Visual modeling technology in practice in MBDOU. Modeling technology in the educational process of the dhow Visual modeling in working with preschoolers

One of the effective means of ensuring the success of cognition is modeling(visual-practical teaching method) .

Modeling- This is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it.

Modeling helps the child to visually represent abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text, learn to work with them, since preschoolers solve mental problems with the predominant role of external means, pictorial the material is assimilated better than the verbal one.

visual models are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is available to children preschool age... And the use of substituents and illustrative models

The child meets the symbols early enough models, schemes: signs in a store, transport, road signs, service colors ( ambulance, fire department, traffic signals, car icons, etc.).

All this attracts the child, he quickly and easily remembers these symbols, understands their meaning. Therefore, the use of support schemes will only help children to highlight the main thing, to find relationships.

To activate the mental work of children, you can use various types models adhering to a number of requirements for him:

Similarity model the subject of knowledge in the signs familiar to the child;

Accessibility for knowledge;

Dissection of object elements;


Actions with models carried out in the next sequences:

Substitution (first model are offered ready-made, and then the children come up with conditional substitutes on their own);

Use of ready-made models(from 3-4 years old);

Building models: according to the conditions, according to its own design, according to the real situation (from 5-6 years old).

Scientific research and practice confirms what exactly visual models are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is available to preschool children. Scientists also note that the use of substituents and illustrative models develops the mental abilities of preschoolers.

Benefits of using visual modeling in working with preschoolers are what:

The preschooler is very flexible and easy to learn, but children with speech disorders are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson, given method arouses interest and helps to solve this problem;

The use of symbolic analogy facilitates and accelerates the process of memorizing and assimilating material, forms the methods of working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory reads: "When you teach - write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, devils graphics";

Applying a graphic analogy, we teach children to see the main thing, to systematize the knowledge gained.

Modeling method developed by D. B. Elkonin, L. A. Venger, N. A. Vetlugina, N. N. Poddyakov, is that the child's thinking is developed with the help of special schemes, models which in visual and in a form accessible to it, they reproduce the hidden properties and connections of an object.

In didactics, there are three types models:

The first type is subject model in the form of a physical structure, object or items, naturally related to each other. In this case the model is similar to the subject, reproduces its main connections, design features.

The second type is subject-schematic model... Here, the essential components highlighted in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated by items- substitutes and graphic signs. Subject-schematic model shows connections in isolated and generalized form.

The third type - graphic model generalized conveying different types relations, represents graphs, formulas, diagrams, etc.

Receptions visual simulations are:



mnemonic tables.

Substitution is a kind modeling, in which some objects are replaced by others, real-conditional. It is convenient to use paper squares, circles, ovals that differ in color and size as substitutes, since the substitution is based on some kind of difference between the characters.

Symbols of various character:

geometric shapes or stripes;

symbolic images items(legend, silhouettes, outlines, pictograms);

plans and symbols used in them;

a contrasting frame - a method of fragmentary storytelling and many others.

Before you on the slide, the use of the substitution technique for the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom".

A pictogram is a symbolic image that replaces words.

Pictograms refer to non-verbal communication and can be used in the following qualities:

as a means of temporary communication, when the child does not yet speak, but in the future he can master sound speech;

as a means of constant communication for a child who is unable to speak in the future;

as a means to facilitate the development of communication, speech, cognitive functions;

as a preparatory stage for the development of writing and reading by children with developmental problems.

as a means to help express thoughts orally.

Before you on the slide, the use of the pictogram technique for the fairy tale of V. Suteev "Under the mushroom".

Mnemonic tables are diagrams that contain certain information.

Before you on the slide mnemonic table to Russian folk tale "Three Bears".

Scheme - model can be successfully used in the process of mastering speech by children, in the formation of natural knowledge, design, in visual activity, as well as in labor and play activities preschool children.

Figurative speech rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. There are many problems in the speech of children.

So pedagogical impact in the development of speech of preschoolers, it is a very difficult matter. It is necessary to teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly, to talk about various events from the life around them.

Preschoolers with different speech disorders have significant difficulties in assimilation, as programs preschool education, and in the future, the curriculum of the general education school. When working with children, the teacher has to look for aids, facilitating, systematizing and guiding the process of assimilation of new material by children. In work visual modeling, allows you to prevent rapid fatigue, create interest in classes, teach children to see the main thing, systematize the knowledge gained.

Children very easily and quickly understand various kinds of schematic images and use them with success. So, older preschoolers, even with a single explanation, can understand what a floor plan is, and, using the mark in the plan, they find a hidden object in the room. They recognize schematic drawings items, using a scheme such as a geographic map to select the desired path in a branched system of tracks, etc.

Many types of knowledge that a child cannot acquire on the basis of an adult's verbal explanation or in the process of actions organized by adults with objects, he easily assimilates if this knowledge is given to him in the form of actions with models, reflecting the essential features of the studied phenomena. So, in the process of forming mathematical ideas in preschoolers, it was found that it is extremely difficult to acquaint children with the relationship of the part and the whole. Children do not always understand verbal explanations, but with the help of a schematic representation, children easily began to understand that any whole object can be divided and restored from parts.

On use illustrative models are based on many methods preschool education, for example, method teaching preschoolers to read and write, developed by D. B. Elkonin and L. E. Zhurova, involves the construction and use of a visual model(scheme) the sound composition of the word. The method it is used in various modifications both in teaching normally developing preschoolers and preschool children with speech impairments.

In role-playing games, children simulate relationships between adults, perform game actions in accordance with the intended plot.

In order to develop in children from the very early age various skills and abilities, in children's Algorithms for the processes of washing, dressing, setting tables, caring for indoor plants are widely used in gardens, which makes it much easier for children to remember the sequence of actions performed.

Modeling in the ecological education of preschoolers, it ensures the successful assimilation of knowledge by children about the characteristics of natural objects, their structure, connections and relationships that exist between them

The structure of the labor process is a complex object and therefore a complex model... In such model the general progressive movement of the labor process (from concept to result) should be presented, which is represented by five components:

  1. Goal setting and motivation of the work process.
  2. Selection objects of labor.
  3. Labor equipment.
  4. The order of labor actions.
  5. The result of labor.

If any component drops out, then the result cannot be achieved.

The moment appears even more clearly visual modeling in the nursery constructive activity. Child-created designs from building material and various constructors are volumetric item models and situations and then used as such in the course of role-playing games.

However, it should be noted that in a wide variety of activities, children do not just "symbolize" or designate objects and situations, but create them. visual models, establishing relations between individual substitutes that are adequate to the relations of objects being replaced.

It must be borne in mind that the use models it is possible, provided that preschoolers have developed the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, abstract from insignificant signs in the knowledge of the subject. Mastering model associated with active cognitive survey actions.

Usage modeling as a means of forming a variety of knowledge and skills have a positive impact on the intellectual development of children, using spatial and graphic models orienting activity is relatively easily and quickly improved. Children learn to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly, to talk about the events of the life around them, overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of the audience.

The use of the "modeling" method in various types of children's activities

1. Modeling in the mathematical development of children.
a) Logic blocks of Dienes - a set of volumetric geometric shapes, differing in shape, color, size, thickness.
b) Kuisiner's sticks - a set of counting sticks of different colors and different lengths. Sticks of the same length are painted in the same color and represent the same number. The longer the stick is, the greater the value of the number that it expresses.
c) The modeling method in mathematics is often found in the form of "character strings". For example, combinations of symbols are used when orienting on a sheet of paper.
d) You can also refer to the reference diagrams when using abbreviations to designate the months of the year.

  1. Modeling in the section "Familiarization with fiction" and "Developing the speech of children."
    a) Mnemonic table is a scheme that contains certain information (Appendix 1)
    Mnemonic tracks carry educational information, but in a small amount.
    b) The development in children of the ability to model, to replace is facilitated by the "sketching" of riddles (Appendix 2)
    c) With the use of reference schemes, training can be carried out in drawing up creative stories, stories based on a plot picture (Appendix 3)
    d) Also, when using schemes, you can learn to make various sentences.
    e) Various symbols can be used when pronouncing pure phrases.
  1. Modeling in environmental education of children .
    a) Observing animals and plants, the educator with children examines the object, and on this basis they isolate the signs and properties of living organisms. To build a plan for examining natural objects, you can use symbol cards.
    b) You can use model cards that reflect the signs common to the whole
    c) The functions of living organisms can be distinguished: breathes, moves, and designates them with schematic models
    d) With the help of pictures-models, you can designate the selected features (color, shape, number of parts, etc.)
    e) Model schemes can denote different habitats of living beings (ground, air, etc.).
    f) With the help of pictures-models, it is possible to indicate the living conditions, the needs of living organisms.
  1. Modeling in the visual arts.
    Modeling in this type of activity is manifested most of all in the use of technological maps. Such cards show the sequence and methods of work when sculpting a collective craft, drawing a collective subject or plot. The sequence of work in them is shown with the help of symbols.
  1. Modeling in the section "Acquaintance with the outside world".
    A striking example of modeling in this section is the creation of a model in the form of a ladder of 5 steps called "the structure of the labor process." As a result of mastering this model, children form a clear idea of ​​the labor process, that it "conditionally" consists of 5 components. The use of schemes and cards - symbols is appropriate in everyday activities, games.

The use of models allows children to reveal the essential features of objects, regular connections, to form systemic knowledge and visual-schematic thinking. It is advisable to start the work on the introduction of symbols, reference schemes, mnemonic tables in middle group... This work should be fully developed in the preparatory group.

In our dynamic age, the flow of various information that a person receives from all sides has significantly increased. Accordingly, the processes of perception of this information become more complicated and intensified. And in the field of education, the learning process inevitably had to become more visual and dynamic. One of the most effective ways teaching are methods of modeling (real, mathematical, visual, symbolic, mental). Modeling excludes the formal transfer of knowledge - the study of an object or phenomenon occurs in the course of intensive practical and mental activity, developing the thinking and creative abilities of a person of any age.

The method of visual modeling (prototyping) develops spatial imagination, allowing you to perceive complex information and visually present abstract concepts.

Visual modeling is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it.

The best pedagogical communication is communication between a teacher and children, contributing to the creative nature of educational activities. This is especially important in teaching children with severe speech impairments, when it is necessary to create the most favorable emotional climate in the classroom. A speech therapist teacher is both a source of information and an organizer of both collective activities and children's interaction.

At present, the requirements for the level of development of coherent speech of pupils at the time of entering school have increased significantly, which requires teachers to search for new methodologically correct teaching technologies. In older preschool children with general underdevelopment speech of the third level, the lack of formation of coherent speech is noted: violations of the composition and syntactic structure of the narrative, missing semantic links, and in speech either the absence or errors in the construction of complex and complex sentences, which creates serious problems on the path of their development and learning. According to the results of diagnostics, children with general speech underdevelopment have an insufficient level of formation of monologue and dialogical coherent speech.

When retelling, composing a story based on a series of plot pictures, a description story and a creative story, the following shortcomings are noted:

  • repeated leading questions;
  • skipping individual moments of the action or a whole fragment, even if the child conveys the content of a well-known text;
  • repeated violations of the coherence of the presentation;
  • coherent statements are too short.

Diagnostic data allow us to understand the propaedeutic significance of timely correction of disorders in the development of coherent speech.

The development of various teaching methods to build a visual model of a coherent statement allows you to effectively carry out speech therapy correction of coherent speech of children with OHP of the third level. One of the ways to plan a coherent statement is the visual modeling method.

Correction of coherent monologue speech of preschool children with OHP using the visual modeling method will be effective if the following are introduced into the learning process:

  • a system of preparatory exercises aimed at the conscious mastering of the rules for organizing the composition of the statement;
  • special techniques for teaching children to act of substitution;
  • various models, schemes that convey the subject-semantic and logical organization of the text;
  • exercises to find various variable means of communication of sentences, which allows you to solve problems with the assimilation of the rules of semantic and lexical-syntactic organization of text messages.

In the process of using the visual modeling method in the speech correction of children with OHP, it is proposed to introduce the concept of a graphical way of depicting the action of different stories.

Symbols of a various nature can act as conditional substitutes (model elements):

  • geometric figures;
  • symbolic images of objects (symbols, silhouettes, contours, pictograms);
  • a contrasting frame - a method of fragmentary storytelling and many others.

At the initial stage of the work, geometric shapes are used as substitute symbols, resembling the object being replaced by their shape and color. For example, an orange triangle is a carrot, a brown oval is a dog, and so on.

In subsequent stages, children choose substitutes without taking into account external signs object. In this case, they are guided by the quality characteristics of the object (kind, sad, warm, humid, etc.).

The following are used as substitute symbols when modeling creative stories:

  • subject images, pictures;
  • silhouette images;
  • geometric figures.

Thus, the model, consisting of various figures or objects, becomes a blueprint for a coherent statement by the child with OHP and ensures the sequence of his story. Retelling- the easiest type of monologue speech, adheres to the author's composition of the work, it uses ready-made author's plot, speech forms and techniques. Retelling involves the ability to highlight the main parts of the text heard, connect them with each other, and then, in accordance with this scheme, compose a story. A visual model acts as a story outline.

Work on the development of the skill of retelling using the modeling method involves the formation of the following skills:

  • assimilation of the principle of replacing heroes or actions of a fairy tale, storytelling with various objects or schematic images;
  • the development of the ability to convey the plot of the story with the help of substitute items.

Recommend start learning how to use visual modeling with short Russian fairy tales: "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears", "Squirrel and the Wolf" L.N. Tolstoy, Jackdaw and Pitcher, Forest and Mouse by V. Bianchi, Three Kittens by V. Suteev.

In order for children to learn how to tell these short tales, the speech therapist uses various substitute items to depict a part of a story or a fairy tale. For example, I tell the children the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken", and the children gradually exhibit symbols - substitutes for the heroes of the fairy tale and the events taking place in the fairy tale.

At this stage, it is necessary to ensure that the manipulation of the elements of the model occurs in parallel with the reading of a specific fragment of the tale, that is. each fragment of the tale must be shown and displayed on the board during the reading process.

Fairy tale modeling elements can be images of fairy tale characters, then they are replaced by substitute symbols (silhouette images or geometric figures). Gradually, children from simple manipulation of the elements of the model move on to compiling a common fairy tale using a plan for retelling.

Besides, retelling can be carried out using graphical schemes.

I read a story to children and ask them to retell it. As a rule, children with OHP are limited to only naming characters. Then it is proposed to compose a story according to a graphical scheme - having the opportunity to look at a graphical scheme, the child makes a logical story much easier. In this case, the graphical diagram serves not as a hint, but as a teaching aid.

For example: teaching retelling story "Squirrel".

It was summer. Masha and her grandfather got up early and went to pick mushrooms. A narrow path led them into the forest. The girl went up to a large tree. Suddenly something hit her on the head. Masha is looking, and this is a porcini mushroom. A squirrel dropped it. She sat on a bitch. The animal was small, red-haired with a large fluffy tail. The squirrel was preparing supplies for the winter. She dried mushrooms on the branches.

Drawing up a story based on a plot picture- a much more difficult stage in comparison with the retelling of the finished text, but at the same time the child masters the skills of retelling. This type of development of coherent speech is very difficult for children with general speech underdevelopment and requires a certain approach to its implementation. Children, when telling about a plot picture, should highlight the objects depicted in the picture, the main actors, highlight the main event basis of the story, the interaction of various characters in the picture, note the features of the development of the action, compose the exposure (beginning) of the story and the end of the story - the denouement, the result of the story.

Corrective speech therapy training in order to form the skill of storytelling in a picture consists of 3 stages:

  1. highlighting fragments of the picture that are significant for the development of the plot;
  2. determining the relationship between them;
  3. combining fragments into a single plot.

To do this, you can use the manuals "Logic-baby", "Bring the picture to life". Based on these manuals, I have developed several sheets that help teach children with OHP how to compose a story based on a plot picture. An example of a modeling method is the following story based on a plot picture:


Katya has a birthday today. For her birthday, Katya called the guests and set a large table. The guys gave Katya a doll and a beautiful cake. At first the guys played blind man's buff, and then they sat down at the table. The children drank tea with sweets and cake.

The task presents a plot picture and schematic images of the most significant plot passages of the story.

A speech therapist can use for teaching both the whole plot picture and schematic images. This story is not presented by chance, the choice is due to the difficult perception of a plot picture depicting nature in children with OHP.

If the children have sufficiently mastered the skill of a coherent story based on a plot picture, the speech therapist can introduce the elements of "TRIZ" - the child is invited to come up with another end of the story or continue it, include new characters in the story, change the actions in the plot of the story.

Descriptive story- differs in the absence of temporal sequence, the relation of simultaneity.

When teaching children with OHP of preschool age to describe subjects, the speech therapist must remember and solve the following main tasks:

  • to develop in children the ability to highlight the essential features and main parts (details) of objects;
  • form generalized ideas about the rules for constructing a story describing a subject;
  • teach children the language aids needed to compose descriptive story.

To work on composing descriptive stories, one can use "Schemes for composing descriptive stories" by T.A. Tkachenko. I suggest the following modified schemes for composing descriptive stories.

The basis of a descriptive story is made up of specific ideas that are accumulated in the process of researching the object of description. The elements of the descriptive story model are substitute symbols for the qualitative characteristics of the object:

  • belonging to a generic concept;
  • magnitude;
  • color;
  • form;
  • constituent parts;
  • surface quality;
  • the material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects).

An example of composing a descriptive story according to a scheme is a modified scheme for describing and comparing vegetables and fruits.

Using this model, it is possible to compose a description of a separate item belonging to a certain group. Experience shows that mastering the technique of comparative description occurs when children learn to freely use the model for describing individual objects or phenomena. One child or subgroups of children make up a model for describing two or more objects according to the plan. In this case, the description symbols are laid out by each subgroup in its own circle - a hoop. At the intersection of the circles, symbols are laid out that are common to both compared objects. Outside the intersection zone, symbols characterize the differences between two objects. Children compare objects, first determining their similarities, and then - differences.

A cow and a dog are pets. In size, the cow is large and the dog is small. The dog has a head, torso, paws, tail, ears, nose, eyes; a cow has a head, torso, legs, tail, ears, nose, eyes, hooves, horns, and an udder. The cow eats grass, and the dog eats meat and bones. A cow gives a man milk, meat, and a dog guards a man's house. The cow lives in the barn, and the dog lives in the kennel.

Many speech therapists are familiar with speech therapy tales , that is, stories that contain a large number of identical sounds (N.V. Nishcheva “Let's speak correctly”, L.A. Borovskikh “I speak logically”). V correctional process a child can prepare a retelling from a picture, just repeat the text after an adult. The main task of these fairy tales is to automate the set sounds in coherent speech or differentiate oppositional ones. So that the work is not too boring and formulaic for the child, it is useful to use schemes or substitute objects in the process of preparing for the educational model.

The work plan for such a tale is as follows:

  1. a speech therapist reads a fairy tale to a child;
  2. together with the child, lays out a model of a fairy tale (picture or consisting of substitute symbols, choosing them arbitrarily);
  3. the child answers the questions of the speech therapist about the content of the fairy tale;
  4. retells the tale according to the model.

Story about the differentiation of sounds "rl"

Ant and dove

The ant came to the stream to drink. The wave rushed in and nearly drowned him. Dovewing carried a branch; she saw that the ant was drowning, and threw a branch to him. The ant sat down on a branch and escaped. Then the hunter set up the net and wanted to catch the dove. The ant crawled up to the hunter and bit him on the leg. The hunter gasped and dropped the net. The dove fluttered and flew away. (According to Leo Tolstoy)

Sample questions:

  • Where did the ant come at the beginning of the story?
  • What happened to the ant by the stream?
  • Who helped the ant escape from death?
  • What did the dove do to save the ant?
  • What happened to the dove?
  • How did the ant save her?
  • What other name can you think of for a fairy tale?

Storytelling with elements of creativity- these are stories invented by children with an independent choice of content (situations, actions, images), a logically constructed plot, clothed in the appropriate verbal form. These are invented stories, which are the result of children's fantasy, requiring from the child a developed imagination, figurative thinking, the ability to independently model the scheme of the story. It must be remembered that the child is often afraid to come up with a story on his own, and here the method of drawing up a model comes to our aid.

I highlight the following scheme for teaching a child to compose a creative story:

  • the speech therapist offers specific characters of the story, and the eventual side and the action that takes place in the story, the children come up with on their own;
  • specific characters are replaced with silhouette images, which allows children to show creativity in the characterological design of the heroes of the story; the heroes of the story are replaced with silhouette images (possibly made of black paper), which allows you to be creative in describing the appearance of the heroes, their characters and the actions performed by these heroes;
  • children are invited to compose a fairy tale based on a model that includes geometric figures or schematic images of heroes; it is necessary to choose the name of the fairy tale, for example: "The Adventures of an Elephant in the Wonderful City";
  • each child independently chooses the theme and characters of his story.

I propose the following original technique for teaching creative storytelling: use for this type of activity silhouette characters... Children are shown silhouettes of animals, birds, plants, which can be cut out of paper or cardboard. A speech therapist can give rise to a fairy tale: "Once, in a distant forest, and so on." Children themselves compose the sequence of the plot, determine its beginning and end, come up with characters, appearance to their heroes. In the subsequent stages, the child independently chooses the silhouettes for the model and composes the story on his own.

Practice shows high results of teaching a coherent statement (retelling, composing a story based on plot pictures, drawing up a descriptive story, a story with elements of creativity) of children with speech impairments when using the method of visual modeling.

How to develop a child's speech? How to make it expressive and literate?

These questions are often of concern to parents of preschoolers, especially before the children enter school. The nature of the child's speech is closely related to his general mental development... Usually, by the way a child speaks, one can judge how developed he is in general, whether he is ready for school. The importance of joint activities parents with a child. I provide individual consultations for parents, I show frontal classes on the parenting meetings, I explain to parents how to properly deal with the child at home, including showing how to use the modeling method when working on a retelling, drawing up a story from a picture.

Gradually mastering all types of coherent utterance through modeling, children learn to plan their speech. The mastery of coherent speech presupposes the mastering of the following skills by the child:

  • highlighting the theme of the story or defining the object of the description;
  • adherence to the sequence (structure) of the monologue.

The presented methods of work make it possible to increase the efficiency of speech correction of preschoolers suffering from its underdevelopment, but they can also be used in work with children who do not have developmental disabilities, as a means of increasing interest in this type of activity.

  1. Vorobyova V.K. Methodology for the development of coherent speech in children with systemic speech underdevelopment. - M .: AST, 2006.
  2. Glukhov V.P., Trukhanova Yu.A. Our children learn to compose and tell. - M .: ARKTI, 2002.
  3. Glukhov V.P., Trukhanova Yu.A. Our children learn to compose fairy tales. - M .: ARKTI, 2005.
  4. Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. - M .: ARKTI, 2002.
  5. N.V. Nishcheva We will speak correctly. - SPb .: Childhood-Press, 2003.
  6. Tkachenko T.A. Schemes for composing descriptive and comparative stories by preschoolers. - M .: Gnom-Press, 2004.
  7. Tkachenko T.A. Pictures with a problem plot for the development of thinking and speech of preschoolers. - Issues 1, 2. - M .: Gnome and D, 2001.
  8. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten. - M .: MGZPI, 1993.
  9. Volodina V.S. Album for the development of speech. - M .: ROSMEN-Press, 2005.

Material provided, No. 2 for 2008.

MDOU kindergarten number 47 "Veterok"

Consultation for educators

Prepared by:

Dronova N.A.


"Modeling method in the educational process of a preschool educational institution"

1. Modeling and its essence.

2. Requirements for models.

3. Types of models.

5. Use of the modeling method in various types of children's activities.

Modeling - the process of creating models and their use in order to form knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, connections of objects.
The peculiarity of modeling as a teaching method is that it makes visible the properties, connections, relations of objects hidden from direct perception, which are essential for understanding facts, phenomena, in the formation of knowledge that are close to concepts in content.

The availability of the modeling method for preschoolers was shown by psychologists (A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, N.N. Poddyakov, D.B. Elkonin). It is determined by the fact that modeling is based on the principle of substitution: a real object can be replaced in the activities of children by another object, image, sign.
Models have been developed for the formation of natural history knowledge, the development of speech, the sound analysis of words, construction, visual activity, etc. (N.I. Vetrova, L.E. Zhurova, N.M. Krylova, V.I. Loginova, L.A. Paramonova, T.D. Richterman, etc.).

Requirements for the model

In order for the model as a visual and practical means of cognition to fulfill its function, it must correspond to the series requirements:

1. clearly reflect the basic properties and relationships that are the object of cognition, be structurally similar to the studied object.
2. be easy to perceive and accessible to create and operate with;
3. brightly and distinctly convey those properties and relationships that must be mastered with its help;
4. it should facilitate cognition (MI Kondakov, VP Mizintsev).

Types of models

Highlighted in didactics three kinds models:

1. Object model
has the form of a physical structure of an object or objects that are naturally related. In this case, the model is similar to the object, reproduces its main parts, design features, proportions and ratios of parts in space, the relationship of objects. Such a model differs from a toy in the accuracy of reproducing essential connections and dependencies within the modeled object or between them, the ability to detect these dependencies in activities with the model.

2. Subject-schematic model.
Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated with the help of substitute objects and graphic signs. The structure of such a model should be similar to the main component of the object under study and those connections, relationships that become the subject of cognition. The subject-schematic model should reveal these connections, clearly present them in an isolated, generalized form.

3. Graphic models.
Different types of relations (graphs, formulas, diagrams) are conveyed in a generalized way. This type of model is used primarily in school.

in the educational process

The method of introducing models into the cognition process should take into account a number of circumstances:

1. The model, revealing the connections and relationships necessary for cognition, simplifies the object, represents only its individual sides, individual connections. Consequently, the model cannot be the only method of cognition: it is used when it is necessary to reveal for children one or another essential content in an object. This means that the condition for the introduction of models into the process of cognition is the preliminary acquaintance of children with the very real objects, phenomena, their external features, specifically represented by connections and mediations in the surrounding reality.

2. The introduction of the model requires a certain level of formation of mental activity: the ability to analyze, abstract the features of objects, phenomena; figurative thinking that allows you to replace objects; the ability to establish connections. And although all these skills are formed in children in the process of using models in cognitive activities, to introduce them, master the model itself and use it for further cognition, a sufficiently high level of differentiated perception, figurative thinking, coherent speech and a rich vocabulary is required for a preschooler.

3. The use of the model in order to understand the essential features of objects requires the children to first master the model. At the same time, simple subject models are mastered by children quickly enough. More complex connections require more complex subject-schematic models and a special methodology. At the same time, children are first involved in the process of creating a model, which is linked to the observation and analysis of the simulated phenomenon. This allows the child to select the components of the analyzed object, to master what will then be subject to analysis of their model. Thus, the very development of the model is presented in the form of children's participation in the creation of the model, participation in the process of replacing objects with schematic images. This preliminary assimilation of the model is a condition for its use to reveal the connection reflected in it.

The use of the "modeling" method in various types of children's activities

1. Modeling in the mathematical development of children.
a) Logic blocks of Dienes - a set of volumetric geometric shapes that differ in shape, color, size, thickness.
b) Kuisiner's sticks - a set of counting sticks of different colors and different lengths. Sticks of the same length are painted in the same color and represent the same number. The longer the stick is, the greater the value of the number that it expresses.
c) The modeling method in mathematics is often found in the form of "character strings". For example, combinations of symbols are used when orienting on a sheet of paper.
d) You can also refer to the reference diagrams when using abbreviations to designate the months of the year.

2. Modeling in the section "Familiarization with fiction" and "Developing the speech of children."
a) Mnemonic table Is a scheme that contains certain information (Appendix 1)
Mnemonic tracks carry educational information, but in a small amount.
b) The development in children of the ability to model, to replace is facilitated by the "sketching" of riddles (Appendix 2)
c) With the use of reference schemes, training can be carried out in drawing up creative stories, stories based on a plot picture (Appendix 3)
d) Also, when using schemes, you can learn to make various sentences.
e) Various symbols can be used when pronouncing pure phrases.

3. Modeling in the ecological education of children.
a) Observing animals and plants, the educator with children examines the object, and on this basis they isolate the signs and properties of living organisms. To build a plan for examining natural objects, you can use symbol cards.
b) You can use model cards that reflect the signs common to the whole
c) The functions of living organisms can be distinguished: breathes, moves, and designates them with schematic models
d) With the help of pictures-models, you can designate the selected features (color, shape, number of parts, etc.)
e) Model schemes can denote different habitats of living beings (ground, air, etc.).
f) With the help of pictures-models, it is possible to indicate the living conditions, the needs of living organisms.

4. Modeling in the visual arts.
Modeling in this type of activity is manifested most of all in the use of technological maps. Such cards show the sequence and methods of work when sculpting a collective craft, drawing a collective subject or plot. The sequence of work in them is shown with the help of symbols.

5. Modeling in the section "Familiarization with the outside world".
A striking example of modeling in this section is the creation of a model in the form of a ladder of 5 steps called "the structure of the labor process." As a result of mastering this model, children form a clear idea of ​​the labor process, that it "conditionally" consists of 5 components. The use of schemes and cards - symbols is appropriate in everyday activities, games.

The use of models allows children to reveal the essential features of objects, regular connections, to form systemic knowledge and visual-schematic thinking. It is advisable to start the work on the introduction of symbols, reference schemes, mnemonic tables in the middle group. This work should be fully developed in the preparatory group.

Modeling is a method for children to independently discover and comprehend stored information. Historically, it originated as an idea together with the principles of visualization in the theory of Ya.A. Komensky. Modeling is visual - effective, based on practical actions and is based on the principle of substitution, which means the replacement of real objects in the activities of children with other objects, images and signs. This method is an action aimed at creating and operating models. We can say that modeling has fulfilled its cognitive function only when it reveals the essence of the substitutional content, objectivizing it in different types of models.

Modeling is directly related to the model and is a system that provides knowledge about another similar one. Cognitive transformations are performed on the object - the model, but the results are related to the real object. An idealized object is also a kind of modeling, but an imaginary constructed object that has no analogue in reality. Modeling is a logical operation by which an examination of a given object and characteristics that are inaccessible to perception is done. Basically, models are: subject, subject schematic and graphic.

The concept of "model" means different things: a certain construction, reproduction of an object for a specific purpose, an ideal sample. Not every object is a model, but it can become a model if it has receptivity, knowledge about the object, the veracity of knowledge and actions for mastering it. these properties of the modeling and modeled object should be similarity. Reproduction is not complete, but the object is presented in a form for analysis. It can be ideal or material in a natural or artificial form. The content of the object is determined by what was obtained in the process of modeling. things, properties or relations of a structural, functional or genetic type can be represented. Models have: clarity, abstractness and fantasy, hypotheticalness and similarity. Taking into account the properties of the object being reproduced, models can be: substrate, structural and functional. They still exist : cognitive and non-cognitive / educational /. Have creative, representative and heuristic function. Providing penetration into the object and reproduction of its properties and relationships, the model embodies the goal and is a tool for achieving it. Modeling presupposes preliminary knowledge about the object, transfer of knowledge from model to object, practical verification of the knowledge gained. Modeling always has a predetermined goal and is not just a form of materialization of a relationship that is previously opened in the mind, but the action of constructing it, which gives it a heuristic character. Cognitive models provide the acquisition of new knowledge, and educational models - for mastering this knowledge.

V.V.Davidov and A.U. Vadanyak distinguish the following features of modeling for mastering knowledge:

  • sign, visibility and artificiality
  • unity of sign and imagery
  • efficiency - gives the organization of cognitive actions and their meaningfulness
  • heuristic

According to V.V. Davydov, the heuristic nature of models is expressed in the ability to discover the essence.

Modeling is a cognitive act that ensures the operation of object substitutes. The development of cognitive activity in early ontogenesis is directly related to the development of modeling, as a form of its mediation. In play, the child models relationships with adults, in drawing and in constructive activity, he creates visual schematic models. Modeling is at the core of language symbolism. In the process of modeling the environment, the child not only creates visual models, but also suggests replacement with adequate symbols. On this, Vygotsky substantiated his hypothesis that children's symbolism is not just the construction of individual symbols, but also the assimilation of socially developed signs, as the mastery of elementary mathematical representations, elements of wildlife, achieve literacy, master space. Tiha Delcheva defines modeling as a system of action for building, transforming, using apparently perceived models. LM Fridman says that a model is usually defined as a certain object, a system, the study of which serves as a means for using knowledge about another object. VVDavidov draws attention to one very important characteristic of the model “it is dynamic and visualizes the content of the object. With the help of modeling, you can carry out a certain action. "VA Shofft emphasizes that the model is not only a substitute for objects, but also" its elements are separated and fixed and there are connections between them, implemented and necessary connections between them, which form a certain structure. " The universal nature of modeling is determined by its specificity, which allows the child to assimilate generalized knowledge about the connection and patterns between phenomena in reality. The main characteristics that confirm it as a universal method are:

  • visual modeling, which is a specific form of mediated mental activity of a child
  • mastering modeling is at the heart of general intellectual abilities, which are necessary to solve a certain range of issues
  • the source of the formation of skills for visual modeling is the modeling nature of children's activities
  • during the formation of skills for visual modeling, the action of "substitution" is mastered

The use of a model of objects, processes and phenomena occurring in nature allows for a deeper understanding and guarantees the accuracy of children's knowledge. Replacing one object with another in the child's activity or in his imagination makes him an expedient method for the formation of natural-behavioral knowledge. As a method, modeling assumes a certain degree in the development of general mental abilities, as well as the ability of children to analyze, synthesize, abstract, generalize and discover connections and dependencies between phenomena occurring in nature and the causes that amaze them. Three types of models described in the pedagogical literature are most suitable for the child's cognition of the environment:

  • subject models that should be similar to objects. All of them are tools with which we can observe the pedagogical process.
  • subject-schematic models that are widely used in practice, since with their help an object, phenomenon or process is more accurately modeled, with the help of drawing we can trace
  • graphic models that generally recreate the characteristic properties and scar of objects. They are very suitable for reflecting the changes that occur in the processes during elementary experiments with the participation of children. For example, natural calendars.

Through modeling, as a pedagogical interaction, children discover causes, dependencies, connections and changes in nature.

May be, main reason to create this method is practical and is expressed in the fact that in kindergartens there is no opportunity, there is no base to show children everything useful and interesting. Modeling helps to formulate rules of conduct in children's representations environmental education, interconnection and consistency in the world and in nature. Childhood consciousness is pure, gracious. We can have any influence on him, but the main goal of the teacher is for this influence to help in the development of the child and in the correct ideas about the world. The foundation that the future generation will receive is very important and, in general, this foundation can be strengthened in preschool age. Modeling is the main method for obtaining a generalized picture of the world in the mind of a child. The importance of modeling for the formation of skills, abilities and aesthetic criteria in children is very great. Modeling is an activity in which the child is a discoverer and creator. It contains science, art, skill, as in everything related to the education and upbringing of children in preschool age.

Kuznetsova Tatiana
The technology of visual modeling in practice in a preschool educational institution

Topic: « The technology of visual modeling in practice in a preschool educational institution»

1. In our dynamic age, the flow of information has significantly increased. Accordingly, the process of its perception has become more complicated. Leading experts in preschool education, N.N. V preschool pedagogy an instrument of cognition can become model.

2. Preschoolers are deprived of the opportunity to write down information, mark something in writing in class, therefore, in kindergarten basically one kind of memory is involved - verbal.

3. Modeling is an optimal and effective technology, which allows you to maximize the use of visual, motor and associative memory and activate speech for solving cognitive tasks.

4. Visual simulation- this is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it, in order to form knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, connections of objects. Availability modeling is that it is based on the principle of replacing real objects with a drawing, a diagram, an icon.

5. Therefore, the relevance is what:

The preschooler is flexible, easy to teach, but quickly gets tired and loses interest. Modeling also arouses interest and thereby solves this problem.

The use of symbols facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating the material. Forms a skill practical using techniques for working with memory.

Graphic analogies help to see the main thing, analyze, synthesize and systematize the knowledge gained. Activate memory and thinking.

6. Thus, modeling is a visual, practical teaching method, consisting in the fact that the thinking, attention, memory and speech of the child develops with the help of special schemes, models which in visual and in an accessible form reproduce the hidden properties and connections of an object. Skills building visual modeling occurs with a constant increase in the share of independent participation of children in the work process.

7. This technology possesses variability, flexibility, multifunctionality, since conventions are easily perceived by children. The novelty of the method lies in the fact that the mastery of external forms of substitution and modeling in the form of symbols, drawings or schematic drawings leads to the ability to use substituents and models in"Mind", to solve problems "About myself", in the inner plan. In other words, by offering children visual diagrams , model, mnemonic diagrams, etc., the teacher gives the child a template, using which the child learns elementary research.

8. Purpose of application visual modeling:

Present the material under study so that, based on the logical connections of the material (themes) it became accessible, imprinted in the long-term memory of the child.

9. Skills formation visual modeling occurs on the following stages:

The assimilation and analysis of sensory material is linked to the observation of real objects and phenomena, properties and relationships in the surrounding reality.

Its translation into sign-symbolic language, that is, the process of replacing objects with schematic images.

The first two steps are necessary condition to go to the third:

Working with model, that is, its use to reveal the links reflected in it.

10. Stages of skill development visual modeling are decided by the following tasks:

Acquaintance with models as a way of providing information.

Deciphering skill formation model.

Formation of the skill of independent modeling

11. In preschool age, various types of models:

Subject model:

has the form of a physical structure of an object or objects that are naturally related. In this case the model is similar to the subject, reproduces its main parts, design features, proportions and relationships of parts in space, the relationship of objects. Such a toy model differs in fidelity of reproduction of essential connections and dependencies inside modeled object or between them, the ability to detect these dependencies in activities with model... (Globe, ecosystem, building models, exact copies of cars, houses, animals, etc.)

Subject-schematic model:

Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated with the help of substitute objects and graphic signs. Subject-schematic model must discover these connections, clearly present them in an isolated, generalized form. (Algorithms for washing, table setting, plant care, etc.)

Graphic model:

convey conventionally generalized signs, different types of relationships, phenomena, connections (graphs, formulas, diagrams). "Nature Calendar", group plan, plot, dollhouse, etc.

12. During visual modeling children are introduced to the graphical way of conveying information - model... As conditional substitutes (elements model) geometric figures, symbolic images, plans can appear.

13. Method visual« modeling» used in all types of children's activities and educational areas - it is a source of development of mental abilities and creativity in preschool childhood... Developed by model for the formation of natural history knowledge, the development of speech, sound analysis of words, design, visual activity.

Modeling in the field"Cognitive development":

Chapter "Development of elementary mathematical concepts".

Logic blocks of Dienes - a set of three-dimensional geometric figures that differ in shape, color, size, thickness. Cuisiner's sticks are a set of counting sticks of different colors and lengths. Sticks of the same length are painted in the same color and represent the same number. The longer the stick is, the greater the value of the number that it expresses. Method modeling in mathematics, it is often found in the form "Character strings"... For example, combinations of symbols are used when orienting on a sheet of paper. You can also refer to the reference diagrams when using abbreviations for the months of the year. Numerical and serial series, subject-schematic pictures, schematic maps, etc.

Chapter "Development of environmental beliefs".

Observing animals and plants, a teacher with children examines the object, and on this basis isolates the signs and properties of living organisms. To build a plan for examining natural objects, you can use symbol cards.

You can use cards- model reflecting the general features of objects, phenomena.

You can distinguish the functions of living organisms: breathes, moves, and designate them schematically models

With the help of pictures- models it is possible to designate the selected features (color, shape, number of units, etc.)

Scheme- model can denote different habitats of living beings (ground, air, etc.) With the help of pictures- models you can designate the living conditions, the needs of living organisms.

Can be used model"Parts of the day" "Seasons", outlines of the signs of the seasons.

Chapter "Familiarization with spatial relationships".

They use layouts, plans, diagrams, a vector as a direction of movement, subject-schematic images, in order to master the skills of children to orient themselves in space, use spatial prepositions, draw up room plans, route diagrams, etc.

Chapter "Construction"

It involves the use of pictures of buildings (with the transfer of volume, building diagrams, schematics of buildings and individual details. playground models, various objects from the details of the constructor.

Chapter "Sensory development"

Uses model arrangement of the primary colors of the spectrum (Rainbow) diagrams of properties of objects and phenomena, contour images of sensory standards.

Chapter "Development of elements of logical thinking"

Subject pictures, diagrams, tables for generalization, classification and interrelationships of objects and phenomena.

Modeling in the field"Speech development":

Chapter "Reading fiction» and "The initial basics of literacy and free hand movements".

A mnemonic table is a schema that contains certain information. (graphic fairy tale models, riddles, etc.)

Mnemonic tracks carry educational information, but in a small amount.

Developing children's skills simulate, to replace promotes "sketch" riddles.

Subject-schematic images of fairy tales (contour and silhouette images, contour frames).

Subject model- attributes of characters for dramatization of fairy tales.

Schemes describing paintings, objects, etc. Reference schemes for compiling descriptive stories about animals, seasons, natural phenomena, etc.

With the use of reference schemes, training can be carried out in drawing up creative stories, stories based on a plot picture.

Also, when using schemes, you can learn to make various sentences.

When pronouncing a phrase, you can use a variety of symbols. Subject sound models"solid" and "soft", scheme of words, sentences. Subject pictures. Model"hours" for syllabic analysis. Subject word substitutes.

Modeling in the field"Artistic and aesthetic development":

Development of visual activity and artistic design.

Modeling in this type of activity is manifested most of all in the use of technological maps... Such cards show the sequence and methods of work when sculpting a collective craft, drawing a collective subject or plot. The sequence of work in them is shown with the help of symbols. Schemes for constructing various compositions and patterns can also be used. Schemes of the structure of objects, their movement. Spectral circle model.

Modeling in the field"Social and communicative development":

It involves the creation and use of mock-ups of objects created by human hands. Pictograms (human emotions, pictures and diagrams- model human labor activity. Self-service schemes (washing, dressing, using personal hygiene items, etc.) Scheme- family models, family relationships and rules of behavior in society. The use of schemes and cards - symbols is appropriate in everyday activities, games.

Modeling in the field"Physical development":

Creation and application of schemes with the rules of outdoor games. Charging exercise sequence diagrams. Body graphics in motion, etc.

Requirements for model:

To model, how visual-practical the means of cognition fulfilled its function, it must correspond to a number requirements:

1. clearly reflect the basic properties and relationships that are the object of cognition, be structurally similar to the studied object.

2. be easy to perceive and accessible to create and operate with;

3. brightly and distinctly convey those properties and relationships that must be mastered with its help;

4. it should facilitate cognition (M. I. Kondakov, V. P. Mizintsev).