Colic stomach at pregnant woman doing. Intestinal colic for pregnancy: treatment, symptoms, reasons. The appearance of kidney colic during pregnancy

Baby waiting time - happy time. After all, it is so joyfully to know that another little man, Mamino and silence and joy appear to the world. But, unfortunately, not always the time to wear the child flows smoothly and cloudless: sometimes the calm of the future mother can disturb all sorts of pain symptoms. Among them - and colic with which the chance will face pregnant women.

Colics is a sudden fight, a sharp attack of pain. Caused it can be as diseases of the organs abdominal cavityAnd the location of the baby in the womb and its rapid growth. Colic arises as a result of a long spasm muscles.

The first colic can visit the woman already at an early stage of pregnancy. So, by 6-8 days after fertilization, when the egg is "transplanted" into the uterine wall, it may be accompanied by light colic. They can also be associated with the action of hormones that make the uterus expand to prepare for the growth of the embryo. In this case, the colic is similar to the contractions, dull can be felt, light bleeding or sprinkling can be felt. The best way to combat such symptoms is a holiday. But if the colic do not pass and exacerbate, you should immediately consult a doctor. To help cope with spasms during pregnancy can help heat: you just need to lay the heating in the lower abdomen. However, it is worth being careful, because in no case cannot be overlay the uterus. You can also use antispasmodics, but only after consulting a doctor.

The most common among pregnant colic is intestinal. They happen if the woman does not adhere to a special diet, irregularly empties. There is an intestinal colic and when using difficult food, carbonated waters. At the same time, it may be accompanied by a bloating, a sense of cutting or. In this case, it is recommended to stick to a strict diet-dried, flour, sharp, spicy, and in general avoid heavy for stomach food. It is also worth abandoning carbonated waters. In case of spasms, you can take or, and in the case of constipation, you should drink a lot of fluid.

Renal colic for pregnancy, as a rule, is the result of exacerbation of pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. It is characterized by pain in the right side of the abdominal cavity that gives in and hips. When symptoms appear, it will be necessary to urgently turn to the doctor, because the attack of the kidney colic increases, which can cause. The main task of the doctor when the renal colic appears is the elimination of spasm and the removal of pain syndrome. Assocismolitical means will help in this, among which Baratgin, Nosha, Papaverin. But the impact in the case of renal colic is contraindicated, as well as painkillers of narcotic drugs. There are also such situations during pregnancy, when the renal colic is coming to the usual means there is no possibility. This happens if the pains are caused by blades overlapping the lumen of the ureters. Then the doctors resort to the percutaneous punishment of urine or surgical removal of stones.

With hepatic columan, a woman in the position may face with a long-standing gallstone disease or. The symptoms of the liver colic will be sharp pain in the right chopper, giving in the back. They arise, as a rule, due to a diet violation (after taking oily, acute, smoked food). May be accompanied by nausea and vomiting ,. In this case, it is recommended, despite pain, walk with bare feet: the soles are so stimulated, and this contributes to the relaxation of the muscles of the gallbladder and duct. Reception of antispasmodic agents (noszpa, spasmod, etc.); You can resort to nitroglycerin help - this medicine relaxing affects the muscles of the gallbladder. Anesthetic drugs with liver colic are undesirable, since it will be an additional liver load. After removing the pain and getting rid of the liver colic, it is necessary with the help of a doctor to revise the diet. The first few weeks from the diet should eliminate animal fats, meat and eggs, replacing them with boiled fish, vegetable oils. It will not be superfluous and an increase in the number of boiled vegetables in the diet.

Especially for - Tatyana Argamakova

It is no secret that the child's waiting period is accompanied by various changes in the organism of the mother. Toxicosis, mood change, poor well-being is far from full list What you have to deal with a pregnant woman. One of the most common causes of discomfort in the future mother can be intestinal. Why do they appear and how to cope with this problem, let's tell later.

Colimo is called the pain of antispasmodic nature caused by inflatation and emergency tension of the muscles of the large intestine. People who are diagnosed with chronic gastritis, digestive disorders and peristaltics and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are familiar with such a phenomenon.

During pregnancy, intestinal colic arises due to the migration of the egg in the uterine cavity. That is why even before the delay of monthly women can feel grapple-like pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Often such phenomena arise against the background of hormonal perestroika, the rapid growth of the fetus. If the intestinal colic has become a "frequent guest" for you, at the same time accompanied by violations of defecation, then you must immediately consult a doctor. Typically, spasms in the thick intestine are periodic. They are accompanied by, cropping, a sense of cutting, flatulence with unpleasant odor. Sometimes there are problems with emptying or, on the contrary, too frequent chair.

Such symptoms as the presence of the female mucous ribbons or tubes, nausea and vomiting, disgust for food and the decline in appetite should be alert and serve as a reason for the immediate appeal to the doctor.

Often intestinal colic are observed in stressful situations, after receiving heavy food, as well as on the background of a sedentary lifestyle. Such grapple-shaped abdominal pain is characteristic not only for the first trimester, but also for the last months of pregnancy. Growing fruit can deform the walls of the direct intestine, make it difficult to empty and causing microcracks at the slightest voltage.

Intestinal colic during pregnancy can be allergic. In this case, the feces analysis will show the presence of pointed crystals in feces. Tight acute belly characterizes a bloated bowel.

How to treat intestinal colic to future mothers?

With a stupid weak pain, experts recommend putting a warm height on the bottom of the peritoneum. If the belly is overly bloated, it is impossible to warm it up. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and follow its instructions. As a rule, the doctor prescribes a corrective diet. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude fried, sharp, flour food, as well as carbonated drinks. Vegetables and fruits with plenty of fiber will help to establish digestion and forget about intestinal colic for a long time. Try to treat diet meat, cooked for a couple, or stew it with a minimum amount of oil.

As for the drug treatment of intestinal colic for pregnancy, it is allowed to receive such a drug as Espumizan. It is not absorbed into the blood and does not harm the future kid. At the same time, it quickly eliminates the uncomfortable sensations with colic in the stomach. This drug is prescribed to babies.

If you did not have an espumizan under your hand, and there is no strength to tolerate sharp pain, then 1-2 drootaverine or but-shops can be taken. In the case when the intestinal colic is caused, the laxatives or cleansing units will help to get rid of this trouble. The reception of a large amount of clean water, the use of kefir, ryazhenki, yogurt also helps to eliminate the problems with digestion.

Prevention of intestinal colic during pregnancy

To prevent the development of such a disease, doctors recommend regularly carry out the gymnastics of the abdomen, massaging it clockwise within 5 minutes every day. In addition, try once a week to arrange unloading days, refusing fat, acute and fried food. The point massage of the abdomen also helps to cope with the problems in the digestive tract. Drink herbal teas from Fennel, Cabin and Yarrow. It is very useful to eat raw or baked pumpkin, pumpkin seeds.

Now you know why intestinal colic arises and how to deal with such a phenomenon with simple, available tools. Therefore, we still have to wish you a hardest health.

Especially for - Ira Romania

Colics during pregnancy deliver women a lot of reasons for excitement and anxiety. Today, the site site will tell you that it can cause colic in the stomach during pregnancy and what methods there are ways to alleviate painful sensations.

The word "colic" came to us from Greek and translated as "pain in the colon." In modern medicine, under the concept of "colic", it is considered any abdominal pain that is distinguished by a sharp spasm.

Colicure during pregnancy: the most frequent causes

Pain is a kind of body signal that some changes occur in it.

When pregnant, establish the cause of pain in order to diagnose, it is very difficult. Besides hormonal changesDue to the pregnancy due to the growing fruit, internal organs are displaced. Therefore, to clarify what causes colic during pregnancy, a woman is necessarily directed to additional analyzes, as well as ultrasound.

Most often, the causes of spasms that do not belong to gynecological pain, there are problems with the digestive tract or complications of chronic diseases internal organswho start reminding themselves. Depending on the pain, consider the following types of colic:

  • Intestinal colic for pregnancy
  • Renal and liver colic
  • Inflammation of appendicitis

Antispasmodic pains may also occur at the very beginning of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus, that is, fixes to its wall. Such pain occurs at the bottom of the abdomen and causes light spasms that are more reminiscent of the overall pain during menstruation. She quickly passes after the adoption of but-shops.

With pain in the intestine, a pregnant woman is bothering a swelling, a rumbling, a feeling of cutting. Also may be disturbed by constipation or, on the contrary, disorder.

The intestine begins to work not as before pregnancy. Everything is explained by the fact that the body increases the level of progesterone. He causes muscle relaxation throughout the body, including the intestines.

Causes the appearance of intestinal colic during pregnancy. Incorrect meals.

Food is not so fast and digested. Pregnant enough to change food, eliminating products causing gas formation in the intestine. Also be sure to monitor the food intake mode: try to eat regularly, eat small portions. Perhaps help. If you feel very not good, you can take Espumizan.

More difficult to cope with renal colic.

During pregnancy, kidney disease make themselves felt. Pregnant woman becomes problematic to go to the toilet, since the growing uterus begins to squeeze the ureter. Urine accumulates B. large quantities, Stones that most often accompany kidney disease, begin to move and injure the walls of the urinary channels. This is what causes colic in the kidneys during pregnancy.

It becomes painful urination, hurts in the lower back, in the sides. Treatment is carried out strictly in the hospital under the supervision of the doctor. He prescribes drugs that will expand the channels to come out stones. Untime treatment leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus and premature birth.

Apandicitis or liver?

Spasm in the right side can be caused by an attack of appendicitis.

Install the exact diagnosis is difficult.During pregnancy, as we have said, the internal organs are somewhat displaced. Therefore, pain may occur in an uncharacteristic place for this.

So, the appendicitis can give pain in the hypochondrium, or pull the abdominal bottom. The pain is not removed by antispasmodic drugs. With this diagnosis, the pregnant woman operates. For up to 12 weeks, appendicitis can be removed using a gentle operation - laparoscopy. With a larger period, an ordinary operation is carried out. Pregnancy is preserved.

The liver colic during pregnancy is characterized by a sharp sudden pain in the right side.

In contrast to pain caused by the attack of appendicitis, which is more in the groin, the liver often hurts at the top, in the right hypochondrium. It is hard, and sometimes it's not possible, to breathe deeply, because breathing causes a new attack. Most often, those who have problems with biliary ways are prone to exacerbations. There is pain, as a rule, after a diet violation.

Pregnant woman It is recommended to take preparations that remove spasm - no-shpu, spasmalgon, etc. Site advises to get out and be like bare feet: massaging certain points on the sole, you relax the muscles of the gallbladder.

The first thing that advises the doctor is to revise the diet, enriching the diet of cottage cheese, boiled fish. Often, liver colic. Future moms are confused with the jokes of the baby, thinking that it is drunk by the legs in the liver. This may also be.

But if you have nausea, vomiting, the temperature rose, then you will definitely need to urgently ask for help.

To diagnose what exactly calls during pregnancy, can only specialist. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help to eliminate pain that delivers trouble.

Intestinal colic and bloating is one of those moments that can very much by the mood of the future mommy. The reasons for these phenomena can be diverse - from improper power to various diseases GTS. And in order to get rid of these unpleasant moments, you should know about the preventive measures and preventing the data of the ailments.

Before proceeding to the treatment of intestinal colic, it is necessary to know the symptoms of this disease. As the practice of doctors shows, intestinal colic in pregnant women have pronounced symptoms.

  1. Periodic spasms of the large intestine.
  2. Screwing, as well as drilling and / or sensation of cutting.
  3. Big accumulation and release of digestive gases (meteorism, flatue).
  4. Constipation or diarrhea.
  5. Called the presence of mucous tubes and / or tapes.
  6. Feeling gravity in the abdomen.
  7. Nausea, vomiting.
  8. Low appetite.

In order not to exacerbate the situation, the treatment of intestinal colic and the bloating should be carried out immediately, without waiting for the birth of the baby. Naturally, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Treatment of intestinal colic and bloating

The main and most best way fighting data is the right balance of work and recreation.

In case the pain can be characterized as stupid and not very strong, then you can use a warm height (but in no case is not hot !!!). For this, the height should be placed in the bottom of the abdomen. However, be extremely neat, you should not use the drift often, because it can cause uterus overheating.

Decoration of dill seed -folk remedy that helps to cope with bloating and colic. 2 teaspoons of seeds pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Strain and divide the resulting decoction to 4 reception per day.

If you feel acute pain and / or a strong bloody, you can take a tablet of non-shephers or espeamizan. These drugs are permitted during pregnancy.

The main reason for the occurrence of intestinal colic and the bloating is improper nutrition. Therefore, to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to start adjust your food.

From its nutrition it is worth excluding fried, fatty, flour and highly seasoned products. Instead of them increase the number of consumed vegetables and fruits. You should also add non-large meatwhich can be prepared either for a pair or using the minimum number vegetable oil.

But be attentive Some vegetables / products can conversely provoke gas formation:

  • cabbage;
  • flour products;
  • apples;
  • tomatoes;
  • corn;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • bran, etc.

Prevention of the formation of intestinal colic and abdominal bloating

  1. Balanced nutrition during the whole pregnancy (and not only).
  2. Acupressure.
  3. Regular use of fennel, cumin and mayoran in a bendic form.
  4. The use of pumpkin, both in the raw form and in baked.
  5. Instead of ordinary sunflower seeds, you can eat pumpkin - it is not only tasty, but also very useful.

Intestinal colic and bloating during pregnancy most often occurs as a result of improper nutrition, as well as if the woman leads a sedentary lifestyle. But there is also a number of more serious reasons (parasites, dysentery, colitis, etc.), which need to be solved with medical care, especially during pregnancy.

Almost every pregnant woman complains about the appearance of spasms in the stomach. Sudden pain during pregnancy can be both an option for norms and a sign of pathology. Often a woman cannot determine its cause, therefore, for the diagnosis and appointment of adequate and safe treatment, you need a doctor consultation.

Species and causes of colic in pregnant women

Colics during pregnancy are pain attacks that can be provoked by various factors, from improper nutrition to diseases of internal organs. Colics are several types:

  • Hormonal. An unpleasant feeling arise on early timing Due to the active secretion of progesterone. The hormone relaxes muscles, which is provided for by the body to prevent the abortion of pregnancy. It causes constipation and appearance of spasms in a woman.
  • Intestinal. Start with a weak pain at the bottom of the abdomen, which is gradually enhanced. Discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine arises due to the accumulation of gases and constipation. Sometimes the intestinal colic is accompanied by frequent diarrhea, vomit urge and temperatures up to 38 ° C.
  • In groin. Spasms at the bottom of the abdominal zone may occur due to hernia, osteochondrosis, when leaving renal stone or on the background of a developing infection.
  • In the vagina. From 5 to 8 week from the date of conception future mom It may feel tingling due to the stretching of the muscles supporting the uterus. Also, a woman can feel discomfort in the vagina due to a strong gas formation or in the period when the body is already preparing for the delivery (on the 36-37 week).
  • In side. Suddenly arising colic can be a symptom of liver diseases, gallbladder or intestines. In case of failure in the functioning of the pancreas of a person, the nausea, vomiting and hyperthermia.
  • Gastric. Colics arise unexpectedly and worried immediately after meals. They appear as a result of the exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis and other chronic ailments, as well as due to the use of dishes irritating the gastric mucosa.

Intestinal colic for pregnancy worried future moms most often. They may arise on different timing. With increasing the uterus, the rest of the peritoneum organs are shifted and compressed, due to which the operation of the gastrointestinal tract is violated. In the second and third trimesters, pain may be due to the transmission of intestinal loops with fruit. Unpleasant feelings join:

  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • increased gas formation;
  • feeling of gravity in the stomach;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sometimes - nausea and vomit urge.

Diagnostics colic

Regardless of the factors provoked spasms in the abdomen during pregnancy, a woman needs a survey. It begins with an inspection of a gynecologist and palpation of the abdomen. Depending on the nature unpleasant sensations Pregnant guide to an additional examination:

  • consultation of the urologist, gastroenterologist and other doctors;
  • general and biochemical blood tests to determine its composition and detect the level of progesterone;
  • analysis of urins to identify diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • cala's study (needed with intestinal colic);
  • gastroscopy;
  • ultrasound examination of the organs of the peritoneum.

The reason for the appearance of Colik finds out the doctor. Self-diagnosis and independent choice of means of therapy during pregnancy are not allowed.

Methods for treating spasms during pregnancy

Miscellaneous spasms that quickly pass do not need treatment. However, during strong convulsions, spasmolitics is shown: but-shops, SPZMOLGON, Baralgin. These drugs allow you to relax muscles and will not have a negative effect on the fruit. To facilitate the status of a woman, it is recommended to leave all things and relax, accepting a convenient position.

In intestinal colic, you can use the espeamizan tool, it is completely safe for the baby. The dosage appoints a doctor, but usually the patient takes 2 drug capsules three times. The medicine allows you to cope with the meteorism.

If a woman suffers from pain in the stomach, she needs to secure peace. Well helps to cope with discomfort Water Borjomi or Essentuki. In the future, you will have to adhere to the medical diet:

  • eliminate food that is hardly digested;
  • do not use flour, sweets and pickles;
  • abandon drinks with gas;
  • include low-fat fish, baked apples, fermented milk products;
  • eating often, but small portions.

Therapy will differ depending on the cause that caused a cramp:

  • With frequent colic in the field of liver and kidney, the patient can be in the hospital, since its condition may threaten the interruption of pregnancy or early childbirth.
  • With a hormonal imbalance for treatment, drugs Dupaston or urban can be used (more in the article: the use of urezhastan and duphaston during pregnancy).
  • The infection of the urogenital system is treated with the use of gentle antibiotics.
  • If the muscles reduces due to an increase in the pressure of the child to organs, doctors recommend wearing a bandage. He removes part of the load with abdominal muscles.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are considered one of the safest treatments, but you need to consult a doctor. The following recipes are used to combat colic:

  • A tool from dill seeds, cooked on milk in proportion of 1 tbsp. l. Raw materials for 1 cup of liquid. Dill is able to strengthen muscle contraction, so it is not recommended to be used in the early period of pregnancy, if there is a threat to its interrupt. After 20 weeks, the decoction of seeds is better to replace the greenery of dill.
  • Motheric juice, removing hypertonus uterus and intestinal spasms. For cooking drug needed 1 tsp. Juice to dilute 100 ml of water. The resulting liquid is drinking to meals.
  • Tea with melissa or mint. The drink can only be used with normally proceeding pregnancy, since the composition of raw materials contains estrogen. It is recommended to drink no more than 4 cups of tea per day for 3 months. In case of overdose, premature labor is possible.
  • Decoration from oak bark, Aira and the man. Raw materials are mixed in the same proportions, after which 3 tbsp. l. Mixtures pour 1 l hot water. The prepared medicine is taken in 2 tbsp. l. Three times a day.
  • To improve intestinal peristalsis, it is useful to drink carrot juice. It should be prepared independently, and not to buy, and take 200 ml before meals.
  • The symptoms of colic in the intestines and the stomach will help to eliminate the decoction from the chamomile. It is necessary to use it with caution at the first weeks of pregnancy, since the grass enhances the production of hormones and leads to the tension of the uterus. The decoction takes 3 tbsp. l. Three times a day for a week. The ability to repeat the course of therapy should be recognized by the attending physician.

Prevention measures

The main measures of prevention is to prevent diseases that can provoke spasms at the bottom of the abdomen, the stomach, etc. To avoid the appearance of painful sensations, a woman during pregnancy is necessary:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • play sports, performing worships and safe during pregnancy exercise;
  • exclude stress;
  • observe sleep and rest mode;
  • often walking on the street;
  • systematically attend the doctor's leading pregnancy.

To prevent intestinal colic, you need to stick to the right power:

  • exception from diet of legumes, black bread, cabbage;
  • inclusion in the menu of fresh fruits, vegetables, croup, baked pumpkins, dairy products, kuragi;
  • preparation of dishes for a couple or by baking in the oven;
  • used about 1.5 liters of water per day.

Colics are not a reason for panic, but they cannot be ignored. When gaining discomfort is needed to maximize short time Visit a doctor.