Christmas entertainment program for children. Scenario of the competitive program "Christmas gatherings. Patterns on glass

Christmas holiday script for senior preschoolers

Folklore holiday for senior children preschool age "Saty evenings (Christmas. Sky. Baptism)."


Develop a musical horizon of children through best images World Culture: Russian Folklore, Bright Classic Works (Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Vivaldi, Schubert, etc.), as well as works of modern compensitors (s.ramaninov, A.Varlamov, A.Pinegin);

Expand the ideas about the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people in the context of folk and copyright folk artworks ("Music", " Fiction"," Artistic Creativity "," Socialization ");

Develop the musical and creative abilities of children through theatricalization ("Music", "Communication").

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children and their parents about the traditional celebration in Russia, a deception and baptism.

Working with parents for the preparation of the musical repertoire for the holiday, the distribution of roles (omens: Bear, B.Ya., goat (goat), cock, evil spirits, etc.)

Heading with children of the musical repertoire (ritual songs, games).

Participation of adults and children in the design of the hall for the holiday (the interior of the Russian hut, street).


1. "House"

2. "Tuben"

3. "Pie"

3. "Goat"

4. "Leshey Zhmurki"

Songs and dances:

  1. Carols
  2. Shchedrik
  3. "Winter Song"
  4. "Snow Song"
  5. "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Holiday move

Waltz sounds from Ballet P. I. Tchaikovsky "Sleeping Beauty". Snowflake girls run on the playground before the Christmas tree and circled in dance. Gradually, their movements are becoming slower, and finally, they one after another freeze in a variety of poses. Guests are included.


Under cover soft, snow

Dormlet Russian village

All roads, all paths

White snow froze

Snow under the sun silver

Clear light over it flows,

And the words sound:

"Hello, holiday

Light, clear

Great and beautiful,

Christmas holiday! "

All day, the snowstorm circled,

Over the ground all night chalk

Everything in the forest she covered,

Pretty, turned off -

And came here.

Hello, dear guys! How many gathered today at this wonderful christmas tree! And even I, Grayana Meltelitsa, came to you here from your snow-covered forest. I had a lot of work in the last days Before Christmas: To dress everything in the forest, cover it with warmer - after all, in front of Christmas frosts, harsh, crackling. And I looked at you why. It seemed to me that several of my granddaughters crawled here here - white snowflakes. Probably the Christmas tree with their own lights here. Do not understand, stupid, that here, warm, they will fall asleep and melted. Help me save them guys! If we sing them a song about a blizzard, about the winter in the snowy forest, they will revive again, feeling the breath of the cold. Stop in a circle!

Sing the song about the winter on the choice of music. Creaters ("Winter Song" - preparatory group, "Snow Song" - senior group). Snowflakes gradually come to life and get into a common round dance.


Thanks to the song and, of course, thank you, guys, that they revived with their granddaughters of my granddaughters.(Snezhinkam ). And you, dear, fly back to the will, and then melt.

Snowflakes run first to the Christmas tree, and then, whispeting something on the Gmecakers, "fly away."


Guys, want to know what they whispered to me on the oral snowflakes? The Christmas tree told them one of their mystery - a very interesting, almost fabulous story, which occurred 2000 years ago. Listen to ...

Long ago in beautiful city Bethley came good people Joseph and Maria. They passed the big way, they were tired, starved and wanted to relax.

Solemn spiritual music sounds. Snowflakes make a light screen, on which the decoration in the form of a temple with three large windows-arches has been strengthened.


Good evening, the owner! Do you have a free room in a hotel to spend the night of poor travelers?


We walked here from the distant city of Nazareth, and so tired.


I have no free room, travelers. Because of the order of Caesar, rewrite all the people of the country in our Bethlehem, so many people arrived in our Bethlehem.


We would at least some chelter.


I am already a chungent last passed the merchant. There was only a cave for livestock, but you won't go there. There is nothing there but straw


Let's go, find this cave. We spend on straw.

Go. Music sounds again. The third window opens. Night, Valley.

1st shepherd.

Night is dark, we would not lose our herds.

2nd shepherd.

Look at what a strong, bright light poured suddenly from heaven! What is it? How scary!


Do not be afraid. I argue to you and all people joy the Great. At that moment, the baby was born in Bethlehem Jewish. This is the future savior of the world - Jesus Christ. Go to the city and there in the cave will find a baby in the pellets lying in the nursery for livestock.

Music. The central window opens. Cave with a baby in the manger and the Virgin Maria near him. Palma, olive and Christmas tree grow at the entrance.


Clear night. Quietly

Brightly burning star over cave.

Angels Choir Small for the Hill,

Light blue pouring softly from the gaps.

In Yaslay, the babies savior lies

Thousands of years were waiting for arrival.

Happiness to those who will hurry to him.

Happy people! Singing nature!

1st shepherd.

We came to bow down the divine infant.

Here is my bread, cheese, honey.

We brought him these modest gifts.

2nd shepherd.

And I will put in the nursery of fresh grass and the smell hay.



What happiness! I, Sleeping Palma Rasta at the very entrance to the cave, in which Jesus Christ was born.


And I, odoring olives, grew here


And I, Green Tree, Rasta here!


Everything: And people, and beasts, and plants - seek to give the baby with various benefits. I'm lining my crown over him, let my twigs bring him coolness.


And I stretch my branches to him. Let fragrant oil dripping with them and fills the cave with aroma.


Take me with me, I also want to worship the Divine Infant.


Where are you with us! What do you have? Only spiny needles Yes, nasty sticky resin.

Go to the baby.


No one. I am alone.

Night quiet. Star calls, burns.

All go, go to the Holy Cave.

Everyone to the son of God is in a hurry.

Well, am I? Nothing Christmas tree.

All in the barns here stand in the wilderness

I'm from here for the baby only

Pulling quietly from the soul.


How modest you, cute tree. I will reward you, now you will shine with lights, you will be decorated with stars from heaven. And the first baby will go to you first and smile to you, Christmas tree. And now every year on the day of the Nativity of Christ you will turn in the radiance of many lights, and the children looking at you will rejoice and have fun. And you, a modest green tree, will become a symbol of the Great Holiday - the Nativity of Christ.

Children decorate the Christmas tree.


Freaks of funny tree

Blooms and holiday christmas

From now on decorate.

All children Always! Always! Always!

Bell ringing sounds.


Guys, what a wonderful, fascinating story told us your Christmas tree. It turns out that she first decorated and dressed up an angel on the day of the christmas of little Christ. A long time ago it was, lots of years ago. In each family, at this time they prepared for the Christmas holiday: solemnly, with love decorated at home spruce branches, baked cakes, cookies and buns! And there were dance lyrics and dance drove - on the other end of the village it was heard. Looking at various comic and bright costumes, went to visit each other, ranging (sang special comic songs - carols, for it we gave each other with different gifts and sweets). Ahead was walking, carrying, carrying over the head "Bethlehem Star". People have fun and shook, having learned about the birth of the Divine Infant Jesus Christ, who will grow and bring to people happiness and joy. And now 2,000 years old people are dressing the Christmas tree on this day. So you have it - an elegant, beautiful, bright! Let's stand up in a dance around the Christmas tree and sing about a song about it.

Performed the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Metelitsa Well, now I invite everyone to walk, beat, play!


Under the cover of the night of the star

Dorming Russian village.

All the way, all the paths

White snow was covered.

Some lights around the windows

As if the asterisks are burning.

On fire runs in a snowdrift

With a star crowd guys.

Under the window they knock on

It sounds "christmas". Suitable for the door of the second youngest group. Semenovna with a suite - the treats of Semenovna is an educator of the younger group.

All sing:

Oxen, oxen, you walked through everything

On the vuls, in the paths.

To whom we sing songs - it will come true,

Who will come true - it does not happen.


Come out, boyar!

Go out, the owner!

Take guests from all disturbances!

Kolyada came - Call the gate!


Shchedrik - bucket, give dumplings!

Breast of kishka, a piece of sausages!


Do not give cheesecakes -

Get on top of the top!


Mr. Mrs.

Take the doors and give us:

Cake, kalach or something


Everything Open the chest, take the heels!


Please, guests are expensive!

Merry you and joy!

Folds a treat in a bag of combag.


Live to live together for years to 200!

Happiness to you, big health!

Happy New Year! With a new family!


Long time I will wait for you,

Holiday is not starting!

I have for each of you

And the word, and the place.

I slipped the fun for fun:

To whom - True, to whom - a fairy tale, to whom a song!

Today I was in the church, took the waters consecrated. I will sprinkle with holy water and this room, and my guests, my neighbors dear. Yes, and you have all the way for happiness, for a good share.

Semyonovna Kropyt Wing of Collar Timers and reads a poem.

We are glad to our meeting,

I'll light the candles today.

They are burning between us

Magic lights.

And foreshadow candles

Happy good evening.

Semenovna (contact guests)

What are you cheating?

What is surprised today?

What will tell?

What do you show?


Where we were - we do not say

And what they did - show!

1 boy . Once, two, three - "Doms" you will be.

The chosen girl sits down apart from the rest.

The game "House":

Children go in a circle and sing (in the center of the house):

Oh, grandfather house,

You will blame us with water,

Unravel you

What we did yesterday.

Children whisper, negotiate that they will show. The house is guessing the task.

Semenovna And now you, girls, play!

Game "House" repeated with girls, the boy is chosen, it sits separately, etc.

Metelitsa says goodbye to Semyonovna and guests go.

Metelitsa Ay - yes to other neighbors of Collast!

Go, sing "generous":

Generous evening, good evening!

Good people on health!

Suitable for doors middle group. Knock on


Houses, owner with hostess?

The carriage came, revoke the gate!

Guests meet Stepanovna - the educator of the middle group.


Sorry, slept tightly, you did not know.

Help, guests are expensive!

Some folds in the bag.

Metelitsa And let's play in Sokol! In terms of falcon, choose.

The game "Falcon": children stand around. In the center of the circle - falcon, in the hands of Falola Tuben. The tambourine is started in a circle with the words: "Singing falcon, clear falcon on a high oak. With whom it will tell us a tambourine to him to dance. A child comes into the circle, in whose hands on these words will be tambourine. Together with Sokol, they dance.

Metelitsa And our goat is good - how, slightly!

Where is the goat horn - there is a stack there

Where is the goat with foot - there is a shine!

Goat - Girl-rudely rigged, selected.

Stepanovna Wow, goat, wow, gray!


Wow in Boru Boruka took!

Hunting go, want to kill the goat!

Stepanovna How did you cry, goat?

Goat oh oh oh ...

Stepanovna How did you laugh?

Kozhi hee-hee ...

The goat falls on the back, spreads his legs - hands on the sides. Stepanovna bypass goat.


What is it with her? Surely got sick?

It is necessary to treat her! Where is our thermometer?

It finds a thermometer, thinks.

Under what leg to put a thermometer to her?

Rises that one leg, then the other, finally bends his knee and puts the thermometer under his knee. Satisfied, shake hands.


Of this, the hostess, little!

You give us a sieve oats,

From above sausage, slice of sala,

So that the goat got up!

Stepanovna, along with the children of the middle group, takes out a treat and folds into the bag.


Now just right!

So that you were healthy,

To love holidays

And the rites did not forget!

Happiness to you! Happy New Year!

With a new family!

Ai-yes, to Ilyinichna on the gatherings!

Everyone goes to Ilyinichna, sing a carol.

Ilyinichna - the educator of the second middle group meets.

Welcome, guests are expensive!

Long time I will wait for you,

Holiday is not starting!


In the circle rather going

Per new game We are accepted!

Game "Lesheme Zhmurki":children stand in a circle, lying with knit eyes standing in a circle. Everyone goes a dance, and at the signal of the bell tape Gavrilovna, the left unexpectedly from the sinus pulls out a bag without the bottom and catches children, trying to shove them into the bag.


And now let's notch the house from the house.

I will now take a broom and let's notify all evil spirits. Guys, repeat after me: "Peace to everyone, evil grazing! WORLD ALL, SURFACE WON! "

Children repeat for Ilyinichny movement and text.

Metelitsa (turns alternately to the hostess, then to children)And what, the hostess, do not mind? Guys, do you want to repay?

Ilyinich And that's right! Interesting fate to experience your own!

Told Circle on the Sun,

So that our fortune telling is not confused.

A white rope is enveloped by a bench on which 6 sauces are covered with matter so that it is not necessary to see what lies on them. Causes children who want to know their fate.

1 Plate (Towel) Towel, towel is spread. Who will come to whom will come true.

Waiting for you the road, travel!

2 Plate (Bulk) Mouse on the hubber runs, loafing in the house drags.

In your house wealth will be well-being!

3 Plate (ring) Colek! This, mother, Lucina, Pequic Pies. Guests will be to you, or rather, the grooms.

To whom the ring will get - the wedding is close.

4 Plate (tape) Tape! Through the field of GoDuchi, Rousse Spindle Pletchi, silk binding.

Ribbon to wealth, profits.

5 Plate (button) Button! Oh, walked bug on the bootanic, removed the good of uoccalin.

To live in a big family a happy life.

6 Plate (wood. Sliver) Wooden pinch!

To whom this pinch will get, it will come true, it does not happen.

That live is rich, live well. And the chips is wooden -

TO strong healthfull of life.


And now it's time and treat.


Let in our hearts

Take a treat

Us good word Measure!

Meselitsa with children returned to the music hall.

Metelitsa Signs there is such - if the star from the sky is caught and the desire will be commenced, then it will certainly be fulfilled. Catch!

Throws snowflakes, children raise them and make desires.

Many desires? Just take care of the asterisk, but everyone will forget and nothing will come true. Yes, even remember the ancient saying: "We hope for God, and you yourself are not a bad!" That's, surely your desires will be performed. And now it's time and treat.

With the words yes, you will not be fed up.

Reb 1.

White snow white

Shipped roads.

We sang and danced,

Christmas holiday met.

Rear 2.

Let candles of Ogonek

Warms us all

And let in the new year

The call is heard laughter.

Rear 3.

Let love and good

We live with us next.

Feel friends, warmth

Your hands.


Let in our hearts

Christmas will light his spark of happiness,

Kindness and love to each other.

Take a treat

Me goodwith word remember!

Christmas holiday scenario

Under merry music there are readers with a bell.

R E B Y N O to 1: very sorry: won wonderful

And cheerful New Year.

And what a good one,

Nice holiday all of us waiting?

R E B Y N O to 2: In the sky, an asterisk, Merzaya,

Only appear barely,

Everyone knows everyone: the good will come

Light christmas holiday.

Range into the bell, children run away.

Sing the song "Christmas" (Magazine "Music Manager")

Silver snowball

This evening fabulous.

Month of stars burned

All the guys are joyful.

Heaven mind.


Go to us

Everything sniffs and sings.

On this day of christmas

Light stars bright.

Wonders are waiting for the guys,

Christmas tree with gifts.


Christmas, christmas!

All dreams come true,

And under the Christmas tree

The holiday does not end.


After the song, children are getting on the dance, the rest are sitting in their place.

R E B Y N O K: All white white from the fluff,

No order in the yard.

Walking a blizzard

White snow in January.

Grieves, mutitis, howls,

Snow in the driflests sees.

On the track is stele

White Metelitsa.

Dance "Metelitsa"

Dancers remain in their places.

In e d y u and me: circle christmas mound

Bells sound in the MGL

And with them in the direction of the word sounds

The world on earth and happiness to everyone.

We are glad to meet

I'll light the candles today

Let them burn between us

Magic lights.

"Stars" go beyond the scenes to wear stars. The rest are sitting in place. Take the hands of the candle.

In e d u u: christmas is religious holiday. Christmas Word itself says that someone was born. On the Bible Legend on January 7, Jesus Christ is born in the city of Vofleema, the Son of God.

The news of the birth of Jesus was spawned by heavenly angels.

In the sky, the asterisk lit Golden.

This asterisk was not simple.

The Most High God God litto the star.

And the star is burning, and shines

We are to save the way illuminates.

Dance of starfish

After the dance "Stars" remove the stars, take candles.

In E D, I: Christmas - the feast of believers in Christ. This is the expectation of happiness, peace, home heat and family consent.

Leading leaves. Children sit on their knees. The readers overlook the middle of the candles. To the music.

R E B Y N O to 1: Far Grad, Jerusalem!
His mohaws glorify
And in honor of the Born Son,
Gifts to this city send!
Believe angels and people:
Jesus Christ came to the light
And not in the wards, but in the manger,
The cave is closely appeared ...

R E B Y N O to 2: everything was illuminated by light.
People rejoice
Hope, faith appeared,
What life is now happy!

R E B Y N O to 3: a star that is not brighter,
Let us light the way in life!
Jesus Christ - our Savior,
He foreshadows joy in life!

R E B Y N O to 4: Fire Souls, Fire Hearts
For you, Christ we turn
Be cleaned in misery
We want!
You, christ we
We glorify!

Little dance with candles.

R E B Y N O to 5: has passed since these years
But people remember, we will remember
How naming you are on the light,
It became brighter the light in the sky!

R E B Y N O to 6: And with that magical night,

When the star was lit.

Jesus Slavm in the holiday

Magic - Christmas!

Merry music, fuss. Going off.

W and s in a l and 1: Colive the honest people on the festivities! Ranish, take a ratchet! Yes, in the whole family hurry to the beginning!

2nd: from all doors, from all the gates to us for a holiday hurry! Who knows how to work well, he knows how and have fun!

3rd: Winter rushing us! Hurry! Get out from the yard! Challenge, sing, dancing, joke!

Children come out, sing a wheelchair.

Kolyada, strid,

How to Kolyada walked

Ivanova Yard

And Ivanov yard on seven pillars.

Yes, on seven versts.

And this yard

All silk grass.

And on each blade

By pearls

Males of their children.

Hostess in house

How pancakes in honey.

R E B Y N O K: Moved Christmas - we waited for him for a long time. The shiky celebrates the people: having fun and sings. It is having fun old and young who got to our gatherings!

(A knock on the door is heard.)

(A knock is heard again) Aunt Alena and Matrius aunt.

Big health, happy new year!
With everyone else! Wheelchade, wheelchadder, got out young!
Sparrow flies, turns the tail,
And you, people, know, stood tables,
Take guests, celebrate Christmas!

T o t k a m \u200b\u200band t r ё n a: sow snow, sings,
Merry Christmas congratulations.
Merry christmas and a happy new year!
Hello, adults, hello, deudes, the world is your home!
Congratulations on Merry Christmas
Which came to your house.
I wish everyone, everyone so that you are healthy!
For many years, you lived together!

In e d y u and I: pass the guests expensive.

T т T K A L I N A: Sad by the side of the bench
To sit with you
Let's make you riddles
Who is intelligent to see!

Called the tracks,
Decreased windows.
Joy to children gave
And on sledding rode.

Invisible, carefully
He is to me
And draws as an artist,
It is patterns on the window.

Arrived asterisk
In the air a little
Village and melted
On my palm.

I was not raised - they blind out of the snow.
Instead of nose cleverly inserted carrots.
Eyes - Cars, hands - knots.
Cold, big, who am I so?
(Snow Baba)

To our home under the New Year
Someone from the forest will come,
All fluffy, in needles,
And the name is that guest ...
(Christmas tree)

T Y T K A L I N A: Well done guys all the riddles guess.

T yeah: Guys, do you know why the christmas symbol is the Christmas tree?

Children overlook and tell.

R E B Y N O K 1:

The great miracle did the night. The Savior God sent us.

In the forgotten cave, in the abandoned nursery, the baby, the Son of God lying.

Star over the cave as light travel, shone by scholars

And the loud song of shepherds is great and slightly rushed to heaven.

R E B Y N O K 2:

With people all the nature of the night picked up: noise on trees, sheets

The mysterious whisper was glory to God and smell stronger than flowers.

Three trees - palm, olives and tree at the entrance to the cave grew.

And the first days in the proud delighted baby babble brought.

R E B Y N O K 3:

Beautiful palm tree painted her green crown,

And with the gentle branches of silver olives, he ordered a fragrant fir.

Only a modest tree sadly stood: she did not have gifts,

And people's eyes did not captivate her unchanged cover.

R E B Y N O K 4:

I saw the Angel of the Lord and the Christmas tree with love said:

"You are modest, in sadness do not rotate, for it from God the award is destined to you."

He said - and the stars from the sky rolled on the Christmas tree one after another,

And all shone, and Palm with Maslina eclipsed with her beauty.

R E B Y N O to 5:

The baby from the bright starlight woke up, looked at the Christmas tree,

And the face suddenly lit up a smile, and he handed the handles to her.

And from that time every year I remember and piano chitty

Child Lee, an adult - all the holiday is welcome, and in every family a celebration!

T y T to and m and t r ё n a: what guys are well done!

In the e d y and I: and let's, guests are expensive, will become along with children in the dance and dance with the Christmas tree?!

Dance Middle Group "Christmas tree in christmas"

T y T to a m and t r ё n a: oh how fun you have. And let's play?

1. The relay "Gather Snowman"
Two teams ("Snowflake" and "Ice" are built into the columns each other. Each of the participants in two teams, the pair details of the snowman cut out from the cardboard are distributed. (Three circles - large, medium and small, hands, legs, eyes, nose - Carrot, bucket, broom). At the command of the leadership players of both teams, on pairs, run up to a certain place, put your part and return to your team. Wins a team that the snowman collected faster.

2. Skeepling "Snowflake"
Participate on one participant from the team. They are taken in two end of the ropes, which are tied by sticks. In the middle of the rope, the snowflake is tied. By team leading. Participants wipe the rope on a wand, coming to the center. Who will faster get to the snowflake, he wins.

3. Competition "Firewood for the furnace"
Two adult teams are built into two columns. On the contrary, in the box, lying on the brickels. By team leading, participants one by one. Run to the box, take one log and carry to your team. Wins a team that scores more firewood.

Matrön and Alyona, sit on a shop.

T y T to a m and t r ё n a: oh, I worried, Alyona!

T Y T K A L I N A: So you rest, Matriot! Tea is not young already!

In E D Y, I: Relax, guests are expensive and see how our kids are rejoiced with winter, snow and such a wonderful holiday!

Junior group "Snow-Snowball"

In E D Y, I: guys, and who will delight our guests poems?

R E B Y N O to 1: the whole family we this evening
Let's gather at the table,
Mom will say:
- Maybe candles
For the holiday of the holiday?
Electricity to pay off
Boil without it
And solemnly decorate
Total dinner
On Christmas!
Let the fire funny jump
Above the raspberry candle
And the candlestick is quietly crying
Stearin tear ...

R E B Y N O to 2: I ripped off the calendar
Sheet of the sixth of January,
And under it two words:
What to do? How to be?
Began a doubt:
What god to me to give
On his birthday?
Book? Pencil? Candy?
Maybe the box is this? ..
Bear? Saber? Or gun -
My best toy?
I postponed a pencil:
Did God give God?
Well, what does God have no?
And why should it have candy?!
Polystal album for brands -
This is also not a gift!
Threw a saber in the box, the gun -
My best toy ...
All day passed in the right.
And almost in a dream
I whispered to the most tears:
"Happy Birthday, Christ!"


T Y T K A L I N A: How wonderful we spent time!

T T K A M A T R Y N A: What a bright holiday!

T т T K A L I N A: You congratulate you on Merry Christmas!
Meet him with Christ!
Only he will find the light,
Protection from adversity and troubles!

T T K A M A T R Y N A: Fill let Jesus your home
Love, joy, good!
And remember - saving in it!
Congratulations on Christmas!

D E T and: Thank you!

Children get to the final song "Christmas goes to us"

Stars awnish gentle light

Slot Hello from Heaven!

And winds craped

Christmas goes to us!

The snow is spinning, light down ...

Clean the desire aloud!

Will be on the shower light

After all, our Christmas is soon!

Chorus. All my friends will gather together!

In this holiday, light without friends can not!

And he will be swollen in the dance of the Star Horovod,

And the tale will come to us!

Returns a holiday without end to childhood,

We reverse the heart today.

Let today again, the troubles of all called,

Christmas comes!)

This holiday is kindness,

And dreams and beauty

Every year comes to us,

Happiness will bring us.

He gives gifts to us!

We divide in half

And candy, and slappers,

Gingerbread fruit, toys.

Children become a semicircle.

T т T K A M A T R Y N A: Well, friends, we are time to say goodbye.

T. T K A L I N A: In Christmas, it is customary to give gifts. So we prepared something for you!

Give gifts to children.

In E D, I: what a wonderful tradition - give gifts. But I want another tradition to make a desire for us and blend the candles of Christmas cake!

Pull the pie. Guess the desire. Place candles.

All children are going to a bunch. Watching the audience.

In the e d, I: Blessed let the star go out.
And he shines in heaven for everyone who believes!
Holy sacrament of the birth of Christ
We will warm the soul of Orthodox happiness!
The whole world is filled with light and good!
Love, Hope, Faith! Merry Christmas!

Tambov Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution "Znamenskaya boarding schoolfor students with disabilities, "

Scenario of the competitive program

"Christmas gatherings"

Educator - Yuukina A.N.


Scenario of the competitive program "Christmas gatherings"

Goals and objectives:

- to expand the knowledge of students about orthodox holidays, their names and origin.

- develop memory, thinking, small motor fingers.

- educate the foundations of the moral behavior of students, to acquire children to Russian traditions.

Travel course:

Hello dear friends! Tell me, what holidays went, ----------- What holiday is approaching us? (children's responses)

Right, New Year, Christmas Old New Year, ------------- The Baptism of the Lord!

What is Christmas? (children's responses)

Christmas holiday Christ is the brightest and joyful day for many people. It was on this day that the girl of the son of Jesus Christ was born from the Virgin - the Savior of the world. Christmas is marked exactly 9 months after another church holiday - Annunciation (April 7), when an angel came to the Virgin Mary and announced the good news that she would give birth to the Son of God.

The first time Christmas was celebrated in Russia in 988. It is in this holiday that there is a strange combination of Christian and pagan rituals. And so far for Christmas and on the old new year we are guessing, warrant, wear fancy dresses, masks.

Preparing for the holiday thoroughly, a few days before Christmas, all the works stopped: it was believed that otherwise the year would pass in heavy works, without rest. For 6 weeks before the beginning of the holiday begins a strict post. People with prosperity honored for the duty these days to help the poor. Arranged the alpasic and prisons and distributed alms.

On the eve of Christmas - Christmas Eve - food was not allowed until the appearance of the first star, which marks the birth of the Savior of the world. When this Christmas star boom in the sky, everyone was in a hurry for a festive table.

On the eve of Christmas and on the day of the holiday, dressed in everything new, and even changed out several times so that the whole year was updates. From January 8, the shinties begin for 12 days before baptism. According to the ancient belief, on the days of the density, the newborn God is in the earth and sends generous gifts; What can you ask in prayer, then you will get. It was believed that at this time were performed the most cepete desires. The shints were accompanied by their customs and rites - bias, bias, shocked, fortune telling under Christmas, old new year and baptism. The shints were the time of recreation, games, entertainment, festivities.

- So we will play with you now!

Workout. Christmas riddles.

Among the winter is a big celebration.

Great holiday - ... (Christ Christ)!

Everyone is waiting for him - from kids, to the dad and mothers and all the smartests are in a hurry to the service ... (in the temple).

It is festively festive, light, pleasantly smells incense, burns in front of icons ... (lamps).

And, waving green needles bangs Christmas ... (Christmas trees).

So that with the prayer passed today, all people in the temple are lit ... (candles).

And the festive service everyone joyfully hit, and after Merry Christmas each other ... (congratulations).

Here, the celebration and the secret blows from everywhere and the heart freezes in the expectation ... (miracle).

After all, the miracle of all wonderful on this day came true - on earth was born ... (Jesus Christ).

The warm-up ended time for games!

  1. Competition "Christmas trees are"

Players whom I will call high - should raise your hands up; Low - to lower your hands and squatting; Thin - to make a circle; Wide - make a wider circle. Now play. The task of the lead as much as possible to confuse children.

For the competition you will need to prepare the leaflets on which you need to write parts of the body, such as lips, hand, leg, ear, a little finger on my left hand, nose. These leaflets fold into a box or cap so that it is not clear what is written on the leaves.

Two participants come out, everyone takes one piece of leaf, they must join with each other specified parts of the body. Thus, the two participants are trying to each other. The next participant comes to them, he and one of the first players take one piece of leaf, try on each other. Another participant is suitable and so on. It turns out a very fun chain. Do not forget to take a picture.

  1. Game "Hold Snowflake"

The game develops dexterity and endurance

The teacher distributes to each child to a small lump of wool, which he denotes the "snowflake". Further, the children break their lumps, and on the team of the host throw them up and begin blowing, so that as long as possible to keep your "snowflakes" in the air. The winner becomes the player who the very latter was able to keep his "snowflake" in the air.

  1. Game "Rewrote Snowman"

The game develops smartness and dexterity.

For this game, the following figures are prepared in advance: a hat, nose-carrot, broom and circles of different diameters.

This game is a steam room, that is, 2 players take part in it. Next, by team of the lead, each of the players begins to collect his "snowman". The winner becomes the player who will first collect her figurine.

  1. Game "in warm mittens"

For this game, a bag of toys and mittens is prepared in advance. The child gets thick mittens, which he dresses, and then lowers his hands in a bag with toys. His task is to determine what he caught.

  1. Competition "New clothes" (Competition for Christmas)

This contest can be held at the celebration of Christmas. The leading says that Christmas is customary to meet in new clothes. Then the participants are heard any pre-prepared fun clothes (someone for a couple of sizes more, somehow, on the contrary). And participants must wear this clothes for themselves in the minimum time. Whoever puts on faster and at the same time it will look more fun to look, he will win.

    Competition "Compose Poems" For this contest, it is necessary to prepare the first three lines for Christmas themes: "I congratulate myrches, I wish you happiness to fulfill all my dreams ...", etc. Participants are offered to finish the poem.

  1. "Sour" game

The game can be done on any holiday, the number of participants 2-4 people. We need two plastic banks sour cream or something like that, two scarfs or ropes and a crowd (as usual). Competition is satisfied (it is possible with a prize) - who will eat sour cream faster with his hands tied up. The spectacle is indescribable!

  1. Patterns on glass

According to the leading party runs to the sheet and draws snowflakes with eyes closed. The game continues while the New Year's song sounds. The one who drew more snowflakes on his "glass" is wins.

  1. Surprise game

Guests get or sit in a circle and to music begin to transmit a large box. As soon as the presenter stops music, Guest, who had a box, leaves. The box is started again in a circle, etc. I will still have one winner.

Educator: Well done boys! Snorzka showed their own. And what do you think I still need to do for christmas? (You can dress up in the dressed and walk through the streets. You need to go to visit and have fun. You need to give each other gifts and guess)

  1. Entertainment at Christmas "Foreign Boxes" (Entertainment for Christmas)

This entertainment is spent on Christmas. Various items are put in match boxes: a bus ticket, seeds from an apple, vitamin, coin, a piece of fabric, a fishing hook, a ring, a ringer from a toy machine.

Each item will be a prediction.

If you got a bus ticket, then this year you are waiting for a trip. If the seeds from the apple, then you grow a good harvest in the garden, if the vitamin, then you will have excellent health. If the coin - you will be rich, and if a piece of fabric, then you will have a lot of new outfits. If the fishing hook, then you will catch your goldfish. If the ring is waiting for you marriage. And if the wheel comes from the car, then you will be in the roads all year or buy a new car.

Final part .

Educator: Thank you all. Palace you, health, joy more, good luck and fun.

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Christmas I. new Year's celebration Completes the first half of the lesson by extracurricular activities "Sunny" (spiritual and moral direction) in grade 1 lyceum. In the first quarter, classes were used mainly to acquaint children with each other, with a school and rules school Life, adapting children. In the second quarter, the subject of the study was the traditions of the Russian people, an understanding of the meaning of Russian folk fairy tales And their moral educational significance. Conducted by teachers in various schools in the country, and on our site you can read and download the original work for the holiday.

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is a solemn completion of the half, his beautiful and emotional "point".

The purpose of the event is:The emotional and spiritual experience of the joy of New Year's and Christmas holidays, creating in the class of joyful, happy and friendly atmosphere, a positive completion of the first half of the year.

Objectives of the event:

  • To acquaint children with the meaning of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and the tradition of His celebration in Russia;
  • Demonstrate the talents and abilities of each child (all the roles are obtained);
  • Form artistic, literary, musical taste of children, culture of behavior and communication;
  • Attracting parents for the preparation of the holiday (the manufacture of verte, costumes, preparation of treats) and the assimilation of the traditions of domestic culture;
  • Combining the efforts of teachers in working with class (teacher primary classes, music teacher, teacher of spiritual and moral culture).

Forms of organization of children:

Individual, collective, group. Namely:

  • Pych Declamation;
  • Choral performance of songs;
  • Artistic support of songs and playing scenes in the course of the event;
  • Riddling and guessing riddles;
  • Active listening;
  • Perception of music and video
  • Painting, artistic creativity and cutting when class design.

The scenario consists of the entry and four components of the scenes: "In the Cave of Christmas", "Winter", "Christmas tree" and "Bolyovier".

The leading is the teacher of Orthodox culture (extracurricular activities), he is helped by the class teacher of first-graders and music teacher.

Event flow

1. Introduction

The class is decorated with an elegant Christmas tree, snowflakes, drawings of children and christmas verteres. (Verp - Image of the cave, where the holy family is with a baby Christ, animals and those who come to the bow and / or the Magi with gifts.)

Tables are delivered along the perimeter of the class of the letter "P". Parents are sitting in an external circle, children in the internal. Children are elegant, in the costumes. Leading - in Russian folk costume.

Slides are demonstrated on the screen.

Elegant children with a star.

Child 1:

Under the cover of the night of the star
Dorming Russian village;
All the way, all the paths
White snow cooked ...

Child 2:

Someone lights around the windows,
As if the asterisks are burning;
On fire runs a snowdrift
With a star crowd guys.

Child 3:

Under the windows knocking ..
"Your christmas" sing
"Waits! Waits!" -
Once there and here.

Child 4:

And in a non-stroke children's choir
So mysteriously clean
So the holy message is always
About the birth of Christ ...

(A.Karinf's "Christ")

Song "Christmas" sounds:

Bright stars in the sky burns,
Children at the Christmas tree Mom says:
"In the whole world celebration,
Christmas comes!
Christmas comes! "

Happy holiday, Happy Holiday
Adults and guys
Even pursuit say it
Because the celebration,
Because christmas.
Christmas has come.

We don't want to sleep on this night at all,
I want to want to be in the city of Bethlehem,
Look at the celebration
Where there was Christmas.
Where there was Christmas.


Good day to all kind people!
Let the fun holiday be,
Merry Christmas Congratulations,
Happiness, we wish you joy!

We will tell you now about this bright holiday. Christ christ And how he was celebrated in Russia.

2. Scene "In Christmas Cave"

Leading:Christmas holiday Christ is the brightest joyful day for people. It was on this day that the girl of the son of Jesus Christ was born from the Virgin - the Savior of the world. And it was so.

Once the Roman ruler August ordered to rewrite all the Jewish population. Each resident was supposed to sign up where His ancestors lived. Joseph and Virgin Mary went from Nazareth to the homeland of their ancestors, to the city of Bethlehem. There all places in the houses and the hotel were busy. Mary with the older Joseph had to stop at night in the cave, where shepherds knew cattle.

This night was born at Mary's baby - the Son of God. She put it in Nursery, where she usually lay food for livestock. Little bull and donkey warmed the baby Jesus to their breath, and Mom - the Virgin - sang a lullaby song ...

Children (7 people) are published to the music and read the poem of Sasha Black. Children can be put in the suits of the shepherds (3 people), bull masks, dogs, donkey.

In the nursery slept on the fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
A month, emerging from the shadows,
I stroked Len his hair.

Bull hit the baby's face
And, straw rustle,
On elastic knee
I looked a little breathe.

Sparrows Through Tool Roofs
To the nursery jobled,
And the bull, clinging to niche,
Rowel mall with lip.

Dog, hiding to the warm leg,
Polized her secret.
All the cozy was a cat
In the nursery to warm the child barrel ...

Sedissed White Kozlik
On his man breathing his
Only stupid gray donkey
All helplessly pushed.

"See the child
Though a minute and me! "
And I cried ringtones
In predawn silence ...

And Christ, open the eyes,
Suddenly spread the circle of animals
And with a smile full of caress
Whispered: "Look soon! .."

Leading:That's how Christ was born. Not in the wards, not in rich houses, but in the cave, where shepherds kept calves and sheep. He came to the world with humility and meekness.

Shepherds were the first to find out about it. The Angel of the Lord appeared and announced:

Angel appears with a candle (elegant girl in a white dress with wings) and solemnly pronounces:


I am God's Angel, Shepherds Click,
I want to build you the joy of the Great.

Our Savior, Lord, was nourished
Improved in human flesh.

On earth and in heaven celebration,
Christ of God Christmas!

Leading:Angel commanded the shepherds to go to the cave and bow the baby. Then came from the long-range stars of the star - Magi.

The unusual star, which rushed in the east, led them to Bethlehem from distant countries and pointed out the place where the Son of God was born. From now on, this star is called Bethlehem, and it is her image that they carry Christ with his own.

And the wise men brought the baby's infant and glorified it.

Children in the costumes of Mucks with gifts in the hands of Joseph Brodsky "Christmas":

1 reader:

Magnies came. Baby slept tightly.
Star shone brightly from the sky.
Cold wind snow into a snowdrift screamed.
Fucked sand. Bonfire cracked at the entrance.

2 readers:

Smoke walked candle. The fire has crochet.
And the shadows became shorter,
then suddenly longer. No one knew around
What life account will start from this night.

3 readers:
Magnies came. Baby slept tightly.
Cool nurses surrounded.
Grilled snow. White couples smoked.
Lied baby, and the gifts lay.

Put the gifts before the verteres, bow and go.

Teacher:These events have been over 2000 years old. After all, the account of the years we are from the Nativity of Christ and soon get ready to celebrate 2017.

3. Scene "Winter"

Leading:Guys, what time of year comes to us this holiday?

Children: In winter.

Teacher:Do you know songs about winter or winter trees?

Children sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." In turn, the heroes of the song: bunny, wolf and a peasant. They are dressed in the appropriate costumes and playing their roles: Bunny jumps, the wolf will steal, the peasant rides on the horse, and then rubs the Christmas tree.

Leading: Well done, we sing well. And how do you know how to guess the riddles?

Ears on the top.
Listen carefully,
We will start, and you - finish
In rhyme necessarily!

Children overlook and in turn makes riddles:

Long over the earth flew
White blanket.
Sun little calendo -
The blanket flowed,
And gone to the wells of rivers.
The blanket is - ... (snow).

Cold, frost, blizzards
Skilled, steps.
In white hats, all at home,
This came to us ... ( winter).

Barely reached in winter
They are always with you.
Severe two sisters,
Name them ... (Mittens).

In the courtyard snowball goes,
Soon a holiday ... ( New Year).

Softly glow needles
Coniferous spirit comes from ... (Christmas trees).

Everything is spinning, having fun
Near the Christmas tree is frolic.
After all, today is a celebration.
What holiday? (Christmas).

4. Scene "Fir-tree"

Leading: And now we will tell you how the tradition appeared to dress up on the feast of the Christmas tree. This is an ancient legend ...

That night, when the Savior was born, not only people and animals, but all the flowers and trees hurried to bow the baby.

Children's flowers come out in elegant dresses With crowns in the form of flowers (3 girls) and a Christmas tree in a green dress.

1 Flower Girl:

We flowers-flowers,
We are growing sickly.

2 girl-flower:

This night-night
The most fragrant.

Christmas tree: Where are you, flowers? You should sleep at night ...

3 girl flower:

This nose-night
Light brighter glows.
Bow on the scooters
We go baby.

Christmas tree: Take me with me, my flowers are cute, take and bow me to the baby Christ.

1 Flower Girl: But you do not have flowers, a Christmas tree, and about your needles, the baby can only proclaim. ( going out)


No one. I am alone.
Night quiet. Star calls, burns.
Everybody left. Everyone worship God
Holy cave is happily rushing.


Barbed, forgotten me tree.
Unnecessary, standing in his wilderness.
Flowers are right. I only for baby
Here I will pour quietly from the soul.

Prays, folding his palm. The presenter is coming to her and throws a gas veil, decorated with tinsel and christmas toys.

On the tree in the classroom lights are lit.


And flashed, lighting on her sorrowful tears diamonds,
And turned around, smiling her shining Christ.
And from now, the Christ Christmas tree is called people.
And there are modest needles in the fire of christmas candles.

Pests and flowers are returned.

In their hands, they have toys who did children themselves, as well as beads.

Shepherds: (together) Look, asterisks from the sky fell!

1st shepherd: Christmas tree shines all!

2nd shepherd: Miracle God created ...

3rd shepherd: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, what beautiful you are!

Flowers: You are the most beautiful ... God decorated you.

4th shepherd: All in the lights! In crustami, droplets!

5th shepherd:For your humility, the Christmas tree, the Lord-God marked for your kindness.

1st shepherd: Now from now on and forever people will praise you and decorate.

Flowers: Let's decorate our Christmas tree too.

Hang toys on the Christmas tree, and on the girl-Christmas tree dress beads.

ANDsleeping the song "Little Christmas tree cold in winter":

Little Christmas tree
Cold in winter.
From the forest of the Christmas tree
We took home.
How many on the Christmas tree
Color balls,
Pink gingerbread
Gold cones.
Beads hanged
Bright balls,
Slavs, gifts -
All for the defers.
Like Christmas tree
Our celebration.
Fun, fun
Meet Christmas!

The game "What does not happen on the Christmas tree?"

Leading:We will call you different items, and you, if you hear the name christmas tree toys, chlo in your hands and tell me "Yes!"

If we call what it does not happen on the Christmas tree, you must stop and silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Children come out and read in turn:

Here and the holiday has come,
Every Christmas tree dressed up.
Who guys will confirm -
On the branches hanging it:

Asterisk - Top?
Wake-up clap?
Petenka - Parsley?
Soft pillow?

White snowflakes?
Bright pictures?
Bowl from the web?
Old boots?

Red lanterns?
Bread crackers?
Bright checkboxes?
Caps and shawls?

Apples and bumps?
Colin pants?
Tasty candy?
Old newspapers?

5. Scene "COLDOVERS"

Leading:That's what we have a Christmas tree - elegant, beautiful, bright! And the custom put under the Christmas tree gifts went from the gifts that brought Magi to the baby Christ. How do we love the fragrance of the Christmas tree and premonition of gifts!

And earlier the houses were christ-flavored. Christ glorified, the owners congratulated. And they necessarily tremeble.

Includes round bolsters in Russian folk costumes with a star. In their hands they have a bag with treats.

Collarker 1:

Wheel! Wheel!
You are filing a cake,
Ali Bread Slothina,
Ali money with a half!
Al wheat-exclodes.

Collarker 2.(sprinkles with grains):

Here you are wheat,
Ship, we wish!
Happiness Free Pttashka,
Where she wanted, there and sat down!

Collarker 3.(Sprinkles peas):

Here you and the peas, so that luck is
Who is a lot of literacy, this is not a gap!

Crowder 4:We can praise, ask a lot of not dare!

Collarker 5:

Open the chest, get the Piglet.
Serve candy, please the kids!

Children give candy barriers.

The Russian folk song is fulfilled "how a white snowball fell on a thin ice ice". Vanya overlook the horse, falls, girls run up to him and escape it.

Like a thin ice
Putting a white snowball.
Eh, Winter winter,
Winter snow was.

Potted white snowball
Vanya-boyfriend was driving.
Eh, Winter winter,
Winter snow was.

Vanya was driving, she hated
From the good horse fell.
Eh, Winter winter,
Winter snow was.

He fell, fell, lies,
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Eh, Winter winter,
Winter snow was.

Two girlfriends saw
Right to Vanya ran.
Eh, Winter winter,
Winter snow was.

Collarker 1:

Ah, thank you, the owners,
Mira your house,
So that he was a complete bowl.

Collarker 2:

Fun shy
Month over the village.
White light Sparkle
Blue lights.

Collarker 3:

Months rays
God's temple is obliged.
Cross under the clouds
How the candle burns.

Crowder 4:

Holiday saint
The sun rose.

Collarker 5:

Hello, for treats, you congratulations,
Merry Christmas Congratulations! Happiness, we wish you joy!

Bow and go.


Ay, yes, bole!
Ah, yes, well done! (Bow to teacher)
Ah, thank you, the hostess,
The world is your house,
So that he was a complete bowl.
Well, and you, kids, learning well,
Everything will come in handy in life!

Teacher:(makes a big cake)

Pies carry from the furnace!
Help, good people!
Trees treat
Merry Christmas congratulations!

Russian folk music sounds. Children give parents the bells. Parents of all treat with cakes, gingerbread, tea with candy.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Bebenin
Scenario of Entertainment "Christmas Games"

Purpose: Socialization of preschoolers through attachment to national culture.

In Gos pre-school education social and personal developmentit is considered as a comprehensive process, during which the child absorbs the values, traditions, culture of society or the community in which he has to live.


To acquaint children with Russian traditional traditions - holding a degree in Russia;

Develop interest in the values \u200b\u200bof the culture of the Russian people;

Facilitate the development of unity, cohesion of children in the game of games;

Education of positive emotions.

Preliminary work: Arching of rolling games and dances on physical education, riddling mysteries, learning spelling, observation work for the preparation of adults for the holiday of Christmas, watching the starry sky in the morning and evening hours, viewing biblical illustrations, a priest's conversation with children (with parental permission, manufacture with children Angel toys in class fine activitiesConsider the winter patterns on the window, building an ice mountain.

Material: The decoration of the hall with a codty tradition - "Vertel" (imitation of the cave, nursery, Christmas trees, sculptures of animals, homemade Bethlehem star, Icon of the Kazan Most of the Virgin Mary, homemade Bethlehem star on a stick, masks of the goat and other animals for richness; candlestick. Call, 2 bag, prizes - Notepads.

Equipment for moving games: Rope, 2 cap, 2 bags, gymnastic sticks for each.

The course of entertainment.

In the hall, the light is muted and candles are lit in candlesticks. Under the bell ringing, children quietly enter the hall. Consider a fixed "vertel".

Educator: (Children agree)

Among winter - a big celebration: great holiday - Jesus ... (Christmas)

He is waiting for everything - from kids, to dad and mothers and all the elegant rush to the service in ... (Temple)

And, waving green needles, bangs everywhere christmas ... (Christmas trees)

So that with the prayer passed today, all people light home (candles)

And in the church, the sermons joyfully hit, and after Merry Christmas Jesus (congratulations)

The miracle of all wonderful on this day came true - I came to Earth (Jesus Christ)

Children, after the Nativity of Christ in ancient in Russia, people spent shirts. They congratulated each other: "Christ was born - Slavit!" And celebrated bright and solemnly, rank!

Walked S. bethlehem star In the courtyards, sang, sang songs-carols.

Let's play so! (Children put on masks, the teacher of one group takes the star)

The game "Kolyada came"(Alternately, the children of each group go towards each other)

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas

Who will give a cake -

That is full of hlev

And who will not give the cake -

To the chicken leg,

Pest yes shovel,

Cow humpback! (children treat each other - put on a bag of bagels, candy)

But the goat! Goat - symbol of good, wealth in the house. It must be drawn. Let it be treated with hay. Play the goat with us.

The game "goes goat around the bridge" (Children get up in the dance) (2 times)

There is a goat on the bridge,

And wiely the tail.

Caped for the railing,

Right in the river landed - and boo!

And now I will knead the dough, we will cut the pies for the holiday.

Game "Bubble" (on the development of power quality - children pull back and hold hands tightly) (2 times)

Well, not getting on the hot frying pan!

Game "Skovorod" (the children hold hands and try to tighten each other in the socket of the pan) (2 times)

He tells everyone to dance, will try to sing songs,

He merges all in a row, it's not tired.

All centuries we have, friendly, noisy ... (dance)

Horovoda "Oh, Guys, Ta-Ra-Ra ..." (2 times)

Oh, guys, Ta-Ra!

Mountain stands mountain

And on that grief oak,

And on Duby - Funks!

Raven in red boots,

In gilded earrings,

He plays a pipe, in silver.

Pipe is accurate, gilded

Pipe Flood, Foldable Song! (Raven "flies" for the circle concerns one of the players - he becomes raven)

Who will repeat the patter for me?

"She sews a cap and not in Codekakovsky" are awarded prizes for activity.

Sit, we will remove the riddles with a rest. (Children sneeze the riddles, give the prize to the guess)

Kalechina-Malechina game (with gymnastic sticks, keep on the palm after the song)


How many hours remains

Until the evening, to winter! (children consider how much will keep)

How much hours do you have? And you have? Etc.

Competition game

"Sweat of the Cap" (knocking down a parsley cap stuffed snow)


"Who is faster in the bag"

The game "Tetherka Walked"

The tetherka was walking, Machova went,

Herself went through all the children spent

And the best - left!

(Children holding hands with a chain pass through the lips of the hands at the top of two children - "Boots". After words, the backs are lowered and pick up the caught. He must say that he chooses: "Moon" or "Sun" and stands for leading. After 2 teams - children pull each other)

The same two teams become against each other - wall on the wall.

Game "And we got sown"

First row:

1. And we hired the land, hired (go, holding at the hands to meet - to peck)

Oh, Did Lado hired, hired. (depart back - to peck)

Second row:

2. And we land Pariili, Paris

Oh, Did Lado Paris, Paris.

First row:

3. And we were sown, sowed

Oh, Did Lado sowed, sowed

Second row:

4. And we are millet, extinguishing

Oh, Did Lado Pulloppaching, extinguishing.

It's time to finish our games. Thanks to the Great Holiday Christmas Christ, we are nicely ranging and played!

And now I will arrange tea drinking and invite all of our employees.

Publications on the topic:

"Games with a sawmill" Physical entertainment in the first junior group. Purpose: To form and educate in children the need for rolling games,.

"Christmas carols". Entertainment Scenario for Medium Group Children "Christmas Customs" Scenario Entertainment for children of the Central Group in the framework of the "Russian Izba" project. Purpose: maintain Russian folk.

Scenario of entertainment "Christmas shints" Objectives: "Expand knowledge about folk traditions, to form interest in folk games, songs, develop cognitive and creative activity. "

Scenario of Entertainment "Games of Our Childhood" Joint entertainment with parents in the week and toys. "Games of our childhood" Dear Parents We are glad to welcome you in our.

Scenario of Entertainment "Christmas Combols" In the hall to the music "Good evening, people" include children - "dressed". Ahead of everyone goes a boy and carries a "Christmas star". Children: Kolyada came.