Planning the week of transport in the 2nd junior group. "Calendar-thematic planning in the junior group Topic" Transport ". Work after sleep

Tatiana Leksanova

Educational activities.

Reading fiction... Reading the story "By car" by N. Pavlova. Promote the formation friendly relations, mutual assistance. Encourage children to answer questions about the content of the story.

Cognitive activity. Consideration plot pictures"Special machines". Give children an idea of ​​what cars are and their purpose.

Cognitive activity. Examining illustrations "Transport"... To acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment, vehicles. Promote the ability to distinguish between vehicles in the picture, find similarities and differences, and name them.

Communication activity. "The bear arrived by bus"- to promote the ability of children to distinguish between trucks and cars, to correctly name the parts of the car (cab, steering wheel, wheels, body, doors).

Construction. "Bus (car)". To promote the ability to use techniques for superimposing building parts on top of each other, to improve actions during construction, to consolidate the concept of size and color.

Visual activity(modeling). "Plane". Promote the ability of children to roll plasticine between their palms in direct movements, connect parts, creating a given image.

Visual activity (drawing). "The road for the car"- to promote the ability to draw horizontal lines with a brush.

Movement development

"Cars are going down the street"- encourage children to move in a given direction.

"We are going to visit the bunny"- to train children in the ability to move one after another, holding on to the string.

"A train"-exercise by walking in a given direction.

"Cars"- to promote the development of attention, coordination of movement, the ability to act in a team.

"Aircraft"- encourage children to run without bumping into each other.

"Along a flat path"- Exercise children in walking on a limited surface, develop balance, strengthen the foot

"Sparrows and the car"- Improve walking and running in different directions.

Observations and labor assignments

Observing cars on the road–To promote the ability of children to distinguish and name trucks and cars, compare them by size.

Construction of roads and sand houses- develop the imagination of children. Encourage the use of words in speech: "truck", "garage", "turn".

Observation "Studying transport". Promote the ability to distinguish between and name trucks and cars. Find differences and similarities. Follow the rules road traffic.

Collecting toys using trucks- encourage the accurate execution of the order.

Reading and entertainment

A. Barto "Truck", "Airplane", "Ship"- to encourage children to understand speech, to pronounce words together with the teacher.

B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur".

"Here is our train rushing" Words by T. Babajan.

Physical culture leisure "Colored cars"- to give children pleasure from joint activities and outdoor games.

Didactic games

"Garages and cars"- to promote the ability to correlate objects by color.

Mosaic. "Paths for cars"- contribute to the formation of choosing an object of a given color.

"The machine is big and small"- to train children in distinguishing between objects of two sizes.

"Compose the image" (transportation)- to contribute to the formation of the whole picture, from two (four) parts.

Game and problem situations

Construction game "Car"- Encourage children to create, together with an adult, simple play buildings and play with them.

Game situation "Let's ride toys on a truck." Introduce the way vehicles are used by their functions.

Construction game "Colored paths"- to promote the ability to select objects by color.

Game situation "Let's teach Katya the Doll how to behave on the bus." Remind children of the rules of conduct on public transport.

Construction game "Garage"- Encourage children, together with the teacher, to create a small play building, commensurate with its size with a toy.

Game situation "Carry the cargo". Encourage children to clean up toys after themselves, to help a friend.

Problem situation "Two boys want to play, but the car is one"- to promote the ability to see and accept a problem situation, to solve it.

Problem situations: "The car broke down", "The bus ran out of gas".

Individual work

Speech play"Transport" to promote the ability of children to imitate the sounds of different types of transport, to develop the articulation apparatus.

Exercise "Where the car hums"- develop auditory attention.

"Color the plane (car)"- encourage children to paint without going beyond the contour, hold the pencil correctly.

Finger game "Who has arrived"- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Joint viewing of a toy truck. Clarification of machine parts (wheels, body, cab).

Exercise "The plane flies"- on the development of prolonged exhalation.

Family interaction

Reading fiction A. Barto "Airplane", "Truck", "Ship".

Observation while walking for transport (cars, buses)

Teach children about the rules of behavior on the street.

Pay attention to the crosswalk, fix the colors red and green.

Related publications:

The "Transport" week was held at the preschool educational institution. Throughout the week there were classes, games and walks dedicated to traffic rules. Was held thematic conversation «.

Monday Organization of household work in a corner of nature: duty, Form the ability to identify plants in need of care. Form.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world "Transport" (junior group). Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world "Transport" (younger group). Purpose: to shape elementary representation about the types of transport.

Lesson summary 2 junior group Topic: "Transport". 2015 Objectives: -To acquaint children with different types of transport. - Acquaintance.

Gordeeva Svetlana Leonidovna

Educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type" Yagodka ", Tomsk region, Aleksandrovsky district, village Aleksandrovskoe

Gordeeva S.L. Morning gathering on the topic "Transport" in the second younger group// Owl. 2018. N1 (11) .. 07.2019).

Order No. 67828


Learn to name the types of transport correctly;

Replenish the vocabulary of children about the types of transport and cargo;

Form a verbal dictionary for children;

Learn to pronounce words clearly, changing the rate of speech and the strength of the voice;

Develop the ability to imitate an image, develop imagination, attention, creativity.

Equipment and material:

- a set of demo cards on the topic "Transport" (174 * 220 mm, with conversations, poems, riddles, questions) - tram, car, bicycle, truck, helicopter, airplane;

A series of plot action pictures ("Preschool Dictionary of a Preschooler" by NV Nishchev);

Traffic signals: colored cardboard cards - red, yellow, green.

1.Fizminutka "Aircraft".

We are planes today (I.P. sitting on heels, "motor" (rotation by hands)

We are not children, we are pilots. (4 claps)

Hands are nose, and hands are wings -

The squadron flew ... (Stand up, scatter, hands are wings)

(After the game, the children sit on the chairs).

2. Finger game "Transport".

One, two, three, four, five -

Let's call transport.

Car, helicopter,

Tram, bus, plane.

(We open our fingers one by one, starting with the little finger.)

We clenched five fingers into a fist,

Five types of transport were named.

(Squeeze your fingers into a fist, starting with the thumb.)

3. Game "Tell me a word".

1. The house on the rails is right there

He will whisk everyone away in five minutes.

You sit down and don't yawn -

Heading off... (tram).

2. Will not go without gasoline

Not a bus, not ... (a car).

He rides on two wheels,

Does not skid on the slopes,

And there is no gasoline in the tank -

This is my... (bicycle).

3. I am called a dump truck,

I'm dumping myself ... (cargo).

I'm used to carrying heavy loads,

I'm huge ... (truck).

4. Feed me gasoline,

Give rubber to your hooves

And then, raising the dust,

Will run ... (car).

5. Clinging to the rear tire,

The bear is going ... (car).

6. Without acceleration, it takes off,

It resembles a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Rotary-winged ... (helicopter).

7. There is silence in this house,

Many windows, one door.

The house flies into the sky.

The whole country is behind the window.

The house went flying.

So this ... (plane).

4. Speech game "Say it right."

The child is asked to choose a picture on which the action is performed and name it.

By a series of pictures:

The car drives up to the garage;

The car drives out of the garage;

The car drives into the garage;

The car pulls away from the garage.

5.Fizminutka "Machine".

Start my car. ("Motor")

BBC, pour the gasoline (3 claps, stomp)

I hold the steering wheel tightly ("Hold the wheel")

I press my foot on the pedal. (Stomp with your right foot)

6. The verbal game "Finish the sentence"

The train goes on the rails, and the bus goes ... (on the ground).

The tram is big, but the bike ... (small).

The plane flies across the sky, and the ship sails…. (on water).

The bus goes, and the plane…. (flies).

The car has 4 wheels, and the bike ... (2).

7. Articulatory gymnastics "Sounds of transport".

Educator: The streets are noisy from traffic. Let's remember and pronounce the sounds we hear from vehicles:

Car tires rustle along the road: w-w-w-w-w;

The car got stuck in a ditch and skidded: dzzzz-dzzzz, dzhzh-dzhzh;

The pilot starts the aircraft engine: rrrrrr;

The plane flew: oo-oo-oo-oo-oo;

They start the motorcycle, and it crackles louder and faster: d-d-d-d-d;

A train is passing by: chug-chukh-chukh, tu-tu-tu.

Educator: Well done! Now your cars can overcome all roads.

8. Outdoor game "Traffic light".

Children follow traffic signals and perform actions: red - stand, yellow - start the engines, green - drive.


  1. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Summary of lessons in the second junior group of kindergarten: a practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. Voronezh "Teacher", 2006.392 p.
  2. Petrova T.I., Petrova E.S. games and classes for the development of speech of preschoolers. (Program "I am a human"). Book. 1. Younger and middle group... Moscow: Shkolnaya Pressa, 2006.128 p. ( Preschool education and education - an appendix to the journal "Education of schoolchildren". Issue 43.)
  3. Ryzhova N.V. Development of speech in kindergarten... For children 3-4 years old / N.V. Ryzhova. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008.160 p. (Kindergarten: day after day. To help educators and parents).

Victoria Rumyantseva
Calendar thematic planning in the second junior group for a week. Theme of the week "Transport"

Topic of the week: « Transport» (23.04-27.04) .

Monday 23.04


Conversation: "What transport

purpose: give an idea of transport what it is for.

D / game "Put the car in the garage"

purpose: to train children in distinguishing objects in size, to teach to correlate garages and cars in size.

Situational conversation "How did you get to the kindergarten on foot or by car?"

purpose: speech development, vocabulary enrichment.

Outdoor play "Bus"

purpose: Teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other participants in the game; teach them to recognize colors and change movement in accordance with them.

Cognitive development (FTSKM) on the topic "Such different machines"

Physical development (Group) №91


Observation No.

Outdoor games


Objectives: exercise in random running; learn to navigate space.

"Obstacle track"

Objectives: learn to coordinate movements with each other; develop an eye.

Outdoor play: "The sun and the rain".

purpose: to form the ability to observe the elementary rules of the game.

Independent activities of children on the site

purpose: Teach children to play on their own.


Readings of a poem by A. Barto "Truck".

purpose: we develop speech, train memory, enrich vocabulary.

Word game "Show car signal" (quietly loudly)

purpose: Teach children to say the signal loudly softly

Coloring with colored pencils "Cars"

purpose: Teach children to paint over silhouettes without leaving the outline

Role-playing game "Hospital"... Scene No.

Outdoor game "Airplanes"

purpose: Develop orientation in space.

Walk 2

Observation No.

P / N "Sparrows and the car"

Purpose. Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start movement and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

P / S Train

purpose: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column, to exercise in walking, running one after another.

The exercise "Bunnies on the lawn"

purpose: Exercise forward jumping.

Individual work:

Tuesday 24. 04.

Morning gymnastics complex number 16


"Examining Toy Cars"

purpose: To form in children primary ideas about transport means of the immediate environment (trucks, cars, about the street, road.

Speech play "Guess what we're going on"

purpose: to encourage children to pronounce sounds and onomatopoeia clearly, to promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus. Fix different types of names in speech transport.

Situational conversation "What kind of cars did you see on the way to kindergarten?"

purpose: development of speech, enrichment of the vocabulary on the topic weeks, observation.

Labor assignments: feed the fish

purpose: Teach children to care for fish

Cognitive development (FEMP). №4

Artistic and Aesthetic Development



Observation No.

Outdoor play "Chauffeurs"

purpose: to develop physical activity of children.

P / A "Tram"

purpose: Teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with movements

other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movement in accordance with them.

Individual work on physical (turns of the body, bends to the sides, jumping on two legs) Dasha X, Gleb K, Angelina K


Gymnastics complex after sleep No. 7

Conversation on the topic: “Your favorite car for kids. garden ".

purpose: telling about the toy about its features, why she is the most beloved, the development of children's speech.

Reading fiction Reading the story of M. Ilyin and E. Segal "Cars on our street"

purpose: to expand children's knowledge of special types of terrestrial urban transport

Role-playing game "Hospital"... Scene No.

Educational game "Ships".

purpose: learning to lay boats out of counting sticks.

Walk 2

Observation No.

P / game "Cars".

purpose: development of basic movements (walking, running, jumping, develop physical qualities (quickness, agility) wellness to strengthen the health of children, to develop all body systems

With the remaining children: D / i "Rides, floats, flies"

purpose: development of attention, ingenuity, to form the ability to distinguish types transport.

Labor assignment: collect toys after walking on the veranda

purpose: to teach children to carry out the simplest work assignments.

Individual work:

Wednesday 25.04.


Conversation "How did I come to kindergarten".

purpose: remember road safety rules, fix the name transport.

The exercise "What is drawn in the picture".

purpose: fix the title transport, the ability to classify it.

Outdoor play "Legs"

purpose: learn to act according to the text of the poem.

Didactic game: "One - many"

purpose: develop the ability to form nouns plural in the nominative and genitive (bus - buses - buses)


Subject: "A car".


OOD: Physical development (air). № 93

Observation No.

P. and. "Who will run to the flag faster".

purpose: teach to overcome obstacles in running.

P. and. "Shepherd and flock".

purpose: to form the ability to crawl under the arc.

S. p. the game "Tram".

purpose: remember the names of stops with the children, involve shy children in the participation.

Ind. Work Play exercise "Along a narrow path"

purpose: development of motor skills (stepping from circle to circle)... With Timofey, Dasha.


Gymnastics complex after sleep No. 7

Reading E. Miller "Mole and little car".

purpose: to acquaint with the work.

Examining the illustration "Tram and trolleybus".

purpose: teach children to see the similarities and differences of objects, introduce the concept of electric transport.

The exercise "Swing".

purpose: Teach children to act in pairs.

Role-playing game "Hospital"... Scene No.

Walk 2

Observation No.

P / N: "Through the brook".

purpose: Exercise children in stepping over an obstacle.

Low mobility game "Stop car"

purpose: to form the ability of children to run in a circle without bumping into each other, to develop the speed of reactions, to act on the signal of the teacher.

Self play activity.

purpose: to teach children group two or three people for joint games.

Individual work:

Thursday 26.04.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 16


Conversation about the work of the driver.

purpose: to expand children's knowledge of professions.

D. and. "Frogs and frogs".

purpose: to develop the speech attention of children.

Finger play with movement "A car"

purpose: Teach children to perform movements according to the text

N / a "Birds and a car".

purpose: develop agility, speed, orientation in space, Attention

Speech development « Transport»

Artistic - Aesthetic development (Music).


Observation No.

P. and. "Throw in - catch."

purpose: to develop the ability to toss and catch the ball.

P. and. "Aircraft".

purpose: develop agility and endurance.

Ind. Work Exercise "Horses" with Artem, Kira.

purpose: the formation of the skill to run with a side step.

Learning the call "Rain, rain is harder"

purpose: develop skill to repeat a nickname for the teacher.


Gymnastics complex after sleep No. 7

Conversation: "Rules of conduct in transport»

purpose: to acquaint children with the rules of conduct in public transport, foster a sense of respect for other passengers, responsibility for their actions, develop memory, thinking, speech, attention.

Reading the poem "Drivers" Kurban Choliev.

purpose: To acquaint children with a new poem.

Role-playing game "Hospital"... Scene No.

Didactic game: "Find and name".

purpose: understand the meaning of the words denoting transport, the arrangement of objects in the picture.

Walk 2

Observation No.

N / a "We are chauffeurs"

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the work of the driver; learn to navigate the terrain.

N / a "Colored cars".

purpose: Exercise children to run.

N / a "Sparrows and the car"

Objectives: Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Individual work:

Friday 27.04.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 16


Conversation:"All the guys need to know how to walk down the street"

purpose: Introducing children to road signs, Show similar pictures with different colors and explain their purpose.

Situation - communication "Machines - helpers"

purpose: find out with children which machines make human work easier; enrich children's vocabulary.

Musically - didactic the game: "Journey"

purpose: learn to listen and sing songs about transport. "We're going, we're going, we're going ...", imitate "Sounds" (imitation of the noise of a car, a bell of a tram, sound of a horn, etc.)

Labor assignments in a corner of nature

purpose: watering indoor plants from watering cans - to cultivate a love of flowers, a desire to help the teacher.

Artistic and Aesthetic Development (Painting) "Beautiful train"


Observation No.

N / a "Cars"

purpose: to foster the desire to play outdoor games with other children, to exercise in the ability to act on a signal, to run randomly.

Play exercise: "Chauffeurs".

purpose: simulate the movement of the driver, sound signal.

Individual work on the development of motor skills with a group of guys"Run to me".

purpose: Teach children to act in accordance with the sound signal, the rules of the game. Develop the ability to navigate space.

Labor activity: cleaning in the area of ​​dry twigs

purpose: To form in children the appropriate work skills, a conscious attitude to order. Encourage the desire to work, teach to rejoice at the results achieved.


Gymnastics complex after sleep No. 7

Physical development (music) №92

Reading the poem "Truck" by Agnia Barto.

purpose: Teach children to memorize small poetic works, to reproduce them clearly, at a calm pace.

Role-playing game "Hospital"... Scene No.

Situational conversation “Who flew by plane or traveled by train, share your impressions.

purpose: development of speech, enrichment of the vocabulary, develop the ability to listen to friends.

Outdoor play "Funny train"

purpose: foster the desire to play together, develop the ability to move one after another, holding tightly to the front standing child, the ability to act on a signal.

Walk 2

Observation No.

N / a "Cat and Mice"

purpose: teach well-coordinated actions at the signal of the teacher, exercise in running.

N / a "Aircraft"

purpose: to foster interest in outdoor games, to exercise in random running, to remind about the rules of safe movement during the game.

Independent play activities of children on the site.

Individual work.

Project participants: children 3-4 years old, teachers and parents.

Final event: "Daddy's holiday."

purpose: To form the concept of "transport"; To expand the knowledge of children about the purpose of transport.


to consolidate the knowledge of children about the types of transport: land, air, water.

 Expand children's ideas about the structure of a car, plane, ship; place of travel.

 To acquaint children with the rules of the road.

 To educate the skills of cooperation in the game and in the classroom, independence, initiative, responsibility.

 Form children's ideas about safe behavior on the roads.

Proposed projects:

Exhibition of drawings and handicrafts on the topic "Transport".

Decoration of the thematic window "City".

Parent corner decoration.

Project development:

 To convey to the project participants the importance of this topic.

 Create a developing environment: select materials, toys, attributes for play, theatrical activities, didactic games, illustrated material,



Musical - rhythmic exercise "Bus".

Tasks: To form an interest in music, a desire to listen to music, sing along, perform the simplest dance moves. Develop emotionality, imagery, perception of music through movement.


Finger games and greetings used in the morning training session.


Hello, the sun is golden!

Hello, the sky is blue!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello, little white snow!

Hello kids: girls and boys!

Hello, I'll tell you, I all greet you!

Outdoor games.


The plane is flying (They started up the motors, spread their wings, flew).

"Ou - oo - oo - oo - oo!", I am flying to Moscow!

Commander - the pilot is in control of the plane.

"Ou - oo - oo - oo - oo!", I am flying to Moscow.

"Landing!" - flew in and sat down.

"A train".

Here is our train,

The wheels are knocking.

And on the train in this

The guys are sitting.

“Chukh - chukh!”, “Chukh - chuh!”.

The steam locomotive is puffing

Far away - far away he took the guys!

"A car".

We're going, we're going by car,

We press the pedal.

We turn on the gas, turn it off,

We look intently into the distance.

The wipers clean off the drops.

Right, left - cleanliness!

The wind ruffles my hair.

We are chauffeurs anywhere!


Topic of the week: "Transport"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge and use of the generalizing concept of "transport", to consolidate the knowledge of the names, appearance features and parts of a passenger car and bus.

Age group: Junior group №2.

Date: from 04/16/2018 to 04/20/2018

Final event: "Exhibition of books of family publishing" The best book-baby on the topic "Transport".

The date of the final event: 20.04.2018.

Day of the week, date: Monday, 04/16/2018

Regional component

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.


2. Conversation about passengers, transport and road (2, no. 2, p. 26)

Purpose: Preliminary conversation on the topic "Transport" in order to systematize and repeat the previous knowledge of children.

3. Game "Train" 2, no. 3, p. 142)

Purpose: to teach to move with a snake without pushing or overtaking each other in a given direction.

Musical leisure (music library).

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

1.09:00 - 09:13 Communication activity (speech development), (6, p. 161).

Topic: "Story about the picture:" We are going by bus "(series" We are playing "by E. Baturina), (folder number 21).

Learn to compose a story from a picture;

Exercise in the differentiation of sounds um;

Equipment: a painting depicting a bus, a doll, a ball.

1. Conversation.

2. Ball game.

3. Reading the poem "Truck" (10, p. 142).

4. Physical education "Steamer" (2, No. 6, p.26).

5. Questions on the topic.

6. Outcome of the lesson.

(according to the plan of the physio instructor).

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

4. Speech development.


1. Observation of the weather (2, No. 1, p. 142)

2. P / N "Shaggy dog"

3. Game exercise "Duck".

Purpose: to teach to imitate the movement of ducklings.

4. P / N "The sun and the rain" (18, p. 62).

Independent games of children with external material.

Work before bed:

1. CGN (teach children not to take food with dirty hands).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 8, p.78).

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Cognitive development.

Work after sleep:

1. Recreational gymnastics after sleep "Hide and Seek" (11 p.18).

2. Reflection (2, No. 6, p. 37).

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative development.

4. Cognitive development.


1. Conversation about transport (1, no. 2, p. 77)

Purpose: to teach to distinguish different types of transport in appearance.

2. P / N "Taxi" (1, no. 2, p. 77)

Purpose: to teach walking one after another, without colliding.

1. Role-playing game: "Bus".

Purpose: to promote the formation of friendly relationships between children.

2. Drawing on the theme "Wheels for cars" (1, No. 3, p. 78), (hand out to children a drawing of cars without wheels, children draw the wheels on their own, folder No. 21).

Purpose: to develop imagination, the ability to convey an idea with a drawing.

Announcement to parents about the preparations for the exhibition of books of family publishing "The best book-baby on the theme" Transport ", which will take place on Friday, April 20.

1. Cognitive development.

2. Speech development.

3. Physical



Purpose: to observe seasonal changes in the life of birds.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the sky and the phenomena of inanimate nature.

2. P / N "Flight of birds" (2, No. 4, p. 48).

Purpose: to develop a reaction to verbal signals.

3. D / I "Name it affectionately" (2, no. 3, p. 48).

Purpose: to learn to form words using diminutive - affectionate suffixes.

4. P / N "Train" (2, No. 3, p.16)

Launching boats through puddles (12, p. 27).

Day of the week, date: Tuesday, 17.04.2018

Educational areas, their integration

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Regional component

Independent activity of children (using the developmental environment)

Interaction with parents / social partners (theaters, music schools, educational institutions)

Directly educational activities

Educational activities carried out during the regime moments

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative development.


1. Morning exercises (folder 27, no. 15).

2. Conversation: "Modes of transport: land, water, air"

Purpose: to acquaint with the concepts of different types of transport, to teach children to distinguish between different types of transport in appearance.


children's games in board games: "Puzzles", "Lotto".

Conversation "Clothes of children in a group."

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Speech development.

5. Social and communicative development.

09:00 - 09:13 Musical activities

09:25 - 09:38 Informative research activities(The world of nature. The objective and social world, the development of safe behavior), (6, p. 158).

Topic: "Transport".

To consolidate knowledge of the names, features of the appearance of a car and a bus;

To consolidate the knowledge and use of the generalizing concept of "transport".

Equipment: the hare Stepashka, pictures with the image different kind ground transport, Lotto "Transport", circles of different colors.

1. Conversation.

2. Working with images of transport.

3. Physical education "Truck" (16, p. 35)

4. Lotto game "Transport"

5. Outcome of the lesson.

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Speech development.

5. Social and communicative development.


1. Bird watching (2, no. 1, p. 143)

Purpose: observation of birds, their habits.

2. P / A "Sparrows and the car".

Purpose: to develop children's auditory attention, the ability to move in accordance with the words of the educator.

3. D / I "Dragon" (2, No. 3, p36).

4. P / N "Who is faster" (2, No. 4, p.30).

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to play in pairs.

Helping adults in cleaning the area, paths, observing the work of the janitor.

1. Social and communicative development.

2. Speech development.

Work before bed:

1. KGN (to teach children to take care of their nails with a brush).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 9, p.79).

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Cognitive development.

Work after sleep:

1. Recreational gymnastics after sleep "Sports walk" (11 p.21).

2. Reflection (2, No. 5, p. 143).

1. Artistic and aesthetic development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative development.

4. Cognitive development.

5. Physical development.


1. Conversation "Trucks and cars" (19, p. 14).

Purpose: to teach children in appearance to distinguish between trucks and cars, to consolidate knowledge about the main parts of the car.

2. Did. Exercise with counting sticks "Railroad" (1, No. 2, p.79)

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the structure of the railway.

3. Game-imitation "Ball" (1, No. 5, p. 80)

Purpose: to teach to perform movements for the teacher, according to the given task.

Teaching children to walk with a change in the pace of movement.

Purpose: individual physical development of children, consolidation of physical skills obtained in physical education classes.

Reading the work "Teremok" (10, p. 18), (rec. 12, p. 21).

1. Role-playing game "Carry the load" Purpose: to develop playing skills, teach children to play together, reflect life events in the game, develop the ability to convey the idea in the game.

Concept: children, at the signal of the driver, turn into any truck and move around the group; on a signal they stop, fill up with gas, and on a signal they continue their way to the place.

2. D / And "Skillful clothespins" (17, p. 9).

Purpose: the formation of the ability to squeeze and unclench clothespins, to correlate the color of the clothespin with the color of the object.

Oral test with parents "Parental competence and child safety" (14, p. 115)

1. Cognitive development.

2. Speech development.

3. Physical


5. Artistic-aesthetic.


1. Observing the work of the janitor (2, No. 1, p. 144)

Purpose: to acquaint children with the work of a janitor, janitor's inventory.

Purpose: to train children to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other, to act on a signal from the teacher.

3. D / And "Take it quickly"

4. P / N “We are funny boys"(2, No. 3, p. 51).

Purpose: to teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, run, trying not to get caught by the catch and not pushing.

Help in the work of the janitor, cleaning the tracks.

Day of the week, date: Wednesday, 18.04.2018

Educational areas, their integration

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Regional component

Independent activity of children (using the developmental environment)

Interaction with parents / social partners (theaters, music schools, educational institutions)

Directly educational activities

Educational activities carried out during times of security

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative development.


1. Morning exercises (folder 27, no. 15).

2. Conversation about air transport (2, No. 2, p. 27)

Purpose: to acquaint children with the parts of the plane.

3. Did. exercise "Car and steam locomotive" (1, no. 2, p.79)

Purpose: to acquaint children with the steam locomotive and its composition.

Examination of illustrations for children's books.

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Speech development.

5. Social and communicative development.

1. 09:00 - 09:13 Cognitive research activities (mathematical and sensory development), (6, p. 158).

Topic: “Let's ride the dolls in a car”.

Learn to compare objects in size and express the results in words;

Exercise in distinguishing objects by touch, naming correctly geometric figures;

Exercise in distinguishing and naming spatial directions: top-bottom, front-back.

Equipment: toys - mouse, hare, dog, cars, dolls, circle, square, triangle. Checkboxes and geometric shapes by the number of children.

1. Conversation.

2. Assignment of the teacher with flags.

3. Physical education "Watering machine" (16, p. 136).

4. Conversation about toys.

5. Questions on the topic.

6. Outcome of the lesson.

2. 09:25 - 09:38 Motor activity (hall)(according to the plan of the physio instructor).

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Speech development.


1. Observation of pigeons (2, No. 1, p. 145)

Purpose: to acquaint with the pigeon, its features.

2. P / N "The sun and the rain" (18, p. 62).

Purpose: to train children to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other, to act on a signal from the teacher.

3.D / and "Bubble" (2, No. 3, p.18).

Purpose: to teach children to form a circle, changing its size depending on the game actions; to form the ability to coordinate actions with the spoken words.

4. P / N "Shaggy dog"

Purpose: to teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, run, trying not to get caught by the catch and not pushing.

Self-guided walking activities.

Games with external material: steering wheels, paddles, molds, toys, cars.

1. Social and communicative development.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Work before bed:

1. CGN (teach children to use a handkerchief as needed indoors and for a walk).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 10, p.80).

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Cognitive development.

Work after sleep:

1. Recreational gymnastics after sleep "Favorite toys" (11, p. 24).

2. Breathing exercises"Sharik" (1, No. 1, p. 81).

1. Speech development.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Social and communicative development.

5. Physical development.


1. Conversation "Bus" (19, p. 16).

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the bus, to show the differences between the bus and cars and trucks.

2. Logorhythm "We are drivers" (1, no. 2, p. 81)

Purpose: the development of the speech of children, the accompaniment of the text with movements.

3. Making riddles about transport (1, No. 2, p. 82).

Purpose: to develop thinking, attention of children.

The game "The fourth extra".

Purpose: the development of thinking, the ability to select an extra object from the group.

1. Role-playing game "We are going to visit grandmother" Purpose: to promote the formation of friendly relations between children.

2. Offer to play the train. Purpose: to expand horizons, enrich vocabulary, develop attention, memory, interest in outdoor games.

Lesson for parents "Clever and clever men" (25, p. 46).

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Speech development.

5. Social and communicative development.


Purpose: to teach the observation of seasonal phenomena, to notice the features of this phenomenon, to draw conclusions.

2. The game "Aircraft"

Goal: development motor activity children, the ability to move at the command of the teacher.

3. D / I "Dragon" (2, No. 3, p36).

Purpose: development of attention, imagination, memory, regulation of behavior in a team.

4. P / N "Train" (2, No. 3, p.16)

Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in a convoy one by one, to speed up and slow down, to make stops at a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push their comrades, to be attentive.

Day of the week, date: Thursday, 19.04.2018

Educational areas, their integration

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Regional component

Independent activity of children (using the developmental environment)

Interaction with parents / social partners (theaters, music schools, educational institutions)

Directly educational activities

Educational activities carried out during times of security

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative development.

1. Morning exercises (folder 27, no. 15).

2. Conversation about traffic rules (1, no. 2, p. 84).

Purpose: acquaintance with the traffic light.

3. Conversation about traffic lights (13, p. 15)

Purpose: to acquaint children with the elementary rules of DD.

Coloring pages with pencils on the topic "Transport"

(folder number 21).

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Speech development.

5. Social and communicative development.

1.09:00 - 09:13 Musical activities(according to the plan of the music director)

2. 09:25 - 09:38 Visual activity (construction),(6, p. 160).

Topic: "Bus".

To consolidate the idea of ​​the bus and its parts;

Encourage building a bus by placing bricks tightly together and stacking them on top of each other;

Introduce the new part to the cylinder;

Encourage to beat the building.

Equipment: building material built from building material bus, small toys.

1. Introductory conversation.

2. Talking about the bus.

3. Physical education "The train is racing" (16, p. 36).

4. Construction of the bus.

5. Questions on the topic.

6. Outcome of the lesson.

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Speech development.


1. Observation of the driver's work (2, No. 1, p. 148).

Purpose: to acquaint children with the profession of a driver.

2. P / N "Get into the circle with a bag" (2, No. 3, p.45).

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in throwing with the right and left hand.

3. Didactic exercise "Snake" (2, No. 3, p. 104).

Purpose: to teach to move in a column one after another.

4. P / N "Hedgehog and Mice" (1, No. 7, p.112)

Free games with portable material.

1. Social and communicative development.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Work before bed:

1. CGN (to teach children to use a handkerchief).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 11, p.80).

1. Physical development.

2. Cognitive development.

Work after sleep:

1. Recreational gymnastics after sleep "We play and dance" (11, p.27).

2. Reflection (2, No. 7, p.29).

1. Artistic and aesthetic development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative development.

4. Cognitive development.

5. Physical development.


1. Conversation "Tram and trolleybus" (19, p. 18)

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about the tram and trolleybus, develop logical thinking.

2. Exercise for correct nasal breathing "Breeze" (1, No. 4, p. 85)

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the face.

3. Experiment "Sinking, not sinking" (1, no. 5, p. 85)

Purpose: to clarify the concept that not all objects can float.

4. P / A "Aircraft" (1, No. 6, p. 85).

Purpose: development of motor, communication skills and dexterity.

Individual work "Toy Railway».

Purpose: to continue teaching children to draw different lines (long, short, vertical, horizontal), to cross them like rails, to improve technical drawing skills.

Nursery rhymes, jokes (18, p. 66, nursery rhymes 6,7).

1. Role-playing game "Driver"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships through play.

2. Musical leisure (music library).

Invite parents to walk along the streets of the city, paying attention to transport, talk with children about the external difference between trucks and cars.


1. Observing the weather (2, No. 1, p. 146)

Purpose: to teach the observation of seasonal phenomena, to notice the features of this phenomenon, to draw conclusions.

2. The game "Build!" (1, No. 1, p. 214).

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to line up in a column one by one.

3. P / N "Who will find the tree faster" (18, p. 61)

Purpose: find a tree by name.

4. Д / И "Determine how many flags" (1, №4, p. 216).

Purpose: consolidation of concepts one, many, few.

1. Independent games of children with portable material, according to the intention of the children.

2. Helping adults to work in the garden (garbage collection, planting).

Day of the week, date: Friday, 20.04.2018

Educational areas, their integration

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Regional component

Independent activity of children (using the developmental environment)

Interaction with parents / social partners (theaters, music schools, educational institutions)

Directly educational activities

Educational activities carried out during times of security

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative development.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development.


1. Morning exercises (folder 27, no. 15).

2. Reading "Tale of the cherished lights" (19, p. 11)

Purpose: to give the first idea of ​​a traffic light and its purpose.

Musical leisure (music library).

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Speech development.

5. Social and communicative development.

1.09:00 - 09:13 Visual activity (modeling),(6, p. 164).

Topic: "By Design."

To consolidate the existing modeling skills;

Encourage you to name the sculpted object.

Equipment: plasticine, boards.

1. Conversation.

2. Modeling according to the intention of the children.

3. Physical education "Airplane" (16, p. 36).

4. Questions on the topic.

5. Outcome of the lesson.

2. 15:45 - 15:58 Motor activity (hall)(according to the plan of the physio instructor).

1. Cognitive development.

2. Physical development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. Speech development.

5. Social and communicative development.


1. Observation of the dog (2, No. 1, p.47).

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​a pet - a dog, her appearance, behavior; cultivate love for animals.

2. D / I "Pick up the word" (2, no. 3, p. 106)

Purpose: development of children's speech, familiarization with new words.

3. P / and "Tram". (2, no. 4, p. 106)

Purpose: to teach to act in concert at the command of one of the players.

4. P / N "Lovishki" (2, no. 4, p. 47).

Purpose: to develop: quickness of reaction, dexterity and dexterity, to teach how to play in a team.

Independent games for children.

1. Social and communicative development.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Work before bed:

1. CGN (teach children to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before eating).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 12, p.81).

1. Physical development.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Work after sleep:

1. Recreational gymnastics after sleep "Amusing exercises" (11, p. 29).

2. Reflection (2, No. 6, p. 149).

1. Artistic and aesthetic development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative development.

4. Cognitive development.

5. Physical development.


1. Conversation "The streets of the city" (16, p. 20).

Purpose: to acquaint children with the street, its main parts, to develop the desire to comply with the rules of safe traffic.

2. Implementation of the application on the theme "Machine" (1, No. 3, p. 87).

Individual work during dinner: to teach neatness: to monitor the development of correct posture.

Nursery rhymes, jokes (18, p. 66, nursery rhymes 8.9).

Objectives: To introduce children to oral poetry, to help them understand the purpose of nursery rhymes, jokes, and little pest.

1. Role-playing game "Drivers and passengers".

Objective: To continue work on the development and enrichment of game plots.

2. Free games in development corners, with board games.

Exhibition of books of family publishing "The best book-baby on the theme" Transport ".

Goals: achieving a common goal for the child and family, awakening the spirit of teamwork in the child, strengthening the family and raising the younger generation.


1. Observing the spruce (2, No. 1, p. 11)

Purpose: consolidation of the previously acquired knowledge.

2. P / N "Vorottsa" (2, No. 4, p. 110).

Purpose: the ability to act quickly and harmoniously at the signal of the teacher, the ability to play in a team.

3. Game exercise "What kind of bird is it" (18, p. 54)

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about what sounds the birds make, to teach clearly pronounce the sound "R".

4. D / And "Take it quickly"

Purpose: to teach to compare the number of subjects with the number of children. (2, no. 3, p. 50).

1. Independent games of children with portable material, according to the intention of the children.

2. Helping adults to work in the garden (garbage collection, planting).


1. "Comprehensive classes under the" Childhood "program, the second junior 3-4 years old group," Uchitel "publishing house, Volgograd, 2017, Yu.B. Sergeantov.

2. “Educational activities for walks. Card file of walks for every day according to the program "Childhood" T.I. Babaeva, second junior group (from 3 to 4 years old) ", Uchitel publishing house, Volgograd, 2017.

3. " Working programm educator "Daily planning for the program" Childhood ", the second junior group", N.N. Gladysheva, Uchitel publishing house, Volgograd, 2014.

4. "Games for development fine motor skills hands using non-standard equipment "O.A. Zazhigina, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2012

5. "Complex of plot gymnastics for preschoolers", L. L. Sokolova, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016.

6. "Summaries of complex thematic lessons, second junior group" NS Golitsyn, publishing house "Scriptorium-2003", 2016.

7. "Drawing with children 3-4 years old, class notes", DNKoldina, publishing house "Mosaic-synthesis", 2013.

8. "Modeling with children 3-4 years old", DNKoldina, publishing house "Mosaic-synthesis", 2007.

9. "Reading fiction" "Communication" in the second junior group of kindergarten ", N.А. Karpukhina, publishing house "Method", Voronezh, 2013.

10. "Reader for the younger group", M.V. Yudaeva, publishing house "Samovar", 2017

11. "Invigorating gymnastics for preschoolers" TE Kharchenko, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2017

12. "Education of a little Volzhan", a program for teachers and parents on raising children from 3 to 7 years old, ed. E.S. Evdokimova, M., "Planet", 2012

13. "Summaries of classes on social and moral education of children preschool age"I and the World", L.L. Mosalov, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2017.

14. “Formation of a safety culture. Interaction between families and preschool educational institutions ”, L.L. Timofeeva, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2014.

15. "Organization of experimental activities of children 2-7 years old", Е.А. Martynova, Volgograd, Uchitel publishing house.

16. "Card indexes of outdoor games, exercises, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics", N.V. Nishcheva, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016

17. "Gaming didactic aids for the development of fine motor skills and cognitive processes in preschoolers ”, S. B. Gorbushin, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016

18. "Welcome to ecology" O.A. Voronkevich, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016

nineteen. " Road alphabet in kindergarten "E.Ya. Khabbibulina, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016

20. "Moral and patriotic education of children of preschool age" Vetokhina A.Ya., publishing house "Childhood-press", 2015.

21. Folder-attachment to the lessons "Pictures".

22. "Application with children 3-7 years old", DNKoldina, publishing house "Mosaic-synthesis", 2007.

23. Folder "Fiction card file".

24. "Program" Summer rest and health improvement of preschoolers: the first steps towards inclusion ”from 3 to 8 years old, Е.А. Petrova, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016.

25. “Joint activities of children, teachers and parents in kindergarten. From work experience. " L.S. Zhestkova, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2014.

26. " Parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten. Questions and Answers "V.F. Hutsul, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2015.

27. Folder "Morning gymnastics complex, second junior group."

28. "500 riddles about everything for children" AT Volobuev, publishing house "TC Sphere" 2008.

29. "Conversations about the behavior of the child at the table" Belaya K.Yu., publishing house "TC Sphere" 2016.

30. "Learning to make postcards" N.V. Shaidurova, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2014.

31. “Grow healthy, baby!”, I.S. Batova, Volgograd, Uchitel publishing house.

32. "Children's health in winter", I.S. Batova, Volgograd, Uchitel publishing house.

33. "Parent - child - teacher" V.E. Lampman, Volgograd, Uchitel publishing house 2009

34. "Safety on the streets and roads" N.А. Murchenko, Volgograd, Uchitel publishing house.

35. "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers" N.V. Dubrovskaya, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016