Anti-aging face masks with carrot juice. How to make a carrot face mask. For acne: carrot juice, or raw carrots

If you are concerned about problems such as pallor, laxity and wrinkles, dry or oily skin, you do not need to resort to help professional cosmetologists... A mask made from carrots for the face can help - a remedy that has been successfully used at home by many generations of women.

This root vegetable has a unique composition:

  1. Carotene is a pigment that gives elasticity to the epidermis and, thanks to its coloring properties, improves the skin tone of the face.
  2. Vitamin A - relieves inflammation, strengthens cells, makes the face smoother.
  3. Vitamin PP - tones up.
  4. Vitamin C - heals tissues, stimulates collagen production.
  5. Vitamin K - fights against age-related changes.
  6. Potassium - affects water balance in tissues, which helps fight dryness.
  7. Folic acid - improves UV protection.
  8. B vitamins and trace elements nourish the skin and improve its condition with the regular use of carrots.

A great advantage of the root crop is that the products based on it are universal. With the correct combination of the components of the masks, a positive effect can be achieved with any type of skin, you can get rid of many problems.

Carrots are harmless - they can be used regularly throughout the year by all women, regardless of age. The only limitation is an allergy to the root vegetable or other components of the masks.

  • autumn and spring beriberi;
  • pallor of the face;
  • pigmentation;
  • inflammatory rashes, including adolescent acne;
  • the appearance of small wrinkles;
  • flabbiness, withering of the skin.

With regular use, the improvement of complexion, tissue healing, and rejuvenation is guaranteed. The only case in which the use of carrots is useless is the desire to brighten the face.

It is very simple to use cosmetics based on carrots, you only need to follow a few basic rules:

  • you need to apply the root crop regularly, at least weekly;
  • keeping the product on the skin for more than 15 minutes is dangerous - instead of a pleasant blush, you can get a yellowing of the face or the acquisition of a brownish tone;
  • before using any mask, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to its components - for this, a little mixture is applied to the back of the wrist;
  • before using carrots, the skin must be cleaned with a scrub.

Universal masks for health and beauty

First of all, carrots can be applied to the face by themselves - grate a sufficient amount of it on a fine grater, getting a gruel with a uniform consistency, and apply a thick layer on the face. However, additional components of the carrot mask will allow you to achieve more interesting effects.

Carrot scrub

Carrots also help in cleansing the face. To get a carrot scrub, you need to mix finely grated root vegetable with semolina in a 2: 1 ratio. The mixture is rubbed into the skin with massaging circular movements.


Carrot mask with cow's milk has a strong soothing effect. It is prepared from two tablespoons of carrot puree and three - heated milk. This mixture softens the skin and helps fight inflammation.

Adding a small amount of milk to the classic carrot mask also helps fight sunburn... It is worth remembering that the skin in this state, especially light, is more vulnerable and easier to stain with carrot pigment, so the mixture should not be left on the face for a long time.

Rejuvenating mask

The antioxidants in carrot juice slow down the aging mechanisms anyway. However, such a mask helps to fight age-related changes:

  • carrot gruel;
  • grated green apple.

The products are mixed in equal parts. Instead of such a mixture, you can use baby puree with carrots and apple. Another option is to add some concentrated apple juice and finely chopped greens such as parsley to the grated carrots.

Dry skin masks

Vegetable oil

To achieve a mushy consistency of grated carrots, you need to use the smallest size grater. The mask moisturizes, eliminates flaking, makes the face softer and more tender. You can also reduce flaking by replacing olive oil with regular sunflower oil.

The oil is also used in such a remedy for dryness:

  • boiled carrots;
  • 1 tsp. oat flour and sunflower oil;
  • raw chicken egg yolk.

Boiled carrots with honey

  • boiled carrot puree;
  • 1 tsp flower honey.

The mask has a moisturizing, tightening and nourishing effect, giving the skin a natural glow.

Cream and curd

  • carrot puree or juice;
  • 1 tsp cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese.

The mask not only fills dry skin with moisture, but also makes it smoother, relieving the face of wrinkles.


For dry skin, a carrot and coconut face mask will help. It includes:

  • coconut oil extract;
  • almond oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn and amaranth berry extracts;
  • vanilla;
  • natural carrots.

The product is rich in vitamins, it moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin of the face. You can use it for daily care applying in the morning or evening and rinsing off with cool water. Avoid the eye area when applying the mask.

Cream and yolk

  • carrot gruel;
  • the yolk of one raw egg;
  • 1 tsp cream.

The product is suitable for improving the condition of even the driest skin.

Sour cream mask

1 tsp sour cream is mixed with raw carrots, grated on a fine grater. You can keep the mixture on the skin a little longer - about 20 minutes. The fatter the sour cream, the better the effect, so it is recommended to use a homemade product. The mask not only moisturizes dry but also soothes sensitive skin.

In addition to mashed potatoes, frozen carrot juice will help. To achieve a healing effect, it is enough to wipe the skin with an ice cube made of juice once a day; after the procedure, the face is washed with cool water. Ice also improves tone combination skin making it fresher and more radiant.

Products for oily skin

Due to its rich composition, carrots can not only moisturize, but also dry the skin, if you add the right additional components to the grated root vegetable. The main drying product is egg white.

Protein and wheat flour

  • 2 tbsp. l. grated carrots;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 1 tsp flour.

Flour is a binder that makes the mask thicker. The active substances are absorbed into the skin and act on the glands, tighten pores and reduce the amount of sebum produced. It helps to get rid of oily sheen and make the skin more elastic.

Protein and starch

2 tbsp. l. carrot puree is mixed with one whipped protein, starch is added in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. and 1 tsp. lemon juice... The mask tightens the pores, makes the complexion look healthier. Starch makes the mixture thicker - if this interferes with applying the mask, you can dilute it with a small amount of warm boiled water.

Fight acne

Carrots have an anti-inflammatory effect, so the root vegetable has found application in the fight against acne. This face mask for acne will help best:

  • carrot puree - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • mashed potatoes or starch - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • 1 egg yolk.

This mask will get rid of both single acne in adults and profuse teenage rashes. In addition, it relaxes, refreshes and soothes tired skin.

You can use carrot juice instead of a mask. It has a drying effect, relieves inflammation, and kills bacteria. You can use a cotton pad to rub the skin with juice. The juice should be fresh, it is recommended to squeeze it just before application. If you don't have a juicer, you can get enough juice by squeezing finely grated carrots. With the help of gauze, you can make compresses from carrot gruel.

Many have long known about the benefits of ordinary carrots for the body. This vegetable is a very popular ingredient in home cosmetology... Carrot juice in face masks is an irreplaceable ingredient because it has miraculous properties. This is what lovers of home procedures most often say about him.

So, what is this vegetable good for? What masks can be made with it at home? We will talk about this further.

About the benefits of carrots for facial skin

For the face, a carrot mask is useful primarily because of the large amount of keratin contained in this vegetable. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it smoother and more silky. A positive result can be seen already after the first applications.

The fair sex, who regularly use such a product at home, very often notice the lifting effect that appears due to the frequent use of carrots in masks. The cells of the skin epithelium are filled with moisture and become more elastic, which visually refreshes the skin.

In addition, a carrot face mask, properly done in the evening, can eliminate signs of fatigue. This effect is achieved with the help of vitamin PP, which is also found in large quantities in vegetables.

Cosmetologists recommend applying fresh carrots to your face or rubbing the skin with the juice of this vegetable in the summer, especially on sunny days. The beneficial components contained in it actively protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Acne mask

Often, girls and women make carrot masks for acne, because they believe that they are very helpful. As fans of such a mixture note, after several regular procedures, you can notice positive changes: the skin of the face becomes light and ruddy, the pores are very well cleansed, and of course, the amount of inflammation and rashes decreases. It can also help you get rid of acne in just a few days.

Such a mask is prepared very easily. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of finely grated carrots, a teaspoon of ordinary wheat flour, and egg white. All components should be mixed very well until a homogeneous mass is formed, and then applied to previously cleansed skin. This mixture should be kept for about 30 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Carrot face mask is great for fighting age-related changes, such as wrinkles. This is due to the large amount of keratin in the vegetable. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, nourishes it, making it firmer and fresher. Beauticians also advise to apply a face mask with starch and carrot juice and to the area around the eyes, which is known to be more gentle.

To prepare such a mask, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, the same amount of potato starch, five tbsp. l. freshly squeezed carrot juice. You will also need 500 ml of purified warm water, which must first be boiled.

It will take some time to prepare such a mask. To do this, you need to dilute the starch in water and leave for 15 minutes. After that, all the ingredients are mixed and brought to a homogeneous state. The mask should be applied only to a cleansed face, it should be kept for 20-30 minutes. You can repeat this procedure quite often - the result will not be long in coming, because, according to its regular users, a face mask made from carrot juice, starch and sour cream works just amazingly!

Mask for oily skin

Carrot mask is also great for oily skin faces. It helps to fight all the problems that may arise in the owners of this type of skin. To prepare this miraculous mixture, you must first boil the carrots, and then make mashed potatoes from them. Two tablespoons of the resulting gruel must be mixed with egg white, and then add a teaspoon of ordinary wheat flour to the total mass. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed to make the mixture smooth. Then you can apply it to all problem areas. This carrot face mask should be kept on the skin for about 20 minutes until it dries up.

Mask for dry skin

Surprisingly, carrots are such a versatile ingredient for making masks that home-made cosmetics using them are suitable for any skin, including dry skin. As mentioned above, the components contained in its composition perfectly fill the epithelium with moisture, which is so lacking in dry skin. The price of a carrot face mask prepared according to this recipe will be low. As people who have already tried this mask note in their comments, it moisturizes the skin quite effectively. As a rule, its cost is about 30-50 rubles.

In order to make this miracle cure, you need to take a couple of teaspoons of olive oil (it is best to use a first-pressed product), add one yolk to it, as well as a couple of tablespoons of puree made from pre-cooked carrots. All components must be thoroughly grinded so that the mass becomes as homogeneous as possible. The resulting mask should be applied to the entire face area and kept for half an hour. It is during this time that all the necessary components will have time to be absorbed into the pores and fill them with the required amount of moisture. Improvement can be noticed after several regular uses. appearance... And the face will look fresher and more vigorous.

Carrot and cranberry mask

In reviews of homemade carrot face masks, it is often said that a mask prepared with an additional and very useful ingredient for the skin - cranberry juice - can become an original and effective option. To make it yourself, you need to finely grate one medium-sized carrot, add a teaspoon of potato starch, egg yolk, and a few drops of cranberry juice to the resulting gruel. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed so that the vegetable gives the required amount of juice.

After preparing the mask, apply it to the skin of the face and leave it for a while. You need to keep it until the mixture begins to dry out. At the same time, some cosmetologists recommend combining the waiting process with a face massage, during which very useful carrot juice will be better absorbed into the pores, which will have a positive effect on the overall result.

Carrot and honey mask

O useful properties honey is also known to many. However, not everyone knows that this component perfectly helps to get rid of blackheads and other problems that appear due to overly oily skin. So, in reviews of a carrot face mask for acne, it is often said that it can be diversified by adding honey. With its help, you can significantly improve the strength of the home cosmetic product.

In order to prepare a carrot-honey mask, you should take a couple of tablespoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice, one spoonful of honey (flower is best used) and the same amount of wheat flour. Having combined all the ingredients in one bowl, you need to mix them thoroughly, and then apply to the skin for about 20 minutes.

Carrot and sour cream mask

Another mask, according to many women, has miraculous properties. It is made from two useful ingredients - sour cream and carrots. To create it, it is best to choose milk product with the highest fat content. Some cosmetologists even recommend using homemade sour cream. Any carrot will do. The main thing is to keep it fresh.

As for the proportions, the mass should be prepared from sour cream and fresh carrots chopped on a fine grater, in proportions 1: 2, respectively. The ingredients must be mixed very well and applied to the skin for at least 30 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Carrot juice and dairy mask

For the preparation of such a mask, only products with a high fat content should be used. It is advisable to take homemade cottage cheese, which includes the largest number useful components.

To prepare a miraculous mask that helps fight various skin problems and just nourishes it well, you need to combine a teaspoon of homemade cottage cheese and the same amount of yogurt in one dish. Add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice to the mixture. All components should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin using massage movements, since the mask will have a slightly liquid consistency.

After 20-30 minutes, the dried mixture can be washed off. Already after the first application, women notice an amazing result.

Due to the fact that today everyone has access to any information of interest to him, most people find for themselves the answer to every question of interest. In pursuit of beauty and youth, women use a huge number of means to improve the condition of their skin, give their face a healthy glow and hide the first signs of aging in the dermis. Carrots being natural product, is not only tasty and healthy food, but can have a positive effect on the skin of the face. For this reason, most of the fair sex use it as a tool for creating all kinds of masks.

Why is carrot mask useful for facial skin?

Carrots are a very useful vegetable that has a beneficial effect on the skin, both in the process of classic consumption, and when used as a component for the preparation of a cosmetic mask. This is due to the fact that carrots contain a huge amount of nutrients, including:

  • vitamin A is the substance that is present in the composition of carrots in the highest concentration. This provitamin helps to smooth out fine expression lines, refresh the skin, making it smoother. Also, the substance has a beneficial effect on skin color and helps relieve inflammation;
  • vitamin PP - perfectly tones and nourishes the dermis;
  • vitamin C - stimulates the production of collagen, as a result of which the condition of the integument improves, wrinkles are smoothed out and inflammatory processes gradually disappear;
  • vitamin K - best remedy to even out the tone of the face and combat age spots and bruising under the eyes;
  • potassium - contributes to the retention of moisture by the cells of the dermis, as a result of which the water balance is normalized, flaking and signs of premature skin aging disappear, etc.

It should be noted that the composition of carrots also contains vitamins of groups B and E, and such useful substances as zinc, magnesium and calcium. With prolonged use of masks based on pulp or carrot juice, qualitative changes can be achieved, including:

  • even out skin tone;
  • increasing the tone and elasticity of the dermis;
  • the integuments become smoother and more pleasant to the touch;
  • wrinkles are smoothed;
  • bruises under the eyes disappear;
  • decreases sensitivity to external influences;
  • water balance is restored, etc.

How to make a carrot mask at home

Carrots are a product that contains a large number of different nutrients, which makes it possible to use them when creating cosmetic masks for face. The carrots included in the mask can be pulp or juice, depending on the formulation of the drug. Below are recipes for several of the most popular and effective masks used for various purposes.

An effective acne mask recipe

  • This recipe is highly effective remedy for the treatment of acne, inflammation of the face and acne.

  • The composition is suitable not only as a therapeutic product, but also as a drug for the prevention of the described problems.

  • For cooking, you need to squeeze the carrots to get two tablespoons of juice and mix it with the egg yolk.

  • Then a tablespoon of still warm mashed potatoes is introduced into the composition, after which all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. You need to withstand this mask from 30 to 40 minutes.

Masks from starch, sour cream and carrot juice for wrinkles

This composition is perfect for smoothing wrinkles and toning aging skin. With the help of the tool, you can breathe a second youth into the skin of the face, or use it as a prophylactic agent to prevent the occurrence of age-related changes.

First of all, you need to dilute a teaspoon of starch to a mushy state, then pour in one tablespoon of carrot juice. Another important element is sour cream, added in the volume of one teaspoon. All ingredients must be mixed well, after which the mask is ready for application.

Cooking for oily skin

To prepare the mask, grind the carrots in a blender to the state of gruel, after which you need to take one chicken egg and separate the white from the yolk.

  • Beat the protein until thick foam.

  • Add one tablespoon of carrot mass to it and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

  • You can thicken the resulting mass with flour.

The composition is applied to the face for 20-30 minutes, after which it is removed by rinsing with warm water. This mask perfectly helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, removing excess fat from the integument of the face.

For dry skin based on carrots and olive oil

This recipe will be to the liking of all owners of dry, flaky and problem skin... With regular use, the product allows you to restore the water balance in the cells of the dermis, prevent the occurrence of degenerative skin processes and get rid of the inflammatory processes that occur on the face due to its drying out.

  • For cooking, you need to chop in a blender or grate one small carrot on a fine grater, add 2 teaspoons of olive oil to it.

  • You should also pour one fresh egg yolk into the mixture, then mix the product until smooth.

  • The mask is applied every evening on the face and kept for about half an hour, and then washed off with water.

Overview of masks that you can buy in stores

Today, on the shelves of shops selling cosmetics, you can find a large number of preparations for improving the condition of the skin of the face, which are based on carrot extract. Thanks to this component, the product automatically becomes fortified and has a high potential of useful substances for correcting and maintaining integuments in good shape. Below are the most popular products that are widely used among women, on the basis of which we can assert a high degree of their effectiveness.

Carrot Mask Hendel's Garden

The presented mask is excellent cosmetic product to improve the condition of the skin. It is used to treat acne, acne, blackheads, pimples and other skin abnormalities. The peculiarity of the described product lies in the composition, which includes carrot extract, saturated with a large amount of vitamins. The drug is rich in a vitamin complex, including vitamins of groups: B, A, C, K and so on. The composition also contains other components that are useful for the skin of the face, which help to retain moisture in the dermis, enrich it with oxygen and all the necessary nutrients.

Meela Meelo "Carrot-coconut"

The "Carrot-Coconut" mask is an effective remedy for problematic and dry skin. The use of the product leads to qualitative changes in the skin, during which the integuments acquire a healthy color and a slight blush, become smoother and softer, and their elasticity increases. The effect is achieved as a result of exposure to the dermis of natural coconut oil and carrot extract, thanks to which the mask has a high potential, as it contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and nutrients.