Development of spatial ideas in children of preschoolers. Formation of spatial representations in preschool children. spatial and temporal representations

Bocarnikova Oksana

Oriented B. space!

Travel course:

1 stage - organizational

"Let's say hello to each other. Now I will turn to the one who stands to the right of me, I will call it affectionately by name and say that I am glad to see him. He will turn to the neighbor on the right and make the same thing, and so on. While the greeting does not reach me. "

2 Stage - Motivational

"Today you guys will be unusual occupation. At the end of each of you awaits a small surprise, which I removed into the box, she is still to be found. Let's try to behave well and perform all tasks correctly. "

3 Stage - Practical

Exercise 1

I invite you to the table.

Consider a picture.

"Recall the location on a sheet of paper. What is in the upper left corner? In the right top! " etc.

Remember, let's play now.

Task 2.

"Rules for the game very simple. I will take turns describes cards from your set. for example: "On my card at the top of the right - a circle, at the bottom right - the square, at the top of the left - the rectangle, at the bottom of the left - the circle, in the middle - the triangle." The task of players - to describe find a similar card. As soon as the cards coincide, they are postponed, and the presenter proceeds to the next. Wins the one who will run out the cards faster. "

"Well done! Guys we coped with the tasks and wait for our award., But where, is our box about which I spoke? What do you think where in the room she could be? " (The guys list options, for example, under the table, to the right of the sofa, etc.) Here it is!

4 Stage - Final

And now we will contend with you to get a surprise, but it will not simple building. I give you to each of the geometric shape, in shape they are the same, but there is no size. Yours a task: To build in a row from the biggest figure to the smallest who will come!

Well done guys, you coped with all the tasks, now you can each get your surprise (for example, crooks).

Sections: Work with preschoolers

The formation of spatial representations is an important prerequisite for the social adaptation of the child and its further study at school. Insufficiently formed in the child, spatial representations and orientations in space directly affect the level of its intellectual development. Their non-recognition by the end preschool age It is one of the reasons that cause difficulties in mastering children school skills. Such deficiencies in development are manifested in violations of graphic activities, when reading, writing, in mastering mathematical operations.

Children with TNR observe the difficulties of forming spatial representations, as well as the difficulties of their linguistic design. And without special assistance, these ideas will not be differentiated and enriched. All this will affect the personal and social development of children. Obviously, work on the formation of spatial representations in children with TNR should be carried out systematically and purposefully.

The formation of spatial perception and spatial representations is the traditional directions in the system of work to eliminate speech violations from preschoolers. However, in special literature, the issues of forming spatial ideas from preschoolers with TNRs, as well as the use of didactic games to correct the violation of the ideas and formation of a dictionary. There is no special system of work on its solution, and episodic activity cannot be effective.

Practitioners are looking for ways to solve this problem, are actively divided by their developments, including on the pages of the festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson".

The purpose of my study is to study the peculiarities of the formation of spatial ideas and reflect them in speech in children of senior preschool age with TNR, the development of a system for the development of spatial orientations through didactic games and exercises in this category of children.

I started working on this problem last year, as the children enrolled in the group showed an extremely low level of space perception and orientation in it. To identify the level of formation of spatial representations, Methods Garquosa Yu.F. and Semago MM, Semago N.Ya. .

The purpose of the work was determined, the tasks were set, the main areas of work:

  • orientation in the scheme of own body;
  • in the surrounding space;
  • on surface;
  • perception of spatial relations between objects.

The goal is the formation of spatial representations and practical orientations in children of senior preschool age with TNR.

  • develop the ability to navigate in the scheme of its own body;
  • learn to determine the spatial position of objects relative to itself, another object;
  • learn to navigate in the main spatial directions;
  • learn to navigate on the plane and in space;
  • learn to use the spatial dictionary (pretexts, adverbs and other parts of speech, generalized reflecting knowledge about the subject-spatial environment).

In correctional and pedagogical work, the following are taken into account Principles:

1) Building training taking into account the leading activities. It is generally recognized that the most favorable conditions are created in specially organized occupation games, in didactic games and in exercises. Didactic game is one of the most significant forms of the educational impact of an adult to a child. At the same time, the game is the main activity of children. BUT didactic games allow you to increase the susceptibility of children, diversify learning activities, make an entertainment.

2) Implementation of an individual and differentiated approach to children, taking into account the level of formation of spatial representations and practical orientations, the characteristics of their cognitive and speech development.

3) Accounting for the development of spatial ideas in preschool children.

4) Systemity, sequence in complicating material.

5) creating a situation of success of each child, the emotional inclusion of the child in the gameplay.

For each of the directions of work, I chose didactic games and exercises, composed perspective planning On the use of didactic games in working with the children of the senior and preparatory speech therapy group (see Appendix).

Some examples of didactic games and exercises:

1. Orientation "on yourself"; Mastering "Schemes of Own Body"

As a rule, children with TNR are well oriented in the scheme of their own body along the vertical and front axis, but are not oriented in the right and left parts of the body. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the formation of the concepts of "left side", the "right side" in relation to the child's own body. First, the "right side" is fixed, while the name "left" is given later.

Here, the tasks are used to raise the right or left hand, showing the right ear with the right hand, left - left, etc. Gradually, the tasks are complicated.

Game "monkey". The game is carried out without taking into account the mirror reflection of body parts. Children need, repeating all the actions for the teacher, show and call parts of the face, head.

The game "confusion". Children offer right hand to close the left eye; left hand show the right ear and right leg; reach the left hand to the right sock, and the right hand is to the left heel, etc.

It is convenient to use the game tasks proposed by N.Ya.Semago in a set of demonstration materials "elementary spatial representations". For example: "Name, which is above the nose", "Guess which part of the body I guess", etc.

It should be noted that for preschoolers with TNR, these tasks with apparent simplicity cause difficulties, especially the allocation of the right and left sides. Some children require multiple repetition, perhaps throughout school year. Use of tasks like "Show where ..." does not require much time and special organization. The use of the competitive moment "Who will call more ..." allows you to activate children.

2. Orientation in the surrounding space

1) games on the formation of orientation in the surrounding space with the reference system "from yourself":

In the game "What is where is?" Child shows right hand And calls that it is on the right, and then he is offered to close his eyes, turn in one place several times, offer to open eyes, and again ask to show your right hand, call what is right from him. Thus, work is carried out with left hand.

Game: "What is standing below, at the top, (who is worth)." Purpose: Acquaintance with spatial relations expressed with the help of the prepositions "on", "under", "near".

Game "Bell". All children are sitting on the carpet, one of them - driven, he closes his eyes. The lead (tutor) departs in some side and calls the bell. The one who drives must call, - where the ringing is heard. If you call correctly, it becomes the lead.

Game "Clockwork Doll". The educator invites children to imagine that they are toys on the control panel, which can accurately execute their instructor teams. The tutor submits the commands: "Toys, take two steps forward, turn left. Hands behind the back, one step back. Right up, three steps forward, etc. "

Game "Tell the opposite". This game can be done both with all children and 1-2. The educator calls spatial landmarks, and a child who received a sign (ball, arrow, chip, etc.), calls a benchmark opposite by value. For example: Leo - right, top - bottom, etc.

Game "Shop". The child receives a "purchase", exactly calling the location of the subject.

2) games on forming orientation in the surrounding space with the reference system "from the other" and "from the object"

Game "What has changed?" Purpose: familiarity with the fact that spatial relations between objects can be replaced: the subject that was upstairs (left) can be at the bottom (right), and vice versa.

Game "Controller": a child (controller) is located in front of other participants in the game - passengers who have red and green tickets. Behind the "controller" with the right and left side, there are hoops denoting buses. "Passengers" with red tickets are sent by the "controller" in the left bus, and with green in the right.

The game "where I sit down." The goal is to form the ability to occupy a certain spatial position on a given condition (from itself, from the subject).

Game "Guess where hidden".

3) games on the formation of skills orient on the plane (orientation on the sheet of paper, i.e. in two-dimensional space)

The game "Name neighbors". To do this, use a sheet of paper on which images of various items have been chaotic.

Option 1: The educator asks to find an image of some kind of item and determine: - which is shown to the right of it, which is painted under it, which is at the top to the right of the specified item, etc.

Option 2: The educator asks to call or show the item (s), which (e) are: - in the upper right corner, - along the lower side of the sheet, - in the center of the sheet, and the like.

Game "Labyrinth". The teacher distributes a sheet of each child, on which the labyrinth and the shooter is drawn the beginning of the path. Then the children are invited to help find the road to the Cup, for this you need to execute instructions, and then check the correctness of their execution. At first, a sheet with a labyrinth should be placed so that the entrance to it is on the left (right, at the top, bottom), then go through it (leading the line) to rotation, turn to the desired side according to the instructions. For example, enter the labyrinth at the bottom, go up, left, up, right, down. Having reached the end, the children may check themselves: the designer of the same route painted the marker on the film, imposing it on his sheet, the child sees - the whole way he did it right.

"Geometric dictation". Before children, there is a sheet of paper and a set of geometric shapes. The educator gives instructions, and children must be performed in a rapid pace. For example, a red square put in the upper left corner, a yellow circle - to the center of the sheet, etc. After completing the task, children can check the correctness of the execution.

Game "I'm going on the car" . Before each child, a sheet of paper (A4) and a small machine. Children listening to the instructions of the educator move the machine in the right direction. For example, from the center of the sheet, the machine drove into the lower right corner, then along the right side to the right upper angle, then in the lower right corner, by the middle of the right side, etc.

Game "Decorate the Christmas tree". The goal is to find the location of the toy according to the teacher's instructions.

4) games for the perception of spatial relations between objects

Game "What is where worth?" The goal is to establish a spatial relationship between objects. ("To the right of the matryoshka is a pyramid, and a bear sits on the left, there is a nevalya from behind").

Game "Let's change". The goal is to form a skill to determine their location on specified orientations. The educator gives instructions: for example, Sasha, stand up so that the wall was on the right, and before you was Polina. If Sasha found the place right, then the child standing at this place rises to Sashain.

The game is "yes-no". Purpose - the formation of the ability to determine the spatial position of the subject. For example: "I guess the subject, and you using questions should determine its location." Children ask questions: "This subject is right? Right at the window? Right at roses? On the stand? In the closet? On the top shelf? " etc.

The game "Magic Tree". The goal is to form the ability to reflect the spatial relationship between objects in speech. Children call the location of apples, caterpillars, clouds in relation to the tree.

Game "Find a magnet". Before children on a magnetic board, a variety of magnets. Each of them makes it, - what a magnet he will search with closed eyes closed. Children in turn goes to the blackboard to find "their" magnet, while the rest of the children give hints where to look. For example, above, above, even higher, to the left, slightly down.

Game "Housewarming". Each of the children should be "populated" the house for a given instruction. For example, at the bottom of the apartment got: a mouse, a goat and a monkey, and the goat - on the left, and the monkey - between the mouse and the goat, etc.

For some moments I want to pay attention.

Planning games is carried out taking into account the patterns of development of spatial representations in children of preschool age. Undoubtedly, orientation in the scheme of its own body is the initial one, and on the basis of this, children in children are formed spatial representations and orientations in space, on the plane, the spatial adverbs and pretexts are mastered.

It is important to note that work on all directions is not carried out isolated from each other, not in linear sequence.

Didactic games I tried to pick up leaked to lexical topics. Thus, the substantive dictionary on the topic has enhanced grammatical Stroy Speech on the topic of theme. So, when studying the topic "Dishes", the game "Necking a tea table" was used, where not only formed the ability to focus on the plane, but also fixed the names of the objects of tea dishes and colors.

The same games can be used in the study of different lexical topics. So, the game "I am going on the car" by changing only the subject with which the child acts, you can turn into games "I play football", "hockey players", "fly flies", etc. Also in the games "Yes No" (linear), "Store" Materials are subject to substantive pictures on various lexical topics (toys, vegetables, fruits, animals ...).

It is important to take into account the individual level of children's development, and in accordance with the ability of the child to select the didactic games of varying complexity. So, for example, when studying the topic "Autumn", a child with a low level of spatial representations can be offered the game "Where did the leaf fall?" (reflected in the speech of spatial premises on, underor , more difficult - for, before, between). In the game "Draw a picture on the flannelhemph" (it is convenient to use the Benefrani Benefit "Seasons") complication is visible in the tasks: "Draw" as I say "- linearly or using the whole area; "what changed?"; "Draw and tell me", "tell a friend, and he will check", etc. In the future, when drawing a landscape, drawing up a story in the picture, the child will understand the far and close plan, the location of the figures and their relationship. Here I see compliance with the principles of integration in the educational process and comprehensive thematic planning laid in FGT.

It should be noted that work on the formation of spatial representations is closely intertwined with the work of the logopeda for improving the GSR, as well as the prevention of impaired sound-lettering. The objectives of the orientation development in space also solve physical cultural and musical leaders.

The obtained results of comparative diagnostics confirm the effectiveness of systematic use of didactic games and exercises for the formation of spatial representations from preschoolers with TNR. So, all children are practically unmistakable oriented in the scheme of their own body. Children began to more actively use spatial terms, to properly use pretexts. Children became more confidentient to navigate on the plane and in the space "from ourselves." Some difficulties cause the spatial placement of objects relative to each other, orientation "from the other".

This system of work aimed at the formation of spatial representations is not yet sufficiently developed. In the future, it has potential opportunities for further development and application in correctional work with preschoolers with TNR.


  1. Garcusha Yu.F. Pedagogical examination of preschoolers / Yu.F. Kharkusha. M.: Scientific and practical center "Correction", 1992. - 63 s.
  2. Semago N.Ya. Formation of spatial ideas in children. Preschool and younger school age: Toolkit and a set of demonstration materials. - M.: Iris press, 2005. (Library of psychologist education)
  3. Semago MM, Semago N.Ya. Psychological and medical and pedagogical examination of the child: a set of working materials. Under total. ed. MM Semago. M.: Arcta, 2001.- 133 p.
  • Comparison of sets by establishing mutual compliance between them (using the applix and applications)
  • Reception machines.
  • 18. Methods of learning a quantitative account in different age groups: stages, receptions and account skills.
  • 19. Improving the account skills by learning counting from more sample and by the named number in different age groups.
  • 20. Improving the account skills through account training with the participation of various analyzers (the score of sounds, movements, tanging) in different age groups.
  • 21. Formation of the concept of the number as a quantitative characteristic of sets. Types of work on overcoming phenomenon Piaget.
  • 22. Relations and relations between the numbers of a natural series. Methods of learning comparing adjacent numbers.
  • 23. Methods of teaching a sequence account on average and senior preschool age.
  • 24. Methods of familiarization with the quantitative composition of the number from individual units in the senior preschool age.
  • 25. The method of familiarization with the composition of the number of two smaller numbers and the decomposition of the number into two smaller.
  • 26. The methodology for familiarization with the division of a whole to equal parts, establishing the relationship "whole" and "part".
  • 27. Methods of familiarization with numbers and arithmetic signs.
  • 28. Methods of familiarization with coins.
  • 2. Practical part
  • 3. Conclusion.
  • 29. Methods of learning to solve and drafting arithmetic problems: types, stages of work, various approaches to the method of learning to solve and drafting arithmetic tasks.
  • 31. Properties of magnitude, features of perception by preschoolers.
  • 32. Methods of comparison in size: immediate mediated, with the help of an eyeball.
  • 33. Methods of learning comparing 2 items largest in the younger and preschool age.
  • 34. Methods of learning compared from 2 to 5 items on average and 10 items in senior preschool age, ordering (seriation) in ascending order and descending.
  • Tasks give a gaming character using the game:
  • 35. Methods for learning measurement of lengths, volume of liquid and bulk bodies conditional standards and generally accepted measures in the senior and preparatory preschool age.
  • 36. The concept of form and geometric shape, peculiarities of perception by preschoolers.
  • 37. Software tasks and receptions of familiarization with geometric shapes in the younger, middle and senior preschool age.
  • 38. Methods for the formation of generalized concepts quadrilateral and polygon.
  • 39. The use of various types of material in the formation of ideas about form and geometric shapes.
  • 40. Orientation in space. Features of spatial representations from preschoolers.
  • 41. The system of work on the formation of spatial representations from preschoolers.
  • 42. Methods of forming orientation in space in different age groups.
  • 44. Software objectives and methods of work on the development of temporary representations in different age groups.
  • 45. Acquaintance with the calendar as a system of time measures.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bDevelopment of a sense of time from preschoolers.
  • Stage 1.
  • Stage 2.
  • 3 stage.
  • 4 stage.
  • 48. Features of the organization of work in different age groups.
  • 50. Features of working with gifted children.
  • 51. Communication of pre-school institution and family on the mathematical development of the child.
  • 52. The continuity of the pre-school institution and 1 class school on the mathematical development of children: forms and content.
  • 53. Indicators of the child's mathematical readiness for school.
  • 41. The system of work on the formation of spatial representations from preschoolers.

    Work system (T. A. Musayibova) in developing preschoolers, spatial representations includes:

    1) orientation "on itself"; development of the "Scheme of Own Body";

    2) the orientation "on external objects"; allocation of various sides of the subjects: front, rear, top, bottom, side;

    3) the development and use of the verbal reference system in the main spatial directions: ahead - back, up - down, right - left;

    4) determining the location of objects in the space "from ourselves" when the initial point of reference is fixed on the subject itself;

    5) the definition of its own position in space ("standing points") relative to various objects, the reference point is localized on another person or on any subject;

    6) determination of the spatial placement of objects relative to each other;

    7) determining the spatial location of objects in the plane orientation, i.e. in two-dimensional space; The determination of their placement relative to each other and relative to the plane on which they are placed.

    Work on the formation of spatial representations in children includes orientation in three-dimensional (main spatial directions) and two-dimensional (on a sheet of paper) spacese. The main thing here is the conduct of carefully selected, gradually complicated by the linearly concentric principle of exercises, tasks-orders, tasks-games with objects and without them.

    Work on the development of spatial representations in children is conducted in different directions, with a gradual complication of tasks. This is expressed (according to T. A. Musayibova):

    a) in a gradual increase in the number of various options for spatial relations between the subjects, with which children get acquainted;

    b) in increasing the accuracy of distinguishing them with children and designations with the corresponding terms;

    c) in the transition from simple recognition to independent reproduction of spatial relations on objects, including between the subject and the objects surrounding it;

    d) in the transition from orientation in a specially organized didactic medium to orientation in the surrounding space;

    e) in changing the orientation methods in the spatial arrangement of objects (from practical testing or correlation of objects with a starting point of reference to the visual estimate of their location at a distance);

    e) in the transition from direct perception and effective reproduction of spatial relations to understanding their logic and semantics;

    g) in an increase in the degree of summarizing the knowledge of children about specific spatial relations;

    h) in the transition from the location of the item relative to another object to the determination of their location relative to each other.

    Such are the main stages of training children of preschool age under the section "Orientation in space" of the development of elementary mathematical representations.

    42. Methods of forming orientation in space in different age groups.

    Program Junior Group Offers teach children distinguish spatial directions: Ahead (forward) - rear (back), left (left) - right (right).

    The basis for distinguishing spatial directions Serves a clear distinction of children parts of your body and defining the sides on oneself. So, the concept of "ahead" in children is associated with their face, and "behind" (behind) - with his back. Considering this, at the beginning of the school year it is important to check whether the kids can focus on themselves, are the names of body parts and face know.

    During the washing or dressing, the teacher, casual talking to the children, calls parts of the body and face: "Visited nose, ears, chin, lobby", "put on the head of the scarf", "tag on the neck scarf." The important kids themselves encourage the name of the parts of the body and face. If children are not well oriented well enough, you can spend the dotactic games "Bathing dolls", "laying sleeping dolls", "dress doll." It is important that when conducting these games, the attention of children focuses not only on the behavisy, dressing processes themselves; It is necessary to emphasize on the distinction and climbing parts of the body and face. The child is offered to wash the doll breast, back, shoulders, etc.

    Children at the same time exercise in distinguishing pair mutual reverse directions: at the top - below, in front - rear, on the left - right (left - right), since the formation of ideas about one of them relies on the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe friend. Special it makes it difficult for kids to distinguish between the right and left hand. Difficulties are eliminated if the teacher constantly links the calling of his hands with the actions performed by it, and first of all characteristic of each hand. Kids should be called, in what hand they hold the spoon, and in what - bread, in what hand they have a pencil, brush, and what hand they hold the paper.

    Exercise in distinguishing and calling hands are associated with performance and other actions.. For example, on musical and physical education classes, the educator invites children to take the blue checkbox into the right hand, and take a long ribbon into the left - green or right hand, and in the left - short, asks to kids to say, in what hand they have one or another item.

    In the process of learning distinction and name of the right and left hand much attention is paid to the development of the ability to identify various sides on: Head - at the top, legs - downstairs; Right leg, left foot; Right ear, left ear, etc. This work is carried out both individually and with small subgroups of children. The teacher asks them to touch their hands to the knee and guess what leg they had the right, and what left. The kids learn that the left leg from the other side, where the left hand, and the rightmost there, where the right hand. Similarly, children are guessing, what a cheek right, what left. Conducting exercises, it is impossible to disseminate children against each other, in a circle or in the corners, because in this case the homogeneity in the perception of space is disturbed. All children and teachers must sit or stand face one way. The exercise duration does not exceed 3-5 minutes.

    Relying on these skills children can be started teach them to indicate spatial directions from ourselves: Forward, back, left, right. For example, the educator asks children to take flags (or rattles) and pull out their hands on the sides. At some point, the attention of the kids is focused on the fact that the blue flag is in their right hand, and they show them in right side; Holding a green flag in the left hand, they show them on the left side. At the direction of the teacher, children are shown by flags down, up, left, right. They are taught by the word to lean forward, raise your hands up, lower down, etc. The games are used "in hide and seek", "where to throw the ball?". Such exercise games should be repeated 6-8 times, they are given approximately 4-5 minutes.

    In the younger group, children get the first orientation skills on the sheet plane. In the classroom, they are taught to have items on a sheet at the top and bottom, on the upper and lower stripes, on the left and right, lay out items in a row in order from left to right.

    Showing an image receptions in drawing classes, teacher calls hand movement direction: From top to bottom, left to right and others. Children themselves encourage calling the direction of action or location of items on the plane: "How do you fold the circles?" ("From left to right".) "Where are more circles?" ("At the bottom".) "Where is less?" ("Up".)

    In the middle group The child must learn determine where one or another subject is located in relation to it. At the top, below, in front of the back, on the left, right. The basis of distinction Spatial directions serve distinguishing body parts, defecting the sides on oneself. At the beginning of the school year, they find out to what extent do children know how to navigate on themselves, and enshrine this skill.

    Much attention is paid to exercises in distinguishing the left and right handSince orientation in the left and right is given to children of this age with a known difficulty; Fix the ability to show your hand (flag, wand) forward, back, up, down, left, right.

    Determination of the spatial location of objects relative to itself.

    Taking the children to focus on themselves, point forward, back, etc., you can go to the exercises in determining the location of items from yourself (ahead, before, behind, on the left, right, at the top, below). At first, children are offered to determine the location of only 2 toys or things that are from them in opposite directions: in front of the back, right on the left. Later the number of items increase to 4. The items first have a short distance from the child. Gradually, the distance increases.

    After the child determines the location of the items, it is useful to offer it to turn to the left or right (at 90 °), and later the circle (180 °). In the future, this will allow children to understand the relativity in determining the location of items from themselves. The child turned to the left, and Cheburashka is now sits in front of him (ahead), and not to the left of him. The most effective are the exercises associated with movements, moving children.

    Exercises in determining the spatial location of objects Conduct as in class and in everyday life . Great importance give using didactic games: "Guess what is where", "who left and where did he stand?" and etc.

    Learning the ability to move in the specified direction.

    After children acquire the ability to distinguish and call the main spatial directions, their learn to move in the specified direction.

    To do this, it is advisable at the beginning to use the game "Where to go, what do you find?".

    Objective it - Exercise guys in effective distinction and designation of the main spatial areas.

    Organization of the situation. The educator in the absence of children hides toys in different places of the room, taking into account the intended location of the child (ahead, from the back, on the left, right). For example, a bear hides a bit in front of the screen, and the backup is placed behind the shelf and so on. Explains the task: "Today you will learn to find the hidden toys." Calling a child, he says: "You will go ahead - you will find a bear, you will come back - you will find a lot. Where do you want to go and what you find?" The child must choose a direction, call it and go in this direction. Finding a toy, he says what kind of toy and where I found. ("I went back and found a matryoshka on the shelf.")

    Note. Initially, the child is offered to choose the direction of only 2 paired directions offered to him (forward - back, left - right), and later - from 4. Gradually increase the number of toys located on each side. The task can be offered at the same time 2 children.

    Presentations "closer", "further", "close", "far" Children get producing certain actions With toys and objects. "Whose ball rolled next? Who left the snowball further?" - Similar questions attract children's attention to distance. They gradually assimilate the meaning of words closer, further, close, far. In class Conduct several special exercisesAllowing to clarify the submission data.

    Development of orientation on a sheet of paper, on the surface of the table.

    In the Central Group, great attention in mathematics classes are paying development in children orientation on a sheet of paper, on the plane of the table. From the first classes, they are offered to find the upper and lower strips of the counting card, decompose a certain number of items at the top and bottom or left and right.

    Special exercises are carried out in order to teach children to determine and designate the spatial arrangement of geometric shapes on the table, recreate the location. Consider the sample in a certain order. First, the children call the figure located in the center (in the middle), and then at the top and bottom or left and right from it; In the appropriate manner, they reproduce the pattern. Tables are used, which depicts from 3 to 5 geometric shapes. Exercises are carried out both frontal and subgroups of children.

    To secure the ability to navigate the plane, to determine the mutual location of the pictures on the left, right or in the middle, at the top and bottom use games like "paired pictures". The child must first describe how 3 toys are located on the card, and after finding a steam room.

    The use of life situations for the development of orientation in space.

    For the development of orientation in space, along with special exercises, a variety of life situations are widely used. Orientation in spatial directions - indispensable component of any practical action.

    Great opportunities for appropriate exercises provide physical education I. musical classes, Morning gymnastics and mobile games. Clear orientation in space causes the correct implementation of motor exercises. The teacher constantly indicates the direction of movement (actions): "Turn left (right), raise your hands up!" Etc.

    We should not substitute words denoting spatial directions, the name of substantive landmarks ("Turn to the window", etc.).

    In children 5-6 years Secure the ability to distinguish the left and right hand, determine the direction of location of objects in relation to yourself: at the top, below, in front, from the back, on the left, right. For this purpose, the game exercises recommended for the children of the Central Group are used: "Guess who is worth it!", "Guess what is located!", "Indicate where the bell rings", etc. They can be held as in class mathematics and games.

    As in the middle group, children exercise in distinguishing the opposite directions, but tasks complicate. It is expressed in that increase the number of items (from 2 to 6), The location of which the child is offered to determine as well as the distance between the child and the objects. Children gradually learn to determine the direction of the location of any items that are at a considerable distance from them.

    Children learn not only determine in which direction They are subject to but also independently create these situations: "Get up so that Anya is ahead, and Zhenya is behind you!", "Get up so that to the left of you there was a table, and on the right - blackboard."

    Development of skills move in the specified direction.

    IN senior group Much attention is paid to the consolidation and improvement of the ability to move in the specified direction, change the direction of movement while walking, running.

    On musical and physical education Educator for accurate designation of the direction of movement, the adverbs and pretexts: up, down, forward, back, left (left), to the right (right), nearby, between, on the contrary, for, in front, in, on, before, etc., relying on the ability of children to navigate himself, he teaches them to produce movements in the specified direction.

    It has great importance using a specific game system with rules - didactic and movable. Games are carried out in classes in mathematics, physical culture, musical and out of occupation, mainly on a walk. At the beginning of the year you can offer the game "Where to go and what you will find?".

    In the older group, this game is carried out in a more complex version. Children make a choice of 4 directions, the task simultaneously perform several people. Next, they hold games "Find the subject", "Find checkbox", "Travel", "Scouts". Gaming action Here is also the search for hidden toys (things). But now the child is offered in the process of active movement to change the direction, for example, reach the table, turn right, reach the window, turn left, reach the corner of the room and find a hidden toy there.

    Initially, spending these games, Pedagogue gives instructions during action: "Get to the table ... Turn the right ... Get to the window ... Turn to the left ..." and so on. Each indication it does when the previous one has already been fulfilled, and the provocation of the subject must follow after The child has already changed the direction of movement, otherwise children are oriented only on the subject, and not to the specified direction.

    It is advisable to restrict such games to limit a small area, and as your experience accumulates, the area of \u200b\u200bexperience can be increased to the size of the entire group room or the site. Gradually increase the number of reference tasks and change the procedure for their proposal.. If you first, children define only steam directions: ahead - back, to the right - left, then later the directions indicate in any order: forward - to the right, right - back and so on.

    To assimage the children of the rules of pedestrian behavior on the streetassociated with the ability to navigate in the directions to the right and left, recommend games "The street will be right - in new house You will come, you will be wrong - you will stay in the old one, "you will take the wrong checkbox", "Pass the Package". The task in these games is that every child goes on the sidewalk, adhering to his right side, or, moving the street, looked First to the left, and reaching the middle of the street, to the right.

    Useful exercises in reproduction of traffic with closed eyes Based on a trial in games "Feed a horse", "knock-knock in the drum", "find your own icon". These games are similar, so as an example we describe the latter.

    Along the walls, models of geometric shapes are placed. First, with open eyes, it approaches the figure, which the teacher called, and then with his eyes closed, returns to the wall with models and finds the right one.

    When on-site orientation in children develop the speed and clarity of the reaction to the beep (Games "Yakov, where are you?", "Zhmurki with a bell", "Where does a voice come from?"). It is important to teach children, acting in directions, distinguish between the direction of movements. To this end, they recommend the games "knock-knock in the drum", "feedstock" (in the modified version). Children with closed eyes move to the subject, following the instructions of the teacher: "Make 2 steps forward, turn left, take 3 steps" etc. The number of tasks first limit 2-3, and later their number can be increased to 4-5.

    The interest of children in performing more complex tasksrequiring clear distinction of the main spatial directions, created by replacing toys.

    The establishment of spatial relations between objects.

    Equally important is the training of children 5 - 6 years old determine the position of the subject in relation to another subject ("To the right of the matryoshka is a pyramid, and a bear sits on the left, behind the nevosha,"), as well as its position among the surrounding items ("I stand behind the chair, between the windows, behind Natasha", etc.).

    Ability to navigate from another subject Based on the ability to navigate yourself. Children must learn to mentally imagine themselves in the position of the subject. In this regard, first, they are exercised in determining the direction of the position of items from themselves (when turning to 90 and 180 °: the table was ahead, the child turned around - and the table turned out to be right). Next, children are taught to determine the parties to each other's body, for example, where they have the right and where left hand, then the side of the body of dolls, bears, etc. (take into account that the child is much easier to imagine itself in the position of any animated object than inanimate.)

    Solving this task Dedicate part 4-5 classes in mathematics and native language.

    Classes are building: First, the teacher shows certain spatial relations on toys or things (in front of, behind, for, on the left, right; in, on, above, under, because of; next, on the contrary, towards, between) and indicates their exact words, Then changes the location of the items or replaces one or another subject, and the children each time designate their position in relation to each other.

    Finally, children performing instructions of the teacher, they themselves create relevant situations, and also seek them in the environment. Offer games "Where is it worth?", "Instructions", "hide and seek", "What has changed?". ("Lena was ahead of Nina, and now she is behind Nina.") Educator (and later any of the children) hides, changes toys, things. A leading child tells where and what it is worth what has changed, as the toys are placed where children hid, etc.

    You can carry out exercise-drainage of the desktop theater. Theater characters (kittens, puppies, etc.) are hiding behind objects, change places, and children describe where each of them is located.

    Most benefits game exercise "Find the same picture." The material for it is the pictures on which the same items are depicted (for example, a house, a Christmas tree, birch, a fence, bench) in different spatial relationships. A couple make pictures with the same location of the patterns of objects. Exercises with pictures are held, for example, like this: each of the players gets in one picture. Paired pictures remain at the lead. The presenter takes one, from his pictures and shows it, asking: "Who has the same?" Gets a pair picture. The one who accurately denote the spatial relationship between objects that are drawn on it.

    Considering with children any pictures, illustration in the book, it is necessary to teach them to comprehend the position of each subject and its relationship with other objects. This allows us to disclose semantic relationships that bind objects to each other.

    Orientation on the plane.

    In the senior group, children should learn to freely navigate the plane, ie . in two-dimensional space.

    At the beginning of the school year In classes in mathematics of children teaching the items in the specified direction: from top to bottom or bottom up, left to right or right left. Much attention is paid to sequential allocation, description and reproduction of the mutual arrangement of geometric shapes relative to each other.

    Further development of orientation on the plane serves children's training the ability to find The middle (center) sheet of paper or table, upper and lower, left and right leaf edges, upper left and right, lower left and right corners of the sheet.

    Dedicated to this work main part 3-4 classes. At the first lesson, the teacher demonstrates the table and gives a sample description of the location of objects relative to the sheet. Children describe and reproduce the sample. Later they are taught to act in directions, and the sample is shown after the task is made. Now it serves as a self-control means. By completing the task, the children describe how many figures and where they placed. Starting from the second or third lesson, the teacher offers them first repeat the task, and then execute it.

    Children should use exact words to indicate the position of objects with respect to the sheet, floor, platform. In mathematics classes, children receive the first ideas about certain spatial relations and relationships. Acquest them occurs in different types of children's practical activities (for example, visual).

    In the preparatory school groupchildren at the time of admission to school should freely orient In the direction of movement, in spatial relations between them and objects, as well as between objects. It has great importance development of ability to navigate the plane. All work should be built based on the allocation of paired opposite concepts: "Left - right", "Forward - Back", etc.

    Especially important to provide effective care for children spatial orientation. They have to not only to determine Directions and relations between objects, but be able to use these knowledge: move in the specified direction, position and move objects, etc.

    Selected spatial bonds and relations should reflected in speech using prepositions and adverbs: in, on, under, above, in front of, behind, in front, at the top, below, above, below, near, each other, between, on the contrary, left, right, upper, lower, etc.

    If children are poorly oriented in the main spatial directions (ahead, rear, left, right, etc.), it is necessary gradually replenish their knowledge. First of all, it is necessary to consolidate the ability to distinguish between the right and left hand and on this basis determine the directions to the right, left. In the course of the execution of children of certain actions, it is necessary for a few seconds to focus their attention on what and what hand they do.

    In defining and reproducing spatial directions Children constantly exercise on physical culture and musical classes. They get the task to take one or another item in the right or left hand, turn or lean forward, backward, right, left, etc., change the direction of movement while walking, running. At some point, their attention focuses on performing movement in the specified direction.

    Children like attention exercisesin which they produce movements in the specified direction, for example: "Turn the right", "with the right hand, touch the left ear", etc.

    Much attention in working with children B-7 continue to pay the development of the ability to move in the specified direction, change direction Movement while walking and running. To this end use didactic and moving game system.

    Complication of this type of exercise It is expressed as follows: Increase the number of areas that children are oriented during movement; increase orientation area; Complicate the conditions for performing tasks: children move with closed eyes, oriented with a rapid flow of movement (on the run). So, in the rolling games "Zaysa and Wolf" and "Karasi and Pike", children in a signal run away from a wolf or pike and hide in the houses. That bunny or karasik, who has a house (chair, box, cube), is considered to be a house (chair, box, cube): ahead or rear, to the left or right of the child.

    For the development of the ability to navigate in the nearest to kindergarten are held special exercises: "How to go to the store (in bakery, etc.)", "the road to the post office (in the pharmacy)", "Road to School." They allow you to develop spatial imagination in children, the ability to represent the "path picture". The child tells, for example, where the mail is placed, on which street and in which direction it is necessary to go to it, where to make a turn, etc. The tutor with children assesses the correctness of what has been said. Children can give instructions to take someone or the whole group to the specified place.

    Guys continue learning to allocate noticeable subject matter, establish spatial relations between them, the direction of movement from one subject to another.

    In the senior group, the children studied the ability to determine the position of the subject in relation to another subject ("to the right of the nesting the pyramid stands, and a bear sits on the left, behind the nevoshka"), as well as its position among the surrounding items ("I stand behind the chair, between windows , rear Natasha "). Now they must learn to mentally put themselves in positionthat occupies one thing. For this purpose, exercises are allowed to determine the direction of the position of this or that item from themselves when turning at 90 and 180 ° (the matryoshka was ahead; the child turned around, and she turned out to be right, etc.).

    Children learn to determine where the right-standing right and where left handdefined dolls Faces Dolls, Bearsetc. They carry out game exercises similar to those used in the older group: "Where is it?", "Order", "HypeTs" and "What has changed?". ("Vera was ahead of Lena, and now she is behind Lena.") Tasks complicate, increasing the number of items by changing their location, expanding orientation area. At the same time, raise requirements for the determination rate, elements of competition are introduced.

    Importantto kids not only called, but also explained the spatial placement of objects, established causal, investigative and other connectionswhich are hidden behind the externally presented spatial relations between objects. As in determining the location of the items and, when viewing paintings and illustrations, children should realize that is hidden behind these spatial relations. For example, the pictures are drawn by children standing in a circle, couples, against each other, etc. It is necessary to guess what they are going to do or what they do. "Who is considering a boy? How did you guess? Yes, the boy looks upstairs."

    For teaching children the ability to enjoy in speech termsdenoting spatial relationships, prompt verbal games "On the contrary", "add offer". For example, the educator begins to offer: "Seryozha threw the ball ... (up); Olya put the cylinder ... (right), and Ira put the cube ... (left); our hall is placed ... (at the top), and the kitchen ... (down below)". The child who threw a handkerchief is responsible. In the process of viewing paintings, drawing, designing, manufacturing items, when moving in the room and on the street, the teacher encourages the guys to use words reflecting spatial relations. As a result of the presentation of children on spatial relations, they take a generalizing character.

    Useful to use the tasks for the smellFor example: "a man was in the city, and there were 4 acquaintances to meet him. How many people went to the city?" Much attention in classes in mathematics is paying exercises in the orientation on the sheet plane, T e. In two-dimensional space. Fasten the ability to find the middle, center, top and bottom of the sheet, right and left, top and bottom corners, right and left Sheet paper. Give, for example, such tasks: "count 5 red circles and put in the right upper angle, and 3 blue - to the bottom left corner." It is important that, by completing the task, the children were told both about the quantity and the location of certain objects.

    Spectative dictations bring great benefits. Children lay out geometric figures (sticks, toys) on a sheet of paper according to the sample in a certain position. The tasks gradually complicate: increase the number of figures, change the nature of their location. Initially, children are considered, describe and reproduced a sample, later create a pattern for dictation and, finally, they independently create a pattern and describe it. Using games "Who will remember?", "Towns", "Who What happens?", "Paired Cards"

      Time, its properties, features of perception by preschoolers.

    Time - the form of the existence of matter; The duration and sequence of the existence of objects and their properties. Time - the same objectively existing reality, like space.

    Properties of Time

    - Tech time. None, even the smallest particle of time, cannot be perceived immediately, "simultaneously", but only consistently: the beginning, and then the end.

    - Time is irreversible. We can return from the place of space from where you left, but we cannot return the time that passed (S.L. Rubinshtein).

    Sasha S., 4.5 years: - Sasha, it's time to get up! - Give me another 5 minutes to fly! (5 minutes passed). - Sasha, get up, 5 minutes have already passed! - And now in the opposite direction!

    - missing visual forms.

    - No special analyzer. Time is learned indirectly, through the movement and rhythm of life processes or with the help of hours. A mature person's perception of time is the result of a number of analyzers, combined into a single peculiar system acting as a whole. The child has this coherence in the work of analyzers.

    - The perception of time is easily distorted.

    - Designation of temporary relations changeable.What was "tomorrow" becomes after night "today", and a day - yesterday. Words denoting temporary gaps that are constantly moving, have a relative nature of the meaning (now tomorrow or today?)

    Perception of Time - Reflection in the consciousness of a person duration, sequence, speed and frequency of processes, phenomena, actions.

    The basis of the perception of time - sensual perception. However, in order to correctly navigate the time, it is necessary to know the knowledge of generally accepted standards of time. Time is perceived by a complex of analyzers (especially motor).

    Features of the perception of time by children

    For a child, a reflection of time - significantly more difficult task than perception of space. This is due primarily to the very nature of the time as an object of knowledge and his role in the life of children.

    Difficultiesrelated With the perception of the time of childrenDefined characteristic characteristics of time (properties)as an objective reality (A.A.Lublinskaya).

    Causes of time perception difficulties:

    1. The irreversibility of time: it is impossible to return the past;

    2. Time flow:

    3. No visual forms of time.

    Children of preschool age time perceived indirectly, through certain activities, through the alternation of events and constantly repetitive phenomena.

    Stages of development of time perception

    Stage 1 (0 - 2 years).Time is perceived on the basis of sensory experience and is associated with the specific activities of children (alternation of sleep, feeding, waking). This conditional reflex The time is one of the earliest in the life of the child.

    Stage 2 (2 - 4 years). Children are capable reflect in speech categories of time. However, they are still do not speak Last and future forms, confused relative temporary adverbs (first, then, yesterday, tomorrow, soon, long ago). Temporary intervals are perceived by children as specific subjects (defecting time).

    Children 2-4 years old oriented in time based on pure household indicators. Children under 4 years perceive time through their own activities and on bright events or phenomena.

    If their life is subordinated to a certain regime, they easily distinguish the morning ("We have not yet had breakfast"), the evening ("will come for us"), the night ("all sleep"). Soon more objective natural phenomena are added to these indicators. In the speech of the child, the verbs of the past and future time appear.

    3 Stage (4 - 6 years). Children actively reflect in speech temporary categories, but, worse assimilate Temporary terms expressing durationand sequence events. They perceive time on the activities of other people, according to objective natural phenomena.

    4 Stage (after 6 years). Children are oriented according to generally accepted standards of time (by hours).

    For a very long time, children do not understand the objective movement of time, its independence from the will and action of people.

    Therefore, by correctly using some designations of time, the child essentially does not understand the reality (A.A.Lublinskaya):

    Mom, when will my birthday? - Two days later. - How many times should I go to bed? - Three times. The boy 4.4 lay down on the bed, three times "sort" and stated that he was his birthday.

    Dad, why did you come? Is it already evening?

    Mom, today Saturday (in fact Friday). - Why? - Because we go to the grandmother.

    Preschool children do not see the logic of temporary relations(A.A.Lublinskaya).

    In their stories, they often rudely break the sequence of events, bringing the most significant moments of life to the fore. In their speech there is a mixing of various temporal terms, their confusion (first-later, before, later, long-time, yesterday, today, tomorrow, parts of the day, days of the week, months of the year):

    And yesterday we will go to the village?

    Why don't you eat soup? - And I eat it tomorrow, in kindergarten.

    What is Monday, Thursday or Friday today?

    I already ate later.

    An indicator of children arising in the time of time is their questions. (Etc. Lichterman).

    The results of the study of TD Gichterman made it possible to outline the classification of children's issues on motivation and in content (66 children were investigated). The overwhelming majority of these questions are observed since the end of the 4th year of life (when electoral attitude towards peace is manifested).

    The basis of the questions about the time is of interest., but he varies in character and level of development:

    1. Emotional interest aimed at some event, phenomenon, object: "When will summer come? I want to collect berries ",

    2. Emotional interest, directed actual on time: "After Saturday will be Sunday? - Yes. - And you said, we will go to visit? "

    3. Cognitive interest in the nature of the development of phenomena: "What will happen if cooking eggs for 5 minutes? And if longer? "," When will the sun go out? "," Who was born before, are you or me? "," I will be still small? "," Earth has always been? Even when no people were born? "

    4. Cognitive interest aimed at the knowledge of the very time: "Today is tomorrow, and now today?"

    5. Cognitive interest characterized by the desire of a child to penetrate the essence of the phenomenon: "Why, when the day ends, the day comes?".

    Thus, it can be seen that:

      the child begins to realize that some events coming quickly and quickly pass, the onset of others should be waiting; At the beginning of the 3rd year of life in speech, verbs of a future time appear

      temporary adverbs appear: now, now, yesterday, then, tomorrow, soon, long ago, etc.

      the child begins to realize that events can go consistently.

      the question appears "How much time?" and when?" (K 2.7-2.9)

      interest is transferred from events closely related to the child himself, by the time associated with the nearest relatives, then to a wider range of objects.

    The nature of the ideas of children about time is closely connected. from:

    Understanding the properties of time

    Mastering temporary concepts

    Ability to navigate the time by natural phenomena

    Understanding temporary gaps

    The ability to determine the time by the clock.

    The genesis of the reflection of space is a scientific basis for a targeted pedagogical guide to the process of forming spatial representations in preschool children. The main task of this work is to improve the sensual experience of spatial distinction and on this basis the creation of a base for the reflection of the space in a conceptual logical form. The system of work (T. A. Musayibova) for development in preschoolers of spatial representations includes:
    1) orientation "on itself"; development of the "Scheme of Own Body";
    2) the orientation "on external objects"; allocation of various sides of the subjects: front, rear, top, bottom, side;
    3) the development and use of the verbal reference system in the main spatial directions: ahead - back, up - down, right - left;
    4) determining the location of objects in the space "from ourselves" when the initial point of reference is fixed on the subject itself;
    5) the definition of its own position in space ("standing points") relative to various objects, the reference point is localized on another person or on any subject;
    6) the definition of the spatial posted ™ objects relative to each other;
    7) determining the spatial location of objects in the plane orientation, i.e. in two-dimensional space; The determination of their placement relative to each other and relative to the plane on which they are placed.
    Working with the smallest children begins with orientation in parts of your body and the corresponding spatial areas: Ahead - where the face is behind (from the back) - where the back, right (right) - where the right hand (the one holds Spoon, draw), left (left) -the, where left hand. A particularly important task is to distinguish between the right and left hand, the right and left part of their body.
    Based on the knowledge of your body, i.e. Focusing "on yourself", it becomes possible orientation "from ourselves": the ability to properly show, call and move forward - back, up - down, right - left. The child must establish the position of this or that item in relation to itself (ahead of me - the table, behind - the cabinet, on the right - the door, and on the left - the window, at the top - the ceiling, and at the bottom - the floor).
    Senior preschoolers introduce the rules of traffic: Which side of the sidewalk should go, how to move the street, to bypass standing at the bus stop (tram, trolleybus, bus), enter and leave it, etc. Mastering these rules (algorithms) is primarily associated with the differentiation of the "right" and "left" and other spatial directions.
    "Graduates" kindergarten Should not only unmistakably set the directions of movements, spatial relations between themselves and objects, between the items themselves, but also freely navigate on the sheet of paper.
    In the process of learning, children master the values \u200b\u200bof prepositions and adverbs reflecting spatial relations. One group of predictions reflects the variety of spatial relations between objects between people and objects, indicates the position of the subject among others. The second group - transmits the direction of movement to one or another object or indicates the location of the subject during the movement.
    The first group includes pretends on, in, rear, ahead, for, opposite, etc., within this group, there are differences that transmit shades of spatial relations between objects. Especially wide and diverse used in speech prepositions on and in. The pretext "A reflects the position of the subject on the surface of the other, and the pretext in - inside something (the lamp on the table. The notebook lies in the table box. The name of the student is written on the cover of the notebook. The student recorded the numbers in the notebook, etc.). But with the help of the same prepositions, the place of finding a person, an animal, subject in space (mushrooms grow in the forest, apples grow in the garden. Seryozha stands in a circle of children. Children play on the floor. Children ride on ice. Cottage stands on the shore of the lake and t . d.); Movement is transmitted on some types of transport (dad arrived on a motorcycle, and mom by train).
    Spatial relations between objects are reflected with the help of prepositions under, above, in front, before, behind, behind. On the one hand, they show the position of one subject in relation to the other, and on the other hand, the direction of movement towards another subject (the lamp hangs over the table. The ball has rolled under the chair and others). The same prepositions transfer the dynamics of movement, its directions to another subject (push the chairs under the table after eating. You dropped a spoon under the table. The shelf for the soap was hung over the washbasin, etc.).
    Prepositions before, behind, despite the fact that they indicate opposite spatial relations between objects, there is a general shade - they point to the proximity of one item to another (the child is a cup with milk. In front of the house, the garden. Buttons on a dress are sewn from behind. At the drawer It is necessary to make a hole and others from behind). On the contrary, in another pair of prepositions - ahead and for, also reflecting the opposite relations between objects, the generality is that some remoteness and immediate proximity in the location of the items (ahead of the pioneer column is born. The bus was a bus. Shed built for the tram house).
    The spatial location of the person or the subject face, the front side (facade) to another person or subject is expressed by the pretext against (on the contrary), while indicating the proximity of the distance between them (the new kindergarten opened opposite our house. Tables in the group room had to be placed against the window. Children built in two rows opposite each other).
    The location of a person, the subject in the environment of other items or persons is indicated by the prepositions among, outside, in the middle (among children there was a teacher. In the box among the squares, they found a triangle. Children made a circle in the middle of the room). The location of something in the center indicates the pretexts between, around (Zina got up between heroes and Nina. The chairs were set around the table. Gifts to children put around the Christmas tree).
    The second group includes prepositions, with the help of which the direction of movement in space is provided. In the pretexts of the K, due to the direction of movement to one or another object or, on the contrary, movement from the inside of the subject (the girl goes to his mother. The girl came out of the doctor's office. Come to the head of the kindergarten. Misha got a lotto from the closet. Milk overflow from the bottle In a glass. Because of the tree, someone's head looked out).
    Movement on the surface is transmitted using prepositions of software, through. But the difference between these pretexts is that the preposition of the software does not indicate a certain direction, while the pretext through transmits how the path of movement on any closed territory (we walked through the forest. Home returned through the forest. Children first went on the sidewalk , then switched across the street, jumped over the grooves and went straight on the road).
    Prepositions along and across point to the location of the items in the process of movement or any action (we went along the river. The chairs were placed along the wall. Lilac's bushes we planted along the fence. The road was on the road. The doll was across the bed and dr.).
    In addition to prepositions, adverbs are used to designate spatial relations. Some of them show the direction of movement and answer the question "Where?" (here, there, left, left, right, right, forward, back, top, up, down, inside, outward, etc.), others indicate the direction of movement, but inverse and answer the question "Where?" (From here, from there, on the left, right, in front, rear, from above, from below, from the inside, outside, outside, from afar, from everywhere, etc.).
    The third group of spatial adverbs indicates the place of action, answers the question "Where?" (here, there, here, on the left, on the right, ahead, behind, behind, on top, at the top, at the top, below, inside, out, outside, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, etc.).
    Children are constantly taught to adequately use in the speech "Spatial" terms, aware of their meaning. The implementation of these tasks, closely related to each other, possibly in the process of targeted learning and in everyday life.
    In the development of spatial representations, walks, excursions, mobile games, physical exercises and practical orientation are played a special role: the group room, the premises of the kindergarten, on the plot, street, etc. Special classes make it possible to implement software requirements, clarify, streamline and expand children's representation. The tasks of the development of spatial representations are usually carried out in classes in the form of exercises or didactic games.
    Work in class in all age groups The formation of spatial representations in children includes orientation in three-dimensional (main spatial directions) and a two-dimensional (on a sheet of paper) space. The main thing on them is to conduct carefully selected, gradually complicated by the linear concentric principle of exercises, tasks-orders, tasks-demands with objects and without them. Issues, explanations and explanations of the educator in combination with the show, verbal reports of children on the fulfillment of tasks, i.e., all the variety of techniques and methods of training in classes are aimed at distinguishing, differentiation, awareness, an accurate verbal designation of the main spatial areas in various practically effective situations.
    First of all, the teacher teaches the kids to distinguish and call parts of his body: eyes, ears, nose, chin, head, chest, back, legs, hands. Of great importance is the selection of symmetric parts of its own body and the designation of them with the words right, left. These knowledge is fixed in didactic games, for example, in the game "Who will correctly show and say?" The content is as follows: a parsley or other character comes to the kids (the role is fulfilled) and offers
    Children to play - show and call, where they have legs, hands, right (left) hand, to pep up with the right (left) foot.
    Special difficulties are experiencing children with differentiation of the right and left hand. It is necessary to acquaint preschoolers with the name of both hands at the same time, emphasizing their various functions: the right hand hold the spoon, and the left is a piece of bread or stick to the plate; In the right hand, there is a pencil, which is drawn, and the left presses a sheet of paper so that it does not slip, etc. This is constantly reminded of children, developing the ability to differentiate parts of the body.
    On this basis, they begin to purposefully form in children the experience orientation in space in the main directions. In the learning process, the area differing in the child is associated with the views on the sides of their own body. The teacher organizes numerous exercises that require reproduction of directions by name, independent designation by their word, show from a static position, movement in the specified direction, the transition to their distinction during walking and running when performing turns.
    For example, the educator offers a check box to specify directions: up - down, forward - back, right - left; With the right hand, show ahead, left - down, two - up, etc. Exercises are held in the game form "Tell me, where that is": the child must call, which is in front of him that behind that on the right, that on the left is that At the top that below, it's close, that far.
    Gradually, you can increase the number of items and the degree of their remoteness from orienting. Picking at first exercises only on pair and interrelated directions, then they should be given them in any order.
    Another complication is that by performing a rotation of 90 ° or 180 °, the child must call again, where what is located. This is aware of the relativity of spatial relations. Until this feature is not aware of children and the orientation skills are fragile, it is necessary to carefully think about the organization of exercises. At the same time, the teacher and children are placed so that you can perform all the way in one direction, the same perceive space.
    It is necessary to use exercises widely requiring differentiation of the main spatial directions in the process of active movement. Children get a task to find toys or some objects, and in the verbal instruction, the search direction is indicated: "Go to the right - you will find a bear, you'll go left - you will find a nose - you will find a nest of mind . Various options for such exercise games should include a gradual complication of orientations: an increase in the number of items that need to be found, the choice of one direction from several, counting steps, a complex route of movement to a goal consisting of a number of directions and landmarks, etc. To facilitate orientation In space, complex verbal instructions can be made in parts during the action. Dissected application instructions need: 1) in working with children of junior and middle preschool age; 2) at the initial stages of training; 3) if necessary, eliminate one-sided orientation on substantive benchmarks.
    Gradually, such games can be administered to such a doll, other items, but the main role remains in a child, which "leads" toy, looking for a hidden object. At the end, you can ask the child to give a verbal report: "Tell me how you found this toy." It helps him comprehend and reflect his actions in speech. It should be traced that children will not replace the designation of spatial areas with subject matter. Such games are held at the beginning in the group room or hall, and then on the site of the kindergarten.
    Moving in accordance with the instructions, changing the direction of movement, making different turns, children exercise in the definition of the main spatial directions. In all these cases, the child is focused in, the space "from himself". Orientation area must be gradually increased, as well as raise the requirements for the task execution rate, introducing in them elements of competition.
    Based on a clear differentiation of the main spatial areas, it is necessary to offer to children to orient a reference to closed eyes. To this end, Games type "Zhmurki" are carried out. In them, the orientation is performed on a sensual basis, by perceiving sound, subject and other direct signals. First, a test running with open eyes is performed, then movement to the target, maintaining the direction, is carried out with closed eyes. An additional element can be entered into the game - indication of the direction of movement.
    Exercises for distinguishing the main spatial directions should be combined with the location of the objects. Such work begins early and is carried out throughout preschool age, including the accumulation of experience of perception and understanding of spatial relations between objects, the development of skills to take into account and transform them in their activities, mastering the relevant pretexts and adverbs, i.e. the complex of categories. Since the most important condition for understanding the child's spatial relationship between objects is the ability to focus "on themselves" and "on subjects", the pedagogical leadership should be directed primarily to the improvement of these orientation methods.
    Children are taught to allocate various parties from items: upper and lower, facial (front) and back (rear), side (right and left). We also need to teach preschoolers to apply the reference system for the main directions to determine the spatial placement of objects.
    At first, the easiest tasks are available, requiring orientations on a limited area with close ™ items relative to each other. For this purpose, various didactic games are held, exercises in the game form, playing classes, small staging, viewing of pictures and illustrations, in which the attention of kids attracts to various options for spatial relations between objects, teaching them correctly reflect them in speech, using prepositions and adverbs. For example, in search of a ball, which ran somewhere, the bear looks under the chair, for the closet, angle, etc. The educator uses some teaching techniques: show, questions, explanations that help children comprehend spatial relationships. It is useful to put the guys in an active position, offering them to place toys relative to each other in space, respectively, various life situations (the dolls met and talk - to put opposite each other; they quarreled and turned away from each other, etc.). Explanation of the caregiver should contribute not only to the distinguishing of spatial relationships, but also to disclose their semantic content (for each other, it means that you stand like you are building to gymnastics, on the contrary, it means face to each other, etc.).
    Then the children themselves perform the exercises in which it is necessary to settle or rank and determine the location of their neighbors, take place on the right (left) from their comrade, behind (ahead), etc. or note that it has changed ("Ira stood ahead of Sasha , And now is behind him ", etc.).
    When selecting tasks, it should be borne in mind that the child is easier to determine the position of the subject or its own location in space relative to another person (get up, for example, ahead, back, right or to the left of a friend), rather than any object, or determine the location of the items relative to each other.
    Work on the definition of the spatial placement of objects relative to each other can be organized as follows: In different corners of the room, the tutor deposits groups of toys. The child must tell that he sees, approaching this group of items; For example, a hare is sitting in the right front corner, the cone with rings is standing to the right, and to the left of the hare - the table for dolls, the carrot is lying in front of the hare, and the hare is behind the tree, etc. The items can be changed in places, and the child should be Reflect these changes in speech.
    In the process of learning, the demonstration of spatial relations between objects, their distinction should be combined with the active reproduction of their children (recreate the spatial relationship between objects on verbal instructions).
    Understanding and application of words; denoting spatial relations between objects, is an important factor that helps the child comprehend its sensual experience. The result of such a work should be free orientation in space in cases where the reference point is outside the object and, moving, is localized on any object.
    It is necessary to teach children to navigate not only in three-dimensional space, but also on the plane, i.e. in two-dimensional space. This work is also carried out throughout preschool age. The kids develop skills to carry out lines on a sheet of paper from top to bottom and left to right: "Rain", "tracks", "ribbons", etc.
    The development of spatial representations and orientations is successfully combined with the formation of ideas about quantities, form, value: establishing relations of equality or inequality, children unfold small distribution didactic material on strips (upper or lower) right hand and in the direction from left to right; Place geometric shapes on a sheet of paper: in the center (in the middle) - a circle, right - triangle, and left - square; Create an ordered series, folding along the strip on the table in different directions, etc. The same purpose is working with didactic pictures: the description of the location of objects on them, selection of paired pictures with homogeneous objects, but in different ways located. For example, one pair of paper strips are drawn three toys in a row: in the center - a bear, to the left of it - the car, and on the right - the boat; On another pair in the center - the car, to the left of the car - a bear, and on the right - a boat, etc., that is, all three subjects change places. Educator, showing one of the pictures, asks who has the same. A child having a steam room raises a picture, describes it and amounts to a pair of submitted. It is important that the child not only found a paired picture, but also described the spatial location of the items.
    In senior preschool age It is necessary to pay special attention to the development of orientation of children on a sheet of paper. It is not immediately given to the child. Many children are insufficiently prepared for school: do not know where the paper is top, where the bottom. This should be done by children in classes. First of all, it is necessary to explain the meaning of expressions in the center, in the middle, on the right, on the left, on the side, on the top, on the bottom, on the side on the right, on the side - on the left, left (right) upper angle, left (right) lower angle, top (lower right) ) Stritch, etc., then offer a number of practical tasks for the consolidation of these knowledge.
    One of the effective techniques is the so-called "visual dictation". In the first stages, children view the finished composition of the ornament, analyze it and reproduce in memory, using pre-harvested geometric shapes. Another option may be proposed: children create an ornament under the dictation of the teacher. The teacher says where what figures should be accommodated, but does not show anything. For example, put a square on the middle of the sheet of paper, around to place eight triangles (sharp angle to the square), between triangles - small circles, and above triangles - squares; In the upper left and lower corner, decompose the circles by connecting them between themselves straight line. (Various versions of visual dictations are given on the mound of the book.)
    At one of these classes, children can independently create ornaments from ready-made geometric figures, and then tell me how many figures they took and how they were placed.
    On paper in a cage, children under the dictation of the educator conduct segments, counting on a certain number of cells in the specified direction. If the child did not allow mistakes, then it will be a pattern or drawing.
    On a sheet of paper you can position the numbers. For example, in the center put the number 5, to the right of it - 6, and on the left - 4; Above the number 5 (from above) put - 2, to the right of it - 3, and on the left-1; Under the number 5 (below) it is necessary to put - 8, to the right of it - 9, to the left of the figure 8 - 7. The numbers turned out to be located in order of three lines. The educator proposes to call them, starting from the first line, "reading" from left to right.
    Similarly, gaming on the form of exercise exercise ladders. Requires complex orientations and the didactic game "Flying in Space", in the process of which, on a sheet of paper dark color (space), the child moves a circle (spacecraft) in accordance with the specified direction (spacecraft route): from the middle (center) to the left top corner , then into the right lower, etc.
    Using specially selected illustrative material and receiving "entering the picture", it should be offered to children not only to list items depicted on it, but also to determine their spatial location, changing the point of view of the observer.
    The most difficult tasks are associated with the "reading" of graphic images of spatial relations and their modeling of children in the form of drawing, drawing, plan, schemes, etc. Such exercises are performed in classes and in everyday life in a game form, for example: to furnish the doll to the room as on drawing, scouts to find a hidden package, using the card, traveling on a toy car in strict accordance with the specified route, etc. Children are mastering the conventional signs to designate objects (geometric shapes), spatial directions (lines, arrows), etc. The use of finished circuits can be moved to their independent compilation. In this case, the schematic image is correlated with a real spatial situation. Analyzing it, the child arbitrarily transforms three-dimensional space in two-dimensional. Based on the verbal description, using subject and spatial guidelines, it is possible to make plans-schemes of the way from a kindergarten home, to school, to the nearest store, etc. Almost doing the way, refinements, additions, etc. are made in the plan-scheme.
    Thus, work on the development of spatial representations in children is conducted in different directions, with a gradual complication of tasks. This is expressed (according to T. A. Musayibova):
    a) in a gradual increase in quantity different options spatial relations between the subjects with whom children get acquainted;
    b) in increasing the accuracy of distinguishing them with children and designations with the corresponding terms;
    c) in the transition from simple recognition to independent reproduction of spatial relations on objects, including between the subject and the objects surrounding it;
    d) in the transition from orientation in a specially organized didactic medium to orientation in the surrounding space;
    e) in changing the orientation methods in the spatial arrangement of objects (from practical testing or correlation of objects with a starting point of reference to the visual estimate of their location at a distance);
    e) in the transition from direct perception and effective reproduction of spatial relations to understanding their logic and semantics;
    g) in an increase in the degree of summarizing the knowledge of children about specific spatial relations;
    h) in the transition from the location of the item relative to another object to the determination of their location relative to each other.
    These are the main stages of training for preschool children under the section "Orientation in the space" of the program for the development of elementary mathematical representations. The implementation of the software requirements is associated with the development of the system of exercises both in classes, and outside them in order to improve orientation skills in three-dimensional and two-dimensional space.

    Focusing in space!

    Travel course:

    1 stage - organizational

    "Let's say hello to each other. Now I will turn to the one who stands to the right of me, I will call it affectionately by name and say that I am glad to see him. He will turn to the neighbor on the right and make the same thing, and so on. While the greeting does not reach me. "

    2 Stage - Motivational

    "Today you guys will be an unusual occupation. At the end of each of you, a small surprise awaits, which I removed into the box, we still have to find. Let's try to behave well and perform all tasks correctly. "

    3 Stage - Practical

    Exercise 1

    I invite you to the table.

    Consider a picture.

    "Recall the location on a sheet of paper. What is in the upper left corner? In the right top! " etc.

    Remember, let's play now.

    Task 2.

    "The rules for the game are very simple. I will take turns describes cards from your set. For example: "On my card at the top on the right - a circle, at the bottom right - the square, at the top of the left - the rectangle, at the bottom of the left - the circle, in the middle - the triangle." The task of players - to describe find a similar card. As soon as the cards coincide, they are postponed, and the presenter proceeds to the next. Wins the one who will run out the cards faster. "

    "Well done! Guys we coped with the tasks and wait for our award., But where, is our box about which I spoke? What do you think, where in the room she could be? "(Guys list options, for example, under the table, to the right of the sofa, etc.) Here it is!

    4 Stage - Final

    And now we will contend with you to get a surprise, but it will not be a simple construction. I give you to each of the geometric shape, in shape they are the same, but there is no size. Your task is to be built in a row from the biggest figure to the smallest who will come!

    Well done guys, you coped with all the tasks, now you can each get your surprise (for example, crooks).

    Project "Learning Playing" (formation of spatial ideas from preschoolers)

    Project Topic: "Learning playing" (formation of spatial ideas from preschoolers)

    Project type: information and practical oriented

    The relevance of the project: a child with early years Faced with the need to navigate in space. With adults, he assimilates the simplest ideas about this: on the left, right, at the top, below, in the center, above, under, between, clockwise, counterclockwise, in the same direction, in the opposite direction, etc. All these concepts Promote the development of spatial imagination in children. The child's ability to present, to predict what will happen in the near future in space, it lays the basics of analysis and synthesis, logic and thinking.

    Orientation in space has a versatile value for all parties to human activity, covering various sides of its interaction with reality, and represents the most important property of the human psyche. In numerous philosophical, psychological and pedagogical studies, the exceptional role of the development of the subject and social space in building a holistic picture of the world, aware of his place in it. Peeling all the areas of interaction of the child with reality, orientation in space affects the development of its self-consciousness, personality and, thus, is an integral part of the socialization process. Therefore, the harmonious development of the child is impossible without the development of his ability to refer to space. Studied spatial representations and orientation in the space researchers (B. G. Ananev, M. V. Vikhotka-Blakitaya, A. A. Lublinskaya, T. A. Musayibova, F. N. Shemyakin et al.) It was established that their non-formation to The end of the preschool age is one of the reasons that cause difficulties in mastering the children of school skills.

    Thus, in the light of these data, the development of adequate ways of perception of space, full-fledged spatial representations and durable orientation skills in space is relevant; This task acts as the necessary element of the child's preparation for school, which, in turn, is one of the most important tasks of pre-school education.

    Project goal: Formation in children of senior pre-school age spatial representations. Project tasks:

    1. To study the problems of forming the concept of the spatial orientation of preschool children;

    2. Allocate the didactic features of the formation of the spatial orientation of the senior preschoolers.

    3. To conduct studies to develop spatial ideas of preschoolers;

    4. Develop a system of classes aimed at the development of orientation in space. Hypothesis: It is assumed that targeted activities (specially organized classes, independent and joint) increases the effectiveness of the formation of spatial representations from senior preschoolers.

    During the project implementation, preschoolers will have spatial representations in the process of practical activity.

    Project participants: Senior preschool children, educators, parents.

    Duration of the project: long-term (2 years)

    Materials and equipment: DVD - player, computer, printer, illustration, coloring, relevant project theme, visual materials, models, musical instruments, didactic games; Cognitive literature and others.

    The main forms of project implementation:

    The developing environment implies a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical impact and integration of various types of children's activities:

    Node: cognitive development (speech development, FMP, design, art - but - aesthetic development (applique, fine activity, music, physical development (physical education, fitness, choreography);

    In specially organized activities (dynamic exercises, fingering gymnastics, exercises using game moments, special games, etc.);

    Outside lessons (game, walk, regime moments: Washing, hardening procedures, dressing, charging, etc.);

    Work with cognitive literature;

    In collaborative with parents activities.

    This environment will make it possible to form and consolidate the ability to practically differentiate spatial relations in various situations and summarize the results of differentiation using appropriate terminology. It is especially important to stimulate the transfer of knowledge from a specially organized didactic medium into a life environment.

    Stages of project implementation:

    1 stage - preparatory;

    2 stage - main (practical);

    3 Stage - Final

    Project implementation

    Stages Planned Activities Responsible

    Preparatory stage

    Research Stage 1. Study:

    a) theoretical experience of the work on the development of spatial ideas from preschoolers T. A. Musayibova, N. Ya. Sema;

    b) study of methodological literature on the topic of the project

    c) selection of diagnostic techniques

    d) drawing up a project plan. August Educator

    2. Work with parents:

    Consultation: "The role of the game with the ball in the development of the space orientation of preschoolers with speech violations";

    Consultation: "Little words are my friends." September - October Educator

    Teacher speech therapist

    3. Detection of the level of development of children

    "Study of the formation of spatial representations", processing the data obtained. September educators

    4. Developing environment

    a) replenishment and acquisition of benefits to implement this project.

    b) production and acquisition of didactic benefits, games

    c) A. Smetankin Electronic manual "Healthy Mathematics: On the left - right, at the top - below." "One - a lot",

    "Long and short, big and small", etc.. " September - May Educators, Parents

    5. Development of the project "Learning Playing", creating a system of work on the formation of spatial pre-stations from preschoolers. September October

    Main (practical)


    Work with teachers.

    Consultations: "The development of orientation in the space from preschoolers"

    "The role of games in the formation of spatial representations: on the left, right, at the top, below, in front, behind, far, close."

    "The use of ICT in the formation of spatial representations" (according to A. Smetakin's method). September - May Educators

    Work with parents.

    1. Consultation: "Journey to the country of little words."

    2. Creative workshop "Little words live next to us" (Joint creativity of children and parents) November - May Educators, children,


    Work with children

    Conducting a cycle of classes for the formation of spatial representations in children of the older age


    1. Educational computer games for preschoolers:

    "Tigers' games"

    "Healthy Mathematics"

    "The adventures of the logos" and others.

    2. Series of games in PowerPoint on the development of graphic skills in preschoolers developed by Dow teachers.

    3. Thematic slide presentations on lexical topics.

    4. Story creative games:

    "We play a fairy tale"; "Games with sand".

    5. Productive activities of children in directly organized activities on the "schedule".

    6. Quiz "Magic Polyana Little Words". September - May Educators, teacher - Lo Goped,

    fIZO instructor,

    Final detection of the level of development of children

    ("Study of the formation of spatial representations") May educators

    Analysis of the implemented system of interaction of teachers, parents, and children on the formation of spatial representations from preschool children May - June educator

    Creating a presentation on the basis of project implementation. June educators

    Adjustment of the activity plan. July -

    august Educator

    Expected result of project activities:

    Development of an understanding of spatial relations between objects related to the assimilation of many prepositions and adverbs (at the top, below, on the right, to the left, in front, behind, above, under, for, in, on, between, opposite, etc.)

    Awareness of the spatial terms and their appearance in the active dictionary of the child improves the grammar system of his oral speech, and in the future and written

    The ability to spatially-temporal processing of information, which will allow you to make a story on a picture or a series of paintings, master the letter, reading, mathematical operations, understanding the conditions of tasks, etc.

    Good orientation in space requires children and the streets of a large city with a flow of moving machines, underground transitions, where for safety reasons, it is necessary to react accurately and in a timely manner to a fast pace of street life, traffic lights.

    Project Activities: Presentation in Microsoft Power Point Project format.


    1. Garquash Yu. F. Pedagogical examination of preschoolers / Yu. F. Garkusch. M.: Scientific and Practical Center "Correction", 1992. - 63 p.

    2. Morgacheva I. N. Child in space. Preparation of preschoolers with ONR to teach a letter through the development of spatial representations. Publisher: Childhood-Press; 2009

    3. Musayibova T. A. Mathematical training of children in preschool institutions. Tutorial for students of pedagogical institutions. Moscow "Pro-Remote" 1987

    4. Sema N. Ya. Methodology for the formation of spatial representations in de-Tay of preschool age. M. "Iris Press" 2007

    5. Sema N. Ya. Formation of spatial ideas in children. Up-school and younger school age: a methodological manual and a set of demonstration materials. - M.: Iris-Press, 2005. (library of the psychologist of education)

    6. Svatanekin A. "Healthy Mathematics" CJSC "Biosvyaz" 2009

    7. Yatsell O. S. Learning to properly use pretexts in speech. Moscow 2005

    Development of spatial representations as a holistic sensory perceptual ability in mentally retarded preschoolers

    To assess the level of development of children with intellectual failure great importance It has the level of formation of spatial representations, since the orientation in space is a holistic sensory perceptual ability. To determine the nature of the lag in the formation of spatial representations and methods for its overcoming, it is necessary to proceed from the data on the peculiarities of these representations from preschoolers with light mental retardation. The formation of spatial representations in such preschoolers is violated in all directions. These children, even at the age of 4-5 years, are not focused in the spatial location of the parts of their own body, they have difficulty in identifying spatial relations between several objects in a visual plan, cannot fulfill the task on the verbal instruction, they do not understand and inadequately use spatial designations. Preschoolers with intellectual insufficiency do not take into account the spatial signs of items, do not know how to use the "search" effective breakdown. For perception, the level of development of which plays crucial role In the formation of spatial representations in such children, slow motion and fragmentation. The focus, identification and grouping on various features suffer. In children of senior preschool age with intellectual insufficiency, there is a gap between visual and verbal components of spatial analysis due to underdevelopment of thought and speech processes. Insufficiency of visual and engine coordination, the inability to act one and two hands under the control of the view also adversely affect the formation of spatial representations in cognitive, practical and domestic activities.

    The lack of formation of spatial representations by the end of preschool age is one of the reasons for the difficulty in mastering children with school skills (especially reading and writing). Thus, the formation of spatial representations from preschoolers with intellectual insufficiency is one of the important problems of the correctional work, since they are one of the basic functions that are included in any type of activity and the necessary element of the preparing child for school learning.

    The formation of spatial representations should occur taking into account the complex structure of formation of orientation in space, its development directly related to the development of thinking, speech and child activity. Correctional and developing work on the formation of spatial representations is also part of the work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations and consists of directions that suggest the complication of tasks and integrating the content of directions among themselves to optimally solve the task, which ensures the principle of repetition, graduality and systematic formation of ideas. Let us dwell in more detail on the content of these directions of correctional and developing work.

    1. Formation from a preschooler with intellectual insufficiency of ideas about the form, the relativity of the value of objects (volume, length, weight, determination of these properties in real objects, mastering sensory standards.

    It is necessary to start work with a gradual acquaintance with volumetric geometric figures, teaching children to determine and allocate first one by one, and then on two signs. To do this, an analysis of the presence of color is carried out, the values \u200b\u200bof each figure, comparing it with the sample. The performance of practical action is accompanied by a speech that includes questions, motivations, messages, that is, all types of communicative statements.

    By comparison and comparison, such concepts as "big-small", "wide-narrow", "low-high" are formed. Effective admission is to use various types of didactic exercises, where children learn to compare items in size, form, compare their work with the sample; Learn to understand that each object can be divided into parts and assembled into an integer. The dependence is established between individual parts, parts and integer. When working in this direction, the didactic games are good to use not only on the selection of the specified property, but also on its denial ("Find a figure is not blue and not a cube").

    Introduce the choice geometric shapes and sample figures. Teach chosen, relate geometric shapes and pattern shapes (choose from a set of different in shape and color of elements);

    Select to real objects appropriate flat geometric shapes, learn to explain their choice. Select the relevant real objects to the geometric forms;

    Learning to call geometric shapes and volumetric figures in accordance with the requirements of the "Design" section;

    Group in the form of 2 samples, regardless of functional purposes, textures, colors, etc., learn to notice incorrect, explain corrected;

    Carry out exercises for the selection of volumetric subjects from more, different in form and on functional features, to reference subjects (ball, cube, parallelepiped);

    Find the sample - the standard and the name of flat images of objects having a circle form, oval, triangle, rectangle, square;

    Consider plot pictures to determine the form of depicted items.


    Pay attention to the value as a significant sign of objects, as well as the relativity of the value. Compare items in size (the same in color and form, the same in shape and different color);

    Group items. Geometric shapes and volumetric figures in size and color. Select the relevant items and toys to the standard form;

    Combine the same (in color, form, magnitude) objects in the set (circles, cubes of one color, etc.);

    To combine in many subjects, the same in 2 ground (form and size, color and magnitude);

    Compare objects with overlapping and applying in length, explain the result of comparison ("This longer, this in short, is equal to").

    Understand and use the words "long - longer", "high - above", "low - below";

    Group items and geometric forms on 3rd values \u200b\u200b(without sample, in length, width, height;

    Learning to measure length, width, height of objects with conditional standards.

    2. To form ideas about the directions in space, the support of themselves and the interlocutor, this design is in speech, an understanding of the mirroring, the direction of the parties, the development of the ability to navigate in space.

    Learning to move in the space of the room for imitation and verbal request;

    Teach to understand the words denoting the directions of movement, perform actions on the instructions;

    Learning to show the direction of movement, determine the location of the items and their change when performing different movements;

    Perform various actions with real and imaginary objects, determine their location;

    Reflect the key to the main directions;

    Use exercises to memorize and reproduce the combinations of figures (visual dictation);

    Play on the sample various location of bulk and planar figures (as well as with a delay by 5-10 seconds.);

    Recreate geometric shapes, patterns of drawings by reference points. Apply graphic images (drawings) for content and solving problems;

    Follow the verbal instructions for the image of simple items by placing them in the sheet space in accordance with the task;

    Introduce some kind of types of lines (straight, broken, wavy). Picture these lines according to the sample and verbal task.

    3. Development of ideas about the spatial relations of items among themselves. Difficulties here are not only in the insufficient development of perception in preschoolers with intellectual insufficiency (inaccuracy, slowness, fragmentation, but also with the understanding of logic - grammatical structures related to the use of prepositions and adverbs.

    Teaching to determine the position of the other relative to ourselves ("Now Petya to the right of me, and now he is ahead");

    Do exercises with real and imaginary objects, move them in space around themselves and around another subject;

    Determine the place where one child costs relative to the other;

    Learn verbately denote the location of one subject relative to the other;

    Learning to use the necessary terms and service parts of speech;

    Exercise and analyzing the spatial relationship of parts of one subject;

    Teach the modeling of spatial relations between two sample objects and the word, fix the corresponding names;

    Learning to call the location of other items relative to ourselves when turning 90, 180, 360 degrees;

    Use building items to fix and memorize the names of the volume figures and their location relative to each other.

    In conclusion, we note that the proposed correctional development work contributes to the development of spatial representations from preschoolers with intellectual insufficiency, since children make up the presentations necessary for solving objective and mental tasks, develop mental functions, enriched speech.


    1. Barayeva L. B., Gavrilushkin O. P., Zarin A. P., Sokolova N. D. The program of education and training of preschoolers with intellectual failure. - SPb., 2001.

    2. Gavrilushkina O. P. Training Designing in preschool institutions For mentally retarded children. - M., 1991.

    3. EKZHANOVA E. A., Strebelieva E. A. Correctional - educational training and education. - M., 2001.

    Games and exercises for the development of spatial representations

    in children of senior preschool age.

    The ability to perceive space, spatial representations are not given to the child initially, they are the result of a complex and long-term process of ontogenetic development, in turn, defining the formation of higher mental processes, letters, reading. Pre-school age is the period of intensive development of spatial representations.

    Disorders of optical-spatial representations in children have a negative impact on speech and cognitive activity, negatively reflected on the process of learning a child, especially on mastering the skills of the spelling and right letter. The role of the spatial representation in the development of the speech of children is very high.

    The basis for the development of speech is the clarification of real connections, relations between objects and the phenomena of the surrounding reality. Destinating items, signs, the actions of objects, the relationship between them with the help of words and their connections, children master the tongue not only as a means of communication, but also as an instrument of thinking.

    The spatial representation in children is developed in various activities: in classes in mathematics, amusement, on individual occupations, on musical and physical education. Also, the spatial representations in children are developing during regime processes: in the morning gymnastics, during washing, dressing, food, in didactic and moving games. As well as in everyday life.

    The formation of spatial representations is associated with the use. different systems Orientation in space (visible and imaginary). The basic most natural, ontogenetically earlier and enshrined human orientation system is a body scheme.

    At 4 years old, the child should be able to show your right hand (leg), left hand (leg); show objects that are at the top below, in front, rear, left, right).

    In 5 years, the child should be able to show the right eye, left eye, right ear, left ear; Show objects that are at the top below, in front of, rear).

    In 6 years, the child should be able to show the right hand left eye, left hand right ear; show objects that are at the top, down, in front, from behind, left below, on the right above, on the left above, right below).

    1. Gaming techniques aimed at the development of orientation in their own body.

    1. Exercise: "The ball jumps on my chest and back."

    Purpose: Fixing knowledge of body parts and orientation in space (right - left, in front - rear), fixing the use of predictions.

    Game stroke: Children perform tasks according to the instructions of an adult.


    In my right hand, take my ball

    Over his head raise it

    And before the breasts hold it.

    To the left foot does not rush to put.

    Behind the back hide and zodel tire.

    Hand of change and we smile.

    Right Shoulder The Ball will touches

    And briefly behind the back will return.

    With the right knee yes to the left foot

    If only I would not get confused.

    2. Exercise: "Parts of the Body".

    Objective: Development of orientation in its own body, consolidation and clarification of the name of body parts.

    The course of the game: one of the players is touching any part of the body of its neighbor, for example, to the left hand. He says: "This is my left hand" that began the game agrees or refutes the return of the neighbor. The game continues in a circle.

    3. Creating: "Determine the following".

    On the sheet in different directions, hand and legs are drawn. It is necessary to determine from which hand, legs (left or right) this imprint.

    4. Creating: "To the right, to the right of rolling, just do not miss the ball."

    Games: Children sit around the table. The ball is rolled from one child to another according to the instructions of an adult: "Sasha Kati ball left." "Where should I roll the ball to get to Dima?".

    2. Gaming techniques aimed at the development of orientation in surrounding space.

    Orientation in space is an important step in the development of spatial representations. It is necessary to form awareness in the child awareness of motor capabilities and expand the range of movements in different zones of space: bottom, medium and top. As a result of the exercise, the child is formed by skills that become the base for expanded arbitrary action.

    1. Exercise: "What is the right (left) from me?"

    Purpose: Development of the ability to identify directions regarding your body,

    The course of the game: the child is asked, without turning, lists what is on the right (left) from it. After that, the child turns and ask the question: "What right to right (left) from you?

    2. Exercise: "Robot"

    Purpose: Development of orientation in the surrounding space, understanding of the coordinates of space.

    The course of the game: the child depicts a robot, exactly and correctly performing the team of man: "One step forward, two steps to the right, jump up, three steps to left, down (sit down), etc."

    3. Exercise: "Beasts are photographed."

    Purpose: definition of the position of objects relative to other items.

    Equipment: Toy animals, toy camera.

    Game Stroy: Photorgafe Educator, wanting to take a picture of animals, looking for a frame. His assistant, child, you need to send them: chanterelle - to the right of the hare, the bear - to the left of the mouse, etc.

    3. Gaming techniques aimed at the development of orientation on a sheet of paper.

    The next step in the formation of spatial representations is the transition to orientation in two-dimensional space, i.e. On the sheet plane. At the first stages of the child's work, they introduce the horizontal and vertical location of the sheet (landscape and book option), teach to determine the parties and corners of the sheet, the upper - the lower, right and left coordinates of the sheet.

    Then, based on formed representations, the child is taught to have and call items and drawings located on the sides and corners of the sheet. At the next stage, work is carried out in the notebook to the cell - "Graphic dictations". It is necessary to pre-teach the child to retreat the required amount of cells from the edge of the notebook and from the previous work, to skip the required amount of cells.

    1. Exercise "Forest School" (L. S. Gorbachev)

    Purpose: modeling of fabulous stories

    Equipment: Each child has a sheet of paper and a house carved from cardboard.

    The course of the game: "Guys, this house is not simple, he is fabulous. It will learn forest animals. Each of you have the same house.

    I will tell you a fairy tale. Listen carefully and put the house in the place that is stated in a fairy tale.

    In dense forest live animals. They have their kids. And they decided to build a forest school for them.

    They gathered on the edge of the forest and began to think, in which place to put it.

    Lion suggested building up the left left corner. The wolf wanted the school to be the right upper corner. Lisa insisted on building a bikes by the upper left corner, next to his hole.

    The conversation intervened the squirrel. She said: "School needs to be built in the glade." Beasts for the advice of squirrels listened and decided to build a school in the forest glade in the middle of the forest. "

    2. Exercise "Bird and Cat"

    Equipment: Each child has a sheet of paper, wood, bird, cat.

    The course of the game: the speech therapist offers a child to simulate a fabulous situation:

    "A tree grew in the yard. Near the tree sat bird. Then the bird flew and sat on the tree, upstairs. Cat came. The cat wanted to catch the bird and climbed onto a tree.

    The bird flew down and sat under the tree. Cat remained on the tree. "

    On this topic:

    After the last line, the teacher shows how to build:

    rounded hands in front of them - in a circle,

    hands on the side at the level of shoulders - in the rank,

    two hands elongated in front of them - in a column.

    The game "Cold is hot; Right left".

    Purpose: Development of auditory perception, orientation in space.

    Methods of conducting: an adult hides a conditional subject, and then with the help of commands like "Step right, two steps forward, three left" leads a player to the goal, helping him with the words "warm", "hot", "cold". If the child has a good orientation in space from the words of an adult, you can use a plan-scheme.

    Exercise "Adjustable".

    Purpose: Development of hearing perception, orientation in space, speed of reaction.

    Game material: whistle.

    Methods of conducting: a group is divided into drivers and pedestrians. Pedagogue: "In the whole city, traffic lights broke out, and traffic controls the controller with a whistle". Music sounds.

    Pedestrians and cars begin randomly move around the hall. The adjustor whistles and commands: "All turn right, left, parking." On the command "Left" or "right", everyone must immediately perform a turn.

    According to the "Parking" team, cars are parked, and pedestrians continue to move.

    Exercise "Route List".

    Purpose: The development of orientation in space, aware of the implementation of the actions depicted on the schemes presented.

    Game Material: Motion Schemes.

    Methodology: Previously, children get acquainted with the variants of a schematic image of rebuilding (movement of a snake, in a circle, snail, couples, three, in a rank, etc.). Then they schematically depict the specified movement on the palm of the partner. As a result, children perform rebuilding with a support in the scheme.

    Exercise "Mail".

    Share paper sheet for 4 squares. Ask a child to draw a simple picture (triangle, circle, flower, fish, etc.) at the address, for example: "Draw a red circle in the upper left corner of the lower right square."

    Start with the simplest addresses ending with complex. If the child is having difficulty, you can start the game in "Mail" from a solid sheet of paper: "Draw a fish in the upper left corner", etc.

    Game "Cland Search".

    Draw an approximate room plan (with furniture) or apartments. On it, mark the place where you hide a surprise for a child. Let the child find it according to plan.

    In the case of difficulties, you can comment on the search activity of the child with the words "hot - cold", as well as "left - right", "above - below", etc.

    The game "Left - to the right."

    This option is "hot - cold". Along with the words "hot - cold" say "to the left - right," while the child is looking for a hidden surprise.

    Game in "Soldiers".

    You can play this game at home and on the street while walking.

    By order of the "commander" - an adult "Soldier" - the child turns to the left and right, raises the left (right) hand. By analogy, you can play "Robot" when the child should touch the left (right) ear, eyes, etc.

    If a child is difficult when performing a team, he can help: for example, turn to the left with him, holding a child by the shoulders. It is advisable to remind the child that the right (generally) is the hand that he draws or writes.

    Exercise "Puzzle".

    Take a big picture from the magazine or color map and zigzags. Cut it into large pieces to make a puzzle. (If you have time and mood, first get a picture on cardboard or tight paper, and then cut out.) Let the child tried as quickly as possible to assemble pieces correctly, reaching the original image. If the child liked this occupation, when he becomes older and can be controlled with a lot of pieces, get a special table for him, on which non-polluted puzzles could wait for their own hours.

    Game "Who a long tail».

    Children form a circle. The educator calls different animals. If the animal has a long tail, children should raise his right hand and wave it, if there is no tail or it is short, you do not need to raise your hand.

    Animals can be called: horse (long), goat (short), cow (long), fox (long), hare (short), sheep (short), tiger (long), cat (long), bear (short) , Pig (short), donkey (long), protein (long), etc.

    The tutor raises his hand in all cases. One who is mistaken is accrued a penalty point. One who during the game gained fewer penalty glasses.

    Exercise "Zamri".

    Purpose: development of arbitrariness. The formation of generalized ideas about the properties and qualities of objects, mastering the actions of substitution and modeling.

    Material: Maps - Samples (20 x 30 cm) with a schematic image of a person, in any position: Hands raised up, right foot to the side, etc.

    Holding: Children demonstrate a picture, and they take the position that is drawn.

    Exercise "Right - left".

    Purpose: Development of orientation in space, ability to visual modeling, Development.

    Material: ball.

    Conducting: With children discussed what to right, left, ahead, behind.

    Throwing the ball, the lead calls the item in the room. The child who caught the ball says how this item is located in space, relative to it (the cabinet is on the right, the table is left).

    The presenter throws the ball and says: "Right", and children call those items that are on the right.

    Exercise "Plan of the Area".

    Purpose: Development of joint activities skills.

    Material: Cardboard game field. Set of cards with painted terrain. Toy houses, trees, bridges, rivers, lake.

    Holding: Children are divided into teams and choose any card with the plan and have toys according to this plan.

    "Draw the pattern" - graphic dictations.

    Objective: This exercise develops arbitrariness and stability of attention. Performed on the sheets in the cell.

    Like the child start a repeating pattern element. The child must draw it under the dictation, without taking off the pencil from paper, and continue until the end of the line.

    For example: one cage down - one cell right is one cell up - one cell right is one cell down - one cell right is one cell up. (As a variety - draw a figure and paint under the dictation).

    Exercise "Guess what is in the picture."

    Procedure: the presenter describes children drawing (any simple image) as follows: I will now tell you about what the artist drew, and you try to guess what it is.

    1. "The artist painted a large square, inside it - a smaller square, which shared the two cross-lines to four parts. To a large square top painted a triangle edge up. What is it?"

    2. "The artist painted an oval, around this, he painted several ovals longer than the first. From oval, which in the center, spent a long line down, from this line to the right and left, spent on one short line and painted small triangles with two rounded corners and one sharp. The sharp end of the triangles is further from the long line than their rounded corners. What did the artist drew? "

    Thus, the presenter offers participants 3-4 descriptions simple drawings. If children easily cope with the task, you can offer them yourself to make an image of any subject and describe it the rest so that other participants guess what subject we are talking about.

    Exercise "Find a similar subject."

    Objectives: development of spatial representations and imagination; The development of sensory standards (geometric forms) and corresponding concepts.

    Materials: special materials are not required.

    Procedure for carrying out: The instruction of the master: "Now I will call different geometric shapes, and you should think and call as much real objects as possible, similar to this figure. For example: what things are like a triangle? " To stimulate thinking and the imagination of students, the lead you need to ask stimulating questions: "And what else looks like a triangle?" - seeking children to go beyond standard responses, and encourage original responses.

    For example, the roof of the house is a standard, traditional. "Carrot", "Hat of the Mushroom", "Shepherd Hand", "Bird's Beak", "Umbrella" - Answers less than traditional, the result of a mental search in a wider space coming beyond the daily experience of city children.