How to make her husband work: find the right approach. Conspiracy to work for a husband Read at home

Nowadays, families are increasingly found, where the main "financial getter" is a woman.

At the same time, a man does not torment the flour of conscience. On the contrary, the spouse is satisfied with everyone and believes that it should be.

But not every wife will like this attitude. And one day the time comes when a woman begins to think about how to make her husband work.

Some wives suite scandals about this, others are looking for quiet ways to deal with tune. But there are those who try to force a man to work, making a conspiracy.


Any conspiracy is the magical method of solving the problem. And this carries not very pleasant consequences. Even if you and it is possible to make her husband work in this way, be prepared for such difficulties:

  • The husband will not respect employees.
  • At work, an accident may occur.
  • Earn money will go to unforeseen expenses.

How does this manifest?

1. When a man got a job through a plot, his energy will be significantly different from the energy of other employees.

And even externally, it is unnoticed, colleagues at the subconscious level will feel this difference. Negative, coming from your husband, will only cause a negative attitude towards him.

2. If you decide to make your husband work, using a plot, you risk not only his health, but also life. The thing is that under the action of magic, its energy field will begin to collapse.

In the near future, this process can lead to unpleasant offering of circumstances at work. Sometimes such moments end in very poorly.

3. If the plot has affected, and you managed to make her husband work, prepare for unforeseen expenses. Suddenly, someone from loved ones can get sick, starts to constantly break the car, household appliances will fail, etc.

This is due to the property of money to accumulate a negative energy that is formed when a conspiracy is done. And at the most inopportune moment, she can go out and very much to harm the whole family.

Therefore, reflecting how to make her husband work, consider everything possible consequences From the use of magic. If they are not frightened you, you can safely make this conspiracy.

Psychological approach

For those women who love and respect their man, there are others, less hazardous methods. Given the peculiarities of the psychology of representatives of the opposite sex, they can be affected by their words and actions.

To begin with, think why the husband does not work:

  1. Can not find a suitable job.
  2. Does not want to work.
  3. It is afraid of failures because of the past negative experience.

You can frankly talk to the spouse, to better understand the reasons for its inaction. It is very important to speak with respect and adoption. Do not blame and make complaints.

In a safe atmosphere, a man will be sincere and ready for a dialogue. And, perhaps, just sincerely talk, you can solve the problem of you for a long time.

Male in depression

Often dismissal, abbreviation and unstable financial position brings a man to depression.

IN lately This is not such a rare phenomenon. Professional failure is most hurting for male confidence.

If the husband was deprived of work, do not rush it with the choice of the new income place. The spouse must "digest" the current situation without pressure on your part.

You must, on the contrary, console and support it. Feeling support for his beloved wife, the husband will be faster from the oppressive state and start working again.

Male lazy

There is such a type of men whom to work is very difficult, as they are lazy from nature. You can also find an approach to such TUINADERS, and send them to earn money.

From the presented ways you can choose exactly the one that will suit your fabulous. They are much harmless than a conspiracy to work.

1. Change the circle of communication

On any man enormous influence the opinion of others. Therefore, try to be in companies where successful men are present.

Communication with them will spur your husband to search decent, high-paying work. Looking at them, he will want to make money and have respect in this company.

Only in no case compare your husband with more successful men And do not force them to be equal to them! Otherwise, instead of a positive result, get the opposite.

2. Limit expenses

Take family finances under control and stop spending money on the personal needs of the spouse. Wants to go on football with friends or drink beer on Saturday? Let him work, then can afford such a vacation.

At the same time review your needs. Maybe you have not changed the hairstyle for a long time or did not make a manicure? Then it's time to go. Unlike her husband, you deserve the opportunity to spend a certain amount.

3. More often admire the spouse

Praise your husband even by the smallest occasion, but exclusively for business. Delivered garbage - well done. Washed the dishes - twice well done. When a man sees that his wife appreciates him, he is able to make it impossible.

For a real lazy, this impossible is to find good, decent work. Feeling your love and support, he will want to earn a lot of money to hear praise even more often.

You have become the main thing

Perhaps, at the heart of the reluctance of her husband work your leadership in the family. If you have secured a family for several years and dictated your condition, your spouse is used to such a situation and turned into a "housewife".

In this case, it's stupid on your side to force him to immediately change his behavior and find a job. Maybe it will be better to leave everything as it is?

After all, make a man who is used to performing all homework, work, this is an extra spending of nerves and time. Perhaps you like that houses are removed, the children are fed and the tasty dinner is waiting for you in the evening?

Only good knowing the character of her husband, you can correctly motivate it on job search. There will be a conspiracy or a wise psychological move - to solve you. The main thing is to think about the consequences.

Your calm and well-organized work on bringing a husband to making money will help not only to employ it, but also to establish a tense relationship in the family.

And when your efforts are crowned with success, and you will no longer think how to make your husband work, you can proceed to improving other parties marriage.
Posted by: fractional vera

Starting joint family life, the overwhelming majority of women believes that the main minider will be a man. And often everything is as follows. However, there are couples in which the main income provides a woman. If this happens on its initiative and arranges both spouses - there are no problems. But how to be if the woman is forced to become a "financial chapter of the family," since the husband sits without work and, it seems, is completely satisfied with life? How to make her husband work and earn?

If this situation is close to you and familiar to you - we advise you to read this article. From it you will learn:

  1. What type of your man is owned;
  2. what if the husband does not want to work;
  3. what "underwater" stones can be expected on the way to solve the problem;
  4. in what cases can be valid, and in what it is useless.
  5. finally, we will point out for the reasons that most often lead to the lack of initiative in men in finding work.

"Carefree unemployed" - psychology about the classification of non-working men

To determine the correct direction of actions, you need to understand what your husband is from itself. After conducting a number of studies, psychologists have established that men who do not want to work belong to one of the 5 types. It:

  • Misanthrope.
  • Melancholic.
  • Sissy.
  • Careful.
  • Narcissus.

"Misanthrope", He is "noticeable." Such a guy does not want to work not because the lazy - he just does not like people. Yes, it happens so! Reasons are psychological injuries, characteristics of character and just temperament. Such a man suffers physically and emotionally, being surrounded by colleagues at work. They are not something that is unpleasant to him, rather it is annoying the need for constant communication. He does not need it, it is quite self-sufficient and is not going to let the "extra" people in his life.

Unfortunately, misanthropers do not try to hide your feelings. For this they do not like them, and they often turn out to be "Paria" with an appropriate attitude. Of course, it does not add a man's desire to go to work. Therefore, he is subconsciously (or deliberately) begins to want it to be fired and successfully creates a suitable situation. In some cases (for example, management does not want to lose such a valuable employee) Misanthropa leaves himself, without explaining the reasons.

"Melancholic". He "Romantic Sentimentalist." This is a sensitive type of men, which is extremely painfully experiencing all its former failures. Including professional. Most of them acute responds to any criticism and remarks of the manual. Because of the biased attitude towards people, they are hard mutual language With colleagues at work.

Even hitting a good team, they may "turn out" themselves to such an extent by the imaginary ill-witness of employees, which will feel "in the enemy camp." Because of all of the above, they rarely delay in one place and every time everything is reluctant new job. We are confident that life to them is unfair and "I still will not work with me."

"Sissy", he is the "eternal child." The infantile type, accustomed to what Mom (or parents) does for him. Hoping in adulthood, begins to wait for the same from his wife.

The reasons for such behavior are two:

  1. In excessive care in childhood. Mother did not give him freedom, preferring to make what she believed for him the best. Such education breaks the will and ruins the initiative. To adult life, such a man is absolutely not prepared - he needs a reliable shoulder, which he can rely on. As a rule, this shoulder belongs to his wife.
  2. In Potakania all desires. Your man in childhood was injured over all measures, performing any whim and without requiring nothing in return. Growing, the "eternal child" is confident that everything will receive everything, and for free and immediately. It is about to make money on a decent life, there may not be any speech, as to think about the answer to the question of how much a man should earn. Especially if parents continue financially to patronize their Greater Chado, regularly giveing \u200b\u200bhim money.

"Careful". Lives according to the principle: "We must think to think about not to be mistaken." The most interesting thing is that such men are really rarely mistaken - because almost nothing. The deep reason lies in uncertainty in their own forces and fear of incorrect actions. Usually it comes from childhood, when the parents scolded the child for the slightest guidance and did not praise for the correct actions ("Why?! Is it really not understanding?").

As a result, a slight and hardworking man is elementary afraid to make another "nonsense" and pay for this moral experience. Therefore, its potential workplace is often given less experienced, but more confident and ambitious competitor.

"Narcissus". Well earning among such "handsome" is very small. The motto in life "I am in the light of all smarter, all beautiful and more valuable!". Absolutely confident in this, even if it is exactly the opposite. He considers himself a professional extra-class, to which the rest still grow and grow. Therefore, it is often not coping with its duties and loses work. Not doubting that he was underestimated, it is sent to look for another, preferably leadership. Thanks to his self-confidence, it makes it quickly and ... also quickly loses.

As a result, comes to the "objective" conclusion that "all fools and they envy me." Therefore, it makes no sense to look for work: it still will not understand and not appreciate the whole depth of professionalism. After that, with a calm conscience, fell on the sofa with a newspaper or sit down to play computer games, providing his wife to solve financial issues.

On the usual work of "Misanthropov" will be fused only the extreme need. Therefore, they are prone to irregular earnings. If your spouse refers to this category, advise him to find a remote job. Freelance is gaining momentum and high online earnings - by no means a myth.

In the case of your spouse "Golden Hands", he may well work for himself as a private entrepreneur. Or close to engage in farming: grow in the household plot in demand and fruit cultures, homemade bird or animals. All this brings good money. In general, mass options.

"Melancholikov" regular praise and moral support. Want to know how to make a husband earn? Praise it, say more often what kind of smart, capable and independent person. Remember its former achievements and do not let the "sliding" in the discussion of failures and shortcomings. And never make fun for admitted missions. He also knows everything perfectly, and your reproaches may well become the "last drop", in which he will finally "drown".

Feel that do not pull out? This is normal. In this case, try to convince your husband to like a psychologist - professional psychological assistance will be a huge plus. As soon as a man gets to work, you will again have to encourage and inspire it as needed.

The only condition is not to turn into your husband in the Mommy. Borrowing in this role, you can lose those who have gained confidence (for yours, by the way, the score!) Of the spouse. Stay for him your beloved and desired woman, strong, but in need of protection and support.

FROM " Eternal child»Other tactics. To force a man to work, he needs to constantly inspire the idea that he is an adult, an independent person who lies great responsibility (your family). And he is quite capable of cope with it. Moreover:

  • More often tell her husband that he is reliable and responsible that in difficult situations it can always be expected.
  • Gently mention how much more opportunities would have your family when excess money will appear in the budget. Please tell us beautifully what you plan to spend earned funds, of course, considering and the interests of the husband.

Important! Do not insult a man, reproaching him in the inability to find a job! Most likely he closes in himself and "reaching out" to him will become much more difficult.

With husbands - "careful" you need to act strongly. But for this you will have to get a little in the sphere of its activities. Only so you can advantageously describe all the advantages of the new work (as a rule, it always has 2-3 employment options). Be sure to say that he is an excellent specialist with great potential and successfully cope with responsibilities entrusted to him.

Why doesn't husband want to work? He is only afraid of "not to justify". Try to soften explain that mistakes are part of life. And no one is insured from them. What is normal and naturally at times wrong. And this is not a sentence, as they tried to inspire him in childhood. If you do everything right, my spouse will quickly get good work. Be prepared for the fact that a psychological support may need an employed man.

In the case of the "Narcissus", the Council is cruel, but unequivocally - not to indulge his desires and weaknesses. This means that you need to stop containing this tuneader at your own expense. Even if the wife earns more husband. Wants not only vegetable soup, porridge and bread? Let it seek the job and earns on sausage, cheese, meat and oil. It became ashamed to walk in old jeans and a T-shirt? No one bothers to find a job and dress in fashionable boutiques. Wanted to drink beer with friends or go fishing? No problem! But only for their earned money, and not for yours.

And remember, such a man will start looking for a job in one single case - if he really loves you. Make it is useless.

If all actions go down to calls on the phone and promises "That's tomorrow I will make sure" - be sure that the money in the family will still bring you alone. And the attitude towards you will be like a wallet and a "comfortable woman." If such a script does not suit you - it is better to part.

What should be ready for?

Faced with the reluctance of her husband to work and starting anything to do, a woman may face face with frankly unpleasant things. Do not be afraid to learn what, because "warned - it means armed!". So:

  1. You yourself are to blame for the fact that the husband does not earn enough money. Most of the women's doubtful women are trying to achieve love and gratitude from Men. All means are going to move: tasty food, sex, cleanliness in the house and fence of your beloved spouse from all discomfort. Including work. " Nothing, I myself can, but my husband will not leave me anywhere! After all, I do everything for him"! This is how such a wife thinks, enhanced in 2 works, staining the floor in the apartment to the shine, smoothing the husband a personally purchased shirt and stirring Julien from truffles with Rokfort cheese. And then sincerely does not understand why he threw it and went to the "crumular misunderstanding", which would joyfully "plow from morning to night, imagine?!", Yes, and wearing hands. Yes, therefore, it was gone that he was tired of feeling her pet, and not an adult, an independent man!
  2. Your husband does not love you - he just uses you. It hurts and unpleasantly realizing, especially if you lived with him for many years, and you have common children. How it turns out? Very simple: This man does not want to work. He wants to sit on your neck, whine, shout and even pick (happens). He doesn't want to eat it too - they feed, wear, dressed, "walk" into the world. Used, in the end. If despite all the efforts on your part, the man is still unemployed, think why? Most likely, he does not consider it necessary to work for you. In his opinion, you are not worthy of such victims. Now think - why do you need such a man?
  3. Most likely you will be dispersed. Classical situation with narcissal husbands and "Mamienician Sons". Still, because you have come to the holy! Make your favorite child! Be prepared for attacks and even intrigues. Here you will need a husband support.
  4. We have to show character. Pity is a bad adviser, and the assistant is even worse. Do not regret the man in the usual understanding of this word: you provide him with a "bear service". Your pity will turn him into either "smear", incapable of stable earnings or in Tirana. You will be guilty and, as practice shows, most likely alone.
  5. And another unpleasant "surprise" can wait for women who want to learn how to make a man make more: inability to organize a budget. And female inability. Husband just earns a normal amount of money, but the wife in the literal sense of the word transcribe them on nonsense, demanding more and more.

We very much hope that our article will help you find a right decision in a situation with unemployed husbands and get out of it with the least loss. After all, it is not easy to build a relationship and sometimes you need to go to certain risks and sacrifices. But if there is sincere and deep feelings between partners - all this pays off repeatedly and only strengthens mutual attachment and respect.

Sometimes it happens that the husband in some families, the head and father of the family, the main breadwinner, suddenly his wife sits on the neck and does not want to work.

In this case, the wife does not know how to make a lazy husband work?

And what if the husband lost his job not in its fault?

Well, if this is a temporary phenomenon, and if this state of affairs is delayed for months?

How to be in such a situation like a husband to work?

Testing a spouse for strength

Today, unemployment is a serious life test, mutual testing on the strength of the relationship between spouses. It is said that a woman can sometimes afford not to work, it corresponds to the established centuries of her image - the keeper of a homely hearth.

Men from prehistoric times were miners who are obliged to take care of the material welfare of their family. And the situation when suddenly it turns out that the husband loses its work now there is already alas, not uncommon. And lose the job for her husband, this catastrophe is not only for the family, but for himself, it does not mean that he is a lazy husband.

The family immediately begin the problems and not only financial, but also moral. A woman begins to convulse to think how to make her husband think only about his wife and children, that he should go find a job. She is just looking for a reason to express displeasure to her husband. The most common mistake of a woman in such a situation becomes its undisguised expression of discontent, she begins to express claims, arrange quarrels and scandals, find fault in the trifles.

The situation is even worse if the woman subconsciously depreciates her husband, and she begins to consider him a nickidal loser, comparing with successful men, stubbornly understate his self-esteem.

Power stereotypes

There are many reasons for which it is not easy to look for work. Causes of psychological occupy here not last place. Often a person who is looking for a new job wants to find the same as he had before. And it doesn't matter at all, he himself left the former work or dismissed him. This does not mean that he is lazy. He subconsciously looking for such work, where everything is already known to him on which he is familiar to the team and on which no one needs to prove his worthwest, where everyone appreciates and respect him.

That is why, falling for an interview, a person unconsciously seeks to leave the new one for himself, an unusual place. From this, excuses arise, such as an inconvenient schedule, low salary, more responsibilities. Sometimes it is difficult to turn yourself and start everything first, only because without it it will not work. In addition, a stereotype is often present in male logic - the husband is obliged to earn more wives, because a man does not want to categorically agree on a modest salary, even with a good-time perspective. It will be faster at all refuses his position, rather than hear in the future Ironic remarks of his wife.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that all relatives and friends are aware that the husband sat on his wife. From the point of view of the public, the husband cannot but work and oblique views of others around, for a couple with sarcastic replicas and sympathetic sighs only pour oils into the fire. Only the spouses must remember that only their family is eligible to give an assessment of their situation, and it is not worth loaing on the opinions of others.

Be together and in sorrow and in joy

Wise loving wife It should understand that the husband is not lazy, he simply does not work temporarily, which at this moment and he is not much easier for him, and he is also experiencing for the future. In such a situation, it is worth talking to your husband for souls and explain that you believe in it that everything is necessarily formed over time. In this case, it is necessary not to force her husband to be realized, but to try to sympathize during this period and attend, understand, to become more sensitive to him.

Spread together the situation on the shelves, without reproaches, logically explain that his unemployment harms the family and the money is not even enough for the most necessary. That in this situation would not be prevented even a small salary, which would facilitate life.

Do not sin try to help and not only with words, but also the case. For example, to look for with him suitable options vacancies, assist when writing a resume. Take care of O. appearance Spouse before the expected interview. Finally, throw the cry that your husband is looking for a job, let me know all families - suddenly someone, and will offer a good option. If this proposal was not found, convincing her husband to start agreeing to any work when it would come in and something worthwhile could always be quit.

Store the focus can be a man

There are another option. When a husband for any reason to look for work at the moment does not want, then let them temporarily take on the duty of the household. And the roles in this case will be distributed as follows: the spouse earns money and builds a career, and the husband leads all the homework: removes, preparing, raising children, makes purchases, in other words, performs all female homework.

If the husband refers to such a formulation of the issue with understanding, the conflicts in the family will not arise. But if he, to fulfill female responsibilities, is not configured, and make a husband to do on household chores impossible - gently talk to him and explain that there is nothing humiliating about it and even more so it is temporarily that as soon as he becomes working again, duties will take off from him automatically.

List of male home deals is very different from female. And not every man is accustomed to do homework, at first, it will be more correct to make a list of cases that need to be fulfilled per day, as if asking a certain behavior algorithm. I note that many men, bothering at home, quickly understand the difference between the service and household duties, and still sit at home - not a male matter. Or maybe it happens that the exchange of roles will even arrange spouses. Since the woman can become a good hotder, and her husband is a good keeper of a homely hearth.

Almost minus - the situation may not be comfortable at any time. Due to the fact that the wife also has the risk that it will not go smoothly at work, it washes a health problem, or finally it can get pregnant and give birth to a child.

If the husband is lazy

It happens so that the husband is lazy, he does not want to work, neither home to engage in all day long on the couch sofa with a TV with a TV or comes on the Internet. Then the situation is quite likely, it reings people to us, who is at its essence Alfons. How to make a man working in this situation? Here to make her husband spend money on his wife you need to try well. This "breed" is usually visible at the beginning of the relationship. Here everything determines the choice of the woman itself.

Some independent business women, this state of affairs is quite suitable. In this case, the husband is usually a beautiful decorative app to her person. He everywhere accompanies his wife, as if complements her image. For that woman contains it. Here, everyone decides, how to live. It is useless to think how to make a lazy husband help at home, he lives like in a hotel. The chance that this man suddenly will change and, holding for the mind, will go to work, negligible. While there is at least the slightest opportunity, it will continue to lie on the sofa. Saw or persuade such a man is absolutely useless. He must understand and realize the need for transformations.

There are some tips of the psychologist, how to make her husband work.

First of all, in such a situation, you need to monopolize all the money you get.

Wash them exclusively on food and things absolutely necessary for home.

Do not deny any or a child, but the spouse for personal spending does not allocate any penny.

Do not serve the tunewash, let everything do it myself. Sometimes only say you are hard and how much more expensive!

If it does not lead to a positive result, threaten an ultimatum: either it goes to work or divorce.

This is of course the extreme measure, but sometimes it becomes the most effective. The fear of losing a beloved acts cut down, and even the avid lazy begin to make certain television.

If all attempts to send a husband to the right path turned out to be in vain? Think seriously, is it that a man with whom you intend to life next? Do you agree to keep it and then, is it possible that to the retirement itself? Soberly look at the situation from the side, weigh everything in and against, try to understand whether you can come up with a similar position.

Always remember - the position of the husband of Alfons is badly affected by children in the family. Lazy husbands is a sentence for life. If so, it means to release the situation, and tolerate, but no - go ahead and become happy already without this man.

"Pasha as a wolf, and he lies on the sofa!" - Familiar expression? How to make a man work? Why does a man want to go to work and how to turn the situation into another bed? What to do so that her husband wanted to make money and bear their family - the advice and opinion of the psychologist.

Yes, yes, you did not hear. To send a beloved to earnings - in no case should not insist on employment, bring the "business" to disassembly, scandals.

Any subsidences associated with work and money will cause an associate series of negative. It is important not to put "terrifying anchors" in the head of a man. In other words, the partner should not shiver with the word "work", expecting a full "spread" and a lot of claims on your part.

This does not mean that you need to "be silent in a rag" and to endure the tunestness from the spouse. It should be understood that this is only a foundation on which it is possible to build a persistent desire to work and earn from the partner.

Remove iron lady

As a rule, the female string tips "Find the work" are accompanied by an elevation of their own. "Only I pull the whole family on myself!" "We live on my salary!". "If it were not for me - we would sat hungry!".

Of course, such behavior is provoked by fatigue and the external absence of the possibility of something to change. It seems that the only way out is to show pity for himself and shouting about their own achievements, bringing another personality.

However, to "break comes" need to go on the opposite way. Whatever it cost. After all, you want to know how to make a man worked?

So-called bricks, on the "foundation" from the first board - you can build, removing the screaming, affirmative expressions from your lexicon. What a man wants to change something if he is talking about his own independence and the opportunity to earn? What should he try if without him wages Do you somehow live? Why should it be difficult to get out of depression, work on himself, if you buy everything, and also shock about it out loud?

Motivate your presence

Wife-beautiful, which is really tormented to buy new underwear or shoes. And how much money do you need to make a shocked hairstyle and go to a beautician? Why not earn more for this?

By nature, men - the terrible boasts. Any male so hard to boast of their partner to their "tribesmen". Let him do it. Be a girlfriend, "Swipe money" by yourself, provoking your beloved for new spending. Build his desire to work and carry you money on primitive things peculiar to every man.

Build joint plans

Another extremely important point, motivating not only to work a man, but also try to grow on a career ladder. Joint dreams, material plans in aggregate with the moral well-being of the family - the best "tablet" from tune and unemployment.

Large-scale projects on the construction of a "family nest", buying a good German car, travel and acquiring a commercial real estate - not only separated and force to work with a new force, but in general inspire a joint happy life.

Of course, do not forget that such plans need to be built on a strong foundation of understanding and tranquility. To work primarily on myself, by your behavior and be the very muse that I want to seek new victories.

Never criticize primitively

Final rule allowing b Motivation of a man to wish to earn. Any indignation directed towards male - should be well argued. The rule "works" not only in the case of monetary issues, careers and joint budget.

Any criticizing the expression said "for the Red Slice" - will be perceived as "empty sound". Repeating this again and again, each phrase will depreciate more and more. Of course, the requests for the search for work would also remain not heard and spent "past the ears".

Results - how to make a man work and earn

  • Do not detain the partner, do not "saw" and do not put psychological anchors by the type of "job search \u003d your wife's hysterics";
  • Motivate a man to earnings - Build joint plans, overlook the successful future;
  • Let earn your spouse. Do not kill the fact that only you have earned money you can live. Do not build an "iron lady";
  • Support a man in any endeavor. Let's argued tips if you understand better;
  • Keep calm and give it to a partner. In a calm family there will always be an understanding and desire to go ahead hand in hand.

Somehow she lied most of her life. Male attention was not deprived of ever, was happy in all his three marriages. And from each of his husband heard the same phrase: "Such as you, no longer find."

There was one but. All her men were firmly sitting on her neck, and she never understood how to make her husband work. And right for her husbands were like each other. They were different.

The first husband constantly jumped from one job to another. Constantly hit some fines. And even without salary remained. Constantly drove, crashed, crashed on their joint car, which demanded content as a full member of the family.

And she wrote at night couchers Students. Because her salaries lacked for all their family. Other tips, how to make her husband work, did not help at all.

The second husband is wonderful, kind, consistent. Everything with him was great - walk, travel, talk. But for some reason, she could not count on his financial assistance. The husband said her once: "You have your wallet, I have my own".

Therefore, she could not even afford hospital. After all, he could not pay for a removable apartment. And how to make it, if he himself is so painful.

When she met the third, he sighed light easily: the owner of a small, but bringing a good business income. Finally, all my problems ended, and I do not need to think how to make her husband work, She sighed reliefly. But problems just started. As soon as he moved to her - business collapsed, other undertakings also flew into the abyss, not even time to recoup. He could not work "for uncle".

She again did not have to make himself take part-time job, because she knew how to work.

Why does she need it?

Why is she again and again falls into the same situation? It works like a high horse in two works and does not know how to make her husband work and earn. With a question - "What am I doing wrong?" - She came to the training on the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

There she learned that it is a woman in a pair asks tone the desire to work and earn a man. And if the husband can not or does not want to work, the woman herself is to blame. It she created him such conditions.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that our actions and desires depend not only on our innate properties, but also on the degree of their realization. The presence of skin and anal vectors make a woman with an excellent housewash at home and a business woman in society.

Everywhere she has time for skin: and the career is in the mountain goes, and it looks always fine, and on fitness after work will run. And at home and comfort will create how only the owner of anal vector can, and the delicious dinner will prepare. These qualities are very attracted by men. After all, "Beauty, Komsomolka and athlete" at every step is not found.

That we call such a strong woman. But W. strong woman, as a rule, there is a visual vector. It is he who gives high intelligence, so necessary successful woman. And it is in the use of the properties of the visual vector there is a catch.

In this situation, when the wife contains a husband and does not know how to make her husband work, women often fall, who lack the realization of the visual vector.

Maybe this love is this?

Making as much as possible in society, the woman often lacks forces and time to use the visual vector, "responsible" for compassion to others. It is the auditorium that gives it a need to love, create emotional connections.

Love for a woman with an auditorial vector, as the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows, is a desire to send all its emotionality to the object of your love - on her husband, of course. This desire to sensitly merge with him, dissolve in it.

And here it turns out: she can love, and create an emotional connection. But for some reason always chooses a husband who has fewer abilities. It was on a weak man that the desire is triggered to help, only a pity and compassion wakes up for him. It is mistaken, it seems that with a strong and developed man she does not have a relationship. She herself needs to give his weak compassion.

Who can, he works

It also happens in relation to the extraction of money in the family. Developing in society, the woman is increasingly capable of working and ensure himself and her husband. In his rapid development, she already overtakes a man, but historically she got used to receive from her husband.

In his desire and ability to work itself and earn it requires the same from her husband. And he does not always catch it up, because he originally chose a weaker.

Sometimes it happens that in modern life a man loses realization. Of course, a loving wife will support her husband. After all, she can herself! And here, her visual compassion can serve her bad service. She regrets him, expresses understanding that such a wonderful specialist cannot find its work appropriate. And continues to pull the need to provide a family. And her husband arises laziness: "Dear, you can do everything."

At some point she starts to scream: "You didn't sit on my neck before!" And she does not know again how to make her husband work.

What to do? Regret or not?

System-vector psychology Yuri Bourna shows that it is necessary to help someone who really needs it. No need to regret a healthy man and take responsibility for the content of the family.

Surely you can easily find those who are truly weak. Do you have, maybe live near the lonely elderly neighbor, who needs a kind word? Or maybe kids from disadvantaged families are hung in your yard and are very much suffering from the cruelty of others?

In any case, it is necessary to help and regret weak and unprotected. And it should not be one-time help. It is an emotional connection with sick and in need of care people will fill all your need for empathy and compassion.

And you helping them, creating emotional connections with them, get another effect. Feeling your new condition, your husband himself jumps off the sofa. And it will not be necessary to customize more and force it.

It is worth trying!

"... only me training passed, and some wonderful way my husband after many years of unsuccessful attempts to find stable earnings is working for half a year, and the debt tail is closed ..."