Dip the silver coin into the water. How does silver purify water? Silver water storage

The properties of silver have been known for a long time. It was used not only as a decoration, but also as a substance for disinfecting water. To this day, questions are being studied about what is useful for silver water, and how it can be harmful, because everything is not so simple with it. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Unique properties of water with silver

The "father of history" Herodotus testified that Cyrus, who reigned in Persia, kept water in silver vessels and used it in military campaigns, since silver helped the water to persist for a long time. There is a lot of information that water enriched with silver ions was used by many peoples.

Contacting with such a noble metal, water with silver, the benefits and harms of which are of serious interest to specialists, acquires new characteristics. First of all, it can be stored longer, as numerous microorganisms die in it. Silver kills germs much better than other metals such as copper or gold.

The benefits and harms of water with silver are also discussed in view of the fact that metal ions penetrate into the cell quickly and do not change its characteristics. This fact alarms many, although experts agree on the idea that the ingress of silver into the cell does not have a negative effect on its vital functions.

Water with silver is considered to be no less effective than iodine or chlorine solution. It kills numerous microorganisms. And the most resistant to it are yeast.

The benefits and uses of silver water

The benefit of silver water is that it is ideal for disinfection. Although it is more common in our country to use chlorine, this water has its advantages. Silver retains its beneficial features without spoiling the taste of the water like chlorine does. Unlike chlorinated water, water with silver ions does not have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the body. Also, the metal remarkably fights against a variety of microorganisms. In terms of combining efficiency and safety, silver has no analogues.

Silver is wonderful to conduct the energy of the moon, so the water that interacted with it acquires a number of miraculous features. For example, her ability to record information is known. In addition, it accumulates bioenergy particles that can be transferred to other people. The use of water with silver ions is that its structure is very complex. At the same time, the water in the body can also be reconstructed to such a structure. In view of this, it is possible to improve all organs and systems.

Silver water, the benefits and harms of which are still being studied, in spite of everything it is used very actively, and the range of its use is quite wide. So, silver allows you to preserve a large amount of water, which is important, for example, for ships sailing over long distances. It is known that such water is used by astronauts in their flights.

Silver water is used for conservation baby food, juices and other drinks, dairy products. It is also used in production alcoholic beverages... Such water is also added to medicines, thereby prolonging their shelf life.

It should be noted that silver is an essential element for the natural functioning of the brain and spinal cord, bones, liver, glands, and the hormonal system. Water enriched with silver is able to stimulate, improve blood composition, and beneficially influence a number of natural processes in the body. Despite the fact that the benefits and harms of silver water are still the subject of controversy, many experts advise using it to treat such health problems:

  • Influenza, acute respiratory infections and their prevention.
  • A number of diseases gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity.
  • ENT infections.
  • Infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Brucellosis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Bronchial asthma.

It is also known to use silver water for treating wounds and burns. If you regularly use it, you can improve the work of the blood-forming organs and the composition of the blood itself, increasing the number of red blood cells, lymphocytes, monocytes and the level of hemoglobin.

For diseases of the oral cavity, rinses of the mouth and throat with silver water are performed. With rhinitis, rinsing is done. And drinking water inside is indicated for stomach or duodenal ulcers. The recommended concentration for this is 20 mg / l. Consume two tablespoons 15 minutes before meals.

According to experts, silver water also helps to alleviate the condition of endocrine system disorders, including diabetes. It is also used to treat infectious diseases. V in this case the required concentration is 10-20 mg / l, and the dosage is a tablespoon every four hours.

Silver water can be used to treat skin conditions such as fungi, boils, cracks, and so on. You can prepare gauze tampons on its basis, irrigate. Silver in small doses is good for blood as well. It helps to normalize a number of processes in the body.

Store the solution in the dark. If you notice flakes in it, then you can not use it either externally or internally.

Silver water: possible harm

The benefits and harms of silvered water, however, are not as straightforward as it might seem. A separate group of specialists believes that there is still more harm in such water. This is explained by the fact that silver belongs to the second class of hazard. You also need to take into account that the permissible dosage of metal in water should not be higher than 50 μg per liter.

It should also be noted that the participation of silver in physiological processes in the human body has not been fully studied. There is an opinion that the metal blocks energy metabolism in cells. Children's doctors often prohibit the use of metal for children. At least if there are babies in the house, you need to be careful.

Some doctors even say that silver is the strongest cellular poison that affects the internal organs, but there are no ways to treat them after it.

In fact, there are more arguments in favor of silver water than against it. But before using it, you should definitely consult with a specialist who must give permission for its use. It is also important that the concentration of metal ions in the water does not exceed the norm, otherwise it can turn from a healing agent into a real poison.

Water with silver ions is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

How to make silver water at home?

There are quite a few ways to make silver water. The simplest is placing silver objects in water such as coins or a silver spoon. The answer to the question of whether it is useful to put silver in water is positive, if you do not violate the technology and do everything right. You can also use a silver vessel where the finished water will be stored. You need to keep a silver object in water for at least three days. This is the main disadvantage of the method, as well as the point that you will not be able to accurately determine the concentration. Therefore, the benefits and harms of a silver spoon in water are not so clear-cut. Highly concentrated silver water is also obtained by using electric current, but not everyone can handle this method of preparation.

There is a more convenient and modern way - using silver ionizer... In the course of research, it was revealed that silver ions are much more active than its atoms. They quickly enter the tissues, body fluids, the bloodstream, kill all pathogenic microorganisms, while not affecting the beneficial microflora. That is, the body forms a natural shield that protects against flu, colds and a number of infections. If you are using a high-quality silver ionizer for water, the benefits or harms of which are not as obvious as it seems, then the output should be good silver water that is suitable for internal use. The same goes for the benefits and harms of silver filters for water.

Ionizers use two electrodes covered with ion sources. The first one is made of high quality silver, the second one is made of stainless steel. When an electric current acts on the electrodes, a potential difference arises between them, so the water is saturated quickly enough.

Very effective also electronic silverware... They process water very quickly. Also their important advantage is the ability to regulate the concentration of silver. The water is ready for use three hours after the end of the process, when all harmful organisms in it have already died.

Today you can buy already ready-made silver water in stores... For example, this is the Serebryany Klyuch water, which is extracted not far from the sanatorium located on the water sources. Altai Territory... It is rich not only in silver but also in silicic acid. In view of this, it is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and a diuretin.

The water called "Silver Spring" is not curative. She's a dining room. The name only reflects the purity of the spring from which it is extracted.

As we can see, the benefits and harms of silver water are not so simple. The value of such water is confirmed by specialists, so you can use it as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, observing the rules of preparation and precautions.

The opinion that silver water has a beneficial effect on the human body appeared a long time ago as a result of observations in many countries.

Thorough studies of the phenomenon began at a much later period - only in the 19th century. Experiments have confirmed that water ionized with silver particles demonstrates benefits for humans, although, according to doctors, excessive enthusiasm for a concentrated liquid can bring considerable harm.

The use of a well-known remedy, as well as other drugs of alternative medicine, requires reasonable care, constant monitoring of the state of health.

Antibacterial properties

It is pertinent to recall that silver is a metal insoluble in water, which, when aquatic environment can supply a small amount of positively charged particles to the liquid.

From the point of view of classical chemistry, the separation of ions from a metal under normal conditions can be carried out to a very small extent, but, as practice shows, this is enough for water to acquire medicinal bactericidal properties.

To a small extent, the ability to destroy harmful microbes is also inherent in gold and copper.

Comparative activity was demonstrated using the results of the following experiments. Diphtheria bacillus was left on various metal plates and monitored for its viability. It turned out that on silver its activity dropped to zero after 3 days, on copper - 6 days, on gold - 8 days. The staphylococcal microorganism died on silver after 2 days, on copper - 3 days, on gold - 9 days. Typhoid bacteria on a silver plate were deactivated in 18 hours, on gold - only after a week.

Found experimental confirmation of the data that silver ions inhibit the development of many bacteria, viruses and fungi. It has been proven that their activity is incommensurably greater than that of known oxidants used for disinfection, as well as phenolic suspensions, and mercury compounds.

The presence of 0.1 mg of ions in one liter of water is enough, and the death of fungi is ensured.

At a concentration of 1 mg / l, the influenza virus and others are deactivated within half an hour. It should be noted that there is almost complete absence of the negative effect of silver water on the natural microflora of humans, with a stable positive antibacterial effect on pathogenic microorganisms for a long time. Consequently, the effect of adaptation, habituation of pathogenic bacteria in relation to this effect is absent, which does not negate the need for careful handling of solutions containing silver.

Healing effect

The data obtained made it possible to widely use silver water for the treatment of many diseases, in particular, infections in the human digestive tract. In practice, for this, the procedure of abdominal electrophoresis is recommended, in which, under the influence of a weak electric current emanating from a special device, the foci of inflammation are saturated with beneficial ions.

The positive effect of silver water treatment has received various theoretical justifications, including the following phenomena:

  • change in the ratio of charges on cell membranes;
  • violation of the structure of nucleic acids in microbes;
  • blocking some enzymes in their bodies;
  • an increase in the concentration of free radicals in pathogenic cells;
  • blocking the transport of sodium and potassium ions across membranes.

During experiments carried out on experimental animals (mice and rats), the inhibitory effect on the cells of macroorganisms was not found. Opinion about the complex effect on the human body was divided. They boil down to the need for careful observance of the concentration of the metal in solutions and the timing of the duration of treatment.

Application of water with silver

Medical preparations containing silver compounds have been used in practice for a long time, mainly for external procedures. So, for example, otolaryngologists use protargol to eliminate problems in the nasopharynx, collargol a long period time, inflamed wounds were washed, concentrates (lapis) made it possible to cauterize warts and calluses. A large number of infectious diseases of various localization are treated with substances containing silver.


Ancient peoples tried to store drinking water in silver containers. Ordinary residents did not always manage to do this, but the rulers and navigators strictly followed the rule. Until now, water with silver is a popular means of non-traditional treatment, about which a stable positive opinion of the people has formed.

For problems of an infectious nature in the gastrointestinal tract, healers recommend taking two tablespoons of a solution with a silver concentration of 20 mg / l a quarter of an hour before a meal. To normalize the condition in complex infectious processes, taking silver water, according to the advice of physicians, is carried out every 4 hours of wakefulness.

Lotions and rinsing

In everyday practice, rinsing of the nasopharynx and oral cavity with silver water is often used to relieve inflammation. The solution treats rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gum disease.

Note! For washing the mucous membranes of the eyes, a silver content of 10 mg / l is recommended. This solution can be used to soak cotton swabs, make eye lotions.

It is believed that solutions with a concentration of up to 10 mg / l can be used to improve the condition of the skin, heal cracks, small wounds, and get rid of fungi. It is useful to wash with water saturated with silver particles due to the fact that it has a disinfectant effect on the skin, reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes until the integument is completely normalized.

Places of acute inflammation on the skin can be treated with more concentrated silver water, applying lotions for 3-5 minutes. During treatment, you need to carefully monitor your feelings, if the application of lotions is accompanied by a strong burning sensation, ends with the appearance of irritation around the wound, the procedure must be stopped.

Getting at home

Knowing about the healing properties of water saturated with particles of silver, it is useful to find out all the known methods of obtaining it, to assess their acceptability for home use.

The oldest method - keeping a silver spoon in water - allows you to get a solution, the benefits of which have been confirmed by centuries of practice; however, no harm was found for the entire period of time.

In ancient times, there were no other ways to obtain silver water, which is quite explainable by the lack of physical chemistry as such. The efforts of the alchemists were enough only to prepare the solution by the method of infusion, although a limited amount of metal particles gets into the water.

The essence of the device is that the silver source is connected to a positively charged electrode, and on the negative electrode there is another metal, for example a piece of stainless steel. When connected to the network, electrons begin to detach from the cathode, the atom transitions to an ionized state, and the distribution of positively charged particles in the solution begins.

The advantage of industrial ionizers over home-made schemes is the ability to set a strictly defined metal concentration. Commercially available ionizers in most cases provide the ability to control the content of particles in the water.

Benefit or harm

Critics of the method of treating internal diseases with silver water, the popularity of which is now actively growing among the population, are based on official data obtained in our country and abroad.

Important! Silver, like many other metals, is toxic when ingested.

In the USA and Russia, the sanitary inspection authorities have established the maximum permissible concentration of silver in water equal to 0.05 mg / l, which is significantly less than the values ​​in water after intensive ionization. Therefore, drinking water saturated with silver particles, often in noticeable quantities, is dangerous due to the high likelihood of intoxication. Moreover, it is impossible to engage in independent treatment of diseases without fundamental knowledge.

There are legends about the beneficial effect silver has on the body. Ancient civilizations used this metal for healing. V modern world when a variety is offered in pharmacies medicines Many have silver water at home. This miracle cure is said to be able to cure many diseases and be a powerful preventive measure. You can purchase water with silver and industrial production. "Silver Key" - water from this category. Which water is best? Is silver water really that good? How to use silver water ionizers and are they good for them? We'll figure out.

The healing properties of silver

Since ancient times, silver has been attributed to many positive properties: from mystical (supposedly it is able to scare away dark forces) to completely earthly. Numerous studies have proven the beneficial effects of this noble metal on the body.

Even in the aristocratic families of the century before last and the last, it was noticed that silver dishes make water tasty and retain its useful properties for a longer time.

Indeed, silver is vital for the human body. Yes, we contain a certain amount of Argentum, most of all in the brain, nerve cells and bones.

Silver has been proven to have beneficial effects on the immune system, its ability to resist viral infections, bone diseases.

The ability of metal to quickly heal wounds has always been widely used. Best of all, Argentum interacts with water, with the help of which it enters the human body. Silver ions, as it were, are enveloped by a water molecule, protecting it from decay - this is how the metal enters the human intestine. This is the most common way.

Also, with the help of water, silver gets on the skin and can be absorbed into the body through it.

Silver in ancestral medicine

The history of the use of silver in treatment has its origins in ancient civilizations. So, in ancient Egypt, it was customary to apply small thin silver plates to wounds, due to which healing took place much faster. In the campaigns under the leadership of Alexander the Great, it was noticed that the commanding staff was better able to resist disease. The discovery was shocking: the soldiers drank water and ate food from and those close to Macedonian - from silver. Due to the bactericidal properties of the metal, the body of the military leaders was more protected from diseases.

Since ancient times, small pieces of Argentum have been consumed internally. They believe the metal will help normalize bowel function. And the healing properties of the Ganges River - the ability to heal from skin diseases - have long been legendary. Having studied the problem, scientists came to the conclusion: along its length the Ganges washes deposits of silver, which gives its water healing power.

After observing the ability of silver to destructively affect bacteria in water, scientists of the 20th century began to try to create silver water. At the same time, the time during which the destruction of microorganisms would occur was recorded. Scientists put the following water ionizers into the vessel - silver coins, wire, and even made silvering surfaces using various auxiliary substances.

The newest way is enrichment with electrons. Modern devices for water enrichment work on its principle.

The benefits of silver water

Silver water, the benefits of which will be described below, is used to treat and prevent numerous diseases. All thanks wonderful properties silver.

So, what do those who use this miracle remedy gain?

  1. Protection against infectious diseases. This is due to the ability of silver to kill harmful bacteria.
  2. Treatment of bronchitis, rhinitis, pneumonia.
  3. Used to combat oral diseases.
  4. Helps to cope with skin lesions: ulcers, allergic rashes, burns. As a prophylaxis, it can be used from birth while bathing the baby.
  5. Silver water can be used to disinfect items home life, children's toys, cutlery and so on.
  6. Helps restore metabolism.
  7. Silver ions have a beneficial effect on the formation of nucleic acids, which are indispensable for the active work of the brain.
  8. Among the bacteria that are under the gun of the miracle liquid is Helicobacter. This microorganism has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Able to gradually rejuvenate the body.
  10. Silver water enhances the effects of antibiotics and other drugs. Some, for example, hydrogen peroxide, a hundred times.
  11. The saturation with silver ions not only improves the quality of the water, but also helps to preserve it for a long time.

It should be noted that, although the miracle liquid kills bacteria, the favorable microflora internal organs remains unchanged. Therefore, a person using it is not threatened with dysbiosis.

Silver water treatment from the inside

How to use such an irreplaceable remedy as silver can pass in several ways. It is taken orally, inhaled, lotions or bath solutions. Use the liquid as in pure form, and with an admixture of other drugs. Silver water is suitable for mixing with herbal ingredients and synthetic preparations. Consider the popular recipes for treatment with water with silver ions.

To cure such unpleasant diseases as stomatitis or periodontal disease, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with silver water in the morning and in the evening. Treatment is performed until the problem stops bothering you. It will not be superfluous to drink a couple of sips of such liquid.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to drink half a glass of silver water on an empty stomach. It is allowed to eat in half an hour. To enhance the effect of the liquid, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to it. You cannot stop treatment as soon as it becomes easier. Next, you should use water as a prophylaxis, reducing the dose.

As a prophylaxis for viral diseases, it is recommended to drink silver water every day. It is also irreplaceable for the prevention of intestinal infections.

External use

Water with silver ions will help cope with skin complications caused by diabetes and other diseases. A bath based on a miracle liquid is done as follows: it is necessary to insist for a day in an enamel bowl with an ionizer 3 liters of boiled water and aspirin dissolved in it in the amount of 20 tablets. After the appointed time, you need to take a bath, with a maximum temperature of 40 degrees. The procedure takes 20 minutes. Here is such a doctor, silver water. Patient reviews say that improvement occurs after 10 sessions.

A 0.5% solution of silver water can be used for lotions in the treatment of burns and other skin lesions.

Making water at home

Silver water can be crafted in several ways. If you need it for preventive purposes, then the preparation will be the easiest, but the water will also get the maximum average concentration.

In order to obtain a weakly concentrated liquid, an object made of silver must be placed in a vessel with clean water: a spoon, a piece of jewelry - it can be anything. In a day, the miracle liquid will be ready. It is important to remember that water intended for enrichment with silver must be passed through a filter or natural, spring water. Tap water and non-potable water must not be used.

You will get a solution of medium concentration if, after doing the manipulations outlined above, put a vessel (enameled dishes are best suited) on gas and boil so that the liquid is halved. After two hours, the liquid is ready. It is a stronger solution and is used for treatment.

DIY ionizer device

To obtain the highest quality silver water, it is customary to use ionizers. They can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can make them yourself. The device is being made with my own hands simple enough.

It is necessary to take a three-liter jar, close it with a plastic lid. After making the holes, make a handle from a stainless steel spoon to charge “-”; for “+” you need a silver object. We connect the structure with a charger for a mobile phone.

To obtain water enriched with silver, fill the jar, close the lid with the mechanism and plug it in. As soon as a kind of "cloud" appears around the silver anode, immediately turn it off from the socket. The time will take about 3 minutes. We put the jar in the dark for a day. After they have passed, the water is ready.

Bottled water with silver ions

When making silver water on your own, it should be remembered that in this case it is difficult to achieve the optimal concentration of metal ions: it is either negligible or exceeds the norm. Currently, there is an opportunity to purchase bottled healing liquid.

"Serebryany Klyuch" is the water produced by the sanatorium located on the sources of healing natural water. The Bekhtemirovskoe field in the Altai Territory is a source of water production, enriched not only with silver, but also This makes the water the owner of diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is ideal for treating kidney and urinary tract diseases.

"Silver Spring" - not medicinal water, but table water. The name reflects only the purity of the spring flowing in Khadyzhensk. It belongs to the Absheron aquifer. There are no silver ions in this water.

When water can hurt

It should be remembered that enriched water is useful in moderation. The harm of silver water can be very detrimental to health. Argentum belongs to the class of heavy metals, toxic to humans in excessive doses. So, jewelers who constantly work with him sometimes suffer from argyrosis. With this ailment, silver accumulates on the walls of blood vessels and in bone tissue. These processes are irreversible, as well as a grayish skin tone caused by an excess of the concentration of this metal in the body.

Therefore, silver water should be consumed in courses and carefully monitor the concentration. A consultation with a doctor before starting to use the miracle liquid is required.

Tell me, are silver coins that are sold at Sberbank, etc., suitable for preparing silver water? I have a large 155.5 gram coin - can it be used to enrich water with silver (how much water is such a coin suitable for?), Or is this silver not suitable? If not, then why and what kind of silver do you need?


For making silver water at home, antiques and silver coins are best suited, since silver is of a high standard there (in those days there were no such machinations with precious metals). I myself use an old silver teaspoon from 1845, which I inherited from my great-great-grandfather, when preparing silver water, but you can also use old silver coins. You can also use your Sberbank coin if you don’t feel sorry for it, because after repeated use in water it will lose its appearance and turn black due to oxidation and you will then have to clean it with ammonia tincture (ammonia).

To prepare silver water, you need to take a glass jar with a capacity of one and a half liters, pour clean filtered water into it and put a silver object (coin, spoon, etc., etc.) in it and infuse water for 2 days.

Silver water is used:

    in surgical practice (with damage to bones, muscles, joints, lymph nodes and other organs caused by strepto-staphylo-pneumococcal infection, tubercle bacillus, etc.)

    in eye practice (with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, inflammation of the lacrimal sac and other inflammatory processes)

    in ENT practice (with damage to the external auditory canal, inflammation of the middle ear, mastoiditis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and rhinitis, as well as different forms sore throats and flu epidemics)

    in pediatrics (external use of silver (silver water), disinfection of water for bathing children, dermatoses, children's eczema, burns).

    in the practice of internal diseases (in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic hyperacid gastritis, accompanied by heartburn, as well as in the treatment of secretory neuroses with increased secretion of gastric juice, enteritis and colitis, in endocrinological diseases and metabolic disorders - sugar disease, diathesis)

    in the practice of infectious diseases (in the treatment of dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc.)

    in obstetric and gynecological practice (in the treatment of various inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the gynecological sphere and nipple cracks)

    in the practice of skin diseases (in the treatment of furunculosis and fungal skin lesions)

    in dental practice (in the treatment of aphthous-ulcerous stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity)

    external use: (purulent wounds, pustular skin diseases, burns, dermatoses, eczema, vulvaginitis, hemorrhoids).

    household use of silver (silver water) (canning drinks, juices, compotes, disinfecting drinking water in epidemiologically unfavorable areas, soaking seeds before planting (for 23 hours), watering indoor plants (to disinfect the earth from microorganisms, mold, fungi), it is recommended to water within one week with a 23-week break, long-term (up to 23 weeks) preservation of cut garden flowers, disinfection of dishes, vegetables, fruits, disinfection of underwear and bed linen (by soaking for 23 hours), sinks, bathtubs, toilets.

The results of treatment with silver water indicate the effectiveness of its use in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, cholecystitis, infectious hepatitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, any intestinal infections without fear of destroying its own beneficial microflora and causing dysbiosis, inflammatory processes of the throat, nose, eyes, superficial ulcers and wounds, ordinary and caused by the tuberculous process.

Peptic ulcer and 12 p.c. are successfully treated with silver, since the bacteria that support the ulcerative process are destroyed.

Silver ions have found application in the treatment of chronic vasomatory-allergic rhinitis and sinusitis.

Silver is successfully used in dermatology and venereology. It is used as an external agent in the treatment of dermatoses of viral, yeast, strepto-staphylococcal and trophic origin.

Treatment of thermal burns with bandages soaked in silver water, according to scientists, is unmatched in effectiveness. An important property of this method is its absolute painlessness, which is extremely important in the treatment of patients with severe burns.

The use of silver water in the treatment of acute and chronic pneumonia, bronchitis (use through inhalation), leads to recovery even in severe cases and in short time when combinations of several antibiotics fail.

Irrigation and applications of the oral cavity for the treatment of ulcerative gingivostomatitis, long-term non-healing ulcers, acute stomatitis, fungal stomatitis, inflammatory-dystrophic forms of paradontosis make it possible to evaluate the extraordinary effectiveness of the drug.

Silver water can also be obtained in special electrical devices - ionizers - "Penguin", "Dolphin", "Nevoton", "Georgiy", etc. As a rule, these devices also contain a filter made of activated carbon for trapping harmful impurities.

The principle of operation of the silver ionator is based on the electrolytic method - passing a direct current through silver (or silver-copper) electrodes immersed in water. In this case, the silver electrode (anode), dissolving, saturates the water with silver ions. The concentration of the resulting solution at a given current strength depends on the operating time of the current source and the volume of treated water.

If you choose the correct ionizer, then the residual content of silver dissolved in water will not exceed the limiting dose of 10-4 ... 10-5 mg / l (while the concentration in the contact layer of water silvering can reach a value of 0.015 mg / l), bacteriostatic water treatment.


Many centuries have passed since people learned to process silver and make from it not only Jewelry but also different products for daily use. Wealthy families traditionally used silver dishes - jugs, plates, spoons, forks and knives. Silverware tableware was considered not only outwardly more beautiful than copper dishes, but were also more affordable than gold items. And it was also noticed that silver had a peculiar effect on water. And not only the water that was inside the silver vessel acquired extraordinary properties, but also the water in which the silver was put. This water remained clean and fresh for a long time, people believed in its healing power and drank it as a medicine for various diseases.

Silver water, its properties, use for treatment

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists developed a way to disinfect water using the method of electrolysis (ionization) of silver. When the concentration of silver in water reaches 0.1 - 0.2 mg / l, the process of suppressing and disinfecting dangerous microorganisms that cause acute intestinal infections begins. At a concentration of silver ions in water of 50-100 μg / L, the growth and reproduction of bacteria is inhibited, and at a concentration of 150-200 μg / L, bacteria die. In medicine, silver nitrate is used as a local antiseptic. Pools use ionized water to avoid the use of chlorinated water (chlorine is one of the strongest poisons). But not all microorganisms, bacteria and viruses are sensitive to silver ions, therefore, to be honest, there is no 100% silver water purification.

DIY silver water

Attempts to silver the water over in simple ways have been undertaken repeatedly. Water for silvering is taken clean, but if only tap water is available, then it must be boiled and left to settle for at least an hour so that chlorine evaporates. Before immersion in water, silver can be heated over a fire, but only if it is in the form of a single piece (ingot). You can boil jewelry without precious stones such as rings, chains, spoons, coins. The proportions are observed in the ratio of 10 grams of silver to 3 liters of water (3 grams per liter). Insist water in an opaque vessel, during the day - in the dark, out of sunlight. Sunlight can cause water to change color, become cloudy, and precipitate appears. So, the water that stood in the dark, after 24 hours, can be used for both external and internal procedures. This is silver water. Drinking silvered water is advised in the morning, 100 ml three times a day, 25-30 minutes before meals. For 5-7 days of methodical admission, the condition improves noticeably nervous system... In case of eye inflammation, washing with silver-plated water in the morning and in the evening has an anti-inflammatory effect. This water cleanses the skin of the face with a daily wash and helps with gargling. If you boil silver in water until half of the water boils away, then you can drink such water 1 teaspoon each, in the morning and in the evening.

Truth and myths about the benefits of silver water

All the information summarized above does not give a complete understanding of what it is - silver water.

First: short-term presence of silver in water does not change its properties and has absolutely no disinfecting effect on water.

Second: silver is heavy metal (goes on a par with cobalt, lead, arsenic, cadmium and cyanides), which is absolutely not beneficial when it enters the human body, which does not need this metal.

Thirdly: all silver salts are poorly soluble, and everything that stands out from silver is toxic and unsafe for health. For 70 years of life, along with food and water, about 10 grams of silver enters the human body. There is a certain percentage of silver in the body of each person, but it is so small that there is no shortage of it. But an overabundance of silver in the body is quite possible, since not everyone knows that water is considered safe if the silver content does not exceed 100 μg / l. In the liver, silver accumulates in the greatest amount and is excreted from it very slowly, together with bile secretions through the stomach, within 45-50 days. And with daily addition, silver will only accumulate in the skin, mucous membranes, kidneys, spleen, endocrine glands and even in the bone marrow. An excess of silver in the body is called argyrosis (argyria), external symptoms appear as a change in the color of the irises of the eyes, mucous membranes and skin from a light blue to gray (metallic). For the body a single dose of 10 grams of AgNO3 is considered lethal(6.35 g if translated into silver. Therefore, children should not be allowed to swallow small coins, this can seriously poison their body. Silver ions block the entry of myosin protein into muscle tissue, which nourishes muscle tissue, thereby becoming the cause of muscle weakness. In many bacteria there are enzymes like the protein myosin, which is why they freeze and die (as described above). There are few silver mines in nature, and most of them are mined from lead, zinc, copper and gold mines. From the waste waters of the mines, silver penetrates into the ground (underground) waters. Land waters are much less. In the light, silver compounds disintegrate and darken. And this one chemical process for over a century it has been used in the production of photographs.