How to memorize information. How to remember the large amount of information in a short time? Create intelligence cards, slideshows, presentations

For successful preparation for the session. But we decided not to stop and introduce you to another with four effective methods of quick memorization of text or any other information. Read, Think, choose the appropriate.

The basis of all the following techniques is re-reading. But it is not about unsystemant and inexplendant reading, but about deep work on the text.

Text assimilation for 4 repetitions: Fashion Method

The name consists of the first letters of the names of the basic stages of memorization of the text:

  1. ABOUTrenounce think. The text is read for meaningful perception and allocating basic thoughts, establishing relationships between them. No need to perceive everything in the text. If necessary, basic information is emphasized or written to a separate sheet.
  2. INnight reading. The second reading is highly attentive and thoughtful, you should pay attention to small details, details. Text is read leisurely. The main task of this stage is to mentally bind details to the main thoughts. At the end of the stage, you need to try to remember the main thoughts and the details already tied to them.
  3. ABOUTbzor. The text fluently visible fluently, without in-depth reading. View starts from the end. The reading mentally asks for himself questions on the main points, trying to hold parallels with the text information already received. At this stage is drawn up sample plan Text and remembered the sequence of basic thoughts.
  4. D.watery. Repeating text text in a specific sequence: remember the highlights, gradually moving to details. At this stage, if possible, spattering into text should be avoided. Then there is a re-read with mental "serifs" in those places that the reader missed or forgotten. Why did it happen so? If the missed information is essential, it should be done.

Among all the methods of assimilation, this information is suitable for small volume texts.

Since the new information is quickly forgotten after the initial acquaintance, it is worth repeating it a little later (in a few hours on the same day or the next one). Over time, the dynamics of forgetting slows down.

Reading out loud and mental repetition: Method

This method of quickly memorizing information is similar to the previous one, but also has its differences.

An experiment was conducted in Kazan University, during which the subjects formed 4 groups. The task for all is to remember the text. In the first group, the text was read aloud 4 times. In the second - the text was read aloud 3 times and once mentally retelled by students. In the third - the text was read twice and twice retells mentally. In the fourth - the text was read aloud just once, and 3 times mentally retelling the listeners.

The results showed the greatest memorization efficiency in students of the fourth group. A little less effectively remembered the information listeners of the third group, even less - the second, students of the first group worse than the rest remembered the information.

Thanks to this experiment, the point of the point appeared:

  1. ABOUTrentation. When reading the text, it is important to understand it main thought. If necessary, it is written or emphasized, repeating it repeated in memory.
  2. C.just. When re-reading with information get acquainted more carefully, smaller details are allocated, the relationship between them and the main thoughts of the text. Mentally several times repeated the main thoughts attached to the details.
  3. ABOUTbzor. When quickly viewing text is determined whether the main thoughts and their connection with the details were determined. For a deeper understanding, you can put questions to the main parts.
  4. G.lavender. A mental retelling is performed, and if possible - and out loud. At this stage, it is important to recall the main thoughts, answer the questions.

Try to reduce the number of readings to a minimum. In this case, the number of mental repetitions can be absolutely any necessary for better assimilation in memory.

Methods of memorizing large amounts of information: Cicero method

Previous methods are suitable for working with small texts. But what to do if you need to quickly master and remember the whole abstracts, books, works?

As you could have guess, this technique was named after Mark Tully Cicero, a brilliant speaker, the great statesman of Rome, who lived in 106-43. BC.

The glory of this person brought not only his smartest thoughts. In his speeches, he never enjoyed the records, reproducing a huge amount of dates, facts, quotes of historical events and names.

This is one of best methods Memorizing information due to simplicity. It is also called room system or method of seats.

The essence is to mentally put important facts in a certain order in a well-known room. Then, if necessary, it will be necessary to simply remember the very room for the survival of the necessary information. It was this method that Cicero himself was guided by preparing for speeches: mentally he walked around his house, as convenient as possible for himself placing the main positions of performance in it.

Before embarking on the development of the method, it is important to choose your own sequence of room bypass in order not to get confused in its own logic of posting information.

For the first acquaintance with the memorization of information in this way, try to continually walk in your home, mentally setting information on places. Then then walking around the house will not necessarily, quite mentally repeat the traveled route.

But tips to help make an "alignment" of information correctly:

  • it is best to start with your own room. Take the door for the starting point, follow the right of the left hand (explore in order everything is left) and slowly move further clockwise;
  • with consistent placement of information, it is worth considering fixed objects that are always standing on the same places (curtains, chandeliers, floor lamp, sofa, picture, photo frame, cornice, shelves, etc.);
  • you should use sequential movement not only from left to right, but on top-down, as often items are one under a different (carpet under the sofa, table under chandelier, etc.);
  • if you need to remember multi-level lists, use not only your home, but also at home your relatives, friends, lecture hall and even well-studied routes from home to study, shop, etc.

Over time, more and more mastering this method, you can use all the smallest items from the rooms and find all the more secluded storage space in the information memory. But at the very beginning it is better to limit themselves to the most noticeable objects in the room.

This method has perfectly proven itself when working with large texts, the routine of the day, remembering the order of phone calls. Moreover, if important information is somehow related to each other, and is not just a meaningless set of data, you can repeatedly use the same room several times.

Cicero method is great for memorizing numbers. True, first will have to translate the numbers from the abstract form in more specific in any convenient way. And then, you can objects in which the numbers were transformed, fill in the room in the room.

The huge advantage of this method is that there are enough 2-3 workouts to master them, unlike many other techniques. In addition, it can be used in a completely any situation and anywhere. At the same time, the support and imaginary will serve as a place where you are at a specific point (audience, cottage, museum, deanat). All you need is to remember the familiar room or use the one in which you are at the moment.

We offer you to practice and try to reproduce the words below, using the Cicero method: float, napkin, hair curlers, grass, mirror, album, comb, book, cat, light bulb, match, blanket, scissors, scissors. As a sample of the room you can use the picture:

This technique is one of the most effective methods that contribute to the effective memorization of text information.

Using Visual Memory: Pictogram Method

The pictogram is a set of graphic images that a person comes up with itself to memorize and subsequent reproduction of any words and expressions.

Pictogram method in psychology is often used for research, diagnosis and strengthening memory in people of the "visual" image (visuals).

During the study of thinking by the method of icons, the following plan was developed when working with textual information:

  1. The text highlights keywords or brief phrases that should be written and emphasized.
  2. A pictogram is drawn to each word or phrase - a kind of image that later helps remember this word / phrase. The image here plays the role of the visual association. During drawing, you should not use schematics, as well as unnecessary details. The picture should not have numbers and letters. The process of creating an image should not take more than 10-20 seconds. Example: To memorize the phrase "grave work" you can draw a hammer or a person bent under a heavy cargo. With the phrase "Merry holiday" you can associate salute, flags, christmas tree, etc.

The icon cannot be correct or incorrect. This is an association that belongs exactly to you and is created to fulfill the main goal - to remind you of a word or phrase, to which it was tied.

It is much easier to perform a drawing for a specific subject (ice cream, bear, nose) than for a process or abstract concept (development, longing, reflection). But in this case, it is easy to solve the question - you only need to assign them a more subject association, to transform them into something specific. For example, for the word "development", you can use the image of the spiral, for the word "longing" - a tear or antiulib, for "reflections" - light bulb, etc.

There are also the words of the average complexity of concretization, for example, a school can be depicted with a desk, a board, a hospital - a bed or a red cross, etc.

Before you start using the icon method, it is necessary to practice. This will allow you to fill your hand in drawing and prepare for the fulfillment of the immediate task.

Approximate exercise : Draw pictograms for the words below. Please note that different words are used here. Try to draw such a drawing so that you can remember a few hours to remember the word you created the image.

After a few hours, try playing all words according to their pictogram, and after - to reproduce all the text, looking at your pictures using the icon method when preparing for exams, you can use a leaf with drawings as a cheat sheet that it will not be scary to lay out on the desk at the most Exam.

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Using the accumulation system: Atkinson's method

But Atkinson is confident that memory should improve gradually, without sharp jumps and overloads. Therefore, the accumulation method is considered the only safe and proven memory strengthening method.

The scientist proposes to leave aside all artificial techniques, using only the fact that the nature itself gave us. Brain, like all muscles, needs training and gradual loads. With increasing loads, memory efficiency will grow.

The essence of the system is as follows:

  1. Choose text (optimally - in poetic form). On the first day, he examines from 4 to 6 lines.
  2. On the second day yesterday's learned lines repeat and additionally learn from 4 to 6 lines.
  3. On the third day, new 4-6 lines add already learned.
The more the number of repetitions, the better the new material is remembered.

There is nothing terrible if you spend time from time to time to the book. Do not be upset if something forgot: Over time, the amount of memory will increase, the memorization will become easier.

A month later, increase the amount of information of the information twice. In another month, you can increase the amount of information tripled.

Studies have shown that as a result of the application of this technique:

  • learned knowledge remain for a long time and easily pop up in memory,
  • ability to memorize completely any things is improving all the time
  • with the help of the will of the will, any information is easily remembered.

The essence of this method is in any other, except for repetition. It is better to conduct classes in the morning, since at this time of day our perception is still fresh. Train every day and see: in a month your brain will remember many times more information.

What is important to remember?

Multiple unsystematic repetition of information is unproductive.

And the memory can even be trained! Mark something new is useful not only when preparing for exams, but for life at all. Already in a short time, after the start of use of the selected technique, you can see how the brain begins to memorize other information we use in life: remember phones, addresses, adjust the incoming / outgoing correspondence and much more.

The secret is that after multiple workouts, the memory automatically begins to apply the skill to memorize more information. And this is without the use of any mnemonic techniques and training. However, it still costs from time to time to help your brain, sorting important and unimportant information. For example, when preparing for the exam in the discipline that you do in any way in real life It is not useful, nothing to teach a lot of useless information. It is enough to seek help to people who will do it for you.

And here you can watch the video on the memory of the FIVE and the point - the most popular way to increase memory:

Memory is an important aspect of our life. With its help, we can keep in mind the information that we get during the life.

The data that our brains processes is coming to us directly through the senses, are processed, filtered, and only then we remember the necessary information.

You can remember everything from words of songs to a large number of text.

Methods for memorizing text can be different: from simple memorization before applying techniques that help learn text.

Psychologists allocate such types of memory:

  • visiting;
  • motor;
  • hearing.

Depending on which of these species you have better developed, and methods of learning texts are selected.

How to remember the big text

To say exactly how it is better to remember the text is impossible, since there are many of them, and they all have a different degree of complexity and types (scientific articles, poems and artistic texts).

Also a very important factor for memorization is the remembrance time.

Methods of hedge

  • Major thoughts;
  • Attentive reading;
  • Overview;
  • Advanced.

Now about it more:

  1. First read the text, trying to highlight the main idea. At the same time, do not put on behalf of instantly remember it all completely. Analyze read, remembering only the main thing about what is in question. If possible, it is advisable to record the main thoughts. Then try to reproduce what you have read.
  2. At the next stage, read the text more carefully, pay attention to the little things and details. In the process of reading, link the text with the main idea that you have allocated at the previous stage. Here you can use many methods for memorization. In the end, repeat the details and the main content of the text.
  3. Then you should review the text. Start read from the end, while analyzing how correctly and exactly you remember the details. You also need to create an approximate text plan. Remember the keywords using the association method.
  4. At the very end, we repeat the exploded material, retelling it out loud to yourself or the interlocutor. At the same time, allocate the details that you missed. Try not to pry to the text.

Analyze the places in which you made a mistake, try to remember them using the Association with something.

On Vikuium, you can train memory using special exercises.

Remember Near the big text possible when used in different ways perception of information. It depends on the type of your memory. One can memorize text, just listening to it, and the other uses visual perception for this.

Features of memorization of text in native language

These memorization methods are based on creating an image of what you remember. They can be divided into categories:

  • we write down that we learn;
  • graphic method;
  • text division into parts;
  • permanent reminder.

When memorizing texts with a large number of terms or formulas, simple rereading material will not be enough. To do this, we use the recording method.

After reading the text, allocate the basic theses and terms. Then consistently write them. At the same time, it is possible to draw a plan of the text and on it to describe, highlighting the main quotes, theses and terminology.

If you do not have the ability to record, then select the main thing directly in the text using a pencil or other allocation methods.

Much quickly remember the information allows a schematic representation of the main thoughts of the text. To do this, you can use graphic schemes, drawings, sketches and pictograms.

This method is effective when memorizing complex technical texts.

Methods of using pictograms to memorize large texts

  1. Allocate keywords and expressions.
  2. Then we draw pictograms for each highlighted word, the so-called pictures that you will allow you to remember it. It can be your associations with them, but pictograms should not be too cumbersome. When drawing pictures you can not make an inscription. Just draw something that your word or expression is associated with you.
  3. Use the resulting pictograms to memorize text. The sequence of drawings should coincide with the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe article.
  4. Volumetric texts Psychologists recommend to memorize by dividing it into small parts. The material should be broken by no more than 7 parts, each of which should have a semantic link.
  5. Concentrate memorization follows on the middle of the material, as the beginning of the texts, mainly contains little specific information, and the end is logically clear in the course of the main text.
  6. If the time for memorization allows you to apply a constant reminder method. The text that needs to be remembered is divided into pieces and printing them on paper is placed in the places of your permanent stay, for example on the refrigerator, in the bathroom or in the smoking areas.

Specific Study Text in English

The process of memorizing foreign texts is much more complicated and requires more time. In order to quickly remember the text in English, you can record it on the audio player and listen to it, engaged in ordinary affairs, when traveling in urban transport.

At the same time, it is important not to listen to the material, but also to be thought out, analyze and allocate important moments. Also, the text will quickly remember if you describe the plot with the help of drawings and explanations to the text.

An important factor is the time of day when you remember the material. The optimal time for memorization is four hours before falling asleep and four hours after lifting.

Measure texts without understanding their meaning much more difficult and longer. The material in English should be retepted in your own words, and not to reproduce the word for word. Try to memorize parts, delve into the essence and carry out the parallel content and your life.

We develop memory

To be able to memorize a large number of Information we have to train the brain. You must develop ability to memorize.

There are many exercises for memory. You yourself can choose which one will suit you.

  • Every morning after woken up, you can count from 100 to 0, and try to do it as quickly as possible. Try to exclude from your everyday life calculator. Consider in the mind when shopping in stores, deal with mathematical memory workouts. Make different operations on numbers, it will give the plasticity to your brain and will increase the amount of memory.
  • Perfectly develop memory will help the exercise "60 titles for 60 seconds". To do this, it is worth calling every second for the word, for example, 60 capitals of the world or the name of the plants. At first you will not succeed in this pace, but you do not despair, pronounce and remember. Every day you will get better. Care and a week later you will feel the result.
  • The simplest method of memory development is simple to memorize texts. First you must memorize small volumes, gradually moving to large. The main process of learning is not stopped, and it is systematically.
  • Improve the ability to memorize texts will allow the method of learning foreign words. During the first week you must remember 10 words every day. You can teach them in pairs, writing words on a piece of paper, where you specify the word and its translation. Then you gradually increase the number of words per day, for example, in the second week of 20 words per day, on the third words.

The main thing is to quickly memorize texts: constantly train the memory, try to perform non-standard tasks, for example, if you are right-hander, then clean the teeth left. This will allow your brain to develop new neural connections and make it more plastic to memorization.

Tomorrow exam, and you did not prepare for him, because you did not have time or did you postpone my studies for later? You can prepare for the exam in one day if you are disciplined and attentive. It is better to prepare in advance, for example, a week before the exam, but there are situations when it is impossible to do. In this article we will tell you how to prepare for the exam in one day.



    Find a suitable place to occupy. You have nothing to distract you - no friends or any items in your bedroom. Find such a place for classes where you can focus on the material studied.

    • Do where it will be quite quiet and calm, for example, in a secluded room or in the library.
  1. Prepare everything you need. Before studying the study of the material, prepare everything you need, for example, textbooks, abstracts, markers, computer, lightweight snack and water.

    • Remove all that will distract you.
  2. Turn off the phone. If your smartphone is not needed to study it, turn it off so that it does not distract you from studying the subject. So you can focus exclusively on the material studied.

    Think if you should do it yourself or in a group. Since time is limited, then, most likely, it is better to do it yourself, but sometimes it is useful to study the material in a small group to better assimilate the concepts and terms. Deciding to engage in the group, make sure that it consists of people who are prepared no worse than you; Otherwise, the effectiveness of work in the group will not be very high.

    Learn to work effectively with the textbook. You do not remember the material if you just read the tutorial (especially if your time is limited). Reading a tutorial, pay special attention to a summary of chapters and basic information taken by bold.

    • Find issues that are given after each chapter (or at the end of the textbook). Try to answer these questions to test yourself and understand that you should be a trick.
  3. Create tutorial. It will allow you to better assimilate the material and quickly watch it on the day of the exam. In the tutorial, enter the most important concepts, terms, dates and formulas and try to set out the basic concepts in your own words. Independent formulation of concepts and their record on paper will allow you to better understand and remember the material.

    • If you do not have time to create a tutorial, ask him for a friend or classmate. But it will be better if you create your own tutorial, as the wording and record of basic concepts will allow you to better remember the information.
  4. Get ready for the appropriate exam format. If time presses, when preparing for the exam, be sure to consider its format. Ask the teacher about the exam format or look in the curriculum, or ask your classmates.

Plan of classes

    Create a plan of classes. Include the material that will definitely be on the exam, for example, important dates, specific scientific concepts, mathematical formulas or equations. If you do not know what will be asked on the exam, ask your classmates. To successfully pass the exam, it is important to know which material you need to learn (especially when limited time).

    Create a class schedule. Sewing the entire day preceding the exam, and define the clock that you dedicate the study of the material. Do not forget to allocate time for sleep.

    Create a list of topics that need to be explored. Browse the textbook, manual and abstract and write down the topics that will be present on the exam.

Hello, my favorite readers.

Have you ever thought how to quickly remember the large amount of information? How not to forget everything in the morning? How to postpone all the knowledge gained in such intensely in long-term memory?

All these questions concern every person who has ever had to memorize tons of materials for the exam, presentation or just to improve their own knowledge.

More than once I encountered the fact that many not taking off from textbooks, sit and day and night in attempts to remember as much as possible. Is there meaning in this? Maybe they do something wrong? Maybe there is another way out?

Today I want to discuss with you, as quickly and most and most effectively memorize a new material.

7 tips how to quickly learn what is impossible to quickly learn

  • Allocate the main thoughts.

Whatever it is important and big for short termIt will always be at least 50% of the water. Introductory words and subordinate suggestions, examples and ranting of the author - this is superfluous that you can cut off the text with a calm soul.

While reading mentally allocate the main thoughts and remember them. Form the so-called skeleton, which in the future you will simply impose your thoughtS.. Only this method will help you reduce the time to study the material several times.

  • Do not read the text several times.

Yes exactly. The more time you read the text, the stronger you start to stop on any unnecessary things and trifles. Especially you begin to be distracted from the most important. Our brain is designed in such a way that you'd better read once very carefully, highlighting the main thoughts, and then retell it than to read ten times the same thing in trying to remember. This will give a much more effect in a short time.

  • Do not pronounce about yourself words.

The brain is capable and without prognising to catch the point of what they see. So try not to dwell on each word while reading, and slide by text. Yes, it will be difficult, but this will significantly speed up the process.

If you regularly work with a large amount of information that you need to memorize or you just need to develop your memory to the maximum, take advantage soviets of Stanislav Matveyev - Record for memorization. This man proved that everyone is capable of more than he thinks.

  • Do not sit on the spot.

Pate in the house. Spread things in the closet. Knit or embroider with a cross. Stand up and go walk to the park. Do any physical business when you are trying to retell what they read. Scientists have noted more than once that physical mobility increases the performance and productivity of the brain. So use the fact that you already have.

  • Share apart.

No matter how much you want it, it is unlikely that you will succeed. Our brain is simply not capable of mastering tons of material without preparation. Therefore, I advise you to share everything in parts. Osill one piece - Relax, drink tea, go out to the street for 15 minutes. Generally, restart your brain.

Even if you need to master as much material as possible per day - plan your holiday. From the morning, plan, for example, at what time you will learn, and in what - relax. Schedule lunch and rest time. Then the likelihood of success you will have much higher than if you just set out in the morning and you will learn until the night.

  • Develop peripheral vision.

To significantly reduce the time reading - develop the ability read the whole line. So you do not have to run through the eyes on the line, you will see everything at once. Of course, this will not learn this in a short time, but if you constantly have to work with large amounts of information, this skill becomes extremely necessary.

Already now you can start to deal with these abilities in yourself. A good helper in this can be online brainpps service . There you can register and use good simulators.

You can also purchase premium Account and take another opportunity (for example, complete professional course , getting regularly adjusted for your level of workout, access all exercise games presented on the site, etc. ).

Clear such classes 5-10 minutes a day, and after a couple of weeks you will significantly increase the speed of reading one page of the text. I experienced it on myself.

  • Repeat every 2-3 hours.

In order not to lose what you recently learned from the shelves of your short-term memory, repeat the learned material every 2-3 hours. This will refresh your knowledge, and will help move information into intermediate memory.

I hope that among these tips you will find what will help you not only to learn correctly, but also to properly plan your studies. If you have to learn a lot of material, try these methods. And personally, I, and many of my students have repeatedly tried them on themselves.

And if you want to receive even more information about any aspects of English language - Subscribe to the newsletter of my blog. You are waiting for the most relevant and true information, a lot of interesting and useful.

January 23, 2014

Good day, dear friends! When I was preparing for this post, it turned out that the areas in which you need to quickly memorize much more than I expected, so I broke an article into two parts. Who knows, the third may appear.

The topic is actually very interesting. I got carried away by experiments with memory in high schools, when I have already actively worked on the Internet, and I did not have a lot of time to study the items. I encountered on the Internet on the (literally) hundreds of books, I already sistered all the slag like "how to develop superflamming per day" or " Fast way learn school course for one week. " Leaving pieces of 8-10, I began to stild them, writing out particularly valuable thoughts and practical exercises for memorization by heart.

For me, practice is very important, because in theory you can really do anything, but it is quite problematic to implement it in practice. Therefore, I try any tips and recommendations to check on your own skins. It turns out quite interesting, and the new skills are recruited quite a few.

I try to judge as objectively as possible, but this does not mean that I will announce the ultimate truth. I recommend only what helped me and you, I hope, will also help.

Fundamental principles

There are basic principles that will help your brain much more effectively memorize information. It doesn't matter if you want to know how to quickly learn poemor just interested in memorization methods.

  1. Maximum concentration;
  2. The physical state;
  3. Brightness of images;
  4. Motivation;
  5. Understanding;

Already simply from the names you can find out to 90% of all the essence of each principle, however, let's consider each item in more detail.

When memorizing, do not be distracted.

It seems to me that anyone can confirm that it is stronger than concentrated on the task, the faster you can get the result. There is even a lot of techniques that allow you to improve this process, but we will talk about it in the following articles, if you do not want to skip - subscribe (form at the bottom of the article).

Our brain is designed in such a way that the less tasks we carry out, the more effective the result will be. No wonder our head is often compared with the computer. By limiting the number of tasks performed by a unit or two, you can get a truly incredible result. It will be best to find a quiet room, where no one will distract you, turn off all the stimuli and start studying.

Quickly concentrate also help respiratory techniques and personal installations. Make 10 deep breaths, during which you repeat something like "I can learn everything, quickly and not intense." As soon as the last exhalation was made - immediately start remembering the necessary material.

Concentration will help you in many spheres of life. I have already spoken about this in the article "". This is a very valuable skill that needs to be constantly training.

Pretty rest.

If you feel ailment, headache Or scary want to sleep, then quickly learn the material you can hardly succeed. First, you will be constantly distracted by your sores, and this is already contrary to the first principle. Secondly, the ailments affect the efficiency of the body as a whole. So, if you want to productively engage in mental activities, you will have to get rid of these problems.

In most cases, the usual dream will help. It will allow your body to relax, the brain to come into myself and you can start learning with the full stock of the forces. As far as I remember, this advice gave one of the authors of books to the question of students on how to quickly learn English (German, Italian, French) or some language there. Hosts Sleep will allow you to increase efficiency by 2-3 times. As a result, over a smaller period of time, you can do much more.

Invent bright images.

We remember what seems unusual to us and, as a rule, we miss the fact that you used to see every day. Can you remember which colors today were traffic lights on the route you move daily? Unlikely. But if you were on the way to work / study saw a tiger playing with a huge ball, then surely would remember this for life. So why not take this feature of our brain for your benefit?

Suppose you wondered how to quickly learn the verse "Borodino". As we know, this poem literally consists of bright images and actions. This greatly simplifies our task. Just while reading, try to imagine the paintings as brightly, which describes Lermontov. Only this exercise will increase the memory efficiency at times, and imagine what will happen if you use all the principles?

You must understand why you teach this material.

The main problem of schoolchildren and students is that they do not understand why they learn. That is why many are capable of reading one line 10 times and not remember anything. If a person is fully confident in the need for the material being studied, he will be able to master it, simply running through his eyes. For example, if you were offered to quickly learn chords or an instruction for a million dollars, you would certainly be able to do it almost instantly.

The secret is that the motivation really exists. And always. The poem can be learned simply to develop memory or communicate to art. Japanese can be studied to watch anime in the original or calmly leaving this eastern country. And the definitions should be considered for better assimilation of the subject or successful exam. It is only important to find motivation and really believe it. Make it is not difficult.

You must understand the information you learn.

Material that, probably, was aliens, you will learn very long. And forget him, most likely, after a few hours. There is a real relationship between understanding and speed of memorization. Therefore, before to join the definition, try to perfectly peel into the essence of what you read about. Then, perhaps you do not have to look for information about how to quickly learnsome information.

I will, perhaps, from the most common use of rapid memorization - poem. Personally, I love poems very much (I remember, even the 3rd place in the Olympics area occupied), but I always had problems with their memorization. School - it was the first place where I began to be interested in as you can quickly learn verse. I remember that it was the poem of Pushkin "Heaven with the Heaven of the sky of the sky ...".

In general, in any area, in addition to the fundamental principles, there are "chips", the use of which allows to achieve weight results in memorization by heart. Poems in literature is no exception. I recommend using the technique that I used myself.

  1. For several times, read the poem, polnect in its meaning, feel it the essence. It is very important, you remember about the fifth principle? From the point of view of aesthetics, it is also very important, since you gain something more than the top five in literature, you can enjoy truly great words, and it costs much.
  2. After that, rewrite the piece on the paper sheet. Be sure to do it with a handle. You can show a fantasy and somehow embellish the strings. Not in the sense to change words, but in the sense to draw some drawing in the topic or portray exquisite capital letter. Imagine that you yourself write this poem.
  3. Try to move the motive. You noticed at least once that the songs are remembered very simple. Sometimes enough to listen 1-2 times to remember 90% of the song. It's all about melodiousness. As a rule, the poems also have its own melody, but it is not so much expressed. Come up with your motive and start humming the poem. This will remember it even stronger.
  4. Start learning quickly. That is, read the storm once and try to retell it. Even if you do not remember some word - do not spy at least a minute. Cut your brains to work. This will allow you to develop powerful neural connections, and you will remember these words to a much greater period.
  5. Do not try to repeat all the time, it is better to learn each quatrain separately, and then try to repeat all the poem completely. Yes, it is more difficult, but the result is achieved faster and saved longer.
  6. To understand how to quickly learn literature, work with the author's biography. Yes, it will take you more time (irony), but you will be better to deal with the subject and you can show truly quality knowledge.
  7. Repeat verse regularly. It is better to teach a bit, but every day, than everything immediately and in one evening. You can spend a little more time on the first day and try to remember the most as much as possible, and then repeat the poem 2-3 times a day. In the aggregate it will take less time, and you will be much easier.

It is even easier with the fables, since the images are used simple and understandable there, and they are remembered easier, so it will not be particularly difficult.

Knowledge of a foreign language carries huge prospects, so his study is now typing just colossal volumes. The opportunity to receive education is now almost everyone, but some teach a language for years, and some have perfectly own after a few months. What's the secret?

Two main ingredients of the recipe for success - practice and systemicity. If everything is clear from the first points (the more often and regularly do, the better you own a foreign language), then you will have to deal with the second. The fuller information and the more diverse it is, the better the material is absorbed. In the case of a foreign language, this is an excellent chance to quickly master the desired material.

Reading, writing, hearing, conversation - four spheres in which you have to develop. If you combine them all together, the effect will be simply unimaginable. Of course, if you do not know the language at all, then you will first need to learn the alphabet, the main words and wrong verbs, and only then move to systematic classes, although you can start talking immediately.

  1. Read at least one page of the text in a foreign language every day. Try not to spy in the dictionary. Such a council gives everyone who wants to know how to learn English fast and easy. I advise you to read books by Ilya Frank. It is advisable to do it out loud. They can be easily found on the Internet.
  2. Put yourself a bar in the minimum number of words. No matter, chinese, french or german You are going to teach. Suppose it will be 5 words per day. In a year you will know 1780 words, and this is already enough to speak normally with native speakers. The most important thing here is regularity, do not pause even on the most downloaded days. Especially, learn five words is a matter of ten minutes. The Linguoleo service can be an excellent help.
  3. Download audioormals and start doing them. You will not only be able to remember sustainable designs, but also you will understand how it is correct to pronounce or another word. This is important if a foreign language is needed for communication.
  4. Be sure to buy a book on grammar, learn the rules and make exercises. Of course, if you do not plan to seriously master the language, it is hardly necessary for you, but grammar will allow you to better understand the structure and become truly educated. In addition, you yourself will easier express our thoughts.

By the way, to quickly learn English words do not try to join them. Better imagine how this word looks like (for example, Apple - Apple) and aloud pronounce the English name. So you remember the word much faster, and you can use it without swaying in your memory. And to understand how to quickly learn English verbs - find the song on the Internet. They are not so little, and they memorize them faster.

Of course, the tips above were given in general terms so that you can understand the basic principles and methods of quick memorization. In I more specifically illuminate the main spheres of fast memorization, which will surely come up with you. Do not forget to subscribe to updates. Until!