircut appreciated the military, as it looks always well maintained and comfortable in the sock. The semi-focus in a short performance will easily add brutality and masculinity of any appearance, which is why adolescents often choose this haircut, who wants to seem older and solid.

Options with cheek

Historically, it happened that the cheeve in this haircut is not provided. However, a professional master at the request of a man will easily create a magnificent half-fox with a cheek, which can be slightly highlighted on the background of the main hair, descend to the middle of the forehead or even to the eye, which depends on individual preferences.

How half-focus looks with cheek, depends on its type, for example, a short variant softens the features and emphasizes the eyes. The extended type of check helps to hide the shortcomings, balance the proportions of the face, makes a haircut more creative, non-standard, reflecting the nature and style of its owner.

Without cheeky

Halfokox without a check looks very balanced and in business. In the shortened version, additional staring is not required. More long options Stay different ways With the help of special gels, intended for men's hair:

  1. Front strands raise up.
  2. Make the side sample and most of the haircut bearing in the opposite direction.
  3. The hair in the darken zone is seamless and stacked in the style of creative mess.

Semi-mongox without Checkle adds to Harizma's owner, refreshes and rejuvenates the face. This haircut is relevant for men of any age and looks great in combination with a noble seedy. For such advantages as beauty, stylish, well-groomed appearance, convenience in the sock and the ability to create an individual image, haircut rated many worlds in the world:

  1. Justin Timberlake, preferring side sample and hair styling side.
  2. Brad Pitt and a wet effect to them in combination with creative disorder.
  3. Justin Bieber, who rated the semi-fox for stylish and a variety of styling.
  4. Taylor Lautner with stylishly laid up the lean hair of a dark zone.

These and many other celebrities have already rated the half-fox as a cheek, and without it.

Sport style

Why can semi-mongox be seen on the heads of athletes? Yes, because this haircut looks always great and at the same time opens the face, does not close the review and does not interfere in the process of sports. Behind and on the sides, it is rather short, which solves the problem with the pitting of the head, and the upper elongated part can serve as protection against scoring sunlight. In addition, the semi-focus in sports interpretation often complement the curly patterns on the temples and the backbone, turning the haircut in business card concrete athlete.

The haircut semi-focus was especially loved by footballers, such as:

  1. Cristiano Ronaldo, which introduced the fashion to shave figure lines on the temples in addition to the haircut, which in combination with its dark skin and dark hair It looks especially stylish and nontrivial.
  2. Lionel Messi, for a long time wearing an elongated version of the semi-fox with a cheek, which was tested upstairs.
  3. Neymar, changing hairstyles as gloves, also has a haircut haircut in his collection in combination with a long asymmetric cheese.

The classic men's haircut semobox, suitable almost every representative of the strong floor, will help create an image of a reliable, courageous and self-confident gentleman.

On the photo provided below, it can be seen that the non-universal hairstyle is quite simple and unpretentious in everyday care.

It is not necessary to lay special means, but it is enough to simply straighten with palms, and to give the image of the raisin, you can use a mousse or gel for styling.

A large number of design options makes it preferable among other male haircuts. Halfoks has earned its popularity from a strong half of society in the 90s. To date, this haircut becomes a choice of self-confident men who value comfort and an excellent appearance, as well as the qualities of the leader.

From the last century, haircut has undergone some modifications by ways of laying. For young people who are prone to various types of experiments, a frequent choice becomes a variant with eclined patterns on the temples and the back of the head.

Halfox - Haircut Exercise Technique

For the perfect haircut, it is better to trust their professional hairdressers, however, in the absence of the possibility of visiting the salon, you can conduct a procedure and at home.

To do this, you may need such tools like:

  • machine for registration hairstyles;
  • scissors for branch;
  • hairbrush.

Technique haircuts:

  1. Wash and dry hair.
  2. Mague a mental line from the top tip of the right ear to the left.
  3. Using the nozzle on 3-4 mm cut hair along this line.
  4. You need to start with a nape, moving up to the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples. After completing this zone, you can proceed to the design of the macushkin.

In the design of the macushk, it is important to take into account the wishes of the client. You can make a bang and cut the strands of 8 cm long. At the end of the haircut, the ends of strands are treated with milling scissors.

Who is more suitable haircut seminox

A half-focus belongs to a classic option and quite multifaceted, which allows it to fit perfectly into any image. Despite this, it will look differently on each, depending on the color and type of its hair, as well. It allows hairstyle concisely look at any man, preferring a business or sporty style in clothes, as well as on young people or senior representatives.

    Do you like hairstyle half-fox?

The hairstyle of the half-fox will suit men with oval, round and square (with wide cheekbones) type of face. Options for its execution can be seen in the photo attached below.

For high and thin, this option is also not quite suitable. The haircut makes such people visually above, creating a ridiculous image. And for gentlemen with a strong physique, the half-fox is the perfect option.

Hairstyle seminox - advantages

Pluses haircuts:

  1. Suitable for any style of clothing and all fashion trends. Half-focus harmonies s sportswear, business costumes and classic, style of Casual and others.
  2. Men of the oldest age this hairstyle will be offset for several years.
  3. The semi-focus lay is quite simple, the process does not take much time. It is enough to combine in the right direction washed hair or make the hedgehog.
  4. If the hair is crumble, then the haircut will give them an ordered look.
  5. The appearance becomes more attractive, since the half-fox emphasizes the masses of its owner.

An experienced stylist will make its adjustments to the design of the haircut, adapting it to the peculiarities of the client's appearance so that some features have become more noticeable, while others less attracted their eyes. So, options with various versions of half-fox with bangs are possible.

Half-fox and boxing is 2 different types Male haircut. Boxing option is more radical, since the length of the hair of the painter part and the occipital is selected equally as short as possible. As for the half-fox, this hairstyle that has become a classic, the length of the urgent strands can reach up to 10 cm.

This allows you to experiment with its execution. Various ready-made semi-bed laying options can be seen in magazines and photo on the network.

Polokox laying can be entrusted to a professional who will put hair in any order, but you can do it at home yourself, especially since it is not so difficult:

  1. A small creative disorder will make an image of the bold. For this, the hair can be chaotic to put in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pattern or put bangs on the gel for fixing.
  2. Magnifying the image will give hair, combed back or one side.
  3. For brutal I. unusual image A man is enough to collect dark strands in the tail.

The decisive factor for determining the length of the top of the head is not only the form of the face, but also the shape of the skull. Some stronghold representatives are better to squeeze as much as possible, and the other, on the contrary, leave longer.

Hairstyle half-fox men with bangs

Many men make their choice in favor of the half-fox, supplemented. However, in this case, it is necessary to know that any embodiment of the bangs, it does not matter obliquely, straight or torn, obliges to everyday hair styling.

You can lay the hair with gel for fixation, having banging their side or putting bangs. It will give casual form Style.

For a long bang, an option with a bang back. In this case, the hair strands are also fixed with gel or styling mousse.

Sports men's haircut semobox

The hairstyle of the half-focus is perfectly combined with sports style male clothes or even S. military form. It will not look ridiculous with, shorts or t-shirts. Numerous photos in magazines and the Internet can confirm this.

The hairstyle will look great if the stylist hairdresser has taken into account all the features of the client: its appearance, body type, hair style and clothing style.

P roffesisal his case will make the necessary changes in the design of a half-fox in order to emphasize the merits of the man and distract attention from its flaws.

Correction Master can move a little moving from short strands to long or make oblique bangs in an extended or short version, which will hide asymmetry. The main thing is for the client to find your hairdresser to whom you can entrust the design of this hairstyle.

Modern young people pay no less time to care for their external speciesthan women. Thanks to this trend, cosmetics manufacturers offer more and more styling cosmetics For men, as well as a lot of hairdressing and beauty salons, focused mainly on representatives of strong sex.

Special is paid to its haircut and hairstyle. Since they are considered one of the main components of the image and image of a person.

Many men give their preference to short haircuts. After all, short hair is associated with the conservative representation of masculinity. Among the short hairstyles, it was the half-focus that has the most numerous army of fans, as it gives the male image a harmonious brutality, special attractiveness and charm. She perfectly emphasizes courageous cheekbones and chin, makes it possible to demonstrate a pumped neck. Torso, the same men acquire the volume and tightened appearance, and the shoulders look wider.

Currently, the half-fox is considered one of the most solid and stylish male haircuts. At the same time, the hairstyle is a classic option that will always be in the trend. Such a universal haircut can be seen on the heads of W. business people and athletes, in popular stars of show business and ordinary men.

History of the appearance of men's haircut semi-fox

What a hairstyle looks like a half-fox know many, but not everyone can tell from where it appeared from. From the name it becomes obvious that hairstyle has a sporting origin. Halfoks appeared thanks to a small modification of the boxing. Boxing is a popular hairstyle that received its distribution in the 20th century thanks to boxers. Fans and boxing professionals for convenience during training processes have been short enough. After all, they do not need hair completely, because they can climb into the eyes and interfere with focus on the duel. Thus, the convenience and practicality of the boxing hairstyle rated millions of men worldwide.

Later, the stylists have slightly modified this haircut. They began to cut the whiskey and the back of a length of 3-4 cm. And on the painshche long strands Up to 8 cm. Thus, the hairstyle appeared half-fox, which, with all its convenience, looks incredibly stylish and elegant. The peak of the popularity of the half-fox is considered the 90s of the last century. But according to numerous trendy publications and browsers, such a haircut remains one of the most sought-after and now.

Haircut features

Halfoks gives the opportunity At the maximum, open a face. This gives the image of its owner brutality, confidence and magnetism. The lack of unnecessary elements makes hairstyle relatively simple. However, thereby she demonstrates a volitional look young man And his high forehead.

The seating of the half-fox usually have a little lower than the bottom line or directly on it. On the top of the head leave longer strands. At the request of the client, hairdressers can make a half-fox with cheek. Although in the classical version of the hairstyle, the half-fox is supposed to be the absence.

To whom the half-fox fit

It is difficult to determine which age category is more suitable for such a hairstyle. Someone she may seem exclusively youth. But the half-fox with ease will decorate and a solid gray-haired man. With him, he will look for several years younger. The versatility of the hairstyle semi-fox is obvious. That is why the number of her fans from year to year is only increasing. The haircut will suit everyone who loves the simplicity and elegance of the style.

She is worn:

  • military;
  • business people;
  • successful athletes;
  • art people;
  • stars of pop and movies;
  • office workers;
  • those who do not want to pay a lot of time to care for long hair.

The haircut equally harmoniously looks like on the negotiations and on the fun holidays and parties.

Advantage of half-fox It is believed that it suits the owners of any hair quality. But the ideal option for him is still thick straight hair. Such a type of hair is easiest to give fit form. Curly client curls can be a problem for the hairdresser. But the experienced master does not make it difficult and this difficult task. Thanks to high-quality work with curly curls, a very impressive result may turn out to be achieved on straight hair.

Men S. dark color The hair can embarrass in this hairstyle that the skin of the head through short hair looks contrast. Such an option can resemble balders. Therefore for beautiful view Halfoksa possessing light hair can be considered some advantage. However, such a feature stops from wearing a stylish half-fox only a small number of men. In addition, an experienced master of any hair will be able to put in perfect hairstyle.

As for the criteria of the face form, the longest haircut suits people with a square shape or with perfectly oval. The chief clients of the salons and hairdressers also look great with the half-fox. If a man has an elongated thin face, hairstyle can aggravate this situation. Since haircuts with different levels of hair visually make the lines of the face longer, distorting its proportions. At the same time, a coarse square shape of a half-fox softens and gives it aristocratic traits. In any case, it is very important that the specialist makes the most suitable lengths of hair layers.

The only contraindication to the wearing semi-fox can be the presence of explicit defects on the skin of the head, which man would like to hide. Short haircut It will not allow it.

The technology of execution of half-fox

The technology of execution of this male haircut currently has most masters and hairdressing lovers. This is due to the fact that there are no difficulty in the technique of haircuts and does not need special additional equipment for it. For its implementation, only machine for haircuts, straight and mobilbin scissors, razor and calculation will be required.

Consider the technique of hairstyle:

As a result, the client turns out a haircut for which special care and styling agents are not required. At the same time, his hair always look stylish and neat. It will be especially convenient to haircut those who are forced to wash their heads often.

Advantages of haircuts

The countless advantages of this hairstyle allow it to maintain incredible popularity over long age. The offer of this hairstyle can be found in any price list. From the budget hairdresser to the prestigious beauty salon.

The main advantages of hairstyles include the following:

Haircut care rules

Most men in short haircut mainly attracts simplicity of care. With a haircut of a half-focus you can simply wash your head and comb. After that, you can look great without any additional actions.

However, if a man has time and desire, you can experiment with hairstyle with the use of fixing funds. An elongated part of the hair can be beautifully lifted and fixed in this position with gel or wax. It is worth noting that such stacking is more suitable for youth style.

If you want to have a short haircut, but at the same time save space for fantasies and experiments with hair styling, as well as add a little negligence and effects to add a haircut of a half-fox. She entered the classics of men's hairstyles and is already unlikely to come out of fashion. In addition, currently appeared and women's options half-fox. Bold ladies, too, appreciated it. After all, with such a haircut, you can always be well-groomed and irresistible with minimal temporary and financial costs.

N and photo male haircut semobox you can see the immediate visual illustration this type hairstyles In addition to pictures, we will also describe it verbally, lay out the benefits and give certain recommendations.

Halfoks: Distinctive features

Halfokox is a classic male haircut that will suit almost any representative of a strong sex. This hairstyle contributes to the formation of masculinity, confidence and reliability in the image, it looks unusually stylish and at the same time is not an overly throw (and therefore - almost universal). A distinctive feature - unpretentiousness in care: half-fox does not require any styling: the hair is quite simple to straighten with hand.

The half-fox haircuts make representatives of different segments of the population: many entrepreneurs, lawyers, military, students, sometimes children are preferred, sometimes children - the spectrum of options here is unreserved. However, it is impossible not to note the easy aristocratic seal lying on the hairstyle of this type; It is not good to popular in the bohemian and elite circles of people who follow their appearance. Halfokox is able to emphasize the selection and cheekbones, to highlight the muscles, moreover, making the top of the body more tightened in the visual plan.

Structure and structural advantages

In structural plan, the half-fox is such a hairstyle in which the transition from long hair to short is gracefully implemented. Long strands remain on the top, but are being made shorter in the occipital and temporal areas. If we talk strictly, then the length of strands is usually varied in the range from five to eight centimeters, and below - from three to five centimeters. However, it is although classic, but not an axiomatic canon: retreats are possible. Sometimes even leave relatively long cheek - This is so-called. Club semi-mongox, which will probably enjoy active young people.

Important advantage: Halfoks is considered short haircutnot creating a visual impression of a small amount of hair. It is this trait that caused the popularity of the hairstyle: it was possible to move at first glance at all. There are no age limitations. Hairstyle will probably enjoy it to people who prefer to look well-groomed and neat, but do not like to spend a lot of time. Due to structural uncomplication, it is low and cost (however, everything depends on the hairdresser).

Who comes up?

As noted above, the haircut of the half-fox is universal and suits almost any man. However, it is ideal for people with a rounded face type, since several layers in the visual plan have a lengthetic effect. Of course, it will be great to look at the event that a person has a square or oval face. Careful worth being to be representatives of a strong floor with elongated persons: in this case it is recommended to consult with the hairdresser.

If we talk about the type of hair, it can be noted that the semi-focus looks perfectly on thick and direct strands: it is the maximum number of opportunities in terms of individual modeling and structuring. However, it is quite interesting - in other words, extraordinary - half-fox may look on the wavy hair. You can see the photo of the male haircut of the half-fox illustrating this thesis.

Men's haircuts with the names of Halfoks: varieties

At the moment, the following types of haircuts are distinguished:
Classic. Using low-length nozzles, a transition line is created, starting in the temporal area and reaching up to the occipital. The width of the transition border is the order of one and a half centimeters.

Modern execution. To date, fashionable is the creation of an ornament or picture on the side.

Club option. Already mentioned above: This is a classic version of the check.

Technique: Theory and Practice

You can see the men's haircut procedure on the video. We describe it in gradually in general:

  1. Double type edge is done. Straight in the temple zone and the backbone, then - nizhny Kra Growth. At the same time, the master invariably spends the length adjustment in accordance with individual requirements.
  2. There is a branch of strands On the nape: the hairdresser starts from the end and in the end comes to the depths of the chapels. Then, with the help of the machine, all deviations from the set structure are corrected, the edging line is aligned.
  3. In zone temples Hair Stream at an Angle At forty-five degrees, we create certain probes. In the occipital region, they are horizontally; The tips are sent to the back of the head.
  4. The final stage is work with bangs: It all depends on the individual wishes.