Organizational business plan for a private kindergarten. Opening a kindergarten Business plan private kindergarten at home

All parents understand that education of their child needs to be dealt with from the very early age... Therefore, the answer to the question is to give the baby to Kindergarten or confine themselves to home education, more than 90% are inclined in favor of the former. And the next question is which garden to choose, private or public.

V Lately due to the rise in the birth rate, places in public kindergartens have become sorely lacking. And the middle class that has formed in Moscow over the past 10-15 years is increasingly giving preference to private kindergartens. By choosing them, parents expect that the quality of childcare, conditions, food and education will be much higher than in public kindergartens. Therefore, private preschool institutions have recently become more and more popular in our country. But to open them, first of all, you need a kindergarten business plan.

For an enterprising and talented organizer, this segment of the educational market can be quite a profitable business. It is not worth counting on super-large profits, because high-quality childcare requires a lot of costs. There is little competition in this market. Demand exceeds supply.

Most of the market for private educational services is made up of semi-legal mini-kindergartens, which are organized right in apartments and houses. In such an institution, sanitary standards are often violated, and the qualifications of the personnel are in doubt. An example of such a home kindergarten is far from the only one in our country. There are very few legal home kindergartens that have all the necessary permits and comply with the standards of sanitation and hygiene.

Private kindergartens can be divided into several types:

  • working from morning to evening;
  • working around the clock;
  • providing short-term stays.

All of them provide a full range of services for upbringing, education, all-round development, maintenance, care and nutrition for children.

If you follow the law, then educational activities on the territory of the Russian Federation can be carried out by an individual registered as an Individual Entrepreneur (IE) and a legal entity. A legal entity must be registered in a non-profit organizational and legal form. Registration is carried out by the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The term for consideration of the submitted application is 1 month. Further, it will be necessary to agree on the specifics of activities with various authorities, register with the tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds (such as the compulsory health insurance fund, pension and social), state statistics bodies. To conduct educational activities, you must obtain a license from the Department of Education.

To obtain a license, you must collect the following set of documents:

  • premises lease agreement;
  • data on teachers and the number of children who will attend kindergarten;
  • documents that confirm the availability of methodological and educational materials;
  • educational program;
  • articles of association;
  • a certificate from the tax authority, which confirms the registration of the organization;
  • extracts from the fire and sanitary services, in which it will be written that the kindergarten room meets all the standards for preschool institutions.

Obtaining a license is not easy. But if without it, it can threaten with criminal liability. If the kindergarten is not positioned as private kindergarten, but as a developmental or training center for children, the lengthy red tape with a license can be avoided. For this kind of organization, it is simply not required. But if an unscheduled check comes, then problems cannot be avoided.

After receiving all required documents you need to check the written business plan of a private kindergarten again.

Search and arrangement of premises

Finding a suitable room is not an easy task. SNiP imposes certain requirements on preschool institutions. Example:

  • each child must have at least 6 square meters. m area;
  • the presence of at least three rooms: a dining room, game Zone and a bedroom;
  • the height of the ceiling and window sills must comply with the standards;
  • walls should be covered with moisture resistant paint.

Before opening a home garden, the owner should study the requirements of SNiP well.

Theoretically, it is possible to open a home kindergarten in an apartment as well. Most of the private kindergartens in Moscow are located in apartments. But it is still better to give preference to a detached building. The ideal option is to rent the building of a public kindergarten, because when constructing such buildings, all the requirements that apply to preschool buildings were taken into account. It will not work to buy such a building. City municipal authorities usually rent them out for several years.

In the rented premises, it will be necessary to make repairs, carry out all the necessary communications, install an alarm, etc. In the washrooms, all plumbing must be adapted for children. It would be best to invite a professional artist to decorate the design in a home kindergarten. For the normal development of children, you will need to purchase children's furniture, toys, dishes, etc.

Back to the table of contents

Staff recruitment

A home kindergarten must have in its state:

  • educators;
  • nannies or caregivers;
  • medical worker;
  • manager;
  • cleaning woman;
  • Cook;
  • security guard.

The higher the level of a private kindergarten, the more opportunities it has to expand its working staff. Such kindergartens can afford to hire a child psychologist, sports coach, teachers of additional education, etc. Many of these kindergartens focus on the author's methods of educational activities. The staff who will work in the home kindergarten must have a valid medical record, pedagogical education, experience working with children and, most importantly, love children.

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Organization of meals for children in home kindergarten

For catering, you will need a separate room and equipment necessary for cooking. Meals should be varied, thoughtful, balanced and meet all applicable standards.

If you have acquaintances with young children, or you yourself are a young parent, then you probably know how difficult it is to place your child in a good kindergarten, conveniently located in relation to your home or place of work.

The lack of gardens forces parents to enroll their baby in a group immediately after his birth, often to give bribes so that someone else does not take this place away.

All this suggests that owning a kindergarten can become a good private business, and yet, not all entrepreneurs want open a private kindergarten and are in no hurry to invest in these projects.

And there are good reasons for this, because while owning a preschool can be a profitable business, starting a preschool comes with many major challenges.

Capital investments - 500,000 rubles.
The payback period is 1-2 years.

Benefits of opening a private kindergarten

Before moving on to the difficulties associated with this type of business, I would like to say about a number of benefits that a person who decides to open a private kindergarten will receive:

  • At the right approach, this type of business does not require large investments.
    In addition, there are a number of factors that you can save on without harming your wallet.
  • There are not so many private kindergartens in our country, therefore, if you create good conditions for kids and do not overstate prices, you can build a profitable business.
  • There are still too few public gardens in every city to cover the needs of the population.
  • Public preschools do not always meet the requirements of parents, so you will be able to favorably differ from them.
  • Opening a private kindergarten does not require you to have any special knowledge or skills.
    Pedagogical or medical education is an additional trump card, not a prerequisite.

Who needs to open a private kindergarten?

This type of business is female, such as opening a beauty salon or a florist shop.

Men prefer simpler types of entrepreneurial activity. And this is good, because it already automatically reduces the number of your competitors.

And yet, even among the fair sex, there are those who should definitely open their own private kindergarten:

  1. Young mothers with small children.

    You will be able to combine raising a child with making money. You will not have to give your child into the wrong hands, but you will get the opportunity to surround him with your care and attention every day.

  2. Women who have a medical education in pediatrics or a kindergarten teacher diploma.

    So you can save on the salary of either a teacher or a doctor, without which opening a kindergarten is simply impossible.

  3. People who have their own private home with a nice garden plot.

    In this case, you can open a kindergarten right at home, having fulfilled all sanitary and fire conditions, significantly saving on renting a suitable premises.

    You can, of course, try to open an institution right in your apartment, but this will be much more difficult.

Difficulties associated with opening a private kindergarten

Of course, any type of business is associated with certain difficulties that will have to be overcome in the course of work, but opening a private kindergarten has unique difficulties that frighten those who think about this type business:
  1. Large initial investment that is disproportionate to future earnings.
  2. The need to negotiate with many state inspection bodies: sanitary station, fire department, red tape associated with obtaining a license, etc.
  3. Problems with lending in modern times of crisis, especially when it comes to such risky money-back guarantees as a new business.

    This means that you need to have your own solid start-up capital, which is little possible given the average income of our citizens.

Solving the difficulties associated with opening a private kindergarten

And yet there are no hopeless situations. Each of the above difficulties is completely solvable.

  1. If you sit down and even approximately calculate how much money you need to open a private kindergarten, you get a truly frightening amount: about half a million rubles.

    But the estimated earnings are much more modest, so you will be able to return the initial investment no earlier than in a few years, and then, with the right approach to business.

    To reduce the amount of initial investment, you need to understand what you can save on:

    • on meals for children (your kindergarten may work part-time, or you can even agree with parents so that they give the children trays of food from the house);
    • on the healthcare professional(Hire a part-time doctor so that he comes a couple of times a week or contract with the medical service);
    • indoors (by opening a kindergarten at home), etc.
  2. Dealing with government services means experiencing all the delights of the flourishing bureaucracy and corruption in our country. There are three ways to avoid all this:
    • having a well-connected lawyer among friends or relatives who will save you from having to run around the offices of officials and organize everything himself in the best possible way;
    • working illegally, but in this case you will not be able to recruit a large group of children, hire staff to help or openly advertise your institution, although this option is not bad as a way to earn money;
    • naming the institution you have opened is not a kindergarten, but a development center, then you will not have to obtain a license, fulfill the requirements of state services in relation to premises, etc.
  3. Today banks are very reluctant to give loans to start new businesses.

    Finding investors who would like to invest in such a risky and not promising business beyond profits, like a kindergarten, will also be difficult.

    If you do not have enough of your own funds to open a kindergarten, then you can look for like-minded people, for example, the same young mothers who do not trust state kindergartens, but do not want to isolate their child from communication with peers.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a private kindergarten

In order to open your kindergarten according to the state model (several groups, three meals a day, a full complement of staff), you will need a lot of money, which you are unlikely to ever return.

The financial condition of even parents with an average income does not allow paying huge sums for preschool education for their children.

This step-by-step instruction will show you how to open a small private kindergarten (2 groups of 10 people: 2-4 years, 4-6 years), which does not require huge investments, having done everything according to the law, so as not to be afraid of the tax authorities and be able to formalize the staff of the institution. The institution will be opened not in its own apartment, but in a rented premises.

Registration of an enterprise and obtaining state certification

If you want to open a kindergarten, then first you have to study the Federal Law "On Education" in order to understand what can and cannot be done.

An educational organization is a non-profit institution, so it must be registered with the Ministry of Justice. The term is 30 days (sometimes more).

If you already have a suitable premises, then you will be spared the problem of what legal address your kindergarten will have. Otherwise, you will have to consult with lawyers what kind of legal address you can use, perhaps even your home address will do.

After you register your non-profit organization, pay all the mandatory fees, you should register it with the tax service and the State Statistics Office. The state inspector must confirm that the room you have chosen meets all standards, give you a document that you have passed the certification and can start working.

What else needs to be done when registering a private kindergarten:

  • .
    It is worth immediately putting a condition on parents so that they pay for the stay of their children in a private kindergarten by bank transfer. This will save you the trouble of installing the cash register at your place.
  • Choose a taxation system.
    You are eligible for the simplified tax concession system.

You should not independently engage in the registration procedure for a private kindergarten if you do not have the relevant experience. It is better to spare no money and hire a good lawyer who will take care of all the nuances and speed up the launch of your business.

It is difficult to say how much all of the above costs, but get ready for the fact that you will need at least 30,000 rubles.


This is perhaps one of the most difficult and important tasks facing a person who wants to open a private kindergarten.

Leave the idea of ​​organizing a preschool in your apartment legally, since such premises do not meet fire and sanitary standards.

Better to use the following options:

  1. Rent or buy a private house.
    It should have a sufficient area (at least 150-200 square meters), 4-5 large rooms + a kitchen / dining room and a good backyard area where you can make a playground for outdoor games.
  2. Rent the premises of the old kindergarten.
    Here, of course, repairs will have to be made, but the building will have all the necessary infrastructure, because it was built to work with children.
  3. Rent part of the premises from a children's non-profit organization, for example, the former House of Pioneers, the Youth Palace, etc.

If you do not have your own private house in order to open a private kindergarten there, then get ready to pay for rent of one square meter from 400 rubles. This amount may be higher if you wish to open your establishment closer to the center or the price of renting one square meter in your city is too high.


For a private kindergarten for two groups, you will definitely need the following staff:

If you want to provide the children with three meals a day, you will also have to hire a cook, but it is better not to take on such obligations, but to agree with the parents that they will give the kids food in trays with them, and you will only warm it up for lunch.

They can have breakfast and dinner at home. And afternoon snacks can be organized as simple as possible: tea / packaged juice, cookies, ready-made curds, yoghurts, fruits.

In addition, you will have to concurrently hire such employees who will come to classes for children 2-3 times a week:

You can reduce this cost item by concluding a contract with a private medical service that you will call them only in case of an emergency.
If you can take on one of the above responsibilities of private kindergarten staff, then you are already saving one of the rates.

Arrangement of a private kindergarten

You will need a lot of different things, but the basic shopping list looks like this:
Quantity Salary (rub) Total (rub)
Total:RUB 250,000
Cribs20 15 000 30 000
Tables and chairs40 1000 40 000
Carpets5 2000 10 000
Toys for boys and girls of different ages20 500 10 000
Linens40 1000 40 000
Arrangement of a gymnasium 30 000 30 000
Music center, TV, DVD, washing machine, laptop, printer 50 000 50 000
Additional expenses 40 000 40 000

Prepare for the fact that the additional costs of opening a private kindergarten may be much more than indicated in the table.

Stages of opening a private kindergarten

Stage Apr May June July Aug Sep
Business registration and certification+
Premises for rent and repairs in it +
Purchase of the necessary equipment, furniture, etc. +
Purchase of toys, equipment and other things +
Recruitment +
Advertising + + +
Kindergarten opening +

It takes about six months for the kindergarten to start working.

Cost table for opening a private kindergarten

Expenditure item Amount (in rubles)
Total:RUB 500,000 - RUB 600,000
Company registration30 000 – 40 000
Premises rental (150-200 sq. M.)60,000 - 80,000 (per month)
Renovation of the premises50 000 – 100 000
Arrangement of a kindergarten250 000
Employee salary44,000 - 50,000 (per month)
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses50 000

And that's not counting taxes and other unplanned expenses.

on the opening of a private kindergarten.

How much can you earn by opening a private kindergarten

Talking about how much you can earn per month is difficult enough. It all depends on whether your private kindergarten will function full day or only half a day. In addition, a lot depends on the popularity of the preschool educational institution.

Agree, it's stupid to raise prices if no one is in a hurry to sign up for you.

The average cost of visiting a private kindergarten for one child is 10,000 rubles.
If you have 20 kids, your monthly income is 200,000 rubles.

Not too much to start with, but by making your establishment popular, you can increase prices and expand by making, for example, 3-4 groups, not 2.

As you can see, in order to open a private kindergarten, decent funds are needed, and the recoupment of such a project is a long-term business. You can significantly reduce costs if you open a garden at your home, but in this case, you should prepare for the fact that the income will be even lower, and you will not end up with problems with the tax office if she decides to check you.

Nevertheless, semi-legal private kindergartens, organized in apartments, function successfully. Choose for yourself how you should proceed.

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In recent years, it has been rather difficult for young parents to place their baby in a municipal kindergarten due to the lack of places. You have to stand in line from his birthday, but it is not a fact that the place will be received when the child reaches 2-3 years old. A private kindergarten comes to the rescue - a fairly new and promising direction of small business.

What is a private kindergarten

A private kindergarten is an educational institution that provides social services to the population (or supervision and care), on the basis of extra-budgetary funds and parental fees. Social services include:

  • Education and upbringing of the child
  • Supervision and care
  • Wellness and disease prevention
  • Pedagogical education of parents

Off-budget funds are investments of investors, if any, or your own cash that you will spend on the design and opening of your own preschool.

Advantages and disadvantages



  • High parental fees, but many parents prefer to pay for the education and upbringing of the child in a comfortable environment, so that both the baby will feel good and the mother and father will have their hearts in place.
  • Lack of a dedicated walking area. Most often, children are taken out for a walk in a nearby square or park, unless the kindergarten premises are located in a separate cottage or specialized room.
  • Lack of benefits for paying for kindergarten.
  • Opening a preschool institution (or group) will require considerable financial investments, physical and moral strength in the fight against bureaucracy in obtaining permits, studying and drafting various statutory and educational documents.

Video - about the pros and cons of private kindergartens:

Is it profitable to open a private kindergarten and in what cases

A private kindergarten, like any business, can generate income. There is almost no competition in this area. The demand for educational services is great and many parents can and want to pay for a quality education for their child.

However, not all so simple. Keeping children in an educational institution involves high costs. Therefore, one cannot count on excess profits. A kindergarten will pay for itself faster if it is attended by at least 20 children, and parents pay from $ 200 to $ 1,500 per month.

The chosen concept of the kindergarten is also important: parents will be more willing to shell out money if the kindergarten differs in the original direction of teaching kids: according to the author's developmental methods, with the use of additional educational services.

At the same time, after all costs have been paid off, the owner can receive a stable profit.

When opening a kindergarten, all the necessary regulatory requirements should be fulfilled, then inspections by regulatory authorities, for example, will not be scary.

What documents and licenses need to be issued

One should start with the registration of a legal entity or individual - an individual entrepreneur in a non-profit organizational and legal form. Registration of a non-profit organization is carried out by the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The constituent documents indicate the selected specificity of the activity in accordance with the all-Russian classifier. The term for consideration of applications is 1 month.

After that, you should register:

  • At the tax office
  • Social and Compulsory Health Insurance Fund
  • The Pension Fund
  • State statistics bodies
  • Coordinate the specifics of activities with the department (management, department) of education or local government bodies.
  • Open a bank account.

In order to conduct educational activities, a kindergarten must obtain accreditation and a license from the Department of Education or from local authorities with the appropriate powers.

Documents for obtaining a license:

  • A contract for the lease of premises or for ownership, if the kindergarten is in its own cottage or apartment
  • Conclusion of the fire services on the compliance of the premises with the requirements for preschool institutions
  • SES conclusion
  • Tax Registration Certificate (TIN)
  • The charter
  • Educational program
  • List of necessary methodological literature and training materials available
  • Data on teaching staff
  • Data on the number of children

Carrying out educational activities without a license is subject to criminal liability.

But you can open preschool organization short-term stay of children - 3-4 hours a day, the organization is formalized as a children's development or training center, in which case a license is not required. The development center is sections, hobby groups, any kind of studio.

What is required to open a private kindergarten

Requirements for premises and equipment

Simultaneously with the start of paperwork, start looking for a room for children. To get started, read the requirements of SanPin (as amended on 04/04/2014) "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations."

The norms provide:

All rooms must be equipped with a fire alarm, lit with natural and electric light, have a temperature of 22 degrees, painted with moisture-resistant paint.

Finally, all obstacles are over. The papers have been decorated, the premises have been found, repaired and furnished with children's furniture in accordance with the SanPin requirements, dishes, toys, soft inventory, stationery, methodological literature, etc. have been purchased. It's time to recruit staff.

Personnel requirements

When recruiting personnel, one should be guided not only by education, experience, category and other business qualities, but also by love for children. The state includes:

  • educators,
  • nannies,
  • manager,
  • paramedic,
  • cleaning woman,
  • Cook.

Educators must be professional in order to ensure a high level of preschool education.

A nurse must know the specifics of working in a preschool institution, and a doctor can be invited from the nearest children's clinic on a part-time basis.

If a kindergarten provides a unique selling proposition, a specialist is required to provide this educational service:

  • teacher of additional education in English,
  • psychologist,
  • head of physical education,
  • art teacher,
  • musical director,
  • choreographer, etc., depending on the chosen direction.

And finally, children. It is advisable that children are matched to groups of the same age or with a slight difference (plus or minus 1 year). Since educational activities will be conducted in a private kindergarten, the groups should have toys, stationery.

Every child should be provided:

  • Games for development and learning, toys by age
  • Furniture for individual storage
  • Kitchen utensils and furniture
  • Sleeping place and bed linen
  • Hygiene supplies

Agreement with parents

An agreement on the provision of educational services is concluded with the parents of children, which should include:

  • Subjects: the owner of the kindergarten, as the Contractor, and one of the child's parents, as the Customer.
  • Subject of the contract: services provided by an educational institution: supervision and care, preparation for school, services for additional education, etc.
  • Rights and obligations of the Contractor and the Customer.
  • Be sure to indicate the measures of responsibility for violation of the clauses of the agreement and the procedure for resolving disputes.
  • Prices for kindergarten services and the possibility of recalculation.
  • Legal and actual addresses, requisites.
  • Permission to process personal data.

Is it possible and how to open a private kindergarten at home

There is another type of institutions for babies - family / home kindergarten... Such establishments open in an ordinary apartment and are intended for the supervision and care of children. Children stay part-time.

Recently, many young mothers are thinking about how to organize a home kindergarten, because to open a family (home) kindergarten, you do not need to apply for a license, which is undoubtedly a big plus and significantly speeds up the process. Otherwise, the same requirements are imposed on the registration of documentation for a family home kindergarten.

Pros of a family kindergarten:

  • A small number of children, the child will quickly get used to the team;
  • An individual approach to the upbringing and nutrition of each child;
  • The conditions are almost like home.


  • High fees;
  • Not conducted educational process;
  • Perhaps the lack of pedagogical education among the owners of the kindergarten;
  • Insufficient space for games.

Indicative business plan

To open a private preschool institution, it is necessary to draw up an approximate calculation of expenses and income, that is, a business plan.

The first expenses are registration, which takes about 4-10 thousand rubles.

Renting a room can cost from 30 thousand rubles and more.

If the premises are owned by the organizer, then only the cost of utilities should be included in the costs.

Installation of video communication for the peace of mind of parents will cost 25,000 rubles.

Repair and re-equipment of the premises, overalls for workers, kitchen equipment, laundry, medical office, attributes for music and sports activities, household appliances - all these costs are borne by the organizer even before the opening of the kindergarten.

In total, at the initial stage of starting a business, you may need from 200 to 700 thousand rubles, depending on the number of planned groups. The opening of one group of 8 children in their own premises will cost about 170 thousand rubles.

When money starts to flow to the current account, the following expenses are added:

  • employee salaries
  • training
  • food for children
  • purchase of stationery and household chemicals, etc.
  • updating training materials
  • creating your own website
  • various promotions

Based on the costs, the parental fee for the child's stay in kindergarten is calculated.